1 Newsletter No. 11 - Term 2– Week 3 Thursday 30 April 2015 From the Principal………. HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY What a terrific day we had yesterday at our school Cross Country event. I know Steve Harvey was very concerned about the weather but it turned out to be a beautiful day indeed. The occasion was very festive with lots of parents coming to support their children. A big thank you to all the parents and grandparents who also came to help on the day. It was terrific seeing the Foundation children run their first Cross Country with the whole school supporting them. I hope everyone slept well last night ready to come back to school on such a beautiful sunny day. FOUNDATION 2016 INFORMATION NIGHT th Next Monday the 4 of May, is the date for our Foundation Information Night 2016. If you know of people who have a child in Foundation next year, please encourage them to come along to hear all about the school. We do run personal tours of the school for prospective families looking for a school in this area. Please ring the office to book a tour. Maroondah Schools Network asks for all students for 2016 to be enrolled by the end of this Term, th 26 June. ANZAC SERVICE AT THE CLOCKTOWER The Saturday morning Dawn Service at Ringwood Clocktower drew a very large crowd from the surrounding areas. The Service provided an opportunity for us all to remember those who have served in the armed forces over the last Century. The atmosphere during the Service was one of total respect and I did see many Kalinda families who had got up early and come to the Clocktower to pay their respects. Thank you to Mr McLean and our Student leadership Team, Ashleigh, Lucy, Lachlan and Thomas, for being there very early and laying the wreath during the Service. OPEN NIGHT th Education Week is coming up very quickly indeed. Our Open Night is Monday 18 May from 4.30 – 7.00pm. We invite all families, friends and community to come and see your child’s work and find out more about our school. Tours of the school will be available on the night. MOTHERS DAY STALL th Don’t forget the Mother’s Day Stall on Tuesday, 5 May. GAIL POLLARD PRINCIPAL ENROL NOW FOR 2016 2 Events Calendar May TERM DATES 2015 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 18 th 25 - Working Bee – 10am -12noon Foundation Information Night (2016) Mother’s Day Stall Pizza Night – with Yr 7s – 6-7pm Mod A Kalinda Open Night P&F Gen. Mtg. – 2.30pm Stadium Foyer School Council Mtg Term 1 – 28 Jan (teachers start) - 27 March th Pupil Free Day 29 Jan – Students begin 30 Jan. Term 2 – 13 April - 26 June Term 3 – 13 July - 18 September Term 4 – 5 October - 18 December CANTEEN June th 13 st 21 nd 22 th 24 th 25 th 26 - Kalinda Disco (P&F) Working Bee P&F Gen. Mtg. – 2.30pm Stadium Foyer Last day of Canteen Hot Dog Day Canteen Closed Last day of Term 2 – 2.30pm Dismissal 6/5 7/5 8/5 Robyn D. Tara R, Angie L. & Meagan M. Skye C, Renee S, Adi H. & June R. If you wish to contact Jo in the Canteen, her mobile number is 0402 031 447. Forms sent home to Families – 23 - 30 April 2015 Notice Pizza & Soft Drink Night Foundation Newsletter Distributed to: Year 6s Foundation Return by: st 1 May n/a School Photos Update MSP have had a problem with their photo lab printers but they have assured us that all photos will be delivered early next week (in time for Mother’s Day!). We will be sending photo orders home on the day they are received. Thank you all for your patience. Mother’s Day Stall Volunteers Needed We are holding our Mother’s Day stall on Tuesday 5th May and would LOVE people to volunteer to help on the stalls. There are two shifts. 9am-11am (Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be coming through then), and 11am-1pm (for Grades 1 and 2 and Foundation groups). The volunteer list is up at the office and will also be passed around at our next P & F meeting, so please put your name down if you can. Younger siblings are welcome to come along too! Any questions, please call me on 0430 162 132 Adrianne Hicks (Parents & Friends) 3 PUPIL OF THE WEEK F/T Jonty B-A. - 12D 12L Jay K. Alexander S. Mitchell H. Lochie B. - Yifei W. Tayla W. Chloe M-D. - Sebastian S-V. Jimmy Y. Alana W. Tayla MacP. Charli B. - Tilly H. - Kai W. - Leila C. Campbell Mc. William H. Emma L. Kayley H. - Zack T. Olivia M. Grace S. - 12N 12R 12S 34C 34L 34P 34R For his terrific work during writing; listening to and writing the sounds he hears in words. For your fantastic work using onset and rime to build word families. Well done! For writing a detailed recount of our excursion to Taskworks. Well done! For his great effort when completing the Cross Country race. For finishing the Cross Country despite having fallen over at the beginning of the race. For being a wonderfully thoughtful and generous friend. For her fabulous recount of our excursion to Taskworks. For completing the maze on our excursion to Taskworks and for being a