Instructions Please do not separate the pages of this packet. Please read and complete the entire packet. Please have the required parties sign in the appropriate areas. All of the packet should be completed before arriving on campus for registration. MEDICAL INFORMATION CHECKLIST Dear Carson Long Parents: Your application has been received and accepted for the Congratulations! School Year 2013-2014. Please complete all forms and return them to the school no later than August 1, 2014. Below you will find a complete checklist to help you. Some of the documents in this packet are for information only, so please do not return them to the infirmary staff. PLEASE NOTE ALL FORMS MUST BE IN ENGLISH-PLEASE USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY. Please fill out all forms in entirety! If forms are received incomplete, it will have to be done at registration which will cause YOU time delays and going to the end of the line. • Cadet Health record (4 page folded form) • Checklist Details and Definitions • Medical Letter to Parents-Must be signed by Parent/Guardian • Privacy Act Statement (to be signed by parents) • Pennsylvania Department of Health-Certificate of Immunization (new cadets only) • Substance Abuse Form (Signatures required by Parent and Cadet) • Consent for Flu Vaccination (All Cadets) • Student Illness/Accident Insurance Plan (Moore Insurance Agency) • Authorization for Dispensing Medication • Medication Policy • Medical Agreement and Release to Treat • Bloomfield Pharmacy • Emergency Medical Information • PIAA Pre-participation Physical CHECKLIST DETAILS AND DEFINITIONS • MEDICAL AGREEMENT AND RELEASE TO TREAT- One Page form must be signed each year prior to admission. • EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION- The form must be filled out completely each year. DO NOT WRITE “same as last year”. • PERMISSION TO ADMINISTER MEDICATION- One page form just must be filled out even if your son is not currently taking medications. He may need to do so later, if he becomes injured or ill. • PHARMACY APPLICATION- One page credit application for Bloomfield Pharmacy our contract pharmacy. You will be required to provide a credit card number to guarantee payment. • COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL ENTRANCE HEALTH FORM: Four page WHITE FORM required by Carson Long Military Academy every year on or after June 1st. This form must be signed by a physician and must include all current and required immunizations. DO NOT WRITE SAME AS LAST YEAR OR SEE ATTACHED. • CLMA ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION FORM- Multi-page WHITE FORM required by the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) every year for your son to participate in any sport or school-related activity. This form must be signed by the physician. Parent and student signatures required. • INSURANCE CARD- Please contact your insurance company for coverage verification of your son while away from home!! Please photocopy the front and back of your current medical, dental, and prescription cards, and give extra cards to the infirmary for use when needed. Out of state Medicaid plans are not accepted in PA so you must purchase school insurance. • CREDIT CARD- Please provide a copy for use when your son needs local medical services and/or supplied not covered by insurance. The expiration date must be valid for the entire school year. • The forms contained in this packet may seem redundant but not all forms are kept in the same place. Therefore, we need all forms filled out completely and signed where required. MEDICAL LETTER TO PARENTS Dear Carson Long Parents: We know that you want to do as much as you can to have your son start a new academic year as easily as possible. The following recommendations and requirements will help ensure a smooth transition into the CLMA for the 2013-2014 school year. 1. Complete all medical forms in the registration packet COMPLETELY before the first day of school. Incomplete forms will slow you down at check-in and may delay your son’s ability to participate in campus activities. 2. A complete physical and labs must be performed prior to school. Physical form and lab test results must be completed prior to the first day of school and provided to the nurse. We recommend that you schedule physicals for AFTER June 1 of each year, to ensure that the physical is current through the entire school year. 3. Complete and current immunization records MUST be submitted by the first day of school by state law. Immunizations, lab results and physical are most critical, per Commonwealth of Pennsylvania law. If these are not provided by the date of enrollment, we are required to have your son return home and have your son placed on in-school suspension until completion of the records. These services will be charged to the parents/guardians at registration if we must get them completed here. 4. Make sure that your son has current health insurance coverage, that it covers him while away at school and that all necessary information is provided to CLMA on the day of enrollment. (A photocopy