Document 12843

Faith United Methodist Church
432 59th Street
Downers Grove, IL 60516
To continue receiving Echoes of Faith,
please see details in this issue.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT DATES
1/12 “Hallelujah Show” by Act of God – 10AM
1/12 Unhanging of the Greens – 11:45
1/16 JOY Fellowship – 1:00 PM
1/19 Dedication of New Officers – 10AM
9 AM
Sunday School for All Ages
10 AM
Worship Service
10 AM
Children’s Church
11:15 AM Fellowship
Echoes of Faith
January 2014
Faith United Methodist Church
432 59th St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Rev. Duk K. Kwon
[email protected]
(630) 968-0442
Volume MMXIV, Issue No. 1 – 2014
Dear Members and Friends of the Faith Family,
The joyful and spirit-filled Christmas celebration was just a few days ago, and now we are
entering into the new year of 2014. I wish you all have a Happy and Blessed New Year!
The year 2014 is the year of the Horse, according to the Chinese calendar. The horse is a symbol
of beauty, grace and stamina. The horse can walk or run for a long distance without being tired.
Life is often compared to a race, and we as a church start a new race this new year.
The new year of 2014 is the first year of our next Sesquicentennial, which will be the year 2163
when our church will be celebrating its 300-year Anniversary. I am sure there will be
celebrations of other milestones along the way, such as the 200-year milestone, 250-year
milestone, etc. Most of us who are alive now may not be there to celebrate it, but each and
every generation of the Faith Church family has a sacred responsibility to make sure that the
baton we received from previous generations of believers will pass to the next generation, and
our mission and ministry continues , not just surviving but thriving. It starts from 2014 and it
starts with us. I hope we all resolve ourselves to be more faithful and dedicated in serving God
and being involved in ministry this year as we begin a new chapter of our history as a church.
January Sunday Schedule
January 4: First Sunday of the New Year
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages:
Children’s Sunday School, Youth Sunday School Class
ABF – “Screwtape Letters” by C.S Lewis, led by Mel Gehrs
10:00 - 11:15 a.m.
New Year’s worship with message and Holy Communion
Children’s Church – downstairs
11:15 a.m.
Fellowship for All
January 12: Second Sunday of the New Year
9:00 - 9:50 a.m.
Sunday School for all Ages:
Children’s Sunday School, Youth Sunday School Class
ABF - “Screwtape Letters” by C.S Lewis, led by Mel Gehrs
10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
Worship service: “Hallelujah” by the “Act of God”
Children’s Church – downstairs
11:15 a.m.
Fellowship for All
January 19: Third Sunday of the New Year: Dedication of New Officers
9:00 – 9:50 a.m.
Sunday School for All Ages:
Children’s Sunday School, Youth Sunday School class
ABF – “Screwtape Letters” by C.S Lewis, led by Mel Gehrs
10:00 – 11:15 a.m. –
11:15 a.m.
Worship Service with Dedication of New Officers
Children’s Church –down stairs
Fellowship for All
January 26: Fourth Sunday of the New year
9:00 – 11:15 a.m.
Sunday School for All Ages:
Children’s Sunday School, Youth Sunday School Class
ABF – “Screwtape Letters” by C.S Lewis, led by Mel Gehrs
10:00 – 11:15 a.m.
Worship Service with “Remember Your Baptism and be Thankful”
Children’s Church – downstairs
11:15 a.m.
Fellowship for All
Come! Join us! Together we will make a new beginning and a new history for God!
“I am about to do a new thing. Now it springs forth; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19)
Pastor Duk K. Kwon
Welcome Brittany Jackson!
The SPRC of Faith Church is happy to announce that
Brittany Jackson will be joining our staff as Youth Director the
first of January.
