A-6 July 17, 199/ Cranford Chronicle Gathercole. Allison Genovese, Stephanie Glien, Ryan Hamilton, William Hansen, Linda Haustein. Diane Hickey. Maxwell A. Hormilla, Matthew Hribnr. Andrew Jobe, Kyle Johnson, May Kachopgian. ' Kimberly Kaltreider, Tara Klebaur. Theresa Koliniatis, Timothy S. Kosch, Melissa Levine, Daina Grade 11 — Matthew Arcieri, Lieberman. Joseph Limone, Nancy DeVito, Christina Kenneth Lutz, Todd'Mariano, Eickman. Mara Goodgold, Amy Evan Marx, Ryan Matlosz, Jill Grobe. Brian Harley, Tavya Mattis, Lisa McCarthy, _ Colin Jackson. Kevin Knight, Scot McFadden, Keriann McGuire, McKay, Kat.herine Mertens, John Vanessa Meehan, Ryan Olesky, Osaben. David Pean, Christopher Kevin Pemoulie, Melissa Perez, Thee. Nicole Virgilio and Erica Platt, Lauren Porter, Adam Reinhard, Heather Rembert, Michelle Zemkmsky. Grade 10 — Christopher Julia Renedo, Dion Roy, MarissaBarris.1 Alisa Becker, David . Rufplo, Jennifer Sands, Danielle '(.'harme, Bethany Dittraar, Schipper, Richard Shackell, Jamps Doty, Jason Harris, Kathleen ' Szymona, Michael Lauren Kitzhoffer, Lisa Lavikoff, Venditti, Jessica Walsh. Aaron Jonathan Morris, Tracey Werschulz and Heather White. Mulvanev. Christopher Nazzaro, Grade 11 — 'Jaais Acampora, Lauren Stanley and Michael Christopher Baran, Jeffrey Zulauf. Bergin. Caroline Blake, Brian Grade 9 — John W. Anthes, Boyle, Patrick Burke, Diana Katherine Arcieri, Jeffrey Baer, Capece, Dana Caravela, Andrew Michael Cijia. Sarah Hendel, Ceci, Nicole Cerchio, Gregory Daniel Morton. Anne E. Patrone, Cierkowski, Laura . ' Civile, • KeVih" Tardif', and ' Lauren "" Christine Clayrifuira Crawford, . Vincent ... D'Angelo, . Daw.ri Ztiravnsky.. ;•-'•" ' . Named to the "A/8"honor rollv Delafuente, Jennifer . Devine, Grade 12 v- Gregory Bazilufs, Josephine Dieosrno,' Joann :j|ulia. Backer, Kerryanne.Bender, DiPabio.Robert Dinsraorej Kevin • Day"kl-:', Bojanawskr, .'Edward. ,-FeeIey,.. Danielle.-. Fortunate),-v -.Bonibaci. Xyn'sey- Bprge?,: Eric. . Eileen Garrity. Williani Harn6it Bribesca. Monique Brown. Brian Melissa Hildemanh, Kirriberley Caldwell. Danielje Chilinski, Hribar, Joseph Huang, Victoria Sara Collette. Kathleen Conrad, Hynes, Jenny M- Jediny, Julie Tinika Curtis, Eric Dale, Lisa Kiarnie, Kevin. Knight, Lauren Decker. Diana Dollard, Kerry Kusiv, Afshein Lashkari, tylingDrexler. David Feder. Michael Chuen J. Lee. Sharon Leonard. CRANFORD - Cranford High School has issued its honor roll based on final grades for the 1996-97 schfwl year. Named to the "All A" honor roll: Grade 12 — Lauren Charme, Rase-marie Connelly. Laura l)psidorio. Alarm Doty, Peter I.-yons. Carrie- Rentz and Julie Andrew Malko, Christy McDarby, Jessica Reff, Geoffrey Rood, Joseph Muccia, Debra Noble, Rebecca Salomon, Irene A. Andrew Nordstrom, Kevi Sardone, Robyn Schweitzer, O'Donnell, Konika Paul, David Lukasz Sternik, Jill Sukovich, Pean, James Pfeiffer, Lori Polito, Brian Sullivan, Rebecca, Taylor; David Polonitz, Erin Radley, Kathryn Verhoeven, Joseph Vita; Justine Raftree, Stacey Rebello, Raymond Weigel, Lauren Wiener, Kevin Reilly, Brian Reppert, Alexis Wolf and Megan Zambell. Erika Robinson, Michael Grade 9 — Thomas Arthur, Rozman, Christopher Sallee, Amy Bobrowski, Kevin Bostel, Christopher Sbaratta, Rachael Benjamin Brown, Andrew Bucko, Seney, Rebecca Severs, Stephen Alexander Camejo, Allison Skordinski, Kathleen Snyder, Capece, Michele Catena, Laura Daniel Springer, Regan Christiani, Michael Cilia, Nita W. Stempniewicz, Mark Stiansen, Colaco, Alison Cuzzolino, Jeffrey. Tierney, Mary Vasquez, Matthew Dango, David Angela Viso, Tyler Ward, Megan Degenhardt, Kathleen Dillon, Weiss, James Whalen, Kimberly Mary Dollard, John Donofrio, Wplters, Rennie J. Wolters and Matthew Esolda, Bryan Farrell, Aaron Wright. Nicholas Fassler, Edward Feeley, Fuller, Michael Grade 1 0 — Jennifer Barna, Matthew Gallucci, Lauren Goldstein, Justin Blanding, Michelle Chilinksi, Thomas Connelly, Jamie Rachel Harley, Ryan Heck, Robin Conroy^ Donna Curia, Wendy Hickey, Hoshiyuki Iida, Dennis Curran, Steven D'Ambola, Diana Kaelin, Lisa Kardos, Katharine D'Arnico, Michael D'Arcy, Annika A. Keenan, Irene Kenny, Jared Davis, Louis DellaSerra, Kosch, Brian J. Koyolisky,. Conor Elizabeth Demcsak, Jo Anne Leddy, Andrew J. Lee, Joshua DeVito, James Dpane, MicHele Levine, Kevin jLevonas, Eric, Drejka, Christopher Feinthel, Louie, Jessica Mahon, Rebecca Sandra L. Frjedlanden Chris- Markowitz, Joseph- Minitelli,topher Fhyr, Christopher Benjamin • Moldave, Brendan 1 Gathercole, Diarre Gvgantiiio, -Muhar Danielle Nazzai'o, David. Evan Qlien, Jesse Green,' Robert^,. .NycZj Steve Oliveira, Shannon;. Haber\. Sarah. ftensler, Meredith Faster,. "Hilary Pease," Eyndiey Hoffman-ThornsQft, ..Nicholas J. Pfeiffer, ,.Kerri - Radley,, Erjjk.; • Jenkins;' Laura Johnston, Marie . Richardson; Stephanie" R-isse,' n Jones, •;••'. BnartV.1 •.Kelemeri,' . Jeffrey R. Rubin, Robert'. Sati'ds^. ••c... •.Christine-.'-.'Schinrti! Mart "See<.; • Jennifer1 Kozek, Thomas LucasE, John Serpico, Aislirin Y. Sia, Tara Patrick ' ManeV,' Catherine Smallze, Katie Sofranko, Sara McGowan, Devon Murray, Soriente, Elizabeth Sowa, Sarah Shannon Murray, Diane Oliveira, Stratton, Joseph Unish, Stacey Elizabeth Opacity, Suraj Patel, Van de Water, Lauren Vanover Nicole Pepe, Daniel Peragine, and Michael Venditti. Christine Poidoro, 'Jennifer Re, ALS i H.-Y *5&JL CHILPREN'S CHILD CARE live-In Child Care JOSA WW$(W '>),'•'-.•- . Mike Dow'tof-the Cranford Police department holds up one of two . piedestclati safetv/'sighs donated by the New Jersey Automobile > "Club Foundation for Safety and Education; based In Florham Park. Thefoiindatipn donated sighs to all communities'litUnion, M5irls> . and' Es$ex cbuhties in an- atfort to reduce pedestrian accidents; .'• Cranford Child Care Center is granted accreditation study, collecting information from parents, teachers, administrators and classroom observations.. The programs receive an on-site visit, conducted by early childhood professionals specially trained by NAEYC, to validate the self-study_ results. _A11 the information is incIeperTdently" reviewed by a group of national experts. "The heart of NAEYC accreditation focuses on the child's experience," stated center Director Margaret Crane in the press release. ; "The process carefully considers all aspects of program provision, including health and safety, staffing, staff qualifications, administration and physical environment. "The greatest emphasis is on the children's relationships with the staff and how the program helps each child learn and grow — intellectually, physically, socially ajid emotionally,""1 §he CRANFORD — Cranford Child Care Center, based at Cranford Alliance Church on Cherry Street, has been granted recently at the UCC. Selection is based on a accreditation by the National grade-point system whereby students earn Association for the Education of points for participation in UCC organizations Young Children-(NAEYC). and intercollegiate sports. This recognition has/ been achieved by about 5 percent of early childhood programs nationwide, according to a press release from the center. The child-care center has been accredited since 1991 and serves 55 children 21/26 years old. Its present accreditation will run—through the year 2000. , NAEYC accreditation is a rigorous^ voluntary process by which early childhood programs demonstrate that they consistently meet national standards of CHILD CARE excellence. Child-care centers, preschools, kindergartens, before- and after-school programs are eligible to seek NAEYC accreditation. Programs seeking accreditation undergo an intensive self- COKME NURSERY SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN < Carefully screened, English-speaking au pairs with child-care experience and driving ability. • About S220 per week / . : J (or up to 45 hours of live-in care. 1 Local coordinators provide year-long support. AuPair Homestay USA 800-4790907 I nil,,, County • 908-233-4016 State certified private school offering quality care in classical education for over 3O.yrs. Favorable student teacher ratio, large playground and heated pool Accepting applications for 1/2 day sessions. (8-1 or 9-1). ~ Private School ~ REGISTER NOW! Kindergarten - 6th Grade Nursery School • 2 1 2 to 4 yrs Extended Hours Available Hot Lunches Large Play Area (Serving You Fully Certified Foreign Language • Live-In care for Under $216 per'wttk, per family. • Careful screening and child safely training. Call Gareth and D a w n Middleton at 464-3311 201-696-7235 FAMILY DAY CARE OF^fRANGE ENTERTAINMENT 2 months through school Age 6\oun) (908) 388-7063 801 Featherbed Lane, Clark - Est. 195-3 Clew I .we I School And P.irk Avenue School 30 d,m. - S:3() p.m. Suite Cwtiiiud \ Registered Hot & Cold l.unc heon Provided ANN 672-5444 ACCLAIMED CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINER FOR KIDS OF ALL AGESI CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY PARTIES! Guitar Sinealona • Dance Party Interactive Stories - Face Painting, • Special I'runr.ims for ARC Groups i-i, v 6 , ""-I I • (usmmizf Your I'any, Mix and Match Activities iges • D.J. ;uid Comedy tiroup Available for All Ages call CHRIS at SILVOtBACK To Advertise (all Date free print ad f M W B H A female Male While Black Hispanic Asian S D WW G C N/S 201-360-0222 Single Divoiced Widowed Gay Christian Non-smoker N/D P ISO LTR Non-drinker Prolessional In search ol Long-term relationship O Double dator k The Union County Division of Aging's toll-free telephone number is making it easier for senior citizens to find the services they want and need. When residents call (888) 2808226, staff from the Division on Aging — in partnership with the New Jersey Easy Access Single Entry Project (NJ EASE) — provide comprehensive information on community programs, inhome services, housing and longterm care. The new telephone number is in addition to 5274870 and 527-4872. "Senior citizens told us that they want and need a free telephone number they can call for 'one-stop' information," said Susan Chasnoff, director of the Division on Aging. "We are happy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! To place your FREE print ad, call 1-800-783-1131 Ext. 202c For automated ad taking, call 1-800-485-2087 To respond to ads, call" 1-900-773-3055 at $1.99^ free voice greeting ABBREVIATIONS PRODUCTIONS free menage retrieval once a Tfii publ cal on & a community iam ly puDl cal on Anyth ng appaanng n Oalomaker mu t bo appropnalo tor allagos Participants in Dalomakei must bo 1B yeans or oldor. Dalomalior 15 loolnctod to individuals sooking personal, monogamous relationships. The publisher rosorvos the right to odit or roioct ads and voice introductions that do not moot the standards ol accoptanco ot this.newspaper This publication ussumos no liability lor tho content or roply of a personal advoriisoment Ruadors and advertisers may wish to considor laking appropnato safoguafds in responding to ads and arranging meetings Use o' this column lor businoss solicitation will bo prosecuted Callera to tha 1-000 tystem will be charged $1.99 p«r minute on their rhonlhly phono bill Touchlono phono callors will bo givon m&tnjctions on how to rospond to a Bpocilic ad. browse male or lomale groolings and use Oalomatch For best rocoption. cordlo&s tolophonos aro not rocommondud A TRUE GENTLEMAN Honest, polite, unselfish executive, SWPM, 42, seeks considINTERRACIAL LOVE PRETTY INTELLIGENT erate, marriage-minded SWF, Classy WWPR 45, 5'6', blue Almost handsome DBM, 50+, 28-39, who wishes to be looks younger. Seeks down-toeyes, marvelous lamily, nonretreated like, a special lady. AdW ligious. Enjoys sports, dining earth WF, 35-60, social drinker, 9023 out, coffee, conversation. for fun times. Possible LTR. Seeking intelligent, caring Central Jersey. Ad# 9021 SWPM. 43-53 Ad# 9022 SLEEPLESS IN JERSEY Place Your FREE Ad Today Blond, blue-eyed DPWF, 45, Simply call 5'6". 115lbs., S mom, enjoys dancing, theater, art, exercis1-800-783-1131 ext. 202c ing. ISO best friend, nice guy, for LTR. Ad# 9024 WIFE WANTED Thoughtful, considerate, easygoing SWM, 42, accountant. Seeks sincere SWF, 29-39, enjoys movies, the beach, comedy clubs, theatre, walks, the Yankees, golf, tennis. Ad# 9025 LOOKING FOR FUN DWM, wisdom of 50, stability of 40, passionate 30, and curiosity of 20. Seeking F counterpart, same qualities. Somerville. Ad» 9020 •• • said. • ' -- •• - - Division on Aging unveils number for seniors to call • Qualified, Experienced and English Speaking 387 Maple SCT Murray Hill icicn v/oildlearnmg org FEATHERBED LANE SCHOOL AuPair USA • Gov't Designated Program. 