PAGE TEN PENMANSHIP AMONG STUDIES ATMEEKER'S THE EVENING LEADER. CORNING. N. Y.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1926. ran R Deaths-Funerals ~ ia Nobody ty TLFFANY WILLS WILLSPictures J TiiUiihcdh^anwqcmai}^TUTAlfY wJh HtM notional Inc. K "And your father ?" Barbara cap Awkwardly Be Inclined Bis neaa end she lifted white lips to meet tured his hand and kept i t Urtitute Deems Handwriting is "I never bad the pleasure of meet Im, ing him," said Bravo grimly. "In -We're partners. Kid—flrl Kid—P the stress of h's diplomatic duties Important For HIB face I M drawn with the agony and travels they drifted apart— irrevocably. »f his effort "Hold tighter." Business "Stage romances are bad for dipIt was an order and the clans. lomatic ambitions. So the marriage and my birth were quiet—oh, so They tell. They landed, after a drop of quiet! Interest in Subject is Held •boot lour feet. In an odorous quag- "He eared nothing about me— she cared for nothing but me. She mire. They sank In it to their shoe gave him his freedom—quietly—-to by Honor tops. They stood with their arms keep me." Her heart ached for him. about each other in a grip that held "Your mother V Lists like the grip of death. "Gone. "Pouf! She died years Bat it was the crip of life. ago." Matins "Then you're alone?" PIERCE IS INSTRUCTOR The crickets chirped matins. Es- "I haven't even got a cat" She mistook her emotion. She tranged, Barbara and Bravo rested thought it was sympathy. She • n the grassy slope of a railway reached an arm around his shoulder and drew his head down to her \ Otter News Notes of Interest at e u t i They scraped with broken glass breast. Then she knew it w a s n t sympaat the oozy clay which stiffened thy. 1 Tbe "School Worth their boots and trousers. Their siHe was wooden in her embrace. lence was not now the silence of Something would have to happen. While" "He doesn't care for me a bit" understanding. It was a secrecy of she thought wanly. distrust They doubted, not each Something happened. Her arte•ther, but themselves. ries were electric with a current which sizzled from their strong Be spoke first: "Look here, young woman. A source in him. He suddenly gripped her in a clutch that was cruel. while ago, while we were hanging She wilted In his arms. from the trestle, you said goodHow small she was. How lovely and fragile. Her face was uplifted, her eyes 1 thought then I was going to closed tight Could she feel the die," she said. "Ill revise that now trip-hammer beating of his heart? to 'Good morning.'" He kissed her many times but could "We can't go on like this," he not kiss her eyes awake. In the gray light of her face was a dim •aid lamely. white flower. "We're 'gone on like this,"* she "She belongs to me," he gloated mocked, stubbornly misunderstand- "To me—nobody." He felt guilt His own eyes were ing, "for weeks and weeks." wide open. A lark rose and sang that life h love and laughter. He heard the distant whistle of a train and, looking up, saw the headlight, garish in the soft fore-dawn, probe into their sequestered gully with a long ac cosing finger of cold flame. It touched upon them. It smote her face and her eyelids quivered The expression on that lovely Iflt. PAUL, L. PIERCE masque hurt his h e a r t It was the Madonna look. The freight crept by. He memo11B this age of m o d e m business rized the number on the engine. "Barbara." lachines and methods, the true She opened her eyes. slue of good handwriting has, "Up! Lef s go," he said harshly. | t been lost eight of. Employers He drew her to her f e e t They made their way to the road and Lill require letters of application walked ahead in exhausted silence. l t h e applicants handwriting. A mile beyond they came upon a dinky railroad station. She trailed or this reason in the Meeker him into the waiting room. In the raining, handwriting is being agent's office a telegraph key clicked. :»de o w o f the high spots, under Bravo picked up a blank She spied or&t his shoulder as he lirection of Paul L. Pierce wrote: letor. "To the Engineer; "Engine No. 275,309. Considerable interest Is being "Thanks. iown in this subject. Tbe daily) "B. KOHLER," u "Lo»k here." he »al6— to% con's He handed the slip to the operaesons are being carefully lnspec- rf and thia tort o/ thing." tor and paid a charge. d and a list of the beet eleven "That wire you sent," she quesipers are posted dally. This cre"No—only for a few hours. I had tioned. "Why?" "The engineer did me a favor." tes considerable interest, and made up my mind I