Teacher Assistant Module in eSIS Janine Pushak

Teacher Assistant
Module in eSIS
Janine Pushak
Revised August 2010
Table of Contents
How to change your eSIS Password .................................................................................. 3
TAM Start Screen .............................................................................................................. 6
To Change the Class List Order ......................................................................................... 8
Info and Alert Buttons ....................................................................................................... 9
Class Change Notification ............................................................................................... 10
System Lock..................................................................................................................... 11
Start Screen Buttons ......................................................................................................... 12
Basic Demographics ........................................................................................................ 13
Viewing Student Academic Progress Information .......................................................... 19
Viewing Student Absence Information ............................................................................ 21
Taking Daily Attendance in TAM ................................................................................... 22
Setting up the TAM Electronic Gradebook ..................................................................... 24
To Setup My Preps Preferences ....................................................................................... 29
My Mark Scale ................................................................................................................. 31
Moving Between School Buildings ................................................................................. 33
Electronic Gradebook ...................................................................................................... 34
Adding an Assessment (Assignment) .............................................................................. 36
To View/Change the Setup of an Assessment ................................................................. 38
Entering Grades for an Assessment ................................................................................. 40
To Print All Assessments for a Reporting Term .............................................................. 43
TA Gradebook Screen Totals........................................................................................... 44
Deleting an Assessment ................................................................................................... 44
Moving an Assessment to another Reporting Term ........................................................ 45
TAM Reports ................................................................................................................... 48
How to change your eSIS Password
Having individual, unique passwords is a vital step in security. Immediately change your
password if you’ve never changed it from the default or if you feel someone knows your
Passwords are only as secure as you make them and safeguard them. Please do not make
your password that is something easy to guess. Example: Your birthday, your child's
name, etc. Try to refrain from writing your password down. If you must write your
password down, place it in a secure place.
Go to www.neomin.org, click the Student menuLoginseSIS Production
The login screen will appear.
Type in your username and password. The Database (prod) will automatically appear.
username: ######
password: ######
Database: prod
Click ―Connect‖
1. Click Setup Options button
2. Click Preferences button
3. Click Edit User Profile button
4. Type in your password (the password you just used to login with).
5. Type in what you would like the password to be.
6. Type in what you would like the password to be again (verifying new
7. Enter your NEOMIN email address if you have one.
8. Click the Save button.
9. Click the Exit door button of the Oracle Change Password screen.
10. Click the Exit door button of the Preferences (TA) screen.
11. Click OK to the Setup Option screen.
12. LOG OUT of TAM and Log back into TAM so that new password will take
Note: You do not automatically receive an email notification that your password has
been changed, so please keep track of your new password.
TAM Start Screen
Class List Pane
Classes Pane
The Start screen is the main screen through TAM. This screen facilitates easy and logical
access to all of the teacher functions. The teacher logging into the TAM account can
access their courses, homerooms, teams, and students attached to this data. Upon logging
into TAM, the classes currently in-session will appear listed on the left side of the screen
in the Classes Pane. As a class is highlighted in the Classes Pane on the left, the students
currently associated with the class will display on the right side of the screen, in the Class
List Pane.
Classes Pane
The course number, section, title, semester, term, day and period are listed along each
Semester (S)
 0 (zero) represents an all year, all terms, or every day course.
 1 Semester represents a 1st semester course and a 2 represents a 2nd semester
Term (T)
 Term 1 is 1st 9 weeks and Term 2 is 2nd 9weeks.
2 2
Course above would be taught Semester 2, 2nd Term, Everyday, Period 2.
AC Column
Checkbox used for marking Attendance Complete for period attendance. Typically,
NEOMIN districts only take daily Home Room attendance in TAM.
Today’s Classes
Lists classes for TODAY in the Classes Pane. To view classes taught during other times
of the year (i.e.: second semester 18 week classes), remove the checkmark from the
Today’s Classes checkbox.
Curr Students
Option displays the students currently enrolled in the selected class.
All Students
To view a class list that includes withdrawn students, click the All Students button.
Withdrawn students are listed in red.
Option to display classes/courses and students attached to teacher.
Home Rooms
Option to display the Home Rooms and students to which the teacher is attached.
Administrative personnel setup the connection between teachers and Home Rooms
through Homeroom Maintenance.
Option to view a list of teams and the students attached to the teacher’s faculty name.
Administrative personnel make the Teams connection in the Team/Group Maintenance.
Student(s) appearing in a team list may not be listed in a class attached to the teacher.
Student Order
The order that students appear within the Class List pane can be adjusted by clicking any
of the column heading buttons: Name, Phone, Gr (grade), Birth Date, Age, and Seq#
To Change the Class List Order
Withdrawn Students
Students who have withdrawn from a course will appear in red; however, a teacher may
want to move all withdrawn students to the bottom of the Class List Pane and Electronic
Spreadsheet. To move all withdrawn students to the bottom of the Class List Pane and
Electronic Spreadsheet, complete the following:
1. On the TAM Start screen, click on the Classes radio button and All Students radio
button located on the top left side of Classes Pane.
2. Select the course which contains the withdrawn student(s).
3. Find the first student name in the Class List Pane that has withdrawn from the
4. In the Se…(sequence) column change the number from a 0 (zero) to a 1 or a
higher number.
5. Click the Save Sequence button at the bottom right of the screen.
Grouping/Sorting Students
Grouping students or having students appear in a desired sort order, complete the
1. On the TAM Start screen, click on the Classes radio button and All Students radio
button located on the top left side of Classes Pane.
2. Select the course to group students or sort students.
3. Find the first student name in the Class List Pane to sort or group.
4. In the Se…(sequence) column change the number from a 0 (zero) to a 1 or higher
Note: The sequence column can hold up to a three digit number and several
students can have the same sequence number. Example: 111 = advanced
If several students have the same sequence number, students will appear
sequenced in alphabetic order within the sequence number.
Note: If you always want a student to appear at the top of the class
list/spreadsheet, use a – (minus) in front of the number. Example: -1
5. Click the Save Sequence button at the bottom right of the screen.
Resetting Sequence
Resetting the sequence reverts the selected course only to display students in alphabetic
sort order and all the sequence numbers are set back to 0.
Select the course within the Classes Pane to reset.
Click the Setup Options button.
Click on the Generate Alpha Class Sequence button.
Answer Yes to the prompt…Are you sure?
Note: A 0 (zero) can also be entered in the Se…(sequence) column for each
student. Click the Save Sequence when complete.