1.60*1. Nbricf ORDINANCE SO 9 ' . l i Directory of Services CHILD CARE aOdOUGM OP KEwiLy/ORTh bulletin boara<r, me n-i,n,pfr D U I S » Q ana to advenne a copy ol ims c'C'iarct- r r>c oil c.a. n o « p 0 . por cl the To*nsr, f , D l erjjnlva n.' .'i-.r • ,(..16, clays Wow mg tne eriactmeri o' tr-s c 3 :• r-i-.•VBONDORD NAS'CE A U ^ O R 2'MG • ~ C P-P T~ • 'SECTION 3 O»o^s lor •i(: ,,t.: : . „ . .S'I-I foperiv "lay , MENTOR THE ROOF Of -~E PL.B..C wo'tlKS BOILObe maag to ine To*nsr p Ac:" >n n B N I ; - 'O' a r,<*''Mj ol 1 f TUT1 ?A t"Sv'Sr ' 7 E B ° R C ^ M OF rfENiLWGRT., Ime.Tiy (20) cays is i * r:j : ' ( ;,; ,;.,(.•: 5 -^f.-.i -etf.r. oic l , ;\ THE C O ^ ' , T Y c u^ C^. f.g w JERSEY AP=ROPR- rec:eo a:.nohc-ss f . a " r.e r'i;c w.'.-r aLcve.tyany ATING AN AGGREGATE AMCUV OF S « 000 THERE prosped've pj'crqse- v s <- .-::c r-ikcr ?r ciner aj, FOR AND AlTHOflllNG T i t .SSvANCE Qf N O r « . ino'iieaTp'o'se-iai \e K ;• tE D G A - E »Ri!CiPAt A'iC CtVrS .tne Io*n 5 i. r . C ; ^ ~ ' ! nance not ia:er •.'•an •-<••'.* 3C ' ' STATEMENT antfaqven-se ire'ea'piir>'.*" • Tne t>ono ora.,r\a»icc'fjjrjus'i r^j fik-'tv iD'pupi; s a i e p r s a ' - i ' o U j^ A . J C A ' 2 - 3 i a i ' Penschow and Petersen receive UCC honors atAwards Night 'CRANFORD —TSvo Union County College extracurricular activities. Brian Penschow of Cranford and Anna students have been honored with Key Service Awards for their efforts in servicing the col- Marie Petersen of Fanwood each received the lege through participation in clubs and honor at Awards Night ceremonies held Cranford Chronicle to meet their wishes." Freeeholdef Edwin Force, liaison to the Advisory Council on Aging and a Cranford resident, said Union County's partnership with NJ EASE of the state Department of Health and Senior Services enables the Division on Aging to refer callers to services that promote wellness, independence, dignity and choice for older adults. > "Callers do not have to worry about getting the runaround or being referred to many agencies," Mr. Force said. "They dial one telephone number and receive the information, services and referrals they need." Among the community programs available through NJ EASE are information and assistance, outreach, care management, transportation and volunteer opportunities. SOMERSET • MIDDLESEX • UNION I* KEMPER CADILLAC * — 5 Miles From Bridgewater Commons Route 22 East at Route 287 Overpass Bridgewater • (908) 469-4500 ROYAL CHEVROLJET/GtO Route 28 Just East Ol Rt, 28 & Rt. 287. Interscetion Bound Brook (908) 356-2460 5 DODGE £71 CLAYTON AMERMAN DODGE "74 Years'Ot Sales & Service Main Street, Peapack (908)234-0143 I 1 SATURN I SMURM OF GREEN BROOK 270 Rt. 22 West Greenbrook, NJ 08812 ' S (908) 752-8383 % BOROUGH OF GARWOOD BONO ORDINANCE NO 97-11 BOND ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONSTBUCIICN Of GABION V.AU.S IN IHE GAHWOOD BROOK IMPROVEMErn PROJECT IN. BY AfJD TOR THE'BOROUGH Or CiiHWOOD COUIJtY (jF..UHION STA'E OF NEvV JERSH< APPROPRIATING S8C.OO0 IHEHtFOR AND AU'HOBia'lG THE ISSUANCE'OF S76.000 GENERAL JU•'HD1.'! MCNT BOMDS OR BOND Af.'TICiPATION NOTL'S •O'i it.ANCE PART OF THE COST THEREOF: Section 6' The following addionar maners a*e norer)/ actorrninod. doclv/KJ. roaiod and statoa ' . •A- tne Purpose oescrt)OC in. Sector) 3'a) cl ihrs bora C^ Taice 15 not a cuTOhi expense Jl is a/i imp/o.'omon! r vva tho Bo ough may lawfuly undor^^o as a capral pT^oct. a i d no part ol the cost thoroo* has been or n " rx.' ipocaiv fis^eswd on prooeriy specio f • M The pe.nod.of usefulness of iho Purpose w^hn the i-'ntaTions o' iho Local Bond Law. occedtng io tho roas - ^ t i l c Htf thwoof compiled torn tho date oltho bones . QuTTvyvpg' by this Done] orriinanCfl. is forty (40l yoa'i ;ri Tl*e SupDldnvjntnJ Oobt Statoment rqqurcd Dy :no local Bond Liw has tx>on rtuJy prepared and Hod m !ho cJfco ol tntf^SorouQh ClerK, ana a comptoto exocirod aupiicaio triereof has been filed in the office q' the Oi^oct<v ot Tno Dwsion ol Local Govornmont Servces m iho Deoaftment of Community Affaire of tho Slaio of f J * * Je'Miy. StiCh 5taiemoni shows thai the gross debt cl t i e Bcough as dofirwo; m tho Local Bonrj Law 15 increased Dy tho nmhcnzahon 0' tho bonas onfl notes pfovidoa m this niwnded bond Ofd'nanco by $76,000, arm tho obligations auinonzod horom w>ll be wnhm all dobt Imnntions p^esenbeo by mat Law. ' . . % r OROAIIJED BY THE. MAYOR AND COUNCIL Ol ' M L BQHOUGH OF GARWOOD IN IHE COUrflY Or ^rj o r j NEW JERSEY inot lois inan iwo-mres ol al nc' nafly aaoploa on Wecnesaay. J j ' V 9." 1" 99?" ana ine ~ SECTION 4 *AII 0 -• i^mbori, increol nlfirmolr/ely concurr(ng). as lollovvs r.'~i'a"s 3' ,va ranees . '. iv«i»niv-aav.p<jr,oo •ji.nmia;.or) w t'.<n wn cri a SJH a-uor, cc-.s s:en: iwew.-n a-e -.e Section I T^ie BcOugh ol Garwood. in me Counry cr or.proocedingajeEi,on,ri9ii» va.ia«y j l sjchora nance sjcTir.ccns.s-erc'v jr, on .Ne// jesey fhe'e'naher mo "Borougn'). ne'erj/ 1 pan Docommencsa as &jv,a*a -n he Loca Bona L a * .SECTION s.'il arv,,y ponir,r- s: r^e snaij be rii|.»iori/cs tho .improvements aesenrjea m Sodon 3ial ct n a i begun to run Uan; f , p oaie.oi > v r r/a; o n a' ae!er^rn(KJ tc be 'nva^.T 5,ucp en snali not lr, u Bone Ord.nancc (horpinallor'the PuT/tie") v-iici trvi statement 1 a"ec: t i e va' c,!y cl n e rer*-.a r r ' on o said ordi- snail ix- unoeriaWon py tno BGrourjri as a general H,. nar.ee' P'O.D^fcit no cost ol wAicn snail bo bono ty tnc~e;y -, c.e-h • SECTION 6 Tnis ora,ran:e s^ai la^e ei'eci upon'mai Bo-Ougn n: Lvgo For the Purpose aesenbod m SocitO'i passage anrj pjbNca'.icn ,r. accordance wi:r. law. 3iai tne Bo'ougn riorobv abprpp^aies 110 sum ol S8Q.0QQ J HOBEPTHOEFfLER. Clairman •ncicd-'n me sum of W 000 as me oo*n Dayman', ttyqui'.-ia rj, me isci}' B.^nd LJIA Thu aowi pa/rnont 15 now Cran'r.'rj Tcwisnp Conm-itee icli Ao aggrogoto amouni of noi oxceo'p'ing $12,000 t c • THC a_O0c oF T H E » U B . C WCRKS Bv.;. j .ivaiiao'e py p'rj/ison lor down payments or lor coprtai ; tQT-s 0! etpOTM lisiedm rtno peTnitted unqpf N J S A . ROSALIE HELLEWBRECHT . ' ' . improvement curfjoses in one or more previously adopt' -iCiA:2-20 is included in tho estimated cost indcaioo here. IN THE COUNTY OF UWCN NErtJERSev APPROPR. Townsnp Clerk od buOgets ol th.e Borougn. saa sum oemg not loss than in (or tho Purpose or improvoments. ' AT1KIG AN AGGREGATE AMOUNT 0 * S4< boo T W M E ' . . STATEMENT Wo !5Sj per cent ol the obligations authorized herein. Section 7. Any funds received from the Count/ of . FOft AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXThe'or.egoing oramapcewas V-a'Y payees ai a r e e l Spc-o'- 2 in o-Oer to fnanco tne cost ol tno PUTXJSG lh>on. tno.Sinto of New jersey or the un<toa States 0' ' CEEOINGS41.B0CHHAGGREGATE PR1NCPA.AMOLNT ing ol n e Township CornnVtee.Cl the T Q w i s r O ' CranlorG •OP: co^c-ec Py application 61 rie ao"«n DayrTiont. there' Amenca. or any o* tner ngencios. Or from any o'Jier ."'