cooperative participant. For completing the House Cross Country. Well done, it was a long way! For really “having a go” and trying new things on our excursion to Taskworks. For really “having a go” and trying new things on our excursion to Taskworks. For really “having a go” and trying new things on our excursion to Taskworks. For your excellent explanation of the significance of rosemary on ANZAC Day. Well done, Charli! For the clear way you explained the meaning of a minute’s silence. You speak so well, Tilly. For the effort you put into research and writing of information. Your attention to detail is fabulous, Kai! For working so hard at improving her book work in Math. Well done! For an engaging and interesting discussion about Sovereign Hill. For an engaging introduction to his persuasive text. Well done, Will. For great work in planning her persuasive text with great care. For writing an excellent persuasive piece in which she clearly stated her belief that a pool is better than a beach. Great work, Kayley. For writing interesting questions for his family interview. Great work, Zack. For working hard with her sequence words when writing a persuasive text. For writing a most entertaining piece on whether Goldilocks was a criminal. SAKG is selling a selection of home-made jams and chutneys. These are on display and can be purchased at the office. Please have a look next time you are going past. They are delicious, reasonably priced and made in our kitchen! If you open your jam and you find any mould on the inside of the lid, you are welcome to return it to school for a replacement, or if you prefer, a refund. Small amounts of mould can be scraped off the surface and the rest of the jam should be okay to enjoy but if you are not sure, please return to school. Apologies to anyone who has been disappointed with their purchase. We are still learning and appreciate your understanding! Michele O’Connell SAKG Kitchen Specialist. SAKG GARDEN DONATIONS If there is anyone who would like to clean out their spare pots section, Kelly would love some extra-large terracotta or plastic pots for the Stephanie Alexander Garden. Please leave at the office. 4 The annual Book Fair is due to be held in the school Library during Education Week, which is Monday 18th to Friday 22nd May. The theme this year is “Enter the Kingdom of Books”. There will be many popular books at heavily reduced prices for sale and all profits will go to Kalinda Primary School. The Book Fair will be open for sales at the following times: 8.30 – 9.00am every morning 4.30 – 6.00pm on Monday, 18th May (Open Night) 3.30 – 4.00pm from Tuesday 19th to Friday 22nd May. If you would be able to volunteer some time to assist with the Book Fair (particularly in the afternoon/evening) it would be greatly appreciated. A roster for volunteer helpers to note their availabilities is on the office window. Thank you, hope to see you there! WENDY ROBERTSON LIBRARY TECHNICIAN Jumping Jack Flash and the Beanstalk Incursion Grade 3 & 4 students thoroughly enjoyed viewing, participating and singing along to the production, Jumping Jack Flash and the Beanstalk. This production, performed by the New Zealand Playhouse, focused on delivering the message to reduce, reuse and recycle. In the children's reflection piece, not only could they correctly name all the characters’ favourite scenes and songs, but also wrote about this very important environmental message. GRADE 3/4 TEAM 5 6 From the sports desk… LEVEL 4 INTERSCHOOL SPORT: Throughout Term 2, ‘Winter’ Interschool Sport is played during the afternoon. Gameplay is generally from around 1:30pm until around 2:30pm. For teams playing 'Away', the bus departs for competition as soon after 1:00pm as possible, and returns to Kalinda P.S. at approx.: 3:00pm. Weather permitting, this Friday’s matches will be played against Croydon Hills P.S. (Campaspe Drive, Croydon Hills). Full venue details and team locations are now available on the school website, located at www.kalinda.vic.edu.au KALINDA P.S. HOUSE CROSS-COUNTRY CARNIVAL: On Wednesday, 432 KPS students (as well as a few parents and teachers) ran or walked a combined total of over 900 kilometers as they tried to earn their house the title of 2015 Cross-Country champions. The final scores will be announced at next week’s assembly. As usual, the students looked fantastic in their house colours, and the effort exerted (and outcomes achieved) were both extremely pleasing. My “Thanks” go to all of the teachers and parents who assisted on the day with tasks ranging from crowd control to icy-pole distribution, place judging, scoring & recording, course marshalling, competitor marshalling, coffee-order taking, or just generally asking Mr. Harvey if he needs anything-ing(!). Thanks also to Sandra Blackwell and Mrs. Pollard for providing first-aid to those few sathletes who required it at one time or another. Participation certificates and