Havana Road East, Coolum Beach Qld 4573 Phone: 07 5471 5333 Fax: 07 5471 5300 Email: [email protected] Web: www.coolumshs.eq.edu.au CRICOS Provider Number 00608A ISSUE 4 – May 2015 From the Principal This 100th year anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign saw an inordinate amount of attention paid to ANZAC Day and for me it is the most important day as a young nation. The ANZAC spirit is not about celebrating man’s inhumanity to man but it is an occasion to commemorate the generosity of spirit of the young men and women who paid the ultimate price for their country. Sometimes with the challenges of modern society, this can be forgotten. Not so at Coolum High, where at this time of the year it is appropriate to reflect on our core values, especially respect. A culture of care, respect and excellence can only develop and prosper when all in our school community uphold and endorse our values and beliefs. This ANZAC Day was another fine example of the school and our community joining as one to affirm what we believe in as a school, a community, and as a nation. It was not only a time to reflect upon the virtues of courage, bravery, determination, mateship and unquestionable service to one’s country, it was also a time to uphold the qualities of our very own culture of care, respect and excellence. I was extremely proud of how my students, your sons and daughters, conducted themselves at the school ceremony, at the Coolum -Peregian RSL Dawn Service and at the Canberra Dawn Service. As always, Mr Bill Powell, President of the local RSL Sub-Branch, was impressed by the respect and reverence shown by our students in honouring the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice, laying down their lives for our nation’s freedom, liberty and prosperity. Bill personifies generosity of spirit; he not only is the president, but he coordinated the Dawn Service while having regular dialysis treatment. He is a great man and a staunch advocate of our school and the virtues of public education. At the ANZAC Day Dawn Service, Coolum High was represented by our school bands ‘Fusion’ and ‘Drumline’, and our up and coming buglers, Joshua Inmon and Harry Saunders, who courageously played in front of over 5000 people. As well, a healthy contingent of Coolum High teachers, students and parents marched in the parade. Our school deputation was led by our senior school leaders who also addressed those gathered. Rebecca Elsley and Aiden Radak did themselves, their families and the school proud. The character of Coolum High students was well and truly on display. Our culture is strong and alive at Coolum High. In saying this, to ensure that this continues to be the case, as a community we must be extremely vigilant about the use of and the impact supposedly ‘recreational’ drugs are having on our community. Apart from the obvious detrimental health issues they cause, their unintended consequence is to terrorise the fabric of our values, especially respect for one’s self, each other and our community. There is no place for ‘recreational’ drugs in our school community. As an integral part of the Coolum community, the school stands strong and united in this expectation. We also actively support those who unintentionally and naively fall victim to the false lustre of their effects. Unfortunately, some don’t learn from their mistakes and they have to choose alternate educational pathways, but not at Coolum High. Like the ANZAC spirit, at Coolum High we have as a core value respect: for oneself, each other and our community. Only then can care and excellence flourish. I look forward working with you to ensure our culture remains strong and vibrant. Lee Goossens Principal CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thu 7 May - QCS Multiple Choice Practice – Year 12 Tue 12 May - Year 11/12 Ancient History Abbey Museum Excursion Tue 12 May – Thu 14 May - NAPLAN Tests – Years 7 and 9 Wed 13 May -- Year 12 Geography Brisbane Stadiums Excursion - School Council Meeting 6.00pm Admin Building Thu 14 May - Australia Zoo Excursion – International Students Fri 15 May - NAPLAN Catch-up Day - Year 11 Geography Noosa Excursion Mon 18 May - Year 8 Immunisations - P&C Meeting 6.30pm Admin Building Mon 18 May – Wed 20 May - Year 10 Leadership Trek – Group 1 Wed 20 May – Fri 22 May - Year 10 Leadership Trek – Group 2 Thu 21 May - Musical Matinee 11.00am – 1.00pm - Year 11 Chemistry Baroon Pocket Dam Excursion Thu 21 May – Sat 23 May - Musical Performance 7.00pm – 9.00pm Mon 25 May - Year 12 Tourism Airport Excursion Tue 26 May - Year 11/12 VET Art Excursion Wed 27 May - Year 6 Parent Information Evening 6.00pm – 7.30pm Thu 28 May - Debating Expo, Sunshine Coast University Wed 3 Jun - Senior Drama Excursion to Southbank Term 2 Fees Due UNLESS • Fees have been paid in full • Negotiated payment plan up to date • Centrelink payment plan in place If you have authorised the school to deduct fees via Credit Card payment, please ensure your details are current. Senior Secondary News Robyn Burton-Ree, Deputy Principal - Senior Secondary ANZAC Day Ceremonies Congratulations and thank you to all students who participated in the ANZAC Day ceremony at school and at the Coolum Peregian RSL Dawn Service. I felt very proud to be part of our great school. At our school ceremony, the drummers set a powerful scene by solemnly marching down the hall to the front of the stage. They also led the procession on the Saturday morning at the Dawn Service. Indigo Kuss-Patterson and Aiden Radak introduced and welcomed official guests and the school community to our ceremony while Tia Jones and Nicholas Marchant