The e IBECA SHOW S PR RESENTS S GROWING G YOUR Y BUS SINESS! We’re gro owing, are e you? July 20 2 – 22, 20 015 Parrk Place Ho otel, Traverrse City, MII H Hello Industry Friends, T The IBECA Show is ge earing up an nd would lik ke your bussiness to pla ay a major role in the event. T The dates off this year’s s event will be July 20 -22, 2015. The trade e show will ttake place o on W Wednesday July 22. The T reviews s from last year’s y show w were veryy favorable. Our exhib bitors re eported tha at the volum me of sales and the tim me spent witth current a and prospecctive custom mers w was better th han any oth her trade sh hows they’v ve attended d. We’ve be een hard att work continuing to create a great value forr attendees s and suppo orting busin nesses like yours. Gro owing your business is our o priority.. We have made a few w changes to help acccomplish that goal. Th he show as been cha anged to allow more ca asual time tto mix and socialize w with our atte endees. scchedule ha W We know tha at many tim mes the bes st discussions occur aw way from th he trade show booths.. We are looking forward f to your y particip pation in the 8th Annua al IBECA S SHOW! H How can you ur business s participate e? We again would like to offe er you sponsorship opp portunities ttailored to yyour busine ess goals s ome baskets will also be provided for all gue ests attending the sho ow. We enccourage Welco our su upporting businesses b vantage of tthe opportu unity to intro oduce yourr to take adv business. The gift g baskets typically co ontain food and non-fo ood items frrom our partners. d the trade show and educa tional seminars help ccreate a fun n and Prize drawings during ging atmosphere. engag W We look forw ward to disc cussing how w we can help you me eet your bussiness goalls. Please contact T Tracy or Sco ott for all yo our IBECA Show S inform mation. M Make plans to join yourr friends! Make M your room r reservvations toda ay. At our sspecial room rate, th hese rooms s are quickly y filled! Yo ou will not find a betterr value in Trraverse Cityy! T Tracy Long 866-861-516 63 T Tracy@bow om Y Youth Bowle er Developm ment & Special Prrojects S Scott Benne ett 22 8 888-484-232 S [email protected] E Executive D Director 1 1 Independent Bowling & Entertainment Centers Association Show Invites you to attend the 201 EXHIBITOR CONTRACT July , 201 Park Place Hotel, Traverse City, MI EXHIBIT BOOTH RENTAL BOOTH RESERVATION 8’ X 10’ Booth: 8’ booth drape, One skirted table, chairs, 1 wastebasket, Company name, Meals and open bar Please reserve the following booths: 8’ x 10’ booth $550.00 (includes 1 full registration) Additional Booth: $400.00(includes 1 full registration) To reserve your selections, a deposit of ½ the total amount due is required. The remaining balance must be paid in full no later than June 30, 201. If paid by check, you will be invoiced on June 30, 201 for the balance due. If paid by credit card, your credit card will be billed on July 30, 201 by IBECA. EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION BOOTH ASSIGNMENT Each booth includes one (1) full registration, Nametags, meals, open bar cocktail parties, Seminars and entertainment. Booth assignment is on a first come, first serve basis. Management reserve the right to make final booth assignment. 1st choice Additional registrations fees apply: Each additional company attendee in the booth is required to register! $25.00 includes all listed items above! 2nd choice choice 3rd________ 3rd choice ________ Exhibitor competition you prefer not to be located next to: ______________________________________________ INSTALL AND DISMANTLING: Exhibitors may begin set up after 3:00PM on 7XHVGD\, July , 201. Set up must be completed by :00AM July . Break down will begin :HGQHsday, July at 1:30PM. SHIPPING/STORAGE: Ship materials to 300 East State Street, Traverse City, MI 49684. Mark on all materials: “HOLD FOR IBECA SHOW,” Company Name and the name of person picking up the shipment. If shipping, please plan that your items arrive no earlier than 3 days prior to the event. POWER REQUIREMENTS: Power needed in booth: YES NO (please circle) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Company Name: Primary Reservation Contact: Address: Telephone: E-mail: Payment Method: Check # Credit Card: Name on Card: Credit Card Number: Amount $ Exp. Date: CVV Code: Primary Contact Person attending the show: Additional Attendee Registration ($25.00 each): Enclosed is our deposit of $ Signature: for booths and/or additional attendees ($25.00 each) Include partial deposit of 50% of the total booth fee plus additional attendees present in booth or full payment amount to: IBECA 5340 Richfield Road, Flint, MI 48506 or Fax: 810-694-2695 Questions: Call the Scott at 1-888-484-2322 Items Provided Gold Silver Bronze Sponsor logo on all convention printed materials. One trade show exhibit booth 9 9 9 9 9 9 Priority exhibit booth selection Full registrations 9 3 9 9 2 9 9 1 9 Sponsor presentation to attendees (10 – 15 minutes) Logo printed on trade show/ convention handouts, programs, printed material. 