Newsletter Gatton Laidley Catholic Parishes 4th Sunday Ordinary Time Parish Priest: Fr Malachy Onuoha Website: Secretary: Jenny Hatcher Office (Gatton/Laidley) Ph: 5465 3131 Parish Office Hours: 37 John Street South, Laidley Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 9am-2pm Email: [email protected] Thursday - Closed Chairperson: Jan Maltry 5465 3995 Deputy Chairperson: Michael Hagan 5462 6460 Secretary: Jill Crellin 5411 4616 Parish Schools: 37A John Street Laidley Ph: 5465 1240 Fax: 5465 2505 Nathan Haley Our Lady of Good Counsel Principal: Year B CONTACT PERSONS PASTORAL COUNCIL Mob: 0488 033685 St Mary‘s Principal: 1 February 2015 20 Maitland Street Gatton Susan Carpenter MASS TIMES THIS WEEK: Sunday: 1 February - 7am Glenore Grove 9am Gatton Tuesday: 3 February - 5pm Laidley Wednesday: 4 February - 8am Gatton followed by Adoration and Benediction Thursday: 5 February - 9am Gatton Mass for the Sick Friday: 6 February - 9am Opening School Mass St Mary‘s Laidley Saturday: 7 February - 6pm Gatton Sunday: 8 February - 7am Forest Hill 9am Laidley Reconciliation: Saturday 31 Jan: 5.15pm - 5.45pm (Laidley) Saturday 1 Feb: 5.15pm - 5.45pm (Gatton) STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS 1 February 2015 4th Sunday Ordinary Time “Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” – 1 Corinthians 7:32 How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly worrying about not having enough or attaining more things? God won‘t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide everything you need. Try this – use the word ―pray‖ instead of the word ―worry‖ in the future. Ph: 5462 2675 SCRIPTURE READINGS - Year B Readings for this weekend Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1Corinthians 7:32-35 Mark 1:21-28 Response: If today, you hear his voice, harden not your hearts Readings for next weekend Job 7:1-4, 6-7 1Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Mark 1:29-39 in a Nutshell Taken together, today‘s readings suggest a recipe for true authority. Take your deepest faith convictions, ensure they are grounded in the Word of God, witness to them with a Gospel lifestyle, pursue them at all costs, and sprinkle with prayerful confidence. No wonder people listened to Jesus! FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Brian Goodchild John & Noreen Gallagher Nathan Haley Zac MacDonald Lewis O‘Donoghue Derek & Chris Pingel Adrian & Margaret Shepley LITURGY MEETING Tuesday 17th February 7 pm Gatton Community Centre Mass with Anointing Mass for the Sick holds in our Parish on every first Thursday of the month. The first for the year will be held on Thursday 5th February in Gatton. Everyone will receive anointing. All welcome to attend FAMILY PRAYER BREAKFAST This breakfast is for the whole family! Men, women, children, plus the teens will enjoy it! Hear Testimonies and Interviews Support the Trade table (craft) in support of Chaplaincy To be held at New Hope Lockyer Senior Citizens Centre 13 North St, Gatton Saturday February 28th Starting at 7:30 am Come along and be nourished, both physically and spiritually PARISH NEWS and NOTICES Jesus Teaches and Heals with Authority The word of God is power that transforms our lives. It is the authority that changes our lives for good; realigning our life situations from nothing to something, from hopelessness and despair to real hope. The man with unclean spirit encountered Jesus as He taught with authority. He encountered the word of God proclaimed with authority. This changed his life, throwing light at the dark side of his life; convulsing and changing his unspiritual life to a spiritual discovery. To us, the word of God is still alive and active. It brings us liberation; ‗convulsing‘ us into spiritual re-awakening. Let us therefore open our hearts to recognize the authority of Jesus; to encounter Him who is in our midst to offer us new hope, new life! PROPERTY MAINTENANCE All maintenance issues to do with the Churches, Halls and other properties within our Parishes, should be brought to the attention of the Parish Office by phone/ email: [email protected] The Finance Council are scheduling maintenance work according to priority and available funds. STUDENT ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE We are seeking expressions of interest from students looking for accommodation in Laidley, and would ask that anyone who is interested to please advise the Parish Secretary by post to PO Box 6, Gatton QLD 4343 or email [email protected] “ They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority...” Wednesday 4th February is the first Wednesday of February. We are encouraged to come and pray together during the Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Venue: St Mary‘s Gatton. Time: After 8:00am Mass. Let us help to keep our spiritual tradition alive! Just as the