design l photography l print How To Supply Your Artwork In a Print Ready Format Please ensure artwork is supplied in accordance with this guide. Any artwork that is not in accordance with the following specifications may be subject to an additional charge to make print ready. Richprint cannot be held responsible for any print errors or late deliveries where artwork has been supplied incorrectly. Artwork Check List Use this check list to ensure you are supplying us with artwork that meets our requirements: Document is in PDF format (page 3) All the fonts are embedded (page 3) Document is single pages in one document (page 3) Document contains bleed (page 3) Document is in high resolution (page 5) Document is in CMYK (page 6) Artwork spec : Check list t 01455 633958 e [email protected] 2 Supplying your artwork We accept complete print ready artwork as a PDF in accordance with the following specifications: • All artwork to be CMYK and high resolution (at least 300dpi - see pages 5 & 6) • Single pages in one document (not spreads or printers pairs) • PDF with 3mm bleed allowance and crop marks to be included (see below) • All fonts to be embedded within the document For guidance on how to create print quality PDFs from your design application, please refer to the application’s User guide. Formats • Upload files to You Send It using the following link: (Stuffit or WinZip may be used to batch multiple files in a folder) • CD, DVD or USB Memory Stick Text Position Text should be at least 5mm away from any cut edge of the page. Bleed Your design may incorporate images or colours that run off the edge of the page - this is called bleed. Any items ‘bleeding’ off the page should be extended to overhang by a minimum of 3mm off each edge. We would also advise that text and borders be at least 5mm in from the edge of the page. Including bleed is essential for finishing and guillotining purposes and will eliminate any unprinted gaps on the edge of the document when it is trimmed down to size. To ensure correct printing and finishing, a minimum 5mm white border will be added to all artwork supplied without the appropriate bleed, or, if the artwork allows, the job will be trimmed slightly undersize. Printer’s crop marks Text at least 5mm in from the edge of the page The Beautiful Storm 3mm ‘bleed’ allowance for any items that overhang the edge of the page Artwork spec : Supplying your artwork no bleed Text too close to the edge The Beautiful Storm Your finished document size. This will be the size supplied to you after it has been trimmed down t 01455 633958 e [email protected] 3 Document sizes A1 l 594x841mm A2 l 420x594mm A3 l 297x420mm A4 l 210x297mm A5 l 148x210mm A6 l 105x148mm 1/3 A4 l 210x99mm BusinessCard l 85x55mm BLEED ALLOWANCE l 3mm all round (regardless of document size) Artwork spec : Document sizes t 01455 633958 e [email protected] 4 Print resolution For the best print quality we recommend that all photographs, images and text within your artwork be at a minimum of 300dpi at the size they are to be printed. We are only able to reproduce your artwork at the quality you provide - we cannot improve on the quality of your artwork. Be aware that lower resolution artwork can look good quality on screen but will appear blurred or pixelated when printed. If you are including any images in your artwork that you have taken with a digital camera please ensure the camera has been set on the highest quality setting. Do not downgrade the quality of the image before inserting into your artwork. This is how a high resolution image will print on our press This is how a low resolution image will print on our press Artwork spec : Print resolution t 01455 633958 e [email protected] 5 CMYK and RGB colour Your computer, scanner, digital camera and monitor create and view images using a combination of just three colours, Red, Green and Blue (RGB). Printing presses use four different colours to print these images - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (or ‘CMYK’ - also known as Process Colours). All artwork must be completed and saved as CMYK. Any artwork that contains images, text and colours in RGB will be converted by our workflow to our standard CMYK profile ready for the press. Please note that colours printed on press will vary compared to those viewed on a monitor or a digital camera. All Pantone Spot Colours must be converted to CMYK, unless your job is specified to include the printing of additional special inks. This is how an RGB image may view on screen Artwork spec : CMYK and RGB colour This is how the same RGB image converted to CMYK may print on press t 01455 633958 e [email protected] 6 Perfect bound documents Perfect bound documents need to be set-up slightly different to usual, to allow for the extra space not visible close to the spine once the document has been bound. • The binding safe area varies depending on the number of pages in the document • The margin safe area is 7mm from the top, bottom, outside edge and binding safe area • The bleed allowance is 3mm around the whole document for any items that overhang the page. Please keep text and any major images within the margin safe area Printer’s crop marks Trim Left hand