7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000 Tom Henson By

7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000
7 Hours + YouTube =
Tom Henson
©2009 TomHenson.com
7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000
Introduction......................................................................................................................Page 3
Before We Begin...............................................................................................................Page 3
YouTube Money Making Method.....................................................................................Page 4
Finding A Topic.................................................................................................................Page 4
Creating Your Sales Page..................................................................................................Page 5
Creating The Video...........................................................................................................Page 6
Putting It All Together......................................................................................................Page 7
Finally...............................................................................................................................Page 7
Additional Tips..................................................................................................................Page 8
Legal…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 9
Me and My Approach
Before starting this method I just wanted to say a little about me or at least my approach to
providing internet marketing products and advice. Most eBook/video/audio internet marking
products I’ve come across seem to be filled with so much fluff and rubbish that you miss the useful
information. This is not how I believe things should be done. I will not be padding out my eBooks
with irrelevant and endlessly repeated ‘fluff’. If you’ve purchased a product you want to know how
to put it to good use and having to watch ten hours of video for a method that can be taught in ten
minutes is a massive waste of time (even if it gives the impression that you are getting more for your
money). This bit of my eBook will be as close as I come to fluff 
This is what you can expect from the resources I provide (including the blog, newsletter and any
products I produce):
Concise and to the point information.
Truly useful information and methods that you can put to use.
Well written information that I hope you will find easy to follow.
True value for money provided based on the content not the amount (quality not quantity!)
Information covering black hat and grey hat methods as well as standard white hat methods
so you have the choice on what you want to use and how far you want to push the
boundaries to make money online.
If you like this eBook and would like to get access to even more great information then don’t forget
to sign up to my newsletter (if you haven’t already) on my website:
©2009 TomHenson.com
7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000
Welcome to my eBook on how to make money using YouTube. This method is quick and
easily implemented and you can use many techniques to improve the method and make it
your own.
Now you probably want to know how much you can earn using this method so here is an
example of how much you can earn from one well done video campaign, I’m using the Acai
berry as an example:
Views for high ranked Acai berry video = 200,000
5% follow the link to your site = 10,000 visitors
2% of visitors convert to taking a free trial = 200 conversions
$40 paid per conversion = $8,000
The click through and conversion rates are based on what I achieve and so this is a genuine
and realistic representation of what you could achieve. The title of the book was based on it
taking about an hour to go through the process outlined in this book. If you making one
video a day (about an hours work per day) for a week (7 x $8,000 = $56,000) but I hope you
can see how far you can take this method to make a lot of money.
Obviously it will take time to rack up hundreds of thousands of views and it can take time
and a bit of testing to get the right product/offering/marketing etc to get to this kind level
but it is achievable for anyone and this guide should get you well on your way! Remember
that making money isn’t as easy as some people like to make out, it takes some time and
work but don’t give up and you WILL get there.
Before We Begin
In order to make money from YouTube you need something that you can use to monetize
your videos. This means you need to be a member of a CPA (Cost Per Action) Network,
Affiliate Network (ClickBank) or Advertising network (Adsense).
ClickBank is the easiest of these to become a member of if you have no means of
monetization setup already. Click Here To Visit ClickBank.
Google AdSense is also fairly easy to setup an account for. Click Here To Visit Google
CPA Networks are more difficult to become a member of but can be by far the best earners
as you can use offers that require little more than the customers email address in order for
you to get paid. One such network is NeverBlue. Click Here To Visit There Site.
Now you have your source of income setup we can get into how to use it.
©2009 TomHenson.com
7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000
YouTube Money Making Method
This is the basic method we will follow and will be explained through the rest of this eBook.
Setup an account on YouTube
Find a topic to make your video about
Create your sales page
Create your video
Upload your video and input your description including URL to sales page.
Promote and start earning
It’s that easy although there are some tricks to getting maximum benefit from this method.
Finding a Topic
This is a key element of success and depends a lot on what you are trying to sell. There are
two approaches:
Target a niche with little competition
o Great for getting good search results for specific search terms
o Lower volume of traffic
o Best with affiliate type offers where you will be earning a good amount for
each person that converts
Target a popular area:
o Many more people searching
o Harder to get good rankings
o Works well with CPA offers or AdSense sites where you are going to get more
traffic but the traffic is not likely to want to get out their credit card.
As an example of a niche area (although this one is now quite saturated) think of the Acai
berry. This is a very specific term which anyone searching for could be a likely customer for
one of the free Acai berry trials that many affiliate networks have on their books. You could
also advertise other weight loss products such as those on ClickBank.
As an example of a high traffic area think of music videos or TV programs. Thousands of
people will be searching for these but you will be competing against a lot of rivals. Also keep
in mind that people searching for things like this will be hard to convert to buying a product.
They are much easier to convert through a CPA offer though and I will show you how.
©2009 TomHenson.com
7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000
Creating Your Sales Page
Before you put your video and URL on YouTube you need to get your destination page
ready. Ideally your page URL needs to be easy. I’d suggest getting a domain name and then
creating a sub-domain for each campaign which you can then setup ready to receive visitors.
People are much more likely to follow a link like:
You could use a separate domain for each campaign but this costs more and is not really
worth it.
Depending on how you are making money your sales/money page is going to vary:
AdSense page
o Keyword rich article targeting high value keywords.
o Article should be around 400 words and if it’s a genuine, unique article you
will avoid any trouble from the big G (Google) and hopefully they’ll serve you
some ads that will hold a good cost-per-click value.
o Make your article relevant to the video that way you are going to have a
much better chance of visitors clicking on your ads.
