Our Lady of Hope MAY 24, 2015 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith community of Our Lady of Hope, a vibrant and welcoming parish, are committed to continuing the mission of Jesus Christ, through worship, faith, education, community and service. Rectory Address: 61-27 71st Street Middle Village, N.Y. 11379 Website: www.ourladyofhopeparish.org RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 - 12 noon 1:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 noon Afternoon by appointment only Sundays & Holidays: NO OFFICE HOURS Like us on Facebook - Our Lady of Hope Parish Middle Village, or OLHMV Rectory 718-429-5438 Fax: 718-429-2764 Email: [email protected] School 718-458-3535 Religious Education 718-335-8394 PASTOR Very Rev. Michael A. Carrano PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Robert Armato Rev. Cezariusz W. Jastrzebski PARISH TRUSTEES Christopher Quinn Harry Walters PASTORAL COUNCIL PRESIDENT Jacqueline Trela DEACON Robert F. Lavanco RECTORY SECRETARIAL STAFF PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Msgr. Nicholas W. Sivillo, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION SCHOOL SECRETARIAL STAFF Jo-Anne Rella Alice Persichette Karen Colletti DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Millie Malone Michele Pizzella Ms. Michele Krebs Larry Abels SCHOOL FINANCIAL MANAGER Angela Guida We invite you to celebrate THE EUCHARIST To share in..... Weekends Saturday: 5:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. Sunday: 8:00 ~ 9:30 ~ 11:00 A.M., 12:30 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. Weekdays Monday-Friday: 7:30 and 9:00 A.M. Saturday: 9:00 A.M. Holydays See Mass Schedule in Bulletin. PRAYER AND DEVOTION TO: Pray the Rosary Monday thru Saturday at 8:30 A.M. Mary Queen of Peace Prayer Group 2nd Monday of the month at 7:30 P.M. in the Rectory Devotions to Our Lady of Hope Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M. Holy Name Society Corporate Mass on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 11:00 A.M., followed by meeting on Tuesday at 7:30 P.M. in the School Cafeteria. Rosary Altar Society BAPTISMS 1st Wednesday after the 1st Sunday at 7:15 P.M. in the Church. Padre Pio and Our Lady Prayer Group Check the schedule in the bulletin for date and time. 2nd Friday of the month at 7:30 P.M. in the Church. RITE OF RECONCILIATION Saturday at 4:00 P.M. and following the 7:30 P.M. Mass. Every 1st Friday following last morning Mass with Benediction at 3:00 P.M. unless otherwise noted. MARRIAGES Arrangements must be made at Rectory at least six months before the wedding. ANOINTING OF THE SICK In case of serious illness or emergency, call the Rectory to arrange for a visit by a Priest Eucharistic Adoration NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to our parish family! Please register at the Rectory office and feel free to contact any member of the Pastoral staff regarding the many programs in the Parish. SUNDAY ENVELOPES All parishioners are expected to identify themselves with the parish by using the envelopes and thus deserve the privileges of the parish. OUR LADY OF HOPE YÜÉÅ à{x ctáàÉÜË á Wxá~ Dear Friends: T oday, the Church celebrates the great feast of Pentecost. This is the day when the Holy Spirit first came upon the apostles to breathe life into the Church. We are all familiar that the Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. The role of the Spirit is to give life to the church and to us. We first receive the Holy Spirit in Baptism, but it is in Confirmation that we receive the fullness of the Spirit. When we receive Confirmation we receive the seven gifts of the Spirit which are to guide us on our journey in life. They are Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Right Judgment, Courage, Piety and Wonder and Awe. Today, I ask all of us to reflect on these gifts and what a blessing they bring under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Yours in Christ, Very Rev. Michael A. Carrano PRIESTS’ MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, MAY 30 5:00 P.M. Msgr. Pflomm 7:30 P.M. Father Cezariusz SUNDAY, 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M 12:30 P. M 6:30 P.M. MAY 31 Father Cezariusz Father Armato Father Armato Father Carrano Father Carrano ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, MAY 30 5:00 P.M J. Roche, L. Frawley, M. Evangelista 7:30 P.M. S. Girdusky, S. Girdusky, P. Schlesinger SUNDAY, MAY 31 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M 12:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. S. LaRussa, S. Bosci, R. McGonell J. Loeffel, J. Loeffel, R. Loeffel K. McManus, K. McManus, N. Telesco P. Gradzki, M. Filip, S. Filip M. Stabiner, K. Stabiner, J. Lignowski MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION SATURDAY, MAY 30 5:00 P.M. M. Auriemma, J. Rella, VOLUNTEER 7:30 P.M. L. Hengerson, VOLUNTEERS SUNDAY, MAY 31 8:00 A.M 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M 12:30 P.M 6:30 P.M G. Musca, P. & H. Zalak V. Galantino, VOLUNTEERS M. Tardalo, VOLUNTEERS J. Caruso, S. Stern, VOLUNTEER