Info and Alert Buttons (Right side of Class List Pane)
The Info button, under the Contact column, displays pertinent parent/emergency
information attached to students, based upon what is entered and updated by
administrative staff on the Parent and/or emergency Contact screens. This convenient
feature offers quick access to names and contact avenues. For detailed parent and
emergency information, click the Basic Demographics button. When the Alert button
located on the Start screen is clicked, selected information on the highlighted student is
displayed. Some of this information may be medical alerts or building/district cross
enrollment issues.
Alert screen example
Class Change Notification
A Class Changes Notification box may appear when a teacher first logs into TAM,
indicating that student(s) have been added/withdrawn to classes for the teacher logging
into TAM. If a printout is desired, press the Shift key and the F8 keys. Click OK to
close the popup box. To refer back to this screen, at any time, click the Other Features
button from the Start Screen and then click the Class Changes button. Enter an Activity
Date and click Query to view previous admits and withdraws. If no students entered or
withdrew from a teacher’s assigned classes, then this box will not automatically appear.
The ―Read?‖ column within the Class Changes Notification screen allows a check to be
placed in the box for each individual student, which lets the program know that this
message for this student has been read and acknowledged. Each student that is checked
will NOT reappear in the Class Changes Notification box. These class changes will
continue to reappear unless the ―Read?‖ boxes are checked for each student or if the
Check All button is pressed. Click the OK button when finished viewing and checking.
System Lock
The Lock menu option is available in numerous screens in TAM. Selecting the Lock
menu will suspend the teacher’s eSIS session. The Lock feature is ideal to utilize
between the changing of classes. To resume a TAM session, the teacher merely needs to
enter their eSIS password and click the OK button (see the following screen shots).
Start Screen Buttons
The Hot Print button on the lower right of the Start screen offers 9 reports based on
the selected student. All reports are generated through Adobe Acrobat by placing a
checkmark in the box and clicking the printer icon button. If report generation issues are
experienced, check the Adobe Acrobat program to make sure that the correct version
(5.0.0 or above) is installed. Below is an example of the Hot Print screen:
Note: Timetable = Student Schedule
The Navigate button on the lower right of the Start screen facilitates teachers with
security and resources beyond the standard teacher role, to access other functions in eSIS.
This feature is ideal for teachers that have other duties such as Special Education, Fees,
Discipline, or simply need access to other reports not offered through the standard
methods within TAM. Consult with the building TAM representative to implement
additional features.
The Photo button displays a photograph of the selected student. To view a student’s
photo, highlight the student and click on the film icon button. A student’s picture can be
viewed on any screen in TAM that displays the film icon.
The Exit button allows exiting from screen to screen in TAM, as well as exiting
from the eSIS TAM program entirely. If exiting from eSIS TAM, another message will
display stating ―Exiting Teacher Assistant. Continue?‖ Click the OK button to continue
exiting. Click the Cancel button to stay logged into the eSIS TAM program.
Basic Demographics
Frequently used and critical student information is drawn from numerous screens within
eSIS. This information is reorganized and consolidated for quick viewable teacher access
through one window with possibly 5 to 8 tabs (depending on TAM setup set by
administration). Those available tabs are: Demographics, Parents/Emergency Contacts,
Medical, Schedules, Observations, Teams, Programs, and Fees/Assistance. Each of the
screens are read only, except the Observations screen that allows teachers to log notes
and explanations through the Narrative box to review for personal record keeping, which
may be shared with other teachers. A report can be generated for the Observations
information that is entered on this screen.
Viewing Student Demographic Information
1. Choose the class from course list (Classes Pane—left side of screen).
2. Select student to view basic demographic information (Class List Pane—right
side of screen).
3. Click the Basic Demographic button (above Class List Pane).
Note: Upon entering the Basic Demographics screens, teachers will notice that the
student’s pupil number is highlighted. By pressing the F7 key and then the F8 key on the
top of the keyboard, the scroll bar on the right side of the screen becomes available.
Therefore, teachers will not have to exit from the Basic Demographic screens to highlight
and choose a different student and then enter back into the Basic Demographic area. They
may simply stay in this section, press F7 and F8, and click the down arrow of the scroll
bar to choose the next student within the class to view. Also, note that a teacher can
select a specific student by pressing the F7 key, enter information in one of the boxes
highlighted below, and then press the F8 key to find the student.
The following tabs within the Student Demographic screen are able to be viewed only:
Demographic Tab
Displays birth date, age, phone number, address, citizenship, email address, counselor,
home language, and any siblings that have been setup to be connected to the student
(sibling setup is setup via administration staff and NEOMIN).
Parents/Emergency Contacts Tab
Every person available for contact, with respect to this student, is listed and every
possible mode of contact is listed including email if administration staff enters it.
Custody, Living With and Court Access information is located on the top of the screen.
For information to be displayed on this screen it first needs entered by administrative
personnel on the Parents and/or Emergency contact screens and they must also check
mark the emergency contact checkbox for this to be viewable by teachers.
Medical Tab
Information regarding medical contacts, insurances, life threatening conditions, and other
health conditions are conveniently available on this screen if entered at the building level
in eSIS.
Schedules Tab
This screen displays current year scheduling information about the student selected
including: the Homerooms, Special Education Requirements identified (viewable if
turned on in TA Setup Options), and the student’s courses and schedule. The student’s
next year courses can be viewed by clicking the Next Year radio button.
Note: The current homeroom is highlighted in yellow under the Homeroom section of
the Schedules Tab. Course information can be sorted by clicking on any of the seven
column titles within the Courses section of the Schedule Tab.
Teams Tab
This screen displays the student’s involvement in various Teams. A teacher may view
any student’s Team information, even if the teacher is not attached as the Coach or
Faculty assigned to that Team.
Programs Tab
This screen provides a list of the Programs that the selected student has or is currently
participating in. These programs are not for Special Education. Refer to the Schedules tab
for Special Education Requirements in the bottom, left corner. Examples of a program
that would be listed with the Programs Tab would be Title One Math and Resource/Pull
Fees/Assistance Tab
All Fees owed by the student are displayed in red on the left side of this screen and any
Assistance entitlements are displayed on the right side of the Fees/Assistance screen.
Fees are only available if the school building utilizes the Fees Module in eSIS.
