INTRODUCTION This48 pagethemoticbookoboutsofetyfirst contoinso colfection of skill-bosed octivitiesor ideosfor child?enagesI lo.6 years..The ideosondsuggestions are bosedon the philosophy o devefoping the wholechild throughploy,explorotionond-voriedexperiences.Theseoctivities enhance the child'sobility t.o developcommunicotion, motor/physiiol,cognitive,sociol/emotion, odoptive/self-help skills. The teachershould.opprooch gnd implement the octivitiesin o woyt tokesinto considerotion eochchild'sindividuol needsondobilities. Sony of the octivities hovebezl organizedto meetthe crit eriaof the interest oreos(center: found in most eorlychildhoodcfossrboms. They include: . ' ' ' Art ondCrofts Housekeeping OutdoorPloy BlocksondBuifding ' ' ' . Librory/Writing Moth ondMonipufotives MusicondMovement TobleToys ' DromoticPloy ' Sondond Woter ' ComputerCenter ' Cooking ondNutrition pre-literocyond literocyskilfsshoufdbe opporentin everycenterin 9PPottrnitiesto develop clossroom.Usingthe octivitiesin this bo9k,chifdrenconexplorethd,bosicconcepisof cofor, number,qucntityondpositionthot noturollyoccurin o stimuloting,earlychildhooilenvironmen is essentioffor eorlychildhoodeducotorsto build eachchild'svoZobulory everydoy. ft is one bosiccomPonents neededby childrenin order for them to becomesuccessfulieorriersond lite odufts.fn olmostevery.octivitythroughoutthe doy,therewilf be on occosion to incorporote informotionrelatedto bosicvocobuloryconcepts. With this book,onewill discoveroctivitiesc gomeswhichwilfolfowthe chifdrento expfo?enewvocobulory ondideosondbuildtheir knowle concepts. HOWTO UsE THrs BOOK This resourcebookincfudeson or.royof ideos,octivitiesond reproduciblepogesthot you ondr early.childhoodeducotorsconutilize to develop stimulotingoctivitiesorouhd-ogiventheme. T grophics,clip ort, ggn?ideqsondothe? rep?oducible pageithroughoutthe booka?e meantto cgpiedfor individuof clossroom use. Youmoyodoptor modify the ideosor instructionsto bes' the developmentql levelof the childrenyouserve. As o time sover,protect your work by lomit the.produgtsor .plocing.the pagesin pfosticpogeprotectors.The foflowing'descr -reproducible eochsectionondsomehelpfdtips ond hinti regordinghowto implementthe ideasinto-your curricuf um: Everythinq You Need to KnowAbout... This slctionTncludes o numberof interestinsfocts or pointsoboutsofety in oeneral.ft olso includeso list of websitesthot moybe used-oso resourcefor odditionolinfoimotionon the to Dictotion snd/or Crestive Writino Paoe Usethis pogefor childrento write their ow-nwor-dsor stories. Mokeseveralcopiesond plocethem in your writing centerwith oppropriote writingtools. Clip Art Thereore monyusesfor.these.cute,.simple themoticilfustrotions.Eochgrophicconbe enlarg reducedto meetyour individuof needs.Youconusethe clip ort illustroti5ns'inthe followingfr fn newslettersondnotes On rebusstoriesor letters Tn experientiolchorts or books As port of your routinechort Teacher'sFriend Publications.Inc. @ fn rebus recipechorts On songchorts fn eoch centeror oreo On chorts ond bufletin boords fn thqnkyou notes On homemode gomes With your colendqr On rewards/certificote TF4l10 SafetyFirst Book Awords ond Certificotes Usethese cute,themoticcertificotesto rewordchildreno? thonkvolunteers. Youconusethe owordsto: ishments Recognize occompl Recogniz e goodsportsmonship Acknowledge octs of kindness Proise good deeds Support teomwork Supportpositivebehovior fdentify strengths Thonkvolunteers goodchoices Acknowledge ThemoticLiteroture List This list of children'sliteroturewith the themeof sofety includesbooksto reodto the closs, ture books,ondbooksfor beginningreaders.A list of vocobulory wordspertinentto the