7 *'\t/. &:&*> Jt Bad Real reason Kosygin came check passer: By ART BUCHWALD WASHINGTON - There was so much talk last week about Premier Alexei Kosygin's summit talk with President Lyndon Johnson that the real reason for Premier Kosygin's trip te the United States was obscured. Despite what he said at his press conference, I can now reveal that the main purpose of the Soviet premier's U.S. visit was to meet with Svetlana Stalin and see if he could tie up the Iron Curtain rights to the book she wrote about her lather • * « • For months now the Soviet Union publishers, Harpmski and Rowvitch, have been trying to see Svetlana. but to no avail. Then, by a stroke of luck, the Middle East war took place. and when it was over the Ar\ih- backed ^> thr Snv;»•>*, vw". r w r y sad -tram The Nn :et pub'..-he's went to see P r c m ^ r Ko<\um and told him me Tod'a'n-r of 'he Arabl>ratl; d.-:.;'• :r trie Ur.ited N\-.ii'-'V.s vN:>ii;d g.ve h:r^ a per:ce' e\cu>e tQ go to N'-'A York ard make contact with Svetlana. They pointed out that with the publicity the book had received, the Iron Curtain rights were worth $2 billion, exactly the same amount of money the Soviets had lost in arming the Arabs in their war with the Israelis. Premier Kosygin was at first reluctant to go v if I go to the United States I'll probably have to speak in the United Nations and condemn Israel as an aggressor and defend the Arabs, which isn't very easy and still I can t be sure Svetlana will see me or not." • w • • Tht Soviet publishers argued, ''Comrade Kosygin this isn't an ordinary book There"s a lot of !Ptcre>t in Stalin right now. ar.d this could be the b^gost urf"kZ since 'War and Peace "Wf ve already had bid^ from Prawia. Ii'vestia and Red Star The Proletariat Book of the M^rth Club i< ^ffermg $5W rm'!••>'-> r.:b>- :rd the So\:e* Dice-t 'A ants t) pr;n exc»-4 pts for :ts CX't >b<r Revolu- tion isue. I c?n't tell you how many advance orders we've had from trade union discount houses." 'I know it sounds good on paper," Kosygin said, "but how do we know that Svetlana hasn't said embarrassing things in the book about the present regime ,> " i n the contract we'll say that the book can't be published without the approval of you, Brezhnev and Podgorny." ' Of course. Why didn't 1 think of that 0 We'll insist on changing anything in the manuscript that we don't approve ef " "Exactly And if she still tries to publish without the changes. we 11 take her to court " » • • » "AH right. If >ou think we can recoup our $2 billion :t may be worth a try. But nobody is to know We will announce that my sole reason for going to New York is to bring about peace in the Middle East and comdemn the aggressors who launched tbeu cowardly attack en the U.A.R. Jerdan and Syria." "Why not? It's as good a cover story as any." 4t Do you think Svetlana will agree to see m e ? " "You don't have to see her Contact her lawyers and spell out the deal Have you ever heard of a defector whe wouldn't want to have a best seller in her own country?" "I suppose not. Maybe she might even come back to the Soviet Union and plug the book when it's published." **Youc6uld suggest it to her. Okay, then It's settled. We'll announce you're going to the United Nations tomorrow. If you don't get the book rights, you'll still make the Arabs happy" It is not known whether Kosygin saw Svetlana while he was in the United States, but it is believed that the premier was unsuccessful in his efforts to get the book. Nobody in the Soviet Union bothered te tell Kosygin that Svetlana's lawyers were named Greenbaum and Katz. \ \ Country B\ tears The old days By FRANK PROVOST Bookmark TWENTY-FIVE VEARS AGO Rationing *:^: wartime sugar was relaxed for cermir home canning den: :>ns:ra::or.s \^c d^c group > to y- registered under Selective Sermce WeOv; Loi\' r '' headed tne Dannemora Sta'e Hospital Ass> Why bypass downtown on urban renewal • P <; 0* tnc C t.Z€'"S Z" *~e •a r.a\e e *^ be c^r::r.ua:l> C*> s rovi.'v otntr car< :re or the r> .