How to implement a Smart Regional Specialisation Strategy? Agorada 2011 Workshop 3 Irma Priedl Regional Government of Lower Austria Department for Innovation and Technology Nov, 18th 2011 Why should Lower Austria implement a smart innovation policy? Because of f Lacking critical mass in public R&D: Vienna as Austria’s R&D hub in the middle of NÖ, but own province f Lacking critical urban agglomeration: low population density - 81 people per km², capital St. Pölten only 50.000 inhabitants f > 400 km rural border region with Czech Republic and Slovakia f Not being under the TOP 50 of the Regional Innovation Scoreboard Lower Austria needs to Create its unique selling proposition, no duplication of other regions (“follower”) Collaborate with neighbour regions Create critical mass in R&D and Innovation Facilitate innovation also in rural areas ... In order to support regional companies to become and stay competitive 2 Agenda f What is “smart specialisation” pre conditions? f BSC Balanced Score Card f Scinnopoli project f Implementation • Example Technopol • Example Cluster f results f Conclusions 3 What is “smart specialisation”? (1) f Promoting efficient, effective and synergetic use of public R&I investments and supports Member States and regions in diversifying and upgrading existing industries and in strengthening their innovation capacity & Technopol Program Lower Austria & Innovation Assistant / R&D funding scheme f focus on region’s strength and competitive advantage based on evidence and strategic intelligence about a region’s assets and the capability & Technopol Program Lower Austria: Screening of potentials & Cluster Program: Focus on regional strength & Large scale questionnaire survey on companies` strengths and needs in innovation & Well developed monitoring of impact of innovation services and financial schemes & SWOT application 4 What is “smart specialisation”? (2) f Harnessing regional diversity by avoiding uniformity and duplication in regional investment goals & f Support individual companies to innovate, no sole cluster policy approach involving key stakeholders from government, business, academia and other knowledge-creating institutions & & Since 1997 RIS NÖ (regional Innovation System Lower Austria) Steering Committee with development of first Regional Innovation Strategy Technopol Program following the Triple Helix Approach 5 What is a “smart specialisation strategy”? f A multi-annual strategy & RIS NÖ valid from 1999 until 2008 & Economic Strategy Lower Austria 2015 (includes updated Innovation Strategy) f Defines a policy mix and budgetary framework focusing on a limited number of priorities targeted & Policy mix with 6 corner pillars in Economic Strategy NÖ 2015 & Combining infrastructure development and soft measures f Long-term political with budgetary commitment to implement & Large political and financial independency of the federal Province of Lower Austria & Always allocated budget for strategy implementation in Lower Austria & Clear and transparent responibilities & Willingness for implementation! 6 Which economic targets do we want to achieve until 2015? LEVEL 1 What has to be achieved by our companies (= clients) and on the market to meet the economic targets? LEVEL 2 Example: The main targets of the Economic Strategy Lower Austria 2015 – transformation into the “Roof BSC“ for monitoring Niederösterreich is strongly positioned as worth living and attractive location 1 Companies act according to CSR rules in a resource-friendly way, energy efficient and with social responsibility 4 Qualitative jobs are extended and secured 2 Key-Know-How of NÖ companies considerably increased (technology, strategy, markets) 5 Highest economic growth in East Austria 3 Company growth considerably accelerated 6 Degree of companies‘ networking and cross-linking considerably increased 7 5 3 2 4 6 1 7 7 BSC – Balanced Score Card Which economic targets do we want to achieve until 2015? LEVEL 1 Niederösterreich is strongly positioned as worth living and attractive location 1 Qualitative jobs are extended and secured 2 What has to be Companies act achieved by our Key-Know-How of companies (= clients) according to CSR rules in NÖ companies considerably a resource-friendly way, and on the market energy efficient and with increased (technology, to meet the economic social responsibility 4 strategy, markets) 5 targets? LEVEL 2 Highest economic growth in East Austria 3 Company