Koroit & District PS Newsletter Term 2 Week 3 - Newsletter Date: 1st May 2015 School Agreements • • • • • Mutual Respect Attentive Listening Appreciations and not Put Downs Right to Pass Personal Best TERM Dates for 2015 Term 2: 13 April to 26 June Term 3: 13 July to 18 September Term 4: 5 October to 18 December MENTOR FOCUS What does it mean to belong? This week we focussed on wearing our UNIFORM WITH PRIDE. Please respect our uniform code. Hats, scarves and hair ties must be in school colours. Shoes must be secured, clean and in good condition for appearance and safety. PLEASE NAME ALL CLOTHES. Don’t forget to return your ICT permission forms to the office. From The Principal JOIN ME FOR THE WALK OR, IF YOU ARE FITTER THAN ME, RUN. Meet at the Blackwood centre tonight at 5:30 pm. What a great weekend ahead for Koroit. Thank you to the grade 6 students for arranging the FUN RUN. Thank you to donors of prizes…Murray Goulburn, Little Thai House, Kutz on Clarke, Koroit Hair Design, Sacred Stones, Commercial Hotel, Bookworm Gallery, DeTa Hair, Amazing Grace, Poppies, Koroit newsagency, Lyndon Edney Electrical, Koroit pharmacy, IGA and KDPS staff and more. I love the leprechauns. Voting will finish on Saturday. While we hoped to be able to announce the winner on Saturday afternoon, we need time to collect and count the votes so we will announce the winners on Monday. PARADE walkers need to be at the theatre at 11:45 but dancers earlier at 11:30. Thank you to Pamela Dowling for training the dancers. Parade walkers are encouraged to dress in anything Irish or that represents Koroit. Thank you to all the hard working parents who have prepared for and will cook and serve at the bbq on Saturday. Our school council president, Steve Hoy and his helpers, will wow the crowd with the chook lotto. A great weekend. Mother’s Day is coming up and the School Community Association are honouring our wonderful mums with an afternoon tea on Friday 8 May. Sadly I won’t be there to meet with you all on that afternoon. I know the joy and sometimes frustrations of being a mum, but it is a true privilege to be a mum. Want to help your children prepare for NAPLAN? Please ask your teachers for practice examples they can do from home. Talk with them about their reading and ask questions that a) they can directly find the answer to in the text and b) answers they need to think about. Also talk about the meaning of different words. Create some questions that are similar to those on the practice tests. With spelling, help them to identify when words look wrong. Often children can spell words correctly but with NAPLAN they are asked to circle words that are incorrectly spelled and this sometimes confuses them. Ask them to write stories and arguments (persuasive writing). Your teachers will have a look at them for you. Insist that they take time to check for grammar and punctuation errors. A reminder again that we will have Grandparents day on Friday 22 May and also that I invite any parents to morning tea with me during education week on Tuesday 19 May at 10:00. All welcome. Michelle Bickley-Miller PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 1 Week - Newsletter Date: regularly 31 January 2014 Dates for Term 2.1Please check for changes. Week 3 Fri 1 May 5:30pm Fun Run MARC Sat 2 May Irish Festival Mon 4 May Wed 6 May Thurs 7 May Week 4 Book Club Orders returned to the office Lion King May Races Public Holiday Fri 8 May Mothers Day stall No MARC Mothers Day afternoon tea 2.30pm Week 5 Marc Author Week Thur 14 May 11:00am Author visit Fri 15 May Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day Mon 18 May Eisteddfod Tues 19 May Morning tea with the Principal 10am Wed 20 May Book Fair Thur 21 May Book Fair Fri 22 May Book Fair Grandparents Day Marc Moyne Cross Country Week 6 Week 7 Thur 28 May Musica Viva performance 11.30 Fri 29 May Division Cross Country MARC Fri 5 June MARC Mon 8 June Fri 12 June Queen’s Birthday Holiday Regional Cross Country Marc Fri 19 June MARC Moyne Winter Sports Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Fri 26 June No MARC End of Term As of Monday, 4th May ‘Crunchas’ will NO LONGER be available in lunch orders. They don’t meet the DET Health Achievement Guidelines. Term 2 Week 3- Newsletter Date: 1st May 2015 Some of our Leprechauns on display at the front of the school. IRISH FESTIVAL - Chook Bingo! IRISH FESTIVAL - Chook Bingo! Our School is again running Chook Bingo at the Irish Festival. All staff and parents have the opportunity to pre-buy a ticket for $10. If one of the chooks deposits its business in your square you could win: First Prize: $170 Second Prize:$90 Third Prize: $50 Tickets are available from the school’s front office. Dear Parents, we are still gratefully accepting donations of fresh fruit for our Fresh Fruit Fridays and also any arts and crafts materials that you may have. PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 3- Newsletter Date: 1st May 2015 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 3 - Newsletter Date 1st May 2015 ROAD SAFETY REMINDER John Keats from Victoria Police spoke with all our students on Monday reminding them of road safety rules. These included Stop, Look, Listen and Walk carefully when crossing and of course to use designated crossing areas when available. He also reminded us all about the need for helmets with cycling, scooting or skating. He demonstrated: how to check if the helmets are safe…must have the foam inserts in place