April/Travanj 2014. - Oktobar/Listopad 2014. godine Va{ besplatan primjerak Your free Sample UVODNIK / INTRODUCTION Dragi ~itatelji, Dear Readers , @elim Vam predstaviti naše novo proljetno izdanje Sarajevo Airport Magazina, koji, kao i prethodna izdanja, ima za cilj informirati Vas o svim aktivnostima u našem preduze}u, koje se provode kako na pove}anju prometa, tako i na poboljšanju naših usluga koje pru`amo Vama. U našim prethodnim izdanjima Sarajevo Airport Magazine saznali ste o brojnim poboljšanjima u svim segmentima našeg poslovanja, kako bi putnik, kao krajnji korisnik naših usluga, bio što zadovoljniji te kako bismo postigli što bolje finansijske rezultate za naše preduze}e. S tim u vezi imam veliko zadovoljstvo kazati Vam da su naši napori dali rezultate te da je iza nas jedna od najuspješnijih poslovnih godina. Naime, u poslovnoj 2013. godini broj putnika koji su prošli kroz naš aerodrom iznosio je 665.638, što je najve}i broj putnika od osnivanja našeg preduze}a, a za 15 posto je ve}i u odnosu na 2012. poslovnu godinu. Pove}an je i broj aviooperacija i to za ~etiri posto u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. Zabilje`en je rast aktivnosti i u svim drugim segmentima našeg poslovanja (trgovina, cargo, komplementarne usluge). Sve to rezultiralo je sjajnim finansijskim izvještajem za proteklu godinu, koji zaista ima veliki zna~aj za nas, posebno ako imamo u vidu vrlo slo`ene tr`išne i privredne okolnosti u kojima radimo. Bez obzira na izvanredne poslovne rezultate, Uprava našeg preduze}a i dalje ula`e konstantne napore na poboljšanju cjelokupnog poslovanja, sa posebnim akcentom na uvo|enje novih linija, što je naša osnovna djelatnost. Tako u okviru ljetnog reda letenja prijevoznik Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) krajem juna planira uvo|enje nove linije Štokholm-Sarajevo, a Germanwings uvodi novu liniju na relaciji Berlin-Sarajevo, po~evši od 15. aprila. Tako|er, Turkish Airlines, po~evši od 02. maja 2014. godine, pove}ava broj letova za Istanbul (sa slijetanjem na Aerodrom Sabiha Gökçen) za još tri sedmi~no. S obzirom na to da u prva dva mjeseca ove poslovne godine imamo rast kako broja putnika, tako i aviooperacija, o~ekujemo da }e biti jednako uspješna kao i prethodna. We would like to introduce to You our new Spring Edition of the Sarajevo Airport Magazine, which, like the previous editions, aims to inform you on all the activities being conducted by our company in order to increase traffic as well as to improve our services that we provide to You. In our previous releases of the Sarajevo Airport Magazine, You became familiar with the many improvements in all aspects of our business so that the traveler, as the end user of our services, would be more satisfied and in order to achieve better financial results for our company . In this regard, I have the great pleasure to inform You that our efforts have yielded in results and that behind us, is one of the most successful business years. Specifically, throughout the business year 2013, the number of passengers that have passed through our Airport amounted 665,638, which is the highest number of passengers since the founding of our company and 15 percent higher than in the business year 2012. The number of Airline Operations has increased as well for about in comparison to the previous Year. We also marked increased activities in all other aspects of our business (trade, cargo, complementary services ) . All this has resulted in great Financial Report Results for the previous year, which has great significance for us, especially if we take into consideration a very complex market and the economic circumstances surrounding us. Notwithstanding the Extraordinary Business Results, the Board of our Company continues to invest constant efforts to improve overall operations, with particular emphasis on the introduction of new lines, which is our Core Business. Thus, in the late June Summer Schedule Framework of the Carrier Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) it is planned to introduce a new line from Stockholm to Sarajevo as well as a new line between Berlin and Sarajevo by Germanwings starting from April 15th. Also, Turkish Airlines, starting May 2nd. 2014. plans to increase the number of flights to Istanbul (landing on the airport Sabiha Gokcen ) to three times per week. Due to the fact that in the first two months of this financial year we increased the number of passengers and Airline Operations it is expected to be as successful year as the previous one. Direktor Ivan Veli~an With best regards, 3 SIAM Uz srda~ne pozdrave, SADR@AJ / CONTENT S A D R @A J CONTENT Sarajevski aerodrom kao po~etna ta~ka u razvoju doma}e ekonomije/ Sarajevo Airport as the Starting Point in the Development of Domestic Economy................................................16-22 Kvalitetnim sadr`ajem do stalnih korisnika usluga/ Trough Quality Content to the Fixed Service Users........................................................................24-30 Na{a zemlja }e u Brazilu imati svoju ku}u/ Our country will have its own house in Brazil........................................................................34-38 U Brazilu mo`emo napraviti velike stvari/ We can achieve great things in Brazil.........................40-44 I M P R E SU M Deset zanimljivosti Sarajeva/ Ten Attractions of Sarajevo....................................................................50-58 SAM 4 Sarajevo Airport Magazine Periodi~ni magazin Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo Periodical magazine of the Sarajevo International Airport Izdava~ / Publisher: Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo / Sarajevo International Airport Redakcijski kolegij / Editorial Board: Ivan Veli~an, generalni direktor / General Manager, Darijan Veli~an, marketing menad`er / Marketing Manager, Sabina Kova~, PR menad`er / PR Manager, agencija PRag d.o.o. Sarajevo / agency PRag d.o.o. Sarajevo Priprema i ure|ivanje / Preparation and editing: PRag d.o.o. Tira` / Circulation: 10.000 Engleski prevod / English translation: PRag d.o.o. Fotografija / Photography: PRag d.o.o. i arhiv Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo / Archives of the Sarajevo International Airport DTP / Design: PRag d.o.o. Štampa / Printing: Suton, Široki Brijeg VIJESTI / NEWS Pro{la godina bila najuspje{nija za Aerodrom Sarajevo Prošla godina ostat }e zapisana u historiju Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo kao jedna od najuspješnijih poslovnih godina u radu ovog preduze}a. Zahvaljuju}i zalaganju Uprave i cjelokupnog kolektiva Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, ovo preduze}e uspješno je realiziralo visoko zadane ciljeve sa po~etka 2013. godine. Ostvaren je rekordan rezultat po pitanju broja putnika u historiji ovog preduze}a, koji za 2013. godinu iznosi 665.638 putnika, što je za 15 posto više u odnosu na 2012. godinu. Zabilje`eno je i pove}anje broja aviooperacija, kojih je u 2013. godini realizirano 5.512, što je za ~etiri posto više u odnosu na 2012. godinu. Rast prometa odrazio se i na finansijske rezultate poslovanja, pa je tako zabilje`en rast prihoda u gotovo svim profitnim centrima: putni~ki servis, prihvat i otprema zrakoplova, trgovina, kargo i komplementarne usluge. Poslovni planovi za teku}u godini ogledaju se u dolasku švedske aviokom- Rekordni rezultati i panije SAS (Scan- tokom ove godine dinavian Airlines System), koja je vo- Record Results in de}i avioprijevoznik this Year as well u skandinavskim zemljama, planirano je i uvo|enje direktne linije na relaciji Berlin–Sarajevo-Berlin od strane Germanwingsa, a ponovo su aktualizirani i pregovori sa najve}om low cost aviokompanijom u isto~noj Evropi, Wizz Airom. Tokom trajanja ljetne sezone i Svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva o~ekuje se rast broja ~arter letova za tri posto, kao i pove}anje redovnih linija, te je shodno o~ekivanom rastu prometa za teku}u godinu planirana i rekonstrukcija Terminala B u dolascima na me|unarodnom dijelu, a sve u cilju pru`anja još kvalitetnije usluge putnicima najprometnijeg aerodroma u BiH, pred kojim je, ako je suditi prema prognozama i planovima, još jedna uspješna poslovna godina. Nakon uspješno završene poslovne 2013. godine, Aerodrom Sarajevo pozitivne rezultate bilje`i i u 2014. godini, pa je tako rast prometa zabilje`en i u januaru. Broj putnika u januaru iznosio je 36.114, što je za osam posto više u odnosu na isti period 2013. godine. Broj aviooperacija iznosio je 383, što je više za šest posto u odnosu na prošlu godinu. I u februaru je nastavljeno pove}anje prometa u odnosu na isti period prošle godine. U drugom mjesecu teku}e godine opslu`eno je 35.435 putnika, što je za 17 posto više u odnosu na isti mjesec prošle godine. Pove}anje je zabilje`eno i u broju polijetanja i slijetanja, kojih je u februaru bilo 387, što je za 21 posto više, nego u istom periodu prošle godine. SIAM 6 Last Year was the Most Successful for Sarajevo Airport Last year will go down in the history of the Sarajevo International Airport as one of the most successful Business years in the work of this company. Thanks to the efforts of the Board and the entire collective of Sarajevo International Airport, this company has successfully implemented a highly set of goals inititated at the beginning of 2013. There has been a record result in terms of the number of passengers in the history of this company, which in 2013 amounted to 665 638 passengers, 15 percent more than in 2012. An increase in the number of Airline Operations was also noted, which in 2013 amounted 5512, almost four percent more than in 2012. Traffic Growth was reflected on the Financial Results of Operations as well, so that revenue growth was noted in almost all profit centres: passenger service, handling of aircraft, stores, cargo and complementary services. Business plans for the current year are reflected in the arrival of the Swedish Airline SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System), which is the leading Airline Carrier in the Scandinavian Countries, and it is planned to introduce a direct line between Berlin-SarajevoBerlin by Germanwings. Also the negotiations with the largest Low Cost Airline Company in Eastern Europe, Wizz Air are refreshed. During the Summer Season and the World Football Championship the increase of the number of charter flights is expected by three percent as well as the increase in the operating of Regular Lines, and taking into consideration the expected traffic growth for the current year it is planned to start the reconstruction of Terminal B in the International Arrivals Area with the aim of providing more quality services to passengers in the busiest Airport in B&H, which is, judging by the forecasts and plans, expecting another successful year. After the successful completion of the Business Year in 2013, Sarajevo Airport recorded positive results in 2014, so the increase in turnover was recorded in January as well. The number of passengers in January totalled 36,114, eight percent more compared to the same period in 2013. The number of Airline Operations amounted to 383, which is higher by six percent compared to last year. February also continued in increasing in traffic compared to the same period last year. In the second month of this year we welcomed 35,435 passengers, which is 17 percent more than in the same month last year. The increase occurred in the number of take-offs and landings, which in February was 387, 21 percent more than in the same period last year. VIJESTI / NEWS Razmjena iskustva u ISO certifikaciji Exchange of Experience in ISO Certification SIAM 8 Odr`an sastanak sa predstavnicima Centra za upravljanje kvalitetom BH Telecoma Meeting held with Representatives of the Centre for Quality Management of BH Telecom Predstavnici Sektora upravljanja sistemima Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo odr`ali su sastanak sa predstavnicima Centra za upravljanje kvalitetom BH Telecoma, a razgovarano je o implementaciji Sistema upravljanja zaštitom informacija ISO 27001 unutar organizacije BH Telecoma, za koji je Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo prošle godine dobio certifikat. Na sastanku su predstavnici Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo pru`ili podršku kolegama iz BH Telecoma u uspostavi ovog sistema unutar organizacije, ali su podijelili i svoja iskustva u integraciji dva ili više sistema, (u ovom slu~aju ISO 9001, ISO 14001 i sistema 27001). Implementacijom ovog internacionalno prepoznatog standarda, ove dvije kompanije dokazuju da su aktivnosti koje provode postavljene na visokom nivou uz odgovaraju}u kontrolu i pra}enje rizika, ~ime se osigurava cjelovitost, dostupnost i povjerljivost informacija. Dogovoreno je da }e BH Telecom, kada je u pitanju implementacija sistema 27001, imati punu podršku Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo i u budu}em periodu. Representatives of the Division Management Systems of Sarajevo International Airport held a meeting with representatives of the Centre for Quality Management of BH Telecom, and discussed the Protection Management Information System ISO 27001 within the organization BH Telecom, for which Sarajevo International Airport received a certificate last year. At the meeting, representatives from the International Airport Sarajevo provided support to colleagues from BH Telecom in establishing this System within the organization, but they also shared their experience in the integration of two or more systems (in this case, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and 27001 Systems). Through the implementation of internationally recognized standards, these two companies are proving that operations that they carry out are set at a high level, with appropriate Control and Monitoring Risks, what ensures the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information. It was agreed that BH Telecom, when it comes to the Implementation of the System 27001, will have the full support of the Sarajevo International Airport in the subsequent period as well. VIJESTI / NEWS Aerodrom Sarajevo prva kompanija koja je integrirala QMS, EMS i ISMS sisteme Sveobuhvatni anga`man i trud menad`menta i uposlenika Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, rezultirali su certifikacijom (ISO 27001 Sistem upravljanja zaštitom informacija) i recertifikacijom (ISO 9001 Sistem upravljanja kvalitetom i 14001 Sistem okolinskog upravljanja). Tim povodom uprili~ena je promocija za poslovne partnere i uposlenike ovog preduze}a na kojoj je menad`er kvaliteta i direktor Sektora upravljanja sistemima Aerodroma Sarajevo Nermin Zijadi} odr`ao prezentaciju o QMS, EMS, ISMS. Zvanicama su se obratili i predstavnici konsultantske ku}e Consalta, koji su posljednje dvije godine radili na ure|enju Me|unarodnog standarda ISO 27001 na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo. “Integracijom ova tri standarda, a prema Me|unarodnom ISO standardu, Aerodrom Sarajevo postaje prvi privredni subjekt u BiH sa objedinjena ova tri standarda. Kada se ovome doda još jedan upravlja~ki sistem Safety Management System- SMS, sa sigurnoš}u se mo`e re}i da Aerodrom Sarajevo prati svjetske standarde“, kazao je Zijadi}. Certifikacijom po Me|unarodnim ISO standardima Aerodrom Sarajevo krunisao je uspješno poslovanje u 2013. godini, a trend uspješnog i kvalitetnog poslovanja bit }e nastavljen i u 2014. godini. SIAM 10 Promocija sistema za poslovne partnere Promotion of Systems for Business Partners Uskoro obnova parkinga i platforme za avione Soon Restoration of Parking and Platforms for Planes Tender za izvo|enje gra|evinskih radova na platformi i komercijalnom parkingu Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo završen je sredinom marta, a uskoro }e se znati odabrani izvo|a~ radova na ovom projektu. Sarajevski aerodrom raspisao je tender vrijednosti 150.000 KM za obnovu parkinga i platforme, a predvi|eni rok obnove je 30 dana. Obnovom je predvi|eno da se uradi novi površinski sloj asfaltnog zastora na komercijalnom parkingu, saniraju reviziona okna i kanali oborinske kanalizacije na platformi za smještaj letjelica, kao i na parkingu ispred Terminala B. Ovi radovi spadaju u preventivno odr`avanje aerodromskih površina i infrastrukture, kako bi se produ`io `ivotni vijek i pouzdanost, ali i podigao nivo usluga koje se pru`aju korisnicima. The tender for Construction works on the Platform and the Commercial parking at Sarajevo International Airport was completed in mid-March and soon the selected contractor on this project will be known. The Sarajevo Airport announced a tender worth 150,000 BAM for reconstruction of Parking and the Platform, and its anticipated Term Renewal is set to 30 days. Through the reVrijednost projekta newal it is planned to make 150.000 KM a new layer of asphalt surfacing on the Commercial The Project,s value Parking Lot, to repair manof 150,000 BAM holes and storm sewer channels on the Platform for Accommodation of the Aircraft as well as to repair the parking lot in front of Terminal B. These works belong to the Preventive Maintenance of Airport Surface and Infrastructure, in order to prolong the lifetime and reliability, but also to raise the level of Services provided to users. VIJESTI / NEWS Sarajevo Airport the First Company to Integrate the QMS, EMS and ISMS Systems The overall commitment and efforts of the Management and Staff of Sarajevo International Airport resulted in the certification (ISO 27001 Information Protecion Management System ) and recertification (ISO 9001 Quality Management System and 14001 Environmental Management System). On this occasion, the promotion for Business Partners and Employees of this Company was organized whereas the