had located a Bravo was laconic. " Fovtdes an incentive for students partner. Now I find "What did he do for,you?" "That you've only got a woman "He Illuminated a situation. ,He • make the "Meeker Eleven". In oa your hands. In other words, an helped me to play fair with a pal of le last week tbe following per- enemy. You are sorry—or fright- mine," She could make no sense of it, • v were included in this list at ened?" and was disturbed. "Nol" he exploded. "Not sorry. net three times: Frances Baker, Hey, You I Nor frightened. But puzzled. I've bretta Connolly, Evelyn Gilbert, been thinking a lot while the mud She was on the company's payroll as Robert Brown, cook's helper, ontent Glover, Catherine Han- dried. You've got to go back." but everybody in camp called her "Where r B K Nellie Stroziuski, Marion Hey, You! "Where you came from.'* Barbara waa quickly bored with la Johnson, Dorothy Jones, John She shook her head violently. her life as an Industrial a n t A "No, never. Let me tell you toon, Ethel Simpson. something.'' She sat up and tossed score of times she had suggested away the bit of broken bottle she to Bravo that they cut loose from POSITIONS | bad been using as a mud scraper. the camp and become gypsies again. Emfl Melnick, of Elmira "I ones bumped into a miserable Since the unforgettable night of the trestle they had been at war. In eights who recently completed morgue of a town. I was broke, worried arguments Bravo revealed hungry, tired and unhappy. I stumis work in the Accounting De- bled into an alley and I found a kit- a queer Puritan streak, manifesting triment, has been placed with ten there. The kitten was quite Itself in repeated demands that she large wholesale firm in this city. helpless. It said 'Meow.' I gath- quit her masquerade and return to whatever she had run away from. tr. Melnick produced a good rec- ered him In." "If you knew what I ran away "Your friend Alley, I suppose?" t i In school, and we are looking She nodded. "What about Alley? from you wouldn't suggest that," she told him one day. award to his progress In busi- Cats ain't us." "I tell you," he anjrrlly retorted, Sha was silent He mnst underSM. stand. She moved close and work- "this sort of thing won't do. You're J, Otho Smith of Elmla, is do- ed her hand under his sleeve. His headed for trouble. This is a world made up of men and women, and ig Auditing and Accounting face was grave and a bit stern. "Meow," said Barbara plaintively. you've got to be one or the other. Ork with a large oil company He put back his head, looked up You're neither. We can't roam aarating in this city and Corn- Into the silvering sky and laughed. around like this" "Yes. What will people say?" if-'Mr. Smith's training in High "What's your real name?" he she 6c6rned, "Perhaps It'd be all f Accounting and Auditing ha" I asked. right if I dug up a chaperone!" 111 equipped him for this work i "Barbara," she said. "Barbara He became morose and sullen Brown. And yours?" then. She had welcomed the tun"Bravo Kohier." "I always thought the first was a neling job as the possibility of a respite from their constant brawlSfcveral former sMulenM visited hobo monicker." ing on the one subject Her first He shook his head. "That's my is tsrhool on "Columbus Day". real name—If I can claim any name day as helper to Fritz, the camp fejare always glad to nee them at alL" cook, nearly licked her. loV to know that they sir' tueAfter their first dinner In the She sidled still closer. "Tell me," she begged. T m sick mess hall Bravo came upon her in i*4ing in the Business World. back of the kitchen, losing a game p a n g t h w e who called were: with unasked questions." "The name Kohier is my moth- struggle with a 50-pound galvanir Hewitt ©f Bloasburtt, PH.. er's." He spoke as if there were ised Iron can. He took the burden off her shoulders. GrimaMi of Coming. an impediment to his words. "took here," he said, when he She pondered that and began to Alice Quirk, of Watklnt came back. "You can't stand this guess his story. Miss Esther Stevens of m~ "I was born in Vienna. My fa- sort of thing. I'll pay your board and Miss Msrjorle Wager ther was in the legation there. My in Sparta until this job is over. I ilmlra. mother sang. She waa the dra- Then I'll take you back to New mailo soprano in the big Opera York." W I ) SAYS "Any time U a Sparta was the little town on the House. She was the greatest of good Ui*w to ntwrt out a the Carraeas " He said it belliger- other side of the mountain. It ently as In defense of a challenged