and have no damage. how to fit the helmet properly…two fingers from top of eyebrows to top of helmet and two fingers slide under the chin strap. REMINDER RE MOYNE SHIRE GAZETTED HOLIDAY: May 7 2015 As Moyne shire has gazetted that May Race day is a public holiday, the school will be closed for this day. So please note that there is no school for staff or students on May 7. MORNING TEA WITH THE PRINCIPAL Michelle invites all parents, current and future, to join her for morning tea to talk about our school. She loves to hear your ideas and to share her vision for our school. Tuesday 19th May at 10am. GRANDPARENTS DAY Our annual grandparents’ day will be Friday 22 May in Education Week. Please alert grandparents to this date. We will encourage them to visit classrooms from 11:30 and we will offer them a simple lunch at 12:30. WHOLE SCHOOL WALK The whole school walk has been rescheduled from May 18 until sometime in June due to a clash with eisteddfod times. We are planning a different location for the walk this year. IRISH FESTIVAL PARADE For this year’s Irish Festival Parade, Pamela Dowling has been training some dancers who will dance with the parade. We encourage all our students to join the parade wearing anything Irish or festive of their choice. All students to meet at the Koroit Theatre at 11.45 for a 12md parade. PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 3- Newsletter Date: 1st May 2015 Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability ‘Collection Notice’ Dear Parents, Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability ‘Collection Notice’ All schools in Australia, including Independent and Catholic schools, will participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability this year. The Data Collection is an annual count of the number of students with disability receiving educational adjustments to support their participation in education on the same basis as students without disability. All education agencies are now required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013 to provide information on a student’s level of education, disability and level of adjustment to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.* Data will continue to be de-identified prior to its transfer to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. No student’s identity will be provided to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. The collection of this information from states and territories will inform future policy and program planning in relation to students with disability. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michelle Bickley-Miller on 55658332 or the Victorian Department of Education and Training Data Collection Hotline on (03) 9651 3621. For questions after 7 August 2015, please call the Australian Government Department of Education and Training on 1300 566 046. * For more information on Schedule 3—Amendments for the collection of data on students who are persons with a disability Australian Education Regulation 2013 see: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2014L01723/Html/ Text#_Toc404934419 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 3- Newsletter Date: 1st May 2015 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 3 - Newsletter Date: 1st May 2015 Josie Balash-Edney Primary Welfare Officer PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 3 - Newsletter Date: 1st May 2015 PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 3 - Newsletter Date: 1st May 2015 Education Tips: Science Science Education Tips Kids love Science, and its so easy to encourage our young scientists at home. We all know that children love to ask that dreaded ‘why?’ question whenever they get a chance, so why not use their natural curiosity for some fun at-home learning? Here are some great ideas to fuel that natural curiosity with science that is all around us… Explore Outdoors There is a limitless supply of fun, easy and readily available (and free!) things to do outdoors that encourage children to compare, observe, explore and experiment. From overturning large rocks after a rainstorm to reveal wiggly earthworms to making gigantic bubbles, warm summer days brim with science potential. Frogs, lizards, butterflies, caterpillars, nests, and ponds all invite observation of habitats and ecosystems. Set up multiple bird feeders, each with different types of seed, and see what happens. On hot days, make rainbows with a sprinkler. In an open space, kites, frisbees, and paper airplanes all use basic principles of flight. One plane flies far, and the other doesn’t? Ask why! Build Something When kids build with blocks, Legos, or tinker-style toys, they can compare structures, think about the relationship between height and stability and investigate what stands and what falls. Assemble a marble -run kit from an assortment of household items, including toilet paper holders, plastic funnels, small train track pieces, cardboard, and lots of tape. If you are at the beach, experiment with sand castle building. Do you need water? Ask why! PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy Term 2 Week 3 Newsletter Date: 1st April 2015 KDPS COMMUNITY PAGE PH: 5565 8332 - FAX: 5565 8812 - EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: koroitps.global2.vic.edu.au PRINCIPAL: Michelle Bickley - SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Stephen Hoy H G I N O T ! T
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