PUBLIC How to Manage Batch Numbers All Countries Solutions from SAP SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B August 2008 English SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Contents Purpose.......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Defining General Settings .............................................................................................................................. 4 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Setting Authorizations .................................................................................................................................... 5 Defining Batches from Inventory Receipt Documents ................................................................................... 6 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Unifying Batch Attributes When Batch Exists in Different Warehouses..................................................... 9 Using the Automatic Creation Button ......................................................................................................... 9 Creating Strings for Batches .................................................................................................................... 11 The Batch Details Window ....................................................................................................................... 12 Selecting Batches While Creating Inventory Release Documents .............................................................. 14 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................. 14 Important Notes Regarding the Batch Number Selection Window .......................................................... 16 Updating and Completing Batch Numbers .................................................................................................. 18 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................. 18 Assigning Batches in Marketing and Inventory Documents ........................................................................ 20 Assigning Batches in Sales Orders .......................................................................................................... 20 Assigning Batches in Production Orders.................................................................................................. 22 Assigning Batches in Assembly BOMs .................................................................................................... 23 Assigning Batches in Draft Documents .................................................................................................... 23 Using an Allocated Batch in a New Document......................................................................................... 23 Creating the Batch Numbers Transactions Report ...................................................................................... 24 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................. 24 Batch Number Transactions Report Linked to a Document..................................................................... 26 Printing Batch Numbers ............................................................................................................................... 26 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................. 26 Result ....................................................................................................................................................... 26 Database Tables Reference ........................................................................................................................ 26 Icons and Typographic Conventions............................................................................................................ 27 Copyrights & Trademarks ............................................................................................................................ 28 © SAP AG 2008 2 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers How to Manage Batch Numbers Purpose Management of batch numbers entails tracking groups of items with unique numbers and characteristics that have been combined in a single batch, such as pharmaceutical products. For each batch, you define item quantities, as well as additional properties, such as expiration date, location in warehouse, and so on, that are related to the batch. The work method is as follows: during inventory receipt transactions you create batches for items requiring batch management, and during inventory release transactions you select a certain quantity from the relevant batch. Batch management enables you to update existing batches for an item. You can sweep the batches and add or change batch details. In addition, you can enter batches for received items if you did not do so when generating marketing and stock entry documents. However, this is only possible if your company allows receiving into stock items without a batch number. © SAP AG 2008 3 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Defining General Settings You can define the default batch management method and batch status settings for new batch items. Procedure 1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → System Initialization → General Settings → Inventory tab → Items tab. 2. From the Management Method dropdown list, select one of the following methods for assigning serial numbers and batch-managed numbers to items: { On Every Transaction - Definition of batches for an item is mandatory for every inventory transaction. { On Release Only - Definition of batches for an item is mandatory for inventory release transactions only. It is optional for other transactions. 