COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS: ST. PATRICK 47 WEST HIGH ST, EAST HAMPTON, CT 06424 PHONE: 1-860-402-8969 1-860-267-6644 CONTACT PERSON: KAREN ADAMETZ SOFTWARE: MICROSOFT OFFICE PUBLISHER 2007 ADOBE READER 8 WINDOWS XP PRINTER: GESTETNER DSm 745/745G PCL5e NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 through 8 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION: January 23, 2011 TRANSIMSSION TIME: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Welcome to St. Patrick Church CELEBRATIONS OF THE LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil: 5:00p.m. Sunday: 7:30a.m, 9:00am, 11:00a.m. 5:00 P.M. Life Teen Mass Weekdays: Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri: 8:00 a.m. Holy Day Masses: 8:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Called together by God to experience Jesus and his word, in the sacraments of the Church and in each other, we are committed to love God and to embrace all God’s people as witnesses of God’s mercy. Page Two January 23, 2011 St. Patrick Church 47 West High St. P.O. Box 177 East Hampton, CT 06424-0177 Office: 860-267-6644 Fax: 860-267-7807 Rectory: 860-267-6646 Email: [email protected] Web address: Pastoral Team Rev. Walter M. Nagle, Pastor Sister Dominic Joseph Valla, A.S.C. J. Pastoral Associate Karen Adametz, Parish Secretary Daisy Conway, Financial Secretary Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation John P. Higgins, Director of Music & Organist Office Hours 8:00am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 12:00pm, Friday Bulletin Deadline Please submit articles no later than noon on Monday Welcome to our Parish Family Please introduce yourself to our parish pastoral team and register with the parish secretary. MINISTRY OF CAREGIVING Please advise the Pastor, Pastoral Associate, or Parish Secretary to arrange pastoral visits or Holy Communion for those who are sick, hospitalized or homebound. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Also arrangements can be made by calling the Rectory. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Arrangements can be made by calling the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Couples must contact the Pastor at least one year in advance to reserve a date and make arrangements. CHANGING YOUR RESIDENCE OR PHONE NUMBER In a large parish, keeping the information on parishioners up to date is a difficult task. You can be of immense help in this regard. If you move or change your telephone number, please contact the parish office (267-6644). Not only will this help avoid confusion, but it will also save the cost of paying additional charges for returned mail. Thank you, Karen Adametz. Statements for the year 2010 for Contributions of $250.00 or more were mailed last week. If you didn’t receive a statement or would like a statement, please call Karen in the Parish Office. Please Note: Statements for the Annual Bishops Appeal and the Organ Replacement Fund will be sent separately. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stewardship of Treasure Jan. 16, 2011 Week 29 of the Fiscal Year 1,354 Registered Families Handicap Accessible Memorial Donations Rose Valli: $75.00 Marie Nichols: $50.00 Ordinary Income: Current Week Budgeted: $6,375.00 Actual Collection: $5,512.50 Over or (short) ($862.50) Envelopes Received: 176 Year to Date $184,875.00 $167,578.58 ($17,296.42) Second Collections: Solemnity of Mary: $10.00 Spiritual Programs: $82.00 National Combined: $790.00 Page Three Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, Jan. 22 5:00pm Carlee Wines and Michael Gosselin req. by The Family Sunday, Jan. 23 7:30am John Vechinsky req. by Virginia & Joseph Pelletti 9:00am Colette Bernard (23rd anniv.) req. by the Guerette Family 11:00am Bernie Robida & Irene Robida req. by John & Jane Robida 5:00pm Elizabeth Jane Birrell Monday, Jan. 24, St. Francis de Sales, bishop & doctor 8:00am Mary Aurigemma req. by Paul & Linda Aurigemma Tuesday, Jan. 25, The Conversion of St. Paul, apostle 8:00am Dorothy Tarrant req. by John & Jane Robida Wednesday, Jan. 26, St. Timothy & St. Titus, bishops 8:00am Friedrich Hecht req. by St. Patrick Parish Family Thursday, Jan. 27, St. Angela Merici, virgin 6:00am-7:00pm Eucharistic Adoration 7:00pm Closing of Adoration Friday, Jan. 28, St. Thomas Aquinas, priest & doctor 8:00am A special intention for the Grandchildren of Angelina Madalena req. by Angelina Madalena Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday, Jan. 29 5:00pm Adolph Sirois req. by Dennis & Mary Ann Wall and George Sorvillo req. by St. Patrick Parish Family Sunday, Jan. 30 7:30am Bill Richards req. by Donna Daly 9:00am Joseph Beaumier req. by Diane Annelli 11:00am Fred Hecht req. by John & Jane Robida and Eugene Marino Baptism during this Mass 5:00pm