Document 255522

: 54E1953199El
27 1998 D4:34PM PI
%x covgr sheet: - cover sheet plus FOUR page document
To: IX, Meg Oeller
‘LjQ,i/\!j30 HZ:43
FDA/Center for Veterinary Medicine, I-WY‘-30
Standish .Place
Rockville, MD 20855
From: Dr. (hrethMoore
Route 1, Box 139
Pembroke, VA 24136
Sorry for leaving this till the last minute. Hope you get a chance to
read it before discussing it tomorrow!
(Mmments f-mm Gare(h A. Moore, DVM, MS, Dip (ABVP)
Dmg and 13iolugics Availability Commi l& Chiiltmiin
American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioncm cm CVA4H?A ‘s:
As a group the American AssociaLiun uf Small Ruminant Pmclitionen are significantly
affcc~d by the on going problem of drug availability in mirsrsrand exotic species. Recent
]egishsLive action (AMDUCA and ADAA) of_fersthe possi bility c~fdramatic change with
rcgad to this situation. Ongoing efforts by the CVM/FDA to potential y improve drug
availability for We species we deal with are appreciated,
As to specific comments on the recent proposal:
Section I; A) This preamble seems to impl y llml minor spccics wc mamtained more for
novelty value rather than as production species, While this may bc Q-UCfor species
maintained in zoological parks it is most certainly not tme for the various aquatic and bird
spccics farmed for food or for sheep and goiat breeds producing meat, milk and fiber.
While the economic impacl of the so-called major speciex is greater than these minor
species tic lattm do contribute a significant amount to the national economy.
Section 1; B) The crmcept of ELUD by veterinarians shuuld be maintained in some form.
As witi the human medical @mmunity there am always going to be situtilions where
knowledge outstrips the approval process and ef’fedive treatments will involve drug use
that is not discussed cm the pruduct label. But as with Lhehuman medical community such
use should always be supervised by a licensed pmctiti cmer. Since the current ELUD
provisions do not allow for use of drugs except in an effort 10 “relieve pain and suffering in
a patient” some provision must be made to appu-we the use of certain production enhancing
agents in minor species.
1; C) I%arapolation of data between species for lhe purpose of label drug approval
be a “doable” pmccss. Perhaps Iimitcd, low cost cmfirmatoty tria!s would be
bul iLshould work. Final clarification of the, “sheep as a minor species” rather than
for human food safety and minor for species approval”, situation must be made.
Section I; D) The move for change on the part of the CVMFDA
is appreciatcct
Section III; A) See comment on Section l; Clabove.
Section HI; B} Supplemental approvals idso should be a method that works to improve
minor species and minor use drug availability. NRSP-7 funded studies have pruduced
useful information but the~ often smms to bc u Lime lag or complete failure in moving from
the study to an appropriate change cm the product label.
Section III; C) No question, drug manufacturing for minor species andjor minor uscs must
meet the same guidelines as for major spccics use,
Section 111;D) Defining non-food life stages for livestock species, for example breeding
age populations, probably would not be a gcod idea since the possibility “always exists that
animals classified as such could cnd up being processed for human rood.
Section 111;E) Harmonization of inkxnationai regulatory matters should occur. All the
major pha.rrnaceutiml companies are intcrnatiomd corpomtions and global trude in foods of
. .
: 5409531990
mimaJ(}rigin alesignifiwt.
Much exLr~lakl dl’uguse inthc~t
has bwnbased(}na
drug sponsor’s studies conducted to gain apprwal for a” minor” spccics in rmothcr
counLry, Acxxptancc of such studies k) allow labeling of pmclucts in this country would go
a long way towards eliminating minor species /minor use problems,
Section IH; F’) NRSP-7 is a systcrn that seems to work to generate uscfid data on drug use
in minor species and minor use situations. As stated above, the problcm seems m lie in
moving from the NRSP-7 sponsored study to a product label with an approved use cm it.
A slight problem wi~h the NRSP-7 programs has been ii’s legislated emphasis on research
involving drugs used for disease treiit.ment rather than discme prevention and production
Section III; G) Clarification of the exact status of sheep, as a minor verses majodminor
species,, should be addressed in his area.
Section IV; A) The possibility of extrdabel drug use under the supcrvisicm of a
vcterinafian must be maintained. Restrictions to ensure the safety of human foods must be
in place but no drug approval process can meet pharmaceutical needs for all cond.itiohs in
all species under all circums(anccs. Modifications to labeled indications should minimize
the ned for such cxtralabcl usc but such modifications must meet the needs of the animal
industry with regard to pharnmccuticals in feed and for prudud.icm enhu.ncing chug use in
certain ,spe.ties. Since the use of antibiotics in the major spwies is apparently a risk in the
development of antimicrobial resistance control measures put in place to minimize that risk
should ‘beeffective if’applied to such use in minor spccics. If approvals for mi nor species/
minor uses are not forth coming during the first half-of the sunset period this issue would
have to be addressed again. It would bc hoped that other provisions in this proposal would
encourage drug companies w seek such approvtd~ including those relating to production
enhancing agents such as growth promotants and reproductive regulators
Section IV; B) The described methods w cflcxt the removal of disincentives should help
ertcouragc the drug companies to seek approvals. But congrwsional action to allow
removal of a particular drug from the market solely for lack of a FDA approval seems a bit
drastic. Over the past 30 years the FDA has removed many dregs, seemingly at an
increasing pace, from tie A mcrican and world veterinary markets wi thcmt such legislation
a,rKIincreascd lcgislati ve power to achicvc such an end seems unnecessary.