Observations Tab
Teacher observations about performance or behavior are viewed and/or entered on this
screen. Teachers may add or delete observations, mark them as an alert or follow up
issue, see a history of observations concerning a student, or generate a report of
observations, all from this screen. Teachers can use observations for their professional
record and/or share with other teachers that teach the same students.
Note: Computerized information is permissible in court. Therefore, please make sure data
and comments entered are factual.
To Add an Observation
1. Click the ―Add‖ button.
2. Type an observation in the ―Narrative‖ box.
Note: The narrative box houses the observation and/or alert details.
3. Any Observation entered can be designated as an Alert, a Follow up, or neither,
but not both, select the appropriate checkbox if one applies.
Note: Checking the Alert or Follow up checkbox will create a pop-up message
when you login in eSIS based on the Activation Date you enter.
Note: Utilize the ―Activation‖ and ―Completion‖ dates to enforce time
constraints for the Alerts and Follow up items. .
4. Check the ―Shared Access‖ box for this information to be shared with other
teachers that teach the same student.
Note: If the observation is checked with Shared Access, other teachers that have
the selected student assigned to them will be able to view observation narrative by
selecting the student and navigating to the Observations tab. Other teachers are
unable to edit/delete an observation shared by another teacher.
5. The current date defaults, but can be changed.
6. Choose a ―Type‖ from the table pull down menu (academic, behavioral, general,
or not applicable).
Note: The ―Type‖ must be assigned for the observation to be saved.
7. Click the Save button.
Below is the message that will display when active Alerts/Follow ups are available:
A. Click OK, to view Alerts/Follow-Up Observations screen
B. Click Cancel, to bypass Alerts/Follow-Up Observations
A teacher is able to view and enter additional Narrative info.
If additional Narrative info added, click the Save button. By
entering a Completion Date and clicking the Save button will
eliminate Alerts/Follow ups when logging into eSIS.
Save button
Print button
Observation Report
By clicking on the Print button within the Alerts/Follow-Up Observation screen, A
Teacher Follow Ups and Alert report will automatically be generated for the selected
Note: An Observation Report can also be generated from the Observation Tab of the
Student Demographics screen by clicking on the Print button within the Observation Tab.
The following screen will appear when the Print button is selected within the Observation
Select Classes – Select one or multiple classes to generate the Observation
Select Student – Select one or multiple students to be printed on the report.
Sort Order – Observation Report can be sorted by Observation Date, Observation
Type, or Teacher.
Note: Once choices have been selected within the Observation Report parameter screen,
click the Printer button.
Viewing Student Academic Progress Information
Academic information for students’ other classes is viewable if the teacher(s) for other
classes has configured their Teacher Assistant (TA) Preferences to permit other teachers
to view grades.
Note: See Setting up the TAM Electronic Gradebook section to configure TA
Preferences to allow other teachers to view student grades. Even if a teacher allows other
teachers to view grades, the teacher sharing grade information must be using the
spreadsheet feature with TAM.
To View a Student’s Academic Progress
1. Choose the class from course list (Classes Pane—left side of screen).
2. Select the student to view their Academic Progress (Class List Pane—right side of
3. Click the Academic Progress button (above Class List Pane).
Student Classes (Teacher Name)
Lists all classes that the student is currently enrolled. Selecting a class from this list
causes the related assessments, created through the Electronic Gradebook, to be displayed
in the screen below. Teachers may view all assessments that are their own, as well as
assessments created by other teachers that also teach this same student in a different
class, as long as all teachers are using and sharing the Electronic Gradebook information.
Reporting Term
Pull-down menu allows the choice of selecting a particular grading period, or choose
―All‖ to show the entire school year at once.
Assessment Types
Drop down list allows the selection of a specific assessment type. Example: Tests
Choose ―All‖ to view all assessments given.
Total Late
Figures indicate the number of assessments that a student was marked as late. This
number is accumulated from checkmarks placed within the Late boxes, which is pulled
from the Mark Entry information in the Electronic Gradebook.
Total Missing Marks
Indicates the number of marks that were not entered for the student based upon what was
not filled in through the Electronic Gradebook.
Note: If a teacher has entered a mark for even one student, all other students will show as
missing the assessment.
Total Assessments
Indicates the number of assessments that were graded for this class and entered through
the Electronic Gradebook.
Total Failing Marks
Pulls the accumulated number of failed grades from what was entered in the Electronic
Daily Attendance
Absences and Lates displays the daily attendance totals from the information that has
been entered by teachers or building staff. Period attendance may be used if set up by
Assignment name
Assign Date
Date assessment was assigned
Due Date
Date assessment is due
Grade given for assessment
Percentage grade for assessment
Total points for assessment
Average percentage for the entire class for each particular assessment.
Check indicates that the assessment was marked late and/or exempt within the Electronic
Comments displayed on this screen are pulled from those entered by teachers in the Mark
Entry area of the Electronic Gradebook. These created comments will not print on
interims or report cards, but will print on various reports that can be generated in TAM.
Viewing Student Absence Information
To access the Student Absences information
1. Choose the class from course list (Classes Pane—left side of screen).
2. Select the student to view their Absence information (Class List Pane—right side
of screen).
3. Click the Student Absences button (above Class List Pane).
Student Absences - Daily
Top Section of the Student Absences Screen
Shows totals for absences (authorized, excused, unexcused) and lates.
Examples of authorized absences would be Arts Excel and college visits.
Bottom Section of the Student Absences Screen
Shows a detailed view of all absences and lates for the year.
Taking Daily Attendance in TAM
1. On the left side of the TAM Start screen, click the Home Rooms option button.
2. b.
2. a.
2. Select the appropriate Home Room. Be sure to select the correct Semester and
Term for which you are taking daily attendance.
a. If all students are present for the current Home Room, click the AC
checkbox for the correct Semester and Term for which you are taking
daily attendance.
b. On the left side of the TAM Start screen, click the Classes option button.
3. If all students are NOT present for the current Home Room, click the List button.
4. Click the A (Absent) checkbox under the AM column only for all students absent.
Note: The PM A column should become checked automatically
Note: The office will mark the reason for the absence.
Note: Do not check the L (Late) column for either AM or PM column as the
office will enter if needed.
5. When attendance for all students in the current Home Room is complete, check
the Attendance Complete checkbox. This will notify the office that Home Room
attendance is complete for the day.
6. Click the Save button
7. Click the Exit door button.
8. On the left side of the TAM Start screen, click the Classes option button.
Note: Absent students appear in purple within the Class List Pane. Late students will
still appear in black text.
