'T.' .'.:';?*""'' lOSl.tfli. ' H f^H HOW HOME MAKE TO HEALTHY. AIR,LIGHT,FOOD,DRINK, mra THE PROFESSOR " TEST or HAHNEMANN, " " "." " " .. ", , , ,""_ " , , ^ THG TO DETECT OKBAT GEBMAH ADULTERATED OHCBatT, L.IQUOKS. " ' r' -i - I . V' 5"%y^ " k r* * " ' m" K ^P^ ^ .-^^ I. --stfE" gs^"^"*'^5^^f5;r ", ".""," VENTILATION. I. CHAFTBB In th"M H" tiON. he that dose a of kill school feriog bait shiners" " turn that supply in the its place. is misfbrtnne bat the of Oaloutta, that mind If in his he and ; tnm knows exhausted, he and the cause, has not pnisoil suf- both are often and tIi put freah little a of want : his seen after water, and of pail probably has to deak fiahermitn n " /eading without is boy the of a" body school our baas, he for bait backs water the soon^Ks, obokUig, quietlyexpire " hsve garden, a in aoonmnlated and dilKoalties, and to their on in lift } and deadly poison-" most praotioal ezo||^noe a fVaph air. of he if large and a health preMrre miee, kill hare moit is the man tree a has he people would And fitom not Hole fur want catches I" men room, Blaok the of it will jar under knowledge about that tbey breath a knowledge, gather of will it room, air, if ViiiTiLiL* MMmething aboat bojknowi initoooe, the in oolleoted '" for of freah that knuwa whool OTery knows, aapplj eonitant " d"ji air, in to water . Were a would them, neither they against the this. idea The that rendered sonorous she lofed tips. "WhatfoUyJ" breath man a it and the Av^uihu will reposed aotion the animal, whether of old if a not breathing each and d a pdka soon aid only poisoned was say, did nsture in aim of will exehum repudiate with bryn tongue, ibgieswiU point poisoned, many his on ludiily for that reached Doubtless it everlastingly, him hurtfiil"justas social has air. firesh the ilM^e/ma by work inhabitants but "shiners;" the only slightlysuffocated entranced when whispered that of mason nor are in life to dwelling air-tight,the or ftte carpenter perfection, so come the share soon soon ball-room modern air te(^,palate tnd ""to know other's insinuate when she that made breaths, would ""%I %-"(f^if'p, s Imnodlwill, of the clot^oompliiio Moiyaftereipm^Iog oootompt fur Teotilation, and nuh of the rooBy or liMintr, or nilnajr to tho door iMM oar, a for roUcC W N"v"iib"l"H yhf ifijarioiu." af both old tud joiing Of , and unbelief of Bat notwithstanding the ignoranoe tion of the world,acieutifio mm ways and to means protiotman are a greatpof" sltU busily eoRsgedin by means of and physical ' I have noilf w, oontriTsnoes under the second system, flu"ingenious pumps, icrews and other contriranoas, ners, f"Mrtiog pumps, suoking In 1668, H. Sehmita published iht too numerous to mention. allsorts of moTod to in Tl hi a of the fanner ment establi"hed by was of means Ifa au more elockwdrir, ar acom]^te ohamberoTer head, simplethan compaet; iftoeeupied md WM set in noby motion by a heavyweight. The weightraa down, pdKng "lowly for the screws iometlmes were its rope tillit reaohed the theyare admirable Not prodiieed. adaptedto other to eerew a on many years ago one building, public a it b not both it out,"but honor of horrors, the air for the British House of Commons miil^dtllats. tion the dr screws on floe uetgwi^ a' in and the th blew down nc dfl for oooling admirably speaking ; theyanswer be in each to one where servant muve in Indb, can a kept moved and Mr. 3abbt'ii monater fiiniksrs, by steam,cool rricmf air" of oouple to serew wl reaulte stattliog worth while the air a a wi floor. Am parlour of the aocount 00 Of the faonen gust of eontempi upon the airyprojector. with "i " throughthe oeiling, dtsoending great fanner,wliioh, alit. The moTOwithin and fro,pendulumwise, a mighty soheme of h mechanient We ftom beingpoisonedby his fbllow man. "enlilation, devisinif But as at an czpcnae of over for ventibiion" -that b fch half ftesh circnlaiiug \ useiebs. So fiur^ then,ss nuekanical venttl*iheysro perfectly it may be pronoanoedn b to ooncemed, adapted buildings fiulnre. WJ ".., . whioh imilatea the *FeN"t2b"Cim-~that Bat:PXiyfteol aatnie, aid whose itadf ai a chief agent b greatraccen. Iiinatnro heat;haa at of pro'eew itb said"-the iSWn b the lord* high ventilator. He rarefleethe idr in one plaoeby hie heat, thin or warmed teld and letsthe air be denie ; thj^ ehtwhere permits j^^44i-r. '^ to lengtheetabUehed ai M II ;"""i tnn"di- air rfm and tha danta air rwhaa aodlam wiodi and ourraota,Natnra'i with flre-pUoa a eomiaon weightof coal,la an t M-Aaiitcal bftTOIHMIf oord of wdod;or an haadrad good imitationof the Sun't ijatem the lira " the oold air ruahae from the doora ehimney,aa oonntriaa to tha aurronndiog W*l"g dcaerta, aa legs, nedu, and baoka While one aide ia beingtoaated, tha to the moat aoeptical. the fliom dranghtaabout the aide ia beingfroaen,ao iNflar ftui- m," to the a hara wa Of oouMf worka. vaotilatiog quarterof atoeodiog current,and wiadowa ^^jpA t a a lla plaot, ao rappij to that a haa to raToIre aa man on a rpit, ia order of heat and oold. to