th Newsletter No. 9 - Term 2– Week 1 Thursday 16 April 2015 From the Principal……… PICASSO COW Wow! What a strange sight to see in our school! This morning there was much excitement and laughter from children, staff and parents who arrived to see a cow in our foyer. Our cow received many parts, even hugs from our students. Our Picasso Cow is part of an education program from the Dairy Board. This program will complement our Healthy Eating program. She is a full size fibre glass cow and will live in our school forever! Over this term our cow needs to be wildly painted to encourage healthy eating but also to represent our school identity. IDENTITY is our whole school topic this term. In July our cow will be part of a presentation of all 11 cows given to schools in the Melbourne metropolitan area. Ten students will be chosen to attend on the day to talk about our cow. There is a prize for the best cow, however the important aspect is the education about healthy eating. There will be lots of talk about the cow in the coming weeks. The first thing we have to do is name her! This will involve the whole school – we haven’t yet fully planned how this would work but we do want families to have fun making up names for her – and it is a HER! Libby Shaw, our Visual Arts teacher, will be working with the students to design and paint our cow so when you visit the school in coming weeks, or on Open Night, please come and see her. PREP INFORMATION NIGHT th We are holding our Information Night for Preps 2016 on Monday 4 May at 7.00pm in the Library. If you know any friends or neighbours who may be enrolling in Kalinda next year please encourage them to come to our Information Night. We do run personal tours of the school for prospective families looking for a school in this area. Please ring the office to book a tour. Maroondah Schools Network ask for all students for 2016 be enrolled by the end of this Term, 26 June. th OPEN NIGHT th Education Week is coming up very quickly indeed. Our Open Night is Monday 18 May from 4.30 – 7.00pm. We invite all families, friends and community to come and see your child’s work and find out more about our school. Tours of the school will be available on the night. Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge. It is again time for the Premiers’ Reading Challenge. Below is information about the program. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Definitions: Department refers to the Victorian Department of Education and Training, Person refers to the child/adult listed below in the consent declaration. 1) Privacy Protection The Department takes its privacy obligations seriously and any personal information collected or used by the Department will be handled in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). This law sets out what we must do when the Department collects, uses, handles and destroys personal information. Personal information includes personal details such as an individual’s name and school that could be used to identify an individual. 2) Collection, use, disclosure and storage of personal information If you provide your consent your school or early childhood setting will collect and disclose your child’s first and last name, and the name of the early childhood setting or school to the Department. The Department will then: Use the information to register your child and to generate an online account (through which school age children can record the books that they read); Publish your child’s name and year level on its online Honour Roll located at: at the completion of the Challenge with no other identifying factors such as school name. Give the name of your child to Finsbury Green Pty Ltd ABN 52 007 743 151 who will then disclose to a 3rd party for the purpose of printing Certificates of Achievement. 