Newsletter No. 10 - Term 2– Week 2 Thursday 23 April 2015 Anzac Day goes beyond the anniversary of the landing on Gallipoli in 1915. It is the day on which we remember Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. The spirit of Anzac, with its human qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our sense of national identity. Today, a group of our Grade 5/6 students attended a Youth Service at the Shrine of Remembrance in the City. Stuart McLean, Steve Kenna and I went with the students. I have attended this service with Kalinda students for many years and it is very poignant and leaves us all thinking what a wonderful country we live in and for which so many gave their lives. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Lest We Forget PREP INFORMATION NIGHT th We are holding our Information Night for Preps 2016 on Monday 4 May at 7.00pm in the Library. If you know any friends or neighbours who may be enrolling in Kalinda next year please encourage them to come to our Information Night. We do run personal tours of the school for prospective families looking for a school in this area. Please ring the office to book a tour. th Maroondah Schools Network ask for all students for 2016 be enrolled by the end of this Term, 26 June. OPEN NIGHT th Education Week is coming up very quickly indeed. Our Open Night is Monday 18 May from 4.30 – 7.00pm. We invite all families, friends and community to come and see your child’s work and find out more about our school. Tours of the school will be available on the night. Events Calendar April th 24 th 27 th 27 29 th TERM DATES 2015 - Incursion – Grades 3&4 P&F Mtg. – 2.30pm – Stadium Foyer School Council Mtg. – 7.30pm Staffroom Taskworks Excursion – Grades 1 & 2 House Cross Country - Working Bee – 10am -12noon Foundation Information Night (2016) Mother’s Day Stall Pizza Night – with Yr 7s – 6-7pm Mod A Kalinda Open Night P&F Gen. Mtg. – 2.30pm Stadium Foyer School Council Mtg - Kalinda Disco (P&F) Working Bee P&F Gen. Mtg. – 2.30pm Stadium Foyer Last day of Canteen Hot Dog Day Canteen Closed Last day of Term 2 – 2.30pm Dismissal Term 1 – 28 Jan (teachers start) - 27 March th Pupil Free Day 29 Jan – Students begin 30 Jan. Term 2 – 13 April - 26 June Term 3 – 13 July - 18 September Term 4 – 5 October - 18 December May CANTEEN rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 18 th 25 29/4 Susanne H. 30/4 Lindsey B. & Tara R. 01/5 Nicole D. & Kylie T. If you wish to contact Jo in the Canteen, her mobile number is 0402 031 447. June th 13 st 21 nd 22 th 24 th 25 th 26 Forms sent home to Families – 16 – 23 April 2015 Notice Melbourne Museum Excursion Vic Premiers Reading Challenge Distributed to: Foundation Grades 5/6 Return by: th 12 May n/a Ringwood RSL will be holding the Dawn Service for Anzac Day on Saturday, 25th April 2015 at 6.00am at the Clocktower, Ringwood. PUPIL OF THE WEEK F/D Zoe F. Kingston W. Rory G. Abigail B. Ruby G. - Madison C. - 12D 12N Cooper W. Ryan Z. - 12S Noah B. Eleanor D. - Gershin S. - Zach A. - Hayley Y. - For your consistent enthusiasm and effort toward all tasks. Your work ethic is wonderful, Hayley! For researching information about Simpson and his donkey and writing it in a way you could understand. Well done! Taleigha P. - Harrison G. - Emma McL. Olivia M. William X. Christine Y. - 56D Charlotte C. - 56M Erica K-C. Lachie C. Kieran McL. - For always volunteering her time and expertise to help others. Well done, Taleigha. For demonstrating excellent research skills whilst working on our ANZAC activities. Brilliant work, Harrison! For bringing in ANZAC memorabilia and information about her family. For bringing in ANZAC memorabilia and information about her family. For using persuasive language that was gripping and interesting in his writing. For working really hard with her reading and spelling. A huge improvement has been seen in the detail you now add to your writing. For showing initiative and working extremely hard when completing all tasks. Well done, Charlotte. For stepping out of her comfort zone to do a reading at assembly. For the fantastic improvement he has made to his multiplication facts. For the effort he is putting into his reading. Keep up the good work. F/M F/T 34C Scarlett W-K. 34P 34R 34S For always being a fantastic classroom helper! Well done, Zoe. For using great strategies when having a go at writing. For clever Maths thinking and working out different ways to make ten. For writing the beginning sounds of words. For fantastic work during reading groups. You use great strategies to help you read, Ruby. For wonderful concentration during a Maths game, counting forwards and backwards. For always trying your best and producing wonderful work. For the fabulous interest you have shown in our class blog – I