Setting up the TAM Electronic Gradebook
The TAM Electronic Gradebook provides a means for teachers to record all grading
information. The Gradebook organizes assignments, tabulates total points, provides
assignment and class averages, shows earned points, offers a quick view of students
within a class and points by assignment, color coding and instantaneous notification of
failed marks and mark over maximum points, comprehensive reports, the ease of posting
marks directly to report cards, and much more.
To Setup My Options Preferences
1. Click Setup Options button
2. Click Preferences button
Within the My Options tab of the Preferences screen are the following options:
1. Mark Calculation Method: This is the critical piece for the equation of the
Gradebook and the way grades are calculated. The majority of NEOMIN’s
districts use Total Points as the Mark Calculation Method. Once the equation is
selected it cannot be changed or toggled without the complete deletion of all
student assignments, grades, and prep setup. It is strongly recommended to use
the Total Points calculation, even for teachers that are implementing weights.
Total Points – points earned for assignments are added together and divided by
total points.
Weighted Percentages – each assignment’s percentage grade is added together
then divided by the number of assignments.
Student has three assignments:
Exam #1
Earned 75 out of 80 points
Exam #2
Earned 65 out of 70 points
Earned 10 of out 10 points
Under Total Points
(75 + 65 + 10) / (80 + 70 + 10)
150 / 160 = 93.75
Under Weighted Percentages
[ (75 / 80) + (65 / 70) + (10 / 10) ]
[ 93.75 + 92.86 + 100 ] / 3
286.61 / 3 = 95.53
/ 3
2. Posting Type: Make sure that Report Cycle is chosen.
3. Select weighting to be used for calculating grades.
a. Use assessment weights: Allows individual assessments to be weighted
(i.e.: Math homework assessment – counts as two assessments. The
number 2 could be entered in the Weight text box within the Add new
Assignments screen which is equivalent to entering the same assessment
and each student’s mark twice within the Gradebook.
b. Use assessment type weights: Allows types of assessments to be
weighted. If checked and weights are not implemented, then grade
averages could be incorrect (i.e.: Homework worth 15%, Tests worth 25%,
Class Participation work 20%, and Project worth 40% of the grade).
c. Use category weights: Subject category weighting (i.e.: If a prep is setup
for History class, the following categories could be created: WWII,
Revolutionary War, and Presidents. Weighting could then be assigned to
each category). Typically this option is NOT checked/utilized.
4. View Report Cycle Weights: Check this to see the weights assigned by
administration for the building. It is not necessary to check the option if the
report cycle weights set to view. This option may also state: Use Report Cycle
Weights. If so, then teachers were/are given the power to change the marking
period weights individually, rather than having building report cycle weights
being applied. If a teacher’s has the wording Use Report Cycle, a teacher should
check the Use Report Cycle checkbox and weight each marking period and
calculated report cycle as required within the Prep Detail screen.
5. TAVG% include Weight: Electronic Spreadsheet will display cumulative
average for the year to date. However, when posting grades, the report period
grade would be posted, not the cumulative grade. It is recommended to not check
the TAVG% include Weight checkbox.
6. Default order of assessments by due date: Select the order in which assessments
will appear in the Gradebook by the due date assigned.
Ascending Order – Assessments display in the spreadsheet with the first
assessment due on the left (i.e.: 8/25/2008 due date then 8/28/2008 due date)
Descending Order - Assessments display in the spreadsheet with the last
assessment due on the left (i.e.: 8/28/2008 due date then 8/25/2008 due date)
7. Numeric Score Default: Type in the total points to serve as the default. This
should be the score used most often. This score may NOT be left blank or zero. If
percentages are most often used, 100 would work best.
8. Failure Threshold: Any assessment entered with a failing mark will show in pink
in the Electronic Spreadsheet and will print on failure reports. Therefore, set the
Failure Threshold to whatever whole number the teacher chooses and all the
mark/grades entered less than the Failure Threshold number will be considered a
failing mark/grade.
9. Default Display Assessment: This is the number of assessments that display in
the Gradebook at one time. The choice of 50 is most used. Typically, plan to give
an assessment a day as the higher the default display assessment number, the
slower the Gradebook will function.
10. Delete assessments at Year End: Doesn’t work regardless if checkbox checked
or not as NEOMIN districts are transitioned at the end of each school year.
Other Settings within the My Options tab of My Preferences
1. Allow Shared Access to Student Progress: Checkmark to allow all teachers
sharing this student in another class to be able to VIEW their performance in all
of their classes. This is a read only option and is meant to help teachers with an
overall picture of the students’ performance. This is useful for National Honor
Society advisors, Coaches, Team teachers, and Special Education teachers.
2. Rounding Marks: Checkmark to allow rounding of posted marks. For example
an 89.753 would round to 90. This takes effect when posting marks and does not
apply to the rounding of regular assessment marks.
3. Count Blank Grades as Zeros: Checkmark this option to count blank grades
automatically as zeros. If a student does not have a grade entered for an
assessment in the Gradebook, the assessment’s points will be added to the Total
Points column within the Gradebook and the Tavg will be affected. If the Count
Blank Grades as Zeros is not checked and a student does not have a grade entered
for an assessment in the Gradebook, the assessment’s points are still added to the
Total Points column within the Gradebook but there is not effect on the Tavg
A Missing Mark button is available with the Gradebook which lists students and
the assignments they are missing regardless if the Count Blank Grades as Zeros is
check or unchecked. Marks/grades can be entered within the screen that displays
when the Missing Mark button is selected. A Missing Assignments Report can
also be generated under the Reports button from the TAM Start screen.
Regardless if the Count Blank Grades as Zeros is check or unchecked assessments
without grades are considered as ―missing assignments‖ and would display on the
Missing Assignments Report.
Failure reports can also be generated under the Reports button from the TAM
Start screen; however, in order for an assessment to appear on the report a failing
grade must be entered in Gradebook. An assessment with a blank grade does not
print regardless if the Count Blank Grades as Zeros is check or unchecked.
4. Click the Save button to save all updates or changes to the My Options features.
To Setup My Preps Preferences
This area is used to create the subject Prep description for grouping the courses taught
together into the Electronic Gradebook.
1. Select the My Preps tab within the Preferences screen.
button to setup a Prep.
Note: It is recommended to create only 1 prep and checkmark to attach all classes given
grades to the 1 prep. Doing this allows assessments to be copied from one class to
another. If multiple preps are created, assessments may only be copied from one class to
another within the same prep. Course numbers separate courses within the Gradebook;
therefore there is no need to create separate preps, unless the teacher wants to weights
classes differently by report cycles and/or assessments types.
