How to add new members and update deceased Members to

How to add new members and update
deceased Members to
your Post Database
Using the Catholic War Veterans new
Intranet Database System
This Instruction Pamphlet will explain how to use the Catholic War
Veterans new Intranet Database system to add new members and how to
mark a member as “deceased” to your Post’s database.
Each Post in the nation has a brand new website that contains their Post
database with a listing of all member information for the Post. Your
website is
(insert your Post number goes where the X’s are.)
To update your database, you must first register as a Member of your
website and be granted administrative privileges.
To do this is fairly easy. Call up your Post website and click on the
Membership tab on top in the middle of the page.
The screen pictured below will pop up.
• Click on registration at the bottom of the page.
Fill in the information requested in the boxes and hit Create User.
Next, send an e-mail to Department Website Administrator.
State your position and that you have registered on your Post website and
would like privileges to update your Post members dues payments.
Once you have a response back from the Administrator that you have privileges
to update your Post database, log back onto your Post website and follow the
instructions in the rest of this Instruction Pamphlet.
Instructions are laid out Step-by-Step with graphics to show you what you
should be looking at with each progressive step.
Section 1 - Using the Database to add new Members
Section 2 – Marking a member as “deceased” in the database
Once you have logged onto your Post website, your home page will appear and
look similar to the one pictured below.
• Click on the Staff link at the top right hand corner of the menu across
the top of the page
The page that pops up will look just like the one below. Choose the Roster option
from the menu on the far left side.
Section 1 - Using the Database to add new Members
Your Post Roster in alphabetical order will pop up (pictured below). Click on
the New link on the far left by the first member listed;
The screen below will pop up above your first member. This is the screen
to put in all the information to add your first new member.
Here’s what you need to put in each of the boxes pictured. Use your mouse or
TAB key to move between boxes.
Dept – scroll or arrow down to your state if listed, then hit TAB
Chapter – type in Chapter name or “N/A”, then hit TAB
Post Number – type in your Post number, then hit TAB
Member Type – click on “v” at end of line to open menu choices – scroll or
arrow to New Member, hit TAB
Office Post – leave blank, hit TAB
Last – type in New member’s last name, hit TAB
First – type in New member’s first name, hit TAB
Middle – type in New member’s middle name or initial, hit TAB
Addr1 – type in New member’s house number and street name, hit TAB
Addr2 – type in apartment number, up, down, etc or leave blank, hit TAB
City, State, ZIP Code – type in New member’s info in each, hit TAB
Phone NO, Cell Phone, Email – type in each as applicable
When done inputting the info, hit Update in lower right corner
Congratulations - your new member has now been added to the database. You
should automatically be returned to your Post Roster listing after hitting the
Update link.
To add additional new members – click on New by your first member listed and
begin these steps again for each new member you wish to add. (pages 9 & 10).
To update your new member(s) as having paid their dues for the current
membership year, see the Tutorial on “How to update Dues payments in your
Post database”.
To print your new member(s) a membership card, see the Tutorial on
“Printing Membership Cards”
Section 2 – Marking a member as “deceased” in the database
After you are logged in to your Post website, click on the Staff link on the
upper right hand side of the homepage.
On the page that pops up (pictured below), click on the Roster link on the far
left side of the page
Your Post Roster listing in alphabetical order will pop up. Type the name of the member
you wish to update as “deceased” in the Last box on top or find the member by picking
from the pages listed across the bottom of the screen to find his/her name (page 1 is
highlighted in orange on the screen below).
Once you have located the page with the deceased members’s name on it, click
the “+” at the far left end of the column with his/her name.
A new menu will appear below that member’s name (pictured below).Click on
the Edit link at the far left of that menu.
An expanded menu box will appear below that member’s name (pictured below).
TAB or move your mouse to the box marked Dtof Death. Click on the
“v” at the end of the block and a calendar will appear for you to pick the
date of death. Use the “<<, <, >, >>” by the month name to get to a
different month of the year. Using your mouse, check the Box next to
Deceased, and then hit Update in the lower right hand corner of that
menu box. Your member is now counted as deceased, his/her name has
automatically appeared on your Post Memorial listing and the listing of
deceased members on the National Website.
Even though you have updated this member as “deceased”, you
MUST still print out and mail to your Dept and the National Office
a “Deceased Member Notice”. This can be found on the National website
by clicking the menus option of “For Our Members” and “Unit Administration &
Forms”. Fill out the PDF that opens up, save it and print two (2) copies –
one (1) for your records and one (1) to mail to the Dept Office.
After following these instructions, if you have any problems or questions
or issues with updating, please call your Dept Webmaster or the National Department
and they will get someone to call and work with you to get it done. Thanks and
good luck!