Rev. Tony Diaz, CMF - Pastor Rev. Gaspar Masilamani, CMF

7:00 AM - Mission (English)
8:00 AM - Chapel (English)
9:30 AM - Mission English)
9:30 AM - Capilla (Español)
11:15 AM - Chapel (English)
1:00 PM - Capilla (Español)
3:00 PM - Chapel (Vietnamese)
5:00 PM - Chapel (English)
7:00 PM - Capilla (Español)
Weekdays/Entre Semana
6:30 AM - Chapel (English)
12 Noon - Chapel (English)
6:30 PM - Capilla (Español)
7:30 PM - Friday Only Chapel (Vietnamese)
8:00 AM - Chapel (English)
5:30 PM - Chapel (English/Vigil)
7:00 PM - Chapel (Vietnamese Vigil)
Rev. Tony Diaz, CMF - Pastor
Rev. Gaspar Masilamani, CMF - Associate Pastor
Rev. Theo Fuentes, CMF - Associate
Rev. Jim Curran, CMF - Associate
Deacon Couples: Fernando, Jr. & Yolanda Aranda
Guido & Violeta Zamalloa
Weekdays/Entre Semana
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
2:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday/sábado y domingo
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Call the office at least six months in advance.
Por favor llame a la oficina por lo menos seis
meses antes.
Please call the Office to register your child.
Por favor llame a la Oficina para inscribirse.
Saturday/sábado 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Call the Parish Office/Por favor llame a la oficina.
Monday-Saturday 9:00 AM-4:30 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Christmas Eve 9:00 AM-12 Noon.
Gift Shop is Closed: New Year’s Day, Easter, July 4th,
Thanksgiving, and Christmas
Page Two
San Gabriel Mission
Director of Faith Formation:
Sr. Mary-Han Nguyen, O.P.
Bilingual Coordinator of Children’s Ministries and Sacramental
Preparation: Maria Gamboa-Trinidad
Nanette Rincón:
Mission Elementary: Principal
Sr. Sharon Dempsey, O.P.
Mission High School: Principal
Mr. Jamie Collins,
Worship Coordinator:
Teresa Valadez 626-457-3037
Worship Committee Chairperson:
Terri Reyes 626-570-9844
Director of Music Ministry:
Ralph Mohutsky 626-235-8957
Sister Georgette Coulombe, O.P.
Finance Council Chairperson:
Algis Marciuska 626-457-3034
Finances / Finanzas
Thank you for your sacrificial offerings in the
Sunday collection. We appreciate your
support for the financial needs of the parish. Gracias
March 22, 2015
Parish Business Manager
Al Sánchez
Office Manager
Joana Albarez
Vanessa Retzepis
Yesenia Cabral
Delia Carrillo
Maintenance Manager:
José Padrón
Gift Shop Manager
Teresa Galeazzi
Small Faith Communities
Conchita Prieto 626-576-7749
Christian Service Program
Greg Quioan 626-289-5165
Pastoral Council Chairperson:
Guillermo Flores 626– 592-5511
Vietnamese Council Chairperson:
Quan Tran 626-674-8493
Renovate & Celebrate
With our monetary goal for Phase 1 within sight, there was much lively
discussion at the recent Renovate and Celebrate Committee meeting. Fr.
Tony spoke about the trend as far as kneelers in the church are concerned. The next step is presenting his idea about the kneelers from the
pulpit. Fr. Tony has also been approached about redoing the inner upholstered doors leading into the church. The excitement of Renovating
our church is undeniable. After years of fundraising, our vision will
soon become a reality. Thank you for your continued support
Renovar y Celebrar
por sus ofrendas en la colecta del domingo. Con nuestra meta para la Fase 1 a la vista, hubo mucha discusión aniApreciamos mucho su apoyo a las necesidades mada en la ultima reunión del Comité de Renovar y Celebrar. P. Tony
financieras de la Parroquia. The total offertory for habló sobre la tendencia de reclinatorios en la iglesia . El siguiente paso
March 15th was: $11,848.23
es presentar su idea sobre los reclinatorios desde el púlpito. P. Tony
también ha sido abordado sobre rehacer las puertas tapizadas al entrar a
The members of the San Gabriel Mission exla iglesia. La emoción de poder renovar nuestra iglesia es innegable.
tend our deepest sympathy to the family of:
Después de años de la recaudación de fondos, nuestra visión pronto se
Irene McKinney
convertirá en una realidad. Gracias por su apoyo continuo.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during
this time of bereavement. Lord, Remember
those who have died and have gone before us
marked the sign of faith.
