
Oroville Church of the Nazarene has a long rich heritage and history in Oroville. It is not a
building, but a movement of people. From it’s beginning we have been a people pursuing God.
It began as a group of people who started meeting together in a little house on Bird Street
back in 1936. It could have ended there, but it didn’t. God was already at work in a bunch of
risk takers who never settled for anything less than obedience and the pursuit of God. From
that little house to the Rock House, to the Church on Washington Avenue, to our current
location on Monte Vista, we continue to see God at work, changing our community “one life at
a time.”
In this years annual report we will be looking at numbers, but not just numbers. The numbers
in this years report are important because they represent people and the life change that’s
happening in our church. Every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story
matters to God! In this annual report you will see the normal ministry reports, but as a part of
each ministry report is a story of a life, or lives, that have been changed because of the
ministry that happens here every day of every week throughout the year. These are a small
sampling of the lives that have been changed, a representation of the transforming power of
God working in each of us every day. This years’ OroNaz Annual Report will not just share
what was done in the past year, but reflect the results of those activities, lives being changed.
So take some time to read and enjoy each article and story.
“ They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony…” Revelations 12:11
Lead Pastor
Administrative Pastor
Associate Pastor
Community Life Pastor
Worship Pastor
Student Ministries Pastor
Children’s Outreach Pastor
Children’s Discipleship Pastor
Recovery Pastor
Discipleship & Life Groups Pastor
Hope Counseling Ministries
Nazarene Missions International
Women Alive
Treasurer’s Financial
NMI Treasurer
Church Statistics
OroNaz Mission Statement:
As followers of Jesus Christ, who seek to worship God and share His love, we desire to
reconcile people to Christ and to equip them to be His devoted follower.
“Changing the community of Oroville one life at a time.”
OroNaz Vision:
OroNaz Ethos:
“Living by faith,
Holding out hope,
Walking in love.”
On the following pages you will be able to read about all of the various
ministries our church is involved is remarkable what God is allowing us to do through
your faithful participation and by His grace. I am so grateful for a motivated and committed
staff that continues to pursue excellence in all that they do. We are so blessed...
Each of the following ministries contain a " state of the ministry" report in addition to a story
of a changed life. Make sure you take the time to read them. You will be glad you did! I've
limited my report to a couple of significant areas of growth and impact...
Lots of changes around here lately...the kind of changes that sometimes causes Pastors and
their congregations to get crosswise with each other. Many times pastors don't make it
through a building or remodel project...but thanks to your grace and perseverance we did it!!!
God be praised!
As they put the finishing touches on the remodeled nursery wing and as I sit here in my
fabulous new office I can only say thank you to God and to you for your generous support of
the C-3 initiative. What a joy to see all that we've been able to accomplish here on the
campus. But that's not all...two trips to Haiti this past year, and the merging of the Hope
Center board with the Big Tent has allowed us to expand our influence in many other areas as
We will be able to start construction on a high school on the island of Loganave off the coast
of Haiti this coming June. Imagine...the only Jr Hi and High School on an island of 85,000
people...teaching kids academics from a biblical world view. God is so good to give us this
opportunity to partner with the Nazarene District of the island.
The Hope Center prior to the merger was doing very well. Larry and Stephanie Hayden have
done a remarkable job putting this incredible and vital ministry to our city together. Every
corner of the 16,000 sq foot building is being used for ministry of some sort. Larry's vision was
for the sustainability of this ministry beyond themselves. Hence the merger of The Big Tent
Corp with the Hope Center.
Since that time we've established enhanced executive board activity thus relieving Larry of a
burden that he was growing increasingly overwhelmed by...and he couldn't be happier! Larry
and I meet every week and the board is doing a great job of drilling down on finances,
marketing/fundraising and other infrastructure concerns and challenges. The future looks
even brighter than before...
Perhaps the most significant undertaking this past year for us was the realignment of the
church board or...CLT. It has traveled 'under the radar' of notable activities this year but has
really been a major transformative move that will insure the sustainability of the mission of
our church for years to come.
The CLT now consists of eight dedicated and faithful men and women who are working very
closely with me on the vision and health pieces of our local church. We have spent a good
deal of this past year getting to know each other and getting brought up to speed on where
we have been as a church and where the current plans are taking us. I am greatly encouraged
by the chemistry that is developing among us and what that means for the challenges that lie
I want to take a few lines to congratulate Kurt Libby and Marcy Morgan for their commitment
to the ordination process in our denomination. It was a lot of work for both of them that is
finally over. They will be ordained next month as elders in the Church of the Nazarene. We are
so proud of them (and Pastor Shane who was ordained last year).
Thank you all for caring about the kingdom of God. Thank you to my dear wife Geri who loves,
encourages and supports this passionate Irish pilgrim husband/pastor...
Submitted with deep love and honor to the Body of Christ...
Pastor Dennis
It was just a year ago that I became the newest member of the OroNaz Pastoral
Staff. I had been involved in many aspects of the Church Leadership over the past
years, but this was a big step of faith to pursue my dream and desire of serving
God here at the Naz.
I hit the ground running, and with each new adventure I knew that I was in the right place, where God
wanted me. Like any new job there was a learning curve, but I have finally settled in and can now tell you
what I was hired to do. I call it my three “C’s” and two “F’s”. Not a very good report card, but a good way to
remember what I do.
C3 is how we at the Naz plan to accomplish the Great Commission to “Go into all the world and make
disciples.” It has three emphasis, Campus-HERE; Community-NEAR; and Compassion-FAR. More information
is available in the Ministry section of the OroNaz Annual Report under C3.
Developing a strategic plan for our communication infrastructure has been a challenge this past year. It has
been a year of discovering what we do, and how we do it, and then learning new ways to do it better and
smarter. As we take a look at our best options in internal and external communication we are planning with
the future in mind. Oh…if you haven’t already, check out our new Facebook page at Oroville Church of the
Church Calendar
With a Church as busy as ours it is critical that we don’t overbook our facility. Our building is used for ministry
every day of the week. We have many other requests to use our facility from area ministries, Red Cross,
School functions, and so many more.
Facility Use, Maintenance, Upkeep & Repairs
From making sure everything is set up when needed for an event to maintaining and repairing air
conditioning units, broken doors, outside landscaping, and so much more. I don’t do it, but a great team of
custodians led by Carol Caborn, our resident maintenance man, Dick Bryce and his side kick, Vern Englund, as
well as the best landscape person in Glen Miller and of course Tina Brandt and Theressa Swift who manage
and run our church office. These people make my job easier, and keep the church facility looking good and in
working condition. You hardly ever see them, but we couldn’t do it without them.
I work with the Church Finance Team to forecast, track and monitor both church giving and expenses on a
weekly basis. Special thanks to Kolleen Wells who has been the Church bookkeeper and Financial Officer for a
number of years, as well as Phil Miller, who recently stepped in as the Church Treasurer. I report to Pastor D
weekly, and the Finance Team is responsible and reports to the CLT monthly. More information is available in
the Financial Report.