have enjoyed reading your posts. For taking initiative and showing respect for our classroom equipment. Thank you! For a very good “Me” Bag presentation given to our class. Well prepared and delivered. For his continued effort to improve himself in all tasks, especially his Cross Country training. For being the best green basket monitor this term and a wonderful person in our class. SAKG is selling a selection of home-made jams and chutneys. These are on display and can be purchased at the office. Please have a look next time you are going past. They are delicious, reasonably priced and made in our kitchen! If you open your jam and you find any mould on the inside of the lid, you are welcome to return it to school for a replacement, or if you prefer, a refund. Small amounts of mould can be scraped off the surface and the rest of the jam should be okay to enjoy but if you are not sure, please return to school. Apologies to anyone who has been disappointed with their purchase. We are still learning and appreciate your understanding! Michele O’Connell SAKG Kitchen Specialist. SAKG GARDEN DONATIONS If there is anyone who would like to clean out their spare pots section, Kelly would love some extra-large terracotta or plastic pots for the Stephanie Alexander Garden. Please leave at the office. ANZAC Day Activities by 12S Hayden enjoyed making the soldier. Shae learnt how to make Anzac Cookies. Jimmy liked making Anzac cookies. Lucy enjoyed making the slouch hats. Riley enjoyed making the Anzac cookies. Zach enjoyed making the soldier’s slouch hat. Amelie enjoyed making the slouch hat and she learnt that if it has a feather that meant that the soldier rides a horse. I enjoyed making the soldier’s slouch hat by Eleanor. I enjoyed making the Anzac biscuits by Gershin. My best thing was mixing the butter and maple syrup and making the wet stuff. By Oliver I enjoyed making the soldier’s hat by Tayla. I enjoyed all 3 activities making the hat, cookies and the soldier by Tyler. Sean learnt how to make Anzac biscuits. You need butter, coconut, sugar, flour, syrup and oats. Jack liked making the soldiers and the writing the letter. Kaylee enjoyed making the very yummy, nice smelling biscuits. I enjoyed making the biscuits by Katie. I enjoyed making the soldiers because I liked writing a letter to them by Mackenzie. I liked making the Anzac biscuits because I like making cookies By Alana. The annual Book Fair is due to be held in the school Library during Education Week, which is Monday 18th to Friday 22nd May. The theme this year is “Enter the Kingdom of Books”. There will be many popular books at heavily reduced prices for sale and all profits will go to Kalinda Primary School. The Book Fair will be open for sales at the following times: 8.30 – 9.00am every morning 4.30 – 6.00pm on Monday, 18th May (Open Night) 3.30 – 4.00pm from Tuesday 19th to Friday 22nd May. If you would be able to volunteer some time to assist with the Book Fair (particularly in the afternoon/evening) it would be greatly appreciated. A roster for volunteer helpers to note their availabilities is on the office window. Thank you, hope to see you there! WENDY ROBERTSON LIBRARY TECHNICIAN Consent forms for the VPRC were sent home last term and are due back Friday 24th April. If you do not have a consent form please contact your child’s teacher or print from the following link. 015prcconsent.docx Children will receive their username and password in May. Upon receiving their login details, books read can be recorded online. Alternatively, children can record books read on paper before entering this information on line. The closing date for the challenge is September 10th. Happy reading! SANDY DOYLE & WENDY ROBERTSON VPRC COORDINATORS PICASSO COW Kids, a cow, paint and glue. Curious? Over the next 8 weeks Kalinda Primary School is bringing the farm to the classroom with the Picasso Cows program. The program celebrates one of Australia’s biggest agricultural industries, the dairy industry, and also teaches kids that milk doesn’t just come from the supermarket! The Grade 5/6 students will get to design and paint a life-sized fibreglass cow in one of three themes – Unbeatable Bones, Fuel for Life or Farm to Plate – documenting their findings from start to finish in a learning journal. It’s interactive fun with an important educational message. We often hear from nutrition experts that Australian children aren’t having enough calcium every day and that dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yogurt are one of the biggest sources. Despite this, most primary school kids aren’t having enough. This program will tie in with our classroom nutrition education, teaching children about the importance of the five food groups, including dairy foods, for good