ClickBank (Digital Product) Page
o Write a review of a product that relates to your video e.g. if your video was
about weight loss, choose an eBook that is about losing weight. Give it a good
review but not too over the top.
o Put your affiliate link near the top and at the bottom of the article.
CPA Product Page
o This is where you are advertising a product for a company from your CPA
network e.g. if your video was about Acai berry then your page will be about
the Acai berry.
o As above, a review type article always works well.
o Put the banner or affiliate link near the top and at the bottom of the article.
Top Secret CPA Method Page:
This is the easiest page to create and can work well with some physical or digital products
but definitely works great with CPA offers that only require the user to enter their email or
ZIP code.
©2009 TomHenson.com
7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000
All you do for this method is create an index.html page with the following code above the
HEAD section:
Your affiliate link from
<script language="javascript">
the affiliate network
What this does is forward the visitor to your site straight to the affiliate network page. As an
example if you had a video about an iPhone 3GS you could promote a CPA offer for a free
iPhone and your video description might say something like “Go to this site to get a free
iPhone – http://iphone.wow-news.com”. When they click the link they go to your site but
get instantly redirected to the affiliate’s page where they put in their email to sign up and
you get paid. You can’t just put your affiliate link in the YouTube description because it’s too
obvious to the user and looks suspicious.
Creating The Video
If you’ve created your sales page you know what you are trying to sell. You could go to the
trouble of creating your own video but I really wouldn’t bother unless you are trying to get
traffic that is going to keep coming back to your site (i.e. you are using this method to
advertise a site rather than promote a product).
The easiest way is to go to YouTube armed with a keyword or phrases related to your
promotion and do a search. So if you’re trying to promote Acai berry, search for “acai berry”
or “dieting” etc then download one of the videos that appear in the results.
There are several sites that will download videos from YouTube, just do a search in Google.
©2009 TomHenson.com
7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000
To avoid trouble try to avoid videos that are likely to be copyrighted such as music videos. If
you use something like that just be aware that YouTube could remove the videos.
Putting It All Together
Now go to your YouTube account and upload the video. The title should feature the
keyword or phrase that you are aiming the video at. The description should feature the
keyword/phrase several times. The YouTube algorithm isn’t as advanced as the normal
Google algorithm so by using basic old school SEO for your description you can get better
rankings i.e. keyword stuffing seems to help (although how long this remains the case is
hard to say).
The basic format I use is “Keyphrase – http://blah.domain.com – Keyword rich description
that tells people to visit the site – Leave a few blank lines then keyword stuff if it’s a
competitive area”
Remember to include your URL and tell people why they want to click it e.g. free trial, or
read the in depth review to find out more, or get your free iPhone here.
Often this is all you need to do as you should get good traffic through YouTube searches but
you can try to get even more views by carrying out a bit of promotion:
Digg your video at Digg.com (beware Digg ban at the drop of the hat so if your video
looks like spam be careful)
Put your video on Facebook and other social networking sites.
Comment on relevant blogs with links to your video.
Setup a few more accounts on YouTube (best to use proxies) and give your video a
few good comments and ratings. (You can super charge this process for amazing
results – see the Tips section)
Now just sit back and relax whilst the money starts to build.
Additional Tips
1. Hot Topics – Choosing the right topic is so so important, you can have massive
successive if you are one of the first people to get a video for something that turns
out to be a hot topic. I’ve used Acai berry as an example a number of times here, this
©2009 TomHenson.com
7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000
is a great example of what was a hot topic, which if you managed to be one of the
first videos on YouTube about it, you could expect MASSIVE traffic.
Critical break points – This is where the video is just about to get to the best bit and
then it stops and comes up and says something like - “To watch the rest of this video
visit this site”. This can be very effective at driving traffic to a site.
You can use Windows Movie Maker to insert text (or images of text) directing people
to your site. This is great because not everyone will read your description.
Titles – Titles that stand out, are unique, and sometimes controversial can be big
winners. “Make money online” is nothing special, “Make $1,457,989 Online In 7
Days” is much more likely to get clicked on.
Tags – Write as many tags as possible until you fill the box, obviously using your
keywords and related keywords.
Have a good thumbnail – The default thumbnail is the middle frame of the video.
Make sure it’s a good one, if you’ve stuck in text you don’t want it to appear on the
Auto commenting and rating programs –This is a bit more black/grey hat but can
make a massive difference for some campaigns. There are programs that will
automatically view, rate and comment on you video, repeatedly. This can help you
appear higher in the YouTube search results for competitive terms. Here are some
programs you might be interested in: http://www.tubeautomator.com. Just be
aware that YouTube will eventually pick up on these types of programs and block
Turning off comments – If you think your video could be interpreted as misleading or
spammy make sure you turn off the comments to avoid negative remarks.
If at first you don’t succeed try, try again – If a video doesn’t take off as you
expected, don’t treat it as a failure. Instead learn from it, find out which elements of
it worked and which didn’t then use what you learn to improve your next attempt.
Not everyone is lucky enough to get it exactly right on their first attempt.
Thank you for taking the time to read this eBook, I hope you have found it really useful. If
you have any questions please contact me via the web site and I will do my best to
answer. Also remember to sign up to my newsletter, if you haven’t already done so. The
newsletter provides lots more quality advice on Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing,
SEO, Online Business and Entrepreneurship.
©2009 TomHenson.com
7 Hours + YouTube = $56,000
By reading this eBook you have agreed to the following terms and conditions.
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The information contained within this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish
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©2009 TomHenson.com