Newsletter - Christus Victor Lutheran Church

Voice of Victory
Christus Victor Lutheran Church
7510 Palomino Drive ● Apple Valley, MN 55124
P: 952-454-6927 ● F: 952-454-0300 ●
Children’s Christmas Program –
Dec. 14 – both services
CV Christmas Band –
Dec. 21 – both services
Christmas Eve Worship –
Dec. 24, 5:30pm and 10:00pm
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Social Ministries Thank You
Prayer Team / Welcoming
Children & Family Help
Youth Works Denver Mission
FMSC – Senior Connections
Joyful Servants – Who are they?
Dear Friends in Christ,
It is the season of Advent, which means, “coming.” To say that Christ is coming, means more than
celebrating Christmas, the birth of the baby Jesus, who is the Christ. To say that Christ is coming, means
more than Christ is coming back some day. To say that Christ is coming, means that Christ Jesus is coming
into our lives and our world now. Christ comes to love us, forgive us, save us, heal us, and fill us, so that
we can be his disciples in the world and follow Him.
But what does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? And how are we to grow together in faith
and live as a community of faith-filled disciples in this place?
In the course of reviewing our Employee Handbook with the Mutual Ministry Committee, we
rediscovered the results of a vision and mission process we went through at Christus Victor in 2003 (*see
page 2). It was refreshing and challenging to dust off these statements about our values, mission, and
vision as disciples of Jesus Christ in this place.
As I read through the “Vision and Expectation for Church Disciples/Members” a few questions
came to mind: How do these disciplines and practices help us prepare for Christ coming into our lives and
into the world? How does practicing our faith help us to be aware of Christ’s presence in the lives of our
neighbors? How does living by faith every day help Christ come into the lives of other people through us?
I invite you to read through these statements and share your thoughts on these questions. Please
email me at [email protected] or post your thoughts on our CV Facebook page under the
heading “Vision and Expectations.” I’d like to get us all talking about what does it mean to be disciples of
Jesus Christ, together in this place.
May the Living Christ come into your lives again this Advent Season!
In Christ,
Pastor Kent Claussen Gubrud
Sunday Morning
Worship Two Services
8:30am & 11:00am
Fellowship Hour
Sunday Education Hour
Wednesday Evenings
Recharge 7:30pm
Activities 6:00pm
*FAITH TREK (Sunday School)
Preschool – 5th grade
(Devoted to Educating Kids, And Fun)
Middle school youth (Grades 6-8)
High School Youth (Grades 9-12)
J.I.F.Y. (Jesus Is For You)
Kids grades 2-5
Music/Drama & Fellowship
OUR VALUES ~ what we believe
OUR MISSION ~ what we do
o The Bible is the inspired Word of God for our
faith and life.
o The Sacraments of Baptism and Holy
Communion are the means of God’s grace for us,
instituted by Christ’s command and promise.
o We are Lutheran in our theology and practice:
 We are made right with God (justified) by grace
(the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ)
received by faith in Christ.
 We are saints and sinners at the same time.
 Grace alone. Word alone. Faith alone.
o We are called to:
 Love God with all that we are and all that we
 Follow Jesus as our Lord, Savior, and Friend.
 Love our neighbors as Christ loved us.
 Live with integrity according to biblical
 Reach outside our four walls, living out
Christ's love in welcome, compassion, and
service to all people
 Practice biblical hospitality, meeting the real
life needs of others
 Grow in faith and encourage each other in
living lives of faith
 Use our God given gifts as participants in the
ministry of the church
 Carefully use personal and congregational
resources entrusted to the church
o Success is people growing in faith, doing
ministry, teamwork with accountability, leaders
who develop other leaders, and faithfulness to
our mission.
OUR VISION ~ what we are becoming
o We are people working toward putting Christ
first in our life.
Through these practices, disciplines, habits, and
ways of life, we will grow in our faith, love, trust,
and obedience to God and love of our neighbors.
o Regular worship – to receive the Word and
o An active prayer life
o Regular learning of scripture and faith
practices in an active pursuit of a life of
Christian discipleship
o Regular service to the community – through
the church and other organizations
o Regular service in the church – Joyful Servants,
Committees, and Ministries
o Sharing our faith through word and deed, to
make disciples
o Commitment to “first fruits” and
proportionate giving, starting where we are at
and growing to give 10% and beyond.
Stewardship Update for 2015: Giving With Joy and Thanksgiving
“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of
praise!” - Psalm 92: 5
Thank you to everyone who turned in your pledges! At the time of the writing of this newsletter, 108
households have turned in their pledges, and we hope to receive the rest by the Sunday after
Thank you for your faithful response to God’s blessings in your life.