growth considerably accelerated 6 Degree of companies‘ networking and cross-linking considerably increased 7 „Roof“ BSC WirtschaftsRessort NÖ Politics & Public WST 3 our department BSC Cluster & Netzwerke (ecoplus) BSC Gründungen (RIZ) BSC Technologie BSC F&E (TIPs) (ecoplus, TecNet, accent) Implementation of the corner pillars through network BSC Internationalisierung (ecoplus) BSC Unternehmensentwicklung BSC Förderung (WST 3) in progress planned open SCINNOPOLI – SCanning INNOvation POLicy Impact, Creating Synergies among European Initiatives SCINNOPOLI is a INTERREG IVC, Capitalisation Project based on the insights and Good Practices of 4 interregional projects on ‘Regional Innovation Policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking’ and further Good Practices of the partner regions in impact assessment of regional innovation policy v The Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG IVC, financed by the European Union's Regional Development Fund, helps Regions of Europe work together to share experience and good practice in the areas of innovation, the knowledge economy, the environment and risk prevention. Improving the regional innovation policy and their instruments •to increase the firms’ competitiveness •to strengthen regional competitiveness SCINNOPOLI Partner and results •Policy Recommendation •Onlinetool for 20 Good Practices Structural Funds 2007-2013: P1: increase regional competitiveness through Innovation and knowledge based economy 1. Economy related and technology infrastructure 2. Industry, trade, services, innovation, technology, companies strategic development Infrastructure, Technology Center (academic) spin-offs, TechnologyTransfer, Technology-Exploitation Clusters & Networks SME: Internationalization , cooperation, Innovation assistant, pilot actions Technopol program Innovation, R&D Technology Projects Investment in new technologies Soft measures Consultancy Services 84% of budget is earmarked (Lisbon relevant) Example: The Technopol Program f Strengthen the regional strength and develop regional potentials f Create critical mass in a selective way f Involvement of all relevant actors and stakeholders due to Triple Helix Approach: f Monitored by Balanced Scorecard Approach 12 Emphasis on regional characteristics: Technopole – strengthening technology related innovation services Krems • Bio technology and regenerative medicine • Future building Tulln Centre of bio technology in Krems • Environment- and agrarian biotechnology Wiener Neustadt • „Modern industrial technologies“ like Surface technology, micro system technology & medicine system technology Wieselburg • Bioenergy 2020+ R&D, university education and economy at one place with synergetic emphases (three column model) 13 Lower Austrian Clusters & Network Advance through Collaboration Green Building Cluster (2003) Focus: energy efficient construction and refurbishment, healthy interior environments Plastics Cluster (Lower Austria in 2005) Focus: bio-plastics Mechatronics Cluster (2010) Focus: energy efficiency in production processes Food Cluster (2006) Focus: food safety, regional und bio-products Logistics Cluster (2008) Focus: modal split, bundling (empty runs) E-mobility initiative (2010) platform for e-mobility activities and projects of communities and companies Cluster management: Bridge between policy makers, companies and R&D Policy makers - Dev. regional specializations - Favourable framework conditions - Evaluation of R&D-projects in regional calls for proposals - Design of incentives / funding programmes - Involvement of SMEs in R&D projects - Sustainable economic policy by providing high quality services to SMEs -“Translation” of policy instruments to SMEs Cluster management - Development of fields of strength, support for emerging industries -“speaking both languages”- of SMEs and R&D - Initiating projects R&D - Project management in complex collective research projects - Dissemination of R&D results Companies Combining Technopol & Cluster services and other soft support instruments to realize a vision • ECODUNA is developing a new bio-solar system and innovative photo-bioreactors to reduce energy input and increase quality and quantity of for microalgae cultivation • Technopol management and Cluster management facilitate collaboration with R&D institutions at the Technopol Wiener Neustadt and with Plastics-Cluster companies • Objective: to build the best photobioreactos