Ted McMann req. by Sheila Wall Is it possible to be a follower of Jesus Christ and embrace violence? A provocative question, isn’t it? We live in an era of great violence. Violence sells video games, it makes for top rated movies. With such an emphasis on violence all around us, is it possible to follow another path? The events of Tucson, Arizona last week shook and rattled many Americans. Who is to blame, what have we become, how could this happen? These were questions being analyzed on media outlets and blogs. Like many things quick answers usually do not suffice. It is not the purpose of this column to try to provide those answers. I do, however, wish to examine a quote of Pope John Paul II in relation to peace. The Catholic world is rejoicing at the news of his beatification scheduled for May 1. What may be lost in all of the news coverage was a stunning admission he made on October 26, 1986, at the World Day for Peace in Assisi, Italy: “Catholics have not always been peacemakers.” In an essay entitled “The Problem of Religion, Violence, and Peace: An Uneasy Trilogy” David Coppola states: “This frank admission by a pope, which could have been spoken by the leaders of every religion about their own traditions, is the beginning of a process of honest self-reflection for the Catholic Church. Religious groups have frequently claimed that God was on their side, which is much different from the claim to seek to be on God’s side. Of course, it is debatable whether God has, makes or takes sides at all. Nonetheless, the taking of sides is a common practice that religion has been unable escape.” Isn’t this what St. Paul refers to in today’s second reading? “there are rivalries among you. I mean that each of you is saying ‘I belong to Paul’, or ‘I belong to Apollos’ or ‘I belong to Cephas’ or ‘I belong to Christ.’” Consider carefully the following paragraph from Coppola’s essay and honestly ask yourself, is it possible that I, too, am guilty of encouraging violence either through thoughts, words, actions, aggressive driving, e-mails? I know that I am. “Religion seeks to understand the existential and transcendental meaning of life. The most expedient and common way to evoke a spontaneous response from followers is by inciting rage or enacting violence. For violence to be directed outward, there must be an object, an ‘other’, which requires a person or group to be on the other’s side. The taking of sides, then, galvanizes commitment from followers who are asked to participate in violence against the others. Thus, during the First Crusade, Pope Urban II told the crusaders that God was on their side in war. Perhaps similar words have been spoken when religious leaders have gathered at the White House to pray for the successful bombing of another country.” Just in the last year we were able to witness the moving testimony of a woman, Immaculee Illibagiza, who survived the genocide in Rwanda. Whipped into a fury of hatred, neighbors committed acts of atrocity against one another because they “took sides.” Perhaps, the Hutus thought that God was on their side. Catholic clergy were not exempt from this atrocity either. We live in a broken, imperfect world but isn’t it possible for us to embrace non-violence in the name of Jesus Christ? Page Four January 23, 2011 WHY CATHOLIC? Parish Events presented by RENEW International St. Patrick Library is located in the workroom of the Parish Center. All are welcome! Why Catholics Pray A presentation on prayer with Sr. Veronica Mendez Sunday, Jan. 23 10:00-11:30am RCIA/WKRM 2:00pm Pre-Jordan Baptism Class/WKRM Wednesday, Jan. 25 7:00-9:00pm Life Teen Core Mtg./WKRM Thursday, Jan. 27 7:00pm Cornerstone Prayer Meeting/K of C Hall 7:00pm Catholic Scripture Study/CH ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ROCK-A-THON SERVICE PROJECT, 2/26 & 27: Saint Patrick’s Life Teen will be participating in a service project with St. Andrew Life Teen called the Rock-a-thon to raise money for the desperate people of Jeremie, Haiti. All of the money raised will go directly to the Haitian Health Foundation, which was founded by Dr. Lowney of Connecticut. The Haitian Health Foundation built and runs a health clinic in Jeremie Haiti. The full time salary for a nurse at this clinic is approximately $3,500. Last year the rock-athon raised over $30,000 and supported the full time salary of eight nurses at this clinic. This year’s Rock-a-thon is from 10am Saturday, February 26th to 10am Sunday, February 27th. We will raise money through pledges and donations. Please let us know if you would like to contribute. We will have a brief meeting for parents, teens and any interested parishioners on Sunday, January 30th at 6:00 following the life teen Mass in the parish center. This meeting will feature a witness talk from a teen from