Absentee Number: 9301 6270 th 28 May 2015 A VERY HAPPY PRENDIVILLE DAY “Prendiville day was a great experience for all students. The Mass, the amount of stalls and costumes from the Year 12s were amazing. It was a great talent show! What was also great was that the money raised is for helping others. I enjoyed Prendiville Day and the spirit showed by everyone.” Sage, Aidyn & Georgia – Year 7” It was indeed an honour to participate in my first Prendiville Day. It was a day of celebrating our College, its ethos and its uniqueness. It was a day to remember what is at the heart of our College. At the conclusion of mass we all recited nine statements our patron Redmond Prendiville would be proud to hear us say. These were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I am special I am good I find good in others I use my talents I respect others I help others I do not accept mediocrity I aspire to do my best I aspire to excel I have since asked students what do you believe would be the 10 These are some of the wonderful responses: th statement? I get the best out of myself and my peers (Callum Fahie) I aspire to demonstrate compassion to my peers (Hailey Wellsted) We are a team (Alex Werndly) I am an achiever (Chelsea Lynn) I am proud of my achievements (Curtis Heeley) I put my all into everything (Georgia Cutler) I am me (Libby McGrath) I belong (Bree Fairbairn) I aspire to help others excel (Emily Agostino) I can do it (Emma Preedy) I believe (Ethan Draycott) I find hope in others (Branden Greipel) I believe in myself (Francesca Harris) I aspire to show my best in every situation (Georgia Watterson) When we put this all together - We are Prendiville. It is that time of term when exams are upon our students. It is a time to support, be patient, positive and affirming of our children and students. We wish all students every success in the coming exam period. For your children Mr Mark Antulov Principal PRENDIVILLE DAY 2015 YEAR 7 2017 Applications for Year 7, 2017 are now being processed. Interviews for new families are now concluding. Places for Year 7 in 2017 will be offered upon the completion of interviews - 26 June 2015. Siblings of current students do not normally have to attend an interview, however, even if they have already submitted an interim application, siblings and other applicants need to now submit a FULL application form urgently, accompanied by a $50 application fee. Please telephone or visit our College Reception desk and ask for a package. Each year some siblings fail to submit this full application on time and then have to join an extensive waiting list. Please note that to date, from new Catholic families and siblings of existing students, we have already received 505 full applications for 204 places. This does not include new non-Catholic children who have not yet been invited to submit a full application so please do not delay in getting your FULL application form to us as soon as possible. Information on enrolment policies and procedures is available on our website. CHRISTIAN SERVICE LEARNING It has been a crazy fortnight at Prendiville for Service Learning. Last Sunday 45 students and 8 staff turned up to Prendiville on a day usually reserved for sleeping in, church and sport to help collect donations for the Salvation Army Red Shield appeal. The students spent about 2 hours knocking on doors in the local area and collected a total of $1504. Thank you and well done to all the students and staff who helped out. Last week also saw the arrival at Prendiville of FLYBZ. The two members of this group are Fablice and G Storm and both are refugees from the African nation of Burundi. They came to Prendiville to share their inspirational story of their early life and how they came to Australia. They also write and perform rap music about their story and their strong faith. Students got to hear about the reality of growing up in a refugee camp, but then got to dance and sing as the FLYBZ boys do what they do best and cranked up the beats and the lyrics! They really enjoyed their visit and judging from the reactions on the day and on social media we enjoyed having them here. Hopefully they will be back later in the year to perform again and also to have a jam with some of our senior music students. A final thank you to Mr Antulov and Ms Black for their hard work transporting and socialising with the boys and their manager Paulie Stewart. In other news, a quick notice for Year 10 and 11 parents. Soon after exams RE teachers will be checking students Service Learning hours to provide information for mid-year reports. Please make sure that all students have their journal and that it is updated with reflections and that all hours of service completed so far have been signed off. Also, for those who have been waiting, Baking Kitchen will start again after exams so keep an eye on the daily notices for more information. Paddy Devlin Service Learning Coordinator FLYBZ@PCC Prendiville Catholic College had the good fortune to host The Flybz, Fablice and G-Storm. The visit was highlighted by the boys sharing their story of day-to-day violence and fear, extreme poverty, survival and hope through faith while escaping ethnic bias and subordination based on the Hutu and Tutsi separation designed by Belgium colonialism. Fablice tells the audience when a truckload of soldiers came to his school. They gather the scared students. Tall boys were picked out and taken away. This was Fablice’s entry to being a child soldier. He was able to run away two weeks later and