performed the flag ceremony. Rebecca Elsley and Aiden Radak delivered excellent speeches at the school and Dawn Service; Zoe Buckley-Howard and Chandler Sweetman read the Roll of Honour and presented the vote of thanks. Sarina Petersen and Will Dugan laid the wreath on behalf of our students with Mr Brad Lee representing the school staff. Our chaplain, Mr Mark Horsfall said a prayer while the wreaths were placed. Joshua Inmon and Harry Sauders played the Last Post and Reveille at both ceremonies, and our band Fusion played the National Anthem and the Honour Roll March. Thank you to Ms Vellar and Ms Lohmann who escorted a group of students to Canberra for the chilly ANZAC Day ceremonies. Everyone had glowing reports of the trip. Semester 1 Assessment The term has taken off very quickly and soon we will be preparing for the Semester One assessments from 16 – 18 June. In line with school policy, assessments will be carried out on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in Lessons 1 and 3 (during normal class time). Studying for assessment is always easier if a little study is done each night. International Student Program Welcome to our new International students for this term, they are Lia Eberhardt from Germany (Year 10), Eva Puermayr from Austria (Year 11), Moritz Kollbach from Germany (Year 10) and Davide Brugola from Italy (Year 12). We hope that they enjoy their time at Coolum State High School. Thank you to all of our wonderful homestay families and our Homestay Coordinator, Terri Shine. Our program runs smoothly because of our great families and the care and support given to the students by Ms Shine. Professional Development On Tuesday 5 May all of our teachers attended a mandatory extended staff meeting for 3 hours. Teachers had the opportunity to have Faculty meetings and participate in professional development. At every opportunity, we focus on quality teaching and improving the learning outcomes of our students. We have an excellent school, with professional staff who are focused on forming positive relationships. We are here to provide a high level of support and we do have high expectations of our students. With winter around the corner, the correct school jumpers must be worn. Term 2 has started with a lovely atmosphere, students are working hard and they are enacting our values of care, respect and excellence. Please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns at any time. Junior Secondary News Terry Proctor, Deputy Principal - Junior Secondary Excellence Starting from 21 May, performances of our school musical ‘Booknapped’ begin. Our staff and students have been putting in an enormous amount of time and effort into preparations for this production. I am really looking forward to seeing this production and tickets are now available at the Administration Office. Year 8 Immunisations The second round of immunisations for Year 8 students take place at school on Monday 18 May. Only students who have returned consent forms can be immunised on this day. If you have any questions about whether your child’s immunisation consent has been received, please call OzCare on 5413 8487. National Assessment Program The annual NAPLAN tests are taking place from 12-14 May with a catch-up session on 15 May. All students in Years 7 and 9 will be participating in these tests. If you do not wish your child to participate, you must complete a parent Withdrawal Request Form and return it to the office by 8 May. A letter has been sent home with all students to outline the arrangements and required equipment for these days. Please contact the office for more information. Health News Rebekah Sayers, School Based Youth Health Nurse Common Head Cold The common head cold is an infection of the upper respiratory passages caused by a virus. Common symptoms are a runny nose, sore throat, cough and fever. Sometimes the infection spreads to the middle ear (ear pain), chest (chesty cough) or sinuses (pressure in the face) – may cause headache. Treatment Most colds get better on their own within several days although sometimes they hang on for a week or two. Colds can make one feel miserable so rest is necessary. If you have no known allergies, paracetomol can help with headaches and general aches and pains. The local Pharmacist will be able to suggest other preparations for specific signs and symptoms and of course, if the condition worsens it may be necessary to see your General Practitioner. Things to avoid Do not exercise hard if you are unwell. It can slow down your recovery, and occasionally it can make a person much sicker for much longer. Avoid smoking and being around cigarette smoke. Don’t spread your cold around! Stay at home. You might feel that you should go to school or work because it is ‘only a cold’, but your friends, your teacher and your workmates will not be impressed if they catch a cold from you. Usually a few days rest help the body heal faster. How to avoid spreading colds around Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, cough into the inside of your arm (not your hands).Use a disposable tissue if possible and put it in a bin (so others don’t have to handle it). HAND WASHING IS ESSENTIAL. If you have to be around someone who has a cold, again make sure that you wash your hands often so that you don’t carry germs to your nose or throat. Source: http://www.cyh.com Websites of interest http://www.kidshelp.com.au/ http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au www.youthbeyondblue.com http://www.yac.net.au/ GOOD HEALTH - “Health is a relationship between you and your body” by Terri Guillemets P&C News Terri Shine, P&C