Although leading our Life Group isn’t part of my job, that remains one of the highlights of my week. To be
part of a small group of people who care for each other, support and pray for each other, and just live life
together. There can be nothing better. My story or testimony is from our Life Group and one of the many
amazing things that God has done through this experience.
It all started in a Life Group about four years ago. My wife and I met Kathy, along with her son’s girlfriend,
who was pregnant. There were some complications in the pregnancy and we prayed a lot for that baby. The
baby was born healthy, God answered those prayers. Over the next couple of years the relationship between
Kathy and her son became strained as he began to drink and use drugs. Bad situations only got worse. All
possible solutions had been exhausted, it seemed hopeless.
Kathy’s husband Dennis retired and began attending our life Group as well. A bond began to form between
us as couples. Life was extremely stressful for Dennis and Kathy. Our Life Group was a constant source of
spiritual, emotional and physical support for them.
Things were getting so bad that Dennis and Kathy were concerned that CPS might be called in as the welfare
of Kathy’s grandson was in a bad state. Dennis and Cathy stepped in, and were ultimately awarded
temporary custody. This even further complicated the strained relationship between Kathy and her son. It
was in this time when we were in prayer about this, that God laid it on my heart to pray and claim Kathy’s
son for Christ. We all prayed and as scripture tells us “to act as though it already happened” we confessed
and accepted that God would change Kathy’s son and that he would come to know Jesus personally. We
were looking for a radical change that was not currently the situation.
A number of months went by, we continued in this prayer, but things seemed to get worse. I was concerned
about Kathy’s faith; I was concerned about my faith. Had I misspoken when I heard God say to claim her son
for the Kingdom? I wasn’t so sure anymore. My prayer changed to one of desperation not just for the
salvation of Kathy’s lost son, but now for the faith of my sister in Christ. We were in need of a miracle.
Through the next year Kathy’s son continued to decline, until he found himself in jail. In jail her son hit
bottom. He came to the end of himself, and found the Lord through the jail ministry. When he got out and
went into recovery his life was changed. He has been in a recovery house for the past five months, and in
that time he has begun his new life in the Lord. He attends church, and on November 23, 2014 he was
baptized and publicly confessed his newfound faith. He is still in recovery, but has reached out to his mother,
has regular time with his son, and is taking a parenting class to be able to get his son back when he completes
his recovery.
In a flash God answered our prayers. God showed He had the entire situation under His control. When things
seemed hopeless for us, God was still at work. At the right time God answered our prayer, He is neve r late,
but seldom early. His timing is perfect. God answered prayer, and many lives were changed because of it.
This last year I completed my transition away from the C-3 Campus
team. I was honored to work with the Campus Team for 3 years as we
pursued the various upgrades and remodel to our facility. Working
weekly with Kenn Bishop, Gary Keeler and Vern Englund was a real
privilege. We are enjoying every week the fruit of what this great team was able to
accomplish with God in charge.
This year I engaged in more pastoral ministry to our congregation and the community. The
opportunity to spend time with those in hospitals and rehabilitation facilities was a blessing to
me. We saw miracles of healing and grace take place that only can happen by the work of a
loving heavenly father. Some of these you were engaged in as we prayed for Gods
intervention. Some were by connection with a friend, family member or neighbor. I was able
to tell people that God had touched and healed them and rejoice with them.
I also had the opportunity to help a number of people in a time of grief at the death of a loved
one. You have been gracious as we, as a church body, ministered to families who have had
very little connection to us. I want to thank Jan Holly, Stephen Van der Maelen and their
teams for their sensitive service to hurting families. When we provide a meal it makes a
difference in how folks see the service of the body of Christ. Families are always amazed that
we would care for them in this way.
I have also provided pastoral counseling to a number of people. I want to thank Sue O’Hanlon
for her wisdom and experience in how best to assist people. Having a professional Therapist a
phone call away is a tremendous asset in caring for people. I also met with Sue most weeks to
review the needs of people to whom I was ministering.
I was able to complete the courses provided by the American Association of Christian
Counselors to assist pastors in the ministry of counseling. The classes were very helpful with
great biblical insight and application.
One of the most enjoyable things for me this year has been the Sunday morning time on the
front patio. Greeting friends as they come with excitement into worship reminds me that God
is at work in all of types of different situations. Watching children grow in our young families,
seeing folks visit and mingle around a cup of our mass produced coffee reminds me that the
kingdom is far more dynamic and varied than I imagine. People are really welcome here. They
sense and know it and because they are welcome, however they come, they can feel safe.
I am grateful to a loving Father who has saved me from my sins and put me in a place of
service to His kingdom.
Steven Holly
In August of 2013 I asked Michael T. to send out 3 or 4 men from Jordan Crossing to fill the
planters on the front patio with dirt. One of the men was a big, strong young man named DJ.
In the summer heat the guys tired and the work slowed down, except for DJ. He worked hard
and harassed the other workers into keeping up. After that we specifically requested that DJ
be a part of a number of crews from Jordan Crossing that helped us throughout the fall.
As one of my responsibilities at the church, I meet with many of the couples wanting to get
married. In the spring of 2014 I received a call from Shaleika to do the premarital counseling
and wedding for her and her fiancée Dillon. I knew Shaleika and she told me that Dillon knew
me as well. I didn’t realize it at the time, but found out that Dillon was DJ. Of course I was
honored to meet with them both.
They worked diligently in their counseling time to give themselves the best possible start on
their marriage. I also would see them at Serenity staying committed to each other, their
sobriety and Jesus. On September 13, 2014 with family and a few close friends I had the
privilege of conducting their wedding ceremony.
Recently, Shalieka told me that some friends were teasing her about “needing” premarital
counsel. She told them, “if you want God to bless your marriage, start working on it before
your wedding.” DJ and Shalieka have taken the first step in ensuring their marriage will remain
strong through the years. They also realize by keeping Christ in the center of their relationship
even when they hit a rough patch, God will see them through. I am excited for what God is
doing and will do in this Christ centered relationship.
This is my thirty-ninth report as a pastor on staff at the Oroville
Church of the Nazarene. I look back over the years with fondness and
gratitude that God would allow me to grow up and serve along-side this wonderful body of
believers. Over those thirty-nine years, I have served Oronaz as the youth pastor, lead pastor,
Community Life pastor, and presently, I am part-time. My responsibilities are to oversee the
Senior Adult ministry called Cornerstone, to lead the Assimilation Ministry, and to help
wherever needed.
This past year, Cornerstone provided our seniors with five events to come and enjoy the
blessings of sharing life together. The year starts with a New Years breakfast , followed by a
Saint Patrick’s Day lunch in March. Then we meet for our Ice Cream Social in June, and our
Piefest in September. We cap the year off with our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner. This year we
had over 130 people come and feast on an incredible meal prepared by David Mills. Our
special guest speaker was Pastor Gary Moore who challenged us to truly embrace the
blessings of God with thanksgiving because many people in the world struggle just to survive.
