SAINT MATTHEW CHURCH 1 NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES AND SERVICES AUGUST 10, 2014 “Oh, you of little faith! Sunday, August 10, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a, Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:22-23 8:00 AM Mary Ann Minrovic (Bernie Rauckhorst) 9:30 AM 11:00 AM Virginia Schifano (Jack & Mary Schifano) Clement Reymann (daughter, Anna) Why did you doubt?” Monday, August 11, Saint Clare Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28c; Matthew 17:22-27 8:00 AM Robert Luli (Family) Tuesday, August 12, Weekday Ezekiel 2:8—3:4; Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 8:00 AM People of the parish Wednesday, August 13, Weekday Ezekiel 9:1-7, 10:18-22; Matthew 18:15-20 8:00 AM Michael Uhall (Family) Thursday, August 14, Saint Maximillian Kolbe Ezekiel 12:1-12; Matthew 18:21—19:1 8:00 AM 4:00 PM Deceased of the parish Delores Anderson (Dale & Martha Gessler) Friday, August 15, The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Revelation11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; 1 Corinthians 15:20-27; Luke 1:39-56 9:00 AM Heather Peikarski (anniversary) 7:00 PM Debbie Riedinger(family) WEDDING BANNS August 23 Saturday, August 16, Weekday Daniel Leffler & Morgan Finch Ezekiel 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Matthew 19:13-15 4:00 PM Frank Ostrander (Shumaker family) August 23 Sunday, August 17, Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 56:1, 6-7; Romans11:13-15, 29-32; Matthew 15:21-28 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM Daniel Kosir & Erin Reichenbach Andrew Calderone (Phil & Bess Ratcliff) Orlando Leone (Family) Catherine Pirogowicz (Family) PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Roberta Ballard, Nancy Berringer, George Biecker, Dallas Bleau, Maria Bologna, Becky Charnovich, Susan Craig, Robert Dambra, Diane Floto, Mary Lou Fogle, William Gallagher, Geraldine Gardner, Tim Greathou se, Jonah Gusbar, Dick Hackett, Carlton Hartman, Mary Agnes Hawkins, Mary Hudak, Mary Jones, Bernard Joyce, Marian Kindel, Jennie Laconi, Melanie Limberg, Phyllis Limberg, Virginia Lindesmith, Brent Mason, Meghan Mason, Bill McClellan, Felicia McClelland, Frank McGuinness, Gordon Moyers, Erin Mullens, Harold Musser, Iola Paoletti, Leonard Paoletti, Josephine Patti, Mary Payerle, Herb Penix, Betty Prunesti, Dominic Prunesti, Don Ratta, Matt Reese, Angelina Reitz, Leo Repeta, Mary Ann Repeta, Gene Sofran, Murietta Sendlebach, Berniece Sibit, Nancy Spier, Scott Smith, Bernie Stalter, Wanda Stancin, Helen Struharik, John Stober, Catherine Suso, Catherine Vrana, and Pam Yahner Rest in Peace: Mary Mohring View this bulletin online at SAINT MATTHEW CHURCH 2 NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME COMING UP ON OUR PARISH CALENDAR PARISH PICNIC SUNDAY, AUGUST 24TH We’ll have all the food, fun, and festivities we’re used to - plus pony rides, corn hole, and other attractions and games, to make this year’s picnic a great time for all! If you would like to help out at this year’s picnic in any way, please call Christine Van Derlin at 784-7094. We plan to start the picnic with the 11:00 Mass, which will be held outside on the “Benton Lawn”! The PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY will gather on Wednesday, August 13th at 7:00 PM in the Parish Office meeting room. All are welcome to join us! If you know of anyone who would enjoy the comfort of a prayer shawl, please call Agnes Dixon at 628-3225 to make arrangements to pick one up ST. will meet on Wednesday, August 13 at 7:00 PM in the Father Silva Center. All members are encouraged to attend. We welcome any adult parishioner who would like to join to attend also. A euchre tournament open to all, will follow the meeting. MATTHEW HOLY NAME SOCIETY th FORE! St. Matthew Annual Golf Outing will be a 4-person scramble to be held at Mayfair Golf Course on Saturday, August 16th . The outing begins with a free lunch at 1:00 PM followed by a shotgun start at 2:00 PM. The cost is $50 per person which includes green fees and cart, steak or chicken dinner and prizes! For more information please email [email protected]. The Knights of Columbus will host a STEAK OR BAKED CHICKEN DINNER on Saturday, August 16th in the Father Silva Center from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The cost of the dinner is $12 for steak and $10 for chicken. Reservations are required so please