hide in the jungle, knowing that he would be killed if found. There then follows a period of survival and petrol sniffing. Fablice eventually found his sister in a refugee camp in Tanzania. G-Storm, Fablice’s nephew, was born in a refugee camp. G tells his story of how his mother fell pregnant at the age of 17 in the camp. These are just some items that I picked up on from this year’s presentation. The boy’s world was and is so far removed from our world that it is very hard for us to comprehend. It sounds like a novel or story written by an author who has taken liberties within a skeleton of truth. This is how the boys are often introduced to their audiences each time. We are delighted to inform that while their story is sad and uncomfortable in places to hear, it ends with a message of hope and recognition to what we have. Theirs is a story of faith and God placed front and centre. The sessions were highlighted with the boys getting the audience up to sing and dance a traditional Burundi songs and RAPS they have written themselves. You can catch a glimpse of FLYBZ and their story at the following web links: FLYBZ You Tube video featuring Paul Kelly; ABC 7:30 Report Documentary; interview with Dumbo Feather; interview with Sydney Morning Herald; interview with The Age. We are hoping that FLYBZ will return to Perth in Term 4 and perform a number of concerts at various College venues. The following words capture the influence that FLYBZ have on us: "Just wanted to say the FLYBZ performance at Prendiville Catholic College was amazing and really inspiring, really made me think about my life and appreciate what I'm so lucky to have. The guys were amazing and please encourage them to keep doing what they are doing." (PCC YEAR 12 STUDENT) YEAR 12 EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE ROTTNEST CAMP Week 4 saw the Year 12 EES students travel by ferry to attend their field studies camp on Rottnest Island. We were able to see the morphology of the island as well as changes over time with varying sea levels. It was interesting to learn that the salt lakes used to be underwater caves, and over time, the roofs of these caves have collapsed to now form the lakes. We learnt about the different types of limestone in existence on the island and we were lucky to receive lots of information from Mrs ReloFisher on the environmental sustainability of Rottnest. Despite this, we were forced to return a day early due to the severe weather forecast and cancelled ferries. The students were disappointed to leave early but extra treats including a lovely lunch at Rottnest Dome made up for not staying an extra night. All in all, a ‘rockin’ camp! (Pardon the pun.) A special thanks to Mrs Relo-Fisher and Mr Van Der Kwast for their attendance and support. Mrs Judith Georgiu Earth and Environmental Science Teacher YEAR 8 RETREAT Year 8 Retreat was held on the 14th and 15th May and allowed students to explore the topic 'Relationships with Others'. One day was run by the visiting National Evangelistic Team from Brisbane which saw the students participate in a range of activities from games, dramatizations to a quiet time of reflection. The second day was run by Year 8 Religious Education teachers and staff and looked at the importance of families and friendships. A big thank you to staff that helped make the Year 8 Retreat a success! Vanessa Lyon Retreat Co-ordinator LIBRARY Have you discovered our new Library Search online Library catalogue yet? It’s our new search facility that allows you to search for Library resources from home as well as from school. Look for the following icon on your iPad and it will allow you to search for eBooks, fiction and non-fiction books, authority websites etc. Library Search Also, don’t forget our new Student Portal is now available on Coneqt~ Portals~Library Information for Prendiville students. This is your ‘One Stop Shop’ for all things Library and includes Referencing Information, our Online Library Catalogue [Library Search], our Britannica Encyclopedia, EBSCO, eLibrary, ReadPlus and Austlit databases. Also our PCC Website Database, which has about 10,000 relevant authority sites for use and is available on Library Search, our library catalogue. These can all be easily accessed on the portal. Remember the internet is merely one tool for research and you should not rely on Google in particular. You are encouraged to use all the tools available to you for research. We suggest that if you have searched for ten minutes unsuccessfully, it is time to find another resource or ask for assistance. Watch the portal space for more features which will be coming soon! SPORT NOTICES CAS Sport After our bye last week we now enter the toughest part of the season every year. We have already started seeing a decrease in training attendance and rumours are starting to circulate regarding plans to skip games in the coming weeks. We have a general bye scheduled for Week 7 meaning we have to negotiate the clash of exams in Week 8 only. Please stay in contact with coaches regarding training attendances in the coming weeks. It is very disappointing for coaches to turn up before school and have 3 students make the same effort. More so for the students who are staying committed to their teammates by maintaining their attendance. We all need to remain organised to negotiate the exam period as forfeited matches eliminate any chance of playing in the CAS finals in Week 11. School Sport WA Cross Country Race On the 15th May, eight students represented Prendiville at