October 2014 News and notices from the servants of Christ’s Kingdom at Christ Lutheran Church, Pewaukee, Wisconsin Inside this Issue: NEW Worship Series . 2 Oct. Bible Readings .... 3 Bible Classes Growing in Hope ...... 3 NEW- KICKS ............ 3 People in David’s Life3 Women’s Group ....... 3 NEW- BIC #201 ....... 4 Early Risers .............. 4 Prayer Partners ........ 4 Widows/Widowers .... 4 NEW- Timely Topics, “Fighting Evolution” 8 Fellowship Events Ballroom Dancing..... 5 Family Fall Festival .. 5 Fall Hike ................... 5 Golf Outing ............... 5 Scrapbooking ........... 5 Seniors ..................... 5 We Need(le) You ..... 5 YP Trap Shoot. ........ 5 Church News & More Memorials ................ 2 Nursing Homes ........ 2 Voters Meeting ......... 2 Fall Work Day .......... 6 Fish Fry .................... 6 LWMS Fall Rally ...... 6 Nurses’ Article .......... 6 Nurses’ Conference . 6 Service Opps. ......... 6 Around the Cong. . ... 7 Church Anniversary . 7 Nursery Help ............ 7 Stewardship ............. 7 Lambs of Christ ........ 8 Oct. Birthdays .......... 9 Oct. Anniversaries .... 9 Please see the enclosed insert for October Schedules & Calendar. Dear family and friends in Christ, Probably the most notable thing that you need to know about my family and me is that we are loved by Jesus. This, by no means, makes us unique because Jesus loves all people. However, because Jesus loves us and because he loves you, we already have the most important thing in common with each other. We are already family with you and we look forward to sharing our faith and our lives with you at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church. Because we are united in Christ as a family, you can’t disown me for being a native of Illinois. I grew up in a little town not too far from Chicago called Yorkville. I went away to high school at Luther Prep School in Watertown, WI, and then on to Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN, to study to be a pastor. At Martin Luther College I met the woman who would become my wife, Jacquelyn. Jackie grew up in Sleepy Eye, MN. She graduated with a teaching degree from Martin Luther College and has taught 7th grade, 2nd grade, kindergarten, and preschool. She currently works at home raising our four children. We have three boys and a little girl. Jonas is six and is attending kindergarten here at Lambs of Christ this year. Silas is four and is attending preschool here at Lambs of Christ this year. Lucas is two and Cecily turns one at the beginning of October. All of my children are also Illinois natives. They were born while I was serving as a home missionary at Amazing Grace Lutheran Church in South Beloit, IL. I served in South Beloit since graduating from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2008. Our family loves the outdoors. We like to hike and camp and hit the beach and bike and all that good stuff. It seems like the Lake Country area offers ample opportunity for getting outdoors and we’re looking forward to it! Your congregation has called me to be the Pastor of Assimilation. That basically means that I get to work at connecting all of us to Jesus through his Word and connecting all of us to each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. The other major aspect of my service here will be to lead a Wednesday worship opportunity on a regular basis (see page 2). God has blessed our church to be able to offer unique and innovative options for our members and our community to connect to Jesus through his Word and I am excited to be a part of it! I was installed as the Pastor of Assimilation during the weekend services on September 13-15 at Christ. Our family looks forward to becoming a part of this church family over the coming months and years. Your prayers are much appreciated as we keep you in ours. God bless, Pastor Tom Engelbrecht PS: I am 6’8” and, yes, I love basketball. A New 6-Part Series of Worship Services Wednesdays, October 15 - November 19 Worship at 12:00 & 6:00 pm Who would have thought that so much trouble could have happened because of one little bite of one little piece of fruit from one little tree in a garden? And yet, that one disobedient act recorded in Genesis chapter three brought a curse to this world that remains uncomfortably obvious to this very day in our own lives. From little white lies to unspeakable crimes, cursed human beings have put us in a position where we need much more than to be fixed. We need to be forgiven. Join us on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm or 6:00 pm to see God’s love and forgiveness on display in a sermon series led by Pastor Engelbrecht entitled “From the Curse to the Cure.” These services will begin on Wednesday, October 15. Nursing Home Worship Services Memorials: The church thanks all the individuals who joyfully gave memorials in remembrance of dear friends and loved ones. Memorials have been given in memory of John Kunkel ($340) and K. Smith ($10). Monday, October 20 9:30 am - Matthews of Hartland 11:00 am - Merrill Hills Thursday, October 16 11:00 am - Autumn Bay 1:30 pm - Kirkland Crossings 3:00 pm - River Hills West : VOTERS MEETING The next quarterly Voters Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 23, at 7:00 pm. Questions? Contact Pastor Thompson at [email protected]. 