Note: If a teacher teaches in two buildings, the teacher would need to have only one
TAM account that is setup to access both buildings. However, the teacher would need to
have a prep setup for each building. Therefore, TWO preps would be required.
3. Enter Description of Prep: Type description of Gradebook. NEOMIN
recommends using the following naming convention:
Last Name – My Gradebook
4. Prep Classes Select classes: Click the Select Classes button. All courses
scheduled will show. Checkmark all courses that are graded. Study Halls or
ungraded classes should not be checked if grades are not given. Click the OK
Note: A class can only be attached to one prep at one time.
5. Prep classes Report Cycles: If teachers are authorized to adjust weights of
report cycles, the weight amount can be changed in the Weight column. If
teachers are not authorized to change this, then administrative building staff must
set the standard building weighting that will apply for all. If all the weights are set
to 1, then all report cycles are equal.
Note: Calculated Report Cycles button shows report cycles that are used to
calculate Calculated Report Cycles.
6. Prep Category: Click in the first text box under the Prep Category/Category
section, type the word All or Class, and check the checkmark for the Default box.
If more than one category is needed, click the Add button within this section.
Note: By setting up more than one Prep Category allows a teacher to categorize
classes into specific subject categories. Example: WWII, Revolutionary War,
Presidents, etc.
7. Prep Assessment Types/Description: Click the Add button and check the types
of assessments that will be given and click the OK button.
Note: Prep Assessment Types are setup in System Codes. Please contact
administration if a Prep Assessment Type is not available in the list.
8. Prep Assessment Types/Weight: If chosen earlier to weight assessment types
the weight column will be visible and may be entered here. If Use Assessment
Type Weights was not checked on the My Options screen, then the weight column
will not be visible. If weighting assessment types, checkmark only those to be
used and enter the weight for each category. Be aware if an Assessment Type is
weighted high and only a few assessments are assigned to that Assessment Type
that it could heavily factor into a student’s grade. Use one of the two weighting
a. Percentages (i.e. 25, 25, 50)—must add up to 100
b. Numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3)—does not need to add up to 100, the points will be
multiplied by this number.
9. Check Default next to the assessment type most frequently used. If a user decides
not to check the default, the user will be forced to select the assessment type
within the Add new assignments screen.
10. Click the Save button to save all updates or changes to the My Preps features.
11. Click the Exit door button.
Note: To view the current Prep, select the prep within the My Preps tab and click
the Detail button at the button of the screen.
Note: Once assessments/assignments have been entered for a prep, the prep
cannot be deleted.
Once the My Options and My Preps features are set, the Gradebook is ready to be used.
My Mark Scale
Adjusting the Mark Scale may only be utilized if building access is granted to teachers by
building administrators. This custom mark scale overrides the school’s mark scale.
Therefore, when posting marks from the Electronic Gradebook, the Gradebook will use
the personal teacher mark scale, if enabled. If teachers do not have access to adjust their
own mark scale, then the school mark scale will populate this screen.
This window is used to identify a mark as Pass or Fail as well as to set the Alpha’s
numeric equivalency. The number entered in the ―Conv‖ column is used for calculating
1st Sem Avg, 2nd Sem Avg, and Final Grades if the TA Configuration is setup to calculate
Calculated Report Cycles using the Post column. This column may be left blank if
Calculated Report Cycles are calculated based on the T.A. column within the TA
Reporting Periods Marks screen. How Calculated Reports Cycles are calculated is
determined and set by the administration. See handout entitled ―Entering Grades into
eSIS through TAM‖ for more information.
Note: There is also a ―Revert back to school mark scale‖ button; if pressed will
automatically set the teacher mark scale to the school mark scale. However, be aware
that the teacher would need to repost grades for each marking period if the Mark Scale is
changed after the end of the 1st marking period.
Note: If a teacher has classes that only use O, S, N for example, the grading scale can be
adjusted to meet the teacher’s needs if the administration has granted privileges to the
teachers within the school to adjust their Mark Scale. To adjust the Mark Scale for O, S,
N, complete the following:
Select the My Mark Scale tab within the My Preferences screen.
Clear the Low, High, and Conv column for A-F in the Alpha column.
Scroll up/down until you see the O, S, N marks in the Alpha column.
Enter in the Low and High Score. If Calculated Reports Cycles will be calculated
based off the TA column within the TA Reporting Periods Marks screen, the
Conv column may be left blank. If the Calculated Report Cycles are based of the
Post column of the TA Reporting Periods Marks screen, then the appropriate
number will need to be entered in to the Conv column.
Note: If a teacher has one or two classes that will be given O, S, N grades and all
the teacher’s other classes are A-F grades, it is recommended to hand enter the O,
S, N grades directly into the TA Reporting Periods Marks screen and not use the
Gradebook for the those one or two classes.
Moving Between School Building
If a teacher’s eSIS user account is setup to have access to more than one school building,
the teacher must select the school building they wish to access once they log into TAM.
A teacher can stay logged into eSIS and move between school buildings by completing
the following:
1. Click the Setup Options button.
2. Click Change Current User button.
3. Select school building and click OK button.
Electronic Gradebook
Once the Preferences and Prep are properly set, to enter the Gradebook complete the
1. Click a graded course on the left of the main TAM Start screen
2. Click the Spreadsheet button:
The first screen accessed in the Electronic Gradebook is the TA Gradebook/Electronic
Spreadsheet screen. The class that was chosen prior to entering this screen is the class
that will be visible.
The Electronic Gradebook is date driven, from the assessments that are created and the
due dates that are assigned. When accessing the Gradebook at the start of a new school
year, the default Reporting Term may be the 1st Interim Cycle. If this is the case, it is
critical to choose the appropriate Marking Period/Reporting Term when creating new
assessments. Some teachers may notice that once a Reporting Term has end based on the
reporting period end dates setup by administrative building staff, the next Reporting
Term automatically populates. Always ensure the correct Reporting Term is select
prior to creating a new assessment (do not choose interims).
Not used unless multiple categories
are setup within a Prep.
Click the down
arrow button to
select a different
class to which
the teacher is
Reporting Term
Click the down arrow button to select
the appropriate marking period to
add/view assessments. Assessments
are not added to Interim Reporting
Assessment Types
Choices that display in this
drop down menu are
determined by what
Assessments Types were
selected when the selected
class’s Prep was setup.