let each aide have ita piop"r quautitj Tka old aet^Tera bate a aupetatition that ao aoon aa thejbuild a new "h"d lh" honaa and oeiling, I b" head, nght na Ai which when Mivw^^ oooling balf iugfl"h \ How ranotd "' raisiMof UblklMd thelofd* bit r hMt, wanted all thia m'ghtbo managed; differently how aueh a catiTy miafortnne mightbe rtmedied. With 0|"enflueaor fita plaoea in in hall the aaeh reon, and a ventilating atova ounnaotad by a pipe would there be bat every with tha air jaithottt, no draught, notouly room^n the houaa would be keptat tho aame temperatureby a ooh" wbioh would he changed of 'warmed, itant atream not heated air, air four fiveminutea or and replaced by freah every duringtha day. ** Ye",yea"a venerable old ladywill lay, *' I aoppoae I mighthave , ivontU*- "Ppibla*( would and aa a oonaeqnenoa enjoy ventilatioui pplcndid pyatam'of robuat health. From thia theymove to a new hotue with whatever and no open flttea. Here theyaittbemaelvea fireplaoe no down by cooking or parlor btovea,and half atnpified by the foul and hiated of of dreiAn air, Soon,however, long^eare happineta! 0T.er the blood becomea leeaand Iciapure and diaeaae aeta in to ob^inan I aa"y victory Bun, cool OTor reaaon but that abode, tha moat fMBen in cneh good deal moat a lew down I the a " And tli" r But Thia haa almoat carry,one of the youDgatera out at tha ohininey top. In other worda thfylivein the midat of ig rwttltt " rule. being the to die. ia,not that a they tbemaalvaa tha anthora of their own miafortuuea. For inatanoe, old are an haya been in the habit alltheirUvea of living in a loghouaa, oonple and a dntoh fireplaoe, with walb windowa and4oora not over tight vr I aura anpemal pow0r enviea their new BBort rir, le into it theyare Iha appaaranoe of moT"- oor. move '* all thia ai the ezpenae of a hnle or /lueaa jon oaliit in tswj ^J, .SpSs^l'i 'V* ''1|.",PPJ|pf"fMB"* !^^ 4* " ** " !" doo'l mUih but jo" roouu for Ui" aak* of rnliUyoa thai "MOO MpmiM boOM " M wltb to floM pMtiM wbo;objoot Tbej windowf. orwy bo "w roan U maj of tbo bo f"". bdll "! Iho ol^^JtUmii flvo ftt all" tbf rod boat MMh diiguiaodbj Joko oratr b tbat tho ifM if' lire pUoM. will atiek tho wallo fU| or will bayo of mj appMniiM II is ia tiIo to UU omUj Tbo fuu. rtgittonor I" BO "Mi//" bowoTcr th9koUintk0 nonUl m" iaat b with opoa hooM " . Ui" ipoiliDg room, pU ". to look at aomotbiognioe matlw no 9'- tho air/ood which thojart iDhalingto and nnhoaltby fllthj tho blood I to throughtho . . . if wo arohttoeta, nodtra poblio nooUhga,wo or Long uaj let they beliere that hope na that whaa go to Ulla wo do^ oan w" pant altar fraah air,and can head-aohea,ioflamaUooa,and with "ad go to ohnrah If dtlightfnl aermooa. moat . . " . . Thanka '"^" " " " ", or oonoorta oomo boo* indpioat eonavniptiooa.-"R-, langa aro wind inatnuaeata of braaaj theydo get a featiUUagflt theywiU profw atraagemaohiaoa, pnmpiag, "orewiag,ateoMiag apparatna, 40 tho atOTo TfatilaUng dwelliaga. orer to aet it oelebrated The iiiiloTo of fnah a aaUor "hip-board, reqneai He telle waa rednoed waa taken f"lt the henofooner who died the other aUribnted a^^e, air. pipeaad night throi"h aU ov lloatiBg day aad Humbolt, of aiaetyyean hia eameat bearea,which i^oirea hot fir of aipplepun oool on b^ that in he enjoyedto of hie travela ferer to the hut ga"p, and deck air than one to die. he began a day,ooosiderably good health the na a on al Bnt strangeto aay to ntiTo,and he ^ereDtoally reooToi^. perfeetly Those then who cxelndo the freah air firom their Inngs, take tho int important step towards mining their oonstitntions. The mon in olose d% thai wholesale deatroyer the ftoavatow, om loooma they the joBon tender theybeeome and the mora theyon?o okwka, ooala! ^ wnppen, eoaforten,India mbben, and "Lookl they exehum, "at ^,Ufe. Who erer the aaw %ef, moont " a Lion in oork aU aolea,or with his great oost when the other the prognss a of BiaB.- throat f son he goes out to Mesringsof a Oin sooial party? -. .- "^"- "% 'W, " \ DoM HagUaoar an a"a " lain f or wllh uoibNUa an lUa liaadto orar kaapofftha ihaia laloriaa ; and il aloaa,ooflipraluMda Man Uul ka kraa Oiaa bial. li wkaa ba la laaalkaalthj aHllagby iCoTa baak In in to a a room with that than b no [Ha b aoUiIngto iffii lia a of tha ftml air "aoaping poaHbill^ during aran a atora pipa hob into tha ohimnaj, for tha haalth of bb with i^ praiaaworthy oara bndlord, baa "" unTtntilatcd rooin indaad,bnt ebotd eblmnajr a Thara b not an b oftan Wboarar travala a good d||l eloaa badroon. aioppadcithar with tin,abch,or wood. Thera b a that yon auy ahnt in aU tha flwl ab, and kaap ao not tha door H !". If yon to tha baat happanto room tainad bad. ba a man that aontaina a of nota, yon ara probably thown nfbaatingmaobina aalbd a enr- 11 mnat bo anonghto hara dilntad Aral air, round yonr paroon. llib may bo eondanaad aa oloaa aa poaalbla oallad tha Pobon YaponrBath,and b anjoyadin tha gnatmt paribotioB in ^ a thraai^tha how inthan ftathar bad. Tha ikin,and moat aBK"thar tha flaab. Bnt than