Sacred Heart Parish Hrvatska Župa Srca Isusova 2864 E. 96th Street Chicago, IL 60617 Croatian Franