Child Protection Policy - Inky Pinky`s Childcare

Child Protection Policy
My First responsibility and priority is towards the children in my care. If I have any
cause for concern I will report it, following the All Wales Child Protection
Procedure. Everyone who comes in to contact with children has a moral and legal
responsibility and the protection of that child is the first priority.
The pre-registration course has helped me understand the categories of abuse,
Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Neglect, Bullying. I have also had training to
understand the types of signs and symptoms, which may indicate a child at risk of
abuse, and will keep my training regularly updated.
If I am concerned about a child's welfare, I may contact the local authority Social
Service Referral Team, the NSPCC, PACEY, or other relevant support services for
advice, providing this does not affect confidentiality.
I am also able to contact my local Safeguarding Children's Board who are able to
give me advice. I understand their role is to safeguard and promote the welfare of
children in my local authority to ensure effectiveness in the tasks of the
representatives on the Board.
Child protection concerns that could identify a particular child are kept confidential
and only shared with people who need to know this information. Parents must notify
me of any concerns they have about their child and any accidents, injuries or
incidents affecting the child, which will be recorded. I work together with parents to
make sure the care of their child is consistent.
If I notice:
- Significant changes in behaviour
- Unexpected bruising or marks
- Any comments made which give me cause for concern
- Deterioration in general well-being which causes concern
I will implement the All Wales Child Protection Procedures without delay to
minimise any risks to the child. I will call the local social services' duty desk and
follow it up with a letter within 48 hours. I will keep a factual record of the concern
and will ask parents for an explanation, providing it would not put the child at risk.
The National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare require me to let the Care
and Social Services Inspectorate Wales know of any concerns that I have reported
without delay.
© Copyright 2014 by Inky Pinky’s Childcare. All Rights Reserved.
If a child tells me that they or another child is being abused, I will:
- Show that I have heard what they are saying, and that I take their allegations
- Encourage the child to talk, but I will not prompt them or ask them leading
questions. I will not interrupt when a child is recalling significant events and
will not make a child repeat their account.
- Explain what actions I must take, in a way that is appropriate to the age and
understanding of the child.
- Write down what I have been told using exact words where possible.
- Make a note of the date, time, place and people who were present at the
- Then report my concerns immediately to the duty social worker who has the
experience and responsibility to make an assessment of the situation.
- I must notify the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales of any
allegations of abuse, which are alleged to have taken place while the child is in
my care.
- If an allegation is made against me, I will report it to the Care and Social
Services Inspectorate Wales following the All Wales Child Protection
Procedures. I will also contact PACEY's safeguarding children service for
advice and support.
- In all instances I will record:
- The child's full name and address
- The date and time of the record
- Factual details of the concern, for example bruising, what the child said, who
was present
- Details of any previous concerns
- Details of any explanations of the parents
- Any action taken such as speaking to parents
It is not my responsibility to attempt to investigate the situation myself.
Child-minder’s Name
Ingke Terry
Child-minder’s Signature
Parent’s Name
Parent’s Signature
© Copyright 2014 by Inky Pinky’s Childcare. All Rights Reserved.
Useful telephone numbers:
Local social service duty desk
Out of hours number
PACEY safeguarding children service
PACEY regional office
NSPCC child protection helpline- 24 hours
helpline for people worried about a child
Early Years Development Team
Family Information Service
Child line
Morriston Hospital
Singleton Hospital
South Wales Public Protection Unit
Central Police Station
CCARA Social Service Referrals
Child and Family Services
Child disability and family Support team
01792 635180
01792 775501
01267 254160
0845 8801299
0800 800 500
01792 635400 or 01792 517222
01792 517222
0800 1111
01792 702222
01792 205666
01792 450658
01792 456999
01792 635700
01792 635180
01792 515050
© Copyright 2014 by Inky Pinky’s Childcare. All Rights Reserved.