[Applicant – Click the ‘Header’ button and insert your name] THE CHURCH ON CYPRESS CARMICHAEL, CA SENIOR PASTOR APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: All interested and qualified persons must respond by completing this Senior Pastor Application. The MS Word file of the application form is set up so that responses can be input directly into the form and to allow the application to be submitted electronically via email, or to print a hardcopy which can then be submitted via postal delivery. A .PDF version of the application is also available at www.pastorsearch.churchoncypress.org. Applicants must also submit the following additional required information: 1. Cover letter 2. Current Resume 3. Three letters of recommendation from the following three persons: a fellow minister, a layperson, and a personal friend or acquaintance (non-family members) 4. Recent color photograph of yourself 5. This completed Senior Pastor Application SUBMISSION: Submit your completed application packet via one of the two methods below: Electronic submission – Completed applications can be emailed to [email protected] Hard copy submission – Completed applications can be mailed or delivered to The Church on Cypress – Attention: Pastor Search Team, 5709 Cypress Avenue, Carmichael CA, 95608 The window of time to submit a completed application will open on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 and close at midnight on Saturday, May 16, 2015. All applications must be submitted no later than May 16, 2015. Final candidates must consent to a reference check, a full background check including criminal history, a drug test and credit check. All information presented will be treated in a confidential manner. QUESTIONS: Please submit any questions to [email protected] Page 1 of 9 [Applicant – Click the ‘Header’ button and insert your name] THE CHURCH ON CYPRESS CARMICHAEL, CA SENIOR PASTOR APPLICATION Name of Applicant: Date: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter a date. SECTION I – ORDINATION OR LICENSING Have you been ordained?: ☐ Yes ☐ No Date of ordination: Click here to enter a date. Place of ordination: If the answer is yes, with whom may we speak about your ordination? NAME OF ORDINATION CONTACT POSITION TELEPHONE NUMBERS Work Home Street ADDRESS City State Page 2 of 9 ZIP [Applicant – Click the ‘Header’ button and insert your name] THE CHURCH ON CYPRESS CARMICHAEL, CA SENIOR PASTOR APPLICATION SECTION II - PERSONAL INFORMATION Street ADDRESS City State ZIP TELEPHONE Home CELL WORK NUMBERS Email Website Address (incl. Facebook / LinkedIn / etc.) Address Birth Birth Date Place If called to serve, can you present proof of your legal right to live and work in this country ☐ Yes ☐ No Number of years lived in the U.S Marital Status ☐ Married ☐ Divorced ☐ Widowed Is this your first spouse? ☐ Yes ☐ No If married, name of spouse List your marital history (if any prior marriages) Names and Ages of Children (if any) Page 3 of 9 [Applicant – Click the ‘Header’ button and insert your name] THE CHURCH ON CYPRESS CARMICHAEL, CA SENIOR PASTOR APPLICATION SECTION III - EDUCATION BACKGROUND TYPE OF SCHOOL NAME OF SCHOOL LOCATION College/University Vocational or Technical School Graduate School Seminary Additional Academic Experience (post-secondary) Page 4 of 9 DATE OF GRADUATION AND DEGREE(S) EARNED [Applicant – Click the ‘Header’ button and insert your name] THE CHURCH ON CYPRESS CARMICHAEL, CA SENIOR PASTOR APPLICATION SECTION IV – PERSONAL EVALUATION 1. Describe how you came to be a Christian, and how you came to be a pastor. Click here to enter text. 2. Describe your educational background and ministry experience that is not included on your resume, or that is included on your resume and you would like to expand on it. Click here to enter text. 3. Describe your specific functions in your current ministry. Click here to enter text. 4. Which of the New Testament Spiritual gifts do you feel God has purposefully blessed you? Click here to enter text. 5. Describe what you see as the role of a Senior Pastor in a church with an average weekly attendance of 150. How do you see that role changing, if at all, as attendance grows? Click here to enter text. 6. Appraise yourself in the following functions of ministry: a) Teaching (discuss methods, philosophy, greatest strength and greatest weakness) Click here to enter text. b) Preaching (discuss your style, method of preparation, use of electronic media, etc.) Click here to enter text. c) Evangelism (discuss your style and methods) Click here to enter text. d) Discipleship (discuss your teaching, instructing and application) Click here to enter text. e) Shepherding (define what this means to you and how it applies to your congregation) Click here to enter text. f) Recruitment to