Manager of Quality and Director of the Sector of Management Systems of the Sarajevo Airport Mr. Nermin Zijadi} gave a presentation on QMS, EMS, ISMS. Invitees were addressed by representatives of consulting firms Consalta, which have been working for the last two years on the organization of the International Standard ISO 27001 at Sarajevo International Airport. “By integrating these three standards, and according to the International ISO standards, Sarajevo Airport becomes the first Commercial Entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina with these three standards unified. When we add to this another Control System - The Safety Management System (SMS), we can express that the Sarajevo Airport follows global standards", said Zijadi}. Certification by the International Standards ISO Sarajevo Airport crowned a success in doing Business in 2013, and the trend of successful and quality business will be continued in 2014. SIAM 11 VIJESTI / NEWS SIAM 12 Kontrola bh. neba od oktobra Control of the B&H Sky from October Ministar komunikacija i prometa BiH Damir Had`i} razgovarao je u Briselu sa generalnim direktorom EUROCONTROL-a Frankom Brennerom o budu}im aktivnostima BHANSA-e (Agencija za pru`anje usluga u zra~noj plovidbi BiH) u procesu preuzimanja kontrole nad bh. nebom. Ministar Had`i} je istaknuo da u BiH postoji jasan i nepodijeljen stav na dr`avnom nivou da je implementacija BHATM projekta prioritetna za BiH. Direktor Brenner je konstatovao da je u~injen veliki napredak u procesu preuzimanja odgovornosti za pru`anje usluga separacije aviosaobra}aja u FIR Sarajevo od BH ACC. Sagovornici su se slo`ili da je iskorak napravljen naporima Ministarstva komunikacija i prometa BiH u uspostavi dr`avne Agencije za pru`anje usluga u zra~noj povidbi (BHANSA), ~ime su ugašene entitetske direkcije i entitetski bud`eti rastere}eni od višemilionskih izdataka. EUROCONTROL je u ovom procesu bio tehni~ka podrška BiH. Ministar Had`i} upoznao je direktora Brennera da BiH provodi daljnje aktivnosti preuzimanja kontrole bh. neba u skladu sa planom tranzicije te }e inicijalne operacije iz BH ACC zapo~eti 16. oktobra 2014. godine. Istaknuo je da }e se otvaranjem vazdušnog prostora za civilni aviosaobra}aj iznad Kosova u aprilu ove godine znatno pove}ati broj preleta iznad FIR Sarajevo, što }e utjecati i na pove}anje prihoda BHANSA-e. "Bosna i Hercegovina je u cijelosti opredijeljena za saradnju sa susjednim dr`avama, kako bi što uspješnije okon~ala tranzicioni period preuzimanja odgovornosti za pru`anje usluge separacije aviosaobra}aja u svom prostoru. Pred nama su nove aktivnosti, koje zahtijevaju maksimalnu posve}enost operativnog osoblja BHANSA-e", naglasio je ministar Had`i}, saop}eno je iz Vije}a ministara BiH. Minister of Communications and Transport of B&H Mr. Damir Had`i} met with the General Director of EUROCONTROL Frank Brenner in Brussels on future activities of BHANSA (Agency for the Provision of Air Navigation Services in Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the process of taking control of the sky of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Minister Had`i} pointed out that in B&H there is a clear and undivided attitude at the State Level to the Implementation of the Project BHATM as a priority for B&H. Director Brenner noted that great progress has been made in the Process of Taking Responsibility for Providing Air Traffic Separation in the FIR Sarajevo from BH ACC. The interlocutors agreed that the breakthrough was made by the efforts of the Ministry of Communications and Transport of B&H in the establishment of the State Agency for the Provision of Air Navigation Services (BHANSA), through which the Entity Directorates were closed down and the Entity Budgets are relieved of multimillion crowded expenses. EUROCONTROL was in the process the technical support for B&H. Minister Had`i} introduced to the Director Brenner that B&H is implementing further activities in taking control of the B&H Sky in accordance with the plan of transition and that the initial operation of BH ACC will start on October 16 th. 2014. He said that the opening of Airspace for Civilian Airline Traffic over Kosovo in April this year will dramatically increase the number of flights over the FIR Sarajevo, which will affect the revenue increase of BHANSA. "Bosnia and Herzegovina is fully committed to cooperation with neighbour countries, in order to successfully complete the transition period and to take responsibility for providing air traffic separation services in its area. Ahead of us are new activities that require maximum commitment of operational staff of BHANSA", said Minister Had`i}, in a press release issued by the Council of Ministers of B&H. VIJESTI / NEWS Do~ek Damira D`umhura na Sarajevskom aerodromu The Welcome of Damir D`umhur at the Sarajevo Airport Nakon historijskog i spektakularnAfter the historic and spectacular og uspjeha bh. tenisera Damira success of the B&H Tennis player D`umhura i njegovog plasmana u Damir D`umhur and its placement in tre}e kolo Australian opena, za ovthe third round of the Australian og mladog tenisera uprili~en je doOpen, a welcoming reception at the ~ek na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo International Airport was Sarajevo. Do~ekali su ga ~lanovi organized for this young tennis plaporodice te mnogobrojni prijatelji i yer. He was welcomed by family mebh. navija~i. mbers, many friends and B&H SupVeliki uspjeh bh. tenisa D`umhur je po~etkom ove godine porters. D`umhur earlier this year The Great Success of B&H Tennis bio glavni razlog zbog ~ega Bosanci was the main reason why Bosnians i Hercegovci nisu imali sna, jer su pratili njegove me~eve had no sleep because they followed his matches at the na Australian Openu. Naš teniser ubilje`io je pet pob- Australian Open. Our tennis player has recorded five vicjeda, a njegov trijumfalni put zaustavio je ^eh Tomas tories, and his triumphant journey stopped the Czech Berdych, ina~e sedmi reket svijeta. Tomas Berdych, the seventh racket of the world. "Hvala svima što se došli. Zaista prelijep do~ek. Drago “Thank you all for coming. It is truly a beautiful welmi je što sam ponovo došao u svoje Sarajevo, me|u svoje come. I'm glad I came back to my Sarajevo, among my ljude, Bosance i Hercegovce. Drago mi je da je ovoliko own people, Bosnians and Herzegovinians. I'm glad that ljudi bilo uz mene sve ovo vrijeme. Nadam se da sam so many people were with me all this time. I hope I've uspio da vas obradujem mojim uspjehom. Na`alost, managed to make you glad by my success. Unfortumogli ste gledati samo jedan me~, ali se nadam da ste nately, you could only watch one match, but I hope zadovoljni. Ovo je bilo veliko iskustvo za mene. Bilo je you're satisfied. This was a great experience for me. It teško, bio sam pod stresom, umor je u~inio svoje. Divan was hard, I was under stress, and fatigue did its part. A po~etak godine za mene, ovaj me~ }e mi mnogo pomo}i. superb start of the year for me, this match will help me Pru`io sam dosta dobar otpor, ali sljede}i put }emo a lot. I gave a pretty good resistance, but next time we o~ekivati nešto više", istaknuo je D`umhur. will expect something more”, noted D`umhur. SIAM 13 VIJESTI / NEWS Trofej prvi put u Bosni i Hercegovini The Trophy for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina FIFA trofej do{ao u Sarajevo Autenti~ni trofej Svjetskog fudbalskog prvenstva specijalnim Coca Cola avionom sletio je na Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo, a ovo je prvi put da je naša zemlja na mapi zemalja koje ovaj trofej tradicionalno obilazi prije svakog Svjetskog prvenstva. Ovom prilikom su se medijima na Sarajevskom aerodromu obratili predstavnici Nogometnog saveza BiH i Svjetske nogometne organizacije FIFA. ''Velika ~ast i zadovoljstvo je u ime FIFA biti ovdje, prvi put u historiji BiH se plasirala na SP i znamo da me|u navija~ima vlada velika radost. Ovaj trofej ujedinjuje ljude i inspiriše djecu da sanjaju, da se bave sportom i da jednog dana igraju u reprezentaciji i zašto da ne, podignu ovaj trofej u ime svoje zemlje. Svi navija~i koji su se `rtvovali, znamo da putuju dugo kako bi bodrili svoj nacionalni tim, svi }ete u naredna dva dana mo}i osjetiti magiju i ~aroliju koju nudi ovaj trofej'', rekao je Beck Odriozol, predstavnik FIFA-e. Predsjednik NFS BiH Elvedin Begi} zahvalio se FIFA i Coca Coli na organizaciji ovog doga|aja. “Na po~etku }u se zahvaliti svima koji su omogu}ili da je trofej u našoj zemlji, da ove godine `ivimo svoj san što je posebna za sve nas. Fudbal je nepredvidiva igra, molim vas da svi zajedno u narednom periodu navijamo za naše fudbalere, nadam se da nas Zmajevi mogu iznenaditi u Brazilu. Ovo je doga|aj koji }e poslije našeg plasmana na SP u}i u historiju naše zemlje'', dodao je Begi}. BiH je jedna od 53 nove zemlje koje }e pehar posjetiti u sklopu turneje, a trofej te`ak nešto više od šest kilograma gra|ani su mogli pogledati u dvorani Skenderija u Sarajevu. SIAM 14 FIFA Trophy arrived in Sarajevo The authentic Trophy of the World Football Championship landed at the Sarajevo International Airport by a special plane of Coca Cola and this is the first time that our country is on the map of countries that this Trophy traditionally goes around before every World Championship. On this occasion the media at the Sarajevo Airport were addressed by representatives of the Football Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and World Football's Governing Body FIFA. “It is a great honour and pleasure, on behalf of FIFA to be here. For the first time in history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country has made it through to the World Championship and we know that among the Fans exists is great joy. This Trophy unites people and inspires children to dream to get involved in sports and to play one day in the National Team and maybe raise the Trophy on behalf of his country. All Fans who will sacrifice and travel a long way to cheer on their National Team, all of you in the next two days will be able to feel the magic of this Trophy”, said Beck Odriozol, representative of FIFA. President of the Football Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Elvedin Begi} expressed his gratitude to FIFA and Coca Cola for organizing this Event. “At the beginning I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for the Trophy to come to our country because this year we are living our dream that is special for all of us. Football is an unpredictable game, I would like to ask that all together we cheer our Football Players in the coming period, and I hope that the Dragons can surprise us in Brazil“ added Begi}. Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the 53 new countries that will see the Trophy as part of the Trophy Tour. The Trophy which weighs just over six pounds was exposed for the citizens at the Skenderija Hall in Sarajevo. INTERVJU / INTERVIEW Sarajevski aerodrom kao po~etna ta~ka u razvoju doma}e ekonomije Sarajevo Airport as the Starting Point in the Development of Domestic Economy Federalni premijer Nermin Nikši} u razgovoru za SIAM hvali rad Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo i odli~ne ideje rukovodstva, koje su doprinijele tome da Sarajevski aerodrom obara rekorde u broju putnika, ali i da postane profitabilniji, u odnosu na prije nekoliko godina lada FBiH u posljednje vrijeme vrijedno radi na razvoju doma}eg aviosaobra}aja, ali i na razvoju ostalih aerodromskih centara u našoj zemlji. Kroz institucije zadu`ene za aviosaobra}aj Federalna vlada je u proteklih nekoliko godina uspjela podi}i broj aviooperacija na federalnim aerodromima, me|u kojima je pove}an i broj aviooperacija sa Sarajevskog aerodroma. Nermin Nikši}, premijer Vlade FBiH, u razgovoru za SIAM govori o zna~aju Sarajevskog aerodroma, o tome kako bi se u budu}nosti još mogao pove}ati broj putnika, eventualnoj privatizaciji ovog aerodroma, kao i o stanju na ostalim aerodromima u ve}em bh. entitetu. V SIAM: Koliko je rad Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo bitan za imid` Federacije BiH, ali i imid` ~itave BiH? NIKŠI]: Sarajevski aerodrom je klju~na komunikacijska ta~ka ove zemlje. Iako imamo ~etiri me|unarodna aerodroma u BiH, radi se o glavnom aerodromu u zemlji, zbog niza karakteristika, kao što su povoljan geografski polo`aj, jer se nalazi u centru dr`ave, dodatni plus je i ~injenica da se nalazi u glavnom gradu BiH, u kojem se dešava ve}ina ekonomskih, turisti~kih i kulturnih tokova. Ovaj aerodrom je naš glavni kontakt sa ostatkom svijeta i njegov rad i izgled ~esto predstavljaju prvi dojam koji Trenutno ne razmišljamo o privatizaciji Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, iako je u posljednje vrijeme ta praksa izra`ena u regionu SIAM 16 The Federal Prime Minister, Nermin Nikši}, in an interview with SIAM praises the work of the Sarajevo International Airport and the uprising Excellent Management Ideas, which have contributed to the fact that Sarajevo Airport is breaking new records in the number of passengers, but also becoming more profitable, compared to previous years he Government of FB&H has been recently diligently working on the development of Domestic Air Traffic, as well as on the Development of other Airport Centres in our country. Through the institutions in charge of Airline Traffic The Federal Government has managed to raise the number of Airline Operations at Federal Airports in recent years, including increasing the number of Airline Operations from Sarajevo Airport. Nermin Nikši}, the Prime Minister of the Government of FB&H, in an interview with SIAM speaks about the importance of the Sarajevo Airport, about how in the future the number of passengers could still be increased, the eventual privatization of the Airport, as well as the condition of other Airports in the greater B&H Entity. T SIAM: How is the work of the International Airport Sarajevo important for the image of the Federation of B&H, but also for the image of the entire B&H? NIKŠI]: Sarajevo Airport is the Key Communication Point of this country. Although there are four International Airports in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is the main Airport in the country, due to a number of characteristics, such as a favourable geographic location, Currently we do not think about privatization of the Sarajevo International Airport, although in recent years this practice is expressed in the region INTERVJU / INTERVIEW Broj putnika }e sigurno još više rasti, ka`e Nikši} The number of passengers will surely continue to grow, says Nikši} strani posjetitelji sti~u o našoj zemlji. Evidentno je da je u posljednjih nekoliko godina došlo do poboljšanja uslova rada na ovom aerodromu, pogotovo u odnosu na prijeratni period, jer je danas uveliko pove}an broj aviooperacija. Zna~ajan period rada Aerodroma bio je i tokom rata u našoj zemlji, kada je radio smanjenim kapacitetom, ali je predstavljao jedan od klju~nih mostova kojim je u opkoljeno Sarajevo dopremana hrana i druge potrepštine, da bi nakon rata prakti~no morao biti ponovo napravljen. SIAM 18 because it is situated in the centre of the state. An additional plus is the fact that it is located in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where most economic, tourist and cultural flows occur. We can say that this Airport is our main contact with the outside world and his work and appearance are often the first impression that foreign visitors get about our country. It is evident that in recent years the working conditions at the Airport have improved, especially in relation to the pre-war period, because today it has greatly increased in the number of Airline Operations. A significant period of operation of the Airport was also during the war in our country, when the Airport worked at re- INTERVJU / INTERVIEW SIAM: Nova Uprava aerodroma preuzela je rukovodstvo prije nekoliko godina i za to vrijeme ura|ene su mnoge pozitivne stvari. Kako biste Vi ocijenili dosadašnji rad Uprave ovog aerodroma sa direktorom Ivanom Veli~anom na ~elu? NIKŠI]: Sadašnje rukovodstvo je za vrlo kratak period uspjelo uvesti nove usluge i stvari u ponudu Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, što je pospješilo poslovanje ove kompanije. Za vrlo kratko vrijeme pove}ani su prihodi po mnogim stavkama, posebno od marketinga, došlo je do uvo|enja novih aviolinija, pru`aju se nove usluge putnicima. Prijašnje rukovodstvo aerodroma je nakon rata duced capacity, but represented one of the main bridges troughs which in besieged Sarajevo was delivered food and other supplies. After the war the Airport had to be practically re-build. In short time, it managed to create a real International Airport, which meets all International Standards and which annually serves more than 600,000 passengers. I hope that in the future will be reached a larger increase in capacity, but for now, all support services of the Airport are performing their job adequately and there is no essential difference between this Airport or any other in the world. In addition to the excellent infrastructure, which currently meets all International Standards and regulations, we should not forget the staff at the Airport, which is a highly qualified and specially trained to perform routine activities. The Airport Business is very specific and requires continuous compliance with International Standards in all aspects, whether it is about services for handling Aircraft and passengers or the Commercial and Service Sector or about the infrastructure. SIAM: The new Management of the Airport took over the management of the Airport a few years ago and in that time they have done many positive things. How would you assess the current work of the Board of the Airport with the Director Ivan Veli~an on head? NIKŠI]: The current leadership has managed to intro- 19 SIAM Od njega se za kratko vrijeme uspio napraviti pravi me|unarodni aerodrom, koji zadovoljava sve me|unarodne standarde i kroz koji godišnje pro|e više od 600.000 putnika. Nadam se da }e u budu}nosti do}i do pove}anja kapaciteta, ali za sada, sve popratne slu`be Aerodroma rade svoj posao na adekvatan na~in i nema nikakve bitne razlike izme|u ovog aerodroma i bilo kojeg na svijetu. Osim odli~ne infrastukture, koja trenutno zadovoljava sve svjetske standarde i propise, ne treba zaboraviti ni osoblje Aerodroma, koje je visokostru~no i posebno educirano da obavlja svakodnevne obaveze. Aerodromska djelatnost je vrlo specifi~na i iziskuje stalnu uskla|enost sa me|unarodnim standardima u svim segmentima, bilo da se radi o uslugama vezanim za prihvat i otpremu zrakoplova i putnika, bilo da je rije~ o komercijalnim i uslu`nim djelatnostima ili da je rije~ o infrastrukturi. INTERVJU / INTERVIEW We will not shut down BH Airlines SIAM: Talking about Domestic Airports, an unavoidable issue is the only domestic Airline Carrier BH Airlines? What is the current situation in the company and will BH Airlines continue to operate or be shut down? NIKŠI]: At one of the recent session of the Government, we have discussed about the situation in this company, and at the session was adopted the Information on the Financial Situation in BH Airlines, with proposed measures for the rehabilitation of the company. