Newsletter Gatton - Laidley Catholic Parishes 14th Sunday Ordinary Time Parish Priest: Fr Malachy Onuoha Website: Mobile: 0488 033685 Parish Office Hours: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 9am-2pm Thursday - Closed Office (Gatton/Laidley) Ph: 5465 3131 37 John Street South, Laidley Email: [email protected] Parish Schools: St Mary’s 37A John Street Laidley Ph: 5465 1240 Fax: 5465 2505 Principal: Nathan Haley Our Lady of Good Counsel 20 Maitland Street Gatton Ph: 5462 2675 Principal: Susan Carpenter MASS TIMES THIS WEEK: Saturday: Sunday: 4 July - 6pm Laidley 5 July - 7am Glenore Grove 9am Gatton Tuesday 7 July - No Mass Wednesday: 8 July - 8am Gatton Thursday: 9 July - No Mass Friday: 10 July - No Mass Saturday: 11 July - 6pm Gatton Sunday: 12 July - 7am Forest Hill 9am Laidley Reconciliation: Saturday 4 July: 5.15pm - 5.45pm (Laidley) Saturday 11 July: 5.15pm - 5.45pm (Gatton) STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS 5 July 2015 - 14th Sunday Ordinary “As the Lord spoke to me, the spirit entered me and set me on my feet, and I heard the one who was speaking say to me, ‘Son of man, I am sending you…’” (Ezekiel 2:2-3) God asks each of us to do some special work for Him. He gives us the resources we need to do His work. However, do we listen to God when He calls? Do we get up on our feet and give our talent to do the work He asks of us? Remember, God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. Year B LIFE BEQUESTS Make a gift that lives on: Secretary: Jenny Hatcher 5 July 2015 A gift to the Laidley or Gatton Parishes in your Will is a simple yet powerful way to impact future generations CATHEDRAL OF ST STEPHEN SUNDAY MASS WEBCAST ONLINE Our own Archdiocese has a weekly webcast of the Sunday Mass 10am at the Cathedral. SCRIPTURE READINGS - Year B Readings for this weekend Ezekiel 2:2-5 2Corinthians 12:7-10 Mark 6:1-6 Response: Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy. Readings for next weekend Amos 7:12-15 Ephesians 1:3-14 Mark 6:7-13 MEETINGS Finance Council Meeting Tuesday 7 July at 7pm Community Centre, Gatton in a Nutshell How can a simple carpenter, Joe’s son, the boy next door, be the acclaimed Messiah?! Today’s Gospel speaks of the rejection of Jesus by those from his home town. A prophet in both word and deed, his presence created offence as well as attracting followers. The Gospel indicates that Jesus’ healing powers are not those of a self-made wonderworker but involve the call to faith and conversion of heart. Our parish will conduct the annual Propagation of the Faith appeal next weekend (July 11/12) Why does a prophet have no honour in his own town? That is one of the questions arising as we listen to the Gospel for this weekend. Like Jesus, we can marvel at the lack of faith of those who criticised Him for His teachings and miracles. But then, are we any different? Don’t we sometimes find ourselves confronted by people in our midst who challenge us and force us to look at aspects of our life that we are uncomfortable with? On a weekend when we also mark the start of NAIDOC Week, is it not unreasonable to think of our indigenous brothers and sisters as the ‘prophets’ that we reject, for the discomfort we might feel about the inequality and injustice many of them experience? And is there a further learning from the Gospel, against the backdrop of the forthcoming Mission appeal? Could we see our missionaries as Jesus, called to leave their own place of birth to go where the needs are great and the faith is strong. Countries like Madagascar, and families like Noel and Angeline, will be impacted by your generosity next weekend. On their behalf, and in anticipation of your kindness. Thank you. PARISH NEWS and NOTICES The Word Of God Must Be Preached Do we strongly believe that Jesus lives among us, performs miracles and walks side by side with us; in our homes and families, in our places of work and business?! How do we reverence the Son of man, Jesus who lives and dwells among us? Do we approach Him with strong faith and reverence? These questions are necessary, as they will help to channel our minds and heart to look onto Him, who comes to share our situations; happiness, sorrows or pains. God sent His prophet, Ezekiel to prophesy to His people, not minding the impending rejection. Jesus came to his people, his homeland, but he did not perform any miracle there due to their indifference, closed-mindedness and unbelief. The responses turned out to be skeptical, rebellious and contemptuous though, He healed few people who were sick and who had strong faith in Him. As Ezekiel and Jesus were sent to preach the good news, even though rejection was imminent, we have been sent to preach the