health and wellbeing. And that’s not all! Our school is one of several schools in Melbourne participating in Dairy Australia’s Picasso Cows program, creating some healthy competition! At the end of the program there’ll be a presentation day and the winning school will be awarded $250. We look forward to keeping you updated on the program. You can also find out more about dairy foods at: CONGRATULATIONS LAURYN Lauryn and her dad had their 'Shaving Event' on March 29th. Here is a photo of the results. They have raised over $3600 Brain Cancer Research. Lauryn has been thrilled by the support she has received from many quarters including her school community. Many thanks! From the sports desk… LEVEL 4 INTERSCHOOL SPORT: Throughout Term 2, ‘Winter’ Interschool Sport is played during the afternoon. Gameplay is generally from around 1:30pm until around 2:30pm. For teams playing 'Away', the bus departs for competition as soon after 1:00pm as possible, and returns to Kalinda P.S. at approx.: 3:00pm. Weather permitting, this Friday’s matches will be played against Great Ryrie P.S. (Great Ryrie Street, Heathmont). Full venue details and team locations are now available on the school website, located at HOUSE CROSS-COUNTRY CARNIVAL: Kalinda’s House Cross-Country Carnival is to be held on Wednesday, April 29 (weather permitting) on the school grounds. The whole school will take part in the event. Cross-Country running is the winter competition of ‘Little Athletics’, where athletes participate in a prolonged run over undulating terrain. Children participate in a single running event in which the distance is adjusted to most appropriately suit their age. Full information regarding the program was distributed earlier this week. Please contact Mr. Harvey directly if you did not receive it. Please note that family members are more than welcome to attend the event as spectator or – for any race on the 1km course (i.e.: not the Foundation students) – as a participant! Slip on those sneakers, and your family’s house colours, and get out on the track with your child/ren (they would LOVE it!). SCHOOL SPORT VICTORIA PARTNER NEWS: STEP BACK THINK: Lace Up Against Social Violence is a campaign that aims to raise awareness around social violence and the consequences that a violent decision made in a split second can have on the wider community. In June 2015, Step Back Think are giving sporting teams the opportunity to wear orange shoelaces, make a pledge to step back from social violence, and to participate in education presentations about positive actions teams and teammates can take to avoid instances of violence. STEP BACK THINK are providing all of this free of charge and simply ask for your participation! If you know of, or are involved in, a local team who you think would like to be involved, please make the club’s ‘decision -makers’ aware of this link. SCHOOL SPORT VICTORIA PARTNER NEWS: PRIMARY SCHOOL GOLF ADDS ‘BIG-HOLE GOLF’ TO ITS 2015 CALENDAR: The Victorian Primary Schools Golf event has the largest participation of any on the Golf Victoria Calendar. To be eligible to play students must be enrolled in Grades 3, 4, 5 or 6 in a school affiliated with the School Sport Victoria (…psst! That’s us!). The event consists of three rounds: qualification events, regional finals and the state final. The qualification events are run across the entire state. For a full list of events, please see the events listed at the bottom of this page. FREE KALINDA SPORTING SCHOOLS FREE ATHLETICS PILOT PROGRAM: In preparation for the roll-out of ‘Sporting Schools’ (the Australian Sports Commission’s replacement of Active After School Communities) throughout Term 3, Kalinda Primary School has filled 20 places in its FREE 6-week test-program for boys and girls in Grades 1-to-4 who are going to have some fun, and learn the basics of Little Athletics. When: 6 X Wednesday lunch-times (i.e.: 1.10 until 2.00PM), starting April 22 Where: Kalinda Primary School Stadium (or Oval / Synthetic courts – weather permitting) Details: Coaching will be provided by a qualified Athletics Australia coach and Mr Harvey and/or Mrs. Johns. PARTNER NEWS – NORWOOD J.F.C: Our Australian Football partner; Norwood Junior Football club are still actively recruiting players for their 2015 Under U10’s team. If you are – or someone you know is - interested in having a go at ‘club-land’ AFL this year, the club is currently offering FREE PLAYER REGISTRATION AND FREE SHORTS & SOCKS. Further information is available here. Best Regards, NEXT SESSION DETAILS: 1. Mullum Reserve session @ 5:30pm on Friday April 24. 