the SSWA X Country Carnival held at UWA Sports Park in Mount Claremont. This race not only serves as a great warm up for the ACC X Country this week but also as the main qualifier for the State X Country Team that will compete in Melbourne later this year. All students justified their selections with some outstanding performances however special mention must be made of the following students. Owen Vorster (Year 10) finished 4th in the U16 Boys 6km Race. Ben Hillen (Year 8) finished 3rd in the U14 Boys 4km race. Maddison Lea (Year 8) finished 8th in the U14 Girls 3km race. And Ryley Gardener (Year 8) finished 5th in the U13 Boys 4km Race. As a result Ben, Maddison and Ryley have all earned automatic selection in the State Schools Cross Country Team. Well done! Sporting Excellence Ryan Swartz (Year 10) will be spending 5 weeks touring the USA as part of the Perth Heat WA State Baseball Winter Tour throughout June/July. Jamie Birrell Sports Coordinator BATTLE OF THE BANDS MUSIC DEPARTMENT AREA IN FOCUS: CHORAL PROGRAM Last Thursday the Music Department had a visit from American music students who are touring Australia with their school. Miss Broderick showed our visitors around the PAC, and they were very impressed with our facilities and program! From our Students I love choir as it allows me the time of day to invest myself in singing in a group with a great goal in mind. Justin Farinosi, Year 10 The Choral Program at Prendiville consists of students participating in a number of choral ensembles and performing throughout the year at various events. Our College Choir, under the direction of Ms Anne-Marie Duce and accompanied by Ms Agnes Kang, have gone from strength to strength in recent years and perform annually at the Spring Soiree, Christmas Concert and compete in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. The College Choir cover a wide range of repertoire, from modern Music Theatre such as excerpts from Sondheim’s Into the Woods, arrangements of contemporary pieces by artists such as Billy Joel and pieces sung in Latin which are actually from the soundtracks of famous movies such as Empire of the Sun. Students from Years 7 – 12 attend weekly rehearsals on Wednesday afternoons from 3.30 – 4.30pm and are always on the lookout for new members; an interest in singing is the only pre-requisite! We are fortunate enough to also have Musicianship Vocal Classes running for our Year 7 Prendiville Specialized Music (PSM) students. These classes, held on a Tuesday morning before school, focus on the areas of singing, aural and ensemble training, also with Ms Duce and Ms Kang. Our Vocal Peripatetic Tutor Mr Mark Alderson, regularly attends these sessions, and takes our young male singers for specialised sectional work allowing our students to model a professional male singer, something which isn’t an opportunity readily available for most budding male singers. I walk in on a Tuesday morning and she’s one of the first faces I see, she’s always standing there, bright as can be. Ms Duce is my PSM teacher and is always there for me, I hope one day to follow in her footsteps, as she has inspired me. PSM is a great way to learn and has taught me about music in a way I have never seen. If you get this opportunity take it in both hands, and maybe one day you’ll join a great band. A poem by Rebekah Hopkins, Year 7 PSM student UPCOMING EVENTS: BATTLE OF THE BANDS Friday 19th June, 7.00pm Tickets available from http://www.trybooking.com/110581 For more information, please visit our website: www.prendivillemusic.com PRENDIVILLE TECHSPOT Prendiville TechSpot Welcome to our TechSpot. This section of our newsletter is for students and staff to share tips, tricks, ideas and apps to do with technology at Prendiville. This week, we look at resources for parents to help manage technology use in the home, as well as how to navigate around Parent-Coneqt. 1. Common Sense Media Common Sense Media (https://www.commonsensemedia.org/) is an organisation that advocates, rates and studies technology, particularly its effects on young users. Common Sense Media publish comprehensive ratings of games, TV shows, websites, movies, books and apps for parents, in order that we can make an informed decision about media use. They also publish research on what is currently happening with kids and tech, help documents and resources. Prendiville Tech X Perts students have evaluated the game on this site called ‘Digital Compass’ and recommend it to help understand some of the opportunities and risks. ‘This game is fun and educates you in an almost exciting way and the animations are pretty good.’ 2. A Parent’s Guide to Coneqt A document has been prepared for all parents who need help navigating around and using Coneqt. It goes through each feature step by step and explains how to access all of the available features. You can download a copy from our new Prendiville Skills site here: http://skills.prendiville.wa.edu.au/?p=160 With the reporting period coming up, remember to download and save all Semester and Interim reports for future reference and in case they need to be produced. Reports are not accessible once your child leaves the College. If you need help with iPads or just want to ask a question, feel free to drop into the iPad Helpdesk in P1 at lunchtime on Mondays and Tuesdays. You can also Direqt Message any time for help. We will be happy to give you assistance. Mrs Melissa Marshall eLearning Coordinator CAREER INFORMATION Please check the following important dates for relevant career