Sacred Heart Parish Hrvatska Župa Srca Isusova 2864 E. 96th Street Chicago, IL 60617 Croatian Franciscan Friars Fr. Stephen Bedeniković, O.F.M., Pastor Email………………………[email protected] Parish Website………… Parish Email………………………[email protected] Rectory ....................................................... (773) 768-1423 Fax .......................................................... (773) 768-3750 Parish secretary office hours Mon-Fri 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Convent: School: 2906 E. 96th St. ...................... (773) 768-2583 2926 E. 96th St. ....................... (773) 768-3728 Fax .......................................................... (773) 768-5034 Bulletin Notices........................ Deadline Monday evening. FOUNDED 1913 OCTOBER 12, 2014 28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES - MISE Saturday Evening .................................... 4:30 P.M Sunday Morning ....... ..8:00, 9:30, 11:00 (Croatian) HOLY DAYS - ZAPOVIJEDNE SVETKOVINE On the Holy Day Itself ........ .8:00 A.M., 7:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS - PREKO TJEDNA Mon. thru Fri. 8:00 A.M. SACRAMENTS: Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00 P.M. (Any time upon request) Marriage: Make arrangements 6 months in advance. Baptism: Arrangements through Rectory one month in advance. Anointing of the Sick & Communion: Notify the Rectory at any time. Funerals: Arrangements through Rectory (Ordinarily 9:30 A.M.) 28. NEDJELJE KROZ GODINU 12. LISTOPAD 2014. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time —2 — 28. NEDJELJE KROZ GODINU Liturgical Roles for Next Week Sat., October 11 4:30pm For Parishioners Za Zupljane Sun., October 12—Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Marty Dosen (anniv.) by Family 9:30 11:00 Frank Hrisinko by Family Norma, Sr. Angela, Richard Krcmaric by Matt Santa Maria Knights of Columbus Janja Orač Joanne Paulich Ilija Pavljašević Na Nakanu Mate Crnjac by Iva Alilović by M/M Ivan Lešina by M/M Marko Lončar by Obitelji Rajić by Obitelji Rajič Mon., October 13—Weekday—Columbus Day 8:00 Walter Kolodziej, Sr. by Wife Tues., October 14—St. Callistus I, pope and martyr 8:00 Mirko & Rajka Soldo by Nevenka Soldo Family Wed., Oct. 15—St. Teresa of Jesus, virgin, dr. of church 8:00 Tillie Quinn by Sr. Francine & Sr. Regina Marie Thurs., October 16—St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin 8:00 Karen Grisa by Alivojvodic Family Fri., October 17—St. Ignatius of Antioch, bishop & martyr 8:00 Nikola Boras by Ljubica Bede Sat., October 18—St. Luke, evangelist NO MORNING MASS 4:30pm For Parishioners Za Zupljane Sun., October 19—Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 Andrea Kral by Husband & Family 9:30 11:00 John Musa Theresa Szewczyk by Maras Family by Husband & Family Drago Lončar MIrko Jurković Jozo Zovko by Bratana Anka Dugandzić by M/M Andrija Beš by Nevenka Solda s obitelji Saturday, October 18, 4:30 p.m. Lector: Carolyn Mulac Eucharistic ministers: Altar servers: Gerardo Esparza, Daniel Reyer, Robert Sanchez Sunday, October 19, 8:00 a.m., Lector: Margarita Silva Eucharistic ministers: Nancy McGuire, Kathie Stelmaszek Altar servers: Alyssa Aguero, Tiffanie Aguero, Saul Verdi 9:30 a.m. Lector: Karen Pietrusinski Eucharistic ministers: Felton Brown, John Kurylo Altar servers: Kalin Avila, Matthew Avila, Saul Gomez 11:00 a.m. Lector: Antonija Modrušić Eucharistic ministers: Zlatko Lončar, Veselka Rajić Altar servers: Kornelia Modušić, Marcela Modrušić, Please visit our parish website and get all the latest news and the activities in the parish community. You can also see our weekly bulletin where you can find the Mass intentions, Liturgical Schedule and much more. Our website number is ******* Website Župe Srce Isusova: Sada naše župna ima website tako da možete biti informirani o događajima u našoj župnoj zajednici. Sada možete i vidjet naš tjedni buletin, misne intencije, raspored za one koji služe oko oltara i sve najnovije vijesti. Naša web adresa je Please pray for KAREN F. CASTRO (69) who was buried from our church last Friday. Our deepest sympathy her to husband Richard, her children, grandchildren, relatives and friends. May she rest in peace. Last Sunday’s Collection Za Preminule Članove Društvo Hrvatska Žena by Hr.