I want to recognize my Cornerstone leadership team: Rick Hook, Roger Jardin, Sonny Lopez,
Abbie Mariano, Sally Miller, Susie Redfern, Quincy Sampson, and Bob Zollner. Thank you for
making this ministry vital, but fun.
The Assimilation Ministry starts with the Sunday Morning Meet and Greet, where I have a
face to face with new guests, curios about our church. We give them a gift and personally
invite them to take the next step, which is a Get Connected Lunch, where they meet the staff
and hear about connecting opportunities. I also teach a four week membership class where
they learn about our Mission, Vision, and Values.
I also teach a class in our Serenity Ministry called “Understanding Anger: The Journey to
Wellness.” I also serve as the facilitator for the Greater Oroville Partnership of Pastors , where
local pastors meet and pray with each other each week. What a blessing!
Onward and upward,
Pastor Ed Redfern
One of the most amazing and fulfilling experiences I was able to participate in this past year
was the miracle of healing and resurrection in the life of Steve Clark. Steve is the husband of
Patty Clark, our Women’s Ministry Director. Steve started attending my Wednesday morning
Bible Study a few years ago and I gradually got to know him and hear his story. As a young
man of nineteen, Steve’s first wife had complications during delivery of their first child. She
went into a comma and stayed in that condition for over forty years. He was devastated and
confused about this and became angry at God. He later married Patty, moved to Oroville and
raised a family. Patty became a believer in Jesus, and over the years Steve went to church, but
his heart was hardened toward God.
About a year ago, Steve got very sick, with his kidneys all but shutting down. He was in the
ICU, went into a coma and it looked like he wasn’t going to make it. Believers went to prayer
for Steve and God heard and answered. He was transported to Stanford hospital and while
there, he made a miraculous recovery. When Steve woke up, he realized that all the anger
toward God was completely gone. He was not only alive, but spiritually experiencing new life
in Christ. Later, when I talked with him, he shared a little testimony that warmed my heart.
He said that a few days after surgery, Patty pushed Steve in a wheel chair outside for the first
time. When he felt the sun hit him, he felt like this was the best day of his life. He was free of
all the anger and bitterness and was overwhelmed with a heart of thanksgiving.
When I saw the resurrection of this near dead man, who had been transformed by the love of
Jesus, I wanted him to share his testimony with our Cornerstone people at the September
Piefest. This would normally have been something the old Steve would have refused to do.
However, he was more than willing. He took some time to write out his story and then stood
up before all those people and boldly shared what God had done for him and in him. He is a
new man with a new heart. He presently is waiting for the Lord to provide a donor for new
kidneys. Until then he is at peace.
Worship and Fine Arts Department
To define worship is to define God. You just can’t. Jesus said in John
4: 23-24:
“A time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship
Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father
seeks. God
is spirit and His worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”
Our department is committed to not only personally discovering what that means but also in
assisting our great congregation in the same process. I have been in church all my life and
have seen more changes in the way church is “Done” than you can imagine. I love the
picture Jesus paints of new wineskins. He says in Matthew 9:16:
No one sews a patch of un-shrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away
from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do men pour new wine into old
wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be
ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
In other words, change does not have to be all bad. It can be very hard, just not bad. And
while there has been a lot of change in the worship environment the values God gave me ten
years ago still stand.
Our desire as a team is to:
Provide a platform for Authentic Worship to take place, eliminating as many distractions
as possible and always seek to usher in the very Presence of God.
Include Everybody at the table by honoring the past as well as keeping current with current
song writers who write lyrics and create music that address the plight of today’s culture.
Raise up the Next Generation, which includes everyone from young people to new
converts fresh out of Serenity to teach, model, include and befriend as we lead together.
Here is a story from one of those amazing Next Generation team members:
Being on the worship team has been a growing experience through and through.
Technically, when I started on the team I was extremely out of practice in my drumming
capabilities. Over the last couple years I have become a lot more functionally proficient in my
offering. Because I wasn't up to par right away the change was a sacrifice for me. I had
given up part of the time that I worshiped as part of the congregation. I gave up part of the
worship that filled me while praising God. I wasn't really able to worship as I had before while
keeping up on
the technical side of the music we played. This was a difficult change, but through it I came
to see this role in worship as a way of serving our congregation. As my skills progressed I
found that I was increasingly able to worship as I played. Looking back I can see how my
experience on the team has been beneficial for me in being able to serve the congregation
by leading worship and in being able to continue to worship, and even go deeper in the way
that I worship. It is a lot of hard work, especially when music isn't a priority in my life (I don't
consider myself a musician, really, and nothing in me wants to be a rock star). Putting in the
extra 8-10 hours a week for the services on Sunday morning is rough, can be draining, and
takes time away from my family which I really value. But I've come to realize that the effort
we put in is worth it because worshiping our Creator IS a priority in our lives. And because of
that, playing on the worship team is a worthy sacrifice which I am honored and grateful to be
able to take part in.
Jason Merino
An effective worship leader and an effective team must love God and love the church with
their whole heart as well as be willing to sacrifice for her. I am so very proud of the team of
folks I work with. With the new equipment in lighting and media, our technicians have been
on quite a learning curve and they have done beautifully. Our sound continues to be a
challenge in this building, but Sonny and the team do an outstanding job and are consistent
and dependable to the max.
I was able to take a much need month away after Christmas and the team did well, in fact
I’m not sure I was even missed. I applaud them all.
I am grateful to our Leadership under Pastor Dennis and our CLT that has allowed us to
move forward with our lighting and media projects. With the creativity of Maury Miller and
Adrian Miller a very innovative solution emerged at a substantial financial savings. Our
lighting project was completed October 3, 2014. That process was a two year endeavor and
was an important part of the C3 Campus upgrade. Thank you to Steven Holly and C3
Campus Team for staying on this until completion.
We continue to be a worshiping congregation. Our worship time includes the freedom for
healing prayer, as well as preparing hearts to hear God's Word preached. It is a privilege
and honor to serve God and this church in the area of Worship and Fine Arts. Bless His holy
Jan Holly
Spring at MOTUS
Our Wednesday night teen ministry continued to grow and do great things
from March through June in 2014 at the Axiom. The word MOTUS actually
means motion in Latin. The idea is to help put motion to teen’s
faith. MOTUS is never just about what happens on Wednesday nights, rather it is primarily about what
happens Thursday through Tuesday, as God works in our lives, putting motion to what we learned on
Wednesday nights. We have stuck with our four week session format. Week one is a sermon on a topic that
is relevant to teens, week two is small groups based on age and gender, week three is a worship night, and
week four is a service project. The spring sessions included a teaching on Lent and a teaching on wise choices
called Decisive. Tyler Schnelli was the ministry lead for MOTUS throughout the spring. Krysi Riggs and
Theresa Swift collaborated on forming small group curriculum. Melissa Hill and Lukas Valadez helped lead
our worship night. Lexi Ramsey helped create service projects for the students based on the passage in
Matthew 25:35-40. With an early camp, we held MOTUS through the end of school right up till camp.