of your medical insurance card, front and back, is required. We must have the contract number and address of your insurance company- it should be attached to the Cadet Health Record Form.) Health insurance must be valid for the State of Pennsylvania, or you must purchase coverage through the school-offered insurance program. If your insurance is Medicaid other than PA Medicaid, you must purchase school insurance. Please see enclosed insurance information and form for your insurance provider. If there is a change in your son’s insurance at any time during the school year, the nurse must be notified with the updated changes immediately. If the nurse is not promptly notified, the parent/guardian will be responsible for any expenses incurred by your son. We strongly encourage you to check the cost and amount of coverage provided by your current insurance. You may find that it will be less costly to purchase our school insurance than to incur high deductible and co-pay costs. Please check for extra riders available thru your insurance. 5. Please be prepared to provide credit card information to cover medical expenses not covered by your insurance provider. You will be contacted by the provider of services for this information. Please note the following infirmary and medical requirements for 20132014. 1. All medications must be kept in the infirmary (including vitamins). Parents accompanied by the student should bring medications to the registration desk on arrival at school. Absolutely no medications (prescribed or non-prescribed) are permitted in the students rooms without the authorization of the school nursing/medical staff. There will be no prescription medication sent home with your son over the holidays or breaks. Please make sure you have an adequate supply at home. Send all medications directly to CLMA Attention Nurse. Do not give your son medications to bring to school. 2. Any non-prescription medication given through the infirmary will be ordered from the Pharmacy for your son. 3. If the school doctor refers your son to any medical specialists *other than emergency situations) you will be notified first for permission to have your son seen by the specialist, and also for YOU to check with your insurance for proper coverage or to set up payment arrangements at the specialist. 4. The State of Pennsylvania now requires a meningococcal vaccine. PLEASE SIGN AND DATE THIS AT THE BOTTOM. DETATCH AND RETURN THIS PAGE WITH THE CADET HEALTH RECORD. Please direct your questions to the infirmary nursing staff at (717)-582-2518. We look forward to marking your son’s Carson Long experience a healthy one. Sincerely, Mrs. Teresa Kuhn, R.N. School Nurse I have read, understood, and will comply with the above statements. ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________ Date NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES UNDERSTANDING YOUR HEALTH RECORD/INFORMATION CADET: ____________________________________DOB:_____________________ Each time your child visits our infirmary, a hospital, physician or other health care provider, a record of their visit is made. Typically, this record contains your child’s symptoms, examination and test results, diagnosis, treatment and a plan for the future care. This information is referred to as the medical record and it serves as (1) a basis for planning his care, (2) a means of communication among the health and school professionals; (3) a legal document describing the care he received; (4) a means by which you and a third-party payer can verify that services were rendered; (5) a source of information for public health officials, and, (6) a tool for improving the care we deliver. YOUR HEALTH INFORMATION RIGHTS Although your child’s health record is the physical property of the medical department of this facility, the information belongs to you. You have the right to (1) request a restriction on certain uses and disclosures, (2) inspect or obtain a paper copy of the information upon request (there will be a copying fee); (3) obtain an accounting of disclosures; (4) request communication of information by alternative means; and (5) revoke your authorization to use/disclose your child’s health information-except to the extent that action has already been taken. OUR RESPONSIBILTIES CLMA is required to (1) maintain the privacy of your child’s health information: (2) provide you with a notice as to our legal duties and privacy practices; (3) abide by the terms of this notice, and (4) accommodate reasonable requests to communication health information by alternative means or at alternative locations. We reserve the right to change our practices and make the new provisions effective for all protected health information we maintain. We will not use or disclose your child’s health information without your authorization, except as described above. FOR MORE INFORMATION If you have any questions, please contact CLMA infirmary at (717)-582-2518. If you believe that your child’s privacy rights have been violated, you have the right to file a written complaint with the Dept. Of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights; 