invitations to the District carnival (where appropriate) will be distributed within the next week-or-so. Thanks for your patience. SCHOOL SPORT VICTORIA NEWS: As one of our first major high performance pathway opportunities starts to draw near (i.e.: interschool cross-country), I thought it timely to remind the Kalinda community that School Sport Victoria (of which Kalinda Primary School is a member) provides a competition pathway for member schools - and individuals from member schools - to participate in a competition structure that has a defined pathway across Victoria. For Primary Schools, the Competition Pathway is: District Ringwood North Pathway level: Division Maroondah Region Eastern Metropolitan State Victoria FREE KALINDA SPORTING SCHOOLS FREE ATHLETICS PILOT PROGRAM: In preparation for the roll-out of ‘Sporting Schools’ (the Australian Sports Commission’s replacement of Active After School Communities) throughout Term 3, Kalinda Primary School has filled 20 places in its FREE 6-week test-program for boys and girls in Grades 1-to-4 who are going to have some fun, and learn the basics of Little Athletics. When: 6 X Wednesday lunch-times (i.e.: 1.10 until 2.00PM), starting April 22 Where: Kalinda Primary School Stadium (or Oval / Synthetic courts – weather permitting) Details: Coaching will be provided by a qualified Athletics Australia coach and Mr Harvey and/or Mrs. Johns. PARTNER NEWS: PARK ORCHARDS NETBALL CLUB: Kalinda Primary School and it’s close netball partner: the Park Orchards Netball Club are currently organising a 6-to8 week NetSetGo program to take place after-school throughout Term 2 at Kalinda P.S. More details soon, so: Watch this space! Best Regards, NEXT SESSION DETAILS: 1. Mullum Reserve session @ 5:30pm on Friday May 1. 2. Kalinda P.S. session @ 9:30am on Sunday May 3 Kalinda’s participation ‘partners and pathways’ * Click icon for full details Steve Harvey Physical Education, Sport & Facilities Management SSV Coordinator: Maroondah & Manningham Division(s) Ph: (03) 9876 3289 M: (0417) 392 572 E: [email protected] SOCCER CLUB WANTED ! 7 OSHClub News Before School / After School Care Program Term 2 - Week 3 - 30 April 2015 Salvete! (This means ‘hello’ in Latin) Welcome to week three of term 2! So many things have been happening for our service this week. We have had many new faces as both staff and students attending. However, everyone has been very accepting and accommodating of the changes and so we thank all of our students, parents and educators. Congratulations to all children who attended the school cross country yesterday! What a fantastic effort to see so many young people participating! Great job to all those students who were lucky enough to make it through to the next stage of the local cross country. Good luck for all of your future running! We have all been very busy over the past week here at OSHClub! We were fortunate enough to have Samantha here last Friday to help us with baking some gluten-free ANZAC biscuits. They were so delicious! We have also been able to enjoy some outdoor play this week thanks to the mild weather (and lack of perpetual rain). This has allowed many children to enjoy activities such as tennis, basketball, AFL football, soccer, and free playground play. Phew! Even I am tired just thinking about it! We have also had some children bringing toys and keepsakes from home to our service over the past couple of weeks. This is totally fine; we would just like to kindly remind children and parents that if a child chooses to bring an item from home, we cannot guarantee the item’s safety whilst at our program. Children often bring toys and other items to share with other children and although we strongly encourage our children to take care of others’ items, children are children. Kind Regards, Jeanette Lea, Kalli Boag, Samantha Lawrence, Wendy Reid. Program phone: 0439 992 434 Coordinator: Jeanette Lea. Assistants: Kalli Boag, Wendy Reid, Jack Rountree, Samantha Lawrence. OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at www.oshclub.com.au all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. 8 COMMUNITY NEWS OFFICE NEWS Foundation Excursion – Melbourne Museum. Please note, payments and permission forms are due back by th Tuesday, 12 May. For those families who are on an Instalment Payment Plan for school fees, please note that the next instalment is now due. THERESA JARVIS BUSINESS MANAGER CANTEEN NEWS We have in stock the re-usable lunch order bags. Prices range from $10.50 to $12.50. Please consider purchasing one of these bags for the following reasons: Designed to replace paper lunch bags when ordering from the canteen. Holds more food than paper bags. Sturdy flat base makes them easy to pack and stack. Extremely easy to wipe clean with a damp cloth. Reduces paper waste. Hygienic zipper pocket to separate money from contact with food. We currently have a variety of colours in stock, both in