affMtnally faathan b lyingon talb na 80 it b not a a pratont tha tranapiratioft aignof gantb braading.An andant writar Ung'a wifa found ont whathar bar ladygncat waa pbead thraa paaa in tha yonng iriderably lialbom to HDJojed and tniTebon daapinj; by tha oompbinodthai aha had baan prarantad p, and ml harahaab. geto tha untantilatadbad i,and my he ovar prinocaa.Sha thaaa llftaenfaathar badu So you aaabbod room rhemora thair haada tham undar tho bad olotheatill thayan iMNMi morningtha young |ody lumpaundar willtill. Nazi to tha abaa atora room, and ftathar bad ara tha moat iogaoioua aontriranoiafbr tha daatmotion of human many paopbcotar bnrinjWi taketlM In tha n bad, lady'a and to oom^ata tho lift, with nightoapa, or atiok to put out thair obligad" I to pnrant aetaalBuffoaation ^ "Ul nan lo tnal Bfaa.^ it On UpartjrT of upon tho propntiaa air, mightba aa unftrtnnate m tha young Oambridgaatudent who waa hb wiadom ai a dinnw party. Ha waa moat aloqnaDt "iriag upon laaland eoU,ndiaHon,nreftetion, polarand aqualorial onmnb, hb diaeouiaato aa and, batumad round whio ha had brought Jbo.;, "" do lir, aaying, And wfaal^ ipOB " gMTo pn^Maorof hb eolbga, I Mingiof in aeiantiflotarma ,tf:J^^k:s^ " yoQ bdlieve to be the '* canse Pea-flonp, pea-soap t eniifioor joo in plainway, some Air is composedof ment in The learned So I shall avoiili^ much terms, and oootent anoommon a " of wiod ? " of the two myselfwith replied, man soipossible, ta desoribing of air. propnties commonest simpleelements,and About feiysmall proportions. as -T one -, oompoM 80 partsin 100 an 'j/ is composedof a air,' ment and kind of air of apparently no nse or a aiaii gas called nitrogen, except to of the other dilate the 01 element,a gas or simple The compound element fii^iili : partsin an 100 of the atniosphere, and forms about one part in 2000 Upmt. a gas calledcarbonic acid, name air composing al air. It is compoundedof oxygen and carbon, element oir a simple substance which composes the greater part of coal and pfos toit itschief characteristics. .j The air cellsof the L. causes Inngsare filled upon air to rush into any either side of the the cavity.These and communicate with chest, and nose, windpipe or month. that graviprinciple tation situated are the air throughthe Three evident effectsare produced upon tlM blood in the lungsby the actionof air. ed from is raised, and brightred,itstemperiiture a to purple diminished in a dispute.The d^ree . , Its color is change Doubtless other effects are qoantity. about tiiesethere is no 00 itis but produced, of effectproduced, de- and quality of air to pendsu*ponthe quantity the blood has been subjected in the lungs. ' the action of which Hie " of the ur has been already stated; but after it composition lungsit is very different; insteadof 20 partsin an 100 it contains but 16 of oxygen, and contains nearly 4 partsof eaibonio acid. It is very full of moisture as may be seen by breathing upon "tfnitrogen has not changed in an appreoiglan. Its proportion aUe degree.If a person applyhis month to the mouth of a b"llthe bottom of which is wanting f^Ma bottle or decanter, or hat a hole btoken in i^ and then pushthe bottlea short distance into k of water, he can draw all the air in Uie bottleinto his Inngi, psil liSsves the . - ftbm which he r - can breathe the air back into the bottl^.^ This must be 80 lieldin ^e water that it shallfollow up into the botlJe as "X. .^ the "-*r..",-"t44."'6JiM!i.''.'*i- -" .w"= "^^^'^'' "^*"-**( replied, an BoiMsiblei "". l(H"""P"l""J" "^"WP " ",* ".% out, and when is drawn the bottleis agMn filledwfth air, il held aaost be with the month yet applied to it and th" qaitesteady, iu i0 loribiog yet in the In the meantime water. it is homing well, remoTo leta mateh be the month snd lighltd^ dropthe betd" inch into the water,and thmst the match into the month I,when, if the hare been well managed, Um experiment that the is ia air instantly Showing so changed K^"t. that a matoirwill not bum ot fptoot in it. If any one reqniren the unhealthiness of air afWr it has been oMt ' lethim inhale the airhorn another persons nose or moothy l^m the cool fresh air of morniog into a oipwded,unf enlol* JMl^niywhich oar that grvfi' itiuted has trarelledalluight.^ .Then,as the air comingfrom the Inngsis not snUablatoJbo receiyedagain, and as a large is used in a very Httletime, it quantity followsthat allzooms should be perfectly Tentilated. comby hayibj^ mumcation with the Grand reservoir the stmosphere vnrrpandMi^ the earth. This should evidendy be more attended ."to carefully than duringthe day,as then the opening and du^ng the nights and the fires of doors^ in oold weather, willtend to puri^ shutting and change the air in a room E zperiment snd accidenthave proved that carbonic acid breathed out from the lungsis so very poisonous " on bronghthe ) produced r isehang- * 1,and itis . Imt daeed, that 10 per coat, will destroy the lifeof animals, and many hnmau have lost their livesby goinginto welb, tombs and other beings deidnced, lof which mt after it g nee bdlhat to pass into the draw,the gas is likely seems of cause "c. headaches, room out with- Doctor T: iS!. the old adtfg6 atr, r^rd to ipnrci worth.' If dtOnld air bo mdnopocost,nothing true, nothing ** In * itstahie wodtd soon txispimoiste^. gidlon, ^th aetitfr state of the body genendly, healthy exercise of all partsof the body,but particulariy the mvsclei of and expiration, and vftuUaitd ajiartmeflfle, ai" .the ehief inspiratioB aotioliof the Mr"nd bloMi thingswhich eoidaeeto the perfect^ eaeh the And other itbas been thai |n as seen out of "p6n hrngs/ sold by Xb" He continu6s--^ A. a into in This most .