3. From the Basic Setting for Batch Status dropdown list, choose one of the following options: { Released – This status lets you work fully with the batch. { Locked – This status lets you work with the batch in inventory documents only. These documents include inventory transfers, goods, and production issues. { Not Accessible – This status defines batches in the mid-production process or during the quality check, and, therefore, such batches cannot be released in sales documents or in an A/P credit memo. However, they can be released in inventory documents, such as inventory transfers, in a similar way to a locked batch. This status is used mainly in reports, to distinguish between locked batches and not accessible ones. NOTE The status you choose appears as the default in the Item Master Data window when you create new batches. 4. To save your changes, click the Update button. © SAP AG 2008 4 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers 5. You must define each item you want managed by batches. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory → Item Master Data → General tab. 6. Choose an existing item or create a new one. NOTE Items managed by serial and batch numbers must be inventory items (they cannot be only sales items or purchase items). Therefore, those items cannot be defined as phantom items. 7. To manage this item by batch numbers, from the Manage Item by dropdown list, choose Batches. 8. The Management Method field is displayed only if the option to manage the item by serial numbers or batches was selected in the previous field. The default for new items is set according to the definition in the System Initialization window, as explained earlier. From the Management Method dropdown list, choose one of the following options: { On Every Transaction – Batch numbers must be selected for an item for every inventory transaction. { On Release Only – Batch numbers must be selected for an item for inventory release transactions only. Setting Authorizations For information on authorizations required for batch numbers, see the document How to Define Authorizations in Releases 2007 A and 2007 B, which you can download from the documentation area of SAP Business One Customer Portal ( © SAP AG 2008 5 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Defining Batches from Inventory Receipt Documents When you have items for which you have defined batch management in the Batches - Setup window, you can define batches for them when you create inventory receipt documents. Inventory receipt documents include goods receipt POs, A/P invoices, goods receipts, and receipts from production with a positive initial quantity and a positive inventory posting. Procedure 1. The Batches - Setup window lets you automatically specify or update numerous batch numbers for an item. Open the window using the appropriate method from those listed below. { If the management method for the item is set to On Every Transaction, this window opens automatically when you add the document. { If the management method for the item is set to On Release Only, you need to use one of the following methods to open the Batches - Setup window: Before adding the document, in the Quantity field, use the key combination CTRL+TAB. Before adding the document, right-click in the Quantity field and choose Select Batch/Serial Numbers. From the Goto menu, choose Select Batch/Serial Numbers. NOTE When you add a goods return document or an A/P credit memo, the Batch Number Selection window opens automatically, enabling you to choose from the available batches. This window opens also when you add a document that creates an inventory release transaction (A/R invoice, delivery) that includes a negative quantity of the batch-managed item. In such a case, you can choose the Create button to open the Batches – Setup window. © SAP AG 2008 6 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers 2. From the Rows from Documents table, choose a row for which to define batches. This table displays all the document rows that include items with batch management. The values in this table are informative only and cannot be changed. The row you chose in the document is selected by default. To define batches for a different row, you need to highlight it. The table contains the following data: Field Description Doc. No. The document number in SAP Business One Item Number The number of the item Item Description The description of the item as defined in the Item Master Data window Whse Code The code of the warehouse in which the item was received, as selected in the document Total Needed The number of items from the document row for which to define batches Total Created The number of items from the document row for which batches have already been created 3. In the Created Batches table, you can specify batch details manually using an EAN code, if available. Alternatively, perform automatic creation for the entire quantity by choosing the Automatic Creation button. For more information, see Using the Automatic Creation Button. © SAP AG 2008 7 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Specify the following data: Field Description/Activity Batch Set a string for each batch created for the item. The batch number is a unique number in SAP Business One and two identical batches with the same number are not allowed in the same warehouse. This field is mandatory. Specify the quantity of items defined for a specific batch. Qty This field is mandatory. Batch Attribute 1 Specify an additional string for the batch, if required. Batch Attribute 2 Specify one more additional string for the batch, if required. Expiration Date, Mfr Date Specify the required dates. Admission Date Specify the required date. The posting date of the document is automatically displayed in this field. Location, Details Specify the necessary details. NOTE Use (Form Settings) in the top toolbar to separately display additional fields for each table. 