the wallet form and the insulated ones. They are available from the Canteen Wednesday - Friday 9.15am to 2.30pm If you choose to continue to use paper bags, please think about the size you use. We are seeing an increase in very small paper bags and unfortunately we are unable to fit all the items into the bags. New Food Items Sausage Rolls Regular Size - $2.50 Anzac Biscuits - $1.00 JO O’CALLAGHAN CANTEEN MANAGER UNIFORM SHOP Opening Hours – Mondays from 3pm – 3.45pm. If you are unable to make this time, order forms are available from the office or you can download from the website at www.kalinda.vic.edu.au / Notices and Forms. Just send in your order, with payment and it will be processed as soon as possible. SHANNON & JO UNIFORM SHOP VOLUNTEERS SCHOOL BANKING Bring your yellow Dollarmites wallet (or black for grades 4-6) to school each Friday. Wallets are to be placed in the grey CommBank bag and brought up to the office and will be returned to your classroom in the same bag. Kalinda receives $5 when children make their first deposit at school and 5% commission on every deposit made at school through the School Banking Program. Students will also receive a Dollarmites token for each deposit which can be redeemed when you have 10 tokens for your chosen reward. 9 2015 Competition! The Grand Prize: A Family Trip to Disneyland!! Students who make 25 or more School Banking deposits during 2015 will automatically enter the draw to win a trip to California’s Disneyland where they can enjoy Space Mountain and everything the park has to offer. The prize includes return airfares, five nights’ accommodation, transfers and 3 days park entry for up to two adults and two kids, as well as AUD$2000 spending money. If your child does not have a Youthsaver Account, you can open one at any Commonwealth Bank branch, or if you have NetBank, you can apply online. Alternatively, please contact one of the coordinators to discuss (we are in the Staffroom Friday mornings from 9am). JULIE & KYLIE STUDENT BANKING COORDINATORS 10 RECIPE OF THE WEEK! Serves: 4-8 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 2 hours Marrakesh Lamb Shanks What you need: 1 teaspoon oil 4-8 lamb shanks (allow 1 per person) 2 teaspoons chopped chilli 2 teaspoons crushed garlic 1 tablespoon ground cumin 1 tablespoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground turmeric ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 cup vegetable stock 425g can apricot halves Couscous, to serve Heat oil in a deep-sided pan on high and brown lamb in small batches, removing each batch before adding the next. Remove and put aside. Add the spices to the pan, stirring until well blended with pan juices. Stir in stock and juice only from apricots. Reserve the apricots. Return the lamb shanks to the pan. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer (cooking gently at a level where tiny bubbles rise to the surface) until fork tender, about 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Stir occasionally. If consistency needs thickening, simmer with lid off until reduced (about 15-20 minutes). Add apricots just before serving to heat through. Serve lamb shanks on a bed of couscous and green vegetables if desired. WENDY McLAUGHLAN KALINDA CHEF APPLES - STRAIGHT FROM THE ORCHARD……. New seasons apples are now being picked. Our apple man will next be delivering apples on, th Thursday 7 May. If you would like to order apples, please see Gill or Annie at the office with th your order and payment by Wednesday 6 May. Bags are approximately 5-6kg. Available are: Pink Ladies Fujis Granny Smiths Golden Delicious ALL apples are now $10 per bag. 11 SECONDARY SCHOOL & PRE-SCHOOL OPEN INFORMATION 12 KALINDA COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARD 13 Piano, Violin and Cello Lessons Holly Caldwell recently completed a Bachelor of Arts/Music at Monash University, specialising in music composition. She has been teaching music privately now for over seven years as well as directing and conducting the Kalinda String Group – a group of young students who prior to joining, had little or no musical experience. In 2013, Holly directed the Mullum Mullum: Morning, Noon, Night project – a collaboration between primary school and university students which gave kids the opportunity to create and perform music in conjunction with student composers. It is Holly’s ambition to offer young students the opportunity to learn and connect through music. Holly teaches piano, violin and cello at Kalinda on Wednesdays and Fridays, please contact her on 0431 968 238 for further information, or see Gill in the office for a lesson form. www.hollycaldwell.com.au Nutrition and Healthy Eating Tips Start Each Day with Breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it’s one that a lot of people go without. As a parent your children are watching you- so if you don’t eat breakfast don’t be surprised if your kids soon