Displays all assessments for
the selected class for the
selected Reporting Term.
If a particular Assessment
Type is chosen, all
assessments for the selected
class for the Reporting
Term will be displayed.
A. Number of Columns
The number that displays in the text box is setup in the TA Start screenSetup
Options buttonPreferences buttonMy Options tab. However, this screen
allows the number to be changed and saved within the box. If speed is an issue,
some teachers have noticed that changing this from 150 to 50 helps at times.
Changes made to the number of columns within the spreadsheet are not
permanent changes. To make a permanent number of columns change, make the
change within the Options tab.
B. Exempt
Once an assessment has been entered for a class and a student is to be exempt
from the assessment, select the student and assessment for which the student is to
be exempt and click the Exempt button.
C. Color Legend
The spreadsheet will automatically color code for the following reasons:
a. Late Mark – assessment marked as being late—cell turns blue
b. Fail Mark – any assessment entered as a failing mark (based on Failure
Threshold set in TA Setup Options)—cell turns pink. If the student is
failing for the class, the Tavg cell for the student will turn pink.
Depending on the Assessment Type selected the Avg cell may also display
pink as well if the student is failing for a particular Assessment Type.
c. Exempt – student exempt from assessment—cell turns green.
d. Extra Credit – an assessment setup as extra credit—the entire assessment
column within the spreadsheet turns aqua even for students that did not
complete the extra credit assessment. Extra credit assessments points are
added to the student’s EARNED column not to the TOTAL column within
the spreadsheet.
e. Over Maximum – points entered for an assessment over the maximum
number of points—cell turns orange. All points a student earned will
appear within the EARNED column of the spreadsheet even points earned
over the Score Max.
Adding an Assessment (Assignment)
1. On the left of the main TAM Start screen select the class/course to add assessment
2. Click the Spreadsheet button.
3. The class/course that was selected prior to entering the spreadsheet is the
class/course that should be displaying in the spreadsheet. To confirm the correct
class/course or to change to a different class/course select the Class drop down
button (located in the top left corner of the spreadsheet) and select the
class/course to add the assessment (assignment).
by referencing the Reporting Term drop down box (located at the top/middle
section of the spreadsheet.
5. Click the Add Assessment button (located at the bottom right corner of the
6. Within the Add new assignments screen, the following fields with an asterisk(*)
need completed:
*Name – Provide a long descriptive name for assessments. This name will appear
on reports. Ensure each assessment name is unique.
*Short Name –Automatically populates using the first few characters of the
Name field. Approximately 6 characters and/or number can be used in this Name
abbreviation. The Short Name should be clear because it is used on the TA
Gradebook screen within the spreadsheet for the assessment column headings.
Ensure each assessment name is unique.
*Score Type – Numeric is most used and the default. Other less used choices are
Alpha Mark, Complete/Incomplete, or Pass/Fail. It is STRONGLY recommended
to always choose Numeric.
*Score Max – Enter the maximum score that can be achieved on this assessment
(i.e.: total points and/or 100 if percentage grades are being entered). This field can
not be blank or zero. (Score Max is automatically populated based on the number
set in the Numeric Score Default text box of the My Options tab within the
Preferences screen).
Weight – If the option to Weight Assessments was chosen in the My Options tab
within the Preferences screen, then this field will be located to the right of the
Score Max. The number entered here is a whole number or a decimal. This value
determines the impact a mark will have on the assessment and how it counts
towards the reporting period. This allows an individual assessment to have more
weight verses another assessment.
*Category – Unless a teacher sets up more than one Category within the Prep
Detail screen (which is typically not the case), the Category field is left at the
default which was setup in the Prep Detail screen.
*Assessment Type – This is the tag given to an assessment that tells what type of
assignment it is, i.e.: homework, test, quiz, project, class participation, extra
credit, etc. The Assessment Type(s) that display are based on the Prep Assessment
Types that are setup in the Prep Detail screen. See ―Report Cycle/Total Points
and Report Cycle/Weighted Percentages‖ page to further understand how
Assessments Types that are weighted are utilized to calculate a reporting period
*Assign, Due, and Create Dates – All of these dates automatically default to
today’s date. The Assign and Due dates are critical to printing reports for missing
assignments, failures, mark entry, and many others. Assign and Due dates entered
must be actual school days. Assessments appear in the order of Due Date within
the spreadsheet. Some teachers choose to enter the Assign date at the 1st day of
the reporting period and the Due Date as the last day of the reporting period.
Other teachers like to be specific. Regardless of the choice a date for all 3 fields
MUST be entered. Do not leave any assessment dates blank.
Extra Credit – Checkmark the box to make an individual extra credit assessment.
This assessment will allow points to be added to an individual student’s Earned
points without impacting the total points due for the marking period. A score max
value MUST be given to all Extra Credit assessments as blank or zero is not
acceptable. The Extra Credit Score Max can be between 1 to 100. If teachers
choose to give a student more points than what a regular assessment is worth, they
are able to do that as well. However, those assignments would NOT be marked as
extra credit.
Post to Parent Assistant Date – Check marking this box will allow parents to log
into the Parent Assist Module and see their child’s assignment information. A
date will also be associated with the checkmark telling the program that parents
may view this information as of a certain date. Be aware that once the teacher has
entered a mark/grade for an assessment for even one student and the assessment is
posted to Parent Assist that all other students will be reported as missing the
assignment in Parent Assistant.
Use Standardized Test Scores – Doesn’t work/apply to Ohio schools.
Narrative and Parent Tips – These two features are used in conjunction with the
Parent Assistant Module. The Narrative automatically populates with the Name
once the assessment Name is entered. A teacher can add a brief description if
desired. Do not remove this Narrative. Removing this Narrative and attempting to
save the assessment will cause an error message. A teacher may enter tips or
tricks within the Parent Tips text box to assist parents in helping their child in
learning the needed skills for the assignment.
7. Once the Add new assignments screen is complete, click the Save and then Exit
button to exit the screen and return to the spreadsheet.
Tip: Once an assessment is saved, two new buttons appear Add and Copy. A
teacher may quickly enter a bunch of assessments at one time by clicking the Add
button, entering the required information and clicking the Save button. This
allows the teacher to stay within the Add Assessment area and enter and save
assessment after assessment. The Copy button allows teachers the same luxury
of staying within the Add new assignments screen and merely enter the first
assessment and save. Then click on the Copy button. A new assessment screen
will appear. The teacher will need to complete the Name and Short Name and
make any necessary adjustment to the Add new assignments screen and click the
Save button.
