Marian College Newsletter Thursday, April 16th 2015 - Edition 5 Principal’s Report INSIDE THIS WEEK CALENDAR, ROSTERS & REMINDERS Student News >Upcoming Events >Year 9 & 10 news > Year 11 & 12 news > School Reports 2015 > Sport News > Caritas K’s > School Production Marian College Prince St (PO Box 215) Myrtleford 3737 P: (03) 5752 1596 F: (03) 5752 2796 We have just come from the celebration of the most important event in Catholic Liturgy – Easter. This Easter period gave us time for reflection and renewal; time to take stock of what is really important to our families and ourselves. Our world is fraught with dangers- sacrifices and disasters. We need only look to the French Alps, a Kenyan University, a Doncaster Park and a Detention Centre for Refugees in the last month to find dark resonance. Easter gives us the jolt we need to look at renewal, to find re-birth, to resurrect new life. Our job is to gather together, to stand for justice, to serve the most vulnerable and to work positively to transform our world community together. E: [email protected] W: At Marian, we have carried the flame of community, the light of knowledge and more this year already in our expression of the theme, ‘You Are the Light of the World’. A renewal of light this Easter is timely for us as we begin a long and challenging term. Year 12’s move towards the completion of Unit 3, Year 11’s head off to the city on camp, our Immersion group travels to Hermansberg; students enjoy footy, athletics, netball, cycling and cross country;; immerse ourselves in ANZAC commemorations, reflect on “Sorry Day” and Reconciliation Week; celebrate Mother’s Day with the Fete; pay tribute to workers during WW2 with our College production ”Dinkum Assorted”; attend lectures, excursions, interviews, exams, wear red noses, have our photos taken … and more this term! Hope springs from our involvement, our action, our education and our community. As we now move into the autumn and winter of our year, let us keep our lights burning bright. Have a great term everyone! [Type text] At the Easter Vigil Mass we lit the Paschal candle symbolizing the eternal presence of Christ, light of the world. It is from this candle that we light all others throughout the year. Vicky McGowan, Principal MARIAN COLLEGE SCHOOL BLAZERS Cartwright Fashions apologises for the delay in the supply of the College blazers. Ruth will phone each family as soon as they arrive. We are hoping to have the blazers within the month of May. CARITAS FUNDRAISING Students are reminded that sponsorship books must be returned this week. Money raised to date totals $1510.40. Our aim is to raise enough money to purchase two cows for an Indonesian community. Calendar, Rosters, Reminders Z 2015 Calendar Dates Thursday, April 16th Marian College Athletics Carnival Monday, April 20th MART Parent/Student Information Session Wednesday, April 29th Parent Teacher Student Interviews Monday, May 4 th Monday, April 20th Fiona Rigoni Tuesday, April 21st Brenda Browne Wednesday, April 22nd Sandra Dondio Thursday, April 23rd Shantel Brown Friday, April 24th Louise Cunneen & Elisha Hazeldine Monday, April 27th Erica Kirk Tuesday, April 28th Robina Flack Wednesday, April 29th Melissa Sellick Staff PD – School Closure Day Tuesday, May 5th Immunisation Day 2; Year 7, 8, 9 th Thursday May 7 – Friday, May 8th Year 11 City Camp Saturday, May 9th Marian St. Mary’s Schools Fete th Canteen Roster th Tuesday, 12 to Thursday 14 May NAPLAN Monday, May 18th ACER testing (Year 7 – 10) Tuesday, May 26th SCHOOL PHOTO DAY Wednesday, May 27th Open Night Tuesday, October 20th Final Mass and Graduation Year 12 Tuesday, December 1st Presentation Night Thursday, April 30th Liz Primerano Friday, May 1st Sally Carroll & Loretta Power If you are unable to do your turn please arrange a swap or contact Karen at the Canteen on 5752 1808. [Type text] Marian Catholic College | Edition 5| 16 April 2015 | Page 2 ABSENTEES Reminder to parents that the reporting of a student’s absence is a Government requirement. Parents need to telephone the College on 5752 1596 by 9.00 a.m. as a matter of urgency if your child is absent from school on a particular day. When the student returns to school he/she must have a written note signed by a parent explaining the absence. Thank you. WELCOME AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY We acknowledge the Minjambuta people, the very first custodians of this land. The history of this area goes back thousands of years when the Minjambuta people moved along the valleys and mountains and rivers from the areas around Mt. Hotham down to near where the Hume Freeway now stands. We thank them for the land they now share with us. We pledge ourselves to work with all Aboriginal people as they look for reconciliation and justice in the years to come. Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Z Marian St. Mary’s Country Fair Mothers’ Day Stall/Crostoli Stall KIDS’ CORNER Marian College is once again running the Mothers’ Day stall for the Marian St. Mary’s Country Fair. We are asking for donations of coffee or tea cups and these will be filled with yummy homemade goodies etc. and sold on the stall. Donations can be left at the College office. Marian College will also have a Crostoli Stall at the Fete… Watch this space… more news soon! Kids’ Corner is returning again this year…. Face Painting, lucky dip, and lots of other activities! PARENT STUDENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS 2015 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th 2.00 pm – 8.00 pm Marian Catholic College | Edition 5| 16 April 2015 | Page 3 ENTERTAINMENT CORNER School Reports 2015 and Mart Program Year 9 & Year 10 STUDENT NEWS Well done Kayla Garoni who competed at the Hume Regional swimming carnival in late March. Kayla came 3rd in the 100m Freestyle and 2nd in the 200m Individual Medley. The competition at this level is very high so these are great results. Congratulations Kayla! SRC Please encourage your student to be a member of the SRC and take a leadership position and be a voice for others! Maddie speaking at our final assembly for Term one asking students from Year 7 to Year 10 to consider becoming a member of our Student Representative Council for 2015 PARENT STUDENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS 2015 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th All 51 Year 9 students camped at Mt. Buffalo for a very chilly three day camp at the end of last term! There were four main activities: kayaking, abseiling, rock climbing and mountain bike riding. All students pushed themselves to overcome fears while having heaps of fun. Students camped in tents overnight and had the choice of a warm shower that was provided for them. Students also enjoyed sitting around an inviting camp fire along with the teachers engaging in conversation. Report by Brooke Kelly & Emily O'Sullivan 2.00 pm – 8.00 pm Marian Catholic College | Edition 5| 16 April | Page 4 Upcoming Events Year 11 & Year 12 UNIT 1 / 2 OUTDOOR EDUCATION EXCURSION EASTER LITURGY Last Thursday the Unit 1/2 Outdoor Education class headed to Mt Pilot National Park to participate in a day of rock climbing and abseiling. This was a chance for students who completed the middle school course to consolidate the skills learnt in the Indoor Environment last year. The students very quickly learnt how difficult and physically demanding climbing can be. I was amazed by the determination some students showed to get themselves to the top of various climbs. Several lost skin and ended up with various bumps and bruises however climbed on anyway! The abseiling was not as physically demanding however certainly tested students’ nerves as they lowered themselves over the edge of a very steep rock face. A great day was had by all. Davina Perkins, (Outdoor Education) The Easter Liturgy school assembly was held on Wednesday March 25th PARENT STUDENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS 2015 Pictured: I CALL MY BROTHERS Ryan Gropel WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th 2.00 pm – 8 pm Melbourne Theatre Company ‘I Call My Brothers’ is a frenzied showdown between our prejudices toward other people and each other. This acclaimed Swedish play for young adult audiences is coming to Myrtleford on Thursday, May 14th at EMPAC for VCE drama students. CAPTAINS’ CORNER Term 2 has now started. Holidays and the Easter break have finished and we are back in the swing of things with plenty to be done. The leaders have had their first meeting of the term on Tuesday morning, starting off with a delicious breakfast and we look forward to a busy and exciting term! Ryley Sharp Marian Catholic College | Edition 5| 16 April | Page 5 School Reports 2015 and Mart Program NEW MARKING SYSTEM SCHOOL REPORTS 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians Years 7-10 - The grading scale for all reported assessment tasks for years 7-10 is as follows: RE: Changes to reports 2015 90-100% - Outstanding 80-89% - Excellent As of this reporting cycle a number of changes have been made regarding how we report student achievement at Marian College. Most importantly, letter grades have been replaced with worded descriptors. The primary reason for this is to avoid confusion with the statewide AusVELS reporting structure which uses letters to mark achievement. However, no significant change has been made to the percentage bands. Generally speaking, students achieving Acceptable to Outstanding results on their reports are “At Standard” with respect to AusVELS unless otherwise specified by the subject teacher. 70-79% - Very Good 60-69% - Good 50-59% - Acceptable 40-49% - Approaching Another noteworthy change is that an end of Semester Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory achievement level will be given for each subject. More details about this process will be communicated in the coming weeks. Reports will be emailed by the end of Week 2 of Term 2 in preparation for Student/ Parent/ Teacher interviews. Parents are reminded that they have ongoing access to their child’s feedback via the online Parent Access Module (PAM) at Please contact your child’s Learning Mentor if you have misplaced your login codes. For further explanation of the new marking system please see the information provided below which will also appear on the cover page of the new reports. You will have the opportunity to discuss any concerns at the upcoming Student/ Parent/ Teacher interview. Standard <40% - Not Satisfactory Some tasks may be marked as either Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. End of Semester Satisfactory / Not Satisfactory achievement levels: In order to successfully complete a semester of schooling, students must complete all reported assessment tasks to a satisfactory standard. AusVELS: Each