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Communications was tasked to draw up concrete measures to repair the condition in the only State-Owned Airline Carrier. The remediation process is still ongoing, but we expect that this company, with the addition of some more profitable lines, could have a positive business in the future. So far we have not considered terminating the work of this company. Nismo razmišljali o privatizaciji ovog aerodroma We have not considered the Privatization of this Airport postavilo dobre temelje za razvoj, a novo rukovodstvo je na tim temeljima napravilo mnogo konkretnih stvari, koje su popravile finansijsku situaciju kompanije. Naša saradnja sa njima odvija se preko Federalnog min- BH Airlines ne}emo ugasiti SIAM: Kada govorimo o doma}im aerodromima, nezaobilazna tema je i jedini doma}i avioprijevoznik BH Airlines? Kakvo je trenutno stanje u ovoj kompaniji i da li }e BH Airlines nastaviti sa radom ili biti ugašen? NIK[I]: Na jednoj od pro{lih sjednica Vlade raspravljali smo o stanju u ovoj kompaniji, a tada je usvojena Informacija o finansijskom stanju u BH Airlinesu, sa prijedlogom mjera za sanaciju ove kompanije. Zadu`eno je Federalno ministarstvo prometa i komunikacija da sa~ini konkretne mjere sanacije stanja u jedinom dr`avnom avioprijevozniku. Proces sanacije je jo{ u toku, ali o~ekujemo da bi ova kompanija sa dodatkom jo{ nekih profitabilnih linija, mogla pozitivno poslovati u budu}nosti. Za sada nismo razmi{ljali o tome da se rad ove kompanije prekine. SIAM 20 duce new services and items within the offer of the Sarajevo International Airport in a very short period of time which facilitated the operations of the company. Revenues for many items have increased in a short period of time, especially from marketing. There has been the introduction of new Air Lines and new services are provided for passengers. After the war, the former Management of the Airport, set a good foundation for development, and the new management has made on these foundations a lot of specific things that have improved the financial situation of the company. Our cooperation with them is carried out through the Federal Ministry of Transport and Communications, and the cooperation will certainly bring more positive things in the future. The Management is making enormous efforts so that all resources and potentials are maximally utilized. They are improving the supporting of commercial activities, reviewing capital investment and very rationally making decisions on prioritizing allocations of resources. SIAM: Last year was a record for the Sarajevo Airport, in terms of number of passengers. Are the assessments to recently expand the capacity of the Airport real and to what extent can the Government of B&H help in that? NIKŠI]: We have been discussing about this earlier, but for now, there is no specific need for that. This story was topical in 2009, and the indebtedness has even been approved by the EBRD in order to expand the current terminal. However, it is known that since that year, the world was gripped by Economic Crisis, and many Airline Operators reduced the number of its operations, which reflected negatively on the Sarajevo International Airport. Therefore the enlargement of the terminal was dropped, and with the current capacity and the number of INTERVJU / INTERVIEW Ukidanje takse za unaprje|enje avioprometa direktno je stimuliralo niskotarifne avioprijevoznike koji zahtijevaju drasti~no smanjenje svih troškova, kako bi bili u mogu}nosti ponuditi povoljne cijene karata na svojim letovima istarstva prometa i komunikacija, a saradnja }e u budu}nosti sigurno donijeti još pozitivnih stvari. Rukovodstvo ula`e iznimne napore kako bi svi resursi i potencijali bili maksimalno iskorišteni, unapre|uju prate}e komercijalne djelatnosti, preispituju kapitalna ulaganja i vrlo racionalno donose odluke o prioritetnim izdvajanjima sredstava. SIAM: Prošla godina bila je rekordna za Sarajevski aerodrom, po pitanju broja putnika. Da li su realne procjene da se u skorije vrijeme proširi kapacitet ovog aerodroma i koliko Vlada FBiH u tome mo`e pomo}i? passengers, Sarajevo Airport is able to function normally. It will take more time until it comes to a massive increase in the number of passengers. In the future, the expanding of the capacity should be considered, but only under on econdition - that prior to that, all the necessary permits for construction of new facilities are resolved. In our plans, this Airport is referenced as a Starting point for Future Infrastructure Projects in our country, because the intentions of the Government of the Federation which include faster construction of Corridor VC, construction of new facilities for the production and distribution of electricity, exploration and the start of oil exploitation, investment in tourism infrastructure and tourism offer, and through this Airport we will welcome a large number of passengers which will likely lead to an expansion of Airport Capacity. The rating on expanding of the capacity must come by the Airport Management and the relevant Ministry, and I'm sure they will just know the right way to predict future needs and know how to respond to new challenges. SIAM: Several Airports in the region have recently been privatized, some by public-private partnership, some by purchase through foreign companies. How realistic is that the Sarajevo International Airport becomes the subject of a future privatization? NIKŠI]: I ranije je bilo rije~i o tome, ali, za sada, nema konkretne potrebe za tim. Ta pri~a je bila aktuelna 2009. godine i ~ak je bilo odobreno kreditno zadu`enje od strane EBRD-a za proširenje sadašnjeg terminala. Me|utim, poznato je da je od te godine svijetom zavladala ekonomska kriza, te su mnogi aviooperateri smanjili broj svojih operacija, što se negativno odrazilo i na Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo. Stoga se odustalo od proširenja terminala, a sa sadašnjim kapacitetima i brojem putnika, Sarajevski aerodrom mo`e i sada normalno funkcionirati. Pro}i }e još vremena dok do|e do masovnog pove}anja broja putnika, o proširenju kapaciteta treba razmišljati u budu}nosti, ali samo pod uslovom da se prije toga riješe sve potrebne dozvole za izgradnju novih objekata. U našim planovima ovaj aerodrom tako|er posmatramo kao po~etnu ta~ku za budu}e infrastrukturne projekte u našoj zemlji, jer u namjerama Vlade FBiH, koje uklju~uju br`u izgradnju Koridora 5C, izgradnju novih objekata za proizvodnju i distribuciju elektri~ne energije, otpo~injanje istra`ivanja i eksploatacija nafte, ulaganja u turisti~ku infrastrukturu i ponudu, preko ovog aerodroma }e dolaziti veliki broj putnika, što }e vjerovatno dovesti i do proširenja kapaciteta aerodroma. Ocjena o proširenju kapaciteta mora do}i od strane menad`menta aerodroma i resornog ministarstva, a siguran sam da }e upravo oni znati na pravi na~in prognozirati budu}e potrebe i znati odgovoriti novim izazovima. SIAM: Nekoliko aerodroma u regionu je u posljednje vrijeme privatizirano, što javno-privatnim partnerstvom, što kupovinom od stranih kompanija. Koliko je realno da i Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo postane predmetom budu}e privatizacije? SIAM 21 INTERVJU / INTERVIEW NIKŠI]: Trenutno ne razmišljamo o privatizaciji Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, iako je u posljednje vrijeme ta praksa izra`ena u regionu. Kako tu opciju nismo razmatrali do sada, nismo ni imali konkretnih ponuda za eventualnom privatizacijom. Ranije je bilo nekih pri~a o tome kako bi se mogli privatizirati odre|eni dijelovi aerodroma, poput dijela koji je zadu`en za prihvat i otpremu aviona, putnika, prtljaga, robe, pošte...Upravo je ovaj dio aerodroma najunosniji dio poslovanja te bi tu nekada u budu}nosti moglo biti zainteresiranih strana za preuzimanje ovih odjela, ali za sada nismo imali nikakvih konkretnih ponuda, niti je bilo bilo kakvih analiza kojim bi se razmatrala mogu}nost privatizacije. SIAM: Osim Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, FBiH posjeduje još dva me|unarodna aerodroma u Tuzli i Mostaru, ali promet na ovim aerodromima još nije na zadovoljavaju}em nivou. Na koji na~in federalne institucije mogu pomo}i ovim aerodromima, kako bi njihov budu}i rad bio što bolji u budu}nosti? NIKŠI]: I preostala dva aerodroma u Tuzli i Mostaru imaju status me|unarodnih aerodroma, a njihovi kapaciteti su razli~iti, opremljenost u pogledu materijalnih i ljudskih resursa je razli~ita i u skladu je sa kategorijama koje ti aerodromi posjeduju. Uspjeli smo da i ova dva aerodroma za vrijeme našeg mandata u~inimo znatno profitabilnijm, ukidanjem federalne takse za unaprje|enje avioprometa, što je dovelo do pove}anog broja putnika. Nismo na tome stali, pa smo nedavno na sjednici Vlade donijeli Odluku o izmjenama i dopunama Odluke o usvajanju programa utroška Kapitalnog transfera javnim preduze}ima - JP Aerodrom Tuzla, a koja se ti~e nabavke neophodne ra~unarske, vatrogasne opreme i opreme za zagrijavanje i hla|enje, opreme za videonadzor, za prihvat, opslugu i bezbjednost aviona, kao i za DCS-sistem. Sa ovom opremom Tuzlanski aerodrom }e dodatno biti osposobljen, kako bi bili zadovoljeni postav-ljeni standardi me|unarodnog avioprijevoza. Na inicijativu Federalnog ministarstva prometa i komumikacija, ukinuli smo takse za unaprje|enje avioprometa, što je odmah privuklo niskotarifne aviokompanije i gra|anima omogu}ilo bolji avioprijevoz poput onog koji se odvija u Evropi i ostatku svijeta. Ukidanje takse za unaprje|enje avioprometa direktno je stimuliralo niskotarifne avioprijevoznike koji zahtijevaju drasti~no smanjenje svih troškova, kako bi bili u mogu}nosti ponuditi povoljne cijene karata na svojim letovima. Uvo|enje ovih aviolinija ima zna~aj ne samo za Tuzlanski i Hercegova~ko-neretvanski kanton, nego za cijelu BiH, a predstavlja tek po~etak modernog aviosaobra}aja koji se planira ponuditi gra|anima naše zemlje. Tako je došlo do velikog pove}anja broja putnika na oba ova aerodroma, s tim što kapaciteti Aerodroma u Mostaru nisu iskorišteni do kraja, a radit }emo na tome da ovaj aerodrom postane glavni, kada je u pitanju dolazak turista i vjernika u Me|ugorje, pogotovo turista iz Italije. SIAM 22 NIKŠI]: Currently we are not considering the privatization of the Sarajevo International Airport, although recently this practice is expressed in the region. As the options were not considered so far, we have not even had a concrete offer for eventual privatization. Earlier there were some stories about how certain parts of the Airport could be privatized like the part which is responsible for receiving and dispatching of Aircraft, passengers, baggage, cargo, mail... This part of the Airport is precisely the most lucrative part for doing business, and there could be sometime in the future interested parties to take over these departments, but for now we have no concrete offer, nor was there any analysis by which would be considered the possibility of privatization. SIAM: In addition to the International Airport Sarajevo, the Federation of B&H owns another two International Airports located in Tuzla and Mostar, but the overall traffic at these Airports is not yet satisfactory. How can the Federal Institutions help these Airports, so that their future work becomes as good as possible in the future? NIKŠI]: The other two Airports in Tuzla and Mostar owe the status of International Airport. Their capacities are different and the equipment in terms of material and human resources is different in accordance with the categories that these Airports have. During our mandate, we have succeeded to increase the profit at these two Airports by abolishing the Federal Taxes for the improvement of Air Transport, which has led to an increased number of passengers. We have not stopped at that, so recently, at the Government session, we adopted the Decision on amendments to the Decision on the Adoption of the Program of Expenditure of Capital Transfers to Public Enterprises - Public Enterprise Tuzla Airport, which regards the procurement of the necessary computer equipment, fire-fighting equipment and equipment for heating and cooling, equipment for video surveillance, for acceptance, service level and safety of the Aircraft, as well as for the DCS system. With this equipment the Tuzla Airport will be further qualified in order to satisfy the set of standards for International Air Travel. At the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Communications, we have eliminated the Tax for the Improvement of Air Transport, which immediately attracted low-cost Airline Companies and provided to the citizens a better Airline Transport such as the one that takes place in Europe and the rest of the world. The abolition of fees for the improvement of Air Transport has directly stimulated low-cost Airline Carriers to require a drastic reduction of costs, in order to be able to offer low fares on its flights. The introduction of new Air Lines has significance not only for the Tuzla Canton and Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, but for the whole B&H, and represents only the beginning of modern Air Travel, which is planned to be offered to the citizens of our country. In that way there has been a large increase in the number of passengers at both Airports, except that the capacity of the international Airport in Mostar is not used entirely, and we will work on making this become a major Airport, more so when it comes to the arrival of tourists and the religious believers to Medjugorje and especially tourists from Italy. SLU@BE / SERVICES Kvalitetnim sadr`ajem do stalnih korisnika usluga Slu`ba prodaje komplementarnih usluga Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo radi na pru`anju usluga posjetiocima i putnicima koje nisu direktno vezane za avijacijske usluge, a koje su nekada, tako|er, veoma bitne za normalno funkcioniranje aerodroma lu`ba prodaje komplementarnih usluga jedna je od slu`bi sa najširim spektrom djelatnosti koje se obavljaju na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo. Prodaja reklamnih i poslovnih prostora, nadzor i upravljanje parkingom, organizacija pri korištenju aerodromskih resursa te marketinške djelatnosti, samo su neki od mnogih poslova koje obavljaju uposlenici ove slu`be. S Prvi kontakt SIAM 24 Aerodromi su oduvijek bili mjesta sa velikom frekvencijom ljudi raznih profila i zbog toga su zanimljivi privrednim subjektima koji `ele prezentirati svoje proizvode i usluge. Slijetanjem na Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo, putnici ostvaruju prvi kontakt sa našim gradom i dr`avom, a od toga, veliki je broj njih koji ostvaruju kontakt prvi put. Taj trenutak prepoznalo je i iskoristilo više od stotinu klijenata ovog odjela, koji se svojim reklamnim porukama `ele pribli`iti potencijalnim kupcima. “Kao što sam naziv govori, Slu`ba prodaje komplementarnih usluga bavi se komercijalnim poslovima vezanim za neavijacijske usluge. Konstantne inovacije u infr- astrukturi, poslovanju i pristupu klijentima u~inile su ovu slu`bu jednom od najprofitabilnijih na aerodromu, ~iji rast dobiti premašuje 20 posto u odnosu na protekle godine. Me|u zakupcima reklamnih mjesta su najuspješnije i najpoznatije kompanije iz zemlje i svijeta i to je najbolji pokazatelj efikasnosti oglašavanja na našem aerodromu. Raspola`emo sa više od 50 reklamnih pozicija unutar putni~kog terminala i broj novih pozicija je u stalnom Me|u zakupcima reklamnih mjesta su najuspješnije i najpoznatije kompanije iz zemlje i svijeta i to je najbolji pokazatelj efikasnosti oglašavanja na našem aerodromu porastu. Klijentima su na raspolaganju svijetle}e reklame na zidovima, podne reklame, izlo`bene vitrine u rotacionim vratima, panoi na prtlja`nim kolicima, LCD ekrani te samostoje}i rollup banneri. Sve navedene SLU@BE / SERVICES Trough Quality Content to the Fixed Service Users Department of Sales of Complementary Services of the Sarajevo International Airport is providing services to visitors and travelers that are not directly related to the Aviation Services but who also present a very important subject for the normal functioning of the Airport Employees of this Service. First contact D Among the tenants of available Advertising Places are the most successful and best known Companies in the country and the world which is the best indicator of the effectiveness of advertising on our Airport 25 SIAM epartment of Sales of Complementary Services is one of the services with the widest range of activities carried out at the Sarajevo International Airport. Sales of Commercial and Office Spaces, Parking Control and Management, Contact with Organizations using Airport resources and Marketing activities are just some of the many tasks performed by Airports have always been a place with great frequency of people of different profiles and are therefore interesting to commercial entities who want to present their products and services. By landing at Sarajevo International Airport, passengers get the first contact with our City and our country and to a large number of them it is for the first time. This moment has been recognized and made use of by more than one hundred clients of this Department, who trough their advertising messages want to approach potential customers. “As the name itself suggests, Department of Sales of Complementary Services is engaged in commercial activities related to Non-Aviation Services. Constant innovation in infrastructure, operations and access to customers have made this one of the most profitable services at the Airport, whose earnings growth is exceeding 20 percent over the past years. Among the tenants of advertising are the most successful and best known companies in the country and the world and it is the best indicator of the effectiveness of advertising on our Airport. We have more than 50 advertising positions within the passenger terminal and the number of new positions is increasing. For clients we have available illuminated advertisements on the walls, floor advertising, exhibition showcases within the rotating door, panels on the luggage cart, LCD screens and free standing roll-up banners. All these positions are evenly spaced, from the zones of arrivals and departures to the main hall of the terminal B, so that each tenant can in the best way approach its target group.