9 9 9 9 9 9 Welcome Basket- Name inserted as sponsor Registration Packet Allowed to Provide Inserts Meal Sponsorship - signage will indicate that you are a sponsor of the meal 9 9 9 9 9 9 Logo on all advertising for bowling show 9 9 Limited Exclusive Major Sponsor logo on banners and signage at the event SPONSOR FEE: 9 $5000 $3500 $2500 In addition to our major sponsorship levels we are offering exhibitors the opportunity to sponsor a specific meal. Signage will be provided that note your sponsorship of the specific meal as well as noted in the schedule. Please respond by May 20th to be included in the convention printed material. Sponsor Opportunities Monday July 20th, 2015 12 -1pm 6:00pm 7:00pm SEMINAR DAY Lunch $500 _______ Welcome Reception $500 _______ $1000_______ Dinner Tuesday July 21st, 2015 12:30pm $1000________ Lunch 6pm Cocktail Hour 7pm Dinner Wednesday July 22th, 2015 $500________ $1000________ Trade Show Day Lucky Jacks Fun Family Outting $1000________ Park Place P H Hotel GROUP G NAME: IBEC CA 2015 GRO OUP CODE E: IBEC15 DA ATES: July 19-23, 2015 Reservations may be b made by utilizing this form or by calling 23 31-946-5000 a and asking forr the IBECA 20 015 room blockk. Reservations s must be made by Ju une 13, 2015. Reservation re equests receive ed after this datte will be subje ect to availabilitty, and the grou up rate is not guara anteed. Subjectt to availability,, the Group Ra ate will be hono ored for those w who wish to exttend their stay.. Check k-In Time: 4:00 0PM Group rate $159.95 5 plus 6% state sales tax and a cal assessment per p a 5% loc roo om per night. ($177.55) Rate in ncludes lodging only. C heck-Out Tim me: 11:00AM Rooms s feature either one kin ng or two queen beds, a small s refrigeratorr, microw wave and coffee maker an nd complimentary ry high-s speed wireless internet. YOU UR COST: $1 152.55 Rate includ des lodging & taxes. IBECA IS PAYING $25.00 0 PER NIG GHT OF YOUR LO ODGING! uld like a confi firmation sent to you via em mail, please be e sure to proviide your emaill address belo ow. If you wou Group Cod de: IBEC15 Arrival Day y/Date: ______ _____________ ____Departure e Day/Date: ___ ____________ ____________ _________ Name: ___ _____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ ________ Address: _____________ _ ____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ________ City: _____ ____________ ____________S State:_______ _Zip:_________ _Phone:______ ____________ ________ Email Addrress: ________ ____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ________ Room Type e Request (king bed, two que een beds): ____ ____________ ____________ _____________ ________ Conference e Attendees sh haring same roo om: _________ _____________ __ ______ ____________ _________ Special Re equests (access sibility, dietary,, etc.): _______ ____________ _____________ _____________ _________ All re eservation requests must be e guaranteed by a credit ca ard (see below w) or o accompanie ed by a deposit equal to one e night’s stay per room. Reservations s may be canc celled withoutt penalty up to o 24 hours prio or to your arriival date. AUTH HORIZATION NOTE: N I authorrize and acknowledge that my y reservation iss guaranteed b by my payment card as detaile ed below. A creditt card must be presented at check-in. c ____________ _____________ __________ Expiration Date:: _____/______ _ Billing Zip Co ode: ________ ___ Credit card #: _____ ature: _______ _____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ __ Signa Name e and/or Comp pany Name as s it appears on n card: ______ ____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ __ Mailing/Fa ax/Email Informa ation: Park Place Hotel ervations Depart ment Attn: Rese 30 00 East State Strreet, Traverse Ciity, MI 49684 Phone: P 231-946 6-5000 Fax: 23 1-946-2772 rese ervations@ @park-place m
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