Orange County Virtual School How to Request Courses with OCVS Go to and log in with your username and password. If you don’t have an account, click on the Go tab next to New Student and create an account. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click on the link ‘Request New Courses’ (4th tab across the top of the page). Please review all information under Student Information Verification. Physical School: Zoned school must be listed! Verify Grade Level, then click Save and Continue Click on Browse Course Catalog: Under “Education Level” (on the left hand side), check the boxes under High School. 6. Request Courses: Place your cursor on the course and the SELECT tab will appear (click on the tab). Which Segment(s)/Semester(s) do you want to take? For full year courses, you will click on 1 and 2. Course Availability: Select a District Franchise‐Orange County Virtual School Enter start date: Select May 27th –Classes will start June 3rd! Click: Add to Backpack 7. If you have completed all course request, click Continue 8. Click on View My Request Summary to verify you have selected all courses. 9. Log out 10. Parent must create an account and verify online courses (Please have your parent complete these steps) http://vsa.flvs.netisthewebsitetologintoclassesforbothparentsandstudentstologinandcheck theiremailcommunicationfromteachersandstaffdaily. Page1 Log on to the website: If you already have a Guardian Account, enter your Username and Password. If you DO NOT have a guardian account click on ‘Sign up for Parent/Guardian Account (Top right corner) to apply. Have your student’s login information nearby to be entered later in the process. Enter all of your information. Print and save the issued Username and Password that you will receive upon completing the online process, then click on the Login. 11. Scroll down and you will see your student’s course request, click the Verify tab (next to each course). 12. Your School Counselor at your zoned school will then approve the course to complete the registration process. 13. After registration is successfully completed: OCVS will assign students to an OCVS HOPE instructor Teachers will contact students via FLVS email (not your personal account) before the first day of class to invite you to an orientation. Check your account by logging into: http://vsa.flvs.netisthewebsitetologintoclassesforbothparentsandstudentstologinandcheck theiremailcommunicationfromteachersandstaffdaily. Page2
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