Summer Camp
For the first time in recent memory, summer camp was moved into June which made it impossible of many
teens to go that were enrolled in summer school. For high school camp, we took seventeen students. For
junior high school camp, we took eight students. The camp speaker was a guy named Tom Henderson that
spoke about the freedom that we find in Christ. He gave students a book called Heart, Not Hype that
continues to minister to teens months later.
MOTUS in the Fall
As we moved into the fall of 2014, we launched with a session called Freeway, utilizing a book by the same
name from Mike Foster and the People of the Second Chance. There was an immediate honesty that took
place because of the freedom that people found in sharing about their struggle and their triumphs. Camp
had really set the tone. The second session was on spiritual disciplines and was called Look Who’s Talking. It
helped students identify the voices that are coming at them and ground their faith on what God is saying
about them. We finished up the fall with a session called Kingdom Come based on the book by Nathan
Oates. We focused on Jesus coming here and letting us all in on the good news that the Kingdom of Heaven
is near.
Winter So Far
We kicked off January with a session called Let’s All Be Brave, helping students make wise choices and doing
the things that God has called them to do. The final night was an incredible night of bravely sharing ways
that we’ve been fake, extending grace, and receiving grace. The February session was called Pure Scum,
acknowledging the tension of feeling like scum, but being made pure. It helped us draw moral boundaries
and set our sights on holiness.
Thanks & Recognition
Krysi Riggs, Justin Riggs, Tyler Schnelli, Lexi Ramsey, Melissa Hill, Bud Englund, Theresa Swift, Lisa Bidlack,
Anna Chikalla, Megan Libby, Lukas Valadez, Ben Hatch, Chip Fowler, Stephanie Fowler, Abe Huerta, Danielle
Flores, Mike Daly, Christian Tenguan and countless others have made this an incredible year. Thank you to
everyone that serves and prays for our teens as they grow up in their faith. It was an incredible year, and
here’s to many more!
A Sibling Story
The story I really wanted to share is about a brother and sister, Danielle and Nathan (affectionately referred
to as Nato 2.0). A year ago, Nathan was an eighth grader that came to our Middle School Night off and
on. Danielle had connected with our church through her best friend, Lizzy Maurer. They were raised in a
Catholic home, but only attended mass on occasion, and even then, they didn’t really take it
seriously. Coming to OroNaz was something new and inviting.
For Nathan, he wasn’t super interested in God, but he decided to come to camp because of the friendships
he had made with other students and leaders. Summer camp was the thing that really sparked his interest in
God and began to change the course of his life.
Danielle would frequently connect with God in worship on Sunday mornings and share about what she was
learning about God with her new friends in LifeGroup. She had told Krysi, one of our other leaders, that she
felt like she wanted to help out with teens. She started helping out at MOTUS and got involved right away
with helping plan our worship nights, working with Melissa Hill.
Nathan, having returned from camp, found a new focus and spirit about him at MOTUS. He realized that he
could make different choices.
Danielle said that helping out with teens as pretty scary at first. She wasn’t sure about praying for them. But
once she started, it just came naturally. It’s also making her relationship with God stronger and she is more
comfortable around the kids. She knows that music opens her up to God and loves to help create
environments where that happens for teens as well.
As the year went on, Nathan made some poor choices, which is pretty typical of teenagers. What was cool
though was that he had his sister and a community of believers that helped him get back on his feet and get
his bearing. He started volunteering at Axiom as a student volunteer. He said that as he started taking
MOTUS seriously again, everything moved toward God.
They have grown a lot closer as they have been praying for each other and talking about the different
learning experiences at MOTUS. One of the really cool changes in their lives has been how it has spread in
their home as well. Their father has struggled with alcoholism for a long time and this year, as they and their
mom have been praying for him, he has started to get help. They know that as their relationships with God
grow, it is changing their family and their home.
Children’s Remodel
We have spent a large portion of our time and energy on remodeling our
department to provide some space for children. I said it from the beginning of this
project and I will say it again…You cannot create compelling children’s ministries
environments based on stuff!” It is true that families are looking for a place to
belong; they want to bring their children to a place where they are loved, valued
and feel safe. So that is exactly what this remodel is all about.
The new nursery has a large family room, where parents with little ones (from 6 weeks—4 years) have the
option of checking their children into our environments designed for each age group, or they can use the
family room as a place to settle their little ones, while they watch the message via live feed. There will be a
video surveillance monitor, allowing parents to watch what is happening in each of the new nursery rooms.
The new facility will have a large indoor playground, three classrooms, a nursing room, bathroom and offices.
The theme is a Rain Forrest, because NazKidz is an adventure! Soon you will get to tour this new space. There
are many people who have given hours of their time, donated supplies and services, almost too many to
mention. But if you see these people, can you give them thanks for giving far beyond what is expected or
imagined: Robert Shaw: Project Manager/Dicky Bryce: Facilities Supervisor/Alyssa de Coup-Crank: Designer/
Arlene Coley: Muralist/Custom tile: Donating the tiles and granite counter and for installing them/Kinser
Construction: Texturing and painting all of the rooms.
The elementary department will have a new check in area, which will replace the old nursery check in area,
with bathrooms accessible to them. The Path, which is our early education department, will be moved into
the old nursery, dividing the preschoolers from the kindergartners. This will then free up space for the older
children. We still have some work left to complete the Special Needs class. The Journey has been moved to a
larger room giving the 5th & 6TH graders some much needed space. We plan to begin work on creating a
playground with some fun equipment for our elementary students as soon as the other work is completed.
Upward Basketball & Cheer:
We re-launched Upward Basketball, reaping the fruit of taking a year off to work on leadership development.
We used our facility for all of the games with the new gym floors and the new hoops. The testimonies were
heard clearly at half time using our sound system. Upward Basketball and cheerleading reached a total of 506
participants and we had around 1500 family members attend our Awards Celebrations. Upward remains the
largest growth engine in Children’s Ministries.
RUSH (Public School Outreach)
Last year we were able to reach out and serve three public schools through adopting Helen Wilcox, Oakdale
Heights and Bird Street School. By serving and depositing hope through survival kits during the first week of
school, through our annual school supply drive and through other gifts of encouragement. We were able to
open our doors for Helen Wilcox for their Christmas programs again this year. We strongly believe that by
encouraging teachers and helping with resources we are being the hands and feet of Christ. This ministry
continues to thrive under the care of a team of passionate Campus Coordinators and a generous church.
Harvest Festival
This year we tried something new, something we had talked about but for many reasons, were not able to
pull off. We offered the Harvest Festival for FREE! And we had so many families who were able to attend who
couldn’t afford to buy wrist bands for their children in the past. Thanks to you, the C3 imitative used funds
from the Campus portion to underwrite the expense of the inflatable’s. It was a huge success!
