Our Lady of Hope MARCH 22, 2015 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the faith community of Our Lady of Hope, a vibrant and welcoming parish, are committed to continuing the mission of Jesus Christ, through worship, faith, education, community and service. Rectory Address: 61-27 71st Street Middle Village, N.Y. 11379 Website: www.ourladyofhopeparish.org RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00 - 12 noon 1:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. Saturday 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 noon Afternoon by appointment only Sundays & Holidays: NO OFFICE HOURS Like us on Facebook - Our Lady of Hope Parish Middle Village, or OLHMV Rectory 718-429-5438 Fax: 718-429-2764 Email: [email protected] School 718-458-3535 Religious Education 718-335-8394 PASTOR Very Rev. Michael A. Carrano PAROCHIAL VICARS Rev. Robert Armato Rev. Cezariusz W. Jastrzebski PARISH TRUSTEES Christopher Quinn Harry Walters PASTORAL COUNCIL PRESIDENT Jacqueline Trela DEACON Robert F. Lavanco RECTORY SECRETARIAL STAFF PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Msgr. Nicholas W. Sivillo, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION SCHOOL SECRETARIAL STAFF Jo-Anne Rella Alice Persichette Karen Colletti DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Millie Malone Michele Pizzella Ms. Michele Krebs Larry Abels SCHOOL FINANCIAL MANAGER Angela Guida We invite you to celebrate THE EUCHARIST To share in..... Weekends Saturday: 5:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. Sunday: 8:00 ~ 9:30 ~ 11:00 A.M., 12:30 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. Weekdays Monday-Friday: 7:30 and 9:00 A.M. Saturday: 9:00 A.M. Holydays See Mass Schedule in Bulletin. PRAYER AND DEVOTION TO: Pray the Rosary Monday thru Saturday at 8:30 A.M. Mary Queen of Peace Prayer Group 2nd Monday of the month at 7:30 P.M. in the Rectory Devotions to Our Lady of Hope Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M. Holy Name Society Corporate Mass on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 11:00 A.M., followed by meeting on Tuesday at 7:30 P.M. in the School Cafeteria. Rosary Altar Society BAPTISMS 1st Wednesday after the 1st Sunday at 7:15 P.M. in the Church. Padre Pio and Our Lady Prayer Group Check the schedule in the bulletin for date and time. 2nd Friday of the month at 7:30 P.M. in the Church. RITE OF RECONCILIATION Saturday at 4:00 P.M. and following the 7:30 P.M. Mass. Every 1st Friday following last morning Mass with Benediction at 3:00 P.M. unless otherwise noted. MARRIAGES Arrangements must be made at Rectory at least six months before the wedding. ANOINTING OF THE SICK In case of serious illness or emergency, call the Rectory to arrange for a visit by a Priest Eucharistic Adoration NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to our parish family! Please register at the Rectory office and feel free to contact any member of the Pastoral staff regarding the many programs in the Parish. SUNDAY ENVELOPES All parishioners are expected to identify themselves with the parish by using the envelopes and thus deserve the privileges of the parish. OUR LADY OF HOPE YÜÉÅ à{x ctáàÉÜË á Wxá~ Dear Friends: W hen a death occurs in a family, one of the most special moments is when friends and neighbors are present to console us. I am happy to announce that we, as a parish of hope, wish to begin a CONSOLATION MINISTRY. Those who take part in this ministry will assist the priests and the family of the deceased in various ways. In order to begin this ministry I am inviting anyone who is interested to attend a meeting on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 at 10:00 A.M. in the rectory. I believe this will be an important way to assist those faced with the loss of a loved one. I sincerely ask you to consider this ministry. Thank you! Yours in Christ, Very Rev. Michael A. Carrano PRIESTS’ MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY, MARCH 28 5:00 P.M. Father Cezariusz 7:30 P.M. Father Cezariusz SUNDAY, 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M 12:30 P. M 6:30 P.M. MARCH 29 Father Cezariusz Father Armato Father Armato Father Carrano Father Carrano ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, MARCH 28 5:00 P.M N. Telesco, J. Lynaugh, D. Pepe 7:30 P.M. J. Roche, D. Pyryt, S. LaRussa SUNDAY, MARCH 29 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M 12:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. A. J. Carlo, O. O’Rourke, J. O’Rourke M. O’Brien, H. Lambert, J. Bonfiglio R. Barbieri, J. Barbieri, L. Livreri J. DeStefano, N. DeStefano, H. Lambert