200 Independence Avenue; Washington DC 20201; toll free (877)-696-6775 regarding violations of the provision of this notice or the policies and procedures of our office. I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this notice of privacy practices and consent form my child’s name, address, phone number, social security number, insurance information, and other pertinent health information to be given to any other health care providers caring for my child which may include: pharmaceutical care, dental care, and physical or occupational therapy services. _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________ Date SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM CONFIDENTALITY FORM CADET’S FULL NAME: __________________________________________________________________ The confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse records is protected by State and Federal laws and regulations. Generally, under the Federal Regulations, the programs may not say to people outside the program that a person attends the program, or disclose any information identifying a person as an alcohol or substance abuser UNLESS: 1. 2. 3. 4. The person consents in writing: The disclosure is allowed by a court order; The disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical emergency The disclosure is made to qualified personnel for research, audit, or program evaluation; 5. A crime is committed by a person either at the program, or against any person who works for the program or threatens to commit such a crime; 6. Child abuse or neglect are suspected—State Law requires staff to report child abuse or neglect to Social Services 7. The person is in danger to self or to others, or is unable to care for self. A violation of Federal law and regulations by a program is a crime. Suspected violations may be reported to the United States Attorney in the district where the violation occurs. Currently this policy applies to Carson Long Military Academy’s Tobacco Cessation Program. I hereby acknowledge that I received this notice and that I understand the notice. ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ Cadet Signature/Date Parent/Guardian Signature/Date ______________________________________________ Witness Signature/Date Consent for Flu Vaccination Due to the close living proximity of the cadets, our physicians have recommended the flu vaccination be administered to those cadets who are eligible. Eligibility qualifications: You son cannot be allergic to eggs or egg products. Vaccinations will probably be given early November. The cost of the vaccination will be in the vicinity of $25-$40. In order for your son to receive the flue vaccination, please fill in the consent form below. Thank you, Mrs. Kuhn, R.N. Please Print: I give/do not give my permission for my son ________________________________________ to receive the flu vaccination. I understand that my son is NOT allergic to eggs or egg products. I further understand that the fee for the flu vaccination will be billed to my main account after the shot is given. _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________ Printed/Typed Name of Parent/Guardian ________________________ Date CARON LONG MILITARY ACADEMY NEW BLOOMFIELD, PENNSYLVANIA AUTHORIZATION FOR DISPENSING MEDICATIONS Cadet’s Name: _____________________________Date:_____________ Part I: TO BE COMPLETED BY PHYSICIAN Diagnosis______________________________________________ Name/Dosage of Medication(s) 1._________________________ 2._________________________ 3._________________________ 4._________________________ If PRN, state frequency and indication___________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (Physician’s Name-Please print) (Phone Number) ________________________________________________________________ (Physicians Signature) (Date) Part II: TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN I authorize Carson Long medical staff and their designee to dispense the above prescribed medication to my son __________________________________. I do hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless, Carson Long Military Academy, its agents, and employees, from any and all liability whatsoever in connection with the administration of medication to my son. Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parent’s/Guardian’s Name-Please Print Phone Number • • MEDICATION POLICY Never pack medication in luggage. All medications are to be turned in at the infirmary table at the time of registration. • All medications must be labeled with cadet name and correct dosage, or they will be sent home with the parents. Do not remove pharmacy labels. • If there are changes to your son’s medications or scheduled dosage during the school year, a doctor’s order must be provided. • The school nurse will provide, for our pharmacy, common over-the-county (OTC) medications for minor ailments as well as first aid supplies. Both will be dispensed and documented in the infirmary. (An order will be placed at pharmacy for OTC meds/supplies and this will be billed to you). • A