4. To save your changes, choose the Update button. NOTE You can leave the non mandatory fields blank and update them later. It is possible to update the Batch column and the Quantity column manually. Providing the batch quantity is not divided equally, it is possible to define a non-integer value for the batch quantity. If the On Every Transaction checkbox is selected for the item, the total quantity of the document must fully divide among the batches. You cannot add the document if there is an open quantity left to define. If the batch in the first row does not contain the entire quantity from the document row, you can define a new batch in the next row. © SAP AG 2008 8 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Unifying Batch Attributes When Batch Exists in Different Warehouses When you add a new batch that already exists in the same or in another warehouse, the following message appears: When you select Yes, the attributes of the newly entered batch, except for the Location attribute, are overwritten by the attributes of the existing batch, including user-defined fields. If the existing batch has no attributes at all, batches created afterwards will have no attributes either. CAUTION Even if you specify new attributes after selecting OK, these attributes are replaced by the attributes of the existing batch. Using the Automatic Creation Button Use the Automatic Batch Creation window to create automatic batch numbers. Procedure 1. Open the Batches – Setup window. 2. To automatically create batch numbers for the entire quantity, choose the Automatic Creation button. The Automatic Batch Creation window opens: © SAP AG 2008 9 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers 3. Specify the following data: Field Description/Activity Quantity Specify the quantity of the selected document row. No. of Batches Set the number of batches to be defined for the selected document row. The quantity of items is divided equally among the number of batches. If there is any remainder, it is added to the last row and a message to that effect is displayed at the bottom of the window. NOTE The division among the batches is dependent on the value you specify for the Quantities Decimal Places field in the General Settings window. You can define automatic numbering by creating a string. Batch It is possible to create a string that includes several parts, with each row in the table representing a specific part of the string. Batch Attribute 1, Batch Attribute 2 Comments EXAMPLE When a quantity of 100 items from the document is divided among 4 batches, each batch includes 25 items. The default value is one batch for the entire quantity from the document row. If you divide the same quantity among 3 batches, the first two batches include 33.33 items, and the third includes 33.34 (if you set Quantities Decimal Places to 2). button to open the Click the Create String for Batches window. For information, see the section Creating Strings for Batches. Specify another string for the batch created automatically by SAP Business One, in the same way as creating a batch number. These fields are not mandatory. Admission Date Specify the required date. The document creation date is automatically displayed in this field. This value can be changed manually. Manufacturing Date, Expiration Date Specify dates, if required. Location, Details Specify the necessary details. Location is a free text field and does not relate to the Location field in the Warehouses – Setup window. 4. To record details for each batch in the Created Batches table, choose the Create button. EXAMPLE If the quantity of items taken from the document is 100, and the number of batches to define is 5, then 5 rows are created in the table, with each row/batch holding a quantity of 20 items. Updating the table data is possible at this stage. Double-clicking a row number in the Created Batches table opens the Row Details – Batches – Setup window, where you can update data for a certain batch. © SAP AG 2008 10 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Creating Strings for Batches Use the Create String for Batches window to define a string for the batches of an item. Procedure 1. Open the Batches – Setup window. 2. Choose the Automatic Creation button. The Automatic Batches Creation window opens. 3. In the Batch, Batch Attribute 1, or Batch Attribute 2 field, choose the button. The Create String for Batches window opens: 4. Specify or view the following data: Field Description/Activity Comments String Specify a fixed string that characterizes the batch number. Type Set the string type to String or Number. Operation If you selected Number in the previous field, you can define one of the following operations to be performed on the number: No Oper., Increase, or Decrease. When the string is of type String, this field is not active. The operation is performed automatically while the number is being created. Final String Displays the format of the string 5. To save your string, click the OK button. EXAMPLE You create 10 successive batch numbers from AXA101 to AXA110. Define the batch numbers in the following way: © SAP AG 2008 String Type Operation AXA String Not Available 101 Number Increasing 11 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers The Batch Details Window Use this window to specify or update batch details for the item. Procedure 1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory → Inventory Management → Batches → Batch Details. The Batch Details window opens displaying the details of a certain batch. You can open this window by clicking the link arrow module. next to a specific batch in every window in this You can also add data at any time through the Batch Number Transactions Report. This window includes identical fields to those displayed in the Automatic Batch Creation window, except for the Quantities button, which lets you confirm the available quantities. 