Exhibit Booth Space Application MEMPHIS, TN ▪ AUGUST 15-16, 2015 THE EDGE DISTRICT - MARSHALL AVE & MONROE ST Contract is hereby submitted to exhibit at the Memphis International Rockabilly Festival Produced and Managed by Universal Fairs and In The Wings PO Box 1327, Cordova TN 38088 Phone: 901-867-7007 ▪ Fax: 901-867-7121 [email protected] ▪ www.memphisrockabillyfest.com 10’X10’ BOOTH OUTDOOR: $250 ADD ON EXTRA 10X10 SPACE(S): EXHIBIT SPACE(S) REQUESTED: ____________________________ OUTDOOR: $200 each CORNER BOOTH: ADD $75 TOTAL COST OF SPACE(S): $ _____________________ SELLING: If you are selling, please give a general description of products in your exhibit: ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ MIRF has no control over pricing of products or over the number of vendors selling similar or competitive products. Table and chairs are not included but will be available for rental from Hicks Convention Services: www.hicksconventions.com ACCEPTANCE: This contract is subject to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS as set forth in the Exhibitor Information Packet and as posted on www.memphisrockabillyfest.com. Upon acceptance of this application by Show Management, you will receive a confirmation of your booth assignment. (Show Management will have final determination on exhibitor acceptability.) FINAL PAYMENT: If final payment is not received by Balance Due Date,July 24th, 2015, your booth may be reassigned. Booth requests received AFTER the Balance Due Date of July 24th, 2015 require full payment in order for a booth to be assigned. If Exhibitor fails to make full booth payment due hereunder on the balance due date, Management may change Exhibitor’s space assignment without further notice or may cancel such Exhibitors rights to exhibit and/or such Exhibitor shall not be entitled to a refund, either in whole or in part, of any fee. CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: All cancellations of booth space must be in writing on company letterhead and are subject to all TERMS AND CONDITIONS. No refunds will be issued in the event of cancellation after JULY 24TH 1st, 2015. Applicable refunds will be returned within 30 days of show close. INSURANCE: ALL vendors/exhibitors must submit a standard accord form for commercial liability insurance with no less than $1 million dollars worth of coverage. It must show Memphis International Rockabilly Festival, Universal Fairs, In The Wings and the City of Memphis as additionally insured. You can also purchase $100 insurance from Universal Fairs. Call (901) 867-7007 to purchase. PLEASE TYPE/ PRINT CLEARLY: COMPANY NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ___________________________________CITY :_____________________STATE_____ ZIP:______________ BUSINESS PHONE: _____________________________ EXT. __________FAX: ___________________________________________ EMAIL (FOR IN-HOUSE USE ONLY): ___________________________________ WEBSITE: _________________________________ COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE: ____________________________________________ TITLE: _______________________________ SIGNATURE ACCEPTING TERMS OF CONTRACT: _________________________________________________________________ COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE MOBILE #: _________________________________________________________________________ REMITTANCE: A 50% deposit of the total space fee is required with this Exhibit Space Contract. The remaining 50% balance must be received by the Balance Due Date of July 24th, 2015. Booth Assignments are made after deposit is received and Exhibitor Badges are distributed at the festival at check in. Returned checks will be charged a $50.00 fee. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: UNIVERSAL FAIRS Send Application and check to: UNIVERSAL FAIRS, PO Box 1327, Cordova TN 38088 If paying by credit card please make payment online at www.memphisrockabillyfest.com or fill out the info below and mail, fax or scan. If scanning - please email to [email protected] NAME ON CARD: _________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE:____________________________________ DATE: __________________ CARD BILLING ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ CITY:____________________________ STATE: _____ ZIP: _______________________ APPROVED AMOUNT TO BE CHARGED: ______________________________________ MASTERCARD VISA AMEX # ________________________________________________ CARD SECURITY CODE: _____________ CARD EXPIRATION DATE: _______________ FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY BOOTH # ___________________ DEPOSIT: _______________ ____ EARLY REG. DISCOUNT: ______ BALANCE DUE:______________ PACKET SENT: _______________
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