crowds were amazed by the authority with which Jesus cured the sick and the possessed (see today‘s Gospel from Mark 1:21-28), so you can experience, first-hand, the healing power of the Good News, through a Catholic Mission immersion trip. There are various places you can visit; I would love you to join me on a visit to parts of India, scheduled for October. For a FREE information sheet about this trip, please contact our office, during business hours on (07) 3336 9239 or email me at [email protected] LAIDLEY CATHOLIC LADIES MEETING MUSIC COPYRIGHT WORKSHOP: Fada Malachy MONTHLY ADORATION AND BENEDICTION Please note: The next Catholic Ladies meeting will be held on the 1st Friday in February 2015. GAME OF CARDS (BRIDGE) Bridge players gather each Tuesday at 9am for a game of cards in the Parish Community Centre, Gatton. All welcome. THE 100 CLUB – 50% sold! ThIs is a fundraising activity for both Gatton and Laidley parishes to raise money towards our property maintenance. There are ONLY 100 NUMBERS available in each parish. You choose your number and it is yours for the duration of 2015. You can purchase as many numbers as you like, each number costs $ 100 ... every week commencing March, one number will be drawn at each parish, and that person wins $ 100. So you can win many times throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who has already purchased numbers and sold some to their friends as well Numbers on sale after some Masses. You can also contact Adrian Shepley for numbers in the Laidley Parish 100 Club on 5465 1323 or Chris Pingel for Gatton Parish 5462 4001 CENTACARE OLGC Outside School Hours Care is located in the Daniel Walsh Building. Before School Care operates from 6:30am - 8:30am while After School Care operates from 3:00pm – 6:00pm. Please contact Tania on 0487 001 722 or email [email protected] OLGC KINDY Also please note OLGC Kindergarten is currently accepting enrolments for 2015. For further details please contact Stephen Lynch on 54624810 or email [email protected] This workshop is of particular importance to all those involved in music ministry in a Parish. Liturgy Brisbane receives numerous questions from parishes and schools about the permissions needed to reproduce words and music used in liturgy. Doing the right thing by composers and publishers is a matter of justice as well as the law, but the issue of music copyright has grown increasingly complex Liturgy Brisbane is facilitating a workshop in St Mary‘s Parish Office on Wednesday 11th February from 7-00 to 9-00pm. Parishes have a responsibility to ensure that musicians are abiding by copyright law so your attendance at this workshop is important. To book your place phone Liturgy Brisbane on 3336 9444 or [email protected] SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN & VULNERABLE ADULTS TRAINING If you are a volunteer in the parish and working with young children, or visiting people in their homes who are housebound or hostels and aged homes you are required to attend a workshop facilitated by a representative from Archdiocese. For example if you volunteer as a Religious Education teacher in a State School or involved with Children‘s Liturgy of the Word or Sacramental Program or take Holy Communion to people in their home or aged care facility then you will need to choose one of the following workshops to attend. We have organised for two workshops times which are to be held on Tuesday17th February in St Mary‘s Parish Centre. You can choose to attend the first workshop which begins at 1-00pm and finishes at 4-00pm or attend the second workshop which will be held from 6pm to 9-00pm. The Archbishop of Brisbane has made this a compulsory requirement for all parishes. Please contact St Mary‘s Parish office to indicate your attendance at one of the workshops. ‘STEWARDSHIP—‘Once one chooses to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, stewardship is not an option.’ ‘United States Bishops Pastoral letter on Stewardship.’ As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (1 Peter 4:10) Free e-book for computer or e-reader: Son of God: The Daily Gospel Year B-1 MARRIAGE This e-book, which may be downloaded free of charge to a computer or e-reader, offers the Gospel for every day of the Liturgical Year B-1 (Sundays Year B, weekdays Year I), together with a reflection of some 750 words on each daily Gospel. It may be passed on to friends or acquaintances as desired. It carries the Imprimatur of Archbishop Anthony Fisher, the Archbishop of Sydney. Son of God: The Daily Gospel Year B-1 may be accessed at the following address: TAIZE Brisbane - 8 February, 2015 Cathedral of St Stephen, 249 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane This event is for everyone who enjoys music, prayer and silence. For more details visit 2.30pm Young Adult (16-35) Workshop 1 "Taize: Becoming Salt of the Earth" in the Francis Rush Centre 2,30pm Workshop 2 - "Come and Sing" learning songs for the prayer, in St Stephen's Chapel 4pm Evening prayer in the Cathedral of St Stephen 6pm Light meal and hospitality Couples intending to marry in the Parishes of Gatton, Laidley are required to take the following recommended steps to help them prepare for their marriage. STEP 1: Invest in a FOCCUS marriage preparation. There are trained facilitators within our parishes. Please contact the Parish Office for more information and to register. Phone 546 53131 or email: [email protected] STEP 2: Complete Parish Application to Marry Form—nominating Church, preferred date and time. STEP 3: Time and date will be confirmed by priest or parish office staff. STEP 4: Plan and book wedding reception, etc. STEP 5: Priest will contact couple to arrange a suitable date and time to prepare paperwork and liturgy for the ceremony. STEP 6: Wedding Day—Congratulations and may God continue to guide and bless you as you journey through your life together. CARING FOR THE SPIRITUAL NEEDS OF THE HOUSE BOUND & SICK IN GATTON AND LAIDLEY Would you like to advertise your business or service in our weekly newsletter? THIS SIZE SPACE AVAILABLE From only $ 20 per week Great advertising rates and options available. Please email the parish office for more information. Advertising rates start from only $ 11 per week with a 12 month advertising commitment. Opportunity to change your print copy on a regular basis, so you can include specific offers and promotions from your business or service. Options also available for 3 or 6 month periods. A person who is ill or house bound wishes to receive a visit from a member of the Catholic Community in the Gatton and Laidley Parishes. A person who is ill or house bound wishes to receive Holy Communion on a Sunday or another suitable day of the week, that person or a close relative needs to contact the office on 5465 3131 or email: [email protected] so the arrangements can be made for this ministry to take place. BAPTISMS For future reference the Sacrament of Baptism will take place at the following times:Gatton - 1st Sunday of the Month after 9am Mass Laidley - 4th Sunday of the Month after 9am Mass To arrange baptisms please phone 5465 3131 or Email [email protected] to book in for a Baptismal preparation EVENING. Next meeting: Gatton Parish: 7pm Monday 16 February, 2015 St. Mary‘s Church Community Centre, Cnr Maitland & Spencer St, Gatton. Laidley Parish: 7pm Tuesday 17 February, 2015 Parish Office, 37 John St South, Laidley. (cnr Whites Rd & John St South) THIS SIZE SPACE AVAILABLE From only $ 11 per week New to our Parish Changing address Need Planned Giving Envelopes Need Direct Debit Forms Please complete details below and place on collection plate at Mass Name ……………………………………………………. Address …………………………………………………… ……………………………………Postcode …………… Phone ………………. Email ………………………………. Parish: Gatton / Laidley (Please circle home parish.) ROSTER FOR WEEKEND MASSES Gatton: Sunday 1 February at 9am Ministers of Communion: Anna Webster, Daph Ryan, Margaret Brandon ,Margaret Turvey, Maria Bauer Readers: Clare Webster, Pauline Brennan, Judy McGlade Saturday 7 February at 6pm Ministers of Communion: Gary Chalmers, Nora Ring, Beckie Jacobsen, Bridget Webster, Carmel Turner Readers: Rachel Pingel, Margaret Grant, Fay Romer Altar Servers: Liturgy of the Word for Children: 1 Feb: Beatrice Webster; 15 Feb: Daphne Ryan Altar Society: 7 Feb: Shirley De Berg, Joan Reimann; 7 Feb: Muriel Cook, Denise MacGinley Cleaning : 1 Feb - 14 Feb: Reg Schimming Counters : 1 Feb: Gemma Kajewski, Kevin & Sheryl O‘Brien, Gary & Maria Chalmers 7 Feb: John Ryan Morning Tea: 1 Feb: Chris Freeman, Wilma Hyde; 15 Feb: Jacoba Stevens, Tina Van Ansem Glenore Grove: Sunday 1 February at 7am Ministers of Communion: Tom Linnan, Michael Sippel, Pat Hennan Readers: Marie Linnan, Anne Sippel, Mary Hennan Sunday 15 February at 7am Ministers of Communion: Deon Herpich, Sandra Herpich, Carolynne Curry Readers: Anne Sippel, Clare Hogan, Rita Bichel Laidley: Saturday 31 January at 6pm Welcomers: Jill Crellin Ministers of Communion: Nathan Haley, Aileen Seng, Jan Maltry Readers: Majella Madigan, Aaron Shepley, Maureen McCarthy Cleaners: Kathleen Linton / Stephanie Matthews Sunday 8 February at 9am Welcomers: Jill Crellin Ministers of Communion: Aileen Seng, Deon Herpich, Sandra Herpich Readers: Jan Maltry, Patsy O‘Shea. Gwen Hughes Cleaners: Jill & Ron Crellin LIFE BEQUESTS - Make a gift that lives on: A gift to the Laidley or Gatton Parishes in your Will is a simple yet powerful way to impact future generations. Forest Hill: Sunday 8 February at 7am Ministers of Communion: Needed Readers: Needed PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Bronek Pianko, Monica Hocking, Steve Thelander, Ron Carroll, Carolynne