Every year we provide something we call the spiritual component, its how we spread light into our city. This
year we created a venue that allowed us to bring a children’s book to life. The Amazing Journey is a story
about a little VW Bug who is on a Journey of faith, and the Master Mechanic helps him discover hope. It was
really creative, and many heard the gospel as they watched us bring the story to life on the big screen. The
author of the book joined us and signed books for the kids. It was a cool was to catch the imaginations of
both young and old. We welcomed hundreds of people and provided a safe place for families to bring their
children. The Harvest Festival has become one of the biggest events in Oroville on Halloween, and our
community has come to depend on it as a safe place to bring their little ones.
Summer Camps
We took around 30 kids to Kids Camp this past summer. Many of these kids recommitted their lives to Jesus,
some asked Jesus into their lives for the very first time. Camp continues to be effective in reaching kids at a
deep level. We will continue to get behind camp as long as God continues to do what He is doing through it.
Many of our volunteers take the week off to spend with these kids because they have seen what happens at
camp. Many of you have adopted kids through our Adopt A Kid for Kids Camp program. Your giving has
allowed deep deposits for the Kingdom, and I can not tell you how much it means to me to belong to such a
generous church! Thank You!
Safe Families
I continue to serve on the Safe Families team, overseeing the Family Friends volunteers under the leadership
of Larry Dunn. God has called a dynamic team of people to serve on this leadership team. This ministry has so
much potential to spread a wider safety net for at-risk families in our community. We are ready to begin
supporting families who need a safe place to leave their children during a critical time. I believe that next
year we will have some pretty incredible stories of hope as we continue to hold our arms open to the least of
Kids Like Me:
This is our recovery ministry for children who have parents in recovery. I am passionate about spending time
with these kids every week. Each child has a story, and I believe God is using this ministry to deposit hope
and love as we build meaningful relationships with them. Most of them were able to go to camp this past
Children’s Ministries Team
There are three other women who are called to serve our children. They in relentless in their effort to make
sure every child feels valued and loved. Thank you Pastor Marcy, Rita and Sandy for sharing your gifts with
Pastor Shane Heldman
Once in a while God will send someone at just the right time, when we don’t know how we are going to finish
what He called us to do. He has sent people the day before the Harvest Festival to help set up, and he has
called people to step up and serve in the nursery at just the right time. He has called some of the most
amazing people to teach classes like Kidz On Stage when the leader who has served for a decade needed to
take a break. He is building His Church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.
But rarely have I experienced Him move through a couple of people like I have with the Shaw’s! Robert and
Sandy Shaw came to us several years ago. They were Christians when they came, but they were young in
their faith. The first encounter I had with Sandy Shaw was when I asked her to pray about taking on the
Dinner Station for VBS. I will never forget her response; she said she would pray about it. I could see from her
expression that this was a pretty big deal. But by the time the second service closed, Sandy came up to me
and said, “I already have my answer, God told me to say yes.” This was the first of many things I asked Sandy
to pray about taking on. Each time she would respond with a clear conviction that she was supposed to step
up and serve. She took on the nursery, which is no small task, she took on Upward Concessions, and again,
this is a huge responsibility. God has been showing Sandy through Theophostic Counseling, that He wants her
to respond to His call, and she has been doing it courageously! She is a thriving leader because she is letting
Jesus mold her every day.
Sandy’s husband Robert is a builder by trade. He loves to build things and he is good at it. Robert serves in
the Hike and in Kids Like Me. When we began planning for the remodel of the new nursery, I asked God to
send some people to lend support. He sent a designer who knew what she wanted. Alyssa de Coup-Crank has
shown herself to be quite able. But the idea of taking her concepts and turning them into a reality was more
than I could imagine. I knew that we were going to need to depend on volunteers to make this happen. The
reality is that our volunteers were spent on the other work that had to be accomplished before we could
even begin on the new nursery project.
Then God sent Robert! I asked Robert if he would consider serving as our Project Manager, working with the
C3 team and our team to make sure we were all on the same page. Robert knew exactly what we wanted,
and he has gone above and beyond the call of duty to support us, and create the environments we
envisioned. Every night after work, Robert shows up and works. On the weekends, his truck would be the
only one in the parking lot, at least before Upward started. From the beginning of this project, when we did
have some volunteers, to now when we only have a couple of them, he has stayed at his post. He has taken
walls down, put new ones up. He has taken carpet up and prepped floors. He has put in doors, new windows
and cleaned out debris. What ever is required, he does it. But he does it with such passion. You would think
he was getting paid! He is on mission, doing what God has called him to do. He is giving himself away in a rare
and extravagant way.
Robert Shaw and Sandy Shaw are advancing the Kingdom of God, through service and surrender. They are a
blessing to me!
This past year we organizing, remodeling and redecorating the existing
children’s areas to better meet our needs. Along with the nursery remodel,
the existing children’s department has been making changes to
accommodate growing enrollment. We have put a lot of effort into
creating easy to teach curriculum that will meet the needs of children ages
four through the eighth grade.
We have expanded our classes to include 7th and 8th graders. We have created a discipleship plan
that begins in our nursery and continues through our Junior High groups. The following is a brief
description of the plan:
Our babies experience the love of Christ through our volunteers and paid workers as they care,
read, and play with them. They are exposed to worship meant for babies.
The toddlers begin to hear the truths of the Bible through stories as well as stations where they
have crafts, snacks, songs, and coloring to reinforce the Bible stories they learn.
Pre-School and Kindergartners worship to age appropriate music and use an excellent curriculum
to move Biblical lessons from their heads into action. Children learn to do things that honor God
and others, like sharing, helping, and loving. The lesson is reinforced with color sheets, crafts,
and structured games. Take home sheets help parents review the lesson at home and keep them
informed about what their children are learning.
In the 1st through 4th grade classes we have new curriculum where children learn how to use a
Bible, how to understand what they have read, and how to apply it to their lives. A take home
sheet helps parents review and quiz their children about what they learned.
Our 5th and 6th grade classes use the Bible to dig deeper into what the Scriptures say and
challenges the students to apply it in their personal lives and encourage them to share their
testimonies with others.
Our 7th and 8th grade classes concentrate on using Scripture to help them deal with everyday
situations and problems that they are most likely to encounter. This class teaches youth to
problem solve with the help of the Bible and gets them ready to participate in MOTUS and the
Sunday morning worship service.
Our Special Needs class has been instrumental in teaching Biblical truths to children with
disabilities. Typically, this class joins with the 1st and 4th grades for worship and then separates
for individualized learning, crafts, snack, and play. Our newly created Special Needs room is still
in the process of being finished…but is a calm, pleasant environment that caters the lessons to
each child’s need.
This year we also organized and added elective classes to the second service to add variety and
interest, especially for those who attend more than one service. There is a wide range of
electives…Music & Drama, Wood Craft, Leadership Training, Baking, Gardening, and Baptism are
just some examples of what is offered. Each elective has a Scriptural component to continue the
learning cycle.