page Design area RIGHT hand page Design area BINDING SAFE AREA Keep free minimum 7mm either side of spine ** MARGIN SAFE AREA Keep free minimum 7mm in from binding area 3mm ‘bleed’ allowance for any items that overhang the edge of the page The higher amount of pages in your document, the larger the binding safe area needs to be (7mm is an example). Please contact us for specific measurements for your publication. ** Artwork spec : Perfect bound documents t 01455 633958 e [email protected] 7 General Recommendations Please carefully review the following recommendations before placing your order. Unless Richprint specifically provides you with advice in relation to the specification of your print order (in which case the advice will be confirmed on your Order Acknowledgement) you will be deemed to have considered and accepted these recommendations when placing your order. Richprint accepts no liability for defects in print quality resulting from a failure by you to follow the general recommendations referred to below. Black solids can be enhanced by adding a 40% tint of cyan. Total area coverage (TAC) - Combined colour values should not exceed 300 per cent. This may be required to be lower depending on the paper being printed on. This TAC applies to pictures printed in colour - 300 per cent in the darkest areas with a maximum black of 100 per cent. Cracking - This can appear on a saddle stitched or perfect bound publication when heavy inking appears on the spine or fold, particularly on heavier paper stocks. The effect can be minimized by using only light ink coverage along the fold and also by precreasing the cover before stitching or binding. The effect can be further alleviated by Laminating the outer cover. Perfect Binding Line Ups - Elements running across a spread can suffer from loss of image into the spine, this can be alleviated by moving the element that runs across the spine 2mm to the left for the left hand page and 2mm to the right for the right hand. Allowances should also be made for the hinge between the inside front cover and first page of text and the inside back cover and last page of text. A 6mm hinge should be allowed for. Ink Rub - Ink can be transferred through abrasive contact on press and bindery handling systems during the manufacturing process. Matt and silk/satin papers are particularly susceptible to ink rubbing. Consideration can be given to this at the design stage. Where possible avoid facing pages of heavy ink coverage against white, unprinted pages. Where possible avoid designs where the outside front cover is heavily inked and the outside back cover has large areas of white space or vice versa. If this is unavoidable, consider a sealer, which can sometimes prevent marking. Trapping - Light colours printed on dark backgrounds should be set as knock outs. Fine Lettering - Thin lines, rules, medium and small type sizes should be reproduced in a single colour only wherever possible. Do not use rules defined as ‘Hairline’ in your DTP application. Desktop printers and similar devices will not give an accurate representation of a hairline rule on your proofs. Keep to a minimum weight of 0.25pt for a solid single colour. Reversed out Lettering - Reversed out lettering, or knocked-out type, should be out of the least number of process colours as possible. Type or objects smaller than 10pt in size should ideally be reversed out of one colour only. Small letters reversed out of multiple colours - particularly fonts with fine serifs - will show colour in white type areas even with the slightest mis-registration on press. Check to ensure that reversed-out lettering does not become illegible due to the text’s background. Shingling - Saddle stitched publication’s pages decrease in width page by page from the front cover to the centre spread. The scale of which is dependent on the weight of the text stock. The heavier the stock the greater the increment. This can be compensated for by reducing the page width gradually. The effect of shingling should be compensated for in the design of the product. Web Growth - This occurs when web text is put together with a Sheet-fed cover. During the printing process After Gather Stitch and Trim or Perfect binding the text sections will re-absorb moisture from the atmosphere and grow very slightly thus protruding from the Sheet-fed cover. Perfect Binding – The glue on perfect bound or PUR bound covers can sometimes cause the cover to shrink back slightly from the right hand edge of the brochure, causing the cover to look a millimetre or so shorter than the text pages. This may result in the very edge of page 3 showing on the front cover. The visual effect of this can be minimised by designing page 3 with a similar colour on the edge to that of the front cover. Cockling - A wavy appearance to the text sections near the spine may occur, particularly on perfect bound A5 work, due to the direction of grain in the sheet - we recommend extra time being allowed between printing and binding to allow the heatset web sections to absorb moisture back into the paper. Artwork spec : Perfect bound documents t 01455 633958 e [email protected] 8
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