2. Kalinda P.S. session @ 9:30am on Sunday April 26 Kalinda’s participation ‘partners and pathways’ * Click icon for full details Steve Harvey Physical Education, Sport & Facilities Management SSV Coordinator: Maroondah & Manningham Division(s) Ph: (03) 9876 3289 M: (0417) 392 572 E: [email protected] SOCCER CLUB WANTED ! OSHClub News Before School / After School Care Program Term 2 - Week 2 - 23 April 2015 Program Update Whoa! What an action-packed start to the new term! Good day everyone! We have had a very busy start to term 2 with 36 children on average for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons last week! This week has begun in a similar fashion. It is fantastic to see our before and after school numbers increasing so much! Just a reminder that as we transition into some (much) cooler weather, could all children who attend our service please remember to bring with them a jumper or windcheater of some sort to our before and after school care service. We have found that once the day reaches around 5 PM, the winds are becoming quite unbearably cold and we have needed to send children back inside from the playground. On another note, coming up to ANZAC Day on Saturday we hope all children have a safe weekend and are able to spare some time to remember those who have sacrificed so much for the country that we live in today. Without their sacrifice and dedication our country may be a very different place. “At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.” Kind Regards, Jeanette Lea, Kalli Boag, Samantha Lawrence, Jack Rountree, Wendy Reid. Program phone: 0439 992 434 Coordinator: Jeanette Lea. Assistants: Kalli Boag, Wendy Reid, Jack Rountree, Samantha Lawrence. OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. COMMUNITY NEWS OFFICE NEWS For those families who are on an Instalment Payment Plan for school fees, please note that the next instalment is due by the end of this week. CANTEEN NEWS Do you have the new Winter Menu? It is on BLUE paper. Please check your child's Satchel and if you don't have the new one, please collect one from the office or download from our website, under Notices&Forms. New Food Items Sausage Rolls Regular Size - $2.50 Anzac Biscuits - $1.00 JO O’CALLAGHAN CANTEEN MANAGER UNIFORM SHOP Opening Hours – Mondays from 3pm – 3.45pm. If you are unable to make this time, order forms are available from the office or you can download from the website at / Notices and Forms. Just send in your order, with payment and it will be processed as soon as possible. SHANNON & JO UNIFORM SHOP VOLUNTEERS SCHOOL BANKING Bring your yellow Dollarmites wallet (or black for grades 4-6) to school each Friday. Wallets are to be placed in the grey CommBank bag and brought up to the office and will be returned to your classroom in the same bag. Kalinda receives $5 when children make their first deposit at school and 5% commission on every deposit made at school through the School Banking Program. Students will also receive a Dollarmites token for each deposit which can be redeemed when you have 10 tokens for your chosen reward. 2015 Competition! The Grand Prize: A Family Trip to Disneyland!! Students who make 25 or more School Banking deposits during 2015 will automatically enter the draw to win a trip to California’s Disneyland where they can enjoy Space Mountain and everything the park has to offer. The prize includes return airfares, five nights’ accommodation, transfers and 3 days park entry for up to two adults and two kids, as well as AUD$2000 spending money. If your child does not have a Youthsaver Account, you can open one at any Commonwealth Bank branch, or if you have NetBank, you can apply online. Alternatively, please contact one of the coordinators to discuss (we are in the Staffroom Friday mornings from 9am). JULIE & KYLIE STUDENT BANKING COORDINATORS Mother’s Day Stall Volunteers Needed We are holding our Mother’s Day stall on Tuesday 5th May and would LOVE people to volunteer to help on the stalls. There are two shifts. 9am-11am (Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be coming through then), and 11am-1pm (for Grades 1 and 2 and Foundation groups). The volunteer list is up at the office and will also be passed around at our next P & F meeting, so please put your name down if you can. Younger siblings are welcome to come along too! Any questions, please call me on 0430 162 132 Adrianne Hicks (Parents & Friends) P & F Meeting Our next P & F meeting will be held in the school stadium next Monday 27th April at 2.