^ as a vast sny smoke, great ZamUrt above quoted, : siiys lized and his Inogs, tde of most articled a burning produces when and of a quantity btirning, pan chamber has produced life. eo much as to destroy a a ihing npon in appreoi' or it,coal If 4 gratedo not ifcaihonio a it existed. The greatdeal of coals pUcedin aaniOOit of where places the V, ^,, ii^^ff. """, ffl"'':"*^j5^"g6^^*.^ """""A-if .rvi~f "- *It -^" ^ ""r .\.: the "U"^ if aot fA" okief foUowi that if penon nX a duty of tnmld eold,if be penon and he in leia danger keptwarmer draughtof air ahaU comenpon iimepei^Uy/' that we aee that pnre air easaj air,but on the on the bkiod aetiogon and fonl air diaeaae and death. But of meana aneh in % the pei*on, but "! a Tiraa S^Moiall j not aleepiogapartment be rentilated, a nightin be done oannot ovt doora. oept there he oonunuQicationwitli nightwill a it ia "o^ Heaee the ooMeat with hia apartment TentUated,which pvodoM heat,U preaenre hia gMMi air t pure wataer peraon will aleep a to he must warm brmthe and health,take ezeraiae, infened, that be k longi, the prodneea objectia onr it into bringing inHn to not itt dweUingaand our ' " Bailwajcan.'We " V . ' . have aaid that mechanical Not nfidlore. Oara,aa thoee of -tilated cara of mechanical onr rentilation readera who the Obahd on of by meana atream ao yentilating cap on in anmmer air,purified a of quantity air ia alao teatify.There can the top of the oar, by paning oter to the inmates of the itn winter,but anpplied atove. aimplebut meet eUnent Tcntilating a duat there ia outmde, not water deposited in^tiio a cornea particle or out we a that aee '^ eontinnona largeahallow The car. by aame of meana No matter how much into the car, beeaoae it ia no of the montha diaaaaed their lungaor ihroata may how a wanned And tank undemeaih. tobacco ia spitor blown filthy appliedto Bailway aa haTO traTdled in RuTTAN'"'Ten- Trunk, tank of water, is fimuahed to honaea,ia applied tentilationa" matter how muoh of the paaaengera, be,the strongdownward air cairieaoff the perfiuie without compelling euniillof theirftUow pimmfgfn to awnllow it. Indead" ao perfectia the working of BunAM'g i^ateinin that the paiaBwgyrs anpmer ei^oythe benefti ia of ndlwi^traydling.Hia ipiotto rapidity ,.,"a,.x:. '''"[.". it;'-":", ..-f ::";/".;/: 'tpon air'and;plentyaf ,^^,;. of with ateamboat, the ' ^ As i^gaidaBmrAii'a apoflo to deaeribe hmk^Bg. That it^hut aode we of may day and night,in wn hooseo, tentilating aay that he puts Lintos aummer vbA hmt net into the th"o winteiv ia a '5 -91^4 ^ ifK.ftf^f' Aieim '. ' -."T^^r]^' J^'.'^ dT fresh air, pouringthronghevery ventilatoras Mr. a in the hovse. Of room in winter it is WMmed iOf TeatUation whioh aetion of nature. bj pusiogthroa"^a Tentilating to eaU it. This is Rotten delights we denominate As beoatle it ph^ftkaly the heat of the desert dmws so the ventikting stove ooontries, sorronndiog air fnm ontside the house or the attraete the railway oari and this the oold air and tekesitspkee. expels ventilation may offihd hot-air arohiteot, will leavethis partioolav we ihg any partionlar systemof ir or devote a few pages to eoosid"i illhealth than the want of fteahair. and at piresent, sobjeot onr mfitfiir^ to ^ oaoses ttid rellingi CHAPTER honses,!" 0 to Bailwmy Travel where what rTAB'Brreathat we sooiefy eontiniioiu ige shallow The SMiae down of 17 means how maeh nnable to t^eot see #" No sooner leeanseitis rhowinnoh (downwnd theirliiUow we we set wbeii the dress u eoverad.. But lisipiottois vis : tha* " cw , -. .." t..T,.-. , . ," " - into the. thite is a oar fellow mortals nU to Beouise from the etadlft and physio, erama ftstensitsfirstdress with in- honey,or eastor oil,isand iOie tronbkt bside,a slypriok^RMt||outside, ** 6f the little pale "oe" he^n. Ten to ooeJhaitlifr doetor is sent of for and other doses are rapidly some preparations' administered, when thf littlesuffereris put iuto a oradle aai laudanum probably, sent to sleepby prodnoing giddiaieai by aotive rooking giddiness, beng a distwrhanoeof the blood'susual way of oireulation. Pcihap* What pinsV" the benefti have net or, steamers,enter railways is the blessed baby born thian the watehfnl nuae workiDgof ti"; on findnine-tenthsof the laws of health at defianoe1 itethroata dose of iinmenble ' will,whether may, faringfrom ill-healtb.Why is this? #:tiiegrave we we n. the mlomel and ef the raw ehan^,tho esteblishme^t the nurse has learned one in /thing wfflbe dis* tiieifaaantimo, of kudanum and that a world of trouble save prepaiationl ifitdoes not P"'odMehealthy at aU events, giddiness produeessleep, inlobe awakened ehildiindergoee foietlThisBUBt tOTture tM^poor out of itssound deep to have some food. Nature of Xxrarse does noi know hsfW Often the infant oughtto be fed^ (akhoVshewould feed ^v '^tt. Jtn-jhrSf "" .