Gympie Pony Club Official & Unofficial Dressage Sat 18 April 2015 Jane St , Gympie Rules an d Co nditio ns: Official Dressage Tests Class 1: 10 Yrs & Under 1A & 1:1 Class 2: 11 & 12 Yrs 1C & 2:1 Class 3: Prelim 13 & Under 26 1B & 1:3 Class 4: Novice 13 & Under 26 2B & 2:2 Class 5: Elementary 13 & Under 26 3A & 3:2 Unofficial Dressage Tests Class 6: Beginner/Green 25 & Under Prep A & Walk Trot A Class 7: 13 & Under 26 1.1(ii) & 1B Class 8: 12 yrs & Under Unofficial Prelim1.1(i) & 1A Class10: Seniors 1:3 & 2A Riders and hors es co mpe te a t th eir ow n risk Conduc ted und er PACQ r ules and reg ulatio ns All competi tors mus t be a cu rre nt fin ancial me mbe r of the PCAQ One h orse , on e ri der, one set of g ear for the w hole day Safety st anda rd helm et m ust be wo rn w hile m ount ed All riders must wea r ap prov ed boots Club unif or ms to be w orn The org anisin g co mmitt ee r ese rves t he right to ch ang e o r a men d the pr ogr am at a ny tim e. Complai nts o r dis putes mus t be re gister ed wit h offici al del egat es. Pr otests mus t be lodg ed in writin g with a $ 50 fe e withi n 1/ 2 ho ur of ev ent c once rne d. M oney is no n -refu nda ble if c ompl aint is not uph eld. Disrespe ct/ Bad lang uag e to judg es, o fficials, or c omp etito rs will incu r dis qualific ation. Please ref er t o th e PACQ co des o f be havio r. Excessive a buse to t he h orse will not be t oler ated , co mpeti tors will incur disq ualificati on in the eve nt No Dogs allowe d Ribbons to 5th place in each test Sashes & Rugs for Overall Champions Official classes Sashes & Saddlecloths for Unofficial Classes Canteen Available ALL DAY ~Quality Menu Available~ Enquiries : Tracy Salter 0405285057 [email protected] Gympie Pony Club Official & Unofficial Dressage Day Saturday 18 April 2015 Cost $25 per rider or $40 if doing Combined Training same horse & rider Nominations close 13 April Enquiries: Tracy Salter 0405285057 Email: [email protected] Website: Draw will be emailed out by 16 April. Time : 8am Gear Check 8:30 Ring Starts Address: Jane St, Gympie - Turn off Hway at Queens Park Tennis Courts RULES AND CONDITIONS: 1. Performance cards must be handed to organisers prior to commencement of event. 2. Run under PCAQ rules 3. The Judges decision is final 4. Disputes must be lodged within 30 mnutes after the event, together with $50 in writing to the office 5. The organising committee reserves the right to combine or split classes according to the numbers nominated and the rules governing combining and/or splitting of groups. 6. No bad language, inappropriate behaviour or abuse of judges or horses will be tolerated 7. Excessive use of the whip incurs elimination 8. Riders who disobey this rule will be disqualified from the entire combined training and dressage days 9. PCAQ standard footwear & head protection must worn. Helmets must comply with PCAQ rules. All riders must pass a gear check prior to the beginning of each round/test. 10. We prefer dogs not to be on the grounds. If they are they MUST be on a leash and controlled. DISCLAIMER: Neither the organising committee of any contest to which these rules apply, nor the PCAQ, accept any liability for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, ground, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever. RESERVATION OF RIGHT The Organisers reserve the right: (a) to cancel any class or event. (b) to divide any class. (c) to alter the advertised times (d) to refuse any entry, with or without stating the reason (e) to transfer competitors between sections of a class (f) to combine classes if less than 3 competitors EMAIL NOMINATIONS TO: [email protected] or POST TO: PO BOX 470 Gympie Q 4570 Your cooperation to ensure the smooth running of the day is greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you.
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