Liaison Officer Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop will be open Wednesday and Friday mornings 7.30am to 10.00am. Appointments can be made outside these hours by phoning the Administration Office on 5471 5333 and ask to speak with Terri. The Uniform Shop is also looking for volunteers for Wednesday and Friday mornings, to work with Terri to assist students and parents with sizes and/or dressing room. If you are interested, please call 5471 5333 or email [email protected]. Canteen The Canteen offers parents the opportunity to learn skills in a busy café and food/catering preparation and service. The canteen is open Monday to Friday and there are flexible shifts for volunteers available. For more information, please contact Michelle in the Canteen on 5471 5337. ANZAC Day in Canberra Sally Vellar, HOD Social Sciences Anzac Day 2015 was always going to be a momentous occasion for Australians for the 100th Anniversary of this special service. It was an honour and a privilege to commemorate this special day at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra with twelve of our senior students and Mrs Lohmann. Students had a very early departure to secure front row positions at the dawn service. With over 120,000 in attendance at this year’s service, it was spectacular to view and the silence was awe-inspiring. Following the dawn service, we attended the Indigenous service on the slopes of Mt Ainslie. Our students were included in the speeches as we are consistent attenders of this unique and special ceremony. There were tears following the heart warming presentations by Indigenous representatives and our students laid poppies on the memorial. We are very thankful that our students were graced with seating at the National parade, as spaces in the arena were very limited. Students were able to view the whole parade – including the commemorative address by the Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove. As usual our students were excellent ambassadors for Coolum State High School and the Coolum community. They toured the new and old Parliament Houses and did role plays at both venues. Kezia Burling, acting as the Honourable Member for Fairfax, did an excellent impersonation of our local member. Syroni Moore made an excellent Prime Minster during the debates and was very convincing in her arguments. In Old Parliament House, the students re-enacted the Franklin River debate in the Senate and were able to bring to life some colourful political characters of the past. Students also had the opportunity to engage in some more relaxing activities as they cruised on Lake Burley Griffin, were attacked by dinosaurs at the Dinosaur Museum and viewed the photographic prizes at the National Portrait Gallery. Students were able to be interactive at the Australian Institute of Sport and Quest-a-con Science Centre. As always, we need to send a huge thank you to the Australian Government which recognises the importance of all young Australians to be able to visit their National Capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. We have been fortunate to receive the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) from the Australian Government to assist students with the travel expenses incurred. We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this program. Mathematics News Tracy Ford, HOD Mathematics Thank you to parents who attended the Mathematics Night. It is important to share with parents what we do at Coolum State High School and have your support. Also, thank you to all the Maths teachers and the Junior Secondary Team for their assistance on the night. It is a privilege to work where everyone supports each other in order to make improvements. Permission Forms will be handed to students who wish to participate in the ICAS Mathematics Competition which will be held on 11 August. Interested students must return their Permission Forms as soon as possible. The ICAS test is run by the University of NSW and has taken place annually for over 30 years in 20 countries. It is an excellent way of extending talented students with the feedback giving a very good indication of students’ strengths and weaknesses. All students who participate receive a certificate for their portfolios. This competition is funded by the Mathematics Department as we consider it very valuable. NAPLAN is fast approaching. Students in Years 7 and 9 have recently taken part in a numeracy practice test. They completed the Calculator Allowed Paper and we were also able to establish how many students had scientific calculators. Calculators are an essential piece of equipment for mathematics. They cost around $30 but will last students throughout high school. It is important that every student has his or her own calculator. In class they are taught how to use their individual calculator which will be advantageous in tests. Students who borrow calculators are not sure how they work and cannot use them properly in tests, therefore leaving them at a distinct disadvantage. Please check that your child has a scientific calculator and knows how to use it. International Students Program Terri Shine, Homestay Coordinator This term we welcome new international students, Lea Eberhardt (Germany), Moritz Kollbach (Germany), Davide Brugola (Italy) and Eva Puermayr (Austria). Lea and Moritz are in Year 10, Eva is in Year 11 and Davide is in Year 12. They are residing with local homestay families and enjoying our beautiful beaches. We hope that everyone in the school and Coolum Community can make them feel welcome and introduce them to our Australian way of life. Cross Country