^i^-jaetk. V """..-. " " til*ehild is to be pat to onidla,or some tengHa Umao. After Um Ibodl, either bj the rooking lb* ohidr, sleepagain, ihe iato b" U "?flfjfour boon,)m of iffY.fFmafow^a aootbing aynip. into it Well yoa haTO the baby at adrantage-HMpitch and pi "an. Vary itspleasares by alternate! j raokling in nvrsing, keep its stomaoh ifl attemptno regularity fennent,and yon a misemble In ky the foundationof life. a dyi"pqptifl" ., a child, most people are guidedby their weaning^ their oonTeuienoe,theywill not allow nature business at all,but will wean to have a eitherbefore the firstteeth aftertheyhave arrived at the biting point.Then instead theywean all at once, by means of bitterafa)MOrt(iK" gradually, diug. Were tJieladiesweaoed of their tea by beingsuddenly 'tTMisferredto gall, how would theylike it? or from hoopedpettiooats by beibgrolledlike Begidu* in a cask stuek fullottpike$} other ./ : jBlth" mode would be about - ^liaiit bouses are reasonable in one oonstraoted that so no tWonly eouvenieooe for In tkb diUdrsn. room the nuiae is retsined for unveintilated be^-room and threo^ or to as four or more window,wfaioh is kq"t there is perhaps one olosed and stuffedallwinter, "o earefnlly in the other. as ease fitroom a common Indeed,in moet.easeii, Bursory. w as I If keepout draughts ehimpeyjit is of eourse olosed with a bond, and the door is shut to keeptt" the ndse. Here the poor ddieate things and by the same white and tender, grow up likestalks of eeleiy, and air. Then, "s if the mother prooeaa the ezelnsion of light wished to deereasethe popuUtion, fsally theyare iMit out to walk ih)M"be a draases and bare Uge. How ia thai uppear liko to be traaicd la the xathar eool ecmlbrt and U to "am" wayf would Would mammn and papa they apt find it imitatetheir firstparantsin this diaMtaf yet their ehiklreaare of the same of ehildren is idfai^I This e^^peenre ; one fieah aad blood aa thenreason of the greatin- aad should be diseouateaaneed by every eonaaaiption, thtekiag pareat letthem aof XSiUdrsa shoald ileepf tet^aad ezereiseregularly; ereose of ' Bk"iJti^*.** -'"'^ """ w^f^^' -^ kcrtlMlM, BgohidryllMi ha do to tempted one the otherool of the or whateTer let them )Doe three [uires Yet how itoieatoof r"n between meal*. hia saddenly pettilooped Uof "ptibef; inthe oilier. stained for be^-room imr or to the some or so little a with other pakrcolor, and dietof onr children, keptin a stomach,if not constant state of snd the triumph over paleand sickly, of a man placehimselfin the position fine morningwith a dose of castor oil lethim throat; thrust hialf an inch a heedcch' requirementa In this way the and swathed in then be washed shallbe stuck full of og these colored candies, is amdke into his one pins, or two of a whigh are lethim then swallow a doae flesh, and on the top of that btfrooked to the verge of apo* laudanum, in for a couple of hours plezy a cradle, After he has been asleep let him awakened sheer be hening by " pickled ezhaustioo, Hyirom of Vbeingthrust into his mouth,and how tee he would like it/ , tintsupposing, that the child beoomea contraryto probability, nore letus liloh18 kq"t If raaghtal man, one rd,and the ehant what he doee to renoTate see he has.been manufaotured on the hia constitution. Ten forcing system,into a a to mm^ iMate thiogs or i"ofessional man, and has taken up his abodo in aomo in order to be near his office.Natme populated deneely quarter; vf the intended him to be bro^dcheated and ' Mume the mother oat to walk and pap* not find il la liaoliaMtof lodaa thenhe id greatla- by emy jc ihapeand allniring added invariablj Let ipletel On pieee the day throagh.The to digeata meal,ezpeeta a between each task looka for are by eoane. regnlar " littleare ehild becomes lofltorMNB* " four honn or and tiskfl, itineof d #^ "". to a but thanlto peeked, straight and confinement he is narrow tnioing eariy dheated and svtoopa wingsof a bird. tfteagency What hia wife and daughter have acoomplish"4 throi%h of t^Th he has accomplished throughstadyand want of exoroiae. He don'tfee why his'own Inogaaad the langsof his wife aad should have room to play. He nerer pbycd himself and daughter don'tbeUere in it Troe his wifo and danghter admired the Ei%* with Besdemona,'" thai ud wiahed perhaps liahcrieketara laatfall; the dioulder bladea projecting liko ftirward, the ". HeaTenhadinadethemsuchaman"a8'oneof these. Donbtknathegf ei them Ml them thought a race, aAperior ^^^*. never that fresh eonaideiiBg r'A^g'^:^^^ air and , fi^-^j^h ,.j.p^-: -.v"^._t^f y 14 : "; ." .. tzeralM