Career Exploration Presentation Grading Rubric 4 3 2 1 Knowledge of Career (Topic) Student demonstrated an excellent understanding of the chosen career. Was detailed, thorough and able to answer questions with full explanations. Student demonstrated a good understanding of the chosen career. Was fairly detailed and was reasonably able to field questions on the topic. Student was uncomfortable with topic and not fully prepared. Was able to answer only basic questions. Student does not have grasp of topic, is unable to answer questions due to poor research Organization Information presented in logical, interesting sequence. Included Introduction, Objective, Body & Closing. Information presented in logical, sequence. Included Introduction, Objective, Body & Closing Presentation was difficult to follow because sequence was incomplete or jumped around Unable to follow presentation due to lack of sequence of information Graphics / Design Images, videos, and infographics supported text & content very well. Site design and color were used to create interest and movement in presentation. Images, videos, and infographics used to support content. Site design and color were used somewhat to create interest. Images, videos, and infographics were occasionally used. More time and effort would result in a more visually appealing presentation. Lack of images, videos, and infographics resulted in a flat and boring presentation. Little effort made. Student did not give their presentation. Presentation Skills Student communicated clearly and confidently about their chosen career, using the elements of their presentation well. Required Content Presentation included all of the required content as outlined in the assignment. Presentation included most of the required content. Presentation included some of the required content. Presentation was missing more than half of the required content. Score Total Divided by 5 Grade Conversion: 4 = 100 3.5 = 90 3 = 85 2.5 = 80 2 = 75 1.5 = 70 1 = 50 Total
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