Thank you for your faithful support of the ministries and mission of the church.
Social Ministries Committee thanks
everyone who supported this year’s
Thanksgiving Basket s:
Thrivent Financial for their Care
Abounds in Communities grant,
Montgomery Apple Orchards
Everyone who prayed for packers and
the recipients,
Those who provided a donation,
Volunteers on Saturday who
folded boxes, unloaded the truck,
packed and cleaned.
Our prayers, giving and packing made this
a successful event and helped families in
our community know God’s love.
A huge Thank You to Christus Victor for supporting the
"Gear Up For Winter" project at Greenleaf Elementary
with your donations of winter gear, your volunteering
to distribute the gear and for praying for all the
children who will be warm and dry this winter.
Christus Victor contributed 51 coats, 21 snow pants, 43
hats, 32 gloves/mittens and 15 pairs of boots. 150 plus
children were outfitted with the donations. The
Greenleaf staff appreciates all that Christus Victor does
for their students.
Prayer Team is looking for team members!
In the spring of 2012 Christus
Victor took an internal survey
as part of the Church Health
Process, to find out what our
strengths and growths areas
were for our church.
Passionate Spirituality was revealed to be our most
significant growth area, and after doing more reflection
and evaluation, narrowed that down to two areas: prayer
and spiritual gifts. This team is forming to help our
members and congregation grow in our confidence,
understanding, and practices of praying individually, with
others, and in groups. You don’t need to be a “pro” at
praying, we are all learning together! Coaching and
practice provided!
The Prayer Team Mission is to deepen the spiritual life
of the members of the congregation through the regular
practice, individually and corporately, of prayer.
Some of the Responsibilities of the Prayer Team include:
- Recruiting and training people to be prayer
assistants and prayer partners
- In partnership with Joyful Servants, recruit and help
organize weekly prayer assistants for worship
- In partnership with Joyful Servants, recruit and help
organize weekly prayer partners for prayers after
- Teaching, role modeling, and equipping members to
develop personal regular prayer practices and a
deeper prayer life.
- Teaching, role modeling, and equipping members to
develop corporate prayer practices and a deeper
prayer life together.
- Provide opportunities to learn and explore various
prayer practices.
- Provide community-wide opportunities for prayer
If you would like to learn more about being a member of
the Prayer Team, please contact Jody McDermott-Baty at
[email protected], or Pastor Kent at
[email protected].
The word Advent means “appearing.”
Advent is that special time before
Christmas where we wait with hopeful
anticipation for the coming of the Savior,
Jesus Christ into the world.
Because Christ came the first time, we
can live with hope, peace, joy, and love
till He comes again.
The hope we have in Jesus Christ
Brings joy into our heart;
And when we know the love of God,
His peace He will impart.
If you’re looking for hope, peace, joy,
and love this Christmas season,
look to God.
Please share this hope, peace, joy, and
love with family and friends……invite
them to our Advent activities &
Christmas celebrations!
Thursday Adult Bible Study
Thursdays at the Apple Valley Villas in
the lower level Activity Room from
10:00am-11:00am. Everyone is welcome
to join us! If you, or someone you know
would appreciate a little encouragement
to come, or needs a ride, please let
Pastor Kent know. Our current focus is
the book of Genesis.
March 13-15, 2015 at WAPO!
Put it on your calendars and invite a
friend to join us! Sign up starts in
January. If you are interested in being
on the planning team, talk to Pastor
Kent – [email protected]
or call him at 952-454-6927.
Alright, here it goes. I try to pull too many teeth, but I need
some help with children’s ministry at Christus Victor. This is
going to sound weird, but you don’t need to like or know
anything about kids to do this. If you do like children, that is
a bonus but not a prerequisite.
The Children and Family Committee is looking for volunteers that can join us once a month. Our
committee gives structure and funding to Faith Trek, GIFT, VBS, and all things that help the kids of
our church grow in faith and service. These programs directly affect the life, faith and vitality of
our congregation.
There are no age or gender requirements. You do not have to have or own children to join. We
are looking for a variety of viewpoints as our focus touches all members of the congregation. If
you are a teen who has ideas after experiencing our program first hand, if you are a retiree who is
looking for a way to serve the church, if you are a parent who wants to help sculpt their kids’ faith
education, if you are interested but have a busy schedule…. we want to hear from you.