m^hl tho brotiMT. hvn oonfemd the boon upon the hvaWnd ""! Mm" It if iui"rtaii*t"th"i the longihave tmj work but work too,it being"" they hxre,and rather important to pat the braath of lifeinto the blood, whieh theyare when orampedfor apaoe. By this eompreaaia" properly nMn aa well wooden aa are rendered and'ii nerrooa aiertionand fidlan eaigrpv^ to the Dootor and tha \ The ladiea. do not allow ns however, lost flesh. There ia a to auppoae fioUon of attire whioh woolJ eriUo the b^ief that American ipeonlative ionid be in their waista, to d some bulgeup inohee lower behind. Bat doctoror milliner it will be found women inohef Bome on applioatioa gronhdleaB theobj^i a behind the Mene0,donot hesitate prodfptera to aaaert that dfaif! the Mlmie illthe way do#n. We hare hinted at let ui now jpalion^ see or the gymnaittnm, erioket fieldf nr base 1b^f Nb, oeenr* gentlen"aa*s our Irhat is his recreationI Does Nay,does he he go to the pUy ten pina even of these things mote him, but about tei he goea out with his irifelmd daughter "'elook ai night to ipendthe .."*'"itvenwg. Thinly elad and paokad in a olosroarriage theyarriTO at their hosti, jump out on the cold patement,in thin boota and ihoet into the house. Inatead of keeping from the fin^ end run ahiTering aU ohilled M theynuh-upto a red hot store in a peoj^e should, drcaring room, ftoai whenee theydescend to drink a onp or Hro of "siU"()d tnprooffee. SVom thenoe theyenter the iMMe hot liquid the upper sash of want of TentilaAion, Ainebg room, wlMNUhwi none the irindow has hfm letdown, m the lower sash raiaed" "" it is so tury hott" r Hera a nice eoontiynose will at once deteot the- nasty thrit is mixed with eau-de^Mlogne. Now the gaitiemi" flwlair, r, euddUd ibysome e"d41"i"MMlady,andthehidieBan gentlamea^ teetotnmay and Oey spinarouadthe room like FMMatljrthoytake wm ioe" then " lasandak "it k spasm, then aaotiler daae^ s# "ery hot^"" 4han a than supper. lea then maoearooiil, then a walk gksa/of winO,then on tha another Sabdwidi,tukey,ptttiei^ phinij^agna, bUmdnanga,bonbosyduaB|Nign^ diarvyy ehampaga* ,'^"LfJ-i"i:"aat^^, /"^""4iL.j^t. . V win",j"Uj, bmndjehenict, naoMioon, ^""fct* In i.iAe.,Ae. Mmt ooneliuioD, perhaiM, trUI"y nottoeti old fMhioq"4 the health of the h"Mt end hoeteei. I dmon I nther or and horriUj. OerUialj, why U Deimon, geatw, ^ etil epirlk bad natten, jei, yee, ell 70W wy Ml of indigestiotf, ipUttiog ^^ m.y with itomMhe or inlemedejeti our eonpeoy letnni homo im ihe liottse aloiioIhat Itdiei itrhre to thwtit ) theirfaoea peleuid have them o'er with the "t that palehoe thejpulldown \ for exeroiae! aave of thonght/' the blin^. the marik I " 7^ Th^j moati pot a yeil histween and the ann/ and oany on h%h a greatahield nam' lloehioldoffhiarajt. Th^ know bettertha"tfletthe old loea god Um ihem into ooloraa he does the peaohoa.No, theywill i"* to the end of the chapter, and do allin theirpower pain green firnit eradioate what littleof the their folly haa left They roee toilnot, neither doth^ apin, prefer beinglike theliUefl,"whieh yet I aay nnto you. that Solomon in allhia gloiy not enayed lik* waa fbil oreatniea ever read I U theydo, one of these !" Bo these fiur, have theynot ietd that in times of pestUem^) who bves the death, for one on' dark,strikesthree Tietims on the shadyside of a straet) tho snnny side ? JDid theyerer see a honse shielded from light and heat by trees, abode for man beastf that was or a healthy their Minds down fbr fear Saver, ^ettheywillperustin keeping themselves moulder into whilst th"By of fadpcwtsini-^ iBupets, :'~-' early graces. T. O. KWIity We don'tknow whioh is the greater boneCMtor, who jpTSs ns para water in abnndanoe oat of allsortsof impossible is eertain, thati/ OS air. One thing or BunAM/who gives places, these two rofoimecB, the one with his fir^ air tnd the other with Iliafireahw^tor,are allowed to go on moeh loiigtaf, theywill oompel in spite OS to be more of oursdyes.Will not some othef healthy Theiw reformer ariseand f^veas ** light i"oor dweUioii." sanitary ' 'U ^ ' , Jtji s"gf/i^*.' i -,"'", '.Ik ""^S2rt',.:5^ S^-i^J'H'^x '6:. 16 it Mtarel of -air oat lightwhieh whieh priooiplee labile have hidf a saoh bo giYes light; when burnt are Tanlahed a they you the The atmosphere ; gas, li^t, do the and room sign that they biniog they If you were more we into have While ventilation. to read glaaea,is light ii meant oandle a tumiDg r"q"ir"a up. The subjectof light,we the the by your suddenly they are "djjustment,then in of course investin We a baTe eye joke of oonsista in this Uiem the wick as your another eye slide and pairof spectacles." above, that T. see of have that of use i^j^uating huip a : that they begin grow8,'theradiance itself to the decrease leapsback time, lamenting the premature ssid of gu, mention may or requiresanuffilg, graduallyaccommodates begins we fluctuating %I|||^ By a that suDtffed,and need neoessitating ^ and eyes giving yon sufficientlight,but i|rith lessens, and more a com- will therefore You the