information. Many universities currently have campus tours and information evenings running. I can be contacted at the school or in my office at lunchtimes for further information. Mr Jason Todd Careers Coordinator University Events: UWA: Campus Tours These tours are for prospective students who would like to find out more about studying at UWA whilst taking in the beautiful gardens and buildings at the Crawley campus. The tour will include a stop at the Admissions Centre & Prospective Students Office, where you will be able to collect information and course brochures, and find out more about what life is like for UWA students. Parents are also welcome to attend. Tours run for approximately one hour on the following dates: Monday 1 June, 10am (Western Australia Day public holiday) You can register for a tour at: http://www.studyat.uwa.edu.au/about/events/year-12-students/campus_tours Year 12 Information Evenings When: 2 & 3 June, at 6pm Where: Social Sciences Lecture Theatre These sessions will provide information about UWA's courses, admission requirements and how to achieve your study and career goals. For further information or to book, go to: http://www.studyat.uwa.edu.au/about/events/year-12-students/yr12-info Year 10 Information Evenings When: 8 & 9 June Where: Social Science Lecture Theatre These information sessions will provide advice on UWA's courses, entry requirements and other helpful subjects. For further information go to http://www.studyat.uwa.edu.au/about/events/year-10-students/yr10-info ECU: Year 10 Parent Information Evening and Pizza Night When: Wednesday, 3 June, 6pm Where: ECU Joondalup Campus For more information and to register, go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/?sm=PhdOI8NWWkcdUcp6B2thxQ%3d%3d Future ECU Events include: Communications and Arts Information Evening 9 June, 6pm WAAPA Production, Arts Management and Live Production Information Evening 10 & 16 June, 6pm Murdoch: Law and Justice Careers Evening When: 3 June, 6pm Where: South Street Campus This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the courses that Murdoch has in the field of law. For more information and to register, go to: http://www.experience.murdoch.edu.au/event/lawjusticecareers/ Curtin: Each year Curtin University hosts two parent information evenings for parents of Year 10 and Year 12 students. These two events are intended to help demystify university preferences and the TISC process. They provide opportunities to speak with Curtin experts from admissions, scholarships, university support services and faculties. This year they are being held on: Year 10 Parent Information Evening, Monday 8 June Year 12 Parent Information Event, Sunday 2 August For more information please visit: http://futurestudents.curtin.edu.au/parents-and-teachers/parents/information-evening/ Notre Dame: Courses Information Evening and Expo When: Tuesday, 9 June, 5.30pm Where: Drill Hall, corner of Mouat and Croke Street, Fremantle The evening will begin with a courses expo, which is followed by an Admissions presentation at 6pm. It will be an opportunity to speak to academic staff and aces the most up-to-date information on courses. To register, go to: http://www.nd.edu.au/events/2015-freo/course-info-evening-and-expo Police Entry Information Session When: 10 June, 3 pm Where: WA Police Academy, 81 Lakeside Drive, Joondalup. These monthly entry information sessions are aimed at individuals wanting to know more about a career with WA Police. Sessions include presentations by a Police Officer from Police Recruiting, Police Recruits and other members of WA Police. The session will provide an overview of WA Police entry pathways, the selection process and other details regarding becoming a Police Officer. Register at: http://www.stepforward.wa.gov.au/news-and-events/events/ Another information session will be running on 10 June. P&F Entertainment Books From every Entertainment™ Book and Entertainment™ Digital Membership we sell, $13 goes towards our fundraising! The more memberships we sell, the more we raise – so please forward this information to your family and friends. ORDER NOW The new Memberships are available now and packed with thousands of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers. For just $65, you'll receive over $20,000 worth of valuable offers. Use just a few of these offers and you'll more than cover the cost of your membership! CONTACT: Marg Eccles Prendiville Catholic College Ph: 0411481543 [email protected] Quiz Night COMING EVENTS Tuesday 2 th Friday 29 May - Staff and Pupil Free Day nd June - Year 11 and Year 12 exams commence th Monday 8 June - Year 10 exams commence th st Monday 1 June - Western Australia Day Public Holiday th Monday 15 June - Year 10 Parent Information Night 7pm, PAC Friday 19 June - Battle of the Bands th Tuesday 9 June - 2016 Onsite Program Parent Information Evening REGULAR MASS TIMES LOCAL PARISH SATURDAY SUNDAY St Simon Peter Parish, Ocean Reef 6.00pm 8.00am, 10.00am and 5.00pm SURROUNDING PARISHES Our Lady of the Mission Parish, Whitford 6.30pm 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am & 5.45pm St Andrew's Parish, Clarkson 6.00pm 7.30am, 9.00am and 5.30pm St Luke’s, Woodvale 6.00pm 8.00am and 9.30am St Anthony's Parish, Wanneroo 6.30pm 7.30am, 9.00am and 6.00pm All Saints Parish, Greenwood 6.00pm 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.30am & 5.30pm Banksia Grove Catholic Community (in the school hall) 8.00am (Mon - Sat) 9.30am
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