Reg Association No. A0005414X SHOW JUMPING DAY Sunday 28 th June 2015 Macedon Pony Club Grounds: Barringo Recreation Reserve, Shannon’s Rd New Gisborne Entry Fee: $40.00 per horse $50.00 for non-insurance holders which includes the $10.00 day participant fee (see open riders note below) Entries Close Sunday 21st June On-‐line entry via website or Enquiries: Michael Hemingway on 0410 589 060 or [email protected] Draw published on website Thursday 25th June Pony Club & Open: Grades A, B, C, D, E & F Trophy for Overall Champion in each Grade - Sashes 1st to 6th place in each competition Rosette for rider judged to have best equitation in each grade PROGRAMME: Event 1: Competition in Two Phases (FEI Articles: 274; 274.5.2) GRADE Min Start Height Max Start Height Max Finish Height Max Spread Speed A 1.00 1.10 1.25 1.35 350 Event 2: Competition over Two Rounds (FEI Articles: 273; 273.2.2;; 273.4.3) B 0.90 1.00 1.15 1.20 325 A competition comprising 2 courses at the same speed, either identical or different; in track, number of obstacles, or dimensions of obstacles. Athletes must participate with the same horse & all athletes have to take part in the 1st round. Athletes eliminated or retiring during the 1st round, may not take part in the 2nd round & will not be placed. C 0.75 0.85 1.00 1.05 300 D 0.60 0.70 0.85 0.85 275 Bonus Event: Handy Mount ($5.00 per run - entries on day) E 0.45 0.55 0.70 0.70 250 Two age groups (12 & Under and Over 12). Prizes will be awarded for the fastest time in each class. F 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.55 250 A competition comprising two phases run without interruption, the finishing line for the first phase is the starting line for the second phase. First phase is a course of 7 to 9 obstacles with or without combinations; the second phase is 4 to 6 obstacles, and may include one combination. Open Riders please note: § § All riders -‐ including Pony Club Members -‐ Must sign a Public Liability Declaration Form. Riders without proof of adequate insurance cover (EA, HRCAV, AHSA, AERA or an Interstate Pony club Member). Must complete Day Participant Waiver Form and pay $10 fee. Proof of Current Membership must be presented to the Secretaries Desk prior to competing. Conditions of Entry: (in accordance with PCAV rules) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Entering this competition constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance that PCAV rules apply. The organizing committee reserves the right to cancel any class or competition; divide any class; alter times; refuse any entry with or without stating the reason. No refunds after closing date, except with Vet or Medical certificate. A $10 administration fee will apply to all refunds. PCAV club member cards must be inspected at the event secretary’s office before riding. Competitors may enter more than one horse. A horse may only be entered into one section and ridden by one competitor. Entries and preferences according to the listed order on the entry form will be subject to ballot. The final draw is at the organizing committee’s discretion. Gear check is required for all pony club & open riders. Medical armbands will be inspected at gear check to ensure compliance. Competitors should present to gear check 30mins before their class. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Correct ‘standards’ numbered helmet must be worn as specified in PCAV Gear Rules. Spot checks may occur and incorrect helmet will mean elimination. Horses must be at least age four, no stallions, colts or rigs allowed. Queries, protests, horse abuse and doping rules as per the PCAV Handbook of By-Laws. Dogs are prohibited without exception. Neither the organizing committee of this competition nor the PCAV accepts any responsibility whatsoever for any accident, damage, injury or illness to horses, riders, ground spectators or any other person or property. Competitors must remove all manure from the grounds. Please bring a sack or request one on entry. No yards available, horses to be tied to floats only, not trees. A designated lunging area is not available on the day. Riders must supply their own saddlecloth or bridle numbers.
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