. OPBONDS OR NO T ES TO F I N A N C E PART O F ^ E KlJ or. Tuesoay JUf »5 i£r9? ' • . 0:0 ne-eL\ authored to bo issued pursuant to the Local, sourco. m aid of tho Purpose, shall Do appl»6d to the • COSTTNEREOF. ^ ^ CC63 1 . 7 397, 3ona uiw negotiable gehoral improvremont ponds in tno payment of tho cost of \no Purposo, or. ft bonds or bond '• Ete IT ORDAINED B Y . T M E B Q R O J G H CCaNC : : OF I 9 09 P'-ropa, amount ol $76,000 In anticipation ol thp Issu'anticipation noto3 havo boon issued, to paymont of the • • THE BOROUGH OF K E N I L W O = I T H I N T H E COUNTY OF NOTICE TO ABSENT DEFENDANTS .vice 0' tr« Bonos, thoro. aro horeby outnonzod .to be' • '6c,nas or bond antopation notes, and tho amount of 'i UNION. NEW JERSEY THAT SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY ssu-ad pursuant 10 ond within tno Imitations proscribed by bonos authoniod for the Purposo shall bo roducod acCHANCERY DIVISION 1 SECTION t. Ynere is nereCy ajtno'ijed. pursuant to ;ne Local Bona Law.nogo'jabie bonrj anticipation notes m • c c d i o g V •• . . • • " , • 1.1 tha,applicabie statutes 61 tne State o'New Je/sey tne UNION COUNTY. ••>« principal amount ol S76.000 ' Section 8 .Tho Borough intends to finance the cost ct DOCKET NO. F-8362-97 1 replacement ol trie rool 0' l i e ouDtc works Cu'iang ,n. Section 3. ia) Tho improvements hereby auinonioc tho Purposo with an issuo of tax-onompt bonds or bond STATE OF NEW JERSEY i- by,and lor the Borougri o' KeniiAortn ^ttie 'Borougri')' ana tne Purpose • lor: w-tiich tho gonoral improvement antopaton notes in an amount not to exceed S76.000. 1. Cddntyol Urnon, Slate 0' New Jersey, together w i n ot'ier , . ' TO ponqs.o'. notes are Id- bo issued is the constnjctKjn ol • Costs cl tno Purposo that aro property payable poor to. ,1-^OMAS HACKNEY MJD.AUCE HACKNEY , pufPQSDS necessa7. appunenant o' mcoeniai ihere',0 Gab-on wails lor slopo protection as pari ol tno Garwood iho issuance ol tho-togndvof "Qtos are. roasonabty ox* or IQe/ool. poctod to bo paid Initially from royonues. Reyongos aro . HEREBY SUMMONEQ.ond SUMMONED.and roduirpdlo roauirpd lo sorvo sorvo' 9'r'ook iniprbvertionf project, including oircavation as nood.SECTION2. it >s nereby aeiem-medanqoeciared D v VVOU OU AARE R E HEREBY ed. consiruppn ol Gabon wans, construction ol sirjownn<t uvtjilabio (or this .purposo onty on o tomponwy and shortthis Borough Councd 8S lonows-. ' -pen ESCHEN, FRENKEL & BERGER. ESOS..-Anomoys' term basis pursuant to tho budgot of tho 0orpug^ and lenchg ana ,'curomg and rocoristruc((ion ol ino sanrtary • A. Tno ost.matea max.mjm amount 0' monei lo ae ' c ' ' " " R l a i n l f ' w f P s e oddross ia622 Eaglo Rock Avonud. sewer system including Iho acquisition 0* nil matonais. • trwa o'o no othor funds availabletorthis purpose on a Ve51 O r a r l l ) •'• raised Irpm aUsojrces lor t i e purposes states ,n Se^ion • 0 ' N o * Jersoy 07052. on Antworw |ho Comlong-toro basis.- The 'Borough mtonds td.reimburso flsetf ana tne pclpTmance ol all wpri* necerisa^ lor orinoaon•liSSWOOQ ' ownt land Amendmonis lo CorflDtaint, H thoro bo nny). fcJr-such costs from tno procoods ofrtsbonds or notes. !a> 10 tnt foregoing improvements. 1 " B.'Tne estimated rrainrTum amount ol bones or-notes ' " o a " * C r ' ' A a ' o n " v ^ c n .NORWEST MORTGAGE.' No cost of this bond ordinance to bo.roimbursod with tho ;Di .Tne estimated maximum amount ol bonds or notes -':• lo be rsiuea lo'-me ourposes stated n Seoi-on ( ,5- ^ C . * CAUFORN1A.CORPORATION Is. Plaint* and VIC V Dfocooda'-of-tjondi pr-'notos is • Coat of wa-kiog cflpaal;.. • sm'600 ' ' ' • • . . . ' . b 70R PENA ET AUS: nro dolondnnls, rending in fio to be" issued'lor mo Purposo is S76 00O'asiSiffi<f:'» This-public-notjeo is a ooOaration-of officiaJ intent pursjant c Section 8 ne'eol.. • • • • • ' • • • • i • C. An.oppropnai.on was or « coma W i n a budflet or iM'^~-' p j n ol New Jorsoy, wnhin 35 days ol Juty 17. 1 id. Treasury.' Regulations' SocOoa 1.150-2 o( the. Unitod-'. ' (Ct T^o ostimotod cost ol Uib Purposo is oqual .10 .tho .buBgblsoltlieBoroutfnneremlorftooopieainthosurn 1 W 7 «'-'"i"voo | .9«'Ci)-ai)jo. H.you rallloOoso;]uagmBnt Statos Treasury. ' • • • • • '••ol S?.<toO Iqr trio-ourposes stolen .n Seciion I mere t ° v a e l a " " "** - 6 o ' H ™ " " ^ .»OBinst-.you lor tho rolol. amoun;.,ol 'Jio^npp.ropnalion ol S80.000 herein maoo • •'• S6copn.9. Tho fuB.forth1 o M crodit-QMto Bofougn oro ' •'.' -' ' ; .' ' '. ' r. r\ow available >n said .apDrooriaMart sa-d sum o' S3 200 • : 1 < ! r r i l n l 3« 1 " ^e Comiilart (ond Amoridniontt 10, Com-. tnorolor 'beroy plodgod to tho-punctuaJ paympnt^f tho prinopofof ' :' .wriicn'Bum'.ij.no.boy.oooroD-.awa as-a qo«n.oayrr'eni D^,: *..m-0^ M . " " V ) You -shall-to yOttr nnswor and. • Section'4'All pond, aaticipaton nolosisauod horeu.ndor . •• . o .D ',??.T? i d u p0 -"! c aoi J fo1 l lco ^ i 0J»ffi!!'^I'W.Oorkol i oO o pp san sHall'malur; at such tmos' as (nay bo determinodby'tho • and tho' inforostlon-tho obllQfl(»ona outhortzod bv U119 ; 1 ,!ormepurpose5s"to'«inSec;:on(. • • . . ' •' P K?°i' Iho Suponor ~-'-"Finar(Cial O Cfcai.or.itjo Bprough,-providod Jhaino n o . . bond wdirinnco. Thp qbllgiitjons shall .bo-direct, w l i m h o d aQsdiaa6wrj Gou*..-C<03hes-Justra Corppliw. Tflinton, Now u^oy- ...qrvblFanoal f t e a o i j o Bpough, orodod Ja C eotor n e p j r . "^^.V'' arxprpance wiihjho rules blOI-tfractico. and .rtote snail mrjt.uro lator.tlian-ohrj.yoarircni « datrj. Each; .'(Sbigations.of thp. Borough, and tnfi'Borocjgn shall &o , py oiS2.200.