2 In the WORD this October “Let us learn that God should be apprehended, not according to our reason but just as he has revealed himself and has seen fit to speak and deal with us in human fashion. Welcome with joy the divine majesty which so humbly condescends to deal with us.” Martin Luther Bible Readings Growing in Hope Pastor Warnecke Review the fundamental teachings of the Christian faith as revealed in the Bible. This is an excellent class for anyone interested in becoming a member of our church, and a good refresher course for long-time members. Class meets weekly: 3:30—4:45 pm 9:10—10:10 am 5:30—6:45 pm Saturdays Sundays Mondays Classes meet in the church library The People in David’s Life and in Yours Pastor Krause This Bible study will cover the life of King David with a focus on the people the Lord brought into David’s life. Each of these people played a role in how God shaped David’s spiritual life so he could serve as Israel’s king, a prophet who wrote many psalms, and a priest who led the people in their worship life. By looking at the people in David’s life we are encouraged to think about the people Jesus brought into our own lives and how our Lord has blessed us through them. We are also led to consider the roles our lives play in the lives of others. Adult Sunday Bible Study meets on Sundays at 9:10 am in the church fellowship hall and Thursdays at 10:00 am in the church library K.I.C.K.S. — Bible Study for Moms (Kids in Christ Know their Savior) Wednesday mornings, 10:00—11:30 am, October 15—November 19 Free childcare provided! All moms are invited to join us every Wednesday morning from 10:00—11:30 am beginning October 15 and running through November 19. Childcare will be provided by our Learning Center staff while their moms meet in our church library for Bible study. This is an excellent opportunity to form friendships with other Christian mothers and grow together in faith and in the knowledge of Jesus, our Savior. Please sign up in the gathering area so we know how many children to prepare for. October 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Proverbs 10:1-11:13 Proverbs 11:14-12:28 Proverbs 13:1-14:21 Proverbs 14:22-15:23 Proverbs 15:24-16:33 Proverbs 17, 18 Proverbs 19:1-20:13 Proverbs 20:14-22:16 Proverbs 22:17-23:35 Proverbs 24 Proverbs 25:1-26:12 Proverbs 26:13-27:27 Proverbs 28, 29 Proverbs 30 Proverbs 31 Romans 1:1-17 Romans 1:18-32 Romans 2:1-16 Romans 2:17-29 Romans 3:1-20 Romans 3:21-31 Romans 4:1-15 Romans 4:16-25 Romans 5:1-11 Romans 5:12-21 Romans 6:1-14 Romans 6:15-7:6 Romans 7:7-25 Romans 8:1-17 Romans 8:18-39 Romans 9:1-13 Women’s Bible Study The Women’s Bible Study group will hold their next meeting on Sunday, October 5 at 1:30 pm in the church library. Contact Pastor Warnecke at 262-691-0720 for more information. 3 In the WORD this October Early Risers Bible Study WIDOWS/WIDOWERS GROUP “Divine Love: The Story of Ruth” Widows and Widowers will meet October 14 at 11:30 am at the Four Star Family Restaurant on Capital Drive (by the Pewaukee Post Office). Following lunch we will have a short Bible Study conducted by Pastor Gerbing. Any questions, please call Pat Lehman at 262-574-0826 or cell, 262-3660678. Hope to see you all there! Pastor Gerbing God’s people in a spiritual freefall … shocking examples of selfishness and lovelessness … lewd, immoral behavior. A pretty accurate description of our world today, right? But it’s certainly not the only time in history the world spun in an ever downward spiral. In this world lived Ruth, a foreign refugee. Join our Early Risers’ Bible class to learn how to survive in our brutal world from the example of this person of incredible faith, a woman who would become an ancestor of Jesus. NEW — BIC #201 Pastor Engelbrecht This 4-part session of Bible Information Class #201 will be offered on Sundays, October 26 through November 16 at 9:10 am. In these lessons, hope grows as we listen to God’s message, as we approach God in prayer, as we learn how to serve God, and as we learn how to serve others. These classes will be led by Pastor Engelbrecht. If you want more information, contact Pastor Engelbrecht at 262-691-0720. Class meets Tuesday mornings at 8:00 am in the church library Prayer Partners Pastor Krause, Pastor Warnecke Prayer Partners meet to study the Book of Psalms and pray for individuals who have