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend! We hope to see you there RECIPE OF THE WEEK! During World War 1, the wives, mothers and girlfriends of the Australian soldiers were concerned for the nutritional value of the food being supplied to their men. The problem was that any food they sent to the fighting men had to be carried in the ships of the Merchant Navy. Most had no refrigerated facilities, so any food sent had to be able to remain edible after periods in excess of two months. A body of women came up with the answer - a biscuit with all the nutritional value possible. At first the biscuits were called Soldiers’ Biscuits, but after the landing on Gallipoli, they were renamed ANZAC Biscuits Makes about 25 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 20 minutes Anzac Biscuits What you need: 1 cup rolled oats 1 cup plain flour 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed ½ cup coconut 125g butter 2 tablespoons golden syrup 1 tablespoon water ½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda Make these biscuits as large or as small as you like. Biscuits will keep in airtight containers for at least a week or you can freeze for 2 months. Combine oats, sifted flour, sugar and coconut in large bowl. Combine butter, golden syrup and water in small saucepan and stir constantly over medium heat until butter is melted, stir in soda. (If you prefer the microwave combine butter, golden syrup and water in microwave-proof jug, cook on HIGH for about 1 minute or until butter is melted. Stir in soda). Stir mixture into dry ingredients. Place rounded teaspoons of mixture 5cm apart onto lightly greased oven trays; bake in moderately slow (160º) oven for about 20 minutes or until biscuits feel slightly firm. Use spatula to loosen biscuits on trays, cool on trays. Don’t hesitate to move the trays around once in the oven as this will help the biscuits to brown evenly. WENDY McLAUGHLAN KALINDA CHEF APPLES - STRAIGHT FROM THE ORCHARD……. th New seasons apples are now being picked. Our apple man will next be delivering apples on, Thursday 7 May. If you would like to order apples, please see Gill or Annie at the office with your order and payment by Wednesday th 6 May. Bags are approximately 5-6kg. Available are: Pink Ladies Fujis Granny Smiths Golden Delicious ALL apples are now $10 per bag. SECONDARY SCHOOL OPEN NIGHTS KALINDA COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARD See the Community Board in the Foyer for more events. The Department of Education & Training (DET) and Kalinda Primary School, do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. DET and Kalinda Primary School accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. ‘My Mullum Mullum Creek’ Mullum Mullum Creek is one of Maroondah’s largest waterways and wildlife corridors. Did you know that the platypus has been spotted in the creek? Come and find out more about the creek at Maroondah City Council’s Mullum Mullum Creek bushwalk on Saturday 2 May. Meet at the Soundshell at Ringwood Lake Park at 10 am before walking to the creek. The walk will finish back at Ringwood Lake Park with a free barbecue lunch, plant giveaways from CRISP Indigenous Plant Nursery and a performance from educational performers, ‘The Connies’. Litter in the creek travels to the Yarra River and Port Phillip Bay. Make sure you always put your litter in the bin when you are walking to school, riding your bike, or walking your dog. For more information contact Maroondah City Council on 1300 88 22 33 or 9298 4598 or visit 15 16 17 Piano, Violin and Cello Lessons Holly Caldwell recently completed a Bachelor of Arts/Music at Monash University, specialising in music composition. She has been teaching music privately now for over seven years as well as directing and conducting the Kalinda String Group – a group of young students who prior to joining, had little or no musical experience. In 2013, Holly directed the Mullum Mullum: Morning, Noon, Night project – a collaboration between primary school and university students which gave kids the opportunity to create and perform music in conjunction with student composers. It is Holly’s ambition to offer young students the opportunity to learn and connect through music. Holly teaches piano, violin and cello at Kalinda on Wednesdays and Fridays, please contact her on 0431 968 238 for further information, or see Gill in the office for a lesson form. Croydon Little Athletics 2015 Cross Country Season Looking for a great way to keep fit over Winter? Then come down to Croydon Little Athletics and join our Cross Country team. Our calendar and registration information can be found on our website or send us an email [email protected] See you at the track!! Maroondah Rugby Club PLAYERS WANTED Ages 6 to 16 Rugby Union is a great team sport, fun and energetic. It’s a great way to learn new skills, make new friends and improve fitness. For more information contact: Ian on 0424 322 566 or Robyn on 0411 477 306 or [email protected] Visit our website at: Come down and give rugby union a try! Every Monday & Wednesday nights from 6.00 pm Griff Hunt Reserve, Lyons Road, North Croydon 18
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