Christina Fiducioso, HPE Teacher The Coolum State High School Cross Country was run on Friday, 24 April. It was a highly successful event with many outstanding performances. The top competitors in each age group will be invited to compete at the District event to be held on 15 May at St Teresa’s Catholic College, Noosaville Age Champions and Runners Up 12 years Girls Winner: Madison Juster Runner Up: Ellia Smith 12 years Boys Winner: Corey Stevens Runner Up: Kalani Love 13 years Girls Winner: Lottie Hayes Runner Up: Kayleigh Heighway 13 Years Boys Winner: Zaide Quirk Runner Up: Ethan Otton 14 years Girls Winner: Kirra Foxwell Runner Up: Kara Petersen 14 Years Boys Winner: Codi Rich Runner Up: Declan MacLeod 15 years Girls Winner: Kelsey Hayes Runner Up: Mikayla Barwicki 15 Years Boys Winner: Connor Crofts Runner Up: Kai Croft 16 years Girls Winner: Layla Hutchins Runner Up: Farrah Kennedy 16 Years Boys Winner: Cooper Williams Runner Up: Hayden Tanis 17 and Over Girls Winner: Gemma Hauck Runner Up: Jemima Head 17 and Over Boys Winner: Ben Penglase Runner Up: Jack Stevenson Congratulations to all participants, it was a great afternoon. Booknapped – The Musical Carla Edgar, Director BOOKNAPPED!!! Yes, it’s finally here. The 2015 Coolum State High School musical ‘Booknapped’ is showing on Thursday 21, Friday 22 and Saturday 23 May in the Performing Arts Studio. Shows begin at 7.00pm each night and promise to be a comical adventure. Our cast and crew have been working very hard to put together this exciting original production. Come and join us for a night of singing, dancing, and a few surprises along the way. Tickets are now available from the Administration Office: Students - $10.00 Adults - $15.00. We look forward to seeing you there. Tourism Students to help Prep Kids at Coolum State School Danielle Siegert, Senior Tourism Teacher Coolum State High School welcomes any opportunity to partner with primary schools in our community and this term, six of our dedicated Tourism students are taking part in a teacher aide trainee program. The students have already participated in an intensive training day at Coolum State School where they learnt introductory strategies to teach reading to young children, and also basic maths games which reinforce early maths knowledge. Coolum Primary Deputy Principal Linda Morse, who is training and supervising the students, focused on helping the high school students develop teaching strategies for working successfully with young children in a way that is positive, supportive and energetic. Tourism students will spend each Thursday in designated classrooms (either PREP or Year 1) with the same teacher, working as a teacher aide trainee. This opportunity will allow them to build on the skills learnt in their training. The experience is linked to several competencies, however, beyond the expectations of the Certificate II in Tourism, it is hoped that the students will gain vital employability skills in a highly professional environment and have exposure to career opportunities which they may consider in the future, including a career as a teacher aide, a teacher or child care worker. If your student is completing their Certificate II in Tourism, please ask them about the programs and opportunities that are offered. You may also contact Danielle Siegert via email [email protected]. Healthy Career Options Chris Money, HPE Teacher Health Heroes Expo Coolum High students interested in a career in the health industry attended the Health Heroes Expo at Kawana recently. Students had the opportunity to gain first hand explanations from health professionals in a range of fields including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, nursing and dietetics, and the part they play in patient care. As well as health professionals, there were universities and vocational training providers available for students to find out training and entry requirements for health related courses. The expo also gave students the opportunity to participate in hands on displays with full size mannequins simulating a sick patient in a hospital bed, keyhole surgery and resuscitation. As an added bonus, Coolum High students were given a behind the scenes tour of the make-up room where students were being transformed from healthy young people to simulated trauma victims. Coolum High is one of the few schools on the Sunshine Coast offering a pathway to a health career through a Certificate III in Allied Health Support. Constable Marlene Gives Arresting Presentation As part of the Year 10 HPE Illicit Drugs Unit, Constable Marlene from Coolum Police presented students with information on the legal implications of drug use. As well as the direct legal consequences, students were made aware of the potential long term implications of a police record on such things as travel and employment opportunities. The Year 10 Illegal Drug Unit will culminate in an assignment due within the next two weeks in which students must advocate for a strategy to help reduce the prevalence of drug use in our local community. St Thomas More Catholic Primary School Ben Lexcen Drive Sunshine Beach Jubilee Mass/Family Day Celebrations Sunday 17th May 2015 - Mass commencing at 9.30am Please RSVP by 8th May 2015 to psunshinebeach @ bne.catholic.edu.au or 54492022 Jubilee Gala Cocktail Evening Saturday 23rd May 2015 - from 6.30pm Tickets available online Monday 20 April 2015 to Friday 15 May 2015 at http://www.trybooking.com/HLBT at ‘25 years in Truth and Love’ or ‘St Thomas More Primary School 25th Jubilee’ www.facebook.com/stthomasmore25years
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