“, says Mensura Had`iahmetovi}, head of Depart- SLU@BE / SERVICES Uspjeh Sarajevo Airport Magazina Jedan od bitnijih projekata Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo je i Sarajevo Airport Magazine koji objavljujemo ve} tri godine i koji iz broja u broj dolazi u ruke sve ve}eg broja posjetilaca ovog aerodroma, ali i u ruke gra|ana i kompanija u ostalim dijelovima BiH. Magazin je nastao sa ciljem da putnicima i ostalim korisnicima aerodromskih usluga prezentira aktuelnosti i planove aerodroma, pribli`i rad ove ustanove i prezentira novosti koje plasiraju poslovni partneri Sarajevskog aerodroma. Magazin se {tampa u 10.000 primjeraka uz distribuciju {irom dr`ave i to je razlog {to sve ve}i broj kompanija pronalazi interes za ogla{avanjem u ovom sadr`ajem bogatom mediju. pozicije ravnomjerno su raspore|ene, od zone dolazaka i odlazaka do glavnog hola terminala B, tako da se svaki zakupac mo`e na najbolji na~in pribli`iti svojoj ciljnoj skupini”, ka`e Mensura Had`iahmetovi}, šef Slu`be prodaje komplementarnih usluga. Iz ove slu`be sa ponosom isti~u ugovor s firmom Europlakat BH, koja je obogatila ponudu outdoor oglašavanja monta`om 19 reklamnih tijela na vanjskim površinama aerodroma. Klijentima su sada u ponu- Reklamne pozicije unutar putni~kog terminala zakupljuju najuspješnije i najpoznatije kompanije Advertising positions within the passenger terminal are leased by the most successful and best-known companies Sarajevski aerodrom je prvi u jugoisto~noj Evropi koji je brendirao traku za prtljag i check-in šaltere Sarajevo International Airport is the first Airport in South-Eastern Europe who branded the tape for luggage and the check-in counters SIAM 26 SLU@BE / SERVICES “For the upcoming Summer Season we are preparing a Special Price Offer for Long Term Rental Parking Places for Travellers going on Holiday.” ment of Sales of Complementary Services. This Office proudly points out the contract with the company Europlakat BH, which has enriched the offer of outdoor advertising installing 19 billboards on the outer surfaces of the Airport. Success of the Sarajevo Airport Magazine One of the most important projects of the Sarajevo International Airport is also the Sarajevo Airport Magazine which we have been publishing for three years. Issue to issue is reached out into the hands of a growing number of visitors to the Airport, but also in the hands of citizens and companies in other parts of B&H. The magazine was created with the aim to present to passengers and other users of Airport Services the current events and plans of the Airport, to bring closer the work of this institution and present news originating from business partners of the Sarajevo Airport. The magazine is printed in 10,000 copies with distribution throughout the country and that is why a growing number of companies are finding interest in advertising in this rich media content. SIAM 27 SLU@BE / SERVICES “Za predstoje}u ljetnu sezonu pripremamo posebnu cjenovnu ponudu za dugoro~ni najam parking-mjesta za putnike koji odlaze na godišnje odmore“ stranim brandovima. Tako je ovaj aerodrom prvi u jugoisto~noj Evropi koji je brendirao traku za prtljag i check-in šaltere, te omogu}io svojim klijentima da se istaknu i pribli`e svojim kupcima i korisnicima“, dodaje Had`iahmetovi}. Proširenje ponude di bilbordi, superbordi i city light tijela, koja su uo~ljiva kako sa aerodromske strane, tako i izvan kruga aerodroma. “Uz stalna ulaganja u nove pozicije, Sarajevski aerodrom je posljednjih godina pristupio i nekim inovativnim na~inima oglašavanja koji su realizirani u suradnji sa najpoznatijim doma}im i Zamirisali }evapi {irom Evrope Brajlovi} GmbH roštiljski specijaliteti Više se ne moraju prelaziti kilometri i kilometri puta da bi se pojeli }evapi na Baš~aršiji, jer je mesna industrija Brajlovi} GmbH Vienna plasirala na tr`ište Evrope }evape, pljeskavice i sud`ukice napravljene po sopstvenoj recepturi od 100 posto june}eg mesa. U sklopu plasmana proizvoda Brajlovi} GmbH posebno se izdvajaju banjalu~ki i sarajevski }evap~i}i. Roštiljski specijalitet iz naših krajeva namijenjen je svim sladokuscima, a posebno onim koji vole “raspaliti” roštilj. Pored roštiljske linije proizvoda, }evapa, sud`ukica i pljeskavica, Brajlovi} GmbH na tr`ištu Evrope nudi i niz drugih iz linije trajnih proizvoda. Ve} godinama se u Austriji proizvodi i plasira Bosanski sud`uk, Doma}i sud`uk, Suho meso, Gove|i pršut, Kulen, ^ajna, Krajiška i drugi visoko kvalitetni proizvodi iz ove kompanije sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom. Kao što je slu~aj sa roštiljskom linijom proizvoda, tako i trajni proizvodi prave se od mesa porijeklom iz Austrije po sopstvenoj Brajlovi} GmbH recepturi. SIAM 28 Jedan od ciljeva ove slu`be je da putnicima i ostalim korisnicima usluga pru`i što bogatiji sadr`aj tokom boravka u aerodromskim prostorima. Pored ureda svih aviokompanija koje imaju letove sa Sarajevskog aerodroma, putnicima je na raspolaganju desetak rent-a-car agencija, turisti~ka agencija, pošta, mjenja~nica, trafika, The Flavour of Bosnian BBQ across Europe Brajlovic GmbH BBQ Specialties There is no need to wait to visit Baš~aršija in Sarajevo to taste traditional ]evap~i}i, Pljeskavica and Sud`ukice. Brajlovi} GmbH - Meat Industry in Vienna produces these specialties from 100% Austrian beef, following their traditional recipes and markets them across Europe. ˝Banjalu~ki˝ and ˝Sarajevski˝ ]evap~i}i are particularly popular among their wide range of products. Brajlovi}´s specialties from the Balkans are for all meat lovers, especially those who like to light the BBQ. Their offer to European market encompasses not only grilled line of products, such as ]evap~i}i, Pljeskavica and Sud`ukice, but also cured and smoked specialties. Company Brajlovi} GmbH, situated in Austria, has years of experience producing and selling ˝Bosanski sud`uk˝, “Doma}i sud`uk”, “Suho meso”, “Gove|i pršut”, “Kulen”, “^ajna”, “Krajiška” and other high quality products. These products are also produced with 100 % Austrian beef following Brajlovi}´s traditional recipe. SLU@BE / SERVICES Parking-mjesta su obezbije|enih videonadzorom i fizi~kom zaštitom Parking places secured with video surveillance and physical protection Billboards, super billboards and city light fixtures are offered to clients, which are visible from the Airport Side, and outside the Airport. Extension of the offers “With ongoing investments in new positions, Sarajevo Airport in recent years joined some innovative ways of advertising that were realized in col- laboration with the most famous domestic and foreign brands. So this is the first Airport in South-Eastern Europe who branded the tape for luggage and check-in counters, and enabled its customers to highlight and bring them closer to their customers and users, "adds Had`iahmetovi}. One of the goals of this service is to offer to passengers and other users of services a richer content during their stay in the Airport Premises. In addition to the Offices of Airlines that operate flights from Sarajevo Airport, passengers can use a dozen Car-Rental Agencies, Travel Agencies, the Post Office, Currency Exchange, Newsstand, Sports Betting, ATM and Taxi Stand. “Our future plans are reflected in the assembly of NAJMODERNIJI NEHIRURŠKI TRETMAN PROŠIRENIH VENA Poliklinika “Dr. Al-Tawil” Zmaja od Bosne 7 (Importanne centar, III sprat) Sarajevo 033/203-656, 974-166, 061/188-245 www.klinikatawil.com tawil#bih.net.ba Hirurški zahvati u lokalnoj i opštoj anesteziji Najmoderniji tretman vena Minimalno invazivna hirurgija štitnja~e, dojke Laparaskopska hirurgija Tretman hemoroida skleroterapijom, laserom, RFA 1. pjenom (UGFS) 2. laserom zadnje generacije (EVLA) 3. radiofrekvencijom (RFA) Mogu}nost pregleda i tretmana isti dan, obje noge u jednom aktu SARAJEVO-BANJALUKA-TUZLA-MOSTAR SIAM 29 SLU@BE / SERVICES Status dru{tveno -odgovorne kompanije Marketin{ke aktivnosti Sarajevskog aerodroma odnose se na ogla{avanje i prezentiranje usluga ovog aerodroma. “^injenica je da Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo ima potrebu za ogla{avanjem i prezentiranjem svojih usluga, koju nastoji realizirati kroz vlastite resurse, kao {to su web i FB stranica, Sarajevo Airport Magazine i reklamna mjesta. Ono {to na aerodromu, kao jednoj od najuspje{nijih kompanija u dr`avi, nastojimo jeste odr`avanje statusa dru{tveno-odgovorne kompanije. Ove aktivnosti ostvaruju se prvenstveno kroz humanitarnu djelatnost u pomaganju onima kojima je na{a pomo} najpotrebnija, te kroz sponzorstva kulturnih, sportskih i dru{tvenih doga|aja. S obzirom na to da u ovoj godini slavimo 45 godina postojanja i rada, aerodrom je tim povodom izdvojio ve}a sredstva za ve} navedene aktivnosti”, navodi Darijan Veli~an, saradnik za prodaju Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo. Poma`emo onima kojima je naša pomo} najpotrebnija, ka`e Veli~an We help those who need our help the most, says Veli~an Status of a Socially -Responsible Company Marketing activities of Sarajevo airport are related to Advertising and Presentation Services this Airport. “The fact is that the Sarajevo International Airport has a need for advertising and presentation of its services and maintains to realize the same through its own resources, such as the web and FB page, the Sarajevo Airport Magazine and Advertising Spots. What is essential for the Sarajevo Airport, as one of the most successful companies in the country is to try to maintain the status of a socially responsible company. These activities are implemented primarily through its humanitarian work in helping those who need our help the most, and through sponsorship of cultural, sporting and social events. Given the fact that this year we celebrate our 45 years of existence and operation, the Airport for this occasion has put aside more funds for the listed activities”, says Darijan Veličan, Complementary Services Sales Associate of the Sarajevo International Airport. the machine for security packing luggage and massage chairs,in opening a room for prayer, and many SIAM 30 other services that will enhance the stay at the Airport. In addition to these services, should be noted Klijentima su u ponudi bilbordi, superbordi i city light tijela, koja su uo~ljiva kako sa aerodromske strane, tako i izvan kruga aerodroma sportska kladionica, bankomati i taxi štand. “Naši budu}i planovi ogledaju se kroz monta`u mašine za sigurnosno pakovanje prtljaga i masa`nih fotelja, otvaranje sobe za molitvu i mnogih drugih usluga koje }e uljepšati boravak na aerodromu. Osim ovih usluga, treba napomenuti i parking Sarajevskog aerodroma koji raspola`e sa 350 parkingmjesta obezbije|enih videonadzorom i fizi~kom zaštitom. U posljednje vrijeme imamo pove}an interes putnika za dugoro~nim najmovima parking-mjesta. Za predstoje}u ljetnu sezonu pripremamo posebnu cjenovnu ponudu za dugoro~ni najam parkingmjesta za putnike koji od- laze na godišnje odmore“, objašnjava Had`iahmetovi} i dodaje da su posjetiocima nedavno ponudili i jednu novinu kada je u pitanju korištenje be`i~nog interneta. “Ve} godinama je u ponudi usluga be`i~nog interneta, koja je u današnje vrijeme neizostavan servis za komunikaciju me|u ljudima i bez koje se ne mo`e zamisliti funkcioniranje kako u poslovnom, tako i u društvenom `ivotu. Od ovog prolje}a, uslugu be`i~nog interneta }emo realizirati u suradnji sa Sberbank BH, koja je omogu}ila besplatno korištenje u prvih 15 minuta za sve posjetioce aerodroma“, zaklju~uje Had`iahmetovi}. Billboards, Super Billboards and City Light fixtures are offered to clients as advertising space. These spaces are visible from the Airport Side as well as outside of the Airport the parking of the Sarajevo Airport, which has 350 parking places secured with video surveillance and physical protection. Lately, we have an increased interest of passengers for long-term leases of parking places. For the upcoming Summer Season we are preparing a Special Price Offer for Long Term Rental Parking Places for travellers going on holiday“, explains Had`iahmetovi} and adds that to visitors is recently offered a novelty when it comes to wireless internet. “For several years the offer for wireless internet exists, which is nowadays an indispensable service for communication among people one cannot imagine functioning without, both ,in business and in social life. Since this spring, the wireless Internet service will be implemented in cooperation with Sberbank BH, which allowed free use of the first 15 minutes for all visitors of the Airport", concludes Had`iahmetovi}. STANDARDI / STANDARDS Potvrda implementacije sigurnosnih zahtjeva vezanih za teku}ine, gelove i aerosole Confirmation of the Implementation of Safety Requirements related to Liquids, Gels and Aerosols o 31.01.2014. godine putnicima Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, koji su bili u transferu na aerodromima Evropske unije nije bilo dozvoljeno da proizvode kupljene u bescarinskoj trgovini (teku}ine, gelove i aerosoleLAGs) zadr`e sa sobom, ve} su im oni bili oduzeti i uništeni. Od 31.01.2014. godine putnicima koji zapo~inju svoje putovanje sa Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo (i u transferu su na bilo kojem aerodromu Evropske unije) omogu}en je isti tretman, kakav imaju putnici na ostalim aerodromima Evropske unije, što je potvrda da je Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo implementirao sve me|unarodne standarde sigurnosti vezane za teku}ine, gelove i aerosoli. Va`no je ista}i da je Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo u nekoliko zadnjih godina finalizirao izuzetne napore po raznim osnovima i ispunio sve sigurnosne i druge uslove vezane za teku}ine. Izvršena je nabavka najsavremenije sigurnosne opreme (Standard 2 tip C), posebnih vre}ica za pakovanje proizvoda iz bescarinske trgovine, provedeno osposobljavanje uposlenih, provedena suradnja sa ACI Europa koji je dao punu podršku da se izdejstvuje ovakva odluka od strane Evropske komisije. U cilju finalizacije navedenih aktivnosti bitno je istaknuti da je JP Me|unarodni aerodrom “Sarajevo” d.o.o Sarajevo pru`ena izuzetna suradnja i razumijevanje nadle`nih i odgovornih subjekata na aerodromu (prije svega Jedinice grani~ne policije, Carinske ispostave). Putnici su ve} osjetili pozivne efekte ove odluke Evropske komisije što je svakako njihovo putovanje u~inilo ugodnijim i jednostavnijim. Pozitivni efekti u poslovanju vidljivi su i u radu Slu`be trgovine na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo, što sve skupa potvr|uje da je Aerodrom Sarajevo dobio status kakav imaju i ostali aerodromi Evropske unije. D SIAM 32 ntil January 3rd 2014, the Sarajevo International Airport travelers who were at the Transfer on the Airports of the European Union were not allowed to keep the products bought in the Duty Free Store (liquids, gels and aerosols-lags) and their items were seized and destroyed. Since January 3rd 2014 ,travelers who start their journey from the Sarajevo Airport and transfer to any Airport of the European Union are granted the same treatment, as other passengers in the Airports of the European Union have which is a confirmation that the Sarajevo International Airport has implemented all International Safety Standards related to Liquids, Gels and Aerosols. It is important to emphasize that the Sarajevo International Airport in the past few years, finalized the outstanding efforts by various grounds and met all safety and other requirements related to the Fluids. Sarajevo Airport has completed the acquisition of the most modern Safety Equipment (Standard 2 Type C) and of special bags for packing products in Duty-Free Shops. They conducted training of Employees with