T he B ell R inger The Newsletter of Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church May 2015 Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church PO Box 605, 228 Crosby Blvd. Old Forge, NY 13420 Our Mission: To Live Out Christ’s Love By Nurturing Spiritual Growth and Fellowship and by Reaching Out in Faith and Love Pastor Rev. Lawrence Bartel Pastor Emeritus Rev. James L. Ulrich Organists Judith Barker Susann Rundell Secretary / Editor Mary Brophy-Moore Sunday Schedule Early Worship: 7:30 am Worship Service: 10:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Service Broadcast on WBRV-900 AM, 101.3 FM WLLG-FM 99.3 Online (live): themoose.net Office Hours Mon Fri: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Phone: 369-3475 Fax: 369-6172 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.niccolls.org: Here you’ll find weekly worship bulletins & audio recordings of the sermon. Mountain Meditation by Rev. Lawrence Bartel What a bright and mild and spring day! I just returned from a walk with our family dog, Casey. This morning we walked over the TOBIE Trail Bridge to Thendara. Birdsong filled the air and a deer grazed near the riverbank. Gazing over the Moose River from that same bridge we’ve recently observed muskrat browsing the shoreline for food, a mallard pair preparing a nest and a solitary heron patiently waiting for a snack. Exploring the woods and waterways outside of our Adirondack communities yields even more creatures. On our walk yesterday to Lock and Dam, Casey and I were momentarily stopped in our tracks by the explosion of a ruffed grouse taking off from a hiding spot near the trail. God’s creatures are also an integral part of our lives much closer to home. Inside our homes, pets provide companionship and delight for all ages. Outside, we’ve created partnerships with countless animals that bring food to our tables, including horses and cattle, chicken and goats, bees and pigs and so many more. If Niccolls Church is one of God’s many dwelling places, then the building has also hosted its share of creatures. Throughout the week, you’re likely to find Casey or Doogie in the office assisting our daily work of ministry. On more than one occasion, we’ve welcomed into a memorial service the canine companion who faithfully stayed by the side a person who suddenly passed away until others arrived on the scene. As the last of winter’s snow recedes, let’s join our voices with all creation praising the Lord. Read Psalm 148 today, outside if possible. I find myself so grateful for the signs of new life in God’s creation all around us. I’m so aware that I’m part of this renewal, not apart from it. William Coperthwaite observed, there is no such thing as self-sufficiency. It is a myth – a delusion. One is either arrogant, ignorant or naïve to believe it. We are an interdependent species – dependent on others of our own plus countless other species for our existence. Pause with me to reflect for a moment. What part of the growing and harvesting, processing and cooking did you have in the food on your plate today? If you have a bouquet of flowers on the table, did you plant and grow, cut and arrange them? We are so dependent on others! I treasure the Apostle Paul’s illustration in 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 as he acknowledges his interdependence on others in the sharing the gospel, I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth …for we are God’s servants, working together, you are God’s field, God’s building. This spring and early summer, join me, and the Niccolls Church family, in expressing our heartfelt gratitude to the Lord as the source of all life. Let’s gather for a series of “blessings.” This ancient practice of faith beckons us to meet in the very places we form interdependent relationships with all of God’s creation. On Sunday, May 17th at 1:00 p.m. bring your dogs and cats, gerbils (continued on page 2) May 2015 The BellRinger Mountain Meditation (continued from page 1) and birds to join the horses and donkeys, chickens and goats of the Moose River Farm for a “Blessing of the Animals.” All animals are welcome and must be securely restrained. The stables and trails around the farm of Anne and Rod Phinney offer a splendid setting to give thanks that All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir as our youth