-^5n^'elJy a ,.oWigote(J to lovy'.ad vatorom twos upon all iho taxable • • ; •' ' f . O'olijcj-o 1 /' •• ' . .._ , -., • • • ; . . • •1 • r\olo. rvjto.shll shall boar' boa' intorosfaCsucrt'rolri t o o f afscrt' roto 6> 0/ratds>jhd ratos/phd Wf.m' Mf • pbs& staled in Section 1 , teal p/apo/ty within thb Boroo'gh-:fpr.!thd paymonf-ol tho T n s j q i c n has poon' insatiitod lor the purpcao 0M0/0st^ch form as may bo dotormin'^d by tw> ChiofTinahcai ltho ' ' RKtVrO obHgation5'.Q0(J tho irflor6Ett.thoro6r1 wrtnout flmrtation. Qf'"' officer. Thr>'Chiol Financtat-OWcoV ahiifl ddtorrriino all mat5 ^ ^ W y rato or artwurrt " ' • " . ' . • • • ' • '.'• • ter m connection wWi notes issued pursuant to this bond Soction 10. This bond ordinance shall tako offoct twenty orOinanco, ind- tfio Chiof Financial Officofs slgnqigro (20) days after tho first publication thproof after'final adopupon Uio nolos shall bo conclusivp ovidonco as to all tion, as provided by the Local Bond Law. suchdbtorminoions. All nolos issued horoundor rnay bo INTRODUCED; Juno 24. 1997 , 'enev/ec from timo lo time subject to tho provisions of ADOPTED. ' • APPROVED:N J S A 40A:2-B (0). Tho Oiiof Firysncml Offtcortthorofty Mcnad R. Cnncoli,. Mayor authorized to so" pan. or oil of iho notes from tmo to time ATTEST; al pubhc'or prwale sale ond to deliver tnom to tno. pur.DORIS POUDORE. Municipal Clerk chasers tneroof upon receipt of payment cl tho purchase Recorded Vole ln!rodxt>on Adoption. Dia-n( filed ne-ein, and id recover possession ol said lands pnee plus accrued mtorest from tneir dalos lo tho dnio of .SEC 1 ION 5 Penong me issuance ol me Donds auino- .v-a pren^ses Council Pres>aont.r/rtcheli Ayo delivery tnoreol, Tne Chiof Finanaal Offcor is difectod 10 r.zed'ih Seel.on •* Hereof. Dona antic pal'on nptes.0' ihe 1 Councilman Carlm Ayo VOU. THOMAS HACKNEY AND ALJCE HACKNEY^ are •oport m writing to tho Governing Body at tho mooting B o r o j g n may De issued Q-J'Sua.m to sa.c Local Bona Law Councilman DaVonuto Aye made defendants in this action bocouso you hold a lion nofl succeeding the date when any salo or delrvory of iho. m an aggregate pnnciDa1 aniojr)i nut oxceeaing Fonf Councilman Lombardo . Aye oniored on October 6. 1983 In tho Superior Court pf New noies pursuant 10- this ordinance is made. Such rooort Councilman McCarthy ,Qr>e Xnousand E.Qhi H u o c e c Dollars [S4i,B00> Hacn Jersey Case Number L-16B29-83, in tho original amount, AyO -nusi inciudo the amount, ino description, tho intorost rgto Counolman Schadewaid ; iSuchDona anl.c.pa:-on note shall Dedes>grtated 'Bond of $9,500.00. tnai may atfbct tho mortgagbdpromisos and Aye anc the maturity schedule of iho notes sold, tho price p i ^ v , - A n i < : i p a i i o ^ No'e.' Ai. Qona aniiCtpai^on noies issued STATEMENT obtai/iod and the nomo ol tno purchasor. - ^ •'"'.^^eceyncef shall Tiaiufe ai Such l.mes as may be aeiefTho Bono'Ordinance publishod horewtn has boon f>wo or miorosi you rpay havo in, to or agoinst said mortjf-VfTimed by the ch-e' fmafiC'ai otircer Ol n e Borougtv proSecon 5. Tho capital budgot of Iho Boroujh is horeoy naliy aooptea 6n Juty 15, 1997, and the twenty (20) day j lhat no note shall mature iaier "ian one year irom a/r.endoc to conform wrth tno p'ovisons of'Ms ordinance ponod of limrtation within which a suit, action or proceedif you are unado to obtain cm attomoy, you may com:e. AN such oond antopat'on no!es may De execjtea to tha e^eni ol arty inconsistency horowailvTho rosolunon ing questioning tho validity of Such Bond'Ordinance can mun.cale wnh tho Now Jorsoy Stnto Bar Asscoaton at \ b y tne manual 0 ' lacsimne j lorm pfomulgaied.J^y.lD^Uxal^tnaricfl. Board --±w-ayn.TTenced,.as-ptQvided.inifiQ Local Bo'nd.Law. nas •908) 249-5000 or mo Lawyer Referral Service of-Union ie* tinaicia 1 u'^cet 'j< such srcwing full detail of tho amonded. caprtal budgot nnd bogun to run from iho dato o' tho first publication o( this County 1908) 353-4715. and if you cannot afford an atas may ncea'ier be aesigcapital program aa approvod by iho Director of the D M statemont to'ney you may communicarto vvrth tho Legal Services 5 provided Dy i3w and sfon of Local Government Services is on file with tho S87.72 . CC56 IT 7-11-97 Office .n Union County at (90S) 354-4340i •. shall oe unae' the sea! of me Borougn ano attested Dy Date jLty 17, 1997 Borough C'orV and is ovailablothorotarpubic inspOcOOn. • •• he i^S"' ^ Borough C'e^ T-ie notes sna^: oea' •nte'tst a: sucn DONALD F-.PHELAN. •Clerk BOROUGH OF GARWOOD rale rales a n d s n a i l L ) lfl 'l^if*''' °' & s u c n t j r m a s ^ay be aeler- ' Supenc Court of New Jersev NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR NONPAYMENT OF TAXES, ^^'.'."•••mineaDy tnecnieiiinaacia o'^ger TnechteMinanc.a.o)CC52 IT. 7.17-97 ASSESSMENTS AND/OR MUNICIPAL UENS 3p]/.'VJj«''(icof -shall determine ai'maltets in conneclqn witn holes PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENTHAT I, Patncta Scherer. Collector of Taxes of tno Borough ol Garwood. .-n ;ne 5-;1.';.,. issued pj/suant to ih.'s o'd fiance. a r wthe cn,ef f.nanciai. County al Jmon and •State of Now Jorsoy, will on tho 29th day ol July 1997 at the Municipal Budding, 403 Sou*.h Avenue BOROUGH O f KENJiWORTH . $}\\ i*r' oHicer's s t a t u r e upon tf»e noie^ sna-ioe condus-veev3aryvooa. N J at the hour pf 10:00 a m . or at auchiime and place to wtucn said sale may then be adjourned, sell the PUBLIC NOTICE :-5; \r-;:,t aence as to ail such detemi naiions A:i noies -ssuec here' ' PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thai an Ordinance o' following oosaibod lanas situatoa m tho Borough of Garwood. under may be renewed 1'om i.rne to t^ne suDject to the S3 d lanas win De sold for tho amount ol-tho munopai liens chargeable against each parcel van interest and costs 10 1 provisions ol \ J S.A. 4QA 2.