Ž. Thank you! SACRED HEART PARISH —3— WEEKLY CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES IN THE PARISH THURSDAY: 6:30pm—BINGO in our parish hall. Come and help our school by playing bingo and you can win some money. NEXT SUNDAY: Catholics all over the world will celebrate World Mission Sunday. There will be a second collection at all the Masses for the Propagation of the Faith, called Universal Church Collection. This collection helps the missionaries around the world. Please be generous in your donation as you are helping spread the message of Christ throughout the world. This supports the missionary activity of the Church. Envelopes for this collection are in the bulletin. - Sacred Heart Altar and Rosary Society will have a BAKE SALE in our parish hall after all the Masses. They will also serve coffee. All are welcome. Please bring your homemade baked goods to the hall before Mass. THANK YOU to all who worked or helped in any way last Sunday for our BBQ LAMB, PORK, Shishka-bob and Čvapčići luncheon. Thanks for bringing wonderful baked goods. We appreciate all of you who came and supported our parish. Once we pay the bills we will publish the financial profit. October Attendance Count: During the month of October all parishes in the U.S. count the attendance at Masses. This count is an important source of information for the Archdiocese in the future planning for the parishes. COME TO OUR HALLOWEEN COSTUME BASH sponsored by Sacred Heart School on Saturday, October 25th in our parish hall. The doors will open at 6:00pm. There will be food, cold drinks, games, prizes, music and lots of fun. Wear a costume and win a prize. All of you are invited. Come and support our school. NOVEMBER is the month when we remember and pray for all of our deceased loved ones. November 2nd is All Soul’s Day. You can use your ALL SOULS envelopes to remember your loved ones. When you use them to give the gift to the church, please put the names of your deceased on the envelope. We will put them on the altar during the month of November and pray for them at all the Masses. CHICAGO 10-16—Bingo at 6:30pm in our parish hall. 10-19—A/R Society Bake Sale after all the Masses 10-21—Altar & Rosary Society meeting at 6:30pm 11-04—Election Day 11-16–-Arts & Craft Fair– parish hall 11-29– Alumni Dinner Dance—parish hall ******* In support of the pro-life movement, our church will be participating in The Baby Bottle Project in October benefitting The Women’s Center of Greater Chicago land. This non-profit organization directly assists mothers and families experiencing crisis in pregnancies by offering emotional, financial, material, and spiritual support through counseling, and monetary provisions, prayer and other aid. By God’s grace, The Women’s Center have saved over 34,000 babies from abortion since opening in 1984. Please take a Baby Bottle home with you today or next week, fill it with your spare change over the next three weeks and return it the weekend of Oct. 26th or Nov. 2nd. This is a simple, but crucial fundraising effort for The Women’s Center. Thank you for helping defend life and remember to keep all pro-life undertakings in your prayers especially during this Respect Life Month. CROATIAN WOMEN-40th ANNIVERSARY AND FASHION SHOW: On Saturday, October 25th, the Croatian Women Organization of Chicago will celebrate their 85th Anniversary and Traditional Fashion Show at the Croatian Center. Tickets are $75.00. For more info call Nevenka, 773-4502811 or e-mail [email protected]. Sacred Heart Prayer Shawl Ministry: Group meets the first Saturday of the month in the parish hall at 9:30am to make shawls and throws for people who need them during difficult times or happy times of celebrations. This is open to all who knit or crochet or who want to learn. For more information call Dolores at 219-951-8973. VENDORS WANTED for our Arts and Crafts Fair— Sunday, November 16th from 8am to 2pm in our parish hall. Vendor fee is $25 plus a donation valued at $15 or more to our raffle. For more information call Susan, 773 -620-7971 or Margarita at email [email protected] Bishop Noll Institute (1519 Hoffman St., Hammond, IN) will be having Open House on Sunday, November 9th from 11:00am to 1:00pm. APARTMENT FOR RENT Spacious 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, Newly decorated, heat and water included, available immediately, $690 month plus $690 security deposit. For more information please call: 773-721-7344. HRVATSKA ŽUPA SRCA ISUSOVA —4— TJEDNE AKTIVNOSTI U NAŠOJ ŽUPNOJ ZAJEDNICI ČETVRTAK: 6:30pm— Bingo u našoj dvorani. Molimo vas dođite na bingo i pomozite našoj župi. SLIJEDEĆE NEDJELJE: Crkva slavi