���Meet the Bomber Boys of WW2��� AirACES

Arun & Chichester Air Enthusiasts Society
Supporting local charities: Bognor Air Cubs/Scouts, Air Training Corps, Sussex Air Ambulance
Sunday 12th April 2015 14:00hrs
“Meet the Bomber Boys of WW2”
Hear them in person talk about their tales
During WW2 approximately 125,000 young men enlisted as aircrew in Bomber Command. These men came
from all the main countries of the Empire and Dominions, the ‘Occupied Countries’ of Europe as well as from
the United Kingdom itself. Their average age was 22 years. Of these 125,000 aircrew, total casualties for
Bomber Command were 73,741. Only the German U-boat service suffered a higher loss rate.
You now have the chance to come and listen and talk to some of the remaining “bomber boys”.
 Planned to talk are :-
Wing Commander John Bell, M.B.E., D.F.C. ~ bomb aimer with 619 & 617, the 'Dambuster' Lancasters
Flt.Lt.George Dunn, D.F.C. ~ 76 squadron, Halifaxes
Flt.Lt. Harry Hacker ~ 40 squadron, Wellingtons
John did not actually participate in the Dams raid. However, he still had a very notable career with both 619 (8 trips to Berlin during
'The Battle of Berlin' just to give you an idea) and with 617 he dropped 'big bombs' - literally, as he was the bomb aimer. He bombed
the Saumur tunnel and V2 rocket sites with 'Tall Boy' bombs (12,000 lbs). During his 50 ‘ops’ he also took part in 'Operation
Taxable' on D-Day - part of the deception plans. He will probably talk about 'big bombs'
George was a pilot, and flew the HP Halifax. He also flew a number of other aircraft. During his 43 'ops' he participated in the
famous Peenemunde raid against the development site for the V weapons. I believe he will speak about this raid.
Harry was also a bomb aimer, but flew in a theatre of operations which tends to get overlooked. North Africa, and Italy (after the
invasion in 1944). He flew in a Wellington MkX. and attacked targets in Italy,Austria, Czechoslovakia and Rumania (inc. the Ploesti
oilfields, which was a deadly target).
All welcome
£3 members / £5 visitors
Chichester Park Hotel, Chichester,
PO19 7QL
Off Madgwick Lane roundabout,
Please note this talk is on Sunday afternoon 14:00 for 14:30
April 2015