3) Accuracy, access to information and withdrawal of consent The Department will endeavour to ensure that any personal information held about your child is up to date and accurate. You can access, correct and withdraw personal information held by the Department by written request in accordance with the Department’s Information Privacy Policy located at: Consent may be withdrawn at any time by writing to the Department’s Privacy Unit on: [email protected] . If you have any questions about this form, or if you need more information, please contact the PRC Challenge Coordinator at the Department [email protected] or (03) 9637 3624. Japanese Intern Kalinda Primary School would like to welcome our new Japanese Intern Ms. MIE FUKUSHIMA. Please make Mie feel welcome when you see her around our school. Mie is staying with us for six months. Mie is really interested in Gymnastics, Volleyball and Aerobic Dance. Mie would like to share Japanese Culture, calligraphy, teaching about modern Japan, Japanese songs and she is looking forward to building many new friendships. OPEN NIGHT th Our school Open Night will be held on Monday, 18 May. We hope you all will be able to come along and have a wonderful time with your children as they share their work with you. FOUNDATION INFORMATION NIGHT 2016 th Our Information Night for incoming Preps for 2016 will be held on Monday 4 May at 7pm in the Library. Please let your friends and family know that this event is on and is part of our Transition Program. The Transition Timetable for school entry 2016 is at the end of this newsletter. Events Calendar April nd 22 th 24 th 27 th 27 29 th TERM DATES 2015 - Education in Human Sexuality - Gr.1-6 Incursion – Grades 3&4 P&F Mtg. – 2.30pm – Stadium Foyer School Council Mtg. – 7.30pm Staffroom Taskworks Excursion – Grades 1 & 2 House Cross Country May rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 18 th 25 CANTEEN - Working Bee – 10am -12noon Foundation Information Night (2016) Mother’s Day Stall Kalinda Open Night P&F Gen. Mtg. – 2.30pm Stadium Foyer School Council Mtg - Kalinda Disco (P&F) Working Bee P&F Gen. Mtg. – 2.30pm Stadium Foyer June th 13 st 21 nd 22 Term 1 – 28 Jan (teachers start) - 27 March th Pupil Free Day 29 Jan – Students begin 30 Jan. Term 2 – 13 April - 26 June Term 3 – 13 July - 18 September Term 4 – 5 October - 18 December 22/4 - Petra K & Amanda C 23/4 - Carly S & Jo C 24/4 - Amanda B, Sue P & Heather C. If you wish to contact Jo in the Canteen, her mobile number is 0402 031 447. Forms sent home to Families – 19-26 March 2015 Notice Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge Family Life Puberty Sessions Mini Lit Program Distributed to: All Level 4 Students only Students involved Return by: ASAP 24/04/15 N/A Our SAKG is selling a selection of home made jams and chutneys. These are on display at the office. Please have a look next time you are going past. They are reasonably priced and made in our kitchen! PUPIL OF THE WEEK FD Natasha R Max L. Thomas M. Jaxon D. Madi G Aiden B. Thiyara H. - Jett W. - 12R 12T Bailey B. Chloe F. Noah B. Jemma W. Ryan S. Ben B. - 34C Tate F. - Jess H. - Alexy K. Bella M. Krystal T. Darcy B Peliza C. Joshua L. Alicia B. Anderson G. Marcus G. Oliver K. - FM FT 12D 12L 12N 34L 34M 34P 34R For always doing her best and showing ‘5 star’ Quality work. For sharing his reading strategies with his group. Well done Max! For sounding out phonemes when writing. Fantastic work! For being a great 5 star listener. For her fantastic work during Phonics this week. For using fantastic strategies when reading. Well done Aiden! For posting many interesting articles on her own blog. Your writing has inspired the children from 12D to start their own blog. For persisting with your writing and writing a wonderful story, ‘The Land of Basketball’. Well done. For trying so hard to spell more difficult words. For your improved attitude and effort during writing activities. For your fabulous ‘Me in a bag presentation’ You are a star! For your fabulous holiday recount. For being a hard worker. A great start to Term 2. For always being willing to have a go and for thoughtful contribution during our Class discussions. For researching the meaning of the word ‘quay’. You were able to explain it so well. to the class. For your fantastic research and presentation about the endangered Bilby for our Morning news. Really informative and interesting Jess! For making such a positive start to Term 2. For a great start to Term 2 and thank you for the Dream Catcher! For teaching Mr Monaghan all about adding and subtracting blocks. For being an amazing help in the garden with all his class mates. For writing an excellent persuasive text on “Computer Game are a waste of time” For being a consistent reader For the great effort she put into her CBL Challenge on the Power of Words. For the wonderful effort he has made to improve all aspects of his work. For making a major effort to stay focused in class and finish tasks. For starting the term in a positive way. Canteen News The