requested intercessions for themselves and for others. If you would like Prayer Partners to pray for you or someone else, please fill out the yellow slip in the gathering area and place it into the box found there. The class meets on Wednesdays, October 1 and 15 in the conference room. The morning session will meet at 10:00 am. The evening session will meet at 6:00 pm on October 1 and at 5:00 pm on October 15. Class meets Sundays, October 26-November 16 at 9:10 am in the conference room The Crownical is the monthly newsletter of Christ Lutheran Church, Pewaukee, Wisconsin If we can be of service to you, please feel free to contact one of the people listed below: Dr. Richard A. Krause, Senior Pastor — [email protected] Rev. Timothy R. Gerbing, Discipleship Pastor — [email protected] Rev. Richard H. Warnecke, Outreach Pastor — [email protected] Rev. Thomas M. Engelbrecht, Assimilation Pastor — [email protected] Rev. Donald L. Thompson, Visitation Pastor — [email protected] Mrs. Andrea Valerio, Director of Music — [email protected] Mrs. Delores Schuetze, Preschool Director — [email protected] Mr. Steve Hollmann, Business Manager — [email protected] Mrs. Alicia Ulm, Administrative Secretary — [email protected] Mrs. Pamm Schall, Administrative Assistant Don & Carlye Quam, Custodial Staff Office: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday Phone: (262) 691-0720 Fax: (262) 691-4861 E-mail: [email protected] Websites: www.christpewaukee.org or www.wels.net 4 October Fellowship Events The Young Professionals are hosting a Trap Shoot! Fall Hike: Do you enjoy the outdoors? The fellowship committee has set the Fall Hike for October 12 at 3:30 pm. We will meet at Nashotah Park (at the “park and ride” off of Hwy 16 and Hwy C). Any questions, contact Janet Herr at (262) 523-3582. Everyone is invited to join the YP group on Saturday, October 18 at the Waukesha Gun Club for our trap shoot, starting at 10:00 am and ending approximately at noon. All ages are invited to attend (children must be under direct supervision of a parent or guardian at all times). The Waukesha Gun Club is located less than 2 miles from church at N22 W23170 Watertown Rd, Waukesha. Bring your own shotgun or rent one from the gun club at additional cost. Prizes will be awarded in various categories. You must sign-up and prepay by Wednesday, October 15 at the kiosk in the gathering area or the church office. Cost is $30 per person, and any checks should be made out to Eric Ulm. (Cost includes shells and birds.) Any questions should be directed to Eric at [email protected] or 414-499-6977. Everyone is welcome to join us and bring you friends and family! New shooters are welcome! FALL FESTIVAL FAMILY NIGHT On Friday, October 24, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm, all are invited to an evening of family activities. Children and adults from our church, from Lambs of Christ, and from our community are invited to use their imagination to build forts, cars, space ships and whatever you can imagine with Legos. There will be activities for younger children and games for the older children. Face painting, pumpkin art and other activities will also be offered. Flu shots, mists and other health related items will be featured as well. Snacks and drinks available, too. Come and join the fun! For more information, contact Pastor Warnecke at 262-691-0720. SCRAPBOOKING & CARD MAKING Saturday, October 18, 9:00 am–5:00 pm We Need(le) You Bring your project supplies to the fellowship hall to work with the company of others. It’s a great way to share ideas, tools and socialize. Come for part or all of the day. Please use the lower level doors. We will step out to Panera for a quick lunch. Questions? Contact Dawn Sukowski at 414-378-6869. There will be three working sessions in October: Wednesday (Fellowship Hall), October 1, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm, and Saturdays (classroom), October 11 and 25 starting at 9:00 am. New members always welcome. For those coming to a Saturday session, please enter through the lower level. Don’t know how to knit, crochet, or quilt, but want to learn? Contact Cary Tessmann, 262-246-3641. Christ Seniors: On Thursday, October 9 Christ Seniors will be going to Apple Holler for lunch and shopping. We will meet at church at 11:00 am to carpool. Please sign up in the gathering area if you plan on attending. Our Annual Golf Outing will be held on Sunday, October 5 at the Nagawaukee Golf Course. Green fees are expected to be around $18 per golfer (9 holes) or $28 with riding cart. 18 holes is another option. Participants will pay at the golf course. Tee times are between 1:001:40 pm. Please sign up for a tee time on the signup sheet in the gathering area. Ballroom Dancing 5 Fridays, October 24– November 14 7:00 pm - Beginners 8:00 pm - Intermediate Please sign up in