process, a ii|| cial Every artifi- I apotton yet, been in so air; the to were light had Their with lihe^ioaUy of such work or ball room, their elements ; for I duced pro- lightsshrink unventilated an respirablepoison. upon candlev, nitiag little workshop for the conversion a plan for weakening the best in changed, but they becaiHe oil,spiritOf cradle inii^i wax fifty saw left you not combining were lightis, of neoesnty, that the is converted j^em breathinff were you i"^| oonT| more no coal oil,and camphene, they had though invisible, the converted are daring the past week their sockets bmpi,1 having produced speeeV^ breath same. N" left the has it been barning, than breath are and^ shorter has candles action ; and talking. are Nor uAi happent f oimphene being. gaij room, beoome what know jfou the unYeotilated oandlee Your of out visible when Do " exist. to oeasee is ont, aguoal ik^i war When bleasingi. your iky, oharged with oomes make we jetsinto your doien the from Uj purifyiog,vififyiiig^ s powerAil allyof health, and light oontaine it lumioaTice two down eomes moathi, bat our the iurtiitM of heelthfnlneM the ii between there light, u briiliuioy.The BO io differeoM maoK quite M another to its original leap back, of old approach- ; and age, you , C Keefer^ C. E./ givesus good ^4. u H " dirau,attfibvUd to Notk's grtM gnndton.-tl C what BodM did,and aoki XtrasctM, MexioAOty-Hit OMUi, io an voripaand art of haalth of frwh vod half oiviliMd oondition, a^d oomfori Look wator. waa rtrj eoai intimately at Ui" aaraga wboravw joa will ind* him a oold wator nuni. aavaga waahes himaelf ao oonijaiitly, mMild ihiok and 4linaadtha Ono tha other aitremo. of the Platimic adiool Traa,the temperanoemen inleraal amngemOBta, ht? e bnt who l|*, eome to erer heard il I Aocordiog ride applicatioa to their ideaa, ahoiflddraw ao many the atem. on regiaterad never thoughtof aroh,when ''"etof water, and By M ahohkt eleoting hia flindamental w the way. ia it nol to the "i wen prinoiplea of tamto be aai^in favoiir at leaat, peranoe."Well,there ia thia, peranee aorietieo" theydo not paaa the bottle. They don't aak thi frienda to taate another bottle of that old port^made of doeto] of that aogar of lead and gooeeberry, or try i^little more elderberry, of ohampi^ne. The ordinary with ft bodyof rii]|barb, under the name maaofaotare of ohoioe wine for the the reqoiraa peojde ing follow- fatthe orijpnal eider, eomfnon o^m, raiain, fluid, inpadi^ta n^e made of rimberd for ohamor elder wine; grape, paianip, pagne^ to theae may be added water. ha^ng'beeo Jk^^ldik or ; a and flavormay bp ehoaen,atiength, eolor, made of theae materiala: for oolw,boml.. red aaadeci wood or '^ * elder berriea, plaii ipruoe; for bitteralmonda ; for For nutty flavor, lUueaa or apnoothneaa, honey; onriiroot "eedaof rairina; ibr bouquet, or or alum,oak aawduat,rhatany diyneaa^ or of the for port 11(0, Jnilbekgia | fiirroog^uieif kino. , Of^ood wine,health reqoiree none, . thoughit willtokrate n little. If V" take mf^ or two of the pure thing, we may expect a little But if the wine ia bad,no one can tri|in ^h"t ^{f^. indigaation. iJf^t^-^jA."%- "f "t"",'*^^-*^Li-Kt~i*e*J^'MfkjfiiA^i^ w . Ml "l"-*J^ H"*-" "- giv" rbt. Aa flrom oorn, r tmdmn " bnndj, wUtkcy, gia,ud for Ihay "miMDtlj d"atnMtif v o4kw lift. to " eompovBda, it !" m4 drink "aoli TUlAinou At, how"T"r, " bigt irainb"r of hwe I, W0 k"f inacrt Um of pr"" tut OwnuBy. tf!H" wmi. of tarttr 4rftohma erem dbtiUed water, UU H be "'^.^ filtered liquor!" then fM%.- "toppedphial. From gl"M filledwith wiae. eloade,and depoiitonly a wi"k, oontaini lhili|| ."^'p' UudlTbr it have no fint a ',the dark oolor be of expeot the wine the wine be made a sogar bine caat,not nnlike that of to eontain iron in ita impragnatedwitl^oopper of with of m led,or deatroOtiTe. If,howimpregnationof that metal equally other aediment ingra* if ite oolor and then iweet it ia oertainly iiMite, impregnatedwith may metallio muddy, eren a bla|kiali grey teafr a if eompoaition. Laitlyj verdigiia, it will dopoaita or Thia color. paleink,irt experimentought to be druggiatwill put (whioh any up) in the Ian of Af and bad winea,it ia aplrita fonduot aa III. waa What tiaited had been he would wbom Beda written" than the door opened, and ightin a mile or two the an on the ghoataof hia death bad of meana feel about telh ghaat exhihilal a aercip of paper upon by dreadful riaitation it would a were a it deaervea. riaited im- )he night u that on ua by aendingto oomfinrtaMa aa hia death bed good deeda irera interminable file of g^ioala whioh of aeroll,whereon hia hia miadeeda wew alt ^TfJBf" W^V FaUimi ki "ftd iiuMi" him retd IkMi ! i"p(1itor"Hl, broken kMrt"d, ohildrmi bitragki vp in aln and iBak" ip " vary pl""Mint dKht for a man, wbo, la "^ be edltd apott to givean tbe oricsof the lowest " bcAtf* Moovnt i"-ja"li"% jtitlioo M' pitof perditloi^ meroj t Bat It k mH oar qoM'tion. Ool water before o"r reader^juid lengthofdayato"^^k^^tttkim inwardly.If peopleIbmA^NHO^ tbe most iti