-6-lThe chief financial otdcef wnicn me toliowtng is a ccpy ^/as.mtroauced. reaa and . is hereby autho: zed la se" Dan o- a 10' '.he notes from passea en firs: reaa>ng Dy trie Mayor and Council of me the dato of sale, but exclus^o of. tho lien lor the tax yoar 1997! This salo is mado under and by virtue of iho "Tajt Sale , (tine lo ume at pubi-c 0' p''vaie sate and 10 deliver such Borougn ol KeVvworin-ai a meeting on ihe 9m day of Law of me State of Now Jersey and supplements nnd amendments thereio (NJRS 54:5-19 ot soq.) Tako further notice that tho-sale shall bo made to such person or persons as wtl purchase said proposes, subioct to , notes'to the Durc'iasfsme'eo' upo't receipt ol pay mem Ju'y, 1997 and inatsa1q.C0L.ncii w'llifurlher consider the uf'trie ojfehase p f ice p:us a c c u e d nteresl. if any, from said Ordinance, lor Imai passage on the 27tr. day ol Au- 'edemption at the towost rate 'of interest, but m no caso in oxcoss 0 M 8 per cent per annum. Paymont tor the sale shall jneit gates 10 \UQ aate ol oeiivery thereol ' h e crvel finan- gust 1997 at Ihe Kenitwonn Municipal Bunding, 567 DO mado Dotore the conclusion ol tho salo by cash, certified chock or money order or t i e property shall bo resold. cial oflice r is d'feciea to r epo^i .n writing 10 the Borough Boulevard. Keniiworth. New Jersey, at BOO P M al which ' Properties fpr wheh thero shall be no other purchasers will be strucx oH and s o u to tho Borough of Garwood at an Council at ne'meei.ng nert succeeo-ng the date when time and place any persons wro may be irneresi&d inerein interest-iato ol 18%. At" any time bolore tho salet the collector will rocorvo payment of tho amount auo on any property with interest and any sale or deuvery 0' notes pursuant 10 this cird'nahce is will be given an opportunity tob© heqrd concerning such costs incurred up to the Dmo of sale by cash, certified chock or money order. made. Suah repon must include ihe amouni.lhe descrip- Ordinance tion the interest rate and the maturity schedule ol the notes 'ndustnat Properties may be subject to the Spill Componsion ana Control Act (N J S-A. SB'10*23. 11 et seq) tne Water HEDY UPKE sold." the price ooiained and the name 61 the purchaser BOROUGH CLERK Pollution Control Act (N.J.S.A. 5a:10A-1 ot seq). and tho Industrial Srto Recovory A c l ( N J S A. 13;1 K-6 et seq). •'Or purchasers thereof. BLOCK LOT NAME " • LOCATION AMOUNT BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH SECTION 6. i! is hereoy 'unher determined and ae102 10 Hidi. Mary C-Esl ol 434 Fourth Avo. 57,330 33 PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 97-15 205 1 6 Crater, Mchaoi & Laureen 208 Second Ave. M.152.76 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 150 OF THE • cfared'by this Borough Council as follows3W 5 Tempto. James & Patnoa 683 Willow Ave. Si.~716.26' BOROUGH CODE • -A. The improvements or purposes described tn SecSNC " • • . CC14 4 Tc 7-3.10.17,24-97 BE IT ORDAINED by Ihe Governing. Body of ma Borlion 1 a r e not current expenses they are improvements er. •• : • / > * ; . genera: .mprovements. ana no par! of'the cost tnereol nas been or shall be speaa'iy assessed on property speciady oenedteo ihereoy. ' • B T he average pe* od oi use'u^ness of t.'ie pjrposes cescftbed <n Seclio'i I 'or w ' v c i '.uv bonds a^e he'eoy a u t h o r e d to De 'ssjec. v . t ' i n tne Mr is presc-'iDec Dy ti\e Lqcal Bond Law. .5 at least 15 years C' All bonos or notes ssued Djrsuaii 10 tn.s ord.nance sh'aif Dear interest al a rate not 10 exceed irie naximum rate perm.ltea Dy :aw. D. The supplemental deDl state-neni reQu^eo by said 'Ldfcal Bond Law nas been duly mace ana* liied in ihe of•^tce ofthe Borough C..e*n, pnor to the passage 0' th;s or*BiMBnce ontifst rearjing. and a comp.eie executed cupiicate thereof has been foea n me orfce ot ihe Director of ihe dviS'On 0' Local Goverhment Services >n ihe Department qt C j ^ m j n i l y AMairs 0' the Slate ol new Jersey pr or :o the .passage o* f i s otatnance on !ma! read'ng, - a/td such statement SMJWS n a i tne g'oss debt ot said Bo/augn. as eel nea n N.JS.A. 40A 2-43, is increased Oy ihrs ordnance Dy S41.800 ano mat me issuance of ihe , obligations ajinowea by this oranance win D6 within an qebt limitations contained .n tne Local Bond Law. - . . . £ . The aggregate amojnt of tne proceeds of the obii, gallons autnor.zea by vus ordinance lo be expended for •nte'ost on tne oo>igations auihorzea herein, engineering and inspection costs, legal expenses, and (he costs-. 0) issuance ol me obi-gations auihorded by ihis ordinance, including printing, aavenisement ol ofd>nances anc notices ol salo arid'iega: expenses, ana olner expenses as " provided m N j S A 40A 2-20 cues not exceed 54.000. " SECTiOK 7 Tne capital budget 0' me Borough »s nereby amenaec to contcm wi^h tne provisions at this o.'rjinance t o m e extent 0* any incons-stency nerewiin. anc me resoijtions prurruigateci oy the Local Finance Board show.n^ 'ui1 d6tai of r m ameidec! capital budget ana capital program as a p p ' j v e d oy ihe D'iector 0 ' ine DiviSionof Local Government Serv.c0jjjue.Gn lit© with the ' • Borough C'e't* anu are avarable for public inspection ScCT.ON 8 in tne even: tna: any o:her moneys are >awiuiiy feceiveu u$tv any SJU'ce 'or ihe purposes pro..vtdeu in th«s orama'ice, sucn "icneys snail be used lor pie purposes aultiof ;ea he'e-n ana to 'educe tne amojni o' uonOS or noies a j i n o ' ^ e o to be .ssjeel Dy !h6 ordinance by the aiV'Oun: so 'eceiveo. or i'sucn ot'ier rT>on' eys are 'ecv:vec a'te'Vic -ssuance -jt the bonas or notes auihonzea Dy m;s oraftance, sucn -IOMGVS snail be useo sjieiy 'or trie piiyoen! u' V\e ct?D' &=-",• Oeun s<t 0 OOu'Js c notes as me sa"ie Decume d j t ano payau'e Borough 0' Kenilwor SECTION 150-iO-COMP'LlANCE REQUIRED REMEDIATION BY BOROUGH QPW REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS. A The first paragraph o* ih & subcnapier snail De aes>gnatec *A* B ADD THE FOLLOWING NEW SUBPART. II after notice-of violation has been sent pursuant to Sudcnapier 150-13 herein ana the (•me period vHrun wh.cn to respond nas expired, the viQ'aron has not been corrected'me Zoning Enforcemen; OJ*'Cer may d.rect me Superintendent 01 the DPW to remediate or cure ine condilion, me cost ol whicn shan De assessed 10 and Decome a lien against Iho real property aHecieo and me tax collector :s hereDy authorized and ai'ectod to aaa such assessment to me properly \ax account o' the aHecied propeay CH7W183 SHERIFFS SALE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEV CHANCERY DIVISION UNION COUNTY Dockel No. F43O6-96 COMMERCIAL CAPITAL COMPANY IMC NKA TMS MORTGAGE INC vs. ONOFRO LATORRE AND GIOVANNA LA10RHE ET ALS Defendant, Civil Action vV.-.t ol Elocution Dale: May 9.1997 Sale Dale. Wednesday Tno 16tti Day ol Ju'y A.D. 1997 SECTION i 5 0 - ' 6 - H A B l T U A L OFFENDERS. ENTHE SHERIFF S SALES M i l BE HELD ON THE 4TH HANCED PENALTIES FLOOR OF THE BANK BUILDING. 