choir has sung. On Sunday, June 21st at 1:00 p.m. we will gather among the gardens of Bette and Joe Rintrona for a “Blessing of the Blooms.” As flowers open to the light and reveal their God given beauty to the world, this time will invite us to open our senses to God’s grace proclaimed by the “flowers of the field.” On Sunday, July 19th at 1:00 p.m. Star and Jeff Livingstone’s gardens will be the setting of a “Blessing of the Field and Table.” This cornucopia offers a wonderful location to engage our senses once again as we give thanks to the Lord for all who sow, cultivate, harvest, and process tomorrow’s food for our tables. Don’t wait for these gatherings to express your gratitude to the Lord for the gift of our interdependent lives. Before returning to the inside of your home after reading Psalm 148, linger outside and why lift up this simple song of praise: All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. Stewardship Snapshot as of March 2015 March 2015 Actual Income & Expenses Income $ 12,096.84 Expenses 16,956.85 ($ 4,860.01) Fiscal Year-to-Date: Actual Budgeted Income $128,809.81 $ 92,875.08 Expenses 100,958.50 105,698.16 $ 27,851.31 ($ 12,823.08) The next time you come to worship or see an example of our faith in action, remember that our ministry is not possible because of someone else’s stewardship. Our ministry IS possible due to OUR stewardship as an entire church family. For more information on tithing, planned giving, or bequests, please talk with Pastor Lawrence, one of our financial officers or visit our website – niccolls.org Page 2 Transitions Each month we share “transitional experiences” within the Niccolls family. Please call the church for more information or if you have an individual to add. Compassion Gerry Grassman – home in PA Pat Johnston – home in SC Jean Kull – home in FL Margie O’Hara – home Condolences Sharon Graham Dorothy Hagbloom David Leach Worship Broadcast One of our 3 congregational goals is by 2016, we will have improved communication with the congregation and community through creative use of existing and emerging technologies. We’ve taken great strides over the last year to meet this goal. In addition to the local radio listeners, we hear from Niccolls Church family members who listen online to our live worship broadcast from New York to New Mexico, Florida to Colorado. As the congregation celebrates communion in the sanctuary one family who listens online joins in from their home over half way across this continent. With this growth, we are seeking additional media (radio) engineers to bring our worship experience to the radio and digital congregation. Over the years women and men from teens through seniors have served as our engineers. Are you our next media engineer? All that is required of you is your availability on Sunday morning from 9:45 through the end of worship once every couple of weeks. Onsite training will be provided, joyfully of course! Help us make the connection with the Niccolls Church family near and far. Breakfast & a Book Anne Lamott said this about Tattoos of the Heart: “An astonishing book…about suffering and dignity, death and resurrection, one of my favorite books in years. It is lovely and tough and tender beyond my ability to describe and left me in tears of both sorrow and laughter.” For our next Faith and Fellowship Group known as Breakfast and a Book, we’ll be reading Tattoos of the Heart by Fr. Greg Boyle. All are welcome to join us for a lively discussion at the Front Door Diner on Tuesday, May 19 at 7:30 a.m. May 2015 The BellRinger Page 3 Assistance for Nepal No doubt you have heard about the disaster in Nepal resulting from an earthquake of over 7.8 on the Richter scale. As of this morning, the official death toll has reached 3,800, but rescuers have only begun to dig through the rubble in Katmandu, and many small isolated villages near the quake’s epicenter have yet to be heard from. Many people are without food, water and shelter. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is asking for donations to help fund aid to Nepal. You can give in two ways. You can write a check to Niccolls putting PDA – Nepal on the memo line. Return the check to the church office or place it in the offering. The Mission Committee will match donations received up to $300. Or you may go to http://www.presbyterianmission.org /donate/make-a-gift/gift-info/DR999999/ and make a gift through the PCUSA web site. Thank you for your generosity. Memorial Weekend Tag Sale On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 22, 23 and 24, we will once again hold a Benefit Tag Sale in the Fellowship Hall. The main recipient of the proceeds will be the Project Planning Committee so they may complete the new church carpeting project as well as begin a fund for the proposed new Mission Boutique addition. If you have any items in good condition, including furniture, household items, outdoor & recreation items, jewelry, crafts, artwork, etc. that you would be willing to donate to this fundraising effort, please bring them to church beginning Sunday, May 17th. Also, we will need help with setup, sales, food and/or cleanup. We will have a brief planning meeting on Sunday, May 3 after 10 a.m. worship. If you can’t make the meeting, watch for a signup sheet in the Narthex coming soon, or speak to Dee Kraft. Mission Boutique Addition Proposal The Project Planning Committee and Mission Boutique Team, in cooperation with the Session, have been hard at work on the plans for a new addition to the church which would house the operation of the Mission Boutique. The layout to the left and artist’s rendering above gives an idea of the work that has gone into the project so far. There are no definite plans as of yet but we are being intentional about the vision for the future addition and the many, many advantages of seeing this project through. You can help by contributing to the upcoming Tag Sale both in items and in lending a hand with the running of the sale. Please see the article above. May 2015 The BellRinger Niccolls Women’s Fellowship by Ruth Brussel Our meeting in April was held at Ruth Brussel’s home. We ate lunch and played a game called “He loves me because …” We each pulled a petal from a flower and told why we know that God loves us. We sent cards to Kitty Blind and Jean Kull. We hope they are getting better and will be back to their beloved Adirondacks and Niccolls congregation soon. We thank all who came and helped make the soup for soup Sunday and to the congregation for helping us raise $80.00 for the food pantry. We will sponsor the Mother’s Day card sale again this year to help women in African countries to be healthy and have healthy families. On May 3rd, Char and Jean will be at a table in the Narthex where you can make a donation for a card that you can give or send to a relative or friend. The cards state that you have made a donation in their honor. Watch the bulletins for our next meeting. Bottles Anyone? This summer we will again have the Nickels for Niccolls program to raise funds to install a Living Waters water purification system in Honduras. Rather than use non-recyclable water bottles, we would like to use bottles that can be reused – such as the kinds of bottles used for hiking or biking. If you would like to donate extra bottles of this sort to the Nickels for Niccolls effort, there will be a box in the church narthex to collect them for the next few weeks. Or drop them off in the office. Thanks! Young Adult Volunteer Leif Frymire was recently selected as a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) through the Presbyterian Church. In September, Leif will begin a year of service in Northern Ireland with congregations leading faith-based initiatives which heal the decades of conflict and discord that divided the Emerald Isle. This month, Leif unveiled a blog to share the journey with his Niccolls Church family. Read his first post by clicking on the following link https://themightylyon.wordpress.com/ Page 4 Niccolls Elders and Deacons Elders serving on Session: Judy Barker Lois Lowenberg Letty Haynes Sue Mahoney Carol Hornick Roger Pratt (winter) Deb Langworthy Cindy Rose George Lapinsky Sue Rundell Shirley Lindsay (summer) Tom Ryan (summer) Jeff Livingstone (winter) Ken Strike Deacons serving on the Board of Deacons: Kelli Barcomb Jean Kull (summer) Debbie Brosemer Ann Powley (winter) Ellen Dreja (summer) Barb Proper (summer) Kristin Frymire Linda Rodríguez (winter) Paul Giessler (winter) Linda Ryan (summer) Cindy Hansen Nancy Venetz (winter) Vonnie Kinney (summer) Please lift all of our church leaders up in prayer as they PW Gathering Feature Lawrence cultivate grace-filledtoministry and