Word of God to our brothers and sisters irrespective of any seeming rejection, betrayal or misunderstanding. Let this be known that the divine message is to be preached to all peoples, welcome or unwelcome. So, we have been commissioned to carry the Word of God to all parts of the world; to preach the Word with courage, without counting the cost! May God strengthen our faith to do just this! Amen. Peace Be with you All. Fada Malachy SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM 2015 Please welcome and pray for the children who enrolled into taking part in the sacramental journey to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist. THE 100 CLUB Gatton Winner this week is Daphne Ryan - Ticket No. 28 Laidley Winner this week is Tim Linnan - Ticket No. 31 Any queries regarding the 100 Club can be directed to the Parish Office on 5465 3131 or email: [email protected] COLUMBAN VISIT Columban Fathers will be visiting and speaking at all Masses in our parishes on the weekend of July 18/19 to promote subscriptions to ‘The Far East’ Magazine. They will also speak about their missionary work. Please make them feel welcomed. CONGRATULATIONS to Pania Rose-Illona Davis who is to be baptised this Sunday at St Mary’s Catholic Church, Gatton. May God bless and guide Pania and her family as they continue to uncover the wonder of God‘s love in their lives RCIA INFORMATION MEETING An RCIA Information Meeting will be held on 8th July at the Laidley Parish Centre at 7.00 pm. If you know someone who is interested in becoming Catholic, please bring them along. If this date is not convenient, please advise the Parish Office so an alternative arrangement can be made. INTERESTED IN SERVING THE CHURCH If you are not currently on the roster in Gatton as a Reader or Special Minister and are interested in serving the church in these areas please contact Rachel on [email protected] or phone: 0403837450. I will need to know if for Reader or Special Minister (or both) and Gatton 6pm or Gatton 9am (or both). Many thanks. SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM This Year’s Sacramental Program will begin in March and conclude in September. During this program the children will receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation. 1. First Check-in: Saturday 2nd May 4:30pm at Laidley (St Patrick’s Church) 2. Sacrament of Reconciliation for OLGC Wednesday 3rd June Straight after 9am Mass in the Gatton Church. (Parents welcome to attend) 3. Sacrament of Reconciliation for St Mary’s Friday 5th June Straight after 9am Mass in the Laidley Church. (Parents welcome to attend) 4. Second Check-in: Saturday 13th June 4:30pm at Gatton Community Centre adjacent to St Mary’s Church, followed by Mass at 6pm. 5. Third Check-in: Saturday 25th July 4:30 pm at Gatton Community Centre adjacent to St Mary’s Church, followed by Mass at 6pm 6. Fourth Check-in: Saturday 15th August 4:30 pm St Patrick’s Church, followed by Mass at 6pm. 7. Sacrament of First Holy Communion and Confirmation all Candidates: Sunday 13th September, 2015 at 9am Mass at St Mary’s Church. (8.15am arrival for all Candidates) OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL SCHOOL Past students or parents are welcome to a morning tea on Tuesday 21 July, commencing at 9.30 am to share stories of life at our school over the years. With the next stage of construction occurring soon, sharing stories is an important way to be true to the school’s motto: “a place of rich history, vibrant growth and promising futures”. Please RSVP to the school office by phoning 5462 2675 or email [email protected] by Friday 17 July. LAIDLEY CATHOLIC LADIES There will be no Catholic Ladies meeting in July. The next meeting will take place on Friday 7th August at 9am in the Parish Hall. FAMILY GROUP is a group a parishioners who get together monthly on a social basis. Our group include the "young" and the "young at heart" and we welcome any one who would like to come regularly or once in a while. We are a very friendly bunch who love to chat, meet new people and share time with each other. Next family group gathering is on Sunday 2 August after 9am Gatton mass . Please bring your own meat for a bbq and "something to share" Tea, coffee and cordial provided . Please feel very welcome to stop in for a minute or a hour, all are welcome. GAME OF CARDS (BRIDGE) Bridge players gather each Tuesday at 9am for a game of cards in the Parish Community Centre, Gatton. New players welcome. COSSAG ANNUAL ART EXHIBITION Friday 3 July to Monday 6 July, the Cathedral of St Stephen Art Group (COSSAG) will present its free annual Art Exhibition at the Francis Rush Centre Elizabeth Street. Let There Be Light is this year’s theme and you are warmly invited to enjoy 100 works that are original and affordable from emerging amateur and professional artists. PH: 33433289 ‘STEWARDSHIP—‘Once one chooses to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, stewardship is not an option.’ ‘United States Bishops Pastoral letter on Stewardship.’ As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1 Peter 4:10) Vocations Novena (V9) Prayer Campaign 2015 NINE WEEKS OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BRISBANE MARRIAGE Couples intending to marry in the Parishes of Gatton, Laidley are required to take the following recommended steps to help them prepare for their marriage. A: At the sight of the crowds Jesus’ heart was moved STEP 1: Invest in a FOCCUS marriage preparation. There are trained facilitators within our parishes. Please contact the Parish Office for more information and to register. Phone 5465 3131 or email: [email protected] B: For they were like sheep without a Shepherd STEP 2: Complete Parish Application to Marry Form—nominating Church, preferred date and time. A: Jesus said “The harvest is ready” STEP 3: Time and date will be confirmed by priest or parish office staff. STEP 4: Plan and book wedding reception, etc. STEP 5: Priest will contact couple to arrange a suitable date and time to prepare paperwork and liturgy for the ceremony. 14 June - 9 August 2015 B: “But the labourers are few” A: Ask the Lord to send out labourers for the harvest STEP 6: Wedding Day—Congratulations and may God continue to guide and bless you as you journey through your life together. B: O Lord we pray that young men will answer the call to become priests in Your harvest CARING FOR THE SPIRITUAL NEEDS OF THE HOUSE BOUND & SICK IN GATTON AND LAIDLEY A: And shepherd for your people Amen LIVING BIBLICALLY IN A SECULAR WORLD – Session 5 The Scriptures, though written 2000 years ago, offer insight and wisdom into the contemporary issues we experience today. Drawing on his biblical scholarship, Archbishop Mark will demonstrate the capacity of God’s word to speak into such issues and its power to transform our lives. When: 7.15 - 9:00pm on Wednesday 15th of July and thereafter the 3rd Wednesday of the Month until October Where: The Cathedral of St Stephen, 249 Elizabeth St. Brisbane Cost: Gold Coin Donation menALIVE- MAX15 17th-19th JULY, 2015 - REBUILD MAX15 is facilitated by menALIVE, a National Catholic Ministry to Men. menALIVE for Christ (MAX) is an annual gathering of men from across Australia and New Zealand who seek to be encouraged by one another in their faith journey as authentic men of God. The weekend is an opportunity for all men to come together and explore the issues that matter most and impact their lives through: Sacraments, talks, multimedia, workshops, small groups, fellowship, rituals and fun. Each man is challenged to explore how he will respond to God. This is a residential weekend being held at St Leo's Catholic College University of Queensland from Friday 17 July commencing at 7.30pm until Sunday 19 July concluding mid-afternoon. Full details and registration information available at Contact Peter on 0404 496405 or email: [email protected] 'REVOLUTION - A concert for Bastille Day' British organist David Briggs, with the St Stephen's Cathedral Schola and conductor James Goldrick. Programme will include Widor's Toccata, organ transcriptions of Debussy's Engulfed Cathedral, Dukas's The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Ravel's Daphnis et Chloe, David Briggs' Messe pour Notre Dame and an Improvisation on submitted themes. $30/25. St. John's Cathedral, Brisbane, 373 Ann St. Tuesday 14th July at 7:00pm. Tickets at door. For bookings call 3720 0514 or visit Jointly sponsored by the St Sephen’s Cathedral Concert Series and St John’s Cathedral. ST GERARD’S CHINA AND COLLECTIBLES SALE Will take place on Friday 24 July (9am-5pm); Saturday 25 July (9am-5pm) and Sunday 26 July (9am-5pm) 146 Maundrell Terrace, Chermside West. Phone: 3359 0239 Great prices on Rinconada; John Beswick; Britto; Lladro; Franz; etc. All Welcome. A person who is ill or house bound wishes to receive a visit from a member of the Catholic Community in the Gatton and Laidley Parishes. A person who is ill or house bound wishes to receive Holy Communion on a Sunday or another suitable day of the week, that person or a close relative needs to contact the office on 5465 3131 or email: [email protected] so the arrangements can be made for this ministry to take place. BAPTISMS For future reference the Sacrament of Baptism will take place at the following times:Gatton - 1st Sunday of the Month after 9am Mass Laidley - 4th Sunday of the Month after 9am Mass To arrange baptisms please phone 