Book 1 - Destination Imagination

activity: 1
on the Ball
instant challenge
Your TASK is to use the materials to build a freestanding tower that is as tall as possible on top of a beach ball.
You will have up to 2 minutes to discuss strategy, and then up to 5 minutes to build your tower.
In the center of the room is a beach ball resting in a 16oz cup for stability. There is also a table with materials that
you may use to build your tower.
Part One (2 minutes):
Discuss strategy. During this part of the Challenge, you may NOT touch any of the materials.
Part Two (5 minutes):
Use the materials to build a freestanding tower that is as tall as possible that rests on top of a beach ball.
In order to receive score, the tower must be built on top of the beach ball, but may not be connected to it. It may
NOT touch the floor.
You will be warned when you have 1 minute remaining, and 30 seconds remaining in Part Two.
10 toothpicks
4 plastic spoons
4 mailing labels
24in (60cm) of string
2 rubber bands
• 1 piece of foil
• 4 straws
6 paper clips
2 paper cups
2 pieces of paper
4 pencils
The mailing labels may NOT be attached to the floor.
A. 20 points if you have a tower built on top of the beach ball at the end of Part Two.
B. 1 point (40 points maximum) for each inch (2.5cm) of height of your tower at the end of Part Two.
C. Up to 20 points for how creatively you use the materials.
D. Up to 20 points for how well your team works together.
processing Questions
• What kind of issues did your team encounter when you built your tower on a rounded surface?
• Did you need all of the provided materials? What other kinds of materials could you have substituted for
the ones you actually used?
Get your cameras out… solutions from this Instant Challenge will be featured in a DI
online video show! For your chance to be featured alongside other teams from around
the world, submit photos or video of your Challenge solution at:
DestinationImagination Additional information on this video series can be found in
the “Before You Begin” section of this Roadmap.
© 2014 Destination Imagination, Inc.