Brittany Jackson is a student at Northern Baptist
Theological Seminary. She is a recent graduate of Taylor
University with a degree in Church Music Ministries. She has
worked previously as a music and youth intern at the First
Baptist Church in Muncie, Indiana, and has served on the
summer staff for a youth church camp for three summers. She
is passionate about leading teens to a closer relationship with
We look forward to having Brittany join our staff and
know that you all will give her a warm welcome. We would like
to form a support committee of parents or interested adults to
offer assistance to Brittany as she begins her ministry with
us. This group would be available to help with planning, phone
calling, chaperoning, or other things that might be needed help
support this ministry. If you would be interested in becoming a part of the group who will help
Brittany, please contact Jeanette Benisek at [email protected] or call 630-209-4874.
We need many more volunteers!
I want to help: Name _______________________________ Phone ________________________
Odd or Even Month? __________________ Sunday? _____________
1ST Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
1ST Sunday
Christine Fischer
Cindy Ayers
Sandy Welson
Stephanie Necker
Stephanie Necker
Shirley Kendall
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
Cindy Ayers
Sandy Welson
Cathy Kupisch
5th Sunday
Carolyn Vincent
Time? ______________
Christine Fischer
Stephanie Necker
Karen Dubinoff &
Janette Skaer
Stephanie Necker
Elaine Hickok, &
Aubrey Carlquist
Carolyn Vincent
Children’s Ministry Update – January 2014
Thank you for such a wonderful Christmas season! We all enjoyed the
children’s activities, especially the children’s dedication to the
pageant, and the beautiful singing during our Family Christmas Eve
January is our planning month, so look forward to calendars and
activities to follow. Things we will be working on in Children’s church
will include but not limited to: Making Teacher Thank-you cards for
Valentines’ Day, Collecting change for the purchase of a water filter
for Ms. Maria’s mission trip in March (VBS in Honduras and providing
clean water where there is none), Making letters for kids in Honduras
from our ministry.
Soon we will advertise the 2014 Calendar, but please pray for the
preparation of that calendar as we plan do to many things including:
Breakfast with the Bunny and Easter Egg Hunt, Teacher’s training
again and retrain on the safe sanctuary guidelines, Preparing our
children with an Ash Wednesday Lenten Party (during our Ash
Wednesday service and make handprint crosses and learn about Lent
and Holy Week), looking for volunteers to help teach Sunday School in
the summer, and finally, be thinking about VBS because we’ll be
announcing our first meeting soon.
Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to serve. Amen.
May the Lord bless you and keep you in this chilly time of year.
In Christ,
Maria Wilcox
Interim Director of Children’s Ministries
[email protected]
Holy Baptism
By Don Hayward
Well, we have come to the end of 2013. This year in this author’s eyes
we have hit some milestones at Faith Church! We had our usual missions with
the Wertz from Tanzania, a Sesquicentennial celebration in June, Harvest Home
in early November, repaving of the eastern part of the parking lot, and a new lit
sign at 59th and Fairview. In my view, these were what I call “feel good” things.
Yes, no one could argue that there were not other things at Faith Church, but
these were the main ones! Thank you to those who helped with the above
mentioned main events and other things. It was a win-win situation for Faith
Church attenders.
Let us shift gears from Faith Church to something a little more
personal. Sometimes it is the little things that have a great impact in your life!
For Pat and me, as well as the rest of our family, it was the birth of our second grandchild, Alexa Lynn Hood,
on September 18th. She was baptized by our Pastor Duk Kwon on December 1 st here at Faith Church. He
called it her “spiritual birthday.” How neat is that!
Our son Jim became godfather and our niece Jenna became godmother. Faith Church’s head of
Children’s Ministries, Maria Wilcox, brought the children from downstairs to see the baptism of Alexa! After
the ceremony, Pastor Kwon introduced Alexa to the children and the rest of the congregation as being part
of God’s community. He did this by walking around the sanctuary introducing Alexa to the different
members sitting in the congregation. Personally, I have witnessed baptism’s many times, but when it is
close family, it is more meaningful!