-.d *-»P e~z » z'. '> e •e: Fo r v e c s , prsct'cc': * evembpe. "Understood' thct t^e dc-*~tow^ c e c v o u ' d be next in ime for .mbcm r enewc'. when the Ncrthenc ^'O.ect got uncer^cv Tne^e s e e d e d to pe no ouestfcn obo-* t u s e ^ c ~ ^e mmCS . ;• •\-d .; ^ \ . ^ K i ^ i . ~ ^ - W ^ v fs t h e dc-vvnfov^ c r e c ire pcssed ogc ; , n cs e n r K . - - ~ " e r e ^ lect' I bought my first lottery tiek-e* e .e • • • I drove down to New Bedford. Va5lor the annual Ottawa;.editor ? seminar last week And the ^peed at which people travel on the super-h:ghw-a>s is getting to be frighter.ir.s. The | r»- • -p<; iea-t es a:. hour lasttr than m- posted 1m : a^d rr.ar.v car- keen mi — .r.z ci. ;:.a. '*- CdC'S v : Now a I! c t once t h e U " b c n Re^e^- a? A g e n c v has s n l f t e c :?s c t t e ^ ^ - o ^ the WirSiam.s - B ' i n K . e r h o ; * c r e c p l a n s to press f o r r e n e g e 1 "he-e c e r t a i n l y see~*s most s t ' e n g e f ^ y~ p e o : „ p '"'•**"*:•'<. '*' .»'•- -s" :."^z; • *"'"' ";i* ••'* ecui'at.-r : z~z - It t o o k s«x v e a r s t o get t*~e S3 5 miMion Nort:nena P r o ec* zii "~e r g r o u n d . H o w l o n g w " ,t t c * e * c c second u r b a n - e n e w c ' pm<ec* to gc ~ f e d e r d l a p p r o v a l c n a get L-nce r wc> : ? A n o t h e r six y e c s - Wf'p> hack m the summer pe' ~" cz rg^?A 0 e*- zl - --. • e On*- of * the most- strikinc Le*'s •: r ^e **> z <1C : r - h C v~ - * T to .c.i.NJj.*. r- • r;r * v ry :c-" We see w^-y * u e don't cc^^*ov»*' •^ X SPUN A N D B L A R Light Side if BY L I C H H r B> GEVE BROWN T o d a y s Sober Thought: In Germany, the Nazi* tame for the Cocimurasis and I d.dr': speak up because I was pet a Communist. Tber. they came for the Jews and 1 did not speak up because I was not a Jew Then tfjey came for the Trade Unionists and I did not s p e ^ up because 1 was not a Trade Unionists Then they came for the Catholics and I was a Protestant so I did rxrt speak up Then they came for me By that time there was no one to •peak tor anyone — Past-** Martin XtenoIIer. quoted iAim Landers column. • s • • • Are Inside •". f* arc tK : ' ~- "- a • we T- SH u>ed to traffic >.£U£! ter tnat it Ooesr. t even rtai an .mp^ess^on anv more v-^r, :s killing about S3 010 anruallv new- Who kr.ow's how m.b be/ftt"e the -ate will « • • * Newly wed.Hel': n E R':.y• x mond and Gregory W Knowle? 'EARS AGO FOR^. r o ; S.oux C;:;- Icw^ Lawrence Budro es'.Z"^d De a tlh^ • \V;. p j. r 3 :•: *. z k n •;• w- r. fr;-m T'Odd ? to join S^^evz as "Jack Murra\'" in b^x.ng Oldsmob.le circ:es v at 75 — Flora Cvr.^h}. Rouses Po.nt mace p.ans for a new hign school * • • # Eh and William LeClam were THIRTY YEARS AGO beaten by four assailants and The lak^ >nan between Rouses robbed of $500 Pom: and Alpurg was opened Kenneih Whyland. motorcycle to mat:,: policeman, arrested two MonThe Cumberland Ba> State treal m:torc>cle cop- en chargCampshe opened Betty ?hares of speeding ron c-t tne rinpon at the cereArmcuated arc lamp? on city strevts were turned off and ~ew rr.or..i> >• S a ' , was tumec orr.a: . . . a . ..