D. Ingoglia, VOLUNTEERS VOCATION PRAYER “When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth.” Are you inclined to let the Holy Spirit lead you to your true vocation in the Risen Lord...perhaps as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated religious? Call the Vocation Office at 718-8272454,oremail [email protected] LECTORS SATURDAY, MAY 30 5:00 P.M. M. Davide 7:30 P.M. S. Stern SUNDAY, MAY 31 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00A.M. 12:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. D. Vita Leavy I. Burns A. Zalak A. Zajkowski P. Vercessi WEEKLY FINANCIALS WEEKLY GOAL $15,000.00 Weekly Offering $10,815.00 Catholic Communications $ 1,741.00 Ascension Thursday $ 2,716.70 PENTECOST SUNDAY MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, MAY 24 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. For The People Of The Parish Marian Pietrzak Jurgen Wendler (3rd Anniversary) Paul Norman - Mass of Thanksgiving John O’Leary MONDAY, 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. MAY 25 Pauline Ruppe and Family Eamon Carey TUESDAY, 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. MAY 26 - St. Philip Neri Jurgen Wendler (3rd Anniversary) Joseph Lozito (Birthday) Italian Apostolate Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M. To register, please call the rectory and make an appointment to see one of the priests. Please bring the CHILD’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE and SPONSORS’ CERTIFICATES FOR THE GODPARENTS with you. The GODPARENTS MUST BE PRACTICING CATHOLICS. Register for the next Baptism in the Rectory. THE NEXT CLASS IS THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH .The Next Baptisms are scheduled for MAY 24TH at 2:00 P.M. THE BREAD AND WINE for this week is donated in loving memory of Palmo & Rose Pasquarieno at the request of Their Family WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 - St. Augustine of Canterbury 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. Phyllis Armato Josephine Di Paola THURSDAY, MAY 28 7:30 A.M. Anthony Demmett 9:00 A.M. Carmen Nizzo (Anniversary) FRIDAY, 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. MAY 29 Mary Stansky Ann & Lou Matuszewski (61st Anniv) SATURDAY, MAY 30 9:00 A.M. Rev. Sal D’Anna (23rd Anniversary) Biagio Vaccara Pasquale Forgione Kenneth Bethge (1st Anniversary) Enrica Martini Phyllis Armato Dolores Gaidis Marie Cardinale Vincenzo Bologna Agnes Loser 5:00 P.M. Paul & Ann Guerriero 7:30 P.M. Purgatorial Mass Intentions SUNDAY, MAY31 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. Marian Pietrzak For The People Of The Parish Serafina & Stefano Provenza Fr. Carrano - 45th Anniversary of Ordination John O’Leary THE TABERNACLE FLOWERS for this week are donated in loving memory of Anthony Demmett at the request of Ronald Demmett THE SANCTUARY LAMP will be lit this week in loving memory of Phyllis Armato at the request of Linda & Larry Abels THE OILS FOR OUR ALTAR LAMPS will burn this week in loving memory of Maria Patti (Birthday) at the request of Her mother, Giuseppa We ask you to pray for the sick of our Parish, especially: Darrin Lugaro, Mary Smith, Janel Rice, Marion Caracciola, Rocco Lanzer, Maria Agnes Chua, Gale Bellafiore, James LaRocca, Joseph Wagner, Ukasz Kuna, Lenore Bachman, Catherine Ferrara, Harvey Karp, John Evans, Thomas Flaim, Louis Plascoff (baby), Michael Anthony Cammarata, Camille Reardon Genevieve Christopher, Lucy Grace Sands MAY 24, 2015 IMPORTANT NEWS! DONATIONS TO YOUTH MINISTRY As mentioned a few weeks ago, we are taking “a look” at every aspect of our parish life so as to make it more vibrant. In light of that, next weekend, at all the Masses, you will be asked to review every aspect of our Liturgy. Each priest will explain the short process which will only take a few minutes of your time. Thank you! The students of our Youth Ministry Program plan to visit the nursing home, so that we can spend quality time with our seniors. There are many people there who don’t have family and spend most of the time alone and depressed. As part of our visit, we plan to play some games with them. We would like to ask for your generosity in providing us with some board games such as monopoly, chess, scrabble, etc. These items can be dropped off after the masses next weekend to the main sacristy or during the week to the Rectory. Thank you for your generosity. “When God is with us, we don’t have to be afraid of anything” Bl. Pier ~ Giorgio Frassati REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM If you are already registered, please send in the form and fee by June 30th to receive a chance to win free tuition for next year. We are also offering free tuition to an incoming 1st grade student in memory of Mrs. Virginia James, who was a beloved catechist for many years. New families can register on May 26 and May 27 from 9:00 - 12:00 or 7:00 - 8:00 in the rectory. Please submit a copy of your child’s Baptismal certificate and fee is $125 for one child and $150 for two or more children. (Registration dates in June will be published next week). Children’s Liturgy - Our Religious Education students will not be hosting the Mass for the rest of the school year due to the special graduation and holiday liturgies. Please remember to celebrate Mass each week with your family. We would like to congratulate the following catechists from the Religious Education program for their years of service. 