“Yo les aseguro que, cuando lo hicieron con el más insignificante de “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these
least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40).
mis hermanos, conmigo lo hicieron” (Mt 25:40).
Today, we are reminded that Jesus identified himself with
Hoy se nos recuerda que Jesús se identificó con nuestros hermanos y
our poorest brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Serhermanas más pobres. La Catholic Relief Services Collection sirve a
vices Collection serves Jesus in the victims of human trafJesús en las víctimas del tráfico humano, en aquellos que sufren por
ficking, in those who suffer from unjust laws, and in those
leyes injustas y en los que necesitan cuidado pastoral y ayuda humani- who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across
the globe. Through your support with today’s Collection,
taria alrededor del mundo. Al contribuir a la Colecta de hoy, ustedes
you help Jesus in disguise. Please be generous.
van a ayudar a Jesús con otro rostro. Por favor, sean generosos.
Fifth Sunday Of Lent
Dear Friends,
There is a tendency among many Christians to want to
reduce Christianity to the afterlife: the present life is
merely a rehearsal for the next; the real life is after you
die. Is this what Jesus is talking about in today’s
gospel?: “Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever
hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal
life.” The other extreme to this question is the reduction
of Christianity to social justice activism. Is this what
Jesus models for us? As in most things in the gospels we
cannot take things literal and we cannot reduce things to
black and white realities.
Last Sunday, after mass, a parishioner asked me a
question to clarify something I had mentioned in the
homily: “Is grace alone enough for salvation, and is what
I do important at all for it?” This question was asked
from the old Protestant/Catholic debate between faith/
works. Today, I think cooler heads and hearts prevail and
we can say that a more honest answer is not either/or, but
both/and. Salvation is a grace out of God’s own
initiative. What salvation and grace seek to do in us is
transform and renew the person and society from within;
according to the values and priorities of the Kingdom of
God, so that how we live and what we do flows from this
new reality of citizens of God’s kingdom. This is what
we pray for every time we pray the Our Father: “Your
kingdom come, Your will be done.” We pray that we
make the vision, values, and priorities of God’s Kingdom
a reality in our lives here on earth as it is in heaven.
However, it is not the expectation of God nor of Jesus
that the vision, values and priorities of the Kingdom
ought to be lived out of pure will or social activism. The
vision, values, and priorities are meant to flow out of the
concrete experience of being transformed and renewed
by the grace of God. That is why we are told to “to seek
first the Kingdom of God”, for “what does it benefit
someone to gain the whole world and lose him/herself in
the end?” Yes, it is God’s grace, out of God’s own
initiative that saves and restores us (faith), and what I do
in response to this grace confirms and produces the fruits
of the Kingdom for which God holds us accountable
(works). Yes, God is loving, compassionate, and
merciful, but also demanding, and rightly so!
Fr. Tony Díaz, CMF
Page Three
Queridos Amigos,
Existe una tendencia en muchos cristianos de reducir el
cristianismo al más allá: el presente es solo un ensayo para
la otra vida, la vida real después de la muerte. Sera esto a
lo que Jesús se refiere en el evangelio de hoy: “El que se
ama a sí mismo, se pierde; el que se aborrece a sí mismo en
este mundo, se asegura para la vida eterna.” El otro
extremo de esta cuestión es la reducción del cristianismo al
activismo de la justicia social. ¿Es esto lo que Jesús
modela? Es un gran error tomar las cosas literalmente en
los evangelios o reducirlas a realidades en blanco y negro.
El domingo pasado después de misa un parroquiano me
pidió que le aclarara algo que mencione en la homilía. “¿Es
por solo la gracia que somos salvados o mis obras también
tienen algo que ver con esto?” El trasfondo de esta
pregunta es el debate clásico protestante/católico entre fe y
obras. Hoy, creo que mentes más calmadas pueden dar una
respuesta más honesta: no es el uno o el otro sino las dos.