semester 7-10 students will be awarded an AusVELS level that indicates their progress according to national standards outlined by the Australian Curriculum. VCE: The grading system for VCE outcomes is Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. However, the VCAA use the grades A+ to E. VET and VCAL: The grading system for VET, VCAL and other subjects with practical components is Competent or Not Competent. MART 2015 It is on again! Students of St. Mary’s Primary School, Myrtleford P-12 College and Marian College are invited to participate in the 2015 MART ski program. The program is open to all students of these schools from Year 2 and up. There will be an information evening in the Marian College Library from 6 pm on Monday the 20th of April. All families are encouraged to attend. In 2015 we are working on more flexible arrangements for the supervision of our primary school participants which will include three full day ‘Kids Club’ sessions for novice skiers. Updated information will be available from the MART website from Monday the 13th of April. Other relevant reporting terms: Not Assessed: Student is not expected to complete the work due to absence or illness. Modified Work: Student's work has been modified as students are either working above or below the AusVELS standard. In Progress: The assessment task is ongoing and will be marked after the reporting cycle. Late Submission: The student has not completed the assessment in time. Marian Catholic College | Edition 5| 16 April | Page 6 We are looking forward to a great 2015 snow season! Phillip Newman, Mart Leader per Cate Sutterby - Marian College; Jo Milford – Myrtleford P-12 College; Adam Davis - St. Mary’s Primary School. Upcoming Events Sport News & Easter Raffle & MART Program UPPER HUME TENNIS Ea SUPER 8 CRICKET On Thursday 19 March our senior and intermediate tennis teams travelled to Wangaratta to compete in the Upper Hume Competition. Congratulations to our Senior Girls team consisting of Amie Antonello, Kaitlin Bonacci, Allie Langdon and Lauren Baldori. The girls will now proceed to the Hume Region Final in Wangaratta on 23 April. Our intermediate boys team consisting of Jacob Kneebone, Pat Bren, Zander Dalbosco and Tyler Bonacci were runners up. MARIAN/ST. MARY’S PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION EASTER RAFFLE\ Thank you to families and staff members who contributed and supported the Easter Raffle. There were 45 prize winners! An amazing effort! Congratulations! Marian Catholic College | Edition 5 | 16 April 2015 | Page 7 School Reports 2015 and Mart Program Special Events – Caritas K’s Photos Courtesy of Mr. Guinane and Lily Slater, Year 11 ………………… Along the Rail Trail West Beat: Wangaratta West Primary School Philipino Community Project Compassion stories Marian Catholic College | Edition 5| 19 April | Page 8 Upcoming Events School Production DINKUM ASSORTED ADULT: $10 STUDENT: $6 CONCESSION: $6 FAMILY: $32 *(2 ADULTS; 3 CHILDREN) WATCH THIS SPACE … Tickets will go on sale shortly! Marian Catholic College | Edition 5| 16 April | Page 9 School Reports 2015 and Mart Program Community Announcements Carers Victoria’s Young carer Scholarships give young carers attending secondary school the opportunity to be acknowledged for their contributions to their family and the community and to participate in school or community based activities that enhance their skills, educational achievement and abilities, or that help them to participate more fully in their community. A scholarship of up to $250 is awarded to successful applicants and is generously supported by Rotary Club of Mt. Eliza. Young Carer Scholarships are open to secondary school students who live in Victoria and provide care and support to a family member with an illness or disability. Carers Scholarship information please phone 1800 242 636 or email [email protected] Applications close on Friday, April 24th 2015 – Carers Victoria Young Carers Scholarships PO Box 2204, Footscray Vic 3011. Myrtleford Football Netball Club 2015 memberships are now available for purchase. Support your local O & M Football Club the Mighty Saints! Follow the link below to easily secure membership now. Are you a parent, grandparent or carer of a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder? (Of any level including Asperger’s … diagnosed or undiagnosed) We are a group of parents who meet every six weeks to discuss challenges we are having, share information we’ve discovered and just generally support each other as we strive to do our best to support our amazing children. We welcome anyone caring for someone on the Autism Spectrum including children or teens with Asperger’s to come along and join. You can also look us up on Facebook under Alpine Valleys Autism Carers support group. th WHEN: FRIDAY 24 APRIL, 2015 TIME: 1.00 p.m. WHERE: MYRTLEFORD LIBRARY, Meeting Room If you want to find out more, or speak to us about coming, please feel free to call Julie on 0428 877 878 or Sean on 0424 676 416 Or email inquiries to: [email protected] FORD LIBRARY, Meeting Room Marian Catholic College | Edition 5| 16 April | Page 10 Date: 21 April 2015 Time: Free half hour sessions between 9.00 am and 4.30 pm Venue: Pangerang Community House, 38 Ovens Street, Wangaratta Vic 3677. For appointments, please phone during business hours (03) 9269 0408 or 1300 792 387.
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