To View/Change the Setup of an Assessment
1. On the left of the main TAM Start screen select the class/course that the
assessment (assignment) you want to view/change is attached.
2. Click the Spreadsheet button.
3. The class/course that was selected prior to entering the spreadsheet is the
class/course that should be displaying in the spreadsheet. To confirm the correct
class/course or to change to a different class/course select the Class drop down
button (located in the top left corner of the spreadsheet) and select the
class/course to view/change assessment (assignment).
4. Click the View/Change Assessment button (located at the bottom right corner of
the spreadsheet).
5. On the TA Assignments screen that appears:
a. Select the Class to change the assessment
b. Select the appropriate Reporting Term, Category (if necessary), and
Assessment Type.
Note: Columns within the TA Assignments screen may be sorted in
ascending and descending order by clicking on the gray column headings
(i.e.: Name, Due Date…)
6. Select the Assessment to change and click the Change Assessment button (located
at the bottom right corner of the TA Assignment screen.
7. Make the necessary changes within the Add new assignments screen and click the
Save button. If only viewing the assessment it is not necessary to click the Save
8. Click the Exit door button WITHIN the Add new assignments screen.
9. Click the Exit door button within the TA Assignments screen.
Entering Grades for an Assessment
Once an Assessment is created, teachers are able to enter grades via numerous ways.
Below are various options for entering grades for an assessment.
Teacher Enter Grade/Comments Screen
The Teacher Enter Grade/Comments Screen is accessible by either:
1. Clicking on the Single button from the TA Start screen.
1. On the left of the main TAM Start screen select the class/course to enter
2. Click the Spreadsheet button.
3. The class/course that was selected prior to entering the spreadsheet is the
class/course that should be displaying in the spreadsheet. To confirm the
correct class/course or to change to a different class/course select the Class
drop down button (located in the top left corner of the spreadsheet) and select
the class/course.
referencing the Reporting Term drop down box (located at the top/middle
section of the spreadsheet).
5. Click the Enter Mark/Comments button (located at the bottom right corner of
the spreadsheet).
6. Ensure the correct Class, Reporting Term and Assessment is selected by
utilizing the drop down menus at the top of the Teacher Enter
Grades/Comments screen.
Note: Once the assessment has been selected, the Score Max for that
Assessment will automatically display within the Score Max text box.
7. A teacher can enter marks for students using the Mark column.
Note: The down arrow can be used to quickly move from one student to the
next. The % column automatically populates as a Mark is entered for a
8. Once all marks/grades have been entered, click the Save and Exit button.
Additional Features within the Teacher Enter Grade/Comments Screen
Late Checkbox – Marks the assessment as late.
Exempt – By marking an assessment exempt, that particular assessment’s Score Max
is not added to the TOTAL number of points for the Reporting Term.
Mark Comment – Text comments may be entered for each student. Comments can
be printed on various reports. Comments can also be entered/edited by clicking on
the Edit Comment button at the bottom of the Mark Comment column. Any School
Comments setup in the system may be selected within Edit Mark Comment screen by
adding a checkmark to the comment and clicking on OK within the Edit Mark
Comment screen.
Failing Mark – Pink shading will appear for any failing marks.
Mark Over Maximum - points entered for assessments over the maximum number
of points. The EARNED column within the spreadsheet will add in points earned for
a reporting term including points over the maximum number of points.
Condensed Mark Entry – Condensed screen to enter grades. If utilized, be sure to
save and exit screen when complete. This screen can also be accessible from the
Copy First Mark Down – Enter first student’s mark/grade. If this is the mark that
all or almost all of the students will receive, click the Copy First Mark Down button.
Next, make any mark/grade adjustment.
Copy First Comment Down – Enter the first student’s comment. If this is the
comment that all or almost all of the students will receive, click the Copy First
Comment Down. Next, make any comment adjustments.
Missing Mark – Displays TA Missing Marks screen. This screen is also accessible
from the spreadsheet. Within the TA Missing Marks screen, select the Class and
Reporting Term for which the teacher is looking for students missing grades/marks.
Marks/grades can be entered within the TA Missing Marks screen. Be sure to save
and click the Exit door button when complete.
Delete Mark – To remove a student’s mark for an assessment, select the mark to
delete and either click the Delete Mark button or press the Delete key on the
Spreadsheet – By clicking on the Spreadsheet button will take the user directly to the
TA spreadsheet.
Note: By clicking on the Exit door button returns the user to the Teacher Enter
Grade/Comments screen. Be sure to save changes and the click the Exit door button.
The user should then be at the TA Start screen.
Delete All Comments – Deletes all comments for the selected assessment only.
Print button – display report below to screen which can be printed. Be sure to save
all changes prior to clicking on the Print button. Report displays selected assessment.
Add Assessment – displays the Add new assignments screen. The Add new
assignments screen can also be accessible by clicking on the Add Assessment button
within the spreadsheet. See ―Adding Assessment (Assignment)‖ section above for
details on how to add an assessment.
Note: All assessments for a reporting term can be printed from the spreadsheet.
To Print All Assessments for a Reporting Term
Note: Good feature to utilize for teacher record keeping. This is the only way to
permanently archive a Gradebook.
1. On the left of the main TAM Start screen select the class/course to print
assessments (assignment).
2. Click the Spreadsheet button.
3. The class/course that was selected prior to entering the spreadsheet is the
class/course that should be displaying in the spreadsheet. To confirm the correct
class/course or to change to a different class/course, select the Class drop down
button (located in the top left corner of the spreadsheet) and select the
class/course to print assessment information.
referencing the Reporting Term drop down box (located at the top/middle section
of the spreadsheet).
5. Ensure the Category and Assessment drop down boxes are set to ALL.
6. Ensure all assessments are displayed. If all assessments for the selected course
and reporting period are not displayed, click in the text box to the left of the
Number of Columns button (located at the bottom left of the screen) and type a
number to accommodate all the assessments which were given for given reporting
7. Click the Number of Columns button.
8. Click the Print button from the bottom of the TA Gradebook screen.
9. Check the box to display student’s names on the report if desired.
10. Leave number of blank columns to 0 zero unless the user would like additional
columns to be displayed to the right of all assessments entered for the reporting
11. Once the report is displayed it can be printed and/or saved by clicking on the Save
button near the top of the screen.