24 RAHWAY AVA. For the purpose.of imssubsection a hab.luai offender shatl be defmec ae any person lound lo have vio- ENUE. EUZABETH. SALES W i l l START AT 2:00 PM laled Ihe provisions ol mis Chapier two (2) or more limes ALL SUCESSFUL BIDDERS MUST HAVE 20% OF THEIR BID AVAILABLE IN CASH OR CERTIFIED CHECK AT w.thm any twelve 112) calendar mo/iinperiod B. Any person lound to De a habitual offender of this THE CONCLUSION OF THE SALES. Chapter shall, m aod^'jon to me penalties provided 'or in ' SCHEDULE A' Subsecion 150-15 upon conviction be lined the sun-, of ,A_ U JHAT CERTAIN laid ana premises snate, ryng $1.000 00 a-ic Ming ,n tne Borougn ot Ken.wrann. County o! Uncn MICHAEL TRIPODT. MAYOR anf the State o' New Jersey Tho togol dosenpnon being mrj'9 panicglarty Doundoa ano described m accordance HEDY UPKE BOROUGH CLERK C C 6 0 l x 7 1797 wnh a survey made by Paul J. Rindaldi, dated Juno 14, $27 03 1973, aslotows BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH BEGINNING a: a point m tho Easierty srdo tno ol Nortn PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given mat an Ordinance, ol 16th Slroel OiSlanl 25 loot Ihoroin Northerly troni the which ihe following s a copy, was introduced read and .n-e'seci«n cl ine said side line ol sa>a Easterly s-do line passed on lirst reading by the Mayor and Council ot me ii Non^ tain Street vMn tne Nonherry side ime o' Wonroo Borough ol Keniiworth at a meeting on tne 9th day ol A-i-n.je <r>d hen thence runnng 1 July. 1997. and lhat said Council ww lunner consider me. 1 Nor-;' 32 degrees. 22 mn-jies Eas: I W lee! to j n saia Ordinance lor final passage on tne 27ih day ol Au- 'zr pipe- mence running gust. 1997 at me Kennworii Mo".opal Bu.id.ng S67 ,_, . degrees _w!p ' Noin 7 38 minutes West 50 loot to an iron Boulevard Ken.iwpnr New Jersey al 8 00 P M aiwn.cn pipe, mence running time and piace any persons wno may Deinteresieatnerem -3; Souin 82 degrees 22 minutes west 100 leet to a l b e given an oppcauniiy to ce heard concerning sucn x,n in the sa-d Easterly skjeimo ol North I8tn Strwi. Ordinance ,-in.ng HEDY UPKE '4; aiong tne sa.d Easierty &de hne ol North iQth Street BOROUGH CLERK South 7 degrees 38 minutes East 50 feet to the point and BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH place of BEGINNING. PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 97-14 BEING also Known as Lots 22 and 23 in Block 40 as ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE BOR- shown on a mnp entitled "Section 2 of tho Map of Now OUGH CODE J'aig-:- J'non Couny N J ' filod in tne Union C0'..rr, BE IT ORDAINED Dy.ine Governing Body ol me Bor- Horsier b Olfico. SoplomDor 20. 1890 as Map No 215 B ough ol Ker-.lworth tnai Cnapter; Q ol Ihe Boroujn Code BEING COMMONLY known as 203 ttortn I8m Si'ont. 1 ' 'tereby piey^cj tor f i e payment cl ine y m c p a l u» ano is hereby ameno&J tc aoa a new A/i'de ill •merest an a'u bonds aria notes .S'SJCU pursjani 10 tn.5 ARTICLE HI Judgment Amount yrrjlrtance. anc) as u'tg as s j c r i LXJ.'HIS or noies a f e outMUNICIPAL SERVICE CHARGE . _ _ TH0USA.MJ . DNu H J.N D R E D SIXT? T.VO 1HHL.:. •sranuing ihe-e bha.i 'SG levieo .:\ eacfi year ad valorem SECTION ' 0 1 8 SERVICE CHARGE FOR NSF MUNDHtD'HiHTY ONE & 71/100 lijxes on a l i a b l e prjyerty wii'i n sad Borough witnyji CHECKS. COLLECTION • (S 162.331.71) • ii'titfaiion as to rate u' a-'ruuni suf c ent to pay pr>ncipa' A Any person wno tenders a check or other written Attorney utanc meres: on sjen bonds and 'totes maturing i-i sa>0 instrument to-the municipality, or any department or ad- LOW O^ces ol harvoy I Marcus. P C mmisirat.ve Doarrj or subdivision thereof lor me paymeni ParK 80 West Ptaza Two to ' i n u"Jia-iCB shai laKe e"ect twenty ol an account or service whicn is returned lor insulliceni Saddle Broon. NJ 07663-5612 iie' '• nai aaopi on. days alter tt, t '.rsi lunds shall be assessed a servico charge ol S20 00 lor SHERIFF,..Rolph G, Froehllcli each sucn cnecK or insirumeni returned Full legal doscnption is Mod al iho Unon Counry Sneritt s i prov.aea by CC57 lx 7 17 97 B Whenever me accouni tor wn.ch a check is returned Office Mir 891.80 is lor a lax or specal assessment, ihe serv.ee charge ONE-hUNOREO SIXTv Six THOUSAND K.'E HjrjDHiiL; "-*•* TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD snai' be mended on whichever list ol delinquent accounts c i G H I ^ NINE A O V I O O """•" ORDINANCE NO. 97-16 prepared••'or enlorcemenl • cl'Su TC'A- J U Q G M L N T AMOUH' - A N ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CER{S 166.589 01) C Any service cnarge ajinor.jea by mis Art.cie sr.an : " TAINREAL PROPERTY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED CC7 4156-19.26 7-3.1M7 SM2B0 De conecieo •'• me sama manner prescrDea by law to' ' - AS A PORTION OF MEEKER AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAV tr-.e collection o' tne accouni Isr .vr.cr me cnecu of other •»OW-THE TAX MAP OF THE TOWNSHIPOF CRANFORD wr.lien nslrumerl * a s lenaeibd NOTICE •VHEREAS ine ^owr^s^it; o ' C r a ' l o ' c s ine ovvne' o' £ D Once a check or ctno' v.rittt-r ,nsiri,meri .s 'ei^rnec TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD neiam oa/cm o' 'eai proDo f 'v i r : n &T cwisn c o' - 'anro'c 'or I'lsjfiCient lunrjs me apprcpr.attr mjnicipai depanTOWNSHIP COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING lescnbeo as IOHCAS ment nead or otl.cer rr.ay aemana that luture payments JULY 22, 1997 . ...BEGINNING at a pc r1 ;:••» x^VMito; sijai.ro y Qn s u " 1 »:;ouni be tenaererj m cash or by casn.er s or 7:30 P.M. ' /enue there.r c.stai'.: 36 r r 'ee: fcojtneasrerv • K,'b l( <in: :o r e rL-au'e^-er-ls - ' N _ S A ' 0 4-6 .,'•'<:•' This ordnance ^ i tak i etleci immyoiateiy upon aaoprtlbe 'luwr as l > d r - ! « ' 231 P L L I C L-J.S c f " l J ? ^ O ( ^ o Meeker Avtrnuu A>in n o scu.irieas 1 ^ v ^ aa* r& <n Myniw lion ftl:er secora •i"a pub.caion accofdngio p ^ , Meet r,js Ac! '' V-'t- i "C.'^t,. : ,(.- n ..' -i S[ i*ctt Street tnence. jr-n ( ng CioseJ Soss-c: Moe' r q :•' me £\v. < : T.-..v'.ir.|* C./-i. Souin 2baegrutjs 26 ^..r-!H» U s a . - v j \r>b i o u r • 1 MlC^1ACt IHiPODT MAYOR •nceB 0 " TuMaay J L 1 , 2? ' 9 9 1 a: ' ,)0 t".1 r-fie',1.,. westerly sidenne o'Mee**er A , t j f . u , a - i s ^ n c & c ! 334 4"1 ATIFS r m c p a l B j l : l r - - 6 S p ' n j 1 B i: A.w „,.