Document 232441

From The Shepherd’s Heart:
What a day today promises to be. Our entire service will be led
by our youth and children.
Jared Sparks is preaching this morning.
The Praise Team consist of Hayden Heathcoat on the piano, Chloe Grisham of the
guitar and the piano, Blake Liles on the kahone, Eli Walton on the bass and guitar.
Singers include: Bayli Doerflinger, Brendan Heathcoat, Josie Grisham, Makayla
Miller, Ali Parker and Emmallee Parker.
Ushers will be Luke Brannon, Nicholas Brannon, Cameron Doerflinger, Noah Parker,
Sean Starkey, Seth Starkey and Noah Walton.
Greeters will be Hannah Barrett, Brooke Walton, and Talley Parker.
Save the dates of April 18-20 (Friday night through Sunday night) for our
Spring Crusade
Bro. Edgar Griggs will be leading our music next Sunday and the “Young at
Heart” will be singing. Bro. Randall Newland will be leading Feb. 16. Bro. Josh
Clayton on Wednesday nights.
Men and Women’s Fellowships will be meeting on Wednesday night,
February 12.
All men including the RAs and Challengers will meet
from 6:30-7:45
All women including the GA and Acteens will meet
from 6:30-7:45.
We will begin with a meal at 6:00 that night. The meal is free.
Valentine Banquet on Sunday, February 16—
5:00 Billy Cagle, former pastor of Center Star First Baptist
Church, will be our speaker. The proceeds from the banquet will
help those going to Africa. The cost: donations only.
• Continue to pray for the Personnel Team as they seek
God’s will concerning a Minister of Music.
Continue to pray for the Deacons in the seeking God’s will in the nominees for
The Ladies’ Ministry will be doing “Breaking Free” by Beth Moore
beginning Tuesday, February 4. Beth has redone this study from her
previous work and it is powerful. There is a sign-up sheet on the Resource Table. There will be two groups (as attendance permits) so
indicate if you want the morning group, evening group or either.
Breaking Free: The Journey, The Stories - by Beth Moore leads
you through a study of the Scriptures to discover the transforming power of freedom in
Jesus Christ. Themes for this study come from Isaiah, a book about the captivity of
God's children, the faithfulness of God, and the road to freedom.
This in-depth women's Bible study draws parallels between the captive Israelites of the
Old Testament and New Testament believers in Jesus as the Promised Messiah. Beth
looks at the Book of Isaiah through the lives of the kings who ruled during the prophet's
ministry. These kings exemplify many of the obstacles to freedom with which we must
deal. Using Scripture to help identify spiritual strongholds in your life, no matter how
big or small, Beth explains that anything that hinders us from the benefits of knowing
God is bondage.
This week
@ crossroads
Library Open
Life Classes
Library Open
Youth Service
12:00-Prayer Meeting
6:30-Worship & Bible Study, Acteens,
Challengers, RA’s, GA’s, Mission
Your name (optional) _______________________________
Join Beth Moore on a Bible journey unlike any other. God intends for you to know and
believe Him, glorify Him, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence. Breaking Free
is Beth's life message that she wants to share with you. Taped live at Franklin Avenue
Baptist Church in New Orleans, this study includes testimonies of how women like you
have found freedom and have been delivered from personal captivity.
This is a ten-week study.
Also, a Co-ed class will begin on Sunday, February 9th at 5:00 pm.
GA Valentines Lock-In
Has been changed to Friday, March 26
From 6:30 pm-9:00 am
How to Contact Us
10932 Hwy 72
Rogersville, AL 35652
Church Office: 256-247-6336
Fax: 256-247-6337
Our Ministerial Staff
[email protected]
We will give more information
During the month of March.
Sermon web site:
Adam Casey, Student …….…256-710-5885
Legacy Christian Academy
As you know, being a sponsoring church, we must give 1%
annually of our budget which we attempt to do with two love
offerings a year. We will be taking up a love offering
today during worship service.
____Yes ____ No
Remove this person from the prayer
list: __________________________
Prayer Team : Candy Johnson, Mary
Lou Singleton, Brandy Barrett,
Wanda Gibson
Next Sunday Team 1
Email: [email protected]
___ Add my email to the email
list. My email address :
[email protected]
Shae Walton, Children…...…256-577-8368
[email protected]
[email protected]
There will be a meeting for all interested in the
Africa Mission Trip on Sunday, Feb. 9 at 4:00.
This will be your first opportunity to begin actually
committing for the trip.
Do you want this request printed on the
Wednesday night prayer list?