Saint Andrew that has been to Haiti recently with Dr. Lowney to see the great need. STEUBENVILLE EAST 2011: Steubenville East will take place July 22-24, 2011 at the University of Rhode Island and registration is now open. Parents’ meeting regarding Steubenville, January 30th in the parish center directly following life teen Mass. Please make an effort to be there to hear about this great weekend retreat for your teen, PARENTS OF 8TH GRADERS, WELCOME AND INVITED!! SUMMER CAMP 2011: Camp Veritas, Wurtsboro, NY; about 2 ½ hours from East Hampton. Check out their website at The dates are August 14-20th. A deposit is due by the end of January/early February to reserve your spot. First come, first served. Although the camp will hold 100’s of teens, I expect our bus to fill up quickly. Please let us know if you have any questions or need forms. This is a great opportunity to hang with friends, make new ones and grow in your faith. Don’t miss all that this camp has to offer: heated pools, lake with boating activities, go-carting, hockey, tennis, campfires on the beach, climbing wall, hiking trails. MARCH FOR LIFE: January 22-24th - 20 teens and adults will be attending this year’s annual March For Life in Washington D.C. Please Pray for a safe journey. • • • Come and explore how we can: Draw close to God through prayer Pray in private and as a group Strengthen our daily prayer life During the week of January 23-27, Sr. Veronica will be in the Diocese of Norwich to give a presentation on prayer to our Why Catholic? parishes. These presentations are meant for the whole parish, not only your Why Catholic? participants. This Faith Enrichment presentation will be two very prayerful hours. The participants will experience the many ways of praying and that in praying we all have the same goal, communicating with God. During these two hours, we will practice a number of traditional ways Catholics have prayed throughout the years. We will practice Lectio Divina, contemplation, Meditation, Praying with Scripture, the Examination of Conscience. We will look at what is prayer and why we pray. Each participant will receive a booklet that they will take home with them so they can continue reading, and practicing, these different methods of praying. The following is a listing of the locations that are hosting the Presentation on Prayer. Please call the parish below that you plan to attend, so that there will be enough material and refreshments on hand. Sunday, January 23rd: 2-4:30pm, St. Pius X Middletown, CT—860-347-4411 Monday, January 24th: 6:30-9pm, O.L. Perpetual Help, Quaker Hill—860-443-1875 Tuesday, January 25th: 1-3:30pm, Parish Life Center, Sacred Heart Parish, Taftville—860-887-3072 Tuesday, January 25th: 6:30-9pm, St. Mary Parish, Putnam—860-923-6535 Wednesday, January 26th: 1-3:30pm, St. Mary, Coventry—860-742-0681 Wednesday, January 26th: 6:30-9pm, St. Lawrence Parish, Killingworth—860-663-2576 Thursday, January 27th: 6:30-9pm, St. Joseph School Auditorium, New London —860-443-5393 We Welcome into the Christian Community of St. Patrick Church through the Sacrament of Baptism Aiden G. Kelly Son of Brian & Keri Page Five Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Introduction-Liturgy of the Word: Today we are here at God’s invitation to hear a message of repentance and hope. Even as he instructs us to repent of our sins, Jesus proclaims that the kingdom of God is at hand. Let us pray today that our response will be like that of the first apostles, who left behind their old lives to follow Jesus. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Apostolate of Prayer for Priests….Norwich Jan 23: Bernard Robida 2002, Joanne Reich 2000, Agnes Coughlin 1999, Franciszek Sienkiewicz 1992, Margaret Wall 1984, Joseph Gavin Sr 1972 Jan 24: Ruth Petta 2002, Lester Groeper 1999, Oram Labbe 1992, Anna Barry 1980, Elisee Methot 1978 Jan 25: Jacob Nevico 2001, Robert Ruckh 2000, Mary Caliendo 1992, Palymra Sciutti 1980 Jan 26: Ruth Beaulieu 2002, Patricia McGrath 1994, Ernest Fontaine 1985 Heb 9: 15, 24-28/Mk 3: 22-30; Ps. 98:1a Acts 22: 3-16 or 9: 1-22 Mk 16: 15-18; Ps. Mk 16:15 2 Tm 1: 1-8 or Tit 1: 1-5 Mk 4: 1-20; Ps. 96:3 Heb 10: 219-25 Mk 4: 21-25; Ps. See Ps. 24:6 Heb 10: 32-39/Mk 4: 26-34; Ps. 37:39a Heb 11: 1-2, 8-19 Mk 4: 35-41 Zep 2: 3, 3-12-13 1 Cor 1: 26-31 Mt 5: 1-12a 1/23: 1/24: 1/25: 1/26: 1/27: 1/28: 1/29: Rev. Jan Swiderski & Rev. Kenneth Flint Msgr. Thaddeus Malanowski & Rev. Robert Lynch All Priests Rev. Joseph Nichols & Rev. Thomas Sennik Rev. Michael gill & Msgr. Robert Brown Rev. Robert Buongirno & Rev. Patrick Martin Rev. Samuel Fuller OFM Cap & Rev. Gregory Galvin Jan 27: Bernice Consic 2004, Sr. Virginia Walker 2002, Annette Spencer 1998, Irene Youell 1992, Romeo Gagnon 1989, Irene Maton 1988, Frank Colbert 1984, Frank Mason 