the cooperation of ACI Europa, whó gave their full support to have this decision be brought by the European Commission. For the purpose of finalizing the above activities it is important to point out that the Public Enterprise International Airport "Sarajevo" Ltd. Sarajevo provided extraordinary cooperation and understanding of the competent and responsible Entities at the Airport (primarily the Border Police Unit, the Customs Office). Passengers have already felt the positive effects of this decision of the European Commission which certainly made their journey easier and more enjoyable. The positive effects of the business are evident in the work of the Service of Trading at Sarajevo International Airport, all of which confirms that the Sarajevo Airport received the status that other Airports of the European Union have as well. U DIPLOMATIJA / DIPLOMACY Tokom odigravanja Svjetskog prvenstva u fudbalu u Brazilu ove godine, naši gra|ani }e na raspolaganju imati BH ku}u, u kojoj }e mo}i zatra`iti diplomatsko-konzularnu pomo}, ukoliko za to budu imali potrebe. Ministar vanjskih poslova BiH Zlatko Lagumd`ija u razgovoru za SIAM objašnjava šta BH ku}a zna~i našim gra|anima koji }e boraviti u Brazilu o~etkom ove godine ministar vanjskih poslova BiH Zlatko Lagumd`ija i predsjednik Nogometnog saveza BiH Elvedin Begi} potpisali su Protokol o saradnji izme|u MVPBiH i NSBiH, kojim se ure|uje saradnja izme|u ove dvije institucije u okviru priprema za Mundijal 2014. u Brazilu. U Brazilu }e, u okviru ove saradnje, biti otvoren diplomatsko-konzularni detašman, ustvari, privremeno diplomatsko predstavništvo BiH pod nazivom BH ku}a. Ovaj jedinstveni protokol omogu}it }e našim gra|anima, koji budu putovali u Brazil kako bi pratili igre naše fudbalske reprezentacije, da imaju potpunu diplomatskokonzularnu podršku. P SIAM: Šta je, ustvari, BH ku}a? SIAM 34 LAGUMD@IJA: BH ku}a je projekat privredne, turisti~ke i kulturne promocije BiH za vrijeme Svjetskog fudbalskog prvenstva u Brazilu. Zahvaljuju}i plasmanu fudbalske reprezentacije Bosne i Hercegovine na Svjetsko fudbalsko prvenstvo koje }e se od 12. juna do 13. jula ove godine odr`ati u Brazilu, na ~emu još jednom ~estitam igra~ima, stru~nom timu i Nogometnom/fudbalskom savezu BiH, Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova BiH iniciralo je i pripremilo projekat privredne, turisti~ke i kulturne promocije BiH kojeg smo nazvali BH ku}a. Sa ~elnicima Nogometnog/fudbalskog saveza BiH Ivicom Osimom i Elvedinom Begi}em, prije završetka kvalifikacija u oktobru prošle godine na~elno sam dogovorio ovaj projekat, a za koji smo dobili podršku Vije}a ministara BiH. Imaju}i u vidu ~injenicu da naša zemlja nema diplomatsko DIPLOMATIJA / DIPLOMACY Na{a zemlja }e u Brazilu imati svoju ku}u Our country will have its own house in Brazil During the enactment of the World Football Championship in Brazil this year, our citizens will have at their disposal The BH House (The House of Bosnia and Herzegovina), where they will be able to seek diplomatic and consular assistance, if they have a need for it. Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Zlatko Lagumd`ija, in the interview with SIAM, explains what The BH House represents to our citizens who will stay in Brazil SIAM: What is actually The BH House? Our citizens will feel more safe in Brazil arlier this year, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Zlatko Lagumd`ija and President of the Football Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Elvedin Begi} signed a Protocol on Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H and the Football Association of B&H, which governs the cooperation between the two institutions in preparation for the Mundial of 2014 in Brazil. In Brazil, within the framework of this cooperation, the Diplomatic and Consular Detachment will be opened, in fact, a temporary Diplomatic Representative Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina called The B&H House. This unique protocol will enable our citizens who are traveling to Brazil to follow the games of our football team and to have full diplomatic and consular assistance. E SIAM: What specific actions has the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H so far taken for the realization of this project? LAGUMD@IJA: Since October 15th. 2013 and the 35 SIAM U Brazilu }e se naši gra|ani osje}ati sigurnije LAGUMD@IJA: The BH House is a project of economic, tourist and cultural promotion of B&H during the Football World Championship in Brazil. Thanks to the placement of the Football Team of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the World Football Championship, which will be held from June 12th. to July 13th. this year in Brazil (for this success once again I congratulate to the players, the professional Team and the Football Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H initiated project and prepared the economic, tourist and cultural promotion of B&H, which we named the BH House. With the leaders of the Football Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Ivica Osim and Mr. Elvedin Begi}, before the end of the Football Qualifications in October last year, I arranged this project in principle, for which we got the support of the Council of Ministers of B&H. Bearing in mind the fact that our country has no Diplomatic-Consular Offices in Brazil, nor in any other country of South America, we were obliged, under this project, to ensure consular protection for citizens of B&H, which will stay in Brazil during this period as supporters of our Team. DIPLOMATIJA / DIPLOMACY Svi bh. dr`avljani koji u Brazilu budu pratili nastup fudbalske reprezentacije BiH imat }e konzularno-pravnu zaštitu -konzularno predstavništvo u Brazilu, niti u bilo kojoj drugoj dr`avi Ju`ne Amerike, bili smo obavezni da u okviru ovog projekta osiguramo konzularnu zaštitu za bh. dr`avljane, koji }e kao navija~i naše reprezentacije u tom periodu boraviti u Brazilu. Zatra`eno je i od strane vlasti Brazila odobreno otvaranje privremenog konzularnog ureda sa sjedištem u Rio de Janeiru. Zašto Rio da Janeiro? Pa zbog toga što je naša procjena da }e najve}i broj naših dr`avljana boraviti u ovome gradu, kako zbog rasporeda utakmica naše reprezentacije, tako i zbog turisti~ke atraktivnosti Rio de Janeira. Sasvim je logi~no da konzularni ured otvorimo tamo gdje se o~ekuje najve}i broj bh. dr`avljana. MVP BiH je nakon sastanka sa ~elnicima N/FSBiH pripremilo i potpisalo Protokol o saradnji izme|u Ministarstva vanjskih posloDetalji sa potpisivanja memoranduma SIAM: Koje je konkretne aktivnosti Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova BiH do sada poduzelo na realizaciji ovoga projekta? LAGUMD@IJA: Od 15. oktobra 2013. godine i historijske pobjede nad Litvanijom, kojom je fudbalska reprezentacija BiH osigurala plasman na Svjetsko prvenstvo u Brazilu, MVP BiH poduzelo je niz aktivnosti na realizaciji projekta BH ku}a. Osigurana su neophodna sredstva za podršku ovom projektu u okviru Bud`eta institucija BiH za 2014. godinu. historic victory over Lithuania, whereas the Football Team of B&H ensured the placement in the World Championship in Brazil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina has undertaken a series of activities on the implementation of the project The BH House. The necessary resources to support this project are ensured within the Budget of the institutions of B&H for 2014. It was also demanded and approved by the government of Brazil to initiate the opening of a Temporary Consular Office based in Rio de Janeiro. Why Rio da Janeiro? Well because it is our assessment that the greatest number of our citizens will stay in this city, due to the schedule of the games of our Team, and the tourist attractions of Rio de Janeiro. It is quite logical to open a Consular Office in the place where we expect the greatest number of B&H citizens. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H, after a meeting with leaders of the Football Association of B&H has prepared and signed a Protocol on Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H and the Football Association of B&H, trough which the cooperation on matters related to the preparation of departure, stay and return of athletes and fans at the Football World Championship in Brazil in 2014 for the purpose of mutual exchange of information was agreed. SIAM: What does the Protocol on Cooperation SIAM 36 between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H and the Football Association of B&H specifically imply to? LAGUMD@IJA: The Protocol on Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H and the Football Association of B&H is exactly devoted to what its name says, - the cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H and the Football Association of B&H in terms of organization and preparation of the arrival and stay of our citizens-B&H Fans in Brazil, including the realization of consular protection of our fans and the exchange of information on issues of importance to the safety of our citizens and protocol activities. These DIPLOMATIJA / DIPLOMACY va BiH i N/FSBiH, kojim je dogovorena saradnja na poslovima u vezi sa pripremom odlaska, boravka i povratka sportista i navija~a na Svjetsko fudbalsko prvenstvo u Brazilu 2014. godine, a u cilju me|usobne razmjene informacija. SIAM: Šta konkretno podrazumijeva Protokol o saradnji MVP BiH i N/FSBiH? LAGUMD@IJA: Protokol o saradnji MVP BiH i N/FSBiH podrazumijeva upravo ono što mu ka`e naziv, saradnju MVP BiH sa N/FSBiH po piDetails of the signing of the Memorandum tanju organizacije i pripreme dolaska i boravka naših dr`avljana-navija~a BiH u Brazilu, realiziranje konzularne zaštite naših navija~a, razmjenu informacija o pitanjima od zna~aja za sigurnost naših dr`avljana, protokolarne aktivnosti. Ova pitanja su za nas veoma zna~ajna, jer prema nekim procjenama o~ekujemo da }e izme|u 3.000 i 5.000 bh. dr`avljana boraviti u Brazilu tokom Svjetskog fudbalskog prvenstva i pratiti nastupe reprezentacije BiH. SIAM: Na koju vrstu pomo}i mogu ra~unati bh. dr`avljani u Brazilu? LAGUMD@IJA: Svi bh. dr`avljani koji u Brazilu budu pratili nastup fudbalske reprezentacije BiH imat }e konzularno -pravnu zaštitu. Konkretno, to zna~i da ukoliko, naprimjer, nekome od bh. dr`avljana tokom boravka u Brazilu budu ukradeni dokumenti, bude povrije|en, imat }e adresu, kontakt telefone osoba iz MVP BiH u Brazilu kojima se mogu obratiti i tra`iti i dobiti pomo}. Zajedno sa N/FSBiH a`urirat }emo naše web stranice sa uputama za bh. dr`avljane u Brazilu na kojoj }e biti skrenuta pa`nja na sigurnosne i sve druge uvjete boravka u ovoj dr`avi tokom trajanja Svjetskog fudbalskog prvenstva. SIAM: Koju vrstu promotivnih aktivnosti plani- All citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina who will attend the performance of the Football Team of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Brazil will have consular and legal protection SIAM: What kind of help can the B&H citizens in Brazil expect? LAGUMD@IJA: All B&H citizens in Brazil who will attend the performance of the Football Team of Bosnia and Herzegovina, will have consular protection. Specifically, this means that if, for example, some of B&H citizens during their stay in Brazil are robbed for documents, or if they got hurt, they will have the SIAM: What kind of promotional activities do you plan to carry out within the BH House? LAGUMD@IJA: Through the project, The BH House, we plan to conduct the promotion of economic and tourist potentials of B&H and the promotion of our cultural and historical heritage, but also to hold the business and political meetings with the aim of strengthening ties between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Brazil, as well as with other countries participating at the World Championship. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina had a series 37 SIAM questions are very important for us, because, according to some estimates, we expect between 3000 and 5000 B&H citizens to stay in Brazil during the World Championship to follow the performances of the B&H Team. address, contact telephone numbers of persons from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Brazil that they can turn to and ask for help. Along with the Football Association of B&H we will update our website with instructions for B&H citizens in Brazil, with special attention on security instructions and all other conditions in this country during the Football World Championship. DIPLOMATIJA / DIPLOMACY rate provesti u okviru projekta BH ku}a? LAGUMD@IJA: Kroz projekat BH ku}a planiramo promociju privrednih i turisti~kih potencijala BiH, promociju našeg kulturnog i historijskog naslije|a, ali i poslovne i politi~ke susrete i ja~anje veza izme|u BiH i Brazila, kao i sa drugim zemljama u~esnicama Svjetskog prvenstva. Predstavnici MVP BiH imali su niz susreta sa predstavnicima Vanjskotrgovinske komore BiH, privrednih komora entiteta, bh. kompanija kako bismo što ve}i broj naših privrednih subjekata zainteresirali za promociju u Brazilu, a u cilju što kvalitetnije prezentacije BiH. Inicijalni interes bh. privrednika postoji, sada nam predstoji te`i dio posla da u tehni~kom i organizacijskom smislu sve preciziramo i na najbolji na~in prezentiramo BiH u Brazilu. Svjedoci smo da su nakon plasmana fudbalske reprezentacije BiH na Svjetsko prvenstvo u Brazilu svjetski mediji objavili niz priloga u kojima je otišla pozitivna poruka iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Znam i vjerujem da }e fudbalska reprezentacija BiH na najbolji na~in prezentirati našu zemlju na sportskom terenu, na nama je da iskoristimo pozitivnu atmosferu koju su Safet Suši} i njegov tim stvorili i predstavimo našu zemlju na najbolji mogu}i na~in. Pomo} drugih zemalja SIAM: Najavili ste da }ete zatra`iti pomo} prijateljskih zemalja koje imaju diplomatsko-konzularna predstavništva u Brazilu i Ju`noj Americi ? LAGUMD@IJA: MVP BiH je ve} u kontaktu sa prijateljskim zemljama koje imaju diplomatsko-konzularna predstavni{tva u Brazilu i Ju`noj Americi, a sa kojima imamo dogovor o saradnji i pru`anju pomo}i. Postoji spremnost tih zemalja da nam pomognu na ~emu smo im ve} sada zahvalni. Konkretno, u ovom pravcu smo ve} ostvarili kontakte sa kolegama iz ministarstava vanjskih poslova Republike Hrvatske i Republike Srbije, a namjeravamo to u~initi i sa kolegama iz MVP Turske. Help from other countries SIAM: You have announced that you will seek help from friendly countries that have Diplomatic and Consular Offices in Brazil and South America? LAGUMD@IJA: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been in contact with friendly countries which have Diplomatic and Consular Offices in Brazil and South America, and with whom we have an agreement on cooperation and providing assistance. There is a willingness of these countries to help us in which we are already grateful. Specifically, in this direction we have already made contact with colleagues from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia and Serbia, and we intend to do the same with the colleagues from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey. of meetings with representatives of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Chambers of Commerce of the Entities and B&H companies to make as many of our economic entities interested in the promotion in Brazil, in order to present B&H the best way we can. Initial interest of B&H businessmen exists, now we are facing the more difficult part of the work to specify everything in the technical and SIAM 38 organizational sense, and to present in the best way Bosnia and Herzegovina in Brazil. We have witnessed that, after the placement of Bosnia and Herzegovina National Football Team at the World Championship in Brazil, the world's media published a series of articles which sent out a positive message from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I know and believe that the Football Team of Bosnia and Herzegovina will present , our country s sports talents. It is up to us to take advantage of the positive atmosphere which Safet Suši} and his Team created with the aim to present our country in the best possible way. SPORT Ne mislimo stati na ovome, jer imamo još mnogo snova za ispuniti, ka`e D`eko We are not planning to stop where we are, because we still have many dreams to fulfil, says D`eko U Brazilu mo`emo napraviti velike stvari We can achieve great things in Brazil Naš najpopularniji fudbaler samo za magazin Sarajevskog aerodroma govori o tome kakve su nam šanse na Svjetskom prvenstvu u fudbalu, koje }e ovog ljeta biti odr`ano u Brazilu din D`eko je sigurno, ako ne najzaslu`niji, onda sigurno jedan od zaslu`nijih za plasman fudbalske reprezentacije BiH na Svjetsko prvenstvo u Brazilu. Kao što je svima poznato, ovo je prvi put da naša fudbalska reprezentacija ode na neko veliko svjetsko takmi~enje, stoga, za mnoge, E SIAM 40 odlazak naših fudbalera u Brazil ima veliki zna~aj. U razgovoru za naš magazin, najbolji strijelac naše reprezentacije govori o našem plasmanu i šansama u Brazilu, kvalifikacijama za Evropsko prvenstvo i nastavku svoje karijere. SIAM: Da li kao ostvarenje Our most popular Football Player is talking to the Magazine of the Sarajevo Airport about our chances in the World Football Championship, which will be held this Summer in Brazil din D`eko is certainly, if not the most deserving, then surely one of the more deserving players, for the fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina's Football Team E has qualified for the World Championship in Brazil. As we all know, this is the first time that our Football Team is going to attend a great World Competition, therefore, for ma- SPORT sna izgleda plasman naše reprezentacije na Svjetsko