If committee work sounds boring and you do happen to like children, I would also encourage you
to help out in the nursery. Kristi Manning is doing a great job, but she needs adult volunteer
Thanks for listening to my plea for volunteers. I love that we are a small church without a giant
children’s ministry department. Because of our size we are able to do some amazing, personal,
intergenerational ministry. But we also need volunteers to keep this awesome ministry going.
Christus Victor is going to Denver…
…on a Youthworks mission trip July 5-11, 2015
This is a high school age and older trip. Youth and adults are invited
to join this intergenerational service trip. This is a relatively
affordable trip offered by a great organization.
We serve and join alongside other faith communities as they deal with a rapid increase in
homeless families. Serve with local food shelves, nursing homes, and children's programs. Meet
local pastors with a heart for inner city kids who brings "Sidewalk Sunday School" into different
neighborhoods, giving kids a safe place to learn about the love of Christ. In the evenings, worship
together while taking in a beautiful mountain view, learn about poverty and homelessness
through interactive activities, hear from local residents about what it looks like to live and serve
in Denver, and enjoy a community cookout.
Why should you go on this trip? Christus Victor has an amazing heart for service. This is clear
with our hands on involvement in our community. There are things that we do at CV that can help
people in Denver grow in their faith in Christ. In the same way, Denver’s creative ministry sites
can inspire our own engagement in our neighborhood.
Why should you support this mission trip?
1. Help kids grow in faith and relationships.
2. Help growing needs and concerns in Denver.
3. Partner with others in ministry.
4. Help our own church grow in intergenerational relationships.
What do you need? Cost will be $550 total per person. $290 for the program and $260 for the
charter bus and passenger vans. There will be fundraising opportunities and financial help for
those who need it. Strudel sale, can deposit, and SCRIP are all being used already to help support
this trip. Sign up and $200 deposit due May 1st.
If you are interested in being involved in this mission trip please join us for an
information meeting on January 18th at 12:10 in the fellowship hall.
Mega Pack Feb. 9-14, 2015
Last year over 10,000 volunteers, including over 140 people from Christus Victor, participated in
the community-wide Mega-Pack event at Shepherd of the Lake, in Prior Lake! Together we packed
over 3 Million meals!!!
This coming year we will again be participating in a
community-wide packing blitz, the week of Feb. 9-14,
2015. Over 20 churches have joined together to begin the
planning and preparation of this massive endeavor, and
we want your help too! Please put the dates on your
calendar, invite your family and friends, and watch for sign
up opportunities beginning in December!
If you are interested in being a team member to help make
this amazing event happen, please contact Pastor Kent
please contact Pastor Kent at (952) 454-6927 or
[email protected].
Senior Connection
December Events
Senior preview of BRAVO 2014 at Eastview HS
Wednesday, Dec 14 at 3:30
Eastview has not allowed us to save seats but we will attempt to do
so for those who indicate intentions to attend on the sign-up sheet
located on the narthex table.
Senior preview of A CHRISTMAS CAROL at Rosemount HS
Wednesday, Dec 10 at 3:30
Signup sheet on the narthex table.
January Event
Thursday, Jan 22 and will be a pot luck and movie with the Thursday
Bible Study group.
Please channel suggestions for a movie to George
[email protected]
Sunday Worship and the
Narrative Lectionary
Starting this fall we will be approaching scripture during
worship in a new and fresh way. The narrative
lectionary is a four-year cycle of readings. On the
Sundays from September through May each year the
texts follow the sweep of the biblical story, from
Creation through the early Christian church.
The texts show the breadth and variety of voices within
Scripture. They invite people to hear the stories of
Abraham and Sarah, Moses and the prophets, Jesus,
and Paul. Listening to the many different voices within
Scripture enriches preaching and the life of faith.
The texts include the major episodes in Scripture. They
are arranged in a narrative sequence to help people see
Scripture as a story that has coherence and a dynamic
movement. The purpose of trying the Narrative
Lectionary is to deepen the knowledge and
understanding of the whole Bible, the Salvation Story of
God and God’s people, which includes each of us.
 From September to mid-December the
preaching texts begin with the early chapters of
Genesis, move through the stories of Israel’s
early history, the exodus, the kings, prophets,
exile, and return.
From Christmas to Easter there is sustained
reading of one of the four gospels
From Easter to Pentecost the texts are chosen
from Acts and Paul’s letters.
We will be also use Psalms that match the underlying
themes of the main scripture readings, and will be
periodically adding portions of Gospel readings that
highlight the theme as well.
Who are the
We all are as we provide service to our Lord
through preparation and involvement in the
weekly worship services.