the gathering area. October News & Events From Your Parish Nurses… The Fall Work Day will be held on Saturday, October 4 from 8:00 am—12:00 pm outside on our church property. Work will include some cleaning, trimming, weeding, and general maintenance before winter weather arrives. Consider helping us to keep our grounds beautiful! Please sign up in the gathering area. “Heroin: The Silent Epidemic” Drug abuse and overdoses have traditionally been considered “big city problems”. More specifically, many feel that heroin is primarily an issue in the urban and metropolitan parts of the state and country. Unfortunately, the heroin problem has found a new foothold in Wisconsin’s small towns and suburban communities. The victims of drug use and overdoses are not your “typical addicts” but rather teens and young adults from all walks of life. According to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World, the number of teens between the ages of 12 and 17 who have tried heroin has increased by more than 300% since 1995, and the number of heroin-related deaths in Wisconsin jumped by nearly 50% in 2012 according to a recent survey of county coroners. Working in the emergency department and in EMS, I sadly have fallen witness to numerous young men and women who have lost their lives due to a heroin overdose. Heroin is cheap and easy to obtain. One would be naive to believe that heroin is not a problem in our schools and throughout Waukesha County. It is a problem, and a major problem that we must all be aware of. Parents, educate yourselves and your children on the severe consequences of heroin and drug use to help them understand the reality of what can and will happen with their use. — Mark Meske, RN, EMT Service Opportunities: The Ronald McDonald House Wednesday, October 22 5:00-8:00 pm 4-6 people needed to cook & serve dinner The Lighthouse Friday Night Dinner Friday, October 17 4:00-7:00 pm 4-8 people needed to cook & serve dinner Save the Date for the Fish Fry ! Join us for a fish fry at Fox & Hounds on Friday, November 7. More information to come in the bulletins. Everyone is welcome - we hope to see you there! Any questions, contact Denise Barbieri at (262) 820-2728. WELS PARISH NURSES CONFERENCE Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society’s Milwaukee Metro North 2014 Fall Rally 8:30 am—2:00 pm Saturday, October 18 Christ Lutheran Church Pewaukee, WI 8:00 am–12:00 pm on Saturday, October 25 Join the ladies of LWMS for their annual fall rally on Saturday, October 25 at Risen Savior Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. The rally will begin with breakfast at 8:00 am. Worship will be held at 9:15 am, followed by Pastor Luis Acosta’s talk on Risen Savior’s Hispanic Ministry. For more information and to register, visit www. welsnurse.net. All nurses are invited! 6 October News & Events FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP UPDATE We warmly welcome “Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them! Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the Lord, for He comes to judge the earth. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.” (I Chronicles 16:32-34) the following new members to our congregation. Joining us by profession of faith is Mark Nelson with his daughter Caroline. Joining us by transfer are Abigael Bitter and Elizabeth Biggs. Joining us by adult confirmation are Martha Bolton and Jennifer McCauley. Joining us by baptism this month will be Kellan Fullmer and Anessa Phalin. Welcome to all! Our Lord blesses each and every day. We can be especially thankful for those who bring us the word of God and the sacraments that are used here at Christ Lutheran to keep us in the faith. We can be full of joy and thankfulness for all Jesus did to save us from the final judgment we deserve. Let’s thank our God for everything. Thank him for all he is doing for our congregation, too. Then consider the stewardship opportunities available to you including those shown here that are used to make the word and sacraments available for you to support God’s ministry at Christ Pewaukee. Respond to God’s love for you and all sinners. Leaving us by their entrance into the church triumphant are Sonia Hollmann and Gene Hanson. Leaving us by release is Katherine Kreitzer. Leaving us by transfer are Larry & Ashley Hairl. If you have joys, concerns, or family events (engagements, graduations, awards, etc.) to share with our spiritual family at Christ Lutheran, please call the church office at 262-691-0720, or send an email to us at [email protected]. The deadline for the next newsletter is Thursday, October 16. 