Pastor Kwon told me that at the age of 10 he was on a tour of Korean children who were singing
and one of their stops was in Israel. While there, he was baptized in the River Jordan. Pastor said that at
some places, the river is narrow, about 30 feet, and other places it was real wide. He said his experience
was memorable.
Some two thousand years ago we see John the Baptist prepare the way for Jesus to be baptized.
(Matthew 3:1-12; Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:1-18; and John 1:19-28) Many have dubbed John the Baptist as one
of the last prophets out of the Old Testament. Jesus’ actual baptism in the River Jordan was stated in
Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; and Luke 3:21-22. This was the beginning mark for Jesus’ ministry, which
was only short-lived.
Many of us do not remember our baptism, but we know that it was the beginning of our life-long
tenure of being a Christian. Many of us are quite familiar with the birth of Jesus, but His baptism was only
the beginning of His ministry that would change the world.
Jesus’ short ministry culminated in His death on a cross. We see that powers of the day saw Him as
a threat to the stability of the economic, social, political and religious systems of the time. Jesus died on the
cross for this, but mankind benefitted because He later rose to heaven taking away all of mankind’s sins.
Today we read the scripture verses on baptism and they seem so far back in time. To look at Jesus
today, He seems so real. We can all identify with the Jesus of today. Everyone may not remember their
baptism, but everyone has the opportunity to turn over their sins to Jesus. Some of us may not have had a
first-time relationship with Him. Some need to rededicate their relationship with Him. Today is your
opportunity to do so.
Regardless if we were baptized or not, we all can have the Savior of mankind take away our sins.
Please read to yourself or repeat out loud the following couple of sentences.
“Lord, I realize baptism is important, but the forgiveness of my sins is far more reaching.
Today I am turning over my past, present, and future sins to You so I might be free.”
Welcome on becoming a Christian. The time is now! The decision is yours.
The Screwtape Letters
Fun, insightful and surprising!
When: 12 weeks 1/5 – 3/30
Time: 9AM – 9:55AM Sunday
Where: Sr. High Room
Who: Mel Gehrs – Facilitator
Electronic books and synopsis are
available. Ask Sharon in the church office.
Come join us for a 12-week study of the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. This is a fun
and fascinating look at how a senior devil would coach, tutor and discipline a junior
“devil in training.” There are moments of humor, insight, surprises and disbelief at
the devil’s process for convincing humans to sin and avoiding truly experiencing
God. Can you imagine the devil saying, “One of our great allies at present is the
church itself” or how about “The fact that devils are predominantly COMIC figures in
the modern imagination will help us!” Suffice it to say, studying evil and the devil’s
ways can give us great insight into the temptations of life, how to resist them, and a
deeper understanding of our Christian faith.
Don’t be intimidated by the fact that C.S. Lewis is a very deep, complex Christian
author. The Screwtape Letters is a very readable book with short chapters. Sharon
has an electronic document that she can email to you of the entire book and a
complete “Cliff Notes”/synopsis of the book.
Invite a friend.
The Screwtape Letters make for great
From our friends
Dear Friends,
We appreciate your concern and prayers during a
difficult time for our family with the passing of
Pat’s mother. Your cards and outpouring of love
will always be appreciated.
Yours in Christ,
Don & Pat Hayward
Best Wishes to all the Seniors for
a Happy, Healthy New Year filled
with Blessings and Joy! I know you
all like to get together for Brunch
the second Thursday of each
month, but after giving it a lot of
thought and watching it snow
outside, with more snow in the
forecast, I've decided to wait until March 2014 for
our first meeting. In the meantime, MARK YOUR
CALENDARS NOW for the second Thursday of each
month for the Senior Fellowship to meet for
fellowship and breakfast or lunch. Think of some
different places you might like to go for our March
2014 meeting.
Once again, we would like to invite anyone 55
years of age or older to join our group. We know
you will be glad you came with us. We had a
wonderful time in December 2013 at Carriage
Greens Country Club as we had a large group
attend and they set our table right down the center
of the dining room. The restaurant was decorated
beautifully for Christmas. What a wonderful time
we all had!