prvenstvo u Brazilu? D@EKO: Ve} sam mnogo puta do sada isticao kako je to ostvarenje snova svih nas, ne samo igra~a, ve} i SIAM: Ostat }ete upam}eni kao prva fudbalska reprezentacija naše zemlje koja se plasirala na veliko takmi~enje. Ko je najzaslu`niji za vaš uspjeh, pojedinci, ekipa ili selektor? Sve }e zavisiti od prve utakmice protiv Argentine, koja }e za nas biti i najte`a, jer igramo protiv favorita naše grupe, ali i favorita cijelog takmi~enja cijele nacije. Svakom fudbaleru vrhunac karijere je da zaigra na Evropskom i Svjetskom prvenstvu, pa tako i meni. Slobodno mogu re}i da sam ispunio svoj san, ali ne mislimo na tome stati, jer imamo još mnogo snova za ispuniti. ny, the departure of our Football Players to Brazil is of very great significance. In the interview with our Magazine, the best scorer of our Team is talking about our placement and D@EKO: Svi zajedno. I navija~i, i selektor, i igra~i. Pomalo je glupo kvalifikovati pojedinca kao najzaslu`nijeg za odlazak na Svjetsko prvenstvo. Zna~i, svi zajedno smo postigli da se plasiramo na Svjetsko prvenstvo, od ekonoma u re- the World Championship in Brazil seems like a dream come true? D@EKO: I've pointed out many times so far that this is a dream come true for all of us, not Everything will depend on the first game against Argentina, which, for us, will be the hardest because we are playing against the Favorites of our Group, but also the Favorites of the entire Competition SIAM: Does the placement of our Team at just the players, but also the entire Nation. For each Football Player the peak of his career is to play at the European and World Championships, including me. I can safely 41 SIAM opportunities in Brazil, about qualifying for the European Championship and the continuation of his Career. SPORT prezentaciji, do Ibiševi}a, mene i ostalih... SIAM: Novo rukovodstvo Nogometnog saveza BiH za vrlo kratak period mnoge stvari u doma}em fudbalu pokrenulo je sa mrtve ta~ke. Koliko je novo rukovodstvo NSBiH pomoglo plasmanu reprezentacije na SP? D@EKO: Dali su nam ono najpotrebnije i nije slu~ajnost da smo otišli na Svjetsko prvenstvo onda kada smo dobili ure|en Savez. Ponudili su nam mir, a mi smo to iskoristili i vratili im igrama na terenu. SIAM: U grupi smo sa reprezentacijama koje ve} say that I have fulfilled my dream, but we are not planning to stop where we are, because we still have many dreams to fulfill. SIAM: You will remain remembered as the first Football Team of our Country, which qualified for a great com- I am proud that we achieve to connect people SIAM: Many consider our Football Team, with your generation at the helm, the Uniting Factor of the peoples of B&H. Do you agree with this assessment? Pri~ama o transferu se ne zamaram The stories about the transfer don’t bother me D@EKO: Football and Sport in general unite people. It's nice to see the banners from all parts of our country in Stadiums across Europe and as a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina it fills me with pride. Ponosan sam {to spajamo ljude SIAM: Mnogi našu fudbalsku reprezentaciju, sa Vašom generacijom na ~elu, smatraju faktorom ujedinjenja bh. naroda. Sla`ete li se sa tom ocjenom? D@EKO: Fudbal, odnosno sport, generalno ujedinjuju ljude. Lijepo je vidjeti transparente iz svih dijelova na{e zemlje na stadionima {irom Evrope i kao gra|anina BiH to me ispunjava ponosom. SIAM 42 imaju brojne nastupe na svjetskim prvenstvima. Šta o~ekujete od našeg nastupa na ovom takmi~enju? petition. Who is most responsible for your success, the individuals, the Team or the Coach? D@EKO: Sve }e zavisiti od prve utakmice protiv Argentine, koja }e za nas biti i najte`a, jer igramo protiv favorita naše grupe, ali i favorita cijelog takmi~enja. Li~no, mislim da mo`emo napraviti velike stvari, ali više volim to dokazati na terenu, nego kroz medije. D@EKO: All together. The Fans, the Coach and the Players. It's kind of silly to qualify an individual as the most deserving for the qualifications to the World Championship. So all together, we have achieved to qualify on the World Championship, starting from the economics in the Team, to Ibiševi}, me and others... SIAM: Da li nam je grupa previše jaka ili se mo`emo nadati prolasku u sljede}i krug takmi~enja? D@EKO: Grupa nam je, što bismo rekli, po mjeri. Ni SIAM: In a very short period of time the new Leadership of the Football Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has launched many things in domestic football from the deadlock. How has the new leadership of the Football Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina assisted to the placement of the Team at the World Championship? D@EKO: They gave us what we needed the most and it is no coincidence that we qualified to the World Championship since we communicate with an organized Association. They offered us peace, and we have used it and returned it to them by our games in the Foot- SPORT ball field. SIAM: We are in the group with Teams that have had already a number of performances at the World Championships. What do you expect from our appearances in this competition? jaka, ni slaba. Argentina je, kao što rekoh, favorit, a mi }emo se sa Nigerijom i Iranom boriti za to drugo mjesto. Nigerijci su prvaci Afrike, a Iran jedna od najboljih azijskih ekipa, dok smo mi debitanti. Ukoliko maksimalno ulo`imo truda u sva- koj utakmici, onda se mo`emo nadati prolazu. SIAM: Nedavno su izvu~ene kvalifikacijske grupe za Evropsko prvenstvo u fudbalu. Kako biste ocijenili našu grupu i imamo li šanse za plasman na EP? D@EKO: Everything will depend on the First Game against Argentina, which for us will be the hardest, because we are playing against the Favourites of our Group, but also the Favourites of the entire Competition. Personally, I think we can do great things, but I prefer to prove it on the Football field, rat- her than through the media. SIAM: Is our Group too strong or can we hope to pass to the next round of the Competition? D@EKO: The Group is, as we would say, closefitting. It is neither strong nor weak. Argentina is, as I said, the Favourite, and with Nigeria and Iran we will compete for the second place. Nigerians are champions of Africa, and Iran is one of the best Asian Teams, while we're rookies. If we invest the maximum effort in every game, then we can hope to pass. PZU Poliklinika OKO - dr Kar~i} Biha}ka bb 71000 Sarajevo BiH T: +387 33 715 777 F: +387 33 715 776 Na{ tim oftalmologa je me|u vode}ima u regiji u dijagnostici, tretmanu, medikamentoznom i hirur{kom lije~enju oftalmolo{kih oboljenja. www.poliklinika-oko.ba SIAM 43 SPORT Sarajevski aerodrom za mene ima posebno zna~enje Sarajevo Airport has a sentimental meaning to me The Sarajevo Airport has a special meaning to me SIAM: During the trips with your Club, but also with our representation, you visited many of the World's Airports. How would you compare these Airports and Sarajevo International Airport and what kind meaning does the Sarajevo Airport has for you? D@EKO: I can safely say that among all of these D@EKO: Grupa za EP je za nijansu te`a od ove koju smo imali za Svjetsko prvenstvo, ali naši apetiti i ciljevi su se pove}ali. S obzirom na to da dvije reprezentacije iz grupa idu direktno na sljede}e Evropsko prvenstvo, vjerujem da se mo`emo plasirati i na EP. Belgija i mi }emo se boriti za prva dva mjesta, mada ne treba otpisati ni Vels, ali ni Izrael, koji vide svoje ša- fudbalsku ekipu. S obzirom na to da ste sa ovom ekipom osvojili sve mogu}e trofeje u engleskoj Premier ligi, jeste li spremni za nove izazove u nekom drugom klubu ili ligi? D@EKO: Da, osvojio sam sve, ali trenutno sam fokusiran samo na City. Naslušao sam se raznih pri~a oko odlaska, a ja ve} nekoliko sezona igram za Sarajevski aerodrom za mene ima sentimentalno zna~enje SIAM: Tokom putovanja sa Vašim klubom, ali i sa našom reprezentacijom, posjetili ste mnoge svjetske aerodrome. Kako biste uporedili te aerodrome i Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo i kakvo zna~enje za Vas ima Sarajevski aerodrom? D@EKO: Slobodno mogu re}i da se od svih mjesta najvi{e obradujem kad vidim Sarajevski aerodrom, jer to zna~i da sam stigao ku}i. Ne ka`u uzalud, svuda pro|i, ku}i uvijek do|i, a tako je i kod mene. Najljep{e se osje}am u Sarajevu i tu najvi{e volim provoditi svoje slobodno vrijeme. [to se ti~e nekih konkretnih usporedbi, to bih izostavio, jer za mene Sarajevski aerodrom ima sentimentalno zna~enje. nse, pogotovo u doma}im utakmicama. Neizvjesno }e biti do samog kraja, ali sam optimista. SIAM: U posljednje vrijeme mnogo se pri~a o Vašem napuštanju ekipe Manchester City i prelaska u neku drugu evropsku SIAM 44 City. Dakle, tu sam do kraja sezone i `elja mi je osvojiti još jedan naslov prvaka, a poslije toga }emo vidjeti. Trenutno se, zaista, ne optere}ujem glasinama i pri~om oko mog eventualnog odlaska iz sadašnje ekipe. places I mostly rejoice when I see the Sarajevo Airport, because it means I got home. It is not said with no reason that you could travel all around, but you will always return home, and so it is for me too. The most beautiful feeling is when I am in Sarajevo and that is the place where I like to spend my free time. As far as a specific comparison, I would omit it, because to me Sarajevo Airport has a sentimental meaning. SIAM: Recently, the qualifying Groups for the European Championship in Football were drawn. How would you rate our Group and do we have a chance to qualify for the European Championship? D@EKO: The group of the European Championship is a bit heavier than the one we have for the World Championship, but our appetites and goals have increased. Due to the fact that two Teams from the Group will go directly to the next European Championship, I believe we can qualify for the European Championship as well. Belgium and our country will be fighting for the top two spots, but Wales should not be written off either, nor Israel, who are aware of their chances, especially in home games. It will be uncertain until the very end, but I'm an optimist. SIAM: Lately there has been a lot of talk about your abandonment of Manchester City and moving to another European Football Team. Since, with this Team you won all possible Trophies in the English Premier League, are you ready for a new challenge in another Club or League? D@EKO: Yes, I won everything, but right now I'm just focused on City. I've heard various stories about me leaving City around, and for several seasons I have been playing for City. So, I'm here until the end of the season and my desire is to win another Championship, and after that we'll see. Currently, indeed, I do not bother with rumours and stories about my eventual departure from the current Team. PREZENTACIJE / PRESENTATIONS Zajedni~ka promocija doma}eg turizma Joint Promotion of Domestic Tourism Interes stranih turista za turisti~ke potencijale naše zemlje u posljednje vrijeme je pove}an, zahvaljuju}i i tome što se bh. turizam ~esto promovira na mnogim specijaliziranim sajmovima mela ^engi}, direktorica putni~ke agencije Viator i Unionkomerca, godinama radi na promociji bh. turisti~kih kapaciteta na turisti~kim sajmovima širom svijeta. Upravo je dugogodišnji rad na ovakvoj vrsti promocije dobar temelj za osnovne smjernice vezane za trendove u turizmu, koje se, u kona~nici, impliciraju na Bosnu i Hercegovinu. A A Pove}an interes turista Current Trends “Generalno, u~estvuju}i na prezentacijama iz oblasti turizma, radionicama, ali i u razgovoru sa ljudima iz branše na me|unarodnom nivou, u turizmu su trenutno aktuelni trendovi koji se odnose na svjesno pla}anje dodatne vrijednosti - potrošnja se pove}ava u mjestu boravka, dok se smanjuju troškovi smještaja i putovanja, a pritom klijenti postaju sve zahtjevniji i gdje se dobra usluga i smještaj podrazumijevaju. Tu je još i trend ~eš}ih godišnji odmora - pomak od jednog godišnjeg odmora na jedan du`i i nekoliko manjih ili samo na manje i usmjerene na stariju klijentelu sa ve}om plate`nom mo}i, koja toliko ne ovisi o periodu praznika i godišnjih odmora. Zbog va`nosti koju turizam ima u BiH, potrebno je postaviti pravilnu dijagnozu dosadašnjeg razvoja, te utvrditi komparativne prednosti kojima raspola`emo i to prije svega u odnosu na druge zemlje Evrope“, objašnjava ^engi}. “Generally, by participating in Presentations in the Field of Tourism, Workshops, and in conversation with people from the industry on an international level, it becomes clear that in tourism, current and actual trends are related to conscious payment of additional value - U turizmu su trenutno aktuelni trendovi koji se odnose na svjesno pla}anje dodatne vrijednosti - potrošnja se pove}ava u mjestu boravka, dok se smanjuju troškovi smještaja i putovanja, pritom klijenti postaju sve zahtjevniji, a dobra usluga i smještaj se podrazumijevaju consumption increases in residence, while costs of accommodation and travel are reducing, customers become more demanding whereas a good service and accommodation are implied. There is also a Trend of more Frequent Annual Vacations - a shift from one vacation to one long and several smaller vacations or only a few smaller vacations targeted to older clienteles with greater spending power, who do not depend on the period of holidays and vacations. Because of the importance which Tourism has in B&H, it is necessary to set the proper diagnosis of the past development, and to identify competitive advantages that we possess, primarily in relation to other European countries. According to statistics, in recent times in our country, an increased number of foreign tourist arrivals is evident, but our country is still far from completing all Tourist Facilities. “The interest for our country is continuously growing, and this is proven by the statistical data, which testify to the fact that the last year, compared to 2012, was much Prema statisti~kim podacima, u posljednje vrijeme u našoj zemlji je izra`en pove}an broj dolazaka stranih gostiju, ali, naša zemlja je i dalje daleko od popunjavanja svih turisti~kih kapaciteta. “Interes za našom zemljom je u kontinuiranom porastu, a ovo pokazuju i statisti~ki podaci, koji svjedo~e o tome da je protekla godina, u odnosu na 2012. godinu, bila bolja za cijelih 15 posto. Tome doprinosi i otvaranje novih SIAM 46 The interest of Foreign Tourists for the Tourism potentials of our country in recent years has increased, due to the fact that BiH Tourism is often promoted at many specialized Fairs mela ^engi}, the director of the Travel Agency Viator and Unionkomerc, has been working on the promotion of B&H Tourist Facilities at Tourism Fairs worldwide. It is the long-standing work on this type of promotion which creates a good foundation for basic guidance on the trends in tourism, and ultimately, implies to Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Tourism, current and actual trends are related to conscious payment of additional value - consumption increases in residence, while costs of accommodation and travel are reducing, customers become more demanding whereas a good service and accommo dation are implied PREZENTACIJE / PRESENTATIONS avionskih linija prema evropskim metropolama sa better for whole 15 percent. It contributes to the creation Me|unarodmog aerodroma Sarajevo. To donosi of new Airline Routes to European cities from Sarajevo mogu}nost otvaranja potpuno novog tr`išta za turiste koji International Airport. This offers the possibility of opendolaze u vlastitom aran`manu, a neposrednu korist od ing an entirely new market for tourists coming in own rasta imaju restorani, hoteli, turisti~ke lokacije, a sve to arrangement and immediate benefits of growth are evzna~ajno uti~e na društveno-ekonomsku perspektivu ciident in restaurants, hotels, tourist sites and surely all of jele BiH i njenih gra|ana. Politika razvoja turizma zahtithis significantly affects the socio-economic perspective jeva mre`u kooperativnih odnosa izme|u lokalnih vlasti, of the whole B&H and its citizens. Privacy Tourism Deturisti~kih agencija, turisti~kih zajednica i gradskih orvelopment requires a network of cooperative relationganizacija, te partnerske odnose, osobito izme|u javnog ships between Local Authorities, Travel Agencies, Tourist i privatnog sektora, što u izgradnji infrastrukture i turBoards and City Organizations and Partnerships, espeisti~ke ponude daje najbolje rezultate. Kako bi ostvarili cially between the public and private sector, that in the taj rast, sve uprave u regiji i poslovne zajednice trebaju construction of infrastructure and tourism offer the best raditi zajedno na turisti~ki povoljnom okru`enju, u kojem results. To achieve this growth, all Administrations in the posjetitelji mogu u`ivati Region and the Business Communities Ozbiljno shvatamo pripreme u odgovaraju}im objekshould work together to create a za sajamske manifestacije, tima i zadovoljiti svoje Travel Supportive Environment, where ka`e ^engi}/ interese, uklju~uju}i visitors can enjoy appropriate facilities kulturu, historiju, reliWe take the preparations and meet their interests, including culgiju, avanturu i gastrofor Fair Manifestations very ture, history, religion, adventure and serious, says ^engi} gastronomy“, says ^engi}. nomiju“, smatra ^engi}. Serious Preparations Upravo zbog pove}anog interesa stranih turista za našu zemlju, poja~ana je i aktivnost turisti~ke promocije BiH na mnogobrojnim turisti~kim sajmovima. “Viator tim veoma ozbiljno shvata pripreme za sajamske manifestacije. Radili smo dugo na istra`ivanju tr`išta, programima, katalogu namjenski ra|enom za tr`išta na kojima se pojavljujemo, a vodi se ra~una i o najmanjim detaljima, izboru fotografija, kvaliteti papira za kataloge...Na prošlogodišnjem ATM Dubai sajmu, na kome smo izlagali, uniforme su posebno osmislili i kreirali