misijsku nedjelju, na taj dan sjećamo se na poseban način svih katoličkih misionara i misionarki koji rade na proširenju Kristove radosne vijesti diljem kugle zemaljske. Za njihove potrebe, za potrebe svih misija u slijedeću nedjelju kupit će se druga milostinja. Pomozite koliko možete, od vašeg dara isto tako zavisi kao će uspjeti naše misije diljem svijeta. Omotnice za ovu milostinju su u bulletinu. Unaprijed se zahvaljujemo. - Oltarsko Društvo župe Presvetog Srca prodavati će kolače u našoj župnoj dvorani nakon svih misa. Posluživati će i kavu. Svi ste dobrodošli. Molimo vas da donesete svoje kolače u dvoranu prije mise. DRAGI ŽUPLJANI ŽELIMO ZAHVALITI svima vama koji ste doprinijeli da naš ručak prošle nedjelje bude tako dobro organiziran i da lijepo uspije, na poseban način želimo reći hvala vama koji ste dragovoljno uložili svoje vrijeme, donijeli peciva i radili. Konačni novčani izvještaj s ručka izići će ovih dana tako da ćete imati uvid koliko se novaca zaradilo te koliko se potrošilo. Još jednom velika hvala svima vama koji ste doprinijeli da ovogodišnji naš ručak bude tako uspješan, neka vam Gospodin Bog nagradi stostruko sav vaš trud i uloženo vrijeme. Dođite na našu Halloween zabavu koja će se održati u subotu 25. listopada u našoj župnoj dvorani u organizaciji škole Presvetog Srca Isusova. Zabava počinje u 6:00pm. Biti će hrane, pića, igara, nagrada, glazbe i puno zabave. Dođite sa svojom maskom i možete osvojiti nagradu. Svi ste dobro došli. Dođite i podržite našu župnu školu. Obavijest: U mjesecu listopadu, sve župe u Americi su povezane da obrate pažnju na posjećenost Sv. Mise i brojimo prisutne. Ovo je važno jer nam daje informacije kako bi nadbiskupija mogla planirati budućnost župe i njihova opstanka. Naša Župa sponsorira Arts and Crafts Fair u našoj dvorani u nedjelju 16. studeni od 8:00am do 2:00pm. Ako želite prodavat vaš ručni rad za više informacije nazovite 773-620-7971 ili email [email protected] CHICAGO DOGAĐANJA U ŽUPI 10-16—Bingo u našoj dvorani 11-16—Arts & Craft Fair ********* U znak podrške pro-life pokreta, naše župa sudjelovat će u ‘’The Baby Bottle Project’’ koji podupire ženske centre u Chicagolandu. Ova neprofitna organizacija izravno pomaže majkama i obiteljima koje prolaz kroz poteškoće u trudnoći, organizacija nudi emocionalnu, financijsku, materijalnu i duhovnu podršku kroz savjetovanja, odjeću, novčanu pomoć, molitvu i slično. S Božjom pomoći. Centar je od svog osnutka 1984. godine spasio preko 34,000 djece. Molimo vas da bočicu ponesete kući, napunite je sa sitim novcem kroz sljedeća tri tjedna i vratite do 26. listopada ili 2. studeni. Ovo je jednostavan ali vrlo važan izvor prihoda kojim se Centar financira. Hvala vam što pomažete štiti živote i molimo vas da nas nosite u svojim molitvama, posebno u ovom mjesecu Poštovanja života. STUDENI je mjesec kada se sjetimo i molimo za naše pokojne. 2. studeni je Dušni Dan. U potrebite omotnice za DUŠNI DAN (All Souls Day), stavite imena vaših preminuli na omotnicu sa vašim darom crkvi i stavit ćemo te omotnice na oltar i sjitetit ćemo se svi njih za vrijeme Misa. Ako želite Svetu Misa za vaše pokojne, za godišnjicu ili druge posebne datume, upišite njihova imena u župnom uredu prija nego su ti datum zauzeti. Knjiga za godine 2015 je u uredu. Dar ili misna nakana za Svetu Misu je $10.00. Društvo ‘’Hrvatska žena grana broj jedan’’ Chicago organizira svoje 85. obljetnicu i tradicionalnu 24-u po redu ‘’Modnu reviju’’ u subotu 25. listopada sa početkom u 7:00 navečer. Banket 85. obljetnice i revija će se održati u Hrvatskom kulturnom centru, 2845 W Devon, Chicago, IL. Ulaznice po cijeni od $75.00, možete nabaviti kod članova društva u svim hrvatskom župama. Također nas možete nazvati za sve informacije na telefon 773-450-2811, ili na telefon 847-4523741, ili na e-mail [email protected]. Dođite i podržte naše društvo u humanitarnom radu kao što ste nam pomagali i svih proteklih godina. Molimo vas da vratite crkvene knjige u klupe na svoja mjesta tako da ostanu klupe čiste. 