La salvación es una gracia por pura iniciativa de Dios. La
salvación y gracia buscan transformar y renovar al
individuo y sociedad desde dentro de acuerdo a los valores
y prioridades del Reino de Dios para que nuestras vidas y
acciones fluyan desde esta nueva realidad de ser
ciudadanos del Reino. Esto es lo que oramos en el Padre
Nuestro: “Vénganos tu Reino, hágase tu voluntad.”
Oramos para que nosotros hagamos la visión, los valores, y
prioridades del Reino de Dios una realidad en nuestras
vidas aquí en la tierra como lo es en el cielo.
Sin embargo, no es la expectativa de Dios ni de Jesús de
que esta visión y prioridades del Reino se cumplan por
pura voluntad o activismo social nuestro. La visión, los
valores y las prioridades suponen que fluyen de la
experiencia concreta de verse uno siendo transformado y
renovado por la gracia de Dios. Por eso se nos dice,
“busca primero el Reino de Dios,” puesto “de que le sirve
al hombre ganarse el mundo si se pierde a sí mismo.” Sí,
es la gracia de Dios, por su propia iniciativa lo que nos
salva y restaura (fe), y lo que yo hago en respuesta a esta
iniciativa de Dios confirma y produce los frutos del Reino
de los cuales Dios me hace responsable (obras). ¡Si, Dios
es bueno, compasivo y misericordioso, pero también es
muy exigente, y con mucho derecho lo es!
P. Tony Diaz, CMF
Page Four
SATURDAY, M arch 21st
8:00 AM All Souls, RIP
5:30 PM Marie Valdez, RIP
Antonio Zamora & Esther Chavez, RIP
SUNDAY, March 22nd
8:00 AM Victims of Terrorist Attacks, RIP
9:30 AM Irma Reyes, RIP
Benjamin Diaz Pinzon, RIP
11:15 AM Isabel Drexler, S. Int.
Gabriel Vazquez, S. Int.
1:00 PM Antonio Zamora & Esther Chavez, RIP
Nivardo Terriquez & Family, S. Int.
5:00 PM Joseph Luk & Teresa So, S. Int.
7:00 PM Eugenio Perez Hernandez, RIP
7:00 AM Donald Joseph Goodman, RIP
9:30 AM Donald Joseph Goodman, RIP
Helen Antczak, RIP
MONDAY, March 23rd
6:30 AM Joseph, RIP
12:00 PM Peter, RIP
Agustin Muñoz, RIP,
6:30 PM Antonio Zamora & Esther Chavez, RIP
TUESDAY, March 24th
6:30 AM Vincent, RIP
12:00 PM Joseph, RIP
Rosa Losarelli, RIP
6:30 PM Guadalupe Michel & Jesus Mejia, RIP
WEDNESDAY, March 25th
6:30 AM Santina O. Rizzi, RIP
12:00 PM Salvador Medina, RIP
6:30 PM For All, S. Int.
THURSDAY, March 26th
6:30 AM Dominic, RIP
12:00 PM Peter, RIP
Teresa Tran Mong Thuy, TIP
6:30 PM Gloria Diaz, Angel Solis,
Anselma Rodriguez,
& Catalina Lamora, RIP
FRIDAY , March 27th
6:30 AM All Souls, RIP
12:00 PM Jesus Sida, RIP
6:30 PM Manuel Mule, Serafin Flores,
James Browning & Julian Reyes, RIP
SATURDAY, M arch 28th
8:00 AM Maria, RIP
5:30 PM Peter, RIP
David Gonzalez, RIP
Ralph Sandoval, RIP
March 22, 2015__
San Gabriel Mission Parish Activities
Sunday, March 22nd
7:00 AM Estudio Biblico Food Sale/ Venta de Comida– Patio
9:00 AM San Gabriel Mission Food Pantry– Parish Hall
10:00 AM English Choir– Rm 3
10:30 AM Apologetica– Rm 2
12:30 PM RCIA– Conference Room
1:00 PM Vietnamese Choir– Rm 1
3:00 PM Children’s Choir Practice Choir– Rm 1
3:00 PM Brazos Abiertos– Centro Parroquial, salon 3 y Libreria
3:00 PM Confirmation Class– High School
5:00 PM La Anunciacion Coro– Rm 1
5:00 PM Vietnamese Community– Rm 3
Monday, March 23rd
11:00 AM Piano Practice– Rm 3
5:30 PM Holy Hour for Vocations– Chapel
6:00 PM La Anunciacion Adoracion– Librería
6:30 PM La Anunciacion Coro– Room 1
7:00 PM Estudio De Biblia– Rm 3
Tuesday, March 24th
4:15 PM Legion Of Mary-Rm Library
6:00 PM Youth Lectors– Library
6:30 PM Faith Formation– High School
7:00 PM Fiesta– Parish Hall