Not only do we want to reach the community of Oroville, we want to change the community through
discipling children into Godly servants. It has been our joy to teach, care for, worship with, have fun
with, and love the many children at OroNaz.
In our 1st – 4th Grade environment, children learn how to use a Bible. They often use Bibles we
provide in class to look up verses that are referred to in the curriculum. There are times when a
child will ask for a Bible to keep, or during special events we have given Bibles away.
Several months ago, a young man asked if he could have a Bible. We were out of the Bibles we
normally give away, and so he was given a small New Testament instead. The next week, the young
man brought the Bible back and asked if he could have a Bible that he could understand. The boy’s
mother explained that he had learned in class that he should be reading the Bible, but he was not
able to understand what was written in the NIV Bible he received. I was astounded at his deep
desire to understand what was written in the Bible. He truly wanted to know what it said! I went in
my office and immediately ordered him a special Bible that he would understand.
For some reason, the delivery of the Bible took longer than I expected, and each week I assured him
that I had ordered a Bible for him. He was patient, but I could tell he was anxious to read it. A week
before Christmas the Bible arrived and I watched that next Sunday as the children came to class. The
boy did not come. My heart sank. His mother had told me how excited he was about getting the
Bible and had purposefully sought me out each week before to check on the progress. Now that I
had it in my hands, I felt so sad that I couldn’t give it to him.
After church, my son and I drove to the boys home. The boy’s mother opened the door. She said the
boy was not there but would be returning later that day and she would give him the Bible. The
whole affair seemed a little anticlimactic at that point and we drove home.
The next Sunday, I was surprised when the boy rushed up and hugged me and thanked me for the
Bible. His mother’s eyes were moist as she threw her arms around me and told me that getting the
Bible made her son’s day last Sunday and he couldn’t wait to read it!
I can’t help but think what it would be like if we all had a desire like that boy to understand God’s
word. I was so grateful and humbled that God used me to get his Word to a child who sincerely
wanted it so much that he risked talking to an adult to attain what meant most to him.
Serenity Group Annual Report 2014
“Reaching the City of Oroville One Addict at a Time”
As I look back on our year at Serenity my heart is filled with joy at
how God has worked in our Recovery Ministry. As many of you know this was a very difficult
year for me personally due to prolonged health issues due to a staph infection after knee
replacement surgery. In all I spent eight weeks in the hospital in 2014 not including
recuperation time at home. This meant I missed more days at Serenity this year than any year
since our beginning over twenty years ago. I thank God daily for the way our Serenity
Leadership Team stepped up and not only made the ministry work but also saw it grow during
the time I was unable to serve.
I want to give a special thanks to our team: Kenn and Abby M., Pat and Albert L., Billy K., David
M., Connie C., Dick J, Pete G. and my wife Valori. They stepped up to the plate and hit a home
run for recovery in Oroville. Throughout the year everything we planned was completed
properly and with good success. Our summer BBQ and Chili Cook Off was our biggest
outreach event of the year with over 600 in attendance. Our weekly meetings were heavily
attended along with our monthly dinner meetings. All our special classes came off without
well thanks to the extra effort of our leadership team. I can't possibly thank them enough for
their efforts to build the kingdom. It simply would not have worked without their extra
We now look forward to 2015 with some exciting ideas for ministry to our recovery
community. It feels great to be able to be back at work on a regular basis with the people God
has called me to serve. I thank God for walking me through this season with the knowledge
that He would never leave me or forsake me. I also must thank Pastor Dennis and our pastoral
staff for coming to our aid when things got tight. Last but not least I want to thank all of you
who prayed for Valori and me during this difficult journey. We love our Church family and our
ministry would not work the way it does without your sport.
Valori and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your loving prayers and support.
I was given space to share one glory story from our ministry in 2014. This year Sandra and
Emanuel L. joined us after a very difficult time with addiction, which culminated in the
removal of their new born baby from their home by Child Services Division. They came to us
broken and angry at everything about the system as well as struggling with addiction. As they
joined our Couples in Recovery group lead by Pat and Albert, they came to understand their
part in what had happened and learned how to move forward by the renewing of their hearts
and minds. Several of us walked through the trials with them, teaching them to trust God and
look to Him first, for the solution to their problems with the system and their own addiction
issues. Pat and Albert made extra special efforts and were able to share from their own
experience how to humble themselves to the process.
As they caught the vision of how their lives could change they embraced Gods healing to
make their recovery begin to work Gods way. They finally got their little girl home just in time
for Christmas after fourteen months in foster care. Little Justice is thriving in the home and it
was so good to hear them praising God for their recovery and their little girl. They even came
to see Child Services Division as folks who were honestly trying to help them be better
I thank God for the success stories like this at Serenity because it is very difficult to make the
beginning necessary to move from addiction to healing by Gods grace. Sandra and Emanuel
are now helping others to get clean and sober as they work on their own recovery.
Thank you, Jesus for your healing Grace.
Discipleship can be viewed as the process of helping people move
along the path from:
No Faith in Jesus
Faith in Jesus
Strong Faith in Jesus
Reproducing Faith
Everyone can be found somewhere along this continuum. Our goal in the discipleship ministry
at OroNaz is to assess where people are and then assist them in moving a step further along
on that path. We get our marching orders from Jesus’ Great Commission: “Go and make
disciples of all the nations, baptizing them… and teaching them all that I have commanded
you” (Matt. 28:19). Since everyone’s story is unique, our ministry seeks to adapt the timeless
truths of spiritual living to the varied needs of our people.
One of the ways we do this is to foster a church-wide culture of growth. While all the pastors
play a vital role in this, my particular piece involves leading the Life Groups. Since their
inception in 2010, Life Groups have grown to become a prime nexus of spiritual growth at
OroNaz. I am pleased to report that we currently have twenty four groups meeting with
nearly 300 people attending. I equip and train the leaders; and with my wife Cathy, write the
notes used each week to discuss the Sunday sermon. Life Groups play a key role in helping
people learn and apply all that Jesus commanded us.
This past year I have had the joy of meeting with people who are starting out on their venture
of faith in Jesus. When they express their desire to make their new faith public, I meet and
stand with them in the waters of baptism.
Our Next Steps Booth (in the NW corner of the Foyer) has continued to provide us a contact
point for people who want to move further along their personal path of growth. Weekly we
have at least one person express interest in taking the next step of discipleship. We have
some wonderful stories of successful match-ups between disciples and disciple makers (see
story at end). We are finding that for some our five week Essentials curriculum and twelve
week Foundations/HighQuest curriculum do not meet their needs.
For this reason in the spring of 2014, we convened two “Discipleship Summits,” in which we
sought God’s leading for new, more effective means to accomplish our calling to make
disciples. God showed us quite clearly that we need to move in the direction of mentorship.
The people who are coming to us for help need a long term partner who will walk with them
through the many dimensions of personal growth and recovery from their former life without
Jesus. Our current discipleship plan, though good, does not address this need. I am praying
fervently that God will raise up a mighty army of men & women who will be willing to devote
their life to go the distance with a young disciple. If you would like to join this army, please
contact me!