J. Butron, J. Lignowski, M. Guarneri MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION SATURDAY, MARCH 28 5:00 P.M. M. Auriemma, J. Rella, B. Fish 7:30 P.M. S. Stern, P. Zuzzi SUNDAY, MARCH 29 8:00 A.M 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M 12:30 P.M 6:30 P.M B. Murray, P. & H. Zalak V. Galantino, P. Mendolia, D. Ingoglia Deacon Bob, L. Hengerson, M. Medaglia J. Trela, L. Norman, M. Tardalo R. Hage, D. Gilbert, VOLUNTEER LECTORS VOCATION PRAYER “Morning by morning He wakens wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught.” Listen in prayer daily to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, seeking to know your vocation. If He is asking you to consider the priesthood or consecrated life, call the Vocation Office at 718-827-2454 or email: [email protected] SATURDAY, MARCH 28 5:00 P.M. S. Stern, M. Davide 7:30 P.M. J. Harrington, P. Vercessi SUNDAY, MARCH 29 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00A.M. 12:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. D. Vita Leavy, L. Helldorfer I. Burns, L. Carisetti Deacon Bob, J. Meany P. Norman, VOLUNTEER A. Zalak, VOLUNTEER WEEKLY FINANCIALS WEEKLY GOAL $15,000.00 Weekly Offering $11,795.00 Easter Flowers $ 4,151.00 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT MASS INTENTIONS SUNDAY, MARCH 22 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. John O’Leary For The People Of The Parish John Terranova (44th Anniversary) Marian Pietrzak Anthony Miceli MONDAY, 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. MARCH 23 - St. Turibius Marie Ziccardi Rose D’Amato TUESDAY, 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. MARCH 24 Frieda and John Stalzer Barbara Keller Italian Apostolate WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 - Annunciation of the Lord 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. Giordano and Elda Dagri Herbert Ludemann THURSDAY, MARCH 26 7:30 A.M. Kitty Devenney (Living) 9:00 A.M. Marie Ziccardi FRIDAY, 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 7:30 P.M. MARCH 27 Antonino Favia Antonino DiPaola Stations of the Cross SATURDAY, MARCH 28 9:00 A.M. Ralph Demonte Anthony LoBianco Catrina Minici Lucy and Marinki Burich Immaculata Vitali Joseph Sanscrainte Maria Erotilde Nunez Rosaria Falzarano Alfonso Spigola Ray Benoit 5:00 P.M. Frank Rosalia 7:30 P.M. Purgatorial Mass Intentions SUNDAY, MARCH 29 8:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. Michael Blumlein For The People Of The Parish Mary Maselli Angela and Giovanni Maniscalco Rosalia Saldino Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M. To register, please call the rectory and make an appointment to see one of the priests. Please bring the CHILD’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE and SPONSORS’ CERTIFICATES FOR THE GODPARENTS with you. The GODPARENTS MUST BE PRACTICING CATHOLICS. Register for the next Baptism in the Rectory. THE NEXT CLASS IS THURSDAY, APRIL 9TH. The Next Baptisms are scheduled for MARCH 22ND at 2:00 P.M. THE BREAD AND WINE for this week is donated in loving memory of Frank Rosolia at the request of His Wife Frances THE TABERNACLE FLOWERS for this week are donated in loving memory of Joseph Lombardo at the request of The D’Ambra Family THE SANCTUARY LAMP will be lit this week in loving memory of Rose Accardi at the request of Phyllis and Ben Armato THE OILS FOR OUR ALTAR LAMPS will burn this week in loving memory of Lorenzo Vutera at the request of The Vutera Family We ask you to pray for the sick of our Parish, especially: Rocco Lanzer, John Killcommons, Phyllis Armato, Bernard Helldorfer, Claire Dunne, Maria Agnes Chua, Gale Bellafiore, James LaRocca, Joseph Wagner, Ukasz Kuna, Lenore Bachman, Catherine Ferrara, Harvey Karp, John Evans, Thomas Flaim, Louis Plascoff (baby), Michael Anthony Cammarata, Camille Reardon, Rev. Msgr. Nicholas W. Sivillo Consuelo Colorado, Diane Guisao, Giovanna (Jenny) Copobianco MARCH 22, 2015 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS CHILDREN’S LITURGY The 9:30 Mass will be hosted by the following grades: March 22nd - Grade 6 - March 29th - Grade 5 SAVE THE DATE! SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 SENIOR GOAL GROUP SPRING SOCIAL Live Music and Hot Buffet 2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. Congratulations to the second graders who received the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this weekend. May God bless you! Tickets are $15.00 and will be sold in the back of the church the weekends of March 22 and April 12 No tickets will be sold at the door. STATIONS OF THE CROSS All parishes throughout