2014 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Church Anniversary – On Sunday, October 19 the members of Nain Evangelical Lutheran Church, West Allis will celebrate their congregation’s 100th anniversary in a special festival service of praise and thanksgiving to God. The service begins at 3:00 pm, followed by a time for refreshments and fellowship. All are invited to join with Nain as they give glory to God for many years of gracious blessings. For more info, visit www.nainlutheran.org. 2014 Goal 2014 Giving-to-Date % of Goal $975,163 $676,971 69.4% 2013-2015 GROWING IN FAITH APPEAL 3-Year Goal $2,000,000 Appeal Giving-to-Date % of Goal $1,171,978 58.6% Pray that God inspires you to take advantage of the opportunities at Christ Lutheran so you are prepared to represent Jesus in your daily world and ask him to help you to manage the gifts he has given you with godly wisdom to support one or more of the stewardship opportunities. Your gifts help make the word and sacraments available to yourself and others. Nursery Help Needed! Would you like to serve on the nursery committee this fall? There are several openings for Sunday’s second service. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Dee Schuetze, [email protected] or 262424-9235. What a wonderful opportunity to serve your Lord caring for his little ones! May God continue to bless your management of his gifts to you! 7 October News & Events Timely Topics: “Fighting Evolution: Equipping Parents to Speak God’s Truth of Creation” By Dr. Dan and Dr. Angela Ebeling, Professors of Science, Wisconsin Lutheran College Our Sunday School PTA is pleased to invite all parents to attend our adult Bible class on Sunday, October 19, from 9:10-10:10 am (between the church services). On that day guest presenters Dr. Dan and Dr. Angela Ebeling of Wisconsin Lutheran College, will discuss how we as Christians—especially Christian parents—can be equipped to discuss our belief in creation as taught in the Bible in light of the theory of evolution. Their presentation will take the place of our normal adult Bible class on that day. Please come and become better informed as a Christian parent! OCTOBER UPDATE Our preschool theme, “Walking with Jesus”, gives us the opportunity to walk daily in God’s word. Throughout the hallways the teachers’ and children’s footprints are on the wall. Take a walk with all the footprints. Each class has a different color. Each day as we walk through our hallways we rejoice because God gave us Jesus our Savior. The children are making new friends in their classroom and learning about Jesus, their special friend. Lambs of Christ Learning Center has several events happening in October: On Wednesday, October 8 we are taking a field trip to Basse’s Country Market, Colgate, for a hayride, pick a pumpkin and other special activities at the farm. The children will be singing, “Come and Go with Me,” during the second service (10:30 am) on Sunday, October 12. On Thursday, October 23 and Friday, October 24 the children will wear smiles through the fun of picture day. Siblings may also come to school to have their picture taken. Our teachers will be attending WELS State Teachers Conference Thursday, October 30 and Friday, October 31. The learning center will be closed. During fall we find so many wonderful leaves and acorns on our walks around the property. It is amazing the many treasures that God has created. What a joy to view God’s creation through the eyes of a child! The “Royal Reader” program is very successful! Sign up for one day (or several) to read to the children. Bring your favorite book or pick one out at the learning center. Read for fifteen minutes, from 12:30-12:45 pm daily in the learning center’s lobby. Thanks for sharing your time with the children. God has blessed Lambs of Christ with families who want a Christian education for their child. God is using Lambs of Christ to plant the seeds of his word in the hearts of children and their families. Continue to keep the staff and families in your prayers as the Early Childhood Ministry at Christ grows and shares Jesus’ love with others. — Delores Schuetze, LCLC Director LEARN AND EARN FOR YOUR LEARNING CENTER at The Learning Shop (17435 W. Bluemound Road, Brookfield)! For every dollar you spend at the Learning Shop during the week of September 28October 4, mention our Lambs of Christ Learning Center at the checkout. In return the learning center receives a percentage of the sale. Thanks for supporting the Learning Center! 8 October Birthdays 9 THE CROWNICAL October 2014 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church W240 N3103 Pewaukee Rd. (Hwy 164) Pewaukee, WI 53072-4045 Worship: Sunday 8:00 and 10:30 am Saturday 5:00 pm and Monday 7:00 pm 262-691-0720 ◄► www.christpewaukee.org Proclaiming the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Let’s Go Paperless! If you would prefer to receive your next copy of the Crownical via email instead of a hard copy, please let us know at [email protected]!
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