In the fall of 2014, Mike Glaze did an excellent job teaching our class called Starting Point. It
helped several people get a firm grasp of some of the key doctrines of our Christian faith. We
will be offering it again in the near future.
Let me share a wonderful example of God’s grace that has unfolded partly because of our
discipleship ministry. [The story is true; the names have been changed.]
Jessica, a young mom, started attending OroNaz because her grandma invited her. She felt
God touch her, and she invited Jesus into her life. She stopped by the Next Steps booth and
requested help. One of our terrific disciple makers, Liz, connected with Jessica and began a
long term relationship of helping her learn to live out her new life of faith. It was challenging
for her as a young mother with a husband who didn’t care about spiritual things. But Liz kept
encouraging Jessica to allow God to shine through her – especially in her home.
God graciously took Jessica’s example of love and faith and awakened Tom’s heart. He realized
that he was wasting his life on selfish pursuits and committed his life to Jesus. He started
attending the church with Jessica and got hired by a man from OroNaz. They joined one of our
Life Groups, and God touched the Life Group leader to begin discipling Tom.
However, not long after Tom’s awakening, some “stuff” from his past showed up. Several
months of difficult times ensued, and yet, because the love of Jesus is so relentless, their
mentors and Life Group stuck with them through the murky times. Now, today, if you meet
Tom and Jessica you will see faces that beam with the love of Jesus. They are a work of grace
in progress. They are taking huge strides along the path of faith. Yay Jesus! Yay OroNaz! Yay
Life Groups! Yay discipleship ministry! God is still changing lives!!
Stories like this are the reason I am humbled and honored to serve OroNaz as the Pastor of
Discipleship. If I (and my team) can be of help to you, please let us know. We’re all about
nurturing your growth in Jesus!
Hope Counseling Ministries
Nazarene Missions International
Women Alive
Greetings to the Church Family!
Hope Counseling Ministries is growing and blessed! This year, with the opening of our new
building, we have the capacity to minister to even more people. The need for counseling is
always growing and we have previously had to refer clients out to other agencies or individual
therapists, because we were full. With our new offices we are able to help most of the people
who call. We are so grateful to you, the church body, for supporting this building with your C3
giving. We have added Kelley Pagenkopp to our staff as an Associate Social Worker (Intern)
and we anticipate adding other interns/therapists as well.
Hope Counseling Ministries offers professional counseling, Biblical lay counseling, Theophostic
Prayer Ministry, and psychoeducational and support groups. Our Professional services are fee
based, while our lay counseling is donation based. All services are provided under the
supervision of a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. We work with children, teens, and
adults, as well as couples and families.
Some of our professional services are provided by Marriage Family Therapy Interns and
Associate Social Workers. These are individuals who have completed a Master’s Degree in
Counseling or Social Work, and are authorized by the state to accrue hours under the
supervision of a licensed professional. By providing a place for interns to work, we are not only
able to help train good quality Christian counselors, we are also providing lower cost
professional help. We also have a variety of trained lay people who provide Biblical
Counseling, Theophostic Ministry, marriage mentoring, GriefShare, and Boundary Classes. We
are so thankful for each individual who is willing to be involved in helping others!
We are also grateful to the Pastoral Staff, the Church Leadership Team, and the church body
for supporting us in this ministry.
Stories of Healing—
We believe in healing and the power of God to transform lives. We also realize that in this
fallen world, we sometimes get stuck and need some help along the way. That is why we feel
strongly about offering Christian counseling. Help that can affirm our faith or offer hope to
those who do not yet have faith.
When asked to write about one of the stories of healing I was presented with an ethical
dilemma. One of the ways that we can make it safe for people to do the hard work of
counseling, is to ensure confidentiality. Apart from mandated reports regarding child or elder
abuse, we are not allowed to share someone’s story, or even to ask them to share it. This is to
make sure that there is never any pressure for someone to share their experience.
With that being said I would like to remind us all of the verse in Revelation 12:11:
They overcame him (the enemy) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their
We believe that sharing your story is part of what God uses for an individual’s healing – it’s
just not our place to tell it.
We do have the privilege of seeing incredible healing. Many people have found relief after
many years of struggling. But for now, you’ll just have to take our word for it J
Sue O’Hanlon
Marriage and Family Therapist
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
Your C3 Giving ($13,517) and NMI reserves have allowed your NMI council to
$3000 to partially fund the shipping cost of a 20’ sea container full of medical supplies for Kudjip
Nazarene Hospital. This shipped in August 2014 and arrived at the mission station in December
$3000 in Deputation offerings (Friday Ganda; Bill McCoy, Erin Meier)
$12,500 to complete projects in Plain Mapou, Haiti (9/2014))
$500 to World Mission Radio
$4250 towards Plain Mapou, Haiti teacher’s salaries and student’s meal program
$500 to make 25 Warm Baby Kits for Kudjip Nazarene Hospital
Your generous offerings have allowed us to give:
$2057 to help Ukraine Children at Risk thru NCM (Easter offering)
$4019 for the Plaine Mapou, Haiti Student Meal Program (Thanksgiving Offering)
$2108 for purchase of properties and buildings around the world (Alabaster)
$25250 in love offerings for Friday Ganda, Dr. Bill McCoy and Dr. Erin Meier
Through designated giving, you have given:
$1582 to our missionary in Israel
$9899 to the work of Dr. Bill McCoy in Papua New Guinea
$210 to World Mission Radio
$2000 for project funds for the Summer 2016 Uganda Work and Witness trip
Because of your faithfulness in tithing to Oroville Nazarene, the church has given $36849.63
to the World Evangelism Fund (WEF), which funds our global mission initiatives around the
“We have thought on Your
loving-kindness, O God…”
Psalm 48:9
2014 is proof positive that God’s grace is sufficient. What with Steven’s near death
experiences, long hospital visits, the uncertainty of his condition and what the future might
hold…traveling back and forth to Stanford week-after-week…and having the WA Team step up
to the plate and do what needed to be done…it was a miracle indeed.
Whether it was during our regular Tuesday morning Bible studies, at retreat at Mt. Hope,
during our all day Fall Conference, or as we studied the Book of Galatians in NBF, the Holy
Spirit faithfully led women deeper into their faith and into the freedom Christ died to give
them. In so many lives Jesus was active healing and transforming lives.
2014 was all about focusing our time, energy, and attention on following God’s lead and
carrying out His vision. Why are we so surprised when we obey Him and it works?
Sew Much enjoyed its 6th season of creating and serving. Our “special” project this year was
to make quilts for the widows in our church family and presenting them at a Christmas brunch
– along with our regular donations to Caring for Women and Hope Center, etc. We had such a
good and successful year. Arlene Coley, Pat Smith and Cynthia Strickland have agreed to
accept the responsibility of leading the group next year.
