PTO Meeting Minutes March 2015

Portage Central High School PTO Meeting
Office Conference Room
March 10, 2015
6:30 p.m.
Executive Officers in Attendance: Susan Fulling (President), Stacey Vogl (Vice-President), Barb Poliak (CoSecretary), Carri Koryto (Treasurer)
Principal: Eric Alburtus
General Members in Attendance:
The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Susan Fulling. Susan welcomed everyone and each
person introduced themselves.
MINUTES: The Minutes for the February 10, 2015 PTO Meeting were reviewed. Corrections: MME testing
instead of ACT, and Donna Drabik will coordinate the Senior Ride Out, with Carri Koryto being the PTO liaison.
Carri Koryto motioned to accept the Minutes with corrections. Stacey Vogl second. The motioned passed
without objection.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Carri Koryto provided a report of transactions through March 3, 2015. Changes to the
budget: The MME Testing snacks will go down from $500 to $400, and the Conference meals will go up from
$600 to $800. The current balance in our account as of 3/10/15 is $12,299.07. Barb Poliak motioned to
accept the Treasury Report. Stacey Vogl second. The motion was passed.
1. The cost of the Recognition Wall project will be available in 2-3 weeks. At the next PTO meeting,
members can determine an amount to donate if we want to support it. Mike Wittenberg will hang it.
2. “Circle of Giving” is a group of people with something in common. Everyone comes to the meeting,
which often meets 2-4 times a year, with a favorite charity and a blank check for $100. Our group’s
name is “Mustangs Care”. All the participants’ names are put in hat and three names are randomly
drawn. Those selected give a spiel about their charity. Participants are allowed one question about
the charity and then a vote is taken. The highest vote wins, and everyone writes their check to the
charity and checks are then taken directly to the charity. The first meeting is May 7, 2015. Jac’s has
agreed to host it—no rent for back room. Participants will be asked for a year’s commitment, the next
meeting being in October. Eric asked if we felt food or no food should be offered at the meetings. We
agreed appetizers should be offered. Eric will get some pricing for us at the April PTO Meeting to
determine if PTO wants to donate funds for appetizers. Let Eric know if you are interested in
participating. This event is spread by word of mouth.
CIC (Curriculum Instructional Council) REPORT: no report Christy DeHaan, our PTO representative.
DAC (District Advisory Committee) REPORT: Stacey Vogl is our PTO representative. Stacey reported that:
1. Bond Renewal for KRESA Special Education (1.5 mill increase) is May 5, 2015.
2. M-Step is replacing MEAP and ACT is replacing SAT.
3. Enhancement project is going back to the School Board who has more questions.
4. Announcement of Board Member-Interim Kurt Droppers.
1. Prom “Hollywood Nights, April 25, 2015, 8-11 pm at KIA: Susan Fulling reported that plans are
underway and going well. Cookies and small water bottles are needed. A donation request to
parents will be put in the Mustang Minutes and through an E-blast. Alumni Association volunteers
will help sell tickets. Student must show their student ID to purchase tickets. Kent White is
recruiting teachers for chaperones. Sophomore students will help run the Smoothie Bar at prom.
Instead of showing a movie at prom, photo memories through the years will be shown on a screen.
Prizes have been decided. Seniors will have stars with their name on it.
2. Update on Projects:
1. Create a book/calendar for seniors, for future years, of what needs to be done before
graduation. Determine what information should go in the book. Katie Eichstadt can help on
this project.
2. Eric reported on the Wall of Recognitions.
1. Staff Appreciation: Barb Poliak reported that she put out a big bowl of mini candy bars and Hershey
Kisses for staff on Valentine’s Day. Lucky Day treats and bags of requested classroom items will be
available in the area outside the mailboxes on Thursday, March 19, 2015. Donna Bourbeau sent out
an e-mail to all teachers and staff asking them to e-mail Barb three items they needed for their
classroom, office, or work place. Thirty five requests have come in already. Staff have until March
16th to submit their requests. Carri Koryto will assist Barb with purchases and set up for this event.
Meijer donated the bags. I’m not asking parents for donations. We’re going to purchase a keg of root
beer and serve green food items.
2. Senior Ride Out: Donna Drabik volunteered to coordinate this event on May 19, 2015 from 1-2:30
pm. The ice cream needs to be ordered from Culvers and someone needs to get student volunteers
to scoop ice cream and hand out water bottles. Student volunteers need to eat lunch prior to working
and show up at 11:30 am. Susan Fulling will get a list of volunteers. These treats are available for
everyone attending the Ride Out. Volunteers should not hand out water prior to the event. The
program is held in McCamley Field and the treats are under a tent outside the stadium. PTO Rep Carri
Koryto will help oversee this event.
The next PCHS PTO Meeting is Tuesday April 14, 2015 at 6:30 pm in the Office Conference Room. We will be
nominating officers at this meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Respectfully Submitted by,
Barb Poliak, Co-Secretary