How To Launch Your First Campaign Congratu a ons you have jumped of the high dive and are now are ready to start crea ng your irst campaign with the Insightpoo p aform This psheet wi cover 1. Campaign Setup 5. Schedu ing 2. Se ec ng Goa s 6. Choosing Peop e To Engage With 3. Crea ng Links 7. Campaign Preview Launch 4. Crating Content Campaign Setup Once your segment is created you wi revisit the top naviga on bar and c ick on Campaigns. Once in the campaigns tab this is where any running or comp eted campaigns you have done wi ive You need to name your campaign by c icking on the header New Campaign and edi ng the text You wi now c ick the arge green buton that says New Campaign to get started Selecting Goals For Your Social Drip Marketing Campaign Campaigns irst begin by se ng the campaign goa s and strategy You can choose individua ac ons or use the pre bui t drip marke ng strategy temp ates NOTE: Our drip strategies have been carefu y crated through ana yzing mi ions of conversa ons on socia and extrac ng what makes successfu engagements between brands and peop e on socia [email protected] ©Insightpool LLC, 2014. All rights reserved. How To Launch Your First Campaign NOTE: Each campaign can on y choose a sing e ac on Individual actions consist of: Pre-built drip marketing strategy templates: men oning Add to ist Fo ow Direct Message Audience Acquisi on Audience Engagement Find Event Atendees We come Message Creating Links You can create as many inks as you ike in the Create Your Links sec on You can put any inks into any content posts Our p aform automa ca y generates unique short inks for any URLs you inc ude for the purpose of tracking c icks and other sta s cs Crafting Content If you choose to engage with users through an wi be ab e to input copy into Insightpoo men on or DM then the user Insightpoo simp iies the process of tes ng diferent varia ons of content in a given campaign This is achieved through a sma temp a ng anguage that a ows e ements such as the individua s name and inks to be interchanged Speciica y this inc udes automa ca y genera ng unique short inks for any URLs you inc ude for the purpose of tracking c icks and other sta s cs NOTE: Sma temp a ng anguage inc udes irst name irst name ink ink oca on oca on Examp e Hey irst name interested in socia se ing Check out [email protected] ©Insightpool LLC, 2014. All rights reserved. How To Launch Your First Campaign We a so a ow you to up oad and modify images direct y in the browser which can then be inc uded in your tweets NOTE: The character count of the tweet wi automa ca y decrease once an image is up oaded Examp e irst name wou d ove for you to join our webinar on ink Scheduling Insightpoo a ows you to schedu e campaigns within a speciied mebox taking into account b ack ist days and mes a ong with mezones You wi have the abi ity to set start and end dates for the campaign as we as specify what mes you want them to go ive In the coming quarter ook towards an improved schedu er that takes into account your schedu ed organic content outside of Insightpoo diferent schedu ing a gorithms that send messages out at diferent interva s to give a diferent fee and beter matches content to the best me for the individua to receive the message Choosing People To Engage With Campaigns irst begin by se ng the campaign goa s and strategy You can choose individua ac ons or use the pre bui t drip marke ng strategy temp ates STEP 1: The Find Peop e sec on gives you two op ons Prei the segment that you created or create a dynamic segment [email protected] ©Insightpool LLC, 2014. All rights reserved. How To Launch Your First Campaign A ong with various new ways to i ter and sort through your audience some users wi now be marked as Insightpool Recommended with a ye ow star An individua in Insightpoo gains this recommended status based on their ainity for interac ng with brands on Twiter their reach and other metrics **They should be regarded as the people most likely to bring value to any campaigns that you are building. Guide to Insightpool Search Metrics (all of these are scores between 1- 10, where 10 is the highest / best): • • • • Insightpool Recommended: A measure of how ike y the individua is to reciprocate with the speciic brand on socia This takes into account factors such as the interac ons with brands on socia their reach and many other subt e factors about the brand objec ves and the individua in ques on Rank: A measure of how ike y the individua is to reciprocate engage with users on socia Relevancy: A score between grading how re evant the individua is to the i ters sorts and keywords used to scope down the search Reach: The genera eve of inluence an individua has with their communi es STEP 2: You can sort by these four search metrics and c ick on the users you wish to engage You wi know you have c icked user because their proi e card wi turn green as we as the choose people to engage with XX se ected wi change the more you se ect STEP 3: Ater you se ect the users c ick Save to move to the next step [email protected] ©Insightpool LLC, 2014. All rights reserved. How To Launch Your First Campaign Campaign Preview & Launch A safeguard is provided at the ast sec on of the campaign and it a ows you to make the necessary tweaks and changes in order to create conidence in your campaign Launching a socia campaign can be stressfu as it presupposes many assump ons about the qua ity of the peop e and the content To give you conidence throughout the process Insightpoo provides a c ear view into what exact y wi happen the abi ity to make the necessary changes and op miza ons for success and more important y the abi ity to wa k away if the strategy has changed or is not working Socia can be a tes ng ground as it is the wor d s argest focus group Given that it s important to be comfortab e with con nuous y op mizing campaigns and a so with quick y pu ng an end to campaigns that aren t performing we Everything ready to go Hit Launch and your Insightpoo campaign wi begin [email protected] ©Insightpool LLC, 2014. All rights reserved.
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