5465 3131 or Email [email protected] to book in for a Baptismal preparation EVENING. Next meeting: Gatton Parish: 7pm Monday 20 July, 2015 St. Mary’s Church Community Centre, Cnr Maitland & Spencer St, Gatton. Laidley Parish: 7pm Tuesday 21 July, 2015 Parish Office, 37 John St South, Laidley. (cnr Whites Rd & John St South) New to our Parish Changing address Need Planned Giving Envelopes Need Direct Debit Forms Please complete details below and place on collection plate at Mass Name ……………………………………………………. Address …………………………………………………… ……………………………………Postcode …………… Phone ………………. Email ………………………………. Parish: Gatton / Laidley (Please circle home parish.) ROSTER FOR WEEKEND MASSES Gatton: Sumday 5 July at 9am Ministers of Communion: Margaret Brandon, Maria Bauer, Joan Reimann, Anna Webster, Pauline Brennan Readers: Clare Webster, Tony FitzGerald, Margaret O’Brien Saturday 11 July at 6pm Ministers of Communion: Nellie Schimming, Brigid Webster, Carmel Turner, Gary Chalmers, Patrick Webster Readers: Judy McGlade, Rachel Pingel, Pat Ziebarth Altar Servers: Liturgy of the Word for Children: None: School Holidays Altar Society: 5 July: Jenny Stephens, Wilma Hyde, Kathy Robinson Cleaning : 5 July - 18 July: Kevin Smith, Elaine Kluck, Kathy Thomas Counters : 5 July: Chris Freeman, Tina Van Ansem, Mary Bauer, Wilma Hyde 11 July: Terry O’Sullivan, Peter & Dulcie MacAndrews Morning Tea: 5 July: Nora Ring, Dorrie Van Ansem, 19 July: Margaret Brandon, Patrick Webster, Brigid Webster Glenore Grove: Sunday 5 July at 7am Ministers of Communion: Tom Linnan, Michael Sippel, Pat Heenan Readers: Marie Linnan, Anne Sippel, Anita Lyne Sunday 19 July at 7am Ministers of Communion: Deon Herpich, Sandra Herpich, Rita Bichel Readers: Anne Sippel, Clare Hogan, Rita Bichel Laidley: Saturday 4 July at 6pm Welcomers: Norma Lyne Ministers of Communion: Col Seng, Rita Ilka, Aileen Seng Readers: Bev Reid, Mike Nowlan, Jan Maltry Cleaners: Clodagh Carroll Sibbald / Myriam Gaffney Sunday 12 July at 9am Welcomers: Patsy O’Shea Ministers of Communion: Mollie Haley, Joy Orrin, Nathan Haley Readers: Mike Nowlan, Helen Haley, Bev Reid Cleaners: Louise Brimblecombe Forest Hill: Sunday 12 July at 7am Ministers of Communion: Needed Readers: Needed PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Lily Brown, Tiffany Fuller, Bronek Pianko, Monica Hocking, Steve Thelander, Alfonso Vidal, Darius Arnold Vidal, Mary Van Ansem, Larry Gould, Sarah McNeish, Elisabeth Maltry, Trevor Hawley, Norma Hall, Elma Portman, Gordon Browne, Tim Fairchild, Iris Ewing, Kelly Roberts, Margaret Brown, Janene Cornelius, Brenda Flint, Anne Hobbs, George Farquason, Des Trebbin, Sean Martin, Patricia McMorrow, Rhonda Harding, Colin Webb, Kath Goodwin, Katy Maltry, Timothy Maltry, Margaret Vaux, Catherine and Michael Kimmings, Lil Warland, Fr Vince Reilly, Michael Smith, Marianne Kellett, Ben Beling, Carmel Porter, Lucy Kimmings (12), Peter O’Shea, Michael Woodfield, Val Hughes, Pat Manstone, Kelly Roberts, Cate Mumford, Sienna McDonald, Kevin Trebin, Allison Corcoran, Michelle Reuben, Rachelle Panzram, Peta Linnan, Suemantha Tyler, Les Long, Helen Colley, Betty Schulz, James McDade, Raymond Hearn, Ken Volk, Esmay Volk, Mary Kavanagh, Margaret Stephenson, John Williams, Amy Haines, Anna Baessler, Patrick Mkyles. WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Francesco (Frank) Daidone, Kevin Trebbin, Gwen Cassimatis, Brian Cliffe, Margaret Kraut, Iris Qualischefski, George Abdoo, Ronald Edward James, Tyson Albert Noel Latta, Enid May Naumann, Terrence John Hyland, Terry Hughes, Warren Caple, Maureen Anne Fox, Elizabeth Hauser, Mark Haley, Nev Butler, Ellen Hughes, Joyce McDonald, Peg Oliver, Judy Ryan, Rose Mary Bartlett, Athol Romer, Connie Durkin, Quinton James Diete, Helena King, Tony Tromp, Doreen Agnes Portley, Bernardine Cleary, Paula LeBrocq, Peter Van Ansem, Daniel Joseph Phillips, Frances & Bob Menzies, Owen Cusack, Kathleen Pomerenke, Yvonne Conroy. Anniversaries: Joseph Mark Fitzpatrick, Margaret Mary Heenan, Aelene MacAndrews, Michael Joseph Carmody, Kathleen O’Brien, Reg Flanagan, Irene Mehegan, Kathleen Mary Pomerenke, Frederick John Reuter, Mary May O’Connor, Irene O’Mullane, Fr Ralph Underwood, Irene May Thomson, Monica Hegarty, Patrick William Bronkhurst, Maurice Dwyer, Thomas Laffey, Bridget Black, John Taylor, James Edward Ryan, Neville Patrick Schulz. William Robertson Smith, Daniel Gallagher, PARISHES WEEKEND MASS TIMES 2015 Andrew Bugler, Elizabeth Mary Panzram, 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of Month—Mass 2nd & 4th Sunday of Month—Mass Lorraine Clair Linneth, Fr Tim Elliott, Saturday: 6:00pm Laidley Saturday: 6:00 pm Gatton Mary Quade, Mary Diver, Mary Caldow, Sunday: 7:00 am Glenore Grove Sunday: 7:00 am Forest Hill Dorothy Lilian McKay. 