c47 flyer 1

Experience history!
Take a flight of a life me on Betsy’s Biscuit Bomber during
Showtime at the USO! August 8, 2015
$200.00—Limited reserva ons.
Betsy’s Biscuit Bomber is the mascot of the Gooney Bird Group’s Douglas C47B. The Douglas C47 played
a significant humanitarian role post WWII by delivering supplies to Western Allies blocked by the Soviet
Union. Sherman Smoot currently is the celebrated pilot of Betsy’s Biscuit Bomber. He has flown and
raced various other Warbirds and has 50 years of avia ng under his belt. A na ve of North SLO County,
he re red from Con nental in 2005 a7er 28 years, 24 of those in interna onal opera ons.
See more at h9p://www.ewarbirds.org/bio/shermsmoot.html