1977, Thomas Meehan 1971 Jan 28: Dorothy Tarrant 2003, Sarah Reilly 2001, Louanne Doherty 2000, Bishop Bernard Flanagan 1998, Paula LaBella 1993, Frank Smith 1987, Marion Broadbent 1985, John Chmielewski Sr 1984, Charles Walton 1980, Frank Pituch 1970 Jan 29: Fr. Michael O=Hara 1998, John Dytko 1987 Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “PRAISE GOD WITH MUSIC” Organ Replacement Update $106,480.00 has been collected to date representing 74.38% of all pledges. Thank you for your timely payments. A hugh thank you to Peter Bergan and Dave Decrescente for their time and hard work last weekend in the choir loft. The Organ Committee Dear Members of the St. Patrick Parish Family, In just a few short months 47 of our young people will be receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion. I am asking each member of our parish family to spiritually support these children by becoming a prayer partner. If you wish to participate please take a child’s name from the basket in front of the tabernacle and offer prayers for the child until their First Holy Communion date which is indicated on the card. If you wish, you may send a card or note to the child on their First Communion by leaving it in the basket. Thank you for your generosity and prayers. In Christ’s Peace, Dani Annino Director of Faith Formation Page Six January 23, 2011 St. Patrick Church Altar Society We would like to acknowledge and thank the women of our parish who graciously accepted the invitation to form our newest ministry, the Altar Society. Their duties include the care and maintenance of the sacred vessels, vestments and linens and for assisting Father Nagle in preparing for Baptism. The members of our Altar Society are: Daisy Conway, Christine Czuj, Ann DeMarchi, Helen Hill, Josephine Remillard, Maureen Sweeney and Claire Wall. MOST REVEREND MICHAEL R. COTE, D.D. January 5, 2011 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Annual Bishop’s Appeal to change It’s name to Annual Catholic Appeal The Annual Bishop’s Appeal (ABA) was initiated in 1978 to provide for the ever-increasing educational, human, pastoral, and spiritual needs of the people of New London, Windham, Middlesex, and Tolland counties and Fishers Island. The Appeal enables our Church to implement and administer these and other critical services in a comprehensive framework in order to carry out the work of Jesus Christ. It would not be possible to carry out His work without your assistance. Through the Annual Bishop’s Appeal, the Catholic Church of Eastern Connecticut assists elderly persons in need, families in crises, people who are homeless, lonely, vulnerable, youth, young adults, and our parishes and Catholic schools. The Appeal also enables the Church to promote social justice, respect for human life and to communicate with all who seek to hear the teachings of Jesus Christ. Through their assigned campaign goal, every Parish and Mission is required to support our Diocesan operations, services and ministries that in turn meet the physical, educational and spiritual needs of thousands throughout our four county faith community that one Parish could not meet alone. This allows each one of us, as one, united in faith, to fulfill God’s call to spread the good news and to love and serve one another. As we prepare for the conduct of the 2011 Annual Appeal, we are pleased to announce a number of changes and improvements for this year’s campaign. In an effort to better describe the comprehensive nature of the Appeal, we have decided to rename the campaign: The Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA). The time frame of the ‘active phase’ of the campaign will be changed to coincide with the Lenten Season. The Deanery Socials will be modified from seven Parish-based functions to three Diocesan-wide Socials. The traditional PreAppeal and In-Pew Commitment weekends will be ‘shiftedaway’ from the first two weekends in May to avoid conflicts with First Eucharist Liturgies at the Parishes. For the 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal, Pre-Appeal Weekend will be March 26/27, 2011 and the In Pew Commitment Weekend will be April 2/3, 2011. This year's Appeal theme is "Do This in Memory of Me," which is part of the Eucharistic Prayer of Mass. As we start the New Year and the 38th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision of the United States Supreme Court, I write to you to increase your efforts and activities to restore the sacredness of human life in our country. While countrywide pro-life politicians were elected to national and local offices, here in Connecticut we returned many pro-abortion politicians to office. There are particular issues within the pro-life spectrum that need to be highlighted for our consideration. Over the last few years assisted suicide