*.. Cap- Alice A:w vat.on Arm;> transierrec to hazon Can] Graves was home ft"em eiton. Pa N a po 1 e o n L u. k, 5e r> f C h a z \ a season's tour with Al G Fields Mm-:rels Carl c.ec ir died of ir.yur.es suffered two California a couple vears ago, day. before in an auto accident "ife the farmer appear.nu: .r. a reccta. irc.uctain also died there ec' Dor.al'd Gi^uere. Marion \A_ Fire destrmed a bam. ?n tne fee. Doreer- Lv^n.s P: DoJacob Reynolds place at Beekherpc N!er 1 e Hcw'c Harold Lu- man: own ria 'Robert Lee. Mar;:r>: McJonn P Dev.m. d.ed at 41. pherson. Frances La tour. .Alfred r" e s - e t t e Marjore Vaughar. PRAYER We tnank The* O New,y-^eac L'».; we.is of re ana Garfiel rhcrrier. God that tne living Crrt^t f'rrlice A Ga'Copa and RJQO. ever dwell5 wi*n us Mav H.s J B.iXt lc\e so wm cur hear is that t • • • oiners rr.a> 'roe drawn tc H.m. THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO His b:es>ec name we Snow furr.es in the AdmendAmen Daily devotion Wash in g to n P9Mf l ^ i • ^ Paper hints at Hanoi change wh' h.Ovr ZK'€Z ALLEN be,a^>e .err:em :v tr.e re-pr,r^ :: , p a 5 - >cmr>ihg -eiter F"^y£m agreed m re'.sy rm?^.uent - •.-.ew-c to Hanoi at.: :_ .n \ :etr.am c> Hanoi wa« ' Pr^mi^er Ki?'»Sumur„t *a.k" " onns.or z~* >'t ,:r>er eacer m rr'iLr.cemer.i- * * * : - « 6 ••'-• 4 a sta'e: 'There comes a :ur.e wren .t ;s to c»-r advamage t* r. & r'-:.a:e w-ir. tpe er>err.y wm.e Y m t i ' g . . ir.^s :s one w~ay h;5 .•"..t.at e *>n me r>a:llef:eld : i" ^ tav-n fr ."" • • • • Job training for honest lobs '»*•" e' n c f f e n d e m c%"". p 1 *~ * -" \' \ " term? is a cr.tic?/.Y' import a** ^am ^* th** T^crr-zn, c\ aG-0 offer? a -pecial P O COW~>\ "~Z and te^tini sf-vice w'^ - v*-'rc departing members "^ torn ^ •*est "^m? ^'C»u!".*** ?P 0 ""C'' - imit s he r. t f s t nr ou z n ' u t t r. c Y ^ have been, enlisted "->• help and are now- he.pmu; opb-finding nrcxvriv? The ^eed for this i ma gin a• : \ e group is t-ememj:^- Bad or1'^s-e? m the V S are no-.; timated at ab^ve SI bo.. year A? another pcca^* ? tn.iS or tree s .rr.pact it - -i^" ated that retailer- In thic .. trv mus* scl. a: l*:a-t a- • SIO b...io- a \ e a r .: r>::c:.; • ^ ' -r " ise , n <=M Che SCOP^ -Add :h* :os: r.f d^ > el^'r anu arrest *r.a. arc . r.v.ctmr. months o- year? rf c m " rcent Ir.v.uc3k th- : *-t :: we fare to pr^wde far Geperdc''pure tne p e - o - a l .rmmes " longer -ortrmut.hg *" me e; •-omy. P.ace a \alje cc the c vorces ai"C rronen z'reop.m fo.Yw % Tea--re tne cc-t of la>* n'•" a" it ' or - ta P * r 4 ' m. them. a., a net ;•:- na'-e *ci~"* icea '^ na: nac m.-i *i: p~ot p> i>*anu > --r m m m - - *. • • • *• > - < ^ > . . . *. C" *• * n* %c zmes of * ur - i or h u h...y of o r a e . .ax^ ',rf: i* »' f-^* :> '<^ - dec.dec mat the m.atte** '*'*'^.d .t ».* the e>* «iV *». • * • • be .eft ?'^r further talk- r»e*--ee'£ . . ^ ^ r . . - - * . ^ 'J •»./*k^- *_««< * •* g ' Se-^i re * a r>' ' / ^ *^ * e ?«>»: c ^ d The DooWf Role — Ooe of ice v -v t»- y "*^.pp Mm.»5ter "* m • ~-<: .r.i-r-irte my^enes of the \'-'' m:.nz m+i a ror.fiGer.tial '•'-r t * n u i n-iz Nt. c d". e F£5*. CP».* i ^ i s } -£-•••? H't^ae. - evte* : ^ : am' ; • - : e >: p a r. me T. t ne f: *i g p< e^ - ' • _ - bec-r~- -hLre's'.e t I -h.'^g trr 1 .emnam i . c tne m-r.-i roie tna* Franc^ f ' :~.r.z tr.*e.r d^russiops on -tf c e i ' - h f »r -- or. c tr^esv i*e ~e s.o's Pre>ide^.t Johnsm :s picP'es. '"t ' ~.h.z e^ z "ra^ll ..' •>*-.a- .mpu.sse une s > ^—-e: i r : ""e*hi.*ed t '"^ ; o tu"^-c s> gooucjr lit* r r e i t .enrghCV" p a; .nu: -: . - _: e r m a:-e s m^ or p»c un-t to IT- ID corvume Ko-r--.* :r** *y%p v . ^ r^ -t£ ^ r»^' •* . c a tf ire > had no miemm-* f er ap:^^-^ m be 5"uppr»nmg i"d " •# 3 * " i c i - - ^ - *- — * e E : - ? a - '- sr nad e^o^d v ; m-o,i^g Ncvrch \Teinam or tc:» ' * o„- <fchmg p' ih Ar2b< s " h . - ~ -.-.--. - ' V - m-- - ' c • - e - - ^ e * ^ i U ' ^ - *.