David O. Cofield, Pastor….…256-757-7033
Jessica Thigpen, Admin. Asst256-757-6298
First Priority-Family Praying
This Wednesday night, 6:30
If you have a specific need or concern
for which you would like someone to
pray, please describe it below, detach
this panel, and pass it to your right
when directed. One of our prayer
team members will be happy to receive it and will pray for your request
during the service.
Our widows are attending a banquet where the speaker is Mrs. Joyce Rogers on
Tuesday, Feb. 11. If anyone has been overlooked with an invitation that would
like to go, contact me ASAP. If you know widows from other churches, let them
know about this. There is a maximum of 100 that can attend, but tickets might
still be available. Call Parkview Baptist Church, Tuscumbia.
___ Change my email address
for the email list. New address:
___ Add my telephone to the
calling Post. My number:
In the hospital this week:
___ Change my telephone as is
currently on Calling Post. New
number: _________________
Jerry Horton-home
Randy Craig-home
Communication Card
Please complete, tear off and return to
the Prayer teams when instructed.
___ 10:15 am Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014
___ 1st Time Guest ___ 2nd Time
___ More than 2 times
___ I am new to the Elgin/Rogersville area We are so glad that you are here today!!
___ I am a member here at CrossRoads.
We are a new church with a vision of a
Your Birthday:____/_____/______
place where you can intersect God in a
life-changing way. You may come as a
stranger, but you’ll leave as a friend.
Where do you go for …
Babies through Kindergarten?
City: ___________________________
State: _____ Zip: ________________
Phone: _________________________
Email: _________________________
Names and Birthdays of
children living in your household
They are located down the South hallway on
the first floor and in the middle of the hallway
___ 0-4 yrs ___K ___ 1-6 gr. ___7-9 gr. are a new Christian or are newly
walking again with the Lord . . .
___ 10th-12th gr. ___18-24 ___25-29
Then you need to make sure you have been
baptized. Speak to the Pastor about this or you
___ 30-34 ___35-39 ___40-44 ___45-49
may come forward during the invitation.
___ 50-54 ___55-59 ___60-64 ___65+
Guest of
Member of a Church: ___ Yes ___ No
Church Name: _____________________
Also, everyone needs to be involved in a LIFE
(Living in Family Environment) Group that
meets each Sunday morning at 8:45.
are a guest today …
be sure to fill out the Communication Card to
the left of this article, and turn it in when requested.
City: ______________ State: _______
_____ I am interested in becoming a
_____ I am interested in becoming a
member of CrossRoads.
_____ I am interested in LIFE Groups
(Sunday School).
_____ I would like a home visit.
_____ I would like to be baptized.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
10:15 am Kids Own Worship
Babies ……………………………………………………………..Liles
1’s & 2’s…………………………..………………Selena & Angela D.
3’s- Pre K…..……………………………………..Ellen B. & Becca L.
Children’s Church……………………………..No Children’s Church
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2014
Babies-2yrs old…………………………………………..Mary Lou & Jewel
3’s-K…………………………………………………...……Missions Friends
Ushers: Lance Brannon, Robert Butler, David Haynes
Hayden Heathcoat, Blake Liles, John Singleton, Eli Walton
February Tellers: JoAnna Miller, Wesley Heathcoat, Lin Liles
Hours: Sunday 8:30-8:45; 10:00-10:15
If you….
Family Age Groups
There is a Welcome Desk at the entrance to
the Preschool area where someone will be
there waiting for you and your child. Please,
be considerate of others and use this ministry
opportunity. We strive to provide a clean and
wholesome environment for your child during
your worship experience. We also offer a children’s church for age 4 through second grade
on Sunday mornings. First and second graders
will leave the auditorium during the offering
for children’s church. Also, you will receive a
“beeper” so the staff can reach you, if needed.
Children’s Caregivers
feel God is leading you to be a part
of this church . . .
Then we’d encourage you to get involved in a
small group Bible study on Sunday morning.
This is the “heart” of our church. Then attend
a New Member Class. This class is offered
every three months and it a great chance to
learn more about us. Every member is required to attend this class before you join.
Then as God continues to affirm you as a
member here, then we’ll present you to the
church for membership.
MAN UP 2014 Men’s Conference Clements Baptist Church Friday, February 7 Cost: $25 Speakers: Tim Anderson, Pastor, Clements Dusty McLemore, Lindsay Lane BC, Athens Starts with a dinner at 5:00 with the confer‐
ence beginning at 6:30 and ending at 10:00. The $25 fee covers dinner and all sessions. There is a sign‐up sheet on the Resource Table. Financial Update:
Tithes and VFV for January=$22,944.26
Amount needed for January =$25,508.00
Under Budget $2,563.74
All songs used on the projection system are Used by Permission:
The Lord’s Day
February 2, 2014
A place where you can intersect
with God in a life-changing way.
CCLI #2663889