12. LISTOPAD 2014 —5— ‘’Poštuju život i svakom djetetu se raduju’’ (Helena Anušić) OCTOBER 12, 2014 Stewards of freedom, servants of God (by Dan Conway) Život ’’na kraju svijeta’’ mogla bi se geografski opisati biskupija Auki ŽUPNIKOVA na Salomonskim Otocima u kojoj djeluje misionarka milosrdnica s. PORUKA Jasna Plavac. Ona je nedavno stigla u Hrvatsku. Tu će provesti ljeto i u rujnu se vratiti u misiju na Salomonske Otoke, koji se nalaze na jugozapadu Tihoga oceana, oo 1800 km sjeveroistoćno od Australije i pripadaju grupi najslabije razvijenih država: od 951 otoka naseljeno ih je samo 350. Govoreći o svom životnom pozivu, ističe da se ništa ne događa bez Božje volje. ’’Oduvijek sam se htjela posvetiti siromašnima i djeci. Molila sam se da naša družba, osim Paragvaja i Urugvaja, dobije još jednu misiju i moja želja se ostvarila 2011. godine’’, rekla je misionarka. ‘’ Najprije smo došli u Honiaru, gdje nas je dočekao generalni vikar Moises, i tamo smo ostale četiri dana. Potom smo se uputile na otok Malaitu. Zatekli smo kuće napravljene na stupovima na pijesku, pokrivene palminim lišćem. Dočekali su nas s vijencima od cvijeća koje su nam stavili oko vrata. Tamo smo prenoćili i onda se uputili u Bumu, centar u kojemu i danas djelujemo, koji je okružen džunglom. Biskupija Auki ima 13 župa i s Jasna Plavac u Bumu je došla na poziv mjesnoga biskupa kako bi pomogla u bolnici te da sa svojim poslanjem unese duh sv. Vinka Paulskoga. Uz nju, u Bumi su sada još tri misionarke iz Hrvatske: s. Slavka Bogdan, s. Augustina Lipovec i s. Ruža Rajić. ’’Biskup nas je pozvao da pomažemo bolesnima. Ja sam inače medicinska sestra, tako da posjećujemo bolesnike u njihovim domovina, vozimo ih u bolnicu koja je udaljena 30 kilometara, a nerijetko nam se zbog loših prometnica događa da nam trudnice tijekom vožnje do Aukija i rode u automobilu.’’ U Bumi imaju malu ambulantu, a automobil im je darovala Nacionalna uprava Papinskih misijskih dijela u Hrvatskoj akcijom MIVA (Misijska vozila). Potrebe za volonterima postoje, ističe s. Jasna, dodajući da su najpotrebniji oni medicinske struke jer provincija Malaita ima samo tri liječnika. Govoreći o stanovništvu, istaknula je da je riječ o jednom od nasiromašnijih naroda svijeta, ali i najsretnijih. ’’Miroljubiv su narod, vrlo su opušteni i u njih nema užurbanosti. U prometu su vrlo kulturni, kao i u ophođenju s drugima.’’ Dodaje da mise slave svaki dan, a za svetkovine misna slavlja traju i do tri sata. U prinosu darova nerijetko uz kruh i vino prinose i plodove zelje, ali i domaće životinje. (nastavlja se) Something, especially powerful is expressed in the famous saying of St. Thomas More, “I die the king’s faithful servant, but God’s first.” Most of us know the story of St. Thomas’ martyrdom. He was executed because he opposed King Henry VIII’s decision to divorce his wife and, in the process, declare himself head of the Church in England. Thomas More opposed this double divorce, and paid dearly for it. The memory of this one man’s act of civil disobedience is recalled at this time of year—along with the witness of other great religious figures who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power—because the Church in the United States once again observed, on June 21 to July 4, the “Fortnight for Freedom. The Fortnight for Freedom, which this year focuses on the freedom to serve the poor and vulnerable in accord with human dignity and the Church’s teaching, should be an opportunity to pray, learn and speak out. It should be a time when we grow in our awareness of the stewardship responsibility we have for the gift of freedom. We believe that every human person has been endowed by the Creator God with an inalienable right to freedom. No government or external power has the right to restrict or remove the basic human right to freedom of thought, religious belief or expression. The limits placed on us by the authorities that govern our society are intended to preserve and defend out Godgiven freedom, not to impair or abolish it. As in the day of England’s Henry VIII, political forces here at home and throughout the world have attempted to sweep aside, or effectively ignore, the religious dimension of human freedom. For many, personal freedom no longer is rooted in religious convictions or in an objective criteria for moral conduct. Too often today, freedom is seen as the right to do as we please regardless of the consequences. Even more, freedom is recognized as the right to “go with the flow,” to do whatever everyone else is doing, and to embrace what Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI called the “culture of relativism.” Pope Francis has challenged this view—not by using the Church’s moral teaching as a club to drive people away, but by giving strong personal witness to the virtues of humility, charity and the freedom to serve (rather than be served). (to be continued)
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