*..e ufc.e Lzh:pl.-r that rzzzr* r^e. - "i e . . c c . r :r«e M ::-* •'-.< - ~ i- r * c v . - - - - - - : . Z i-nunuec " -~ _, ,*"-»W»»«» • » ^ - ' -.J. • w - • » Ai J c^r.f.hed :* "^ m-" -**-' -^ • - - V - ^ • - -" ^ • * -"'-" " "•* '•' z c Tbm R t p u D ^ c c ""t.^d^LZ prison. By ROBERT S. ALLEN and PALX SCOTT SCOTT Press-Ttepubliran # Since CA was launched in 1963. with tne help of progressive - minded pr.scn official and legal advisors, a total of 39o criminals have joined A ?L' ene-third of the inmates of tininstitution are bad check p a ^ ers.l At regular n-eetines members entertain guest speaker*, including law profes>or?. probation officers, and bu>me-smeT' They pay regular due-, from earnings on prison job-, which are used to repay victimef their crimes. They carry on a continuous flow of correspondence with offenders throughout *he Y S op> '-ave *m' >et bee" convicted. freuueml\ • a ocTii, i Y''V< passing a " c w';' r. n" -" *'. :\ "v r - _ .» ^ u Vietram .« And rf ^yoar rr.»**->c faii?. u ^ :b<? *tJ» ever privileges en th * p-cKet if. set tit ar> otaer c:s putes that may comf up • Checks Anonvmous is similar in importor.t respects to the nationally respected Alcoholics Anonymous. They key goal of the Nebraska bad check writer? !ik e AA is to rehabilitate individual habitJtil criminals checK wT.ie t • In addition m its service* V r pr.s'oer? arc: "^o-iQ-oe prooner «. C A .5 u'g. ng c cmpre ne' - __ -o: l > p girt. 1 ^a^v r.o a«.•. .at--; ju>t .-.:t w happened a-.c :t was a p< o"-r ?''.;r P^ p'e k I'ed it ran pen eu o^ rt"u.e 24 Massachusetts A driver : or ; n Ct s. .. e reason lov* iomr^-.. sn aem-s? mie meaian ?:: and landed m t=>n of a ca- w our h tin s^_*~;"*o. i-hiuen ? in All fo-u" teen-ager- were Ko.ed At tnese ':..zz <pe?z*. ; • ~ ;u-t nave r.o cnance at a., wnen somemanz: z^Q wrons. Y"e: a.s s.-^rt as traffic clear-d the wreckage scene everyone we"* mernlv on *ne wa'* at ~r- chati'.p. >. Among my most fascinating correspondents during the pabt two years has been a prisoner at the Nebraska Penal and Correctional Complex in Lincoln "F.C.,"' lets call him, is president of Checks Anonymous, a group of convicted bad check passers. All of the members are now serving, or have recently served, jail terms of varying lengths and some have spent the majority of their adult lives behind bars • we We live in a r, odd work! ire days are made of z&x>:t you know, the nights are made" of Richard Arien Rc*ta,d Reaza-. John Wayne aad Humphrey &> f i et t.v* tha ne seem c to t e w ?mmmly m New Bedford ard ever>bod.»' makes r:s wa ; cz una w, c' ..* dui.c-uy Co^.d it be that ma>be P.attsK^-r;- ^..s z'/.i a c.t cverbtarct ez.z =m:.K :: a '.". o ; street ITM • Tourists in Idaho lost?" Indian gicde ^? We here, Trai] lor. ' acks as a cold wave continued' Frederick Joslyn tenor, gave a series of recitals at tne Ca:ho 11 c S u n i ni e r Sen •. -i» 1 Newlyweds Margaret Cammng of Dannemora and Kennetn C Ca: reenter of Ft . josie Sweer.c Heatn^ Churubu? By SYLVIA PORTER fr ; c • f. c "^ - . - A ; ' .A fc 942 *wS=* ~ :•• . c* v : V - -»• - - • > -- - -^ • -X-- i. ••>' fc -••"**-. f K A * * ^ :.T • • * - • * - p»~ -* haTrr.RZ T*1* P i •* " 4 <*^""" «*r#c* l--roc .- -1JZ»Z !»•«-: */-«r •:« * ~ » i M. T. 0 c t A ^ a c ^ o r c ?'*«.<*- < • : - ^ -^ires-e: : - • f £ urn* a"*c p. ic •«. t-n ***• • • x V^n? Ui-t: A?PI: « ' X ^pi- -- u^ V j»: "je<-f kZ I are vx-c^-t oti > v ^ ' o - ^ v cr ->-**- pj-je u"i-' a.. A-l -T-Z^PJ' -^. r ^ - . ^ et . - * t^ ^ zr rv S i. - > : ™-i De 8?:epti: utier' z » "uijem-c~ ac- -.--a'-era- -A «*r * •• >: •^ X-^* ^h< *-5 -'
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