ther sofety f irst is ofsoincluded.Hereore a few tips f or readingbooksoloud: 'Select good,wellwritten ondillustrotedbooks ' Position yourselfso thot eochchild canseethe book 'Reviewsomeof the wordsin the bookbeforeyou reod it 'Changethe intonotionof yourvoiceto dromatizethe story ' Reodleovingwordsout to elicit responses from children ' Pointout beginning consonont sounds(phoneme) ondconnect it with the letter (symbol) ' Comment on wordsthot rhyme ' Pointout the title, outhorondillustrotor ' Pointto wordsfrom left to right ondtop to bottom,etc. ' Keepthe childrenon trock - fisteningto the story ' Ask lfwhrrquestions - "whot,where,why,when" ' Expondon the conceptsin the bookin other centers ' Repeotreodingsof the somestory Songs. Poemsqnd Finqerploys pieceof on esrly lnesestmPle ohdftngerploys ore areon essenttol earlychtlclhood simpletr tl 5ong3ond Songs an-essintidl childhoodcurnculum. curriculum.These f ingerploys Ptece jingfesore set to fomiliorchildren's songs.Short poemsondf ingerploys ore olsoincludedin t (Copies section.Theyhelpchildrento leornqboutthe rhythmondrhymeof our longuage. of 1 songsondpoemsconbe sharedwith porentsondusedof home.)The songsconbe written on posterboordso thot children,fomiliesondvolunteers confoflowofong.Cliport picturesconb haaeain ploceof wordsto createo rebussongchort. Develop o song-bosket fifled with copie: eochsong. (Songcordsconbe modeby copyingeochsongto o largeindexcord. Glueo clip or pictureto the bqckof eochcordondlominotefor durobility.Plocethe songcordsin o lorgeb for childrento eosilyselecto songthey wishto sing.) Activities ond 6omes Theseskill-bosed octivitiesondgomesconbe usedwith the entire closs,smollgroupsof child by individuolchildren. The octivities hovebeenorganizedos they relate to interest centers typicollyfoundin the earlychildhoodclossroom.Usethe ideosondoctivitiesin eochsection1 ondconcepts: focifitote the followingskilfdevelopment exploringemotions dress-up& mokebelieve usingcreotivity octingout lif e experiences pretendploy& role ploy Teacher'sFriend Publications.Inc. @ procticing vocobu lory development skills shoring& turn-toking usingimoginotion imitotion sociolskilldevelopment resolving conflicts self-helpskills longuage receptive& expressive development TF41l0 SafetyFirst Book & Field Trips exercise sociolskilfs trying newthings explorotion foflowingdirections foir pfoy& sportsmonship gross-motor skilfs teomwork buildingconcepts (Science) usingmoth& sciencetools directions following time & spoce sociqlskills cognitiveskill devef opment f indingsd predictions languoge skills mothconcepts& properties living& non-living things -p visuof erceptuofskiIfs position,guofity & quontity gotheringinformotion meosurement relotionsh ips recordinginformotion turn-toking experimentotion & expforotion feorningpropertiesof substonces learningoboutyour surroundings number,letter, shoperecognition ondmotching gross-motordevelopment directions following movementof body ports language skills singing& vocofexpression rhyme& rhythm explorotion of emotions individuolexpression literocyskills useof writingtools sound-symbol relotionships expforingbooks creativewriting self-expression concept& vocobulory devefopment lookingot, listeningto ondporticipoting in stories beot mothskifls pre-literocyskilfs imitotion retellingstories folfowingdirections ottentionspon Potterns ond Crofts This sectionincludesseveralpotternsor croft ideasto utilize in your ort center. Onemusto cons.ider th.ot,forthe youngortist old.creotor,the"process"is muchmoreimportontthon th prodgct. The.young ortist d-evelops skifls in severoldlvelopmentdomoins.Use'theideosond octivitiesin this sectionto focilitotethe