cadet may bring his own supply of OTC medications, but they must be labeled with the cadet’s name and KEPT in the infirmary. No medications may be kept in the cadet’s possession— except prescription inhalers and topical ointments—these must be shown to the nurse first. • No non-prescription body builders, weight loss/gain or other herbal supplements will not be permitted on campus. They are considered contraband and will be confiscated and destroyed. If you want your son to take a vitamin tablet that is more potent than a single daily multivitamin with the minimum RDA requirements, please provide a doctor’s order or properly labeled prescription bottle. • It is the parent/guardians responsibility to refill routine or scheduled medications. Do not forget to mark your calendars for refills and allow at least five days for mailing. Medications must be mailed directly to the infirmary and not sent to the cadet. Please keep enough of the cadet’s medications on hand at home for school leaves and breaks. No medications will be sent home at the end of the year. It is parental responsibility to pick up ALL medications on the last day of school. Remaining medications will be discarded promptly after the last day of school! No medications will be sent home- No Exceptions! • Licensed nurses will dispense medications. Cadet compliance is documented and missed doses are subject to consequences. Therefore, cadets have an opportunity and incentive to pick up their doses—but it is their responsibility to know their medication and dosage times and seek treatment accordingly. Medication times are 7:45 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 6:00 pm., and 8:00 pm. Monday– Friday. Weekend times vary with weekend school schedules. • • • • OTC medications are administered after assessment by a nurse during Sick Call. Cadets found with any medications or substances in their possession will be subject to the consequences outlined in the Illegal Drug Policy. Cadets assessed too ill for nursing interventions are sent to the doctor for treatment. The nurse will make appointments, ensure follow-up and arrange transportation as needed. ALL expense including driver and mileage fees will be billed to parents. Bed Rest in the infirmary under nurse observation or Room Rest will be assigned per doctor’s orders or the judgment of the nurse. Please do not call the nurse and request your son to stay in the infirmary! • Restrictions from participation in sports or other school activities are based upon doctor’s orders or the judgment of the nurse. • PLEASE SUPPORT OUR GOAL TO PROVIDE CARE, DECREASE CONTAGION AND MAXIMIZE CLASS ATTENDANCE Parent Signature:_________________________________________Date:________________________ MEDICAL AGREEMENT & RELEASE TO TREAT CADET: __________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Middle DOB____________________ The undersigned, Parent/Guardian, authorizes Carson Long Military Academy to obtain immediate medical or dental care and consents to the hospitalization of, the performance of necessary diagnostic tests upon, the use of surgery on, and/or the administration of drugs to the above-named student if emergency occurs when the Parent/Guardian cannot be located immediately. It is understood that all fees insurance does not cover or pay for; the Parent/Guardian is responsible for. Fees charged by collection agencies and/or attorneys if they are required for account collection are parent responsibility. Authorization is given to Carson Long Military Academy staff and faculty to sign the necessary consents for such medical treatment in the event the Parent/Guardian cannot be contacted. The Parent/Guardian understands and agrees that Carson Long Military Academy does not accept liability for the costs of any medical procedures the student may require as a result of illness or accident. Payment for medical and/or dental services provided to this student will be made by Parent/Guardian’s health insurance or as otherwise arranged and detailed on the Emergency Information Sheet, or, failing the same, by the Parent/Guardian individually. The Parent/Guardian hereby gives permission to Carson Long Military Academy staff and faculty to administer prescribed medications to the above-named student in accordance with the directives of the prescribing physician. The Parent/Guardian understands, agrees and consents to having the above-named student tested, per Carson Long Military Academy’s Blood-Borne Pathogen Policy, If he exposes his body fluids or is exposed to another student’s/employee’s body fluids. This student will also be subject to drug screens, per Policy. _________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian __________________ Date _________________________________________________ Printed Name of Parent/ Guardian ___________________ Date BLOOMFIELD PHARMACY TO: PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF CLMA CADETS SUBJECT: MEDICATIONS So that we may provide your son with medical care, we ask that you complete the following. The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. Your son’s medical history will be maintained in a computer database, and will be reviewed and updated each time prescriptions are filled. This important information will aid in the detection and prevention of potential harmful effects that result from drug interactions and drug allergies. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS NECESSARY SERVICE. CADET: _____________________________________ _________ Last First Middle DOB: _______ ________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________________ STREET CITY ST ZIP HOME PHONE:_______________________________ MOBILE PHONE:__________________________ WORK PHONE:_______________________________ E-MAIL:__________________________________ DRUG ALLERGIES: (CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY) 1. Penicillin 2. Sulfa Drugs 3. Tetracycline 4. Erythromycin 5. Keflex, Ceclor 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Aspirin Codeine Ibuprofen Other:__________________________ NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES CHRONIC CONDITIONS OR DISEASES: (PLEASE LIST OR DESCRIBE) OVER THE COUNTER MEDICAITONS USED REGULARLY: (Please list) In order for us to provide pharmacy services to you, we require a copy of your Prescription Insurance Card. If you have a co-pay or uncovered charge(s) the pharmacy will bill your credit card for payment. Please provide credit card information below. Thank you for your cooperation. CARSON LONG MILITARY ACADEMY Emergency Medical Information Cadet: _________________________________SSN:____-_____-_______ DOB: _________ FOOD/DRUG ALLERGIES: __________________________________________________ IMPORTANT MEDICAL INFORMATION: ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ROUTINE MEDICATION/DOSAGES: MEDICATION DOSAGE MEDICATION FAMILY/PRESCIRBING PHYSICIAN: NAME: PARENT DOSAGE PHONE: ( ) LEGAL GUARDIN (CHECK ONE) Name: Email: Address: City: State: Home: Work: Mobile: INSURANCE INFORMATION Insurance Company Policy Holder Name Preauthorization required? Yes No Date of Birth Phone # City State/Zip Social Security Number Employer Address: Credit Card Information (To be used for cadet’s medical co-pay/expenses not covered by insurance) This information will be obtained by the providing facility at the time of service. Be informed that you will receive a call for your card information by that provider and if you want to verify a provider just contact the nurse if you have not already heard from us. 717-582-2518 is the nurse’s office Signature of Parent/Guardian____________________________________________________Date:__________________ CARSON LONG MILITARY ACADEMY NEW BLOOMFIELD, PENNSYLVANIA 17068 (717) 582-2518 Infirmary (717) 582-2121 Office (717) 582-2518 Infirmary Fax CADET HEALTH RECORD PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ (Last Name) (First Name) (Middle Name) Age _________ Date of Birth _________________________________________ Social Security Number ______________________ Parents/Guardian _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Home Phone # _____________________________ Father's Bus. # ________________________ Mother's Bus. # _______________ _ Father's Cell Phone # _______________________________ _ Mother's Cell Phone # _____________________________ _ Fax # __________________________ Parent E-Mail Address _______________________________________________________ _ Personal Physician _________________________________________________________________ Phone # ___________________ _ Physician Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _ List the name of your MEDICAL INSURANCE COMPANY: _________________________________________________________ _ Policy # ______________________________ Address ____________________________________ Phone # _____________________ _ Please attach a photocopy of your MEDICAL INSURANCE CARD (both sides). IFYOU DO NOT HAVE MEDICAL INSURANCE, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PURCHASE INSURANCE THROUGH THE [LOCAL] MOORE INSURANCE AGENCY. 1. Parental Consent For Medical Treatment and/or Hospitalization: • I hereby consent to the examination and treatment of the above named student by physicians/physician assistants at Family Practice Center, (FPC) in the school infirmary, their office, or other facilities as the need may arise. • I furthermore consent to emergency medical care by treating or consulting physicians or physician extenders in the emergency room of any hospital, other acute care facility, or physician office. • I furthermore consent that in the event of an emergency, psychiatric crisis, or suspected drug or alcohol use, Carson Long may seek immediate examination and treatment at any local treatment facility. • I furthermore consent to the performance of procedures and tests (including, but not limited to, X-rays, laboratory tests, or drug and alcohol screening tests), which shall be deemed necessary by the treating or consulting physician. • I furthermore give permission for staff designated by Carson Long Institute to present the above named student for medical care. • I furthermore authorize any physician or hospital providing