contact Bob Harp at 699-4243 or email [email protected] before August 13th. AUGUST 10, 2014 NOTES FROM FATHER MIKE As we move into the middle of August, we are getting closer to the beginning of school. Some college students are already packing, and within the next few weeks, we’ll all be back into the school mode! There are still a few things to finish up on before we move out of summer. We have the Parish Picnic in a couple of weeks, the annual golf outing next weekend, and a few other summer projects to finish up on, such as… The latest update on the school roof replacement project is that it’s almost done! You’ll notice that all of the scaffolding and equipment has been moved out and the roofers are putting the finishing touches on the job! Led by parishioner Dave Dubravetz, the folks from Cardinal Roofing have done great job, and even though you will most likely never actually see the roof, it looks good, and we’ll mostly notice it when it doesn’t leak! Something you will notice will be the remodeling that is being done in the lower “primary” hallway of the school, near the preschool and kindergarten rooms. (“Wingerter hall” to the folks who have been around since the early days of the parish!) The hallway has been repainted, carpeted, and decorate in an impressive way! It’s not done yet, but it will be soon, and we’ll have an “open house” so everyone can see the work! We are extremely grateful to The Eickleman’s at Ryan Carpet, to Yerman and Young Painters, and to Jay and Beth Ann Graham who made the remodeling possible with generous donations of labor, material, and much time and effort! Because of their generosity, the project is being done with little cost to the parish! We cannot thank them enough! I’ll give this “help wanted” notice a second run again this week: We have a few parishioners who are quite able to go to Mass, but are no longer able to drive and need “a lift!” If you are able to assist with this kind of ministry, please let me know! There are not a lot of these folks, and we would look to match up drivers with riders in a way that would be convenient for both! Please let me know if you might be able to help out – even occasionally – with this kind of “hospitality”! Remember that later this week will be one of the Solemnities of the Church year – the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a holy day of obligation! Check out the Mass schedule in today’s bulletin! View this bulletin online at SAINT MATTHEW CHURCH 3 NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 10, 2014 NEWS FROM OUR PARISH SCHOOL During the month of August the school office hours will be Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Principal, Mrs. Faetanini and Secretary, Mrs. Eubank will be available to take your calls and to answer any questions you may have about the upcoming school year! WELCOME NEW FAMILIES! On Tuesday, August 19th , at 6:30 PM many of our parish school families and staff will host a PICNIC for those new families who will be joining us this school year. A huge thank you goes to all the wonderful volunteers, who are working to make the evening a welcoming experience for all of those that attend. Please consider becoming part of our SCHOOL CERTIFICATE PROGRAM, “Making Cents for Our Children.” You can help our school by purchasing certificates for area stores, restaurants, gas stations, and other merchants. Certificates can be purchased anytime at the Parish Office and after most of the weekend Masses! ON OUR PARISH BULLETIN BOARD Congratulations to ANTHONY MICHAEL DESTEFANIS, the son of Michael and Jodi DeStefanis, who was baptized in our parish recently. We pray that Anthony will be inspired by the example of his parents, his godparents and our parish community to grow in faith, hope, and love. Do you have a jolly "Ho, Ho, Ho"? If so, our annual “Happy Holly Days Bazaar” needs you! The BAZAAR COMMITTEE will hold a planning meeting on Wednesday, September 3rd from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the Father Silva Center. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help out at the Bazaar is welcome to attend. Also, vendor spaces are still available for our craft show on November 8th and 9th. Please call Christine Van Derlin at 784-7094 to reserve your table. Please call Linda McDaniel at 671-4712 for general information. TUITION FUND SUPPORT RAFFLE: Get your tickets now in order to be entered into the drawing to WIN AN I-PAD MINI! Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 and can be purchased at the parish office, and after weekend Masses. The winner will be announced at the parish picnic. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAITH FORMATION MONDAY NIGHT CATECHISM: The next gathering of the monthly study group to break open the Catechism of the Catholic Church is scheduled for Monday, August 18th at 6:30 PM in the school conference room. ALL ARE WELCOME! Remember to check out the LITERATURE RACK in the main vestibule of the church! You’ll find a variety of magazines, pamphlets, booklets, and cds about spirituality, prayer, faith formation, and Catholic news! Religious Education/Faith Formation Office – 330-784-7328 8 View this bulletin online at SAINT MATTHEW CHURCH 4 NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME STEWARDSHIP OTHER NEWS / OTHER PLACES “Giving thanks always … Giving thanks all ways!” LOOKING FOR FINANCIAL PEACE? Financial Peace University is a nine-week course designed to help you achieve just that! The weekly sessions include video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities and will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely. It presents biblical, practical steps to get you from where you are now, financially, to where you want to be! The class begins on Wednesday, September 10th at 6:30 PM in the school conference room. Please call Kim Cockerham at 618-0859 to register or for more information. SHARING OUR TREASURE! RECENT COLLECTIONS Adult Collection $ 16,893.75 Youth Collection $ 25.28 TOTAL COLLECTION $ 16,919.03 Votive Lights $ 106.00 OUTREACH MINISTRY $ 151.05 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE COLLECTIONS TOTAL NEEDED (CURRENT FISCAL YEAR ) TOTAL COLLECTIONS TO DATE (CURRENT FISCAL YEAR ) SURPLUS AUGUST 10, 2014 $60,100.00 $65,374.49 $5,274.49 A new fiscal year began on July 1, and our weekly collection update has been “reset” for the new year. The first number on this chart ($60,100) is the cumulative total needed in the collection to meet our parish budget for the year. We’re off to a good start! A final financial report for the past fiscal year will be available in a few weeks, FAITH AND with all VALUES of the numbers APPEAL FOR – and explanations – CATHOLIC as well! Thank EDUCATION you to allis for your being support! Please remember taken your this commitment month. to the The financial support of contributions our parish, especially from thisduring Appeal slower summer months! are used by these the Diocese to supply tuition assistance for families with documented financial need who wish to send their children to Catholic schools. An envelope for donations to this appeal is included in your monthly packet of donation envelopes! Brad Malkovsky, Associate Professor of Comparative Theology at the University of Notre Dame, will speak at the next FIRST FRIDAY CLUB luncheon at Quaker Station on Friday, September 5th . He will be speaking on the topic “Stories of a Catholic in Multicultural India”. The buffet opens at 11:30 AM and the speaker begins at noon. The cost of the luncheon is $15. Reservations can be made by sending a check to the First Friday Club of Greater Akron, 795 Russell Avenue, Akron 44307 no later than the Tuesday prior to the program. For more information call 535-7668. The WOMEN’S BOARD OF CATHOLIC CHARITIES is holding a MEMBERSHIP MEETING on Friday, September 12th at 9:30 AM at the Catholic Charities Office, 812 Biruta Street, Akron. If you are interested in finding out more about the Board please call Ann MacWherter at 342-9030. is hosting a for girls who are currently in the 7th and 8th grades on Saturday, September 27th from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. This is an excellent opportunity to meet current Elms students, take part in fun activities and enjoy refreshments. No reservations are required. If you would like more information please call 836-9384. OUR LADY OF THE ELMS HIGH SCHOOL GIRL ’S NIGHT OUT CATHOLIC PROGRESSIVE FAMILY FIELD: DAY AT Join the Cleveland Indians for Mass and a ball game on Sunday, September 28th . Mass will be celebrated at 10:15 AM in the ball park. Tickets begin at $14 and can be purchased on line at Enter the special offer code “baseball”. If you would like more information please call 216-420-4162. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK View this bulletin online at
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