Pastor mission throughout th Wednesday, the entireOn Niccolls family.May 13 , the Presbyterian Women will gather for their regular meeting at First Presbyterian Church of Boonville. We will gather at 9:30 when we will have a chance to write a letter to our elected representatives about the child nutrition program while enjoying light refreshments. At 10:00 there will be a short business meeting and a time of worship together. For our lunch time, bring a dish to share and the recipe for it; dessert and table service will be provided by Boonville. Following lunch we will hear from Pastor Lawrence. Pastor Lawrence will share his experiences of the Mosaic of Peace journey to Israel and Palestine last May. The journey took participants to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho and Nazareth where they met many Christian leaders as well as Jewish and Muslim religious leaders. In addition to hearing the stories of these “living stones” of the Holy Land, they also visited the sites sacred to these three Abrahamic faith traditions. A vital component of this presentation will be a dialogue about our role as Presbyterians in this kairos moment for the church. All women are welcome to join the worship, fellowship and learning at this and every Presbyterian Women event. Niccolls Family Tree As the trees begin to bud and leaf around the Adirondacks, we’d like to add more and more “leaves” to our Niccolls Family Tree in the hallway. Please take a picture with your smartphone or digital camera and email it to [email protected] We’ll print out the image and place it on the tree. ~ May 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri DEACON OF THE MONTH: Nancy Venetz 3 4 5 7:30 am Early Worship 10 am Worship Service 11:15 am Tag Sale planning meeting 10 11 7:30 am Early Worship 10 am Worship Service 17 18 7:30 am Early Worship 10 am Worship Service 1 pm Blessing of the Animals at Moose River Farm 24 Pentecost 7 1 2 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 7-8:30pm Mission Boutique Open 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 8 9 9:30 am Mission 12:30 pm Bible Study Boutique Sorting 10-3 Senior Program Food Sense Orders due 6 pm Fellowship Wed. 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 7-8:30pm Mission Boutique Open 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 12 15 10am-12pm 16 13 14 10 am Staff Meeting 9:30 am Mission Boutique Sorting 12 pm CE Meeting 9:30 am PW Gathering in Boonville 7 pm Session 12:30 pm Bible Study Meeting 10-3 Senior Program 6 pm Fellowship Wed. Mission Boutique Open 10am-12pm Mission 3 pm Youth Group to Boutique Open Hope House 7 pm Living the Questions group 7-8:30pm Mission Boutique Open 19 20 22 9-3 Tag Sale 23 7:30 am Breakfast & a Book @ the Front Door Diner 9:30 am Mission Boutique Sorting 10-3 Senior Program 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 12:30pm Food Sense 6:30 Youth Group Faith & Film 7-8:30pm Mission Boutique Open 9-3 Tag Sale 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 29 30 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 7-8:30pm Mission Boutique Open 10am-12pm Mission Boutique Open 21 6 pm Fellowship Wed. 25 26 Office Closed 5 pm Presbytery Mtg. 9:30 am Mission Boutique Sorting in Cooperstown 10-3 Senior Program 7 pm All Committee Meeting Night 6 pm Fellowship Wed. Sunday 7:30 am Early Worship 10 am Worship Service 11:15-12:30 Tag Sale 6 Sat 27 28 31 7:30 am Early Worship 10 am Worship Service AA meets in the Social Room: Sun. 5:30pm, Wed. 8pm, Fri. 9am & 8pm, Sat. 8pm. Sarah Kelly Caroline Pepper Mackenzie Smith Zachary Brombacher May 3 Katie Boesche Dawn Schweinsberg Page Schweinsberg George Lapinsky 5/1 5/6 5/16 5/22 May 10 Chris & Dee Kraft Lynda & Tom Ryan May Birthdays May 17 Char Pylman Howard Quimby Marcia Macdonald Jean Kull Margo Boylan 5/24 Dave Pierson 5/25 Colleen Brombacher Parker 5/30 May 24 Lois Lowenberg Hailey Craig Cindy & Nick Rose May 31 Dave & Deb Langworthy Leslie Bailey Fern Bailey Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church P.O. Box 605 Old Forge, New York 13420 Niccolls Memorial Presbyterian Church Our Mission: To Live Out Christ’s Love by Nurturing Spiritual Growth and Fellowship and by Reaching Out in Faith and Love Non-Prof US Postage PAID Old Forge, NY 13420 Permit No. 3
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