2. Choose the Quantities button. The Batch Quantities window opens: © SAP AG 2008 12 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Use this window to view the batch quantities in different warehouses. The table contains the following data: Field Description Whse Code The code of the warehouse in which items were received, according to the warehouse selected in the document. Existing Qty The quantity of the selected batch available in this warehouse. Allocated Qty The quantity of the selected batch items committed to customers in sales orders or A/R reserve invoices. Available Qty The Existing Qty value minus the Allocated Qty value. © SAP AG 2008 13 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Selecting Batches While Creating Inventory Release Documents You can select batches for items while generating a document that performs an inventory release transaction. Inventory release transaction documents include sales orders, deliveries, A/R credit memos, A/R invoices, A/R invoices + payment, A/R reserve invoices, returns, goods returns, A/P credit memos, goods issues, inventory transfers, and issues for production with a negative initial quantity and a negative inventory posting. In addition, you have to select batches in inventory receipt documents that include a negative quantity of items with batch management. These documents include goods receipt POs and A/P invoices. Procedure 1. Add an inventory release transaction document (excluding sales orders and A/R reserve invoices). The Batch Number Selection window opens automatically. Alternatively, you can choose one of the following methods: { In the Quantity field of the document, press CTRL+TAB. { Right-click the Quantity field in the document and choose Batch/Serial Numbers. { From the Goto menu, choose Batch/Serial Numbers. 2. From the Rows from Documents table, choose a row for which to define batches. This table displays all the document rows that include items with batch management. The values in this table are informative only and cannot be changed. The row you chose in the document is selected by default. To select batch numbers for another row, you need to highlight it. © SAP AG 2008 14 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers The table displays the following data: Field Description Item No. The number of the item Item Description The description of the item, as defined in the Item Master Data window Whse Code The code of the warehouse from which the items are released, according to the warehouse selected in the document Quantity The total quantity required for selecting batch numbers from the document Total Needed The difference between the Quantity value and the Total Selected value Total Selected The total number of items in the bottom table selected up to this point Total Batches Displays the total amount of selected batches for the item Direction Displays the transaction type: In for inbound or Out for outbound This field is updated whenever a batch number is moved to the Selected Batches table. 3. In the Available Batches table, select a relevant batch for this inventory release document. This table displays all the batches for items with a positive quantity available in the warehouse taken from the document, as well as batches with positive quantities in customer orders. Specify or view the following data: Field Description Find Specify the batch number to choose that batch from the list. Use Find when you have a long list of batch numbers. Batch Displays the list of batch numbers Use the selection options to choose the required batch numbers from the on the left hand side to display the Batch Details list. Choose the arrow window. Available Qty The quantity available in warehouse of the batch taken from the document, excluding locked or not accessible batches in the relevant documents Selected Qty Displays the number of units that you want to select Allocated Qty The quantity in warehouse of the batch allocated to another document (sales order, A/R reserve invoice) The following are the methods for choosing quantities from batches: { Manual select: i. Sort one of the columns you want to use for finding the required criteria. The default sort is by the Batch column. ii. Enter the value (manually or by an EAN code reader) in the Find field and press the TAB key to select the required item. iii. Specify the required release quantity from the selected batch in the Selected Qty column. It is possible to mark the required row and select additional rows by clicking CTRL or SHIFT at the row number. iv. to move the Following the selection of the required rows, click the arrow button batches to the Selected Batches table on the right, which displays the batches selected up to this point. © SAP AG 2008 15 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers NOTE The reverse arrow moves the batches from the Selected Batches table to the Available Batches table. { Auto select: Click the Auto Select button to automatically move rows from the beginning of the Available Batches table, according to the quantity specified in the Total Needed field in the document row, to the Selected Batches table. SAP Business one always selects from the oldest batch first. 4. To save the batch numbers, click the Update button. The document maintains a link to its batches and updates the inventory release transactions of the selected batches. 