9:00 am Gatton 9:00am Laidley WORDS OF WISDOM PARISHES WEEKDAY MASS TIMES 2015 A focus on Strength (Subject to change at short notice due to unforseen circumstances) It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer and sets me on my high places Psalm 18:32-33 Mondays Tuesdays 5pm: Wednesdays 8am: Thursdays 9am 1.30pm Fridays: 9am 10am 10am No Mass 1st, 3rd & 5th week Laidley; 2nd & 4th week Forest Hill Gatton 1st week Benediction & Adoration 1st week Mass of the Sick 3rd week Regis Nursing Home 1st & 2nd Laidley 3rd week Tabeel 4th week Karinya MASS SCHEDULE 2015 - JANUARY TO JUNE Gatton—Laidley Catholic Parishes Date Date Mass Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Apr 4 5 Easter Weekend Gatton 6:00 pm Forest Hill 7:00 am Laidley 9:00 am Jan 10 11 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Apr 11 12 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Jan 17 18 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Apr 18 19 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Jan 24 25 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Apr 25 26 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Jan 31 Feb 1 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am May 2 3 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Feb 7 8 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am May 9 10 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Feb 14 15 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am May 16 17 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Feb 21 22 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley May 23 24 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Jan 3 4 Mass 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am May 30 31 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Feb 28 Mar 1 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am June 6 7 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Mar 7 8 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am June 13 14 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Mar 14 15 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am June 20 21 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Mar 21 22 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley June 27 28 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY Mar 28 29 Laidley Glenore Grove Gatton 6.00pm 7.00am 9.00am Fifth Sundays: March 28/29; May 30/31 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am MASS SCHEDULE 2015 - JULY TO DECEMBER Gatton-Laidley Catholic Parishes Date July 4 5 Mass Date Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Mass Oct 3 4 Laidley Glenore Grove Gatton 6.00pm 7.00am 9.00am July 11 12 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Oct 10 11 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am July 18 19 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Oct 17 18 Laidley Glenore Grove Gatton 6.00pm 7.00am 9.00am July 25 26 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Oct 24 25 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Aug 1 2 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Oct 31 Nov 1 Laidley Glenore Grove Gatton 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Aug 8 9 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Nov 7 8 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Aug 15 16 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Nov 14 15 Laidley Glenore Grove Gatton 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Aug 22 23 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Nov 21 22 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Aug 29 30 Sept 5 6 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY Laidley 6.00pm Glenore Grove 7.00am Gatton 9.00am Nov 28 29 FIFTH SUNDAY Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Dec 5 6 Laidley Glenore Grove Gatton 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am CONFIRMATION WEEKEND Laidley 6:00 pm Forest Hill 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Dec 12 13 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Sept 19 20 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Dec 19 20 Laidley Glenore Grove Gatton 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Sept 26 27 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Sept 12 13 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Dec 24 25 Dec 26 27 CHRISTMASS MASS TIMES Vigil Mass Glenore Grove 6:30 pm Midnight Mass Gatton Laidley 7:00 am Forest Hill 8.30 am Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6.00pm 7.00am 9.00am Fifth Sundays: August 29/30 & November 28/29
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