Canteen will be selling home made ANZAC Cookies next week for $1.00 each. These will be available with lunch orders next week only. The canteen is closed this week so I can prepare for the new Winter Menu, we re-open for sales on Wednesday 22nd April. Our home made items include ~ Sausage Rolls, Lasagne, Spaghetti Bolognaise, Macaroni Cheese, Hamburger Patties, Mini Quiches, Cookies, Mini Muffins & Apricot Balls. Shhhhh don't tell the kids but most of the hot food items have hidden veggies included, New Food Item (not included on the Price List) Regular Sausage Rolls $2.50 each. Jo O’C From the sports desk… LEVEL 4 INTERSCHOOL SPORT: Throughout Term 2, ‘Winter’ Interschool Sport is played during the afternoon. Game-play is generally from around 1:30pm until around 2:30pm. For teams playing 'Away', the bus departs for competition as soon after 1:00pm as possible, and returns to Kalinda P.S. at approx.: 3:00pm. Weather permitting, NEXT week's matches will be played against Great Ryrie P.S. (Great Ryrie Street, Heathmont). Full venue details and team locations will soon be available (and are then available weekly) on the school website, located at SCHOOL SPORT VICTORIA NEWS – DATES RELEASED FOR VICTORIAN SCHOOLS CYCLING CHAMPIONSHIPS IN TERMS 3 AND 4: The Victorian Schools Cycling Championships (VSCC) are a unique cycling competition for school students aged 6-18! The VSCC is a series school of cycling events across three disciplines: Road, BMX & Mountain Bike (MTB). Both licensed (racing) and un-licensed (novice) riders participate in cycling races on fun and safe courses across the state. Students from every corner of Victoria have the chance to represent their school and become state champion for respective categories. The events are co-hosted by Cycling Victoria and local cycling clubs, thereby providing a pathway for on-going participation in the sport.Further information is available here. FREE KALINDA SPORTING SCHOOLS FREE ATHLETICS PILOT PROGRAM: In preparation for the roll-out of ‘Sporting Schools’ (the Australian Sports Commission’s replacement of Active After School Communities) throughout Term 3, Kalinda Primary School has 20 places available in a FREE 6-week test-program for boys and girls in Grades 1-to-4 who would like to have some fun, and who would like to learn the basics of Little Athletics. There is a limit of 20 spots for the trial so get in quick! When: 6 X Wednesday lunch-times (i.e.: 1.10 until 2.00PM), starting April 22 Where: Kalinda Primary School Stadium (or Oval / Synthetic courts – weather permitting) Details: Coaching will be provided by a qualified Athletics Australia coach and Mr Harvey. How to register: The first 20 applicants to e-mail Mr. Harvey on [email protected] are ‘in’. PARTNER NEWS – NORWOOD J.F.C: Our Australian Football partner; Norwood Junior Football club are still actively recruiting players for their 2015 Under U10’s team. If you are – or someone you know is interested in having a go at ‘club-land’ AFL this year, the club is currently offering FREE PLAYER REGISTRATION AND FREE SHORTS & SOCKS. Further information is available here. BETTER HEALTH CHANNEL NEWSLETTER: The current issue of the Better Health Channel newsletter is well worth a read, and can be accessed here. In this issue: Outdoor smoking bans in Victoria, Active April (Get active, feel good & win some great prizes), Seasonal soups & salads & savoury treats (healthy and hearty eating during Autumn), World Immunisation week (24-30 April 2015), PLUS check out the latest clinically reviewed fact sheets. Best Regards, NEXT SESSION DETAILS: 1. Mullum Reserve session @ 5:30pm on Friday April 17. 2. Kalinda P.S. session @ 9:30am on Sunday April 19 Kalinda’s participation ‘partners and pathways’ * Click icon for full details Steve Harvey Physical Education, Sport & Facilities Management SSV Coordinator: Maroondah & Manningham Division(s) Ph: (03) 9876 3289 M: (0417) 392 572 E: [email protected] OSHClub News Before School / After School Care Program Week 9 – Term 1 - 26th March 2015 Program Update Hola! This means ‘hello’ in Spanish. Welcome to week 1 of Term 2! How time flies! We sincerely hope all of our children, parents, and teachers had a wonderful and safe break and that you are all happy to be back at school! Many of you will have noticed our newly varnished floor in the OSHClub room. Please bear with us while the lingering smell of the varnish wears off! In