services to bill the above listed insurance company(s) for the services provided. Additionally authorize the release of protected health information to said companies. • Finally, I agree to pay the full amount due for any and all services rendered, in a timely manner. Signed: _______________________________ Parent or Guardians Signature __________________________ Relationship to Patient ________ Date 2. Parental Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information: I hereby authorize any treating physician or hospital to release to Carson Long Institute, Family Practice Center, (FPC) and the personal physician listed above, any and all protected health information, for care, which occurs while the above named person, is a cadet at Carson Long Institute. This includes history, examinations, laboratory results, imaging studies, consultations, medications, and patient care instructions. This authorization shall remain in effect until the cadet is no longer enrolled at Carson Long Institute. SIGNED: _____________________________________________ (Patient or Guardian's signature) ________________ (Relationship to Patient) ________ (Date) 3. Release of Specially Protected Health Information: I furthermore authorize the release of specially protected health information, including HIV testing, psychiatric treatment, drug and alcohol treatment, and sexually transmitted disease treatment to Carson Long Institute, Family Practice Center, F.P.C., and the above named personal physician. SIGNED __________________________________________ _ (Patient or Guardian's signature) ________________________ (Relationship to Patient) 4. Acknowledgment of Family Practice Center,(FPC) Privacy Notice: I hereby acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the Family Practice Center, (FPC) Notice of Privacy Practices. SIGNED __________________________ _____________________ _____________________ (Patient or Guardian's signature) (Relationship to Patient) ________ (Date) ________ (Date) • MEDICAL EXAMINATION THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY A PHYSICIAN Height: ___________________________ Weight: ____________________ _ Allergies: (medicines, food, environment/include type of reaction) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ History of serious illness or operation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ History of Tuberculosis: Self ___________________Family__________________Dates of BCG if received ______________________ _ If INH Treatment where: ___________________________ _______________________________ Date completed: _______________ PPD (Required every 2 years) DATE _____________________________Result ___________________________________________ _ If Hx of BCG or Pos PPD CXR required:_____________________________________________________________________________ Scalp: Normal _____________________________ Skin: Normal _______________________ Infected ________________________ Remarks ________________________ Lesions: Communicable _________________________ Other ____________________ Throat/Tonsils: Normal ________________________________Throat Culture (If necessary} ________________________________ Ears: Normal _______________________________ Remarks ___________________________________________________________ Hearing: Audiometer Right____________________ Left ______________________ ____ Threshold test ________________________ Pure tone Only________________________ Remarks Note highest decibel loss frequency:_________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mouth: Mucous membrane ___________________________________________ _______ Speech________________________________ Pulse: ____________Resp.: _______________Temp.: ________________ ____ Remarks _____________________________________ Heart: Normal __________________ _ Abnormal _________________ Murmur: Physiologic___________ Pathologic ______________ Blood Pressure: Systolic _________________ Diastolic _________________ Remarks _____________________________________ Lungs: Percussion______________________ _ Auscultation _______________ Cough_____________________________________ Remarks ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Neuro Psychiatric: Symptoms of nervous disease _____________________________________________________________________ _ _ Reflexes ______________________________ Remarks ______________________________________________________________ __ _ Remarks ____________________________ _ Gastrointestinal: _________________________ Hernia ______________________ Abdomen:_______________________Remarks_ __________________________________________________________________ Genitourinary: Urinalysis_____________Sugar________________Albumin_________Micro________ _ _ Remarks ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ __ _ Orthopedic defects: Remarks _____________________________________________________________________________________ Scoliosis check (Required for all 6th & 12th grade students) ________________________________________________________ Are there any limitations to exercises or long-distance