decide that breakfast is not for them either. It’s important because people who eat breakfast: are more likely to maintain a healthy weight are more likely to reach the recommended daily intake for vitamins and minerals have better concentration Recent research has shown that starting the day with a good whole grain, high fibre cereal can even make you live longer. Make the time for you and your family to eat this important meal every day. Lisa Renn Accredited Practising Dietician www.bodywarfare.com.au See the Community Board in the Foyer for more events. The Department of Education & Training (DET) and Kalinda Primary School, do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. DET and Kalinda Primary School accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. 14 Parents Victoria Online Conference 2014-2015 (Part 2) Monday 18 May to Thursday 21 May 2015 *Primary and secondary principals are kindly asked to pass this invitation onto parents and/or the parent association/club at their school. Register for this event, at no cost, at: http://www.straighttothepoint.co/pv/register/. PARENTS from all Australian states and territories, and from countries beyond Australia, are warmly invited to participate in the second half of the Parents Victoria Online Conference 2014-2015. The conference will be held entirely on the internet and there is no cost for participation. Conference program Six topics, with associated message boards, will run for four days: ACCESS TO EDUCATION. What has been the greatest impact on your family getting your children back to school this year? Possible examples: cost of uniforms, BYOD, no EMA, location of school, moving schools. PARENT CLUBS.Is there still a role for parent clubs/associations in schools? Does your school have a club? If not how is the parent voice heard? How can schools encourage parents to get involved? How can we ensure that parent groups are representative of the school community? SOCIAL MEDIA.We often hear only the negative side of social media use, what are the positives? How is social media being used in your school? Do the students use it? Does your parent group have a Facebook page? Jump on board and leave your thoughts about the use of social media in the school environment. ONLINE REPORTING.Many schools are moving to online reporting. What do you think about this change? How do you receive your child’s report? Do school reports provide you with the information you want and need to monitor your child’s progress at school? What could be improved? FUNDING EDUCATION.What should the Government pay for? What, when and how should assistance be provided for disadvantaged students?) ADDITIONAL OPEN FORUM & CAREER & PATHWAYS GUIDANCE.An extra discussion 15 message board has been provided to give you an opportunity to raise other education issues you believe are also important. If you choose to start a new thread, please add an appropriate subject heading so other participants can follow the discussion. For those of you who wish to express an opinion on Careers & Pathways Guidance, which has emerged as an area of concern, the following questions might be considered: Are our children being given enough advice and guidance about their possible careers and the pathways that lead to these careers? What more could schools do to assist students eventually realise their full potential in the employment market? Note: There is no need to re-register if you already registered to take part in the October 2014 section of the online conference. To view the first half of the online conference (from October 2014), please log on to: http://www.straighttothepoint.co/pv/conf14-15/program/ * You may need to ‘cut and paste’ this website address into a browser. The conference will run continuously, with message boards open from 6am to 11pm, for four days, until 11pm on Thursday 21 May. The online conference will feature six moderated online discussions, each of them hosted, at different times, by a member of Parents Victoria and/or special guests from the Department of Education and Training (DET) and different associations. Messages posted between 11pm and 6am may not appear until the following day. I look forward to meeting all of you online soon, to discuss these important issues. The more of you join in and make a comment, the more successful this e-vent will be. Best wishes, Debra J. Crouch Online Conference Manager E: [email protected] Conference protocol *Please note: In the interests of courtesy and privacy, the name of your child, your child’s school, and names of school staff (or identifying details) should not be entered on to the message boards. Please refer to your own context as‘My child’s school’, ‘ My local area’, ‘My child’s teacher’, and so on. Please email Parents Victoria at: [email protected] should you wish to discuss private, parent-related issues in more detail. 16
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