other news, we would like to welcome Samantha and Jack as our more regular staff members! Samantha and Jack have been with OSHClub for a number of years and will be a great addition to our regular team. Our overall theme for Term 2 at OSHClub is ‘The Forest’; many of our activities over the next 10 weeks or so will be related to everything and anything about forests! We all can’t wait to start decorating and creating some weird and wonderful new things! So please, if you have any questions about our service here at Kalinda Primary School do not hesitate to contact us or just drop in for a chat! Kind Regards, Jeanette Lea, Kalli Boag, Samantha Lawrence, Jack Rountree, Wendy Reid. Program phone: 0439 992 434 Coordinator: Jeanette Lea. Assistants: Kalli Boag, Wendy Reid, Jack Rountree, Samantha Lawrence. OSHClub Head Office: 03 85649000 All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program. COMMUNITY NEWS UNIFORM SHOP Opening Hours – Mondays from 3pm – 3.45pm. If you are unable to make this time, order forms are available from the office or you can download from the website at / Notices and Forms. Just send in your order, with payment and it will be processed as soon as possible. SHANNON & JO UNIFORM SHOP VOLUNTEERS SCHOOL BANKING Bring your yellow Dollarmites wallet (or black for grades 4-6) to school each Friday. Wallets are to be placed in the grey CommBank bag and brought up to the office and will be returned to your classroom in the same bag. Kalinda receives $5 when children make their first deposit at school and 5% commission on every deposit made at school through the School Banking Program. Students will also receive a Dollarmites token for each deposit which can be redeemed when you have 10 tokens for your chosen reward. 2015 Competition! The Grand Prize: A Family Trip to Disneyland!! Students who make 25 or more School Banking deposits during 2015 will automatically enter the draw to win a trip to California’s Disneyland where they can enjoy Space Mountain and everything the park has to offer. The prize includes return airfares, five nights’ accommodation, transfers and 3 days park entry for up to two adults and two kids, as well as AUD$2000 spending money. If your child does not have a Youthsaver Account, you can open one at any Commonwealth Bank branch, or if you have NetBank, you can apply online. Alternatively, please contact one of the coordinators to discuss (we are in the Staffroom Friday mornings from 9am). JULIE & KYLIE STUDENT BANKING COORDINATORS Mother’s Day Stall Volunteers Needed We are holding our Mother’s Day stall on Tuesday 5th May and would LOVE people to volunteer to man the stalls. There are two shifts. 9am-11am (Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be coming through then), and 11am-1pm (for Grades 1 and 2 and Foundation groups). The volunteer list is up at the office and will also be passed around at our next P & F meeting, so please put your name down if you can. Younger siblings are welcome to come along too! Any questions, please call me on 0430 162 132 Adrianne Hicks (Parents & Friends) RECIPE OF THE WEEK! Really easy recipe and a great way of using up over-ripe bananas. I didn’t put in the nuts as some family members don’t like them. Banana, Raspberry & Macadamia Bread What you need: 1 cup Mashed Banana (about 2-3 ripe Bananas) 3/4 cup Caster Sugar 1/4 cup Buttermilk 2 Eggs, lightly beaten 1/4 cup Light Olive Oil 1 1/3 cups Self-Raising Flour 1/3 cup Macadamia Nuts, toasted, chopped (optional) 1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon 125 g Fresh Raspberries 1 tbsp Icing Sugar, to dust Preheat oven to 180°C or 160°C fan. Grease a 12cm x 21cm loaf pan. Line the base and 2 long sides with baking paper, allowing the sides to overhang by 4cm. Combine the banana and sugar in a large bowl. Stir in buttermilk, eggs, and oil. Add flour, macadamias and cinnamon. Stir until combined. Gently fold through raspberries. Spoon into prepared pan, smoothing the top. Bake for 1 hour or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Stand in pan for 5 minutes, then turn onto a wire rack to cool completely. Dust with icing sugar. WENDY McLAUGHLAN KALINDA CHEF SECONDARY SCHOOL OPEN NIGHTS KALINDA COMMUNITY NOTICE BOARD My Time Social Skills After School An 8-week group program that combines meditation with therapy for people who have a child with autism and have experienced depression or chronic