Curry, Brian Cliffe, Sherie Van Muyen, Alfonso Vidal, Darius Arnold Vidal, Mary Van Ansem, Larry Gould, Sarah McNeish, Elisabeth Maltry, Trevor Hawley, Norma Hall, Elma Portman, Gordon Browne, Louisa Longland, (Carolynn Curry‘s sister), Sherry MacKinnon, Tim Fairchild, Iris Ewing, Kelly Roberts, Margaret Brown, Janene Cornelius, Brenda Flint, Anne Hobbs, George Farquason, Des Trebbin, Sean Martin, Patricia McMorrow, Rhonda Harding, Colin Webb, Kath Goodwin, Katy Maltry, Timothy Maltry, Margaret Vaux, Catherine and Michael Kimmings, Lil Warland, Fr Vince Reilly, Michael Smith, Marianne Kellett, Ben Beling, Carmel Porter, Lucy Kimmings (12), Judy Ryan, Peter O‘Shea, Michael Woodfield, Val Hughes, Pat Manstone, Kelly Roberts, Cate Mumford, Sienna McDonald, Kevin Trebin, Allison Corcoran, Michelle Reuben, Rachelle Panzram, Peta Linnan, Gwen Cassimatis, Suemantha Tyler, Les Long, Helen Colley, Betty Schulz, James McDade, Raymond Hearn, Ken Volk, Esmay Volk, Mary Kavanagh, Margaret Stephenson, John Williams, Amy Haines, Anna Baessler, Patrick Mkyles, WE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Judy Ryan, Rose Mary Bartlett, Athol Romer, Connie Durkin, Quinton James Diete, Helena King, Tony Tromp, Doreen Agnes Portley, Bernardine Cleary, Paula LeBrocq, Peter Van Ansem, Daniel Joseph Phillips, Frances & Bob Menzies, Owen Cusack, Kathleen Pomerenke, Yvonne Conroy, Julie Mary Simmons, Mervyn Knight, Thomas Cornelius O’Brien, Harold William Cook, Ken McGuirk, Robert Falconer, Eric Furley, Walter John Scott, Robert Redinger, Len & Margaret Watson, Darren Galloway, Roland Hurley, Leona Margaret O‘Sullivan, Mercia Jackson, Dalton Aaron Moule, Kevin Crowley, Ellen Monica Engel, Ross Kealy. CATHEDRAL OF ST STEPHEN SUNDAY MASS WEBCAST ONLINE: Our own Archdiocese has a weekly webcast of the Sunday Mass 10am at the Cathedral. A PARISH PRAYER Father, pour out your Spirit upon the people of this parish, so that inspired by your word, nourished at your table, and graced by your empowering love, our lives may be devoted to the service of our brothers and sisters, and the building up of your Kingdom. May our parish community truly be for this place and time the body of Christ your Son, through whom we make this prayer. Amen. PARISHES WEEKEND MASS TIMES 2015 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of Month—Mass Saturday: 6:00pm Laidley Sunday: 7:00 am Glenore Grove 9:00 am Gatton 2nd & 4th Sunday of Month—Mass Saturday: 6:00 pm Gatton Sunday: 7:00 am Forest Hill 9:00am Laidley PARISHES WEEKDAY MASS TIMES 2015 (Subject to change at short notice due to unforseen circumstances) Mondays Tuesdays 5pm: Wednesdays 8am: Thursdays 9am 1.30pm Fridays: 9am 10am No Mass 1st, 3rd & 5th week Laidley; 2nd & 4th week Forest Hill Gatton 1st week Mass of the Sick 3rd week Regis Nursing Home 1st & 2nd Laidley 3rd week Tabeel MASS SCHEDULE 2015 - JANUARY TO JUNE Gatton—Laidley Catholic Parishes Date Date Mass Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Apr 4 5 Easter Weekend Gatton 6:00 pm Forest Hill 7:00 am Laidley 9:00 am Jan 10 11 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Apr 11 12 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Jan 17 18 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Apr 18 19 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Jan 24 25 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am Apr 25 26 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Jan 31 Feb 1 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am May 2 3 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Feb 7 8 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am May 9 10 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Feb 14 15 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am May 16 17 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Feb 21 22 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley May 23 24 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Jan 3 4 Mass 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am May 30 31 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Feb 28 Mar 1 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am June 6 7 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Mar 7 8 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am June 13 14 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley Mar 14 15 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am June 20 21 Laidley 6:00 pm Glenore Grove 7:00 am Gatton 9:00 am Mar 21 22 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley June 27 28 Gatton Forest Hill Laidley 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am FIFTH SUNDAY Mar 28 29 Laidley Glenore Grove Gatton 6.00pm 7.00am 9.00am Fifth Sundays: March 28/29; May 30/31 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am
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