5. To save your changes, choose the OK button. NOTE If the warehouse in the document is changed subsequent to the choice of batches, the application issues an alert that upon continuing this operation the selected batches will reset. Important Notes Regarding the Batch Number Selection Window General Notes • Clicking the link arrow • More fields can be displayed separately in each table using the Form Settings icon • If not all the required batches are selected, the Batch Number Selection window opens again while you are adding the document. • You can add and update batches in the Batch Number Selection window, as long as the document has not been added to the system and no inventory transaction was posted. • Copying Documents – If batches are selected within a base document that performed an inventory transaction, for example, a delivery, and this document was copied to a target document, for example, an A/R invoice, it will not be possible to view the batch data in the target document unless the target document is one of the following: return, A/R credit memo, goods return, or A/P credit memo. • In the Batch Number Selection window it is possible to choose the Batch Numbers Completion option from the Goto menu. The Batch Management – Selection Criteria window opens in the Complete mode for that specific item. For more information, see Updating and Completing Batch Numbers. © SAP AG 2008 to the left of the batch opens the Batch Details window described earlier. on the toolbar. 16 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Sending Back Items Managed by Batch Numbers • The batches assigned to the specific customer who sends back goods are displayed by default in the Batch Number Selection window that opens from one of the following documents: return, delivery with a negative quantity, A/R invoice with a negative quantity, and A/R credit memo. The Selected Batches table displays the batches assigned to the base document in a return document based on a delivery and an A/R credit memo based on an A/R invoice. Returns and A/R credit memos not based on a specific document display the batch numbers assigned to a specific customer. The Display Delivered Batches field is displayed. You can choose to display batch numbers From Base Document or Related to Current BP, or you can choose All to display all the batch numbers in SAP Business One. • Batches sent back to this specific vendor are displayed by default in the Batch Number Selection window that opens from one of the following document types: goods return or A/P credit memo. A goods return based on a goods receipt PO and an A/P credit memo based on an A/P invoice display the batches assigned to the base document in the Selected Batches table. Goods returns and A/P credit memos not based on a specific document display the batches assigned to a specific customer. The Display Delivered Batches field is displayed. You can choose to display batch numbers From Base Document or Related to Current BP, or you can choose All to display all the batch numbers in SAP Business One. © SAP AG 2008 17 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Updating and Completing Batch Numbers The Batch Management – Update/Complete window lets you define or update batch managed items. Procedure 1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory → Item Management → Batches → Batch Management. The Batch Management – Selection Criteria window opens: 2. Choose one of the modes displayed in the Operation dropdown list: { Update – Used to update the batch data subsequent to its definition in documents. { Complete - Used to define batches for batch management items that were posted in inventory without batch numbers. This can happen if, in the Item Master Data window, the On Release Only option is selected in the Management Method field. 3. Set the selection criteria for the items to be displayed: { Selection criteria for items – By Item No., Group, and Properties { Selection criteria for documents – Select the required documents on the Purchasing - A/P, Sales – A/R, and Inventory Posting tabs. { Date range – By posting dates of documents NOTE Choosing the Default Settings button resets all the defined selection criteria in this window. © SAP AG 2008 18 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers 4. Choose the OK button. The Batch Management – Update/Complete window opens for all batch numbers in stock. This window is similar to the Batches - Setup window that opens when you are generating an inventory receipt document, as described earlier. In this window, the difference between the two modes is as follows: { Complete - You can define item batches automatically, by clicking the Automatic Creation button, or manually. { Update - You can update the existing batches automatically, by clicking the Global Update button, or manually. © SAP AG 2008 19 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers 5. To update your batches, choose the Global Update button. The Automatic Batch Update window opens. You can update globally one or several fields simultaneously for the row selected in the Batch Management – Update window. 6. To save your changes, choose the Update button. Assigning Batches in Marketing and Inventory Documents You can assign batches in various documents in SAP Business one. Assigning Batches in Sales Orders You can choose batches from within the Batch Number Selection window when generating a sales order. The window does not open automatically when you add the document. Assigned batches for a sales order appear as Allocated in the Available Batches table. NOTE Allocation of batches with Locked or Not Accessible status is possible in sales orders. Prerequisites You have created a sales order that includes items with assigned batches. Procedure 1. Open the relevant sales order. 