the Diocese of Brooklyn will be offering Reconciliation on Monday, March 30, 2015. Reconciliation will be offered here at Our Lady of Hope from 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. and from 7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Stations of the cross will be held every Friday during Lent at 7:30 P.M. in the church. On Friday, March 27th the stations will be led by the youth of our parish. Are welcome! SPECIAL SECOND COLLECTION Next weeks Special Second Collection is your Easter Gift to the Parish. Thank you for your continued generosity. God Bless you. PALM BASKETS The Palm Baskets on the Altar are donated in loving memory of: 1. In loving memory of My Grandparents Henry Zalak, Sr. and Catherine Barbour by their grandson Anthony Zalak 2. In loving memory of Salvatore and Helen Mancuso at the request of their grandson Anthony Zalak 3. In loving memory of Connie and James Galiardi and Alice and James Harrington at the request of Joan and John Harrington Thank you to all those who donated flowers in memory of the following: Flower Memorials continued….. Cono Trezza Olga Troje Stanley & Frances Ustaszewski Mr. & Mrs. Bernardo Vaccara Mr. & Mrs. Antonino Vessia Vikara & Kulick Families Mary Walleitner Harry & Dorothy Walters Weislaw Wawrak Elizabeth & George Weiss Helen & Jacob Welk Joseph Wilkos F. & S. Wroblewscy Sam Byram Henry Zalak, Sr. Catherine & Henry Zalak, Sr. John Zambrotta Marie Ziccardi Gaetana & Salvatore Zuccaro THE DEANERY CORNER……….. Our Lady of Mercy SPRING FLING We are making plans for our 2nd Spring Fling Event to take place the evening of May 8th (preview) and all day May 9th. We are seriously seeking artisans, crafters or home based businesses who would like to showcase their works by renting a table. If you know someone, or are interested yourself, please e-mail or call the rectory office at 718-268-6143 for details. Mark the date on your calendar. Our Lady of the Angelus Pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, & Santiago De Compostela 11 Days, November 10 –20, 2015. Hosted by Fr. John Mendonca - $2,879.00 per person - We will visit Lisbon, Fatima, Santiago De Compostela, Salamanca, Avila, Madrid & Lourdes. Includes: Roundtrip Air from New York, $680.00 government taxes/airline fuel surcharges, First Class/Select Hotels, Most Meals, Comprehensive Sightseeing and much more! For more information contact Fr. Mendonca at 718897-4444x301 or email:[email protected] St. Margaret Maggie’s Little Theatre presents “Lucky Stiff” a Musical Comedy, April 17, 18, 19 for tickets and times call 917-579 -5389 or visit www.MaggiesLittleTheater.org Congratulations to our former students who have achieved honor roll status at: Dominican Academy ~ Amanda Miller Bus Trip to Sight and Sound Presentation in Lancaster, Pa. of “JOSEPH” on May 28 $125.00 per person includes bus, show and lunch at Good & Plenty. Call 718-326-1911 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Passion Play in Piemonte, N. Italy with Bishop Raymond Chappetto & Msgr. Aguggia; Rome, Assisi, Venice, Padua and Piedmont. Sept. 3-13. Call Netti at 1-800-935-5000 x 5244. DIOCESAN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS All couples married in 1990 or before are invited to attend the Annual Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday, April 25th at 11:00 A M. The Anniversary Celebration will take place at the CoCathedral of Saint Joseph in Brooklyn. The fee is $35 per couple. All couples will receive a certificate and have their picture taken with Bishop DiMarzio. Light refreshments will be served. For information and to register please call the rectory office at 718-429-5438. Enjoy a night out with your family Disney’s Aladdin Jr. OLH Drama Club March 26 & 27, 7:30pm OurLadyofHopeParish.org SE N I O R P HOME & CARE FACILITY VISITS O T Members of Our Lady of Hope’s Senior Goal Group L Are happy to pay a visit to you or another senior in the who would appreciate the opportunity to have a I Parish conversation with someone. G H Besides home visits, members of the Group would also be happy to visit you or a loved one who is currently in T one of the following care facilities: Dry Harbor Nursing Home Queens Boulevard Extended Care Midway Nursing Home To arrange such a visit, please call Diana at 718-335-2999 - A friendly smile is just a phone call away. - Information Page Church Name: Bulletin # 002842 Number of Pages: 5 Date: 03-22-15 & 2 Inserts Contact Information: Software: Millie Malone 718-429-5438 Publisher 2007 Acrobat Standard 9 Printer: HP LaserJet 4000 Our Lady of Hope
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