- u div..,ss " u 'Q.'oei to a DOini -.nonce runn r g ,ow m HEDVLiPi\t B O R O U G M C L E R * 2 Norm 73 Degrees i-i " r ! ' n 'j't i s 56 so^or.as Eas" a a s ^27 Qj __ _ _ CC59 ' • 7.'.,'.37 tonceol 12 68 feel to a po>m in :ne conwrune o' me atoro1N1EMV1E.VS C f A H C - . i T C H l H A t DES'TiN F-HMS mentioned Mee*er Avenue ngnt-c'-way tnence funning FOR PFI0PUSEL1 COMMLi'i'lY CLNTf R N D lom-.a j c z i • 3 AJongthecenieriineo'ine MewKer Avenue Nght-ol-way J U-STORE-rT MOSAt.t tLlENBRECHT - North 26 dogrees 28 r^iiuiBS Wosl aastance ot 336 6i NOTICE ••••(Ml W a pomi thence runnmo NIC^AI CLERK : V!>u.i''! ic SIJIO Udv a sak) AIII DO IIUKI a! u-S'O'e-u 4 Soulh63rj0groes32m.nj!es Wesi a d>biance ol I 2 50 0 1' 00' Soulh A,o. C'antord. NJ, on 07«13CX'97 al 9 00 AW *r\ tact (0 tne poinl and place Q' btjg.nmng -. , £ o n i a i m n f l +/-4.195 square 'eel (0 096 acres) BOROUGH OF GARWOOD The toiiowmg goods w'l Do sold This description is subject lo cnange as a more accuNOTICE OF ADOPTION ralo survey may a>sciose ORDINANCE NO 97-10 WHEREAS. in'S parcel s less man ine minimum sue Srwco NJUDOI 409 • Noihlancj Photo - 399 Poart St.. V , ORDINANCE ' 0 AMEND SECTION 21 -5 OF CHAP. required lor aevelQP m e n l u n j ^ f ihe mur.cipai iana do- AOOdDrcgO. NJ 07095 velapment ortJinance anrj .s A-tf.oui a*v cap-tai mprove^ • Macrmory • l Sent »0174371 1 Machine Pans • 1 Fair TtR ' 1 I'KAFFIC AND PARKING! OF IHE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF GARWOOD. menis^and i Ome' W.sc noms 1974 TO REGULATE ANO PROHIBIT DURING CERTAIN WH6REAS, Ei.i.' S A JOA 12-' 3|DH5I p f ' ^ i s a mur..ctpaiity to adopt an ofQinance a o t n o ' / <*g a sa'eotany feai Sp.ice NumDer 2447 • Manonoy & Manoney • 209 Cen- HOURS THE PARKING OF TRAILERS ON PUBLIC STREETS OF THE BOROUGH OF GARWOOD properly noi neeaed lor puDnc JSQ Dy pr vale fca.e to ino Iral Avo 2nd Fl. . Wosttold. NJ 07090 STATEMENT ownar ot tho roal properly com.guOus ta l^e real properly 38 Bones • 1 Soal #0174384 • 12 Cannot. Fiki • I Fair • "AKE NOTICE THAT THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS be.ng sold,, providod mat me property oemg so'd >& 'ess I Ofher M:SC Herns MASSED ON THE FINAL READING AFTER PUBLIC -, 4han the minimum size fequ'»&d 'or deve'apmerl undor Cipal zoning ordinance and s ^«tnoji any cap'- Spocu NUMIDOI 2301 - Thomas Boatman • 43ctj7 HEARING AT A MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE BOROUGH OF GARWOOD ON JULY 15, 1997. improvement thereon ana iurm«r proviaen \nw any Brendur Coi.ri Hernot. Ca 92544 sucn sale snail be to' noi :ess inyn me la.r rr ( vkei vd'ufl 6 BOAOS I Seal »9930U • I Cao.nul. FJu • 3 Cmlus • I AI'lESI •Doits Poldort) Tn,mool • 1 Othor Misc Items ol said real property and Munopal Clork VVHEREAS, the Townsnip Comrr. :•<<$ nas delw'm.noa fl CC54 1T7-I7-'J7 Space Nuntjer 21 Hi • Vjiono McCaii • 2W .Leigh H,gn 59 I 3 real propeny < s noi necctjci '-'^ pv-b c use ana 'd eal propoy mat it IB m tho besi mierest 01 Te To.vsr,p ol Cranlord lc Avo Newark NJ 07112 ot me propI Lcvf Seal 1 Sola • I fair • 1 ironing Bcird • 1 Other BOROUGH OF QARWOOD sell said property by private sae u- '.• ^ lm eMy contiguous tho'eio h t lor lor m n e p'ce p»-c« nn « " nufitjr sol 'onh MibC fioms • I PiCluros • 1 Seal #0174349 NOTICE OF ADOPTION whicn prtpo is not less man tru* fair I^A1 et vdiuti cl sa.a ORDINANCE NO. 9709 5poce Numoor 2046 • Docoran Ricca • ioa Hawmom AN OHDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 16 (MISCEL-^rft?vv!'THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by me Town- St Apt 2 Roaolk) Park. NJ 07204 .ANEOUS OFFENSES! OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES 30 Bonob • 1 PiCluros • 1 Lump. Floor - 1 Othor Misc Of THL BOROUGH OF GARWOOD. 1974, ' 0 ENACT A * * - * h i t f C o m m i f l w Ol the Townsn-p o' Cfantora as follows JUVENILE CURFEW. •"f ^SECTION i The property aesenbeo Deio* snail De sola Horns- I Soal #174386. 1 Fair STATEMENT TAKE NOTICE THAT THE ABOVE ORDINANCE WAS i'ASSED ON THE FINAL READING AFTER PUBLIC ronnpoiow, 1 9 Bans.-84 BOMS • 1 Ouwi l|tisc Boms • 1 Coining • 1 HEARING AT A MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY 5^45Q0 oo Drcssor • I Mirrors • 1 Short - I Fair • 1 Soal # 174374 OF THE BOROUGH OF GARWOOD ON JULY 15.1997 ATTEST a 0 r^.i'L"2"m .:~'S "J,° SMco NumDo, 4156 • Mchaol H. Koto. Anomov „, i « CH753180 SHERIFFS SALE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION UNION COUNTY Docket No. F9179-91 AVCO • ••r.'ANClAL SERVICES INEW JERSEY). "a I'I1' MARJOI = :•: M KIlDAY. ET ALS. D c a j C M I Acton Am of E-ecuion Date: May 14,1997 Sale Date Wednosday The 161h Day o( July A.D. 1997 THE SHERIFFS SALES WILL BE HELD ON THE 4TVI - . 0 0 " OF THE BANK BUILDING, 24 RAHWAY AV£V./£ dL.ZABETH, SALES WIU START AT 200 PM ALL SUCESSFUL BIDDERS MUST HAVE 20% OF THEIR S'D A : A . ' J , B L E -<i CASH OR CERTIFIED CHECK AT TV<S CONCLUSION CF ThE SALES. S^ORT FORM DESCR'PTION The property :c oe sold is located in tne BOROUGH ol GARWOOD. County ol Un-on, Stale ol New Jersey. Co'^moiry Kncwn as: 115 Anchor Place. Garwood, New Jersey To. LOINC 9 m Block No, 31 D.mensons ol tne Lot are (Approximately) 105" X 40 'Joarosi C'oss Street' Second Avenue JuJqrront Amount' .'.:..•:• -OOR "iO_'SANO SEVEN-HUNDRED S.XTV • :l :. 5- " X v — IS 44 765 54| -'Vre, OC'Imger & Oal'OWSky Suie I'jJ 3 3 E sennower Parkway _..-.gs:;i' N j 07039 SHERIFF Ralph G. Froohlich -'^li K-c,:J :;e&c'piK3n is fled al me Union County Sheriffs ? " ;o ; OHTv -3 X inOUSAND SEVENTY THREE a 02/100 TOTAL JUDGMENT AMOUNT IS 46.073 02; =' - ' < • CC8 4'.s 6-19.26 7-3.10-97 ...Tell Us About Your Neck Of The Woods PO Box 699 I? Veterans Memorial Drive E., Somerville, NJ 08876 BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE-NO. 93-13 AU ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE' NO 'J6 20 PROVIDING I-'OR COMPENSATION C OH BOROuG-i EMPLOYEES OF THE B O R O U G H OF KENinVORTn STATEMENT TaKe notice inal tr.e abo.e O'u nancu was passe.t on me I.nai reaci ng atter p u t . c i-ea'.ng ai a r* j ^ jr " e e : ng r J :ho Go-e-M "c; Body cl "-a B^rj^gr. cl Kei' / . : ' ! " . - r ' : ' e 9m Day ol July 1 y y V HEDi L I P K E Boro^gr- C ' t f " Bcio-gr-. D'Ke'' :A:;nn 59_16 CC58 '< 7 ' 797 Fight Cancer With Your Used Car! Donate Your Used Car, Truck, TV or Boat Today! 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