naši dizajneri. Dijelili smo organske proizvode iz BiH, a ~itav štand se zasnivao na prirodnim ljepotama BiH, a to je dovelo do velikog interesa posjetitelja sajma“, navodi ^engi} i dodaje da je najve}i problem doma}eg turizma to što se u ovaj sektor ne investira u ve}em obimu. “Historijska, društvena i kulturna zbivanja su turistima u našoj zemlji jako privla~na, ali priroda ili ime dr`ave, koje se spominje u svjetskim sportskim i kulturnim kuloarima, nisu dovoljni da bi se privukao ve}i broj turista. Infrastruktura je ono na ~emu bi se itekako trebalo poraditi. Loša kvaliteta puteva, pruge u veoma lošem stanju, nepostojanje adekvatne saobra}ajne signalizacije, koja bi turiste vodila do odre|ene lokacije, još ve}i broj aviolinija... Tako|er, neophodno bi bilo pove}ati smještajne kapacitete, modernizirati i osavremeniti usluge u skladu sa evropskim i svjetskim standardima i zahtjevima turista te obogatiti ponudu dodatnim sadr`ajima. Ipak, prije svega, treba definirati promociju destinacije i nastupati na me|unarodnim sajmovima na dr`avnom nivou, ne gledaju}i pojedina~ne interese, ve} imati jedan zajedni~ki stav“, zaklju~uje ^engi}. Because of the increased interest of Foreign tourists to visit our country, the activities of Tourism Promotion of B&H on various Tourist Fairs is growing. “The Viator Team takes the preparations for the Fair Manifestations very serious. For a long time we have been working on market research, programs, catalogues purposely-made for markets in which we appear, to the smallest details which are taken into account, from the choice of images, to the quality of paper for catalogues ecc... At the last year ATM Dubai Fair, in which we participated, special uniforms were designed and created by our designers. We shared organic products from B&H and the whole stand was based on the natural beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has led to great interest of visitors of the Fair“, says ^engi}. She adds that the biggest problem of Domestic Tourism is, that in this sector, it is not invested in a larger scale. “Historical, Social and Cultural Events in our country are very attractive to Tourists, but the overall existence and the name of the country, is not sufficiently mentioned in international sports and cultural circles, which is the main reason for not being able to attract more tourists. Certainly, the infrastructure is the subject that needs to be worked on. Poor quality of roads, railways in very poor condition, lack of adequate traffic signals which would lead Tourists to a particular location, even larger number of cheap lines ... Also, it would be necessary to increase the Accommodation Capacity, Modernize and Streamline the Services in accordance with European and International Standards and requirements of Tourists and enrich the offer of Additional Facilities. However, above all, it should be defined to have a quality promotion of destinations and exhibitions at International Trade Fairs at the State Level, without prioritizing individual interests but expressing a common attitude, "concludes ^engi}. 47 SIAM Ozbiljne pripreme TURIZAM / TOURISM Deset zanimljivosti Sarajeva Za vrijeme boravka u Sarajevu svakako treba posjetiti kulturno-historijski dio grada, izletišta koja se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini, ratni tunel pomo}u kojeg su u opkoljeno Sarajevo stizali hrana i oru`je, te mnoge druge zanimljivosti Ameri~ki magazin National Geographic uvrstio je Sarajevo, glavni grad Bosne i Hercegovine, u jednu od 20 must see destinacija u 2014. godini, kao grad koji obiluje kulturnim bogatstvom i autenti~nim gra|evinama. Sarajevo, kao i ljudi koji u njemu `ive, ima posebnu karizmu, pa nije ni ~udo što se oni koji ga jednom posjete uvijek vrate, a stara poslovica ka`e “Ko se jednom napije vode sa Baš~aršije, taj }e se uvijek vra}ati u Sarajevo”. A Baš~aršija je stara sarajevska ~aršija te predstavlja kulturni i historijski centar grada, a izgra|ena je u 15. stolje}u, u doba osmanske vladavine kada je Isa-beg Ishakovi} osnovao cijeli grad. Rije~ Baš~aršija poti~e od turske rije~i baš što zna~i glavna tako da Baš~aršija zna~i glavna ~aršija, te predstavlja glavnu turisti~ku atrakciju. U njoj se nalazi nekoliko va`nih historijskih objekata, poput Gazi Husref-begove d`amije i Sahat-kule. Današnja Baš~aršija dvostruko je manja od one iz 19. stolje}a zbog po`ara koji ju je zadesio, a ono što je krasi jeste Sebilj, fontana posebnog oblika i jedini objekat te vrste u Sarajevu. Baš~aršiju ~ine i stari zanati te zanatlije koji usprkos modernizaciji nastoje o~uvati tradiciju zanatstva staru stotinama godina. Kako je Sarajevo bilo va`an centar trgovine na Balkanu, svakako treba posjetiti Gazi Husref-begov bezistan i Brusa bezistan. 1 SIAM 50 Grad obiluje jedinstvenim arhitektonskim ostvarenjima kako osmanske tako i austrougarske arhitekture, koja ~ini ve}i dio današnjeg centra Sarajeva. Ve}ina gra|evina nastala je nakon po`ara koji je uništio ve}i dio ~aršije, a arhitekti i in`injeri poslani su iz Be~a kako bi modernizirali Sarajevo. Austrugari su pored modernizacije u arhitekturi u~inili Sarajevo i prvim gradom u Evropi koji ima tramvaj. Baš~aršija is the old Sarajevo marketplace and is a cultural and historical center of the city, and was built in the 15th. century, during the Ottoman Empire when Isa-Bey Ishakovich founded the city. The word Baš~aršija comes from the Turkish word "baš" meaning "main", so that translated, Baš~aršija means Main Market , so it is the major tourist attraction. It houses several important historic buildings, such as Gazi Husref Bey Mosque (Gazi Husref-begova d`amija) and the Clock Tower (Sahat-kula). Todays Baš~aršija is twice smaller than the one from the 19th. century due to a fire that had struck. What adornes in Baš~aršija is the Sebilj, a fountain of special shape and the only facility of its kind in Sarajevo. A part of Baš~aršija are also traditional crafts and artisans that despite modernization make efforts to preserve the tradition of the hundred years old craftsmanship. As Sarajevo was an important trade center in the Balkans, it is worth a visit, especialy the Gaza Husref market building (bezistan) and Brusa market building (bezistan). TURIZAM / TOURISM Ten Attractions of Sarajevo During the stay in Sarajevo, it is necessary, for every visitor to visit the Cultural and Historical part of the City, to go on excursions located in the immediate vicinity, to visit the War Tunnel through which to the besieged Sarajevo, food and weapons were transported in, and many other curiosities T The city abounds in unique architectural achievements of both the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Architecture, which forms the greater part of today's city of Sarajevo. Most of the building were built after the fire that destroyed much of the bazaar so architects and engineers were sent from Vienna to modernize Sarajevo. In addition to modernization in architecture the Austro-Hungarians made Sarajevo the first City in Europe which operates a tram. Vodopad Skakavac jedinstvene ljepote nalazi se sjeverno od Sarajeva, a udaljen je 12 kilometara od centra grada. Visok je 98 metara te je jedan od najljepših i najve}ih vodopada u BiH, ali i na Balkanu, što predstavlja pravu turisti~ku atrakciju. Okolno podru~je ima visok stepen biološke raznolikosti, a stijene vodopada obrasle su mnogobrojnim endemi~nim vrstama biljaka. Do ovog vodopada mo`e se do}i biciklom ili poludnevnom turom pješa~enja, što zahtijeva dobru fizi~ku kondiciju. 2 Waterfall Skakavac (The Grasshopper) of unique beauty is located north of Sarajevo, a distance of 12 kilometers from the city center. The waterfall is 98 meters high, a real tourist attraction which presents one of the most beautiful and largest waterfalls in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as in the Balkans. The surrounding area has a high level of biodiversity where rock falls are covered with numerous endemic species of plants. The waterfall can be reached by bike or by a half-day walking tour, which requires good physical condition. 51 SIAM he American magazine National Geographic has included Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in one of the 20 must see destinations of 2014, as a city gifted with cultural richness and authentic buildings. Sarajevo, as well as the people who live in it has a special charisma, so it is no wonder that those who visit it once always come back. The old saying goes "Whoever drinks water from Baš~aršija, he will always return to Sarajevo”. TURIZAM / TOURISM Vrelo Bosne predstavlja izvorišni dio rijeke Bosne, smješten ispod obronaka planina Igmana i Bjelašnice. Bogatstvo prirode ovog podru~ja koje privla~i veliki broj posjetilaca ogleda se u resursima kvalitetne pitke vode, termalnim vodama, šumama, atraktivnim lokacijama za turizam i rekreaciju te je u 2006. godini Vrelo Bosne proglašeno Spomenikom prirode, ~ime je postalo zašti}eno podru~je. Do Vrela Bosne vodi nas Velika Aleja, atraktivno šetalište zasa|eno stablima du`ine 3,5 kilometra, na kojoj su nekada fijakeri prevozili posjetioce Vrela Bosne, a danas su turisti~ka atrakcija. 4 Latinska }uprija je jedan od najstarijih sarajevskih mostova koji je od 1918. do 1992. godine nosio naziv Principov most. Prvi most na ovom mjestu bio je od drveta, a sagradio ga je sara~ Husein. Ono po ~emu je ovaj most poznat je sarajevski atentat, jer je u blizini ovog mosta 1914. godine izvršen atentat na prijestolonasljednika Austro-Ugarske monarhije nadvojvodu Franju Ferdinanda i njegovu suprugu Sofiju. Doga|aj se smatra povodom Prvog svjetskog rata, a most je neko vrijeme nosio naziv po mladi}u koji je izvršio atentat, Gavrilu Principu. SIAM 52 Spring of the Bosna River (Vrelo Bosne) is the source of the river Bosna, located below the slopes of the mountains Igman and Bjelašnica. The richness of nature in this area which attracts large number of visitors is reflected in the quality of drinking water resources, thermal waters, forests, attractive locations for tourism and recreation. In 2006, the spring of the Bosna river was declared a monument of nature and has become a protected area. The 3.5 kilometer long great Alley (Velika aleja) leads us to the spring of the Bosna river, an attractive promenade planted with trees where once the fiacre transported visitors to the spring of the Bosna river - a tourist attraction still present today. 3 The Latin Bridge (Latinska }uprija) is one of the oldest bridges of Sarajevo, which was named the Bridge of Princip from 1918. until 1992. The first bridge at this place was made of wood and built by artisan Husein. What makes this bridge famous is the Sarajevo Assassination, because it is near the bridge where in 1914. the AustroHungarian Empire Crown Prince, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were assassined. This event is considered to be the Occasion of the First World War, and for a period of time the bridge was called by the young man who executed the assassination, Gavrilo Princip. TURIZAM / TOURISM 5 Inat ku}a nalazi se nedaleko od Baš~aršije, a prvobitno je izgra|ena na suprotnoj strani od mjesta na kojem se danas nalazi, sa druge strane Miljacke. Na drugu stranu je preba~ena jer je na njenom mjestu trebala biti izgra|ena Gradska vije}nica. Nakon pregovora koji su dugo trajali, vlasnik ku}e zahtijevao je da mu se kao naknada isplati kesa dukata, te da ku}a bude kamen po kamen preba~ena na drugu obalu Miljacke, nasuprot Vije}nice. Tako je i ura|eno, a nakon toga ku}a je prozvana Inat ku}om zbog inata njenog vlasnika. Danas je Inat ku}a restoran sa tradicionalnom bosanskom kuhinjom. “The House of Spite” (Inat ku}a) located near Baš~aršija was originally built on the opposite side from where it is today, on the other side of the river. It was then transferred on the other side because in its first place, the famous City Hall was supossed to be built. After negotiations that lasted a long time, the home owner has requested that he be worth the fee for a bag of ducats, and that his house is to be moved stone by stone to the other side of the Miljacka River, opposite of the City Hall. That was done, and after that the house is called The House of Spite due to the spite of its owner. Today the House of Spite is a restaurant with traditional Bosnian cuisine. Zagreba~ki velesajam regionalni lider u organizaciji me|unarodnih poslovnih sajmova organizira Zagreb Fair the regional leader in organizing international business fairs organizes the Me|unarodni sajam investicija, industrije i usluga GRADOVI I REGIJE – generatori razvoja 17-20. 09. 2014 . Gradovi i regije su nositelji pozitivnih gospodarskih promjena. Stvaraju uvjete koji izravno utje~u na investicijske aktivnosti, izvozne resurse, zaposlenost i razvoj nacionalnih ekonomija. International Fair of Investments, Industry and Services CITIES AND REGIONS – Drivers of development from 17 – 20 September 2014 Cities and regions are the driving forces of positive economic changes. They create preconditions having a direct influence on investment activities, exporting resources, employment and development of national economies. This international fair - new economic and communication platform - presents: - Export competitive goods and services - Innovative, Greenfield and Brownfield projects - Ground-breaking applicable solutions for municipal needs - Technology parks - Advisory services in the field of investments and EU funds Okupljanjem i sinergijom poslovnih dionika i donosioca odluka ostvaruju se zajedni~ki ciljevi ja~anja investicijske pro aktivnosti, tr`išne konkurentnosti i umre`avanja poslovne izvrsnosti. By gathering and synergy of business stakeholders and decision makers, common objectives of strengthening the investment proactivity, market competitiveness and networking of business excellence can be achieved. 53 SIAM Ovaj me|unarodni sajam – nova poslovno komunikacijska platforma – predstavlja: - izvozno konkurentne robe i usluge - inovacijske, greenfield i brownfield projekte - inovativno primjenjiva rješenja komunalnih potreba - tehnološke parkove - savjetodavne usluge iz podru~ja investicijskog ulaganja i EU fondova TURIZAM / TOURISM Gazi Husrev-begova d`amija ili Begova d`amija jedan je od najzna~ajnijih spomenika islamske arhitekture na Balkanu. Izgra|ena je 1530. godine kao zadu`bina Gazi Husrev-bega, vladara Bosanskog sand`aka. Nedaleko od d`amije nalaze se Sahat- kula i Medresa. To je prva d`amija u svijetu koja je dobila elektri~no osvjetljenje 1898. godine i jedan je od najzna~ajnijih objekata iz bogate ostavštine Gazi Husrev-bega. 6 Gazi Husrev -bey Mosque or Bey Mosque (Gazi Husrevbegova d`amija ili Begova d`amija) is one of the most important monuments of Islamic architecture in the Balkans. It was built in 1530 as an endowment of Gazi Husrev- bey, the provincial governor of Bosnia. Near the mosque is the Clock Tower (Sahat kula) and the Madrasah. It is the first mosque in the world to receive electric lighting in 1898 and is one of the most significant objects from the rich legacy of Gazi Husrev-bey. Katedrala Srca Isusova je rimokatoli~ka katedrala, sagra|ena 1889. godine u neogoti~kom stilu po kojem se ovaj objekat razlikuje od ostalih te vrste, te po kojem je ura|en dio enterijera. Katedrala je izgra|ena na mjestu nekadašnjeg janji~arskog logora gdje je AustroUgarska uprava namjeravala sagraditi gradsku tr`nicu. Katedrala se nalazi u samom centru Sarajeva. 