Living Free was our theme for 2014. All of our studies : Grace Dancing, Prayer, Breaking Free,
Life’s Healing Choices, as well as NBF focused on the truth about the freedom that is ours in
Christ and the Biblical principles that enable us to enjoy that freedom.
Our second annual retreat at Mt. Hope is fast becoming a favorite among our ladies and
sisters that join us from other Oroville churches. I think the popularity stems from the fact
that this event gives women permission todisengage from the rigors of everyday life
and engage in unhurried private time with Jesus and connecting with other women who are
struggling to thrive in a demanding and hurry-up world too.
Our Fall Conference was well attended (over 100). We enjoyed praise and worship, personal
testimonies, four quality breakout classes and the Spirit moved…the alters were well used on
and off throughout the day.
Really, words don’t adequately describe all the good God did this year. He is faithful and we
know that He has an equally exciting plan for 2015.
Patty Clark- Director of Women Alive/Women’s Ministries
For me one of the sweetest blessings I experienced this year was watching Jesus raise up new
leaders and facilitators – women who were willing to step out of their comfort zone, stretch,
and learn and grow. One of our priorities at Women Alive is to create a sustainable ministry,
which requires staff development.
Theresa Swift was one of those courageous women. I asked Theresa if she would like to
facilitate Life’s Healing Choices, a study she and I had attended and both benefitted from 2
years ago. What I’ve always appreciated about Theresa was her love for and devotion to
Jesus, but also her willingness to step outside the box, learn and personally grow. Bottomline – She accepted the invitation.
One of Theresa’s top “strengths” is responsibility, so I knew that with Jesus’ help everything
would turn out all right. But the real blessing for me was how Theresa’s number one priority
was to love the women and how she faced weekly challenges, worked through difficulties
without caving and taking things personally, and found great joy in serving others and
Jesus. Every week, when I got a chance to connect with her, Theresa had some good-news
story to tell…either about how the women were connecting with each other or a lesson she
had learned about leading a class more effectively. Most importantly I appreciated what she
had to say about how Jesus was working in her life and revealing things she needed to work
on with His help.
Theresa is living proof that we can trust the Lord – and that He never asks us to do something
that we cannot do with His help. We may not feel adequate, but He is. Theresa’s success
story encourages me to press on and invest more time and attention developing other
facilitators. It is such a joy watching my sisters achieve their divine potential.
To God be the glory, Amen.
C-3 is the way we, here at Oro Naz, plan to move forward in our efforts to minister to the hurting
and the lost in our world...Here, Near, and Far! We have a rich heritage of making a difference in our
community and around the world, but we should not rest on past accomplishments. There is still
much work to do!
The church is a movement of people, restoring broken hearts in a broken world. We must continue
to be the church! We’ve determined to do this through three vital components;
Campus (our current campus needs) Here
Community (making a difference in our city) Near
Compassion (our response to global needs) Far
C3 was launched at OroNaz on Sunday, April 18th, 2010. Every year we have recommitted ourselves
to the values that this initiative enables us to move forward in. Every year as a congregation we have
continued to support C3 through our financial gifts above our normal giving. Every year we see God
doing amazing things because of the faithfulness and the vision set before us in this area. Here is a
short recap of what has happened over the past year:
We have moved our Church offices, gutted and renovated our new nursery facility, and completed
the lighting and visual aspects of our worship space. We are a few weeks away from moving into the
new nursery facility needed for our children’s ministry.
The merger over the past year of the Big Tent Coalition with the Hope Center is complete. The new
combined board is functioning, and ministry at the Hope Center is impacting and changing the
Community of Oroville in many ways. We are having an impact on our city.
Our Dream in this area was to find, adopt and partner with another community and churches
somewhere in the world. We wanted to find a place where teams from OroNaz could go and invest
our lives. We envision the community of Oroville being changed “one life at a time,” as well as a
community half way around the world. The possibilities are endless!
We have found that place to adopt and partner with. On an Island off the Haitian coast, we find La
Gonave. On that Island, in a little town known as Plaine Mapou, we found a Nazarene Church we can
partner with. We have partnered with this town, helped them build a church, a school and water
In our visit we recently we discovered a dream they have, and not them alone, but 44 churches on
the Island of La Gonave had a dream. some of them have built elementary schools next to their
church, but there is not a single High School on the Island of 85,000 people. Every week students
must catch a boat going to Port-au-Prince, where they spend the week at friends and relatives
homes while attending school, they then catch the boat to go home for the weekend. The District
Superintendent told Pastor D...“we are losing our kids to evil influences.”
The 44 Nazarene Churches on the Island are very poor, but together they have raised the funds to
purchase a piece of land near the Port to build the High School on. They have a dream of keeping
their children at home and safe while giving them a good education. They have this dream, but they
need our help! The District of La Gonave Haiti is working on a plan for recruiting and paying teachers
for this faith based school.
We plan to come along side of these 44 Pastors and Church Leaders to help them realize their
dream. Here is what it will take: Four classroom wings costing $20,000 each to build. A well and
septic system costing $8000 to build. We are sending the first of many Work and Witness Teams to
start the project in June of 2015. This project is bigger than we could have imagined, but God is a
big God, and it is in His hands.
We are seeing the fruit of our labor in the overall C3 initiative. It is not about us, it is about what God
can do through us if we remain faithful, available and teachable. God is and will do far more than
we could ever imagine. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord this past year.
Treasurer’s Financial
NMI Treasurer
Church Statistics
03/01/2014 – 2/28/2015
Balance at beginning of year:
C3 Compassion
Other offerings:
Easter offering (Ukraine Children at Risk):
Thanksgiving offering (Plaine Mapou Student Meals): 4019.49
Work of Dr. Bill McCoy/PNG:
Work of L. Browning (Israel):
Work of D. Anderson (Uganda):
World Mission Radio:
NMI discretionary fund:
Love Offerings:
Uganda Work and Witness (2016) project funds:
Other Offering Total:
Total Income:
Easter offering (Ukraine Children at Risk):
Thanksgiving offering: (Plaine Mapou Student Meals): 4019.49
Deputation offerings:
Crisis Care Kits:
Local Expense (Educational material/convention):
Work of Kudjip Nazarene Hospital
Baby Layette kits for Kudjip Nazarene Hospital
* Love Offering:
Work of Dr. McCoy/PNG:
Work of L Browning (Israel):
Work of Friday Ganda (Burundi)
Work of D. Anderson (Uganda):
World Mission Radio:
Haiti Partnership:
Work and Witness (Haiti Project Funds 9/14)
Total Expense:
*Note that Friday Ganda and Dr. Bill McCoy elected to have the entirety of their love offering
money designated directly for their work on their field .
Balance held in Bank Account:
(Holding in account: $266.24 for crisis care kits; $12096.00 for Uganda 2016
Work and witness Project Funds)
NMI Balance (less holding accounts) 2/28/15:
Respectfully submitted,
Susie McCoy, Oroville NMI Treasurer