Until March, drive carefully and stay healthy. I
look forward to seeing all of you then.
God Bless!
Janette Skaer
Please sign up on the new Fellowship poster in the
narthex. If you have questions or need help, please
call Rose Alcantara (815) 372-9956 or Emma
Deguia (630) 759-7292.
Mark your 2014
calendar for Sunday,
Jan. 12th.
Please join us after fellowship time to take down
and put away the Christmas decorations.
Thank you.
Worship Committee would like to
invite you to join our Ministry of
Ushers that is profoundly
important to the life of our
church. Our functions are
welcoming and insuring that every person in our
church is comfortable and secure.
If you did not have the opportunity to be an
usher in the past and or would like to participate
again, we will provide you with the necessary
training on the functions and procedures of this
The sign up poster is up on the Worship
Committee bulletin board between the church
office and the library. All adults and older teens
are welcome to join. You may sign up for one
Sunday, or two or the entire month.
Thank you.
2014 Flower Chart is here and
it is posted on the Worship
Committee bulletin board
between the library and
Pastor’s Office.
Anyone who would like to provide altar
flowers for a specific date during Sunday worship
time, please sign up and fill out the flower
dedication form. Flowers are offered “for the Glory
of God and in memory, or in honor of an
anniversary, or a birthday.”
We have been using Village Flowers and
Gardens in Lisle as our florist for many years, but
you may make other arrangements if you wish.
Please take note that more than one person or
family may sign up for the altar flowers each
CareNet Pregnancy Services
of DuPage provides spiritual,
emotional and material
support to women dealing with an unplanned
pregnancy enabling them to choose life for their
baby. Our church supports the work of CareNet in
our community by participating in Coins
for CareNet. On January 19th you will
have the opportunity to pick up a baby
bottle, fill it with change, and return it
to Faith Church by Feb. 10th. Please
watch for the display in the narthex.
The Echoes is taking on a
more efficient, time saving,
and cost cutting method of delivery. The Echoes
will be emailed in color to the addresses already in
the church’s address book. If we do not have your
address, please contact Sharon at:
[email protected] so you won’t miss a
single issue. For those of you who do not use a
computer, 100 paper copies of the Echoes are
available in the narthex.
Jello Salad- (Bonnie Gentille’s recipe)
1 - #2 can (20 oz.) pineapple – Drain and save juice
1 - 3 oz. pkg. lemon Jello
2 cups miniature marshmallows
½ cup salad dressing (or mayonnaise)
1 cup pineapple juice
½ cup celery
½ cup nuts (walnut or pecan)
2 cups chopped apples (2 medium apples)
1 cup crushed pineapple
1 cup Cool Whip (optional)
Dissolve 1 pkg. of lemon Jello in 1 cup boiling
Dissolve 2 cups miniature marshmallows in Jello
Add ½ cup salad dressing.
Add 1 cup pineapple juice.
Mix well and let cool until syrupy, then beat until
Add ½ cup chopped celery
½ cup chopped nuts
2 cups chopped apples
1 cup crushed pineapple
Fold in 1 cup Cool Whip (optional)
Refrigerate until solid.
Catherine Lisoleil
Peggy Martin
Dorraine McCullough
Evelyn Nicola
Judy Baer
Pat Hancock
Ron Dubinoff
Shirley Kendall
Alvin Madrid
Fred Moore
Aimee Mayuga Farrer
Barb Pearcy
Carolyn Vincent
Jean Reid
Thank you so much!
On behalf of the church staff, Sharon Kelly, Maria Wilcox, Don
Hayward, and I want to express our sincere appreciation of
your generous Christmas gifts you offered to each of us.
The gifts warmed our hearts and made us feel we are loved
and appreciated by the people we serve.
Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness.
Have a Happy New Year!
Pastor Duk Kwon
Don Hayward
Sharon Kelly
Maria Wilcox