Wednesday, March 25th
11:00 AM Piano Practice– Rm 3
6:30 PM La Anunciacion– Conference Room
6:30 PM Coro La Estudiantina – Rm 2
6:30 PM Lectores– Rm 3
7:00 PM Lenten Bible Study– Parish Hall
7:00 PM Boy Scouts– Rm 1
Thursday, March 26th
3:00 PM Carolina Russek-Folklorico Lessons– Parish Hall
5:00 PM Children’s Choir Practice– Rm 1
5:30 PM Hora Santa para las Vocaciones– Capilla
7:00 PM Brazos Abiertos– Centro Parroquial
7:00 PM La Anunciacion– Rm 1
7:30 PM Intensive Adult Confirmation Class– Conference Room
7:30 PM Spanish RCIA– Elementary School
8:00 PM Vietnamese Choir– Library
Friday March 27th
11:00 AM Piano Practice– Rm 3
6:00 PM Coro Brazos Abiertos – Rm 2
7:00 PM Soup Supper/Sopa Cuaresmal– Parish Hall/ Centro
7:00 PM La Anunciacion– Rm 1
7:00 PM English Prayer Group Healing Mass– Mission
8:00 PM Vietnamese Choir– Library
Saturday, March 28th
8:00 AM Faith Formation– High School
3:00 PM La Anunciación– Rm 1
4:00 PM Brazos Abiertos– Rm 3
6:00 PM Brazos Abiertos– Rm 2
7:00 PM Adoracion Nocturna– Librería
7:00 PM Encuentro Matrimonial– Rm 3
Fifth Sunday Of Lent
Page Five__
San Gabriel Mission Elementary School
Mission Students Compete at Academic Decathlon
Academic Decathlon Team Participates in Annual Catholic Schools Decathlon
Congratulations to our Academic Decathlon team who participated in the annual event. Our students
prepared many months prior to the event guided by several parent volunteers and faculty mentors.
Special congratulations go out to Aaron Escamilla (7th grade) for placing 10th out of 115 students competing in the area of Fine Arts. Congrats Aaron!!
Enrollment Still Open – Applications for CEF/Tuition Assistance due April 15
We continue to accept applications for all grades from our Transitional Kindergarten (4 year old by September 1st) through 8th grade. If you would like to have your chid(ren) tested, please contact our
School Office to schedule an appointment. Come see how a Catholic education can be an advantage
for life!
Our Tuition Assistance deadline of April 15th is quickly approaching so if you are interested in sending
your child to our school, but feel that the tuition may be an issue, please, please, please contact our
school office so you can find out the benefits of assistance through CEF (Catholic Education Foundation.
What is the Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer for
those in the RCIA process?
¿Que es la Presentación de La Oración del Señor para
aquellos en el proceso de RICA?
The Lord’s Prayer, this prayer of hope is to Catholics a summary of the entire Christian life and a model of that relationship of trust that we are invited to enter as children of our Heavenly Father, and entrusts to
those seeking to enter the Catholic Church the precious words of our Lord on prayer. This rite symbolizes the passing down of our heritage of prayer,
learned at the feet of the Savior, and nurtured in the
fellowship of the Holy Spirit that is the Church.
(Adapted from the Association for Catechumenal Ministry)
La Oración del Señor, es una oración de esperanza para
Católicos; que resume toda la vida Cristiana y da un modelo
de la relación de confianza que se nos invita a entrar como
hijos de nuestro Padre Celestial, y confía las preciosas palabras de nuestro Señor a los que tratan de entrar a la Iglesia
Católica. Este rito simboliza la herencia de nuestro patrimonio de la oración, aprendido a los pies del Salvador, y nutrido en la comunión del Espíritu Santo, que es la Iglesia.