Section IV; C) NRSP-7 is a good progmm except for the apparent problem of moving
from the development of research data to actuall y adding a minor specieshninor usc
approval to a manufacturer’s label. Could it do better with inure money - probabi y yes.
Could current governmcmt funding be improved if all available resources wem evaluated
and applied to the most effective prograrn(s?) - ccrtai nly yes. Do we need another level of
administmtion or a pma.llci agrmcy lo do this - dcfiniti vel y NO. Work with what you have
and t-direct or increase funding to whom er is doing the most efi-ectivc job.
Expand and/or redefine the guide~ines of the NRSP-7 program to allow its research money
to be spent on production enhancement drugs (reproductive regulators and disease
prevention agents - including vaccines??) not just a.ntimiembial treatment drugs.
Database development should bean important aspect of expanding minor species/minor use
drug availability. It should also be an important aspect of main~ining the safety of such
USC. If pmctit.ioncrs seeking methods of treatment for spwific conditions could be provided
with an-rent, scientificallyy accurate informati(m on the usc of a pwticular drug including
human hc..zdthrisks, withdrawal times, ck. then the likchlmod of its safe use would be
much increased.
: 5409531990
Comnlenrs on Minor Species/
Mfnor I_LwsCV&j/FDA
Sources of information for such a Mabase could include:
- infcmnalivn from a sponsor’s initial drug development (gained through KIT WLaction ifnot available any other way);
- any NRSP-7 information (gained from Public Master Fi Ics m f“romfunded academic or
industry resemchcm);
- FARAD database;
- T.JSPhuman and vebwioary drug databases;
some tie in to intcmatiomd duu wm.ilablc (again drug sponsor’s files, Codex Veterinaries,
WHO data, . ..).
- CDC’S or NVSL’s databases on antimicrobial susceptibility testing, to increase awarermss
of potential problems;
To be COS1effeztivc such a database should probably be established as a website on the
world wide web. Such a wcbsit.e would be useful to practicing veterinarians researching
effective treatments and to individuals or companies seeking potential opportunities h>profit
from expanded drug upprovals. But if such a website is to be successful it must be
managed well and kept up bndate even if that involves contmeting the maintenance ofxuch
a site to an outside agency with greater computer expertise.
Section IV; D) Since the phwrnaceutical industry is profit driven some type of financial
incentive to encourage seeking additional approvals for their products is probably needed,
But in getting a product approved for major species wc such companies must have
determined that thal market alone was sufficient to make a profit othenvise ,p-oduct
development wm.&i have been halted. Since additional sales of a drug through a change in
label indications for minor specicdusets presumably increases profits then the ~mpany
should mllaborate by providing at Iemt sume research funding (money or facilities) k) gain
the information ~cquired for such addi ticms. Making such costs for minor spccieduses
development tax deductible should be a reasonable inccnt.ivc.
However since government money, funding from NRSP-7 or CVM/FDA assistance for
e~~mple, is pldwbly going to be used in gaining additional Mel indications then any
additional profit potential for the sponsoring company should be examined carcfull y. The
gmnting of expanded exclusivity (citier use or time based) maybe too costly an incentive.
As is noted in tic proposzzl such a step mxdd effectively increase the cost of a drug to the
vclcrinarian and prcxlucer thereby potcntiall y limiting its usefulness.
Section IV; E) Tie such data shting requirements into the dcwelopment of the minor
species/uses database, The company should skux.1behind any labeled uscs buL how to
protect the animal owner from loss or tic prew-ibing vcterinwim from liability would
remain a problem, (1 suppose them’s no possibility for reestablishing tic concept of
informed risk in the cumnl lawsuit-driven American society.)
Scctic-mW; F) The existence of a minor specimluses database and the continued, we!!
regulated policy of extra label drug use should make the dedopment
of a minor use
cawgory or orphan vcterirmry drug classification unnecessary.
Section, IV: (3) From the sheep and goat practitioner’s standpoint the idea that a drug which
achieves special non-food, minor species apprwal is then excluded fmn use in food
producing minor species under any circumstances is wonying, That may not be ~he way
the CVIWFDA intends that this proposal be applied but it could be the way it is interpreted.
Section IV; K) Arty such review would require CVMHJA cwcrsight but why lixniLthe
potential for such expert review to non-food minor species.
: 54D953199EI
Section IV; J) As commented above. data generated internaticmall y to gain drug approvals
related to minor qxxies/uses situations (as defined by the CVM/FDA) should be eligible for
rmuew by the CVMWDA with the pokmtitd w add portions of the foreign approved label m
the product marketed in the ‘United States. Any mcxhimism, suitable reviewed, Chal
siJPpI ifies .wmh label changes should be considerai.
Sincere] y,
Gweth A, Moore, DVM, MS, Dip (ABVP)
Route 1, BOX 139
Pembroke, VA 2A136
1-540-552-1.991 (work)