2. Update the item’s quantity in the sales order: { To increase the original quantity, open the Batch Number Selection window and specify the difference between the original quantity and the new one. Alternatively you can open a new row in the document for an identical item, with the required quantity, and select batches in the regular way. { To decrease the original quantity, open the Batch Number Selection window and return the undue quantity. Failure to do so causes the following message to be displayed in the status bar while you are adding the document: 'The selected quantity of batch/serial numbers is greater than the open quantity’. © SAP AG 2008 20 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers 3. When you copy a sales order to a target document, and then add the target document, the Batch Number Selection window opens, even if you assigned batches to the sales order. The allocation of batches is preserved, but you still need to confirm this selection. NOTE Closing or canceling a sales order automatically cancels the batch allocation. There is a special identification for allocated items in Batch reports. In the Direction column, the value Allocated is displayed. There is no special identification for allocated items in Inventory reports. © SAP AG 2008 21 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Assigning Batches in Production Orders Prerequisites • You have created at least one production BOM that includes items managed by batches. • You have created at least one production order that includes items managed by batches. NOTE In the Production Order window, the Issue Method value cannot be Backflush for batch number items. Procedure 1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Production → Receipt from Production. 2. Select the relevant production order. The Batches – Setup window automatically opens for the parent item in the Receipt from Production stage. 3. Create batch numbers for the parent item. 4. To define batches for child items, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Production → Issue for Production. 5. Select a production order. The Select Items to Copy window opens. This window includes all the child items that should be batch managed. 6. Select a single row or select several rows by using the CTRL or the SHIFT key and choose the OK button. 7. In the Quantity field, press CTRL+TAB. The Batch Number Selection window opens. 8. Select batches and choose the Update button to save your changes. NOTE A similar process takes place for a disassembly bill of materials. You select the relevant numbers in the Issue for Production stage (parent quantity), and then record the relevant batch numbers in the Receipt from Production stage (the child items’ quantity). © SAP AG 2008 22 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Assigning Batches in Assembly BOMs Procedure If there are child items with batch numbers management in an assembly bill of materials, proceed as follows: 1. In the sales document, press CTRL+TAB in the Quantity field of the parent item or use another way to access the Batch Number Selection window. The Choose S/N and Batches – "XXX" (assembly BOM name) window opens. This window displays the assembly bill of materials with its batch number-managed child items. 2. Click the link arrow to the left of the Quantity field to open the Batch Number Selection window, displaying the available batch numbers to choose for the same child item. NOTE A similar process takes place for a disassembly bill of materials (negative parent quantity), but the Unavailable batch numbers are displayed. 3. Select batches and choose the Update button to save your changes. NOTE If the same document contains additional items with batch numbers management, excluding an assembly bill of materials, those items are displayed separately from the BOM in the Batch Number Selection window. Assigning Batches in Draft Documents If a document is saved as a draft, and batch numbers are created or selected in that document, those numbers are saved in the database, as well. The numbers have no influence on the status of batches (Released, Not Accessible and Locked). • You can save a draft document without creating or selecting batch numbers. • Saving batches in a draft does not create allocations for the assigned numbers and does not change their status. In other words, if such numbers are saved in a draft document, SAP Business One ignores that saved information in all other aspects of the system. • When you create a regular document from a draft, SAP Business One checks if there are any saved batches for the item that exist in the system. If such numbers are found, the application does not add the document and displays an error message. You need to reassign batch numbers for the relevant items in the document. • After you create a regular document from a draft with batch numbers, the saved numbers are removed from the draft, as if the draft was saved without batch numbers. If you assign new batch numbers to a closed draft document, those numbers are saved with that draft until a regular document is created from the closed draft. Using an Allocated Batch in a New Document An allocation can be removed only from the original allocating document. If you attempt to select batches that are allocated elsewhere an error message is displayed. Procedure 1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory → Item Management → Batches → Batch Details. The Batch Details window opens. 2. Choose the relevant item. © SAP AG 2008 23 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers 3. Right-click the Batch Details window and choose Batch Number Transactions Report. The Batch Number Transactions Report window opens. 