TA Gradebook Screen Totals
Screen Totals:
Within the Screen Totals area, the spreadsheet provides columns of Student Name
information, Tavg, Total, Earned, and Avg%.
Tavg – This is the student grade for the chosen Reporting Term.
Total – This is the Total Number of Point’s column. Total points due for each student
may differ if they are exempted from some assessments. The Total column number of
points can differ based on the Assessment Type selected.
Earned – Number of points earned by each student for the selected Assessment Type.
Avg% - Typically this percentage is the same as the Tavg. However, if a teacher chooses
to see just how students performed within a particular Assessment Type, the Avg%
column would reflect the Avg% for the selected Assessment Type.
Deleting an Assessment
1. On the left of the main TAM Start screen select the class/course to delete the
assessment (assignment).
2. Click the Spreadsheet button.
3. The class/course that was selected prior to entering the spreadsheet is the
class/course that should be displaying in the spreadsheet. To confirm the correct
class/course or to change to a different class/course select the Class drop down
button (located in the top left corner of the spreadsheet) and select the
class/course to delete the assessment (assignment).
4. Ensure the correct Reporting Term is selected by referencing the Reporting Terms
drop down box.
5. Click the View/Change Assessment button (located at the bottom right corner of
the spreadsheet).
6. Within the TA Assignments screen, select the Assignment/Assessment to delete
and click the Remove This Assessment from Cl… (this class) button.
Note: If any students have marks/grades entered for assessment/assignment, a
warning message will alert user asking if they wish to continue with deleting
7. Once the assessment/assignment is deleted, click the Save button.
8. Click the Exit door button.
Moving an Assessment to another Reporting Term
Note: If a teacher needs to move an assessment from one reporting term to another and
keep any attached marks/grades for an assessment complete the steps below. The steps
below are useful when an assessment was entered into the incorrect reporting term (i.e.:
Accidentally entered assessment into an Interim Reporting Term instead of MP1, MP2,
MP3, or MP4).
1. On the left of the main TAM Start screen select the class/course to move the
assessment (assignment).
2. Click the Spreadsheet button.
3. Click the View/Change Assessment button.
4. Select the Class, Reporting Term, Category, and Assessment Type in order to
view assessment to move.
5. Click the Change Assessment button.
6. Immediately, click the Add this Assessment to Other Class… button within the
Add new assignments screen.
7. Check the Assign? Box to move the assessment to the appropriate course.
8. Adjust the Assign Date, Due Date, and Reporting Term to move assessment.
9. Click the Save button
10. Click the Exit door button.
11. Click the Exit door button within the Add new assignment screen.
12. Click the Exit door button within the TA Assignments screen.
Note: Assessment should now be moved. Select the appropriate Class, Reporting
Term, Category, and Assessment Type to confirm assessment moved. Any
marks/comments should have moved as well.
TAM Reports
Numerous Class Reports are available for teachers to view, print, and save for future
Numerous reports can be generated via the following steps:
1. Click the Reports button from the TA Start screen:
Class List – Report includes Student Name, Pupil Number, Phone Number, Gender,
Ethnicity, Grade, Homeroom, Age, and Birth Date.
Class Record – Grid type report layout. Report includes Student Name, Pupil No.,
Gender, and Homeroom. A teacher can enter up to 11 heading prior to generating the
report (i.e.: dates—Aug. 25, 2008, Aug. 26, 2008; tracking—books covered, trip
Progress Report
Progress Report - Great report to provide parents/guardians with a summary of the
student’s academic progress.
Birthday List – Student Name, Pupil No., Gender, Ethnicity, Birth Date, Age, Gender,
and Homeroom.
Medical List – Basic student information and medical information, including life
threatening information.
Mailing Labels – Creating Avery 5160 labels for students attached to teacher.
Missing Assignments Report – Reports missing assignments for a given date range.
Observations - Information generated in the Observation report is pulled from the
Observations entered within Observation tab within the Basic Demographic screen.
Failures Report – Lists all students that have marks/grades below Failure Threshold
within a given date range.
Failing Report Term – Lists all students that have marks/grades below the Failure
Threshold within a given Reporting Term.
Timetable – Student schedules are generated for select class/course.
Mark Lists – Creates report for selected class/course listing each student’s grades/marks
for the selected Reporting Term(s).
Report Card – Generates report card for student selected on the Class List Pane on the
TA Start screen.
Report Cycle/Total Points
Weighting Assessment Types
Project = 30
Tests = 70
Project 1 = 8 / 10
Project 2 = 10 / 50
Test 1 = 5 / 5
Test 2 = 10 / 15
= [ ( 8 / 10 + 10 / 50 ) x 30 ] + [ (5 / 5 + 10 / 15) x 70 ]
= ( 18 / 60 x 30 ) + ( 15 / 20 x 70 )
= (30 x 30 ) + (75 x 70 )
= 9 + 52.5
= 62%
Report Cycle/Weighted percentages
Weighting Assessment Types
= [ ( 8 / 10 + 10 / 50 ) x 30% ] + [ ( 5 / 5 + 10 / 15) x 70 ]
= [ ( 80% + 20% ) x
= ( 50% x
30 ] + [ ( 100% + 66.67% ) x 70 ]
30 ) + ( 83.34% x 70 )
= 15 + 58.34
= 73%
Assessment Type Weighting Examples
Below are screenshots to explain how the TAM gradebook will calculate the marking period grade if
assessment type weighting is set up in a teacher's preferences and a teacher does not used an assessment
type weight for a marking period.
We strongly encourage teachers to use each assessment type if assessment type weighting is set up in a
teacher's preferences, but have found that the gradebook tends to calculate the grade very close to what
would be received manually if an assessment type that has weighting is not used for a marking period.
Above example Tavg percentages correct as all assessment
type weighting used for MP.
Note: Instead of the percentages being based off 100%, the three assessment types used
were based off 55%.
20% + 20% +15% = 55%
20/55 = .3636
20/55 = .3636
15/55 = .2727
T1 (Test Assessment Type) 85/100
85 x .3636 = 30.906
Q1 (Quiz Assessment Type) 15/20
75 x .3636 = 27.27
HW1 (Homework Assessment Type) 14/25
56 x .2727 = 15.2712
= 73.4472 Bernice Smith’s Tavg
TAM Report Examples
The following reports samples are attached:
Class List Report
Class Record Report
Progress Report
Mark Lists Report