Assist during the service – anyone any age can
be an Acolyte.
Coffee Preparation and Clean Up
DETAILED instructions in the kitchen provided.
Great way for Groups to do fundraising during
the fellowship hour - you provide the treats, do
the setup/cleanup and earn the collected funds.
Communion Assistants
What better feeling could there be than to look
in the eyes of fellow CV family members and
offer them the Body (“The Body of Christ given
for you.”) and Blood (“The Blood of Christ shed
for you.”) of Jesus Christ.
Communion & Sanctuary Prep & Cleanup
Here is a great family activity! Set up for each
Sunday is usually done Saturday, and includes
setting up Communion, replacing eternal candle
and straightening and replenishing supplies in
the pew racks (usually takes 1-2 hours for one
person – LESS TIME for more than one).
Welcome visitors, help fellow members, or
simply answer questions – be the first smiling
face seen!
Reading the lessons during the service.
Nursery Assistant
The Nursery is coordinated by a paid-staff
attendant but at least one assistant is needed.
A CV background check is required for anyone
helping with the children.
Help keep the order and flow of the service.
Please prayerfully consider how you wish to
help. What a wonderful opportunity for
fellowship and support of Joyful Servants to
the glory of God!
Food shelf items for the month
of December are:
Rice, Canned Meats
Sign up online with signupgenius – link on
CV website – or on the bulletin board.
October was a strong month for offering:
You may recall during the finance Temple
Talk in October, there was some concern
over the year-to-date offering totals being
well below both the budget as well as the
same time period last year. We are happy
to say that October was a strong month
from a giving standpoint.
The offerings received in October helped close the gap between the actual offerings received so far
this year vs. budget, which is now about $13,000 below budget (compared to $20,000 below
budget through September). Actual offering during the first 10 months is also about $2,000 more
than at this same time last year (compared to being $7,000 less than last year through September).
Thank you for your generous giving which supports the many ministries offered through Christus
Audit Update:
The audit conducted by a third party auditing firm is complete, and the findings have been reported
to the Church Council and finance committee. The audit did not find any significant issues with the
financial reporting or internal control processes of CV, which is great news. The auditors did make
some suggested changes to either help our financial reporting fall more in line with “generally
accepted accounting principles” or to improve our processes. The auditors acknowledged that their
recommendations for CV are very common among churches, particularly those of our size. Some of
the suggestions have already been implemented, while others are still being evaluated to determine
the pros and cons. If you have any questions regarding the results of the audit, please contact a
member of the finance committee. Anyone interested in reviewing the audit report is also welcome
to do so by contacting the Church office where hard copies are available. We do ask that the copies
of the report remain at the Church.
Volunteers Needed
We would like to thank Tom Iaria for his years of service on the finance committee, and are sad to
report that he has announced that he will be “retiring” from the committee at the end of the year.
If you are interested in joining the committee to assist with managing the finances of the Church,
please contact a member of the finance committee…Tom, Lois Stark, Dave Sunwall, Aaron Nyquist,
or Mike Radke. Thank you!
CV On-Line Connections
Daily Devotions and Staying Connected
Stay connected to the ministries, activities, and events happening at
Christus Victor Lutheran Church.
Two resources and options for you to receive excellent daily devotions and ministry announcements!!!
For daily devotions – click on the Christus Victor website!
When you click on you will see the Daily Devotion – “God Pause.” Click on the link
that will take you to the full devotion on the Luther Seminary website, where you will find a place to
SUBSCRIBE to this devotion, which will then be emailed to you every day! You can join hundreds of people
from CV and across the nation sharing in the same daily devotions and growing deeper in faith together!
For weekly ministry announcements – on the Christus Victor website you will
find a place to SUBSCRIBE to “Send Me the News.” Submit your email and you will not only receive the
monthly newsletter, but you will also receive once a week the ministry activities, events, and service
opportunities happening at CV.
Are you on Facebook? Then check out and “friend” our Christus Victor facebook page! This Social
Networking site allows members and friends of CV to post ministry updates, special events, pictures,
and other items of interest for everyone to consider.
7510 PALOMINO DRIVE  APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124  952-454-6927
Christus Victor Office Staff
Associate Pastor……………………
Office Manager…………………………...…
Administrative Assistant……………………
Nursery Care Provider……………………..
Director of Music……………………………
Children’s Music…………………………….
Traditional Worship Accompanist…………
Contemporary Worship Accompanist…….
Senior Choir Accompanist…………………
Kristi Manning
Anne Nyquist
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]