clustered about the church, the MM." ASH DAD K V o t t S ! spire of which one could see by principle. Otic C the nniqtip advantages "I'm sure she was," placated Bar- climbing to the .op of Peck's and lookI g due east ! Busini A Education is the far! bara Barbara liked his otter. She "Also," ssid Bravo bitterly, "ana st a pe"on who desires (o enter I fear, the greatest of the sensed Jr. it an unconscious conl » e l d of opportunity may do so fession of Brave's desire to keep her nerr deepr.) his reiterated Barbara wafted. month In the year, and pre"I was born in a dressing room. pleas that she go back to ivlIllafer a position a t rapidly as My mother—astounding woman! — tion. But «he shook her head and ability will permit—more had Just finished singing the Ha- stuck up hi r little pointed chtu. She loved to jppose him. am t e s t , when hi* training Is banera. You know the song 7" The next day he insistently reBarbara hummed. •apiet'A the Management will newed the proposal when the dis"Quits so," said Bravo heavily. tend to him free Employment "And a very appropriate aria tt covery was made that the dally Ittre. The nest entrance date at waa, under the circumstances My morning use 0/ the shower baths, seder's is \oM>mb*r I. New stufinished lh« song and I was simple devices for herd bathing, white the good Viennese yelled was mandatory oa all tbe workers r will be welcomed *t that 'Bravo!' out In the ball Mother IntTested persons m:^r re* gave me the same. She regretted (Continued 1J oar next issue) complete information by nothing, she atrer aaag again," Copvrlsat MSI. ft* littjuw Watts P f e t or calling. t the home of his mother, Mrs. F.lba Ferris of Dundee, Thursday afternoon. Burial was made in the Dundee Cemetery. Besides brothers and sifters, Mr. John Ferris Ferris leaves his widow and two The funeral of John Ferris, 46 daughters, Isabel and Letta, and a years old, brother of Mrs. Mary son by a former marriage. Perry, of Corning, was held from *C]heTkvtQfiwfTfaHM(#aflyperJiMk*n!ummnjuM(fau/ J OAK FLOORING I Enough No. 1 select Oak Flooring to cover a room 15x15 for $24.00 You've long wanted hard wood floors. Now is your chance and here is the place to get them. Estimates FREE Bruce Oak Flooring Protected with Sherwin-Williams Marnot Varnish insures lasting satisfaction. When You Build—Build Wisely CORNING BUILDING CO. Foot of Cedar St. First Baptist church, Rev. C. Corning; Samuel Kettle, Lindley; W. Sheriff, pastor. Morning ser- William Meree, Corning; Ayres vice, 10:30. Sunday school, 12 Stevens, Corning; Cassius Blend, noon. B. Y. P. U. 6 p. m. Evening Lindley; Frank Hoi man, Corning; service 7 o'clock. William T. Smith, Coming; ClayDexter Methodist church. Rev. ton Ellis, Lindley; Clarence HopWilliam T. Dustan, pastor. kins, Corning; William Stratton, Preaching in the Delmar charge Corning; Trea Foster, Thurston; uext Sunday at the usual hours. Melvin Rose, Corning; Fred SimpDr. James Hamilton of Elkland Ansonia church, Rev. P. H. son, Jr., Corning; Clifton Aldrich, Woodruff, pastor. Sunday school Jr., Tuscarora; John Young, Cornto Give Talk at Presly12 noon; preaching (service I p ing; Arch H. Aggette, Coming; m. Charles Soule, Lindley; Jay Wellterian Church Baptist church at Holiday, man, Corning; Ernest Ling, ComPreaching service, Sundy school WELLSBORO, Pa., Oct. 2 3 . — and junior church at the usual ing; Harvtr Hurd, Woodhull; Clarence Sebting, Coming; Guy Crane, Church, notices.for Wellsboro and hours on Sunday. Thurston. vicinity follow: S t Paul's Episcopal church, Rev. George B. Van Waters, rector.. Morning prayer an daddress, 10:30. Subject "Experience." Sunday school, 12 noon. Evening prayer and address, 7 o'clock. Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. W. J. Brown, pastor. Morning service, 10:30. Sunday school 12 noon. Junior League, 3:30 p. Called to Serve at Term to be m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Convened Here on Local and Long Distance Our Leader, D. M. Simmons. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Specialty November 8 Presbyterian church. Rev. O. The following are jurors drawn 24S Sly Avenue G. Cocks, pastor. Morning service, Phone 567-W 10:30. sermon subject, "The Er- to serve at a trial term of Supreme —BAGGAGE TRANSFER— Court, appointed to be convened at ring Child." Sunday school. 