7 The Sacred Heart Cathedral (Katedrala Srca Isusova) is a Roman Catholic cathedral, built in 1889 in Neo-Gothic style by which this facility is apart from others of its kind, and by which a part of the interior was made. The cathedral was built on the site of the former Janissary camp where the Austro-Hungarian authorities intended to build a city market. The cathedral is located in the center of Sarajevo. SIAM 54 TURIZAM / TOURISM 8 Gradska vije}nica predstavlja najljepši i najreprezentativniji objekat iz Austro-Ugarskog perioda, koji je ujedno i zaštitni znak tog vremena. Izgradnja objekta trajala je od 1892. do 1894. godine, a objekat Gradske vije}nice predat je na upotrebu 1896. godine. Vije}nica je prvobitno bila zgrada tadašnje gradske uprave i gradske administracije Sarajeva, a nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, sve do 1949. godine Vije}nica je slu`ila kao zgrada Okru`nog suda u Sarajevu i sjedište bosanskohercegova~kog sabora. Za vrijeme opsade Sarajeva od 1992. do 1995. godine Vije}nica je bila više puta granatirana, a 25. augusta 1992. godine je i zapaljena. U po`aru je nestao katalog Nacionalne i Univerzitetske biblioteke BiH, tj. oko 80 posto knji`nog fonda i dokumenata koji svjedo~e o historiji BiH. The City Hall (Gradska vije}nica) represents the finest and most representative building from the AustroHungarian period, which presented the hallmark of the time. Construction of this building lasted from 1892 to 1894, and the building was turned to a City Hall for use in 1896. The Hall was originally the former building of the City Administration and the City's Administration of Sarajevo, and after World War II, and until the 1949 The Hall was used as the building of the District Court in Sarajevo and the headquarters of the Bosnian Parliament. During the siege of Sarajevo from 1992 to 1995 the Hall was repeatedly shelled and on August 25th. 1992 it was set on fire. The fire destroyed the Catalogue of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, ie about 80 percent of the library holdings and documents that testify to the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Importanne Centar Element Illy Zmaja od Bosne 7/7a 71000 Sarajevo, BiH tel; +387 33 94 38 45 Element-Sarajevo www.elementilly.ba SIAM 56 Be in your element! TURIZAM / TOURISM 9 57 SIAM Svrzina ku}a je privatna ku}a izgra|ena u tradicionalnom bosanskom stilu koja danas slu`i kao muzej bosanske arhitekture. Ona je najljepše o~uvani primjerak izuzetnosti sarajevskog stambenog graditeljstva u osmanskom periodu. Sagra|ena je od nepe~ene cigle }erpi}a i drveta. Ku}u su karakterizirala dva jasno odvojena dijela: muški i `enski, što govori o patrijarhalnim porodi~nim odnosima. Ku}a je ~uvala intimu porodi~nog `ivota i pru`ala uvid u `ivot sokaka. Ova ku}a predstavlja kulturu stanovanja gradske muslimanske porodice s kraja 18. i tokom 19. stolje}a i u mnogim arhitektonskim nau~nim teorijama navodi se kao primjer bosanske kulture iz otomanskog perioda, koja je definirala bosanski arhitektonski sklop. Svrzo's House (Svrzina ku}a) is a private house built in traditional Bosnian style, which today serves as a museum of Bosnian architecture. It is the best preserved example of excellence in Sarajevo housing construction in the Ottoman period. It was built of adobe bricks and wood. The House is characterized by two clearly separate parts: male and female, reflecting the patriarchal family relations. The house guarded the intimacy of the family life and provided insight into the life of the village street. This house represents the culture of the city's housing of Muslim families from the late 18th. during the 19th. century, and in many architectural scientific theories it is cited as an example of Bosnian culture from the Ottoman period, which is defined by a Bosnian architectural complex. TURIZAM / TOURISM 10 Tunel spasa je napravljen ispod aerodromske piste tokom opsade Sarajeva od 1992. do 1996. godine, a povezivao je dvije teritorije koje je dr`ala Armija RbiH, Dobrinju i Butmir, pa se tunel tako zvao i Tunel D-B. Dug je oko 720 metara, a visok 1,5 metra i bio je najstro`ija tajna Sarajeva, jer su kroz tunel u opkoljeno Sarajevo stizali hrana i oru`je. Tokom 1994. godine za tunel je saznala vojska Republike Srpske i tra`ila od UN da se tunel sruši i zatvori. Nakon toga, vojska Republike Srpske pokušala je kopanjem drugog tunela i preusmjeravanjem rijeke @eljeznice da potopi tunel i tako ga onesposobi, me|utim ta im namjera nije uspjela. Danas se odmah pored ulaza u tunel nalazi muzej u kojem je izlo`ena kolekcija predmeta koji su korišteni u njegovoj izgradnji, zbirka zanimljivih fotografija i novinskih ~lanaka. Me|u eksponatima su i kolica koja su korištena za prijevoz materijala i alata koji je korišten pri kopanju tunela, te ruksaci i vre}e u kojima su ljudi nosili hranu. Sarajevski festivali Sarajevo Film Festival jedan je od zna~ajnijih i ve}ih filmskih festivala u Evropi, te najposje}eniji kulturni doga|aj u BiH. Cilj festivala je podr`avanje i promoviranje filmskog stvaralaštva i autora unutar regije, a od 1994. odr`ava se svake godine i privla~i oko 100.000 posjetilaca i ljubitelja filma. Pored Sarajevo Film Festivala zna~ajan sarajevski festival su i Baš~aršijske no}i, tradicionalni ljetni festival kulture koji se odr`ava svake godine od 1. do 31. jula u Sarajevu. Uz doma}e ansamble i umjetnike te uz gostovanje evropskih i svjetskih grupa i pojedinaca, tokom mjeseca odr`i se 40 do 50 raznih kulturnih programa. SIAM 58 The Salvation Tunnel (Tunel spasa) is made under the Airport runway during the siege of Sarajevo in 1992, and it was connecting the two territories held by the Army of B&H, Dobrinja and Butmir, so the tunnel was also called the D-B Tunnel. It is about 720 meters long and 1.5 meters high and was the most severe secret of Sarajevo, because trought the tunnel, food and weapons were transported in the besieged Sarajevo City. In 1994, the tunnel was discovered by the Army of the Republic of Srpska and they requested from the UN to destroy it and to close the Tunnel. After that, the Army of the Republic of Srpska tried digging another tunnel and rerouting the river `eljeznica to drown the tunnel in order to incapacitate it, but this intent failed. Today, next to the entrance of the tunnel is a museum that displays a set of objects that were used in its construction, a collection of interesting photographs and newspaper articles. Among the exhibits is also the wheelchair that was used to transport materials and tools used in digging the tunnel, as well as backpacks and bags in which people were carrying food. Sarajevo Festivals The Sarajevo Film Festival is one of the most important and major film festivals in Europe and the most visited cultural event in B&H. The aim of the festival is to support and promote filmmaking and authors within the region, and since 1994, it is held every year and attracts around 100,000 visitors and fans of the film industry. In addition to the Sarajevo Film Festival, a significant Sarajevo festival is also the Baš~aršijska Nights, a traditional cultural summer festival that takes place every year from July 1st. - 31st. in Sarajevo. With local artists and ensembles and with the visit of Europeans, Internationals and Individuals, Sarajevo city has monthly a various cultural program which accommodates 40 to 50 events. RASPORED LETENJA / FLIGHT SCHEDULE Vrijedi do izdavanja novog reda letenja Datum izrade: 19. 03. 14 Zadani period pregleda: 30. 03.14 - 25. 10. 14 J. P. ME\UNARODNI AERODROM “SARAJEVO” D.O.O. LJETNI RED LETENJA PONEDJELJAK/MONDAY R.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Broj linije DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok TK 1021 ISTANBUL RAC 7001 ANCONA JA 377 BEOGRAD SOP 51S LJUBLJANA LH 1730 MUNICH JA 307 ZURICH/B.LUKA TK 1023 ISTANBUL OS 757 JP 700 JU 112 PC 729 OU 344 VIENNA LJUBLJANA BEOGRAD ISTANBUL ZAGREB DY 1912 OSLO TK 1025 ISTANBUL OS 759 VIENNA JA 407 COPENHAGEN OU 342 ZAGREB 07:55 08:15 09:00 09:15 12:25 13:15 13:20 14:25 14:35 14:50 15:15 15:45 18:50 19:35 21:25 22:00 22:50 ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok JA 376 BEOGRAD 06:00 OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 JA 306 B.LUKA/ZURICH 06:45 OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 LH 1731 MUNICH TK 1024 ISTANBUL JA 406 COPENHAGEN OS 758 VIENNA JU 113 PC 730 OU 345 JP 701 RAC 9002 SOP 52L DY 1913 TK 1026 BEOGRAD ISTANBUL ZAGREB LJUBLJANA ANCONA LJUBLJANA OSLO ISTANBUL 13:05 14:15 14:15 15:10 15:20 15:55 16:15 16:35 17:55 18:00 19:30 20:35 Tip OP redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo redovni kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni Va`i od 31.03.14 31.03.14 19.05.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 19.05.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 23.06.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 31.03.14 Va`i do 20.10.14 20.10.14 08.09.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 08.09.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 11.08.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 20.10.14 Tip OP redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo redovni kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni Va`i od 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 15.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 08.04.14 24.06.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 Va`i do 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 08.04.14 12.08.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 01.04.14 UTORAK/TUESDAY R.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SIAM 62 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok JA 376 BEOGRAD 06:00 OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 TK 1021 ISTANBUL 07:55 TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 4U 8490 BERLIN 08:55 4U 8491 BERLIN 09:35 JA 377 BEOGRAD 09:00 SOP 51S LJUBLJANA 09:55 JA 106 ISTANBUL 10:00 RAC 7001 ANCONA 10:35 PC 729 ISTANBUL 11:10 PC 730 ISTANBUL 11:50 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 12:15 JP 701 LJUBLJANA 12:45 DY 3286 COPENHAGEN 12:15 DY 3287 COPENHAGEN 12:55 LH 1730 MUNICH 12:25 LH 1731 MUNICH 13:05 4U 492 KOELN 12:35 4U 493 KOELN 13:15 OS 757 VIENNA 14:25 OS 758 VIENNA 15:10 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 14:35 Broj linije RASPORED LETENJA / FLIGHT SCHEDULE UTORAK/TUESDAY ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok R.B. Broj linije 17 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 14:35 18 JU 112 BEOGRAD 14:50 JU 113 BEOGRAD 15:20 19 OU 344 ZAGREB 15:45 OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 20 JA 107 ISTANBUL 16:00 21 JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 22 JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 23 RAC 9002 ANCONA 17:55 24 SOP 52L LJUBLJANA 18:00 25 SK 2857 STOCKHOLM 18:50 SK 2858 STOCKHOLM 19:40 26 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 19:35 TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 27 OS 759 VIENNA 21:25 28 OU 342 ZAGREB 22:50 Tip OP redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni Va`i od 15.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 15.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.07.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 01.04.14 Va`i do 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 01.04.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 12.08.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 21.10.14 Tip OP redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni Va`i od 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 07.05.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 16.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 16.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 25.06.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 02.04.14 Va`i do 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 09.04.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 13.08.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 22.10.14 SRIJEDA/WEDNESDAY R.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Broj linije TK 1021 JA 377 SOP 51S RAC 7001 TK 1013 JP 700 LH 1730 OS 757 JP 700 JU 112 PC 729 OU 344 TK 1025 DY 4343 OS 759 JA 307 OU 342 Destinacija ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok JA 376 BEOGRAD 06:00 OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 ISTANBUL 07:55 TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 BEOGRAD 09:00 LJUBLJANA 09:55 ANCONA 10:35 ISTANBUL 11:45 TK 1014 ISTANBUL 12:40 LJUBLJANA 12:15 JP 701 LJUBLJANA 12:45 MUNICH 12:25 LH 1731 MUNICH 13:05 VIENNA 14:25 OS 758 VIENNA 15:10 LJUBLJANA 14:35 BEOGRAD 14:50 JU 113 BEOGRAD 15:20 ISTANBUL 15:15 PC 730 ISTANBUL 15:55 ZAGREB 15:45 OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 JA 306 B.LUKA/ZURICH 16:30 JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 RAC 9002 ANCONA 17:55 SOP 52L LJUBLJANA 18:00 ISTANBUL 19:35 TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 STOCKHOLM 20:40 DY 4344 STOCKHOLM 21:20 VIENNA 21:25 ZURICH/B.LUKA 22:45 ZAGREB 22:50 63 SIAM DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL RASPORED LETENJA / FLIGHT SCHEDULE Vrijedi do izdavanja novog reda letenja Datum izrade: 19. 03. 14 Zadani period pregleda: 30. 03.14 - 25. 10. 14 J. P. ME\UNARODNI AERODROM “SARAJEVO” D.O.O. LJETNI RED LETENJA ^ETVRTAK/THURSDAY DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL R.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Broj linije Destinacija TK 1021 4U 8490 JA 377 SOP 51S ISTANBUL BERLIN BEOGRAD LJUBLJANA RAC 7001 LH 1730 TK 1023 OS 757 JU 112 PC 729 OU 344 JA 107 4U 492 4U 492 TK 1025 4U 492 OS 759 OU 342 ANCONA MUNICH ISTANBUL VIENNA BEOGRAD ISTANBUL ZAGREB ISTANBUL KOELN KOELN ISTANBUL KOELN VIENNA ZAGREB ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije JA 376 OU 341 OS 760 07:55 TK 1022 08:55 4U 8491 09:00 09:55 JA 106 10:35 12:25 LH 1731 13:20 TK 1024 14:25 OS 758 14:50 JU 113 15:15 PC 730 15:45 OU 345 16:00 RAC 9002 SOP 52L 19:25 4U 493 19:25 4U 493 19:35 TK 1026 20:15 4U 493 21:25 22:50 Destinacija BEOGRAD ZAGREB VIENNA ISTANBUL BERLIN Vrijeme/Lok 06:00 06:30 07:35 08:50 09:35 ISTANBUL 10:00 MUNICH ISTANBUL VIENNA BEOGRAD ISTANBUL ZAGREB 13:05 14:15 15:10 15:20 15:55 16:15 ANCONA LJUBLJANA KOELN KOELN ISTANBUL KOELN 17:55 18:00 20:05 20:35 Tip OP redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo redovni kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni Va`i od 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 17.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 10.07.14 03.04.14 03.07.14 03.04.14 03.04.14 Va`i do 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 26.06.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 03.07.14 23.10.14 23.10.14 Tip OP redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni kargo kargo redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni Va`i od 04.04.14 04.04.14 04.04.14 04.04.14 11.07.14 04.04.14 04.04.14 04.04.14 04.04.14 04.04.14 02.05.14 04.04.14 04.04.14 04.04.14 04.04.14 Va`i do 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 15.08.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 24.10.14 PETAK/FRIDAY DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL SIAM 64 R.B. Broj linije 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4U 492 TK 1021 JA 377 SOP 51S RAC 7001 PC 729 TK 1013 3R 371 LH 1730 TK 1023 JA 307 Destinacija ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok JA 376 BEOGRAD 06:00 OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 JA 306 B.LUKA/ZURICH 07:00 OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 KOELN 07:35 4U 493 KOELN 08:15 ISTANBUL 07:55 TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 BEOGRAD 09:00 LJUBLJANA 09:55 ANCONA 10:35 ISTANBUL 11:10 PC 730 ISTANBUL 11:50 ISTANBUL 11:45 TK 1014 ISTANBUL 12:40 MOSCOW 12:00 3R 372 MOSCOW 13:00 MUNICH 12:25 LH 1731 MUNICH 13:05 ISTANBUL 13:20 TK 1024 ISTANBUL ZURICH/B.LUKA 13:30 RASPORED LETENJA / FLIGHT SCHEDULE PETAK/FRIDAY DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP Va`i od Va`i do JA 406 COPENHAGEN 14:15 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 16 17 OS 757 VIENNA 14:25 OS 758 VIENNA 15:10 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 18 JP 700 LJUBLJANA 14:35 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 19 4U 492 KOELN 14:45 4U 493 KOELN 15:25 redovni 22.08.14 22.08.14 20 JU 112 BEOGRAD 14:50 JU 113 BEOGRAD 15:20 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 21 OU 344 ZAGREB 15:45 OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 22 JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 23 RAC 9002 ANCONA 17:55 kargo 04.04.14 24.10.14 24 SOP 52L LJUBLJANA 18:00 kargo 04.04.14 24.10.14 25 TK 1025 ISTANBUL 19:35 TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 26 DY 1912 OSLO 20:50 DY 1913 OSLO 21:30 redovni 27.06.14 15.08.14 27 OS 759 VIENNA 21:25 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 28 JA 407 COPENHAGEN 22:00 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 29 OU 342 ZAGREB 22:50 redovni 04.04.14 24.10.14 R.B. Broj linije ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE Destinacija SUBOTA/SATURDAY R.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Broj linije TK 1021 JA 377 PC 729 LH 1730 OS 757 4U 492 JU 112 JA 107 SK 2857 TK 1025 4U 2496 DY 4343 OS 759 JA 307 OU 342 Destinacija ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok JA 376 BEOGRAD 06:00 OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 ISTANBUL 07:55 TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 BEOGRAD 09:00 JA 106 ISTANBUL 10:00 ISTANBUL 11:10 PC 730 ISTANBUL 11:50 MUNICH 12:25 LH 1731 MUNICH 13:05 VIENNA 14:25 OS 758 VIENNA 15:10 KOELN 14:35 4U 493 KOELN 15:15 BEOGRAD 14:50 JU 113 BEOGRAD 15:20 ISTANBUL 16:00 JA 306 B.LUKA/ZURICH 16:30 SK 2858 STOCKHOLM 19:20 STOCKHOLM 18:30 ISTANBUL 19:35 TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 STUTTGART 19:50 4U 2497 STUTTGART 20:30 STOCKHOLM 20:15 DY 4344 STOCKHOLM 20:55 VIENNA 21:25 ZURICH/B.LUKA 22:45 ZAGREB 22:50 Tip OP redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni Va`i od 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 16.08.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 05.04.14 Va`i do 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 30.08.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 25.10.14 65 SIAM DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL RASPORED LETENJA / FLIGHT SCHEDULE Vrijedi do izdavanja novog reda letenja Datum izrade: 19. 03. 14 Zadani period pregleda: 30. 03.14 - 25. 10. 14 J. P. ME\UNARODNI AERODROM “SARAJEVO” D.O.O. LJETNI RED LETENJA NEDJELJA/SUNDAY DOLAZAK/ARRIVAL R.B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SIAM 66 Broj linije TK 1021 JA 377 PC 729 PC 729 LH 1730 TK 1023 OS 757 JP 700 JU 112 OU 344 JA 107 TK 1013 TK 1025 OS 759 JA 307 OU 342 Destinacija ODLAZAK/DEPARTURE Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok JA 376 BEOGRAD 06:00 OU 341 ZAGREB 06:30 OS 760 VIENNA 07:35 ISTANBUL 07:55 TK 1022 ISTANBUL 08:50 BEOGRAD 09:00 JA 106 ISTANBUL 10:00 ISTANBUL 11:10 PC 730 ISTANBUL 11:50 ISTANBUL 12:10 PC 730 ISTANBUL 12:50 MUNICH 12:25 LH 1731 MUNICH 13:05 ISTANBUL 13:20 TK 1024 ISTANBUL 14:15 VIENNA 14:25 OS 758 VIENNA 15:10 LJUBLJANA 14:35 BEOGRAD 14:50 JU 113 BEOGRAD 15:20 ZAGREB 15:45 OU 345 ZAGREB 16:15 ISTANBUL 16:00 JA 306 B.LUKA/ZURICH 16:30 JP 701 LJUBLJANA 16:35 ISTANBUL 16:40 TK 1014 ISTANBUL 17:35 ISTANBUL 19:35 TK 1026 ISTANBUL 20:35 VIENNA 21:25 ZURICH/B.LUKA 22:45 ZAGREB 22:50 Tip OP redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni redovni Va`i od 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 06.04.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 04.05.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 30.03.14 Va`i do 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 30.03.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14 19.10.14
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