foflowingskill development ondconcepts: creotivity expforotion& experimentotion feorningpropertiesof substonces buifdingself-esteem buildingfine motorskills foflowingdirections pre-literocyskills unigueproducts usingdrowing,writingondcuttingtools f indingnewwoysto usemoteriols monipulotion of voriousmoteriofs Bulletin Boord fdeos Severofsuggestions ore includedfor creotinginterestingond informotivebulletinboordsbose the themeof sofety ondconbe usedin o voiiety of woy! in the clossroom. Here oreo f ew ti Keepthem neotondprofessionol looking Disploychildren'suniguecreotions Disployphotosof kidsot ploy& work Chongethe boqrds periodicofly Disploymogozine picturesof "reof"things Useneotondconciseletters & writing Keepthem current to theme or octivitiesof the progrom Disployot the oppropriateheightfor children's viewing Disployhigherfor fomifymembersondvolunteers Teacher'sFriend Publications.Inc. @ TF4l10 SafetyFirst Book My BookAbout... Mcikecopiesof the pagesin this sectionto creote an interestingbookobout keepingsafe neor street for your youngleorners.Simplyduplicotethe pages,cut ondossembfe themby number the.pages together with stoples brods. or Lominote the bock ond front for durobility. 4.ttoSh Childrenwill enjoylisteningto the story ondcoloringthe pages.Olderchifdrenmoyhovethe to color,cgt, assemble ond reodthe story f or themselves.Floving childrenmoketheir ownbo helpsdeveloppre-emergentreadingskilfs in eorly leorners. Goodiesto Moke ond Eot! The recipesfound in this sectionare devotedto cookingondnutrition. Clayor doughrecipes, you moyusein your ort or sensoryareo,ore olsoincluded.The recipesconbe copiedonto pos boord,largesheetsof poper,or recipe-sized cordsso thot children,fomiliesond.volunte?Fs cr folfowolong. Youmcywontto odd clip ort picturesin ploceof wordsto createrebus recipec Usethe recipesin this sectionto focilitote thesedevalopmentol skills: directions following cooperoting with others counting& meosurement concepts sensoryexplorotionof foods pre-literocyond literocyskills performingoctivitiesin seguentiol order monnersondtokingturns useof simplekitchenutensils observotionof food in diff erent forms procticingdiff erent food preporotions At HomeWith... Thissectionis meontto providefomilieswith ideosondoctivitiesto do of homewith their ch Theseoctivitieswilf helpto encouroge communicotion belweenfomilymemberondchild,os we supportthe skill development of the chifd.The octivitiesshouldbe optionolfor thosefomifies wishto ond hovethe time to porticipote.Educotorsmoywishto incorporotethe ideosinto tht newsfetters or simplyottochthe "At HomeWith....."sheetto their notes. Porent/Fomilyfnvolvement Throughouteachthemebook,educotorswilf note ihe voriousopportunitiesto encouroge paret Communicotion betweenporentsondthe progromis onekey to incFeosing fomily involvement. invofvement.Onemechonism to increasecommunicotion with porentsis throughnotesor news letters. Tips for Notes ond Newsletters - odd cliport Mokethemvisuollyoppeoling Write blocksof informotion Be specific whenref erringto o doy or time Typewrittenor printed Write obout eochcenter,octivity,or type of news Mokeit neot- professionol Add o responsesheetfor porents Prooffor typing errors - porentvolunteersfor of leostoneoctivity Reguestossistonce Keepthem eosyto reod- vocobulary/avoid lengthysections Avoidusinglost nomeson generolnewsletterswithoutpermission Add guestions for porenfsto osktheir childrento encou?age conversotion Note: All of the patternsond illustrotionsin this bookconbe enlargedto better suit the needsof y learners. Teacher'sFriend Publications.Inc. @ 6 TF4110 SafetyFirst Book
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