for algae production worldwide in Lower Austria. Algae Photo Bio Reactor Martin Mohr & Franz Emminger Strong links between Technopol & Clusters and technology infrastructure located in Lower Austria • WITTMANN BATTENFELD, global technology leader in micro injection molding, developed the MicroPower for today’s market demands. • Collaboration with fotec, a research company located at the Technopol Wiener Neustadt and partners from 10 European countries in a FP7 project • The introduction of the new product MicroPower created 20 new jobs within 3 years (2008 to 2011), with tendency to rise. • Wittmann-Battenfeld’s infrastructure investments in there production plant in Kottingbrunn will continue. COTECH - Converging technologies for micro systems manufacturing Example: Measurable indicators – Technopol Wiener Neustadt R&D in Technology Center TFZ 2004 End 2010 number of technology fields 22 5 researcher per field 10 66 - 82 researcher total 180 375 m² in Technologiezentrum TFZ (rentable) 7.100 12.000 Publikations and Patents 2004 End 2010 Publications reviewed 217 816 3 97 2004 End 2010 new companies on site 3 8 new jobs since 2004 15 146 Patents New industrial locations on Technopol Wiener Neustadt 18 Example Technopol: The Economic Impact of all Technopols in Lower Austria f “Structural change translates into growth dynamics – but in a lagged manner” f Quantitative analysis of the economic contribution of Technopols f Direct and multiplier (indirect and induced) effects on value added, employment, tax revenues and social security contributions f Effects on structural change 19 Example Technopol: Overall Economic Effect - Gross Value Added in million Euros EU (plus third countries) Other Austrian provinces Lower Austria 20 Example Technopol: Structural Change Employees (excl. self-employed) by economic sector Change 2004-2009 Total A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q Agriculture, forestry, and fishing Mining and quarrying Manufacturing Energy supply Water supply Construction Wholesale and retail trade Transportation and storage Hotels and restaurants Information and communication Financial and insurance activities Real estate activities Professional services (scientific, technical) Other services (administrative, support services) Public administration Education & childcare Healthcare and social work activities All NÖ districts Technopol districts 9.24% 11.49% -2.43% 13.86% 0.68% 15.44% 23.41% 2.28% 8.26% -2.11% 9.39% 19.96% 13.10% 11.09% 23.84% 22.30% 14.35% 31.71% 15.20% -3.81% 27.74% 1.36% 7.99% 24.14% 3.50% 8.89% -1.44% 14.83% 20.59% 15.89% 17.96% 26.39% 28.42% 15.72% 39.62% 12.13% 21 Example Technopol: Conclusions f Technopols enhance regional value creation chains and networks f Technopols support the structural transformation of the Lower Austrian economy f Technopols promote the creation of a knowledge-intensive economy 22 Smart Specialisation and SCINNOPOLI f In the Booklet “REGIONAL POLICY FOR SAMRT GROWTH IN EUROPE 2020” there are 3 Good Practices of regions on their way to “smart specialisation” – Europe 2020 f All 3 regions are SCINNOPOLI regions: • Navarra: Macro-Sectors and focus on education and talent • Flanders: Spearhead initiatives and strategic clusters • Lower Austria: Specialisations and Technopoles f What is this link between “smart specialisation” and SCINNOPOLI? • Individual USP according to regional strength & potentials & needs • Pragmatic Implementation • MONITORING of the impact of the regional innovation policy! 23 Conclusions f There are numerous ways of developing Smart Specialisation Strategies it has to be the “individual way of the region” f Every strategy and single activities require individual result indicators f Huge variety of result indicators exists for monitoring of S3 and the new structural funds period 2014 till 2020 – only the individual elaboration of the regional S3 will allow proper monitoring and evaluation f Foster pragmatic and hands on S3 implementation, because without implementation there is no • Gathering of experiences • Validation of S3 strategies • Evidence evaluation of regional innovation policy 24 Thank you for your attention! Any questions? Irma Priedl Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung Department for Economy, Tourism & Technology A-3109 St. Pölten Landhausplatz 1, House 14 +43 2742 9005 ext. 16123 [email protected]
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