12 Movers of Freight, Pianos and noon. Evening service, 7 o'clock, Coming, Monday, November 8; Furniture Grand jurors—Martin G. Skelly, Rev, James Hamilton, of Elkland, tbe son of a missionary to Syria Corning; Charles W. Hickey, Comwill give an illustrated talk on ing; Leon Wilson, Hornby; John W. Lynahan, Corning; P. O. Whitthe Holy Land. Wheat, Evangelical Lutheran church. ney, Campbell; Parley Rev. Paul F. Rhodes, pastor. Ser- Corning; William Samuel, Corning; vice In the Legion Hall, Sunday Spencer Mather, Tuscarora; Stephen Peterson, Campbell; P. G. Quigevening 7:30. Christian church, Rev. M. S. ley, Corning; Leon Wilson, HorhBlair, pastor. Morning service. by; Lee Guernsey, Campbell; Her10:30, with sermon by the pastor. bert Beyea, Coming; Warren BarSunday pchool, 11:45 a. m. Even- rett, Erwin; W. D. Mead, Woodhull; George T. Salisbury, Corning; ing service, 7 o'clock. Lee Rodgers, Tuscarora; James Killgrew, Coming; Cecil J. Hubbard, Erwin; Harrison R. Toby, Lindley; Reuben Sherwood, Rathbone; Sidney Moore, Lindley; Frank E. Cortright, Corning; Bert Heckhart, Lindley; James Semple, Coming. Trial Jurors—Earl Bartle, Addison: Joseph Snyder, Coming; Melchoir Paul, Caton; Sidney Earl, Corning; Claire Easterbrook, Coming; Albert Crouch, Campbell; Fred A. Wolcott, Corning; George Parker, Coming- Forest A. Stewart, Hornby; Alfred Hood, Coming; Alexandre Perry, Corning* Lewis Stanton, Erwin; John Edger, CHURCH NOTES IN WELLSBORO Card party at St. PatSUPREME COURT rick's Hall Monday, Oct. 25 at 8:15 P. M. Euchre, welJURORS DRAWN 500.come.25c. Everyone Adv. Phone 320 H-yoofae "Run Down? £ As home maker and housekeeper you don't have much chance for vacation''. And It's no wonder that Bometlmes you're tired and "run down." Bat you can have a permanent vacation from the bardert of your honsehold duties—the weekly wash. • >ur "Rough Dry" service washes and dries everything. Irons the flat work—and the price Is indeed moderate. Let our representative call, and start your "resting op" today. — MOVING — H. L. WHEELER Mass meeting for mothers and women, First Methodist Church, Sunday, 3 P. M. Speaker, Mrs. Howell. Subject, "Problems of Tee and Age/' SCHOOL TAXES 1926 school taxes are now due and payable at City Chamberlain's office. First 30 days at Vi per cent fees, next 30 days at 1 per cent fees. Dated Oct 20,1926. N. H. Palmer, City Chamberlain Adv. BLUE INN SPAGHETTI HOUSE 189 East Market Street MICHAEL MERLO, Prop. Annual Sale and Harvest Supper American Style Restaurant Wavy—Curly Glossy Hair By EJaa W.I I.e. The thousands who see me daily on the stage know how ray hair waves and glows. It seeroa doubly abundant because of the curl. Nearly every girl and wom.-m who sees it would like to have hair like mine. But I never go to a hair dresser, I •sveatver bad a Marcel wave. I simply apply a hair dress which experts made for me. Neither you nor I will probably MENU *ver ate anything else to compare. « i- >-» i'r<"-h Ram and Ipplosnac* makes the hair curly, keeps it in place and gives It a lovely sheen. Dressing Brown Gravy This hair drew is now known as Edna Mashed Potatoes Wallace Hopper's Wave and Sheen. All Rolls jSsfataiBSftm supply it at 75c per bottle. ^'iiianh Cabbage Salad " JSff hro* 7*u added loveliness more quickly than anything else I know. My Pickles Jetly guarantee is enclosed with every botile, Coffee so it easts yon nothing if it doesn't Apple P i e please. Go try it at my expense. Tuesday Evening, Oct. S6 at FIRST BAPTIST CRT7RC1I Afternoon and Evening Supper From 5:30 I'ntil All Are Served 50c Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Chicken Dinner Saturday and Sunday Breakfast—Pork Sausage »nd Wheat Cakes Steaks and Chops Italian Style Spaghetti Lunches at All Hours | Open All Nighr "7-63 East Erie Avenue Phone 414 Unseen Sources of Long Life The basic sources of automobile value are not always apparent to the eye. A motor car, like a house, LOOK a great deal more substantial than h really is. Because of this difficulty, more and more thou sands are turning to Dodge Brothers product for insurance against disappointment The years have proved; and each year proves anew, that Dodge Brothers are as deeply concerned with the UNSEEN goodness of their motor car as with the seen. The mileage it will deliver, the safety it wiU provide, the expense and trouble it win save the owner over s period of years, are quite as important to Dodge Brothers as the more obvious details of equipment and style. $848.00 Touring Car . Coupe • • • * . . < . . . . 1 8 1 8 . 5 0 ....$978.00 Sedan Special Sedan . . . $ 1 0 6 0 . 0 0 Delivered Devenport Motor Co., Inc. Market St. at Chemung Phone 2 9 7 BROTHERS MOTOR CARS
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