ministry (discuss method, importance and style) Click here to enter text. g) Training / Equipping ministry (discuss philosophy and practical approach) Click here to enter text. Page 5 of 9 [Applicant – Click the ‘Header’ button and insert your name] THE CHURCH ON CYPRESS CARMICHAEL, CA SENIOR PASTOR APPLICATION h) Administration (discuss organization, attention to detail, communication and leadership) Click here to enter text. i) Discuss how the above functions of ministry blend together Click here to enter text. 7. Describe your philosophy and methods of leading a multi-staff church organization. Click here to enter text. 8. Describe your personal devotional / prayer life and accountability. Click here to enter text. 9. Share one example of a recent conflict and your approach in the specific situation. Click here to enter text. 10. List three things that bring the greatest satisfaction in your present ministry. Click here to enter text. 11. List three of your greatest challenges in your present ministry. Click here to enter text. 12. What areas of your life or ministry would you like to improve? Click here to enter text. 13. How do your see you and your staff’s role as spiritual guides for the congregation? Click here to enter text. 14. Describe what it means to be a servant and how you demonstrate servant-hood in your everyday life. Click here to enter text. 15. If you are married, how long have you been married and how would you describe your relationship? If there are any previous marriages for you or your wife, please elaborate. Click here to enter text. 16. How has your wife supported you since your call to ministry? Click here to enter text. 17. How is your wife involved in the church body to whom you are currently ministering? Click here to enter text. Page 6 of 9 [Applicant – Click the ‘Header’ button and insert your name] THE CHURCH ON CYPRESS CARMICHAEL, CA SENIOR PASTOR APPLICATION 18. How do you spend your leisure time? Click here to enter text. 19. How do you maintain a balance between your work and your life? Click here to enter text. 20. What ministry associations, conferences or networks have you been involved? Click here to enter text. 21. Is there anything in your background or present lifestyle that might discredit your ministry at The Church on Cypress? Click here to enter text. Page 7 of 9 [Applicant – Click the ‘Header’ button and insert your name] THE CHURCH ON CYPRESS CARMICHAEL, CA SENIOR PASTOR APPLICATION SECTION V – DOCTRINAL EVALUATION 1. Provide a personal doctrinal statement covering the major tenets of your Christian faith. Click here to enter text. 2. How would you communicate your beliefs to someone on the following topics? Please also describe how your belief and/or understanding of each topic has evolved over time. a) Sanctity of life (discuss abortion, birth control, assisted suicide, capital punishment, stem cell research, genetic engineering and cloning) Click here to enter text. b) Sanctity of marriage (discuss divorce, remarriage, same-sex marriage, premarital sex, and unwed couples living together) Click here to enter text. c) Homosexuality (discuss bisexuality, transgenderism, sexual identity and equal rights) Click here to enter text. d) Alcohol, tobacco and drug use Click here to enter text. 3. What is your position on the following: a) The role of women in the church Click here to enter text. b) Diversity within the church body (discuss racism, civil rights, bullying, etc.) Click here to enter text. c) The “sign gifts” (discuss speaking in tongues, healing, miracles, etc.) Click here to enter text. d) Biblical hermeneutics (discuss bible versions, use of The Bible vs. commentaries, etc.) Click here to enter text. 4. What social issue, or issues, today concern you the most? Click here to enter text. 5. Do you have any questions, concerns or comments about the Statement of Faith that is set out in our church By-Laws and attached to the Senior Pastor job description? Do you affirm this Statement of Faith? Click here to enter text. Page 8 of 9 [Applicant – Click the ‘Header’ button and insert your name] THE CHURCH ON CYPRESS CARMICHAEL, CA SENIOR PASTOR APPLICATION SECTION VI – EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION DISCLAIMER AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I, Click here to enter text. , certify that the information contained in this application is correct and complete. I understand that to falsify information is grounds for refusing to hire me, or for discharge should I be hired. I understand that inputting my name above and below in this Section VI will constitute my signature to this application. Applicant’s signature - Click here to enter text. Date - Click here to enter a date. Page 9 of 9
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