4. In the Transactions for Batch table, choose the row containing the allocated item by clicking the link arrow to the left of the item in the Document column. NOTE The value in the Direction column must be ‘Allocated’. The original allocating document opens. 5. Open the Batch Number Selection window. Choose one of the following methods: { In the Quantity field of the document, press CTRL+TAB. { Right-click the Quantity field in the document and choose Batch/Serial Numbers. { From the Goto menu, choose Batch/Serial Numbers. 6. Remove the batch from the Selected Batches table. 7. Open the new document, insert the item, and open the Batch Number Selection window to select the previously allocated batch. Creating the Batch Numbers Transactions Report This report displays different batch number transactions for the selected item number. Procedure 1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory → Inventory Reports → Batch Numbers Transactions Report. The Batch Numbers Transactions Report – Selection Criteria window opens. 2. Set the following selection criteria for the transactions to be displayed in the report: { Item Number, Group, and Properties – Let you select transactions by item. { Dates tab – Set a range of dates based on posting dates, release dates, expiration dates, and production dates. © SAP AG 2008 24 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers { Numberings tab – Set selection criteria by Batch, Batch Attribute 1 and Batch Attribute 2. Batch status (Released, Locked, or Not Accessible) can also be set as selection criteria. { Warehouse tab – Set selection criteria by warehouse and the location of the batch. { BP tab - Set selection criteria by the business partners involved with the batch number transactions listed in the report. { Documents tab – Define from which documents to display the batch transactions, and whether to include closed or canceled documents. NOTE The Default Settings button resets all the defined selection criteria. 3. Choose the OK button. The Batch Number Transactions Report window opens: 4. Each row in the Batches table represents a batch in a warehouse. Highlight a row to display, in the Transactions for Batch table, all the receipt and release transactions of that batch, in accordance with the defined selection criteria. NOTE It is possible to view transaction details, such as transaction origin, document number, and posting date. The Transactions for Batches table provides rows for sales orders and A/R reserve invoices in which batches were selected. The quantity from these documents is displayed in the Allocated column. Selecting the Display Batches with Zero Qty checkbox displays batches with zero available quantity. © SAP AG 2008 25 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Batch Number Transactions Report Linked to a Document After generating inventory receipt and inventory release documents, you can display the Batch Number Transactions report linked to the document by opening the required document and choosing Batch Number Transactions Report from the Goto menu. Alternatively, right-click the window and select Batch Number Transactions Report. You can update some of the data through this window by clicking the link arrow number. to the left of the batch NOTE Selecting the Display All Transactions for Selected Batches checkbox displays all of the batch history, including transactions that do not match the selection criteria set for the report. Printing Batch Numbers SAP Business One lets you print batch numbers as an integral part of the document details or as a separate page. You can set default print templates for the marketing documents that relate to batch numbers. In those documents, you can print batch numbers as an integral part of the document details. Procedure 1. Open any marketing document that relates to a batch number. 2. From the Tools menu, choose Print Layout Designer, or click in the toolbar. 3. Choose the Invoice Including Batch/SN (System) printing template. 4. Print the document. Result The information about the associated batch numbers is printed in a table displaying the following columns: Field Description Batch The batch number Whse The warehouse code Qty Quantity from batch Expir. Date Expiration date Details Necessary details as mentioned NOTE You can edit the default templates or create new ones by using Print Layout Designer (PLD). For more information about the PLD, see the How to Customize Printing Templates with the Print Layout Designer document, which you can download from the documentation area of SAP Business One Customer Portal ( Database Tables Reference For more information on the tables (fields and content) see Database Tables Reference Online Help (available to all partners/customers at © SAP AG 2008 26 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Icons and Typographic Conventions Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Description Example text Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, buttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. EXAMPLE TEXT Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Example text Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. EXAMPLE TEXT Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Example text Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. <Example text> Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. © SAP AG 2008 27 SAP Business One 2007 A and 2007 B How to Manage Batch Numbers Copyrights & Trademarks © Copyright 2008 SAP AG. All rights reserved. The current version of the copyrights and trademarks at is valid for this document. © SAP AG 2008 28
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