20 years - Anthony Zalak 10 years - Debbie Daniszewski and Mary Dietz 5 years - Mary Ceyko, Mary Haran, Kate Meany Teresa Redmond and Lina Schillaci ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Please note that the next and last meeting, will take place on Wednesday, June 10th . Mass will begin at 7:30 pm followed by our end-of -the-year celebration in the cafeteria. Members are requested to bring a dish for our Pot luck and pizza party. Kindly contact Tina at 718-779-2059 for more information. Hope to see you then! GRAZIE—DZIEKUJE— GRACIAS— GO RAIBH MAITH AGAISH Thank you for your presence, prayers, sentiments, and gifts on my 25th Anniversary to Ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacon. With a Blessing, Deacon Bob BASKETBALL/SOCCER REGISTRATION Registration for basketball and soccer will be held on the following dates in the school gym/cafeteria: Tuesday, May 26th 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Sunday, June 14th 9:30 am - 11:30 pm We will be accepting registration for the following grades: Basketball: Kindergarten through 8th grade Soccer 1st grade through 8th grade We will not have kindergarten soccer program this year. For additional information and details visit the parish website at: www.ourladyofhopeparish.org On Saturday, June 13th at the 5:00 P.M. Mass, Father Kevin Abels will be installed as Pastor of St. Sebastian by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio. May God’s goodness and kindness be with Father Kevin on this special occasion as he continues to shepherd the people of St. Sebastian! NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN “The Brooklyn Diocesan Council of the National Council of Catholic Women will hold its Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 30, at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament in Bayside, beginning with Mass at 11:00 a.m. followed by a luncheon. At this function the Council will recognize member Rosary Societies’ Women of the Year—2015”. This year Karen Colletti was selected by OLH Rosary Society’s “Woman of the Year”. If you would like to attend this event, the cost of which is $20, please contact Claire at 718-446-8849.” Mets BUS TRIP The Holy Name Society is hosting a Bus Trip to see the Atlanta Braves vs. the Mets. All are welcome to attend. Tickets are limited so “first come, first serve.” DATE: Sunday, June 14th TIME: Bus departs at 12:15 p.m. (game is at 1:10 p.m.) PLACE: Our Lady of Hope’s Parking Lot (Eliot Avenue & 72nd Street) CONTACT: Robert at 646-226-4386 Price includes ticket and roundtrip transportation to/from Our Lady of Hope. Let’s Go, Mets! THE DEANERY CORNER……….. St. Margaret Bus Trip to Sight and Sound Presentation in Lancaster, Pa. of “JOSEPH” on May 28 $125.00 per person includes bus, show and lunch at Good & Plenty. Call 718-326-1911 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Passion Play in Piemonte, N. Italy with Bishop Raymond Chappetto & Msgr. Aguggia; Rome, Assisi, Venice, Padua and Piedmont. Sept. 3-13. Call Netti at 1-800-935-5000 x 5244. Ascension Fatima, Lourdes & Santiago De Compostela, 11 Days: November 10 - 20, 2015 hosted by Fr. John Mendonca. For only $2879 per person from New York. (Air/land tour price is $2199 plus $680 government taxes/airline fuel surcharges. For a brochure contact Fr. Mendonca at 718-897-4444x301 or email [email protected]. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL GROUP FINANCIAL REPORT APRIL 30, 2015 INCOME: Balance as of 3-31-15 Church Poor Boxes Total EXPENSES Twinning Parishes: Opening The Word Carmelite Nuns Discalced Food Pantry/Coupons Catholic Relief Services Catholic Charities Annual Catholic Appeal Total Balance: $ 430.00 $ 800.00 $1,230.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 150.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 250.00 $1,000.00 $ 230.00 SE N I O R P Our Lady of Hope’s Senior Goal Group would like to O thank all who joined them for their second Live Orchestra Concert T th L On May 15 , more than 160 parishioners and friends an evening of spectacular music provided by, I enjoyed Gigs & the Professor, who took the audience on a G musical journey through the 40s, 50s, 60s, & 70s. H Highlights of the evening included performances by T ”Bits & Pieces.” The Senior Goal Group thanks James Burns for his Donation and friends of the Senior Goal Group, Pat & Henry Zalak and Steve Dimino, for their assistance. Enjoy a Happy & Safe Holiday weekend as we remember our fallen soldiers. Information Page Church Name: Bulletin # 002842 Number of Pages: 5 Date: 05-24-15 Contact Information: Software: Millie Malone 718-429-5438 Publisher 2007 Acrobat Standard 9 Printer: HP LaserJet 4000 Our Lady of Hope
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