Ms. Barmann American Lit. 11H Honors Quote Journal Assignment—Part II (QJ 7-9 and QJ 10-12) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------ALL quote journals are trying to answer this question: What is the author doing with language, and HOW and WHY is he doing it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to set up your quote journals: 1. Choose a topic from the list below. You should use every topic once, BUT you may always comment on diction, syntax and/or other literary devices in your QJs. 2. Choose a chunk of text (a few lines – not too long, not too short) that you think is significant. 3. Write out the passage at the top of the page. Put quotes around it. Copy the text exactly as it appears in the book. Make sure you cite it correctly. “Blah blah blah blah quote from The Road” (McCarthy 34). 4. Underneath the passage, explain in your own words what is significant about the ideas represented in the passage. You may respond to the emotion of the passage, if you find it emotionally affecting. You may interpret what you believe McCarthy was trying to say, thematically, in the passage (what lesson/message is he trying to convey to readers?). You may comment on or discuss your reaction to plot, characterization, setting, or relationships. You should comment on literary qualities of the work, such as diction (his word choice), pacing, plot development, predictability, descriptive language, and how each of these contribute to the meaning of the text. This is a huge one—one that I’m specifically looking for in your analysis. You may make connections to your own experiences or to real life. Topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. isolation/loneliness hope and/or hopelessness the road, as metaphor syntax destruction and cruelty a parent’s love for a child dreams religion 9. symbols 10. literary devices (choose from alliteration, assonance, personification, repetition, similes/metaphors, imagery onomatopoeia, oxymoron, allusion, irony) ALL ANALYSIS SHOULD BE ABOUT A PAGE LONG! Ms. Barmann American Lit. 11H How you will be graded (20 pts for each QJ): - completion of an entry for each chunk of assigned reading (each quote journal should be a handwritten page, minimum) choice of quotation – detailed, meaningful coverage of text – you chose those five sentences; did you thoroughly discuss all of them in your journal? interpretation is thoughtful, goes beyond surface plot summary literary elements – identifying and connecting them to meaning questions and connections – thought-provoking questions, if you asked them, and insightful personal connections citation/format—did you properly cite the quote and did you skip a line before you analysis GROWTH—Has your analysis and writing improved since your previous quote journals? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quote Journal #7 (p. 129-156) DUE WED. 3/25 Quote Journal #8 (p.156-175) DUE WED. 3/25 Quote Journal #9 (p. 176—198) DUE WED. 3/25 Quote Journal #10 (199-221) DUE SAT. 3/28 by midnight Quote Journal #11 (222—250) DUE SAT. 3/28 by midnight Quote Journal #12 (p. 251-end) DUE SAT. 3/28 by midnight NOTE: QJ 10-12 will count as a summative assessment, and will therefore be 70% of your grade. Schedule MONDAY TUESDAY 3/16 WEDNESDAY 3/27 THURSDAY FRIDAY 3/18 3/19 3/20 Read through 175 Read 176-198 Read 199-221 PARCC 3/23 Read 222-250 PARCC In-class QUIZ due if you haven’t turned it in already 3/24 3/25 Read 251-287 (end) -Paper pass back PARCC - Explain QJ 10-12 Summative Assessment 3/26 -Writing -Writing conferences conferences -In-class writing time -In-class writing time QJ 7-9 DUE TODAY - Movie - Movie 3/27 - Movie QJ 10-12 DUE 3/28 by midnight Submit your work via Google docs to [email protected]. Make sure you give me permission to review and edit. You may ALWAYS submit work early. Late will be receive a letter grade deduction for every day late.
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