(Adaptado y traducido de la Asociación para el Ministerio
Mass And Healing Service
With Fr. Jerry Thompson
Come sing and praise the Lord!
Experience the Holy Sprit’s Love
For more information contact: Mary and Richard “Kado”
Delgado at 626-285-7885or Dianna Kreutz at 626-963-3498.
El programa de Formacion en la Fe, servirá desayuno y
almuerzo el día de hoy de 7 AM– 3PM en el patio de la Capilla. Los esperamos después de Misa.
The Faith Formation Program, will serve breakfast and
lunch today at the Chapel Patio from 7 AM– 3 PM. We hope
to see you there after Mass.
Page Six
March 22, 2015__
On April 6, I will be leaving for
Spain for the month of April. I will be
walking the Way of St. James pilgrimage. I am hoping to walk about 300
miles in 3 weeks. I will have plenty of
time for prayer, meditation, and to
think of you, my San Gabriel community. If you’d like to send your prayers and intentions to take
with me during my pilgrimage; drop them off at our Rectory
Office. God bless and keep me in your prayers.
Fr. Tony Diaz, CMF, Pastor.
En abril 6, salgo para España por el mes de abril. Estaré
haciendo la peregrinación de Santiago de Compostela. Espero caminar unas 300 millas (500 kilómetros) en tres semanas.
Tendré mucho tiempo para orar, meditar y pensar en ustedes,
mi comunidad de San Gabriel. Si desea mandar sus oraciones e intenciones para llevarlas conmigo en mi peregrinación
pasen por la oficina de la rectoría. Dios los bendiga y recuérdenme en su oraciones.
Fr. Tony Díaz, CMF, Párroco.
SATURDAY, April 11, 2009
10:00 A.M.
The celebration will begin with the
Rosary, followed by Mass, Prayers at
Father Aloysius’s grave in the Mission Cemetery, and finally
a reception in the parish center.
If anyone would like to donate cookies for the reception,
please bring them to the office by Friday, April 10th.
Everyone is invited!
Bulletin News
Due to the Easter schedule; bulletins must be
submitted early. If a ministry is planning to
publish an article for the weekend of Easter
Sunday, we will need the article in our office
no later than Tuesday, the 24th. We appreciate your cooperation.
Noticia sobre el Boletín
Debido a la programación de la Pascua; el Boletín tendrá
que ser entregado pronto. Si planea publicar un artículo
para Domingo de Pascua, necesitaremos el artículo en la
oficina a más tardar el martes 24. Agradecemos su cooperación.
Cub Scout Annual
Taco & Bake Sale
Join the Cub Scouts for their delicious taco
and baked goods sale. Stop by after Mass, Sunday
March 29th, starting after the 7 AM Mass.
Horario para la Semana Santa
April 2nd/2 De Abril
Holy Thursday/Jueves Santo
7:30 p.m. Multilingual Mass - Chapel
Adoration/ Adoracion
9 PM– 10 PM Misión/ Español
10 PM– 11 PM Mission/English
9 PM– 10 PM Parish Center/Vietnamese
April 3rd/ 3 de Abril
Good Friday/Viernes Santo
1:00 p.m. Live Passion/Passion en Vivo - Will begin in
front of Church/Comenzará enfrente de la Capilla
3:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Passion - Mission*/ English
6:30 p.m. Liturgia de la Pasión - Capilla/ Español
8:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Passion - Chapel/ Viet.
April 4th/ 4 de Abril
Holy Saturday/Sábado De Gloria
7:00 p.m. English/Español/Vietnamese :We will begin
with blessing in the parking area and after move to/ Empezaremos con el bendecir de fuego en el estacionamiento y de ahí seguiremos a la:
Mission - English
Capilla - Español
Parish Hall - Vietnamese
Easter Sunday April 5th
Domingo De Pascua, 5 de Abril
5:30 a.m. Sunrise Mass /Mañanitas y Misa—Multilingual
Multilingüe– Plaza Park/ Al lado de la Misión
8 AM– Chapel/English
9:30 AM– English/Mission Español/ Capilla
11:15 AM– English/ Chapel
1:00 PM Español/ Capilla
3:00 PM Vietnamese/ Chapel