hiking? _______________________________________________________ Remarks _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ Metabolic/Endocrine: ___________________________________ Remarks _______________________________________________ _ _______________ Psychiatric/Emotional Background Has there ever been treatment for psychiatric/emotional problems? __________________ When_____________________________________________________ If yes please explain in detail:__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ List any medication and dose past and present: _____________________________________________ _ Duration of Treatment: ________________________________________________________________ __ _ Is treatment ongoing? _________________________________________________________________ If yes, please attach plan for treatment while at school. Additional Remarks/Current Problems:___________________________________________________ ______ LABS REQUIRED FOR ALL CADETS (new and old): CBC, Urinalysis, HIV / AIDS Testing. Copies of reports MUST be attached to physical examination form. Required by STATE LAW upon initial admission (for new Cadets only) - BLANKS MUST BE COMPLETE ON THIS FORM. 1. Second dose of MMR (measles vaccine) Date___________ _ Or titre results attached 2.Date of last Tetanus booster________________(must be within the last 5 years) Update if needed, date ____________ _ 3.Date of Chicken pox illness___________________ _ Or date of Varicella Virus Vaccine#1_________ #2______________________ 4.Dates of Hepatitis B Virus Vaccines __________________ /______________________/_____________________________ 5. Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MCV) _______________________________________________ Please list all medications taking at present, and attach administration directions with your signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Physician's Signature ________________________________________ Physician's Typed or Printed Name______________________________ _ Address ____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Phone Number ( ) ______________________________________ Date:_______________________ EYE EXAMINATION Eyes: Strabismus: ______________________ _ other defects ____________________ _ VISION 20 Feet Infection ____________________________ __Remarks _______________________ _ Pupillary reflex: Light _______________ Accommodation _____________________ _ Without Glasses Additional Remarks ________________________________________________________________ ________ With Glasses _______________________________________________________________________ R L Both R L Both _______________________________________________________________________ Please provide a copy of current prescription. Bring spare pair of glasses. ______________________________________ (Signature of Optometrist/Ophthalmologist) _________________________________________ __ _ (Address of Optometrist/Ophthalmologist) _____________________________________________ Printed Name of Phone Number: ( ) Optometrist/Ophthalmologist) ****************************************** ********************** DENTAL EXAMINATION This is to certify that the student whose name appears on page I of the Cadet Health Record form – Is under my care for dental treatment. Has completed dental treatment. __________________________________ _____________________________________ (Signature of Dentist) Address of Dentist _____________________________________ Printed Name of Dentist _______ Phone Number ____________________________ Date CLMA &/OR PENNSYLVANIA STATE LAW REQUIRES BEFORE REGISTRATION DAY: That your son has a complete physical examination each year before reporting to school. Physical form must be completed and signed by a licensed physician. (See pages 2 and 3) 2. That your son must have his teeth and eyes examined before reporting to school. (See page 4.) 3. That a complete record of immunizations - including MONTH, DAY and YEAR - be presented as follows subject to current PA laws: a. 4 doses of DPT, TD or DT Vaccine (for protection against tetanus and diphtheria.) b. 3 doses of Oral Polio Vaccine or, if prescribed by a physician, 4 doses of Salk (injectable) Polio Vaccine. (Students 18 years of age or older are exempt.) c. The following Vaccines administered at 12 months of age or older and properly spaced: (1) 2 doses of live Attenuated Measles Vaccine or a blood test showing immunity. (2)1 doses of live Rubella (German measles) Vaccine or a blood test showing immunity. (3) 2 doses of live Mumps Vaccine or a signed statement from your physician stating that your child had the disease. (4) Pa. Dept. of Health requires MMR II Vaccine. d. Complete Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine completed. (3 doses) e. Second dose of Varicella or have had disease. f. A State Immunization Card is attached for this information. Failure to comply will result in denial of your son's admission to this school. (Must be completed for all new cadets.) g. Additional for 7th grade 1 dose of MCV and 1 dose of Tdap 1. -4-
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