barmlcH inUMi"Jtl0^9$i 1" natural. WM I^ilMi I fi^il fa no donbt that ite ^ere Bat few eatingpropertiee. BOt like to be made beaMb. abeerftloeaa prodaoes aonte and yoang to onea ioeb an We keepnp tqA^wlio tabam that a ibe effaeta""fliquor.Bat '^i2''t and wl harrnkMlj, oheerfbl we away baojMreij tbe old tadieiy tillni dWMri|jBb|j|^^ docAodMBHHniDOe tMV'nndcr don't kMWikani and talkaliva. aieeptmaking them nertona Hal be drunk hot, bi^warm. doea maeh bana not bowl|M%boald kiad weaken moAer and cooaequently injure f^e^tomaob ftt, wine, beer,Ac, it t^g^^i^er I Jollity inr^ll^^'produoea ifbe be marri( refer fSereader, Sagbee,wbare fadiealore to where the pUnt is baga tea garden, of la itdeaerWag Bnlwbaiofmilkr It ia the food as Oartatnly. is aU iSormilk. fiaflwirs appetite ebalk* tba braina d sheep,ozon blear Net and oows^ Ao. ; amotto,aiae, si^garof lead, wbiliag^ tiaaoley ioar,atarob, (sae'^Mr. Bagg, of Iiob" don,aad Fraak LeaKa of NawToifc)but goodwholeaome milk from ki" tbe country,or from your own oows ^ in town. * ^ l|-r. ..*'"" " "" ' " . ii GHAPTIR III. ^ V b dl J^AO infknt'i appfltlte to that for milk "| dUt. Um"nUifcljtimplc "dfertisittientaand joo of ^nipioQoiui "o"l Thm" th" pr"" are ap"lnature -lM. ^-..1: ... .-: b" to I, Fronmr Croft Itaidtoexiatobiellj indf whi"h ttxMtlj and oaaoine. imon, atarohj \. IfapaaMOtakt tobowntod; iflwtako ffttand 911: ^^^^ nd ,fmum%j0"dt w oka twij ^ AmI food to MitB it M flit one partof it tilebody M"rreetrVKffv" man healthy no of nfouriahment. na adiH} therefi"a, la ei#tputi haa "|^|||y|i|lifi|lb of nooriahaiont' Uv"i^ " ". Thia preaerrea equilibriato, Knd the child which haa to beoome " - And ao biggerm % M. D. Dr. ll haa been often copied 4he pmpor" ' iSon Vmuriahmeolh u.^.' J)......* '"^ ............ ...... ..,..,,.... nal at 1 4o 2 4 1 to 2J 1 to 6 1 to 7 1 to reai).!.... 9 "....^....... 1 to 10 ... 1 to 11 ;;*.". k..*.i.......**.*w... ...... ".k......^."..ik*.."'."v.r'a"..lr.k. Ndw 1i"wrwwird to 8 1 to .................. - 1 to X W''*4(| 8v y~ ' :1 faflmtsfKrinaoeona food; anryw-root, gJTie we (^toonlyone partof nonriahment and the mre ; when tojitoea, \. * '" #--^^^:^;k-v '!"j:"%"''^ " io 26. "ad p- diet b like Snob 'Hf'W^ leookeg on pvitiog to its ae?enth ehild,np A bloodleea. "If -^ t "I-Tf^ mf^Y^-^ ^Ifff^^ ehild.mi jeur, nothingbeyondbread,milk, wnter, ftt,nod fresh with the " for ite meet. dinnnr^ littlewell oooked Oat fruit. ripest food for brenkfist. havt deer,for not Itj ther^ bnt liqnors, Kere. traeh made 1 food for neither are child to be *' mately art and young good eeonres oraviqi Titiated eat women do so, but becanse it ia nj children like plaipsugar ^ ridge,it does ibH^tiilh. hurt not ladiesof color down south I HaTe ^^S theynot got teeth of whose Sahara, beautiful teoth he lai of keepingabout them from bringout box for time pinch. a stomach, in to stick of Plain aodheariDg. othes " for children of f can think of it-*fint then fish made next sugar, " fashion,all we more a moderation;bat or any ohalk,or Tordigris, As " the Arab* an for time of the aound" tells up of tribes among and whitest. Mr. Riohaedson a at"e gentlemen oayenoe ; say comes a.ri^l^ by; indigestible next meat with aQ wine,next beer,next pie orost tions of a second oranges and course ohpe^ celery, kstlyolives and mora ; next almonds,and wine" and they ^"p^^^m^^''f'''^'''-^'wr''T^^'*^iw^ ^i^fW^ ^ 28 la otk"r worcU. they hftTO diggedwith their teeth, ir grmret- hotel that The gi?et ia rare tfeheatoookiog, to th" oany 4-' orertakea theae aajlama 1,and rich taTem a greata onrioeity )n with beef, or exceptamongst thy food ent , o the has bene- is by all i| more watched heels oter head nature demands ked in allitsparts, and Well figoroiis lipina child down in Let it lain of qniet politeoeas. handfP be highspirited, :, elothyuTd - nalore have lu let the iem"|o school, MoHnid , improper1 veiy improper. how yeiy loe,she allows boys I,if it one she.hadthe sex to each and girls together ||"y8 and be timid, steis, ^KbeEnglishwomen ifioent forms and exercise in iyoonstant Iralking, stipping running, I keepsthem , in doors, malung but natnie is allowedto have her lerdisciples with all the il:;^ gtacesat her S-^t^"^^ti. com- 1.4 -1^^ , .'J*' 1^ " ?~ i ^W^' "4 Haw, AonoroMe A- /I MppMS Toronto, ot w oitUeof, oharmiagoomplMion' Do jqi^ or by fOftHmJlj, fbldodbefimher,tfj ! r ^ Oear mdar, do "oppoto "!" hM ironit"dbirdi,orl Jut boon I L_i_ plenijofezei pleotjof with her hiul She if,withoalj examineifl her belt reialto* ""Bai70iiife poaedto hsTO din* jourdianet. 4^ WAIT ow AlVWtWtt Toronto,Febnury, ISlO. wbo P.a-^ThoM Mfor be troobled by wbo follow no rnha jRsw hints far their When yon en ftoeaslongaayoor Ltiiereit Ufo there ilr and endeaTOV to een^ end eheerfiil the lidt ohunber, r^ ^ - the iriokman'f iUent thunder. If the the w""iher be not loo edid, the doetor out ol " yon may oheet "Im ",never aind them,hot remember s^^j^a^r. th" vlAi of " ?w " tT! ' *!" M/Hf -Jv
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