unhappiness. This group teaches a range of exercises and skills based on Meditation and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, a type of therapy which helps people to change unhelpful or unhealthy thinking habits, feelings and behaviours. • Learn gentle and effective techniques that help maintain clarity and well-being • Learn about the patterns of the mind, how to recognise when your mood is starting to sink and how best to respond • Learn the practice of mindfulness meditation by listening to it in classes and at home • Help break the link between periods of sadness and negative or self-critical thinking Dates: Monday Evenings April 20 – June 8 (inclusive) Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Venue: Irabina Officer Branch, 454 Princes Highway, Officer, VIC 3809 Cost: FREE – This program has been kindly supported through the Cardinia Local Council Minor Community Support Grants. Participant will need to pay $50 for program resources. For more information please contact Louise Morse on (03) 9720 1118 or via email: [email protected] See the Community Board in the Foyer for more events. The Department of Education & Training (DET) and Kalinda Primary School, do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. DET and Kalinda Primary School accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. 11 12 An eight session anxiety management group for children aged 9-11 years old When: Time: Starts Tuesday 21 April – Tuesday 9 June 2015 4.30pm – 6pm Location: EACH Social and Community Health 75 Patterson Street, Ringwood East Cost: FREE with a referral to the ATAPS Program via your GP. Contact: Please contact Jackie Bailey (Group Facilitator/Psychologist) for more information about the group and the eligibility requirements. Phone: 03 9837 3999 - Places are limited please RSVP by 21 March 2015 Child and Parent(s) are required to attend an individual pre-group session and post group session. 13 14 TRANSITION TIMETABLE FOR SCHOOL ENTRY 2016 DATE EVENTS DESCRIPTION Monday 4th May 7.00pm - Library 2016 Foundation Information Evening Friday 23rd October 9.30 – 11.00am 2016 Prep Students Transition Friday 6th November 9.30 – 11.00am 2016 Prep Students Transition Friday 20th November 9.30 – 11.00am 2016 Prep Students Transition Monday 7th December 7.00pm – Library 2016 – Getting Started Tuesday 8th December 9.30 – 11.00am Orientation Day Our Students, Our World, Our Future! Becoming part of Kalinda Primary School. Enrolled 2016 Prep students have an introduction to Primary School Enrolled 2016 Prep students have an introduction to Primary School Enrolled 2016 Prep students have an introduction to Primary School Information Night for Parents of 2016 enrolled Prep students. Enrolled 2016 Prep students spend morning with their new class and teacher. For further information, or to arrange a tour, please ring 9876 3289 Principal: Gail Pollard Assistant Principal: Richard Lambert 15 TENNIS LESSONS AT KALINDA PRIMARY SCHOOL Term 2 coaching commences MONDAY 20th April 2015 FREE RACQUET HIRE WITH EVERY NEW ENROLMENT!! Lesson Times Grades Prep-6 1.10-1.40PM Lesson Details Tennis Lessons are held at Kalinda Primary School every MONDAY AT LUNCHTIME for seven weeks of the school term. Students will be notified over the P/A system before each lesson commences, however the coach will collect the Prep students from the classroom. Each lesson will consist of different themes and plenty of fun games. Students will learn tennis fundamentals such as footwork, balance and basic techniques of the forehand/backhand/volley and serve. Lessons are taken place in a fun, friendly environment where students will learn whilst still enjoying tennis with their friends. The cost for this seven week program is $70. To enrol your child please fill out the form below enclosed with $70.00 and return to the office in an envelope by MONDAY 20th April (please note payments are accepted up until two weeks after this date.) Cash and cheques are accepted with cheques to be written out to MATCH POINT TENNIS COACHING. For further information please contact Daniel Kittelty/Junior Development Coach on 0421 498 110. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kalinda P.S Tennis enrolment form term 2/2015 Students full name: Parents first names: Contact Number: Grade and Room: Any allergies/health conditions (Please write below)
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