has been approved in three western states either by legislation (Oregon and Washington) or by judicial action. (Montana) Activities began in Connecticut to allow medical professionals to be able to “Aid in the Dying” process. These activities were halted but will no doubt be activated again in 2011 as our new legislature resumes work. Under the new health care legislation (Obamacare) there are no blanket restrictions on Abortions. There are elements of the new legislation which will permit indirect funding of abortion through the Community Health Centers concept. In addition, the executive Order signed by President Obama to prohibit abortion will probably not withstand a court challenge. Connecticut is one of a few states that currently do not have some form of a Parental Consent or notification law in effect. As a result, teenagers come to Connecticut for Abortion services without their parents’ knowledge. Another issue that will be addressed this coming term in Congress is comprehensive immigration reform which will protect the sacredness of human life and prevent families from being split apart. These are just some of the human life issues that will need our attention. As committed Catholic Christians, we must remain vigilant as the legislative and judicial process resumes in our state and federal governments. As a people of God, we must renew our efforts to pray and protect the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death by keeping ourselves informed of all of the life issues. May God bless you in the New Year. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Michael R. Cote Bishop of Norwich Page Seven Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Diocesan News Bereavement Support Groups: Every first and third Monday: 5:00-6:30pm, Conference Room A or B, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown. Every second and fourth Thursday: 6:30-8:00pm, Shoreline Medical Center, 260 Westbrook Rd., Essex. Every second and fourth Wednesday: 10:00-11:30am, One MacDonough Place, Community Room. (The Hospital’s assisted living facility on the corner of Main St. Extension and MacDonough Place.) For more information, please call Chaplain Dennis McCann, Middlesex Hospital Chaplain, 860-358-6725. PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND. Father Jan, pastor of St. Peter Church and St. Lawrence Church, is planning a 10 day pilgrimage to the Holy Land from March 20th to the 29th, 2011. The trip will cover visits to Jerusalem (Holy Sepulcher & Old City, Mt. Olives & Gethsemane), Bethlehem, Jericho, Mt of Beatitudes, Jordan River, Nazareth and much more. Cost for this amazing pilgrimage is only $2,895 per person. For more information or to make a reservation for this trip, please call St. Peter Parish at (860) 345-8018. St. Patrick Church Ministries Adoption Information: Mike & Tina Mohr — 881-7080 Altar Servers: Susan Lanzi—267-9984 Altar Society: Daisy Conway—267-0833 ACTS Retreat/Men& Women: Warren & Beverly Edwards—267-9926 Al & Isabel Vela—267-1508 John & Carol Lambert—267-9157 Baptism Contact: Sister Dominic Joseph —267-6644 Baptism Class: Mary Kaye Varni—267-9050 Coordinator of Caregiving: Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644 Westside Manor: Deb Desrocher—267-0705 Cobalt Lodge: Daisy Conway—267-0833 A Helping Hand The Belltown Council of the Knights of Columbus and St. Patrick Guild realize the importance and benefits of a quality Catholic high school education. We are fully aware of the sacrifices made by many to provide the choice of a Catholic high school education for our children. With this is mind, the Knights of Columbus and the Guild of St. Patrick are awarding a total of four (4) $500.00 gifts to active St. Patrick Church parishioners currently enrolled at East Catholic High School, Mercy High School and Xavier High School. We ask that you please pick up an application in the Parish office. Please take a moment to fill out the application and return it to the office by February 15, 2011. Child Advocate: Maggie DeCrescente—267-2457 Eucharistic Adoration: Sheila Wall—267-9486 Gathering in Grace: Roxann Bartone—267-6279 Guild: Maria Camara—267-6321 Knights of Columbus: John Hines—267-4270 Life Teen: Bill & Michelle Donahue—342-0435 Marriage Encounter: Dan & Pam Harazim—267-1184 Nurses’ Ministry: Maggie Coolican—267-0540 Pastoral Council Chair: Mike Mohr—881-7080 Prayer Group: George & Regina Looby—267-8203 Prayer Line: Jann Dalton — 267-5720 Pat Powers — 267-8529 Pro-Life: Theresa Hickey—267-0071 R.C.I.A.: Sister Dominic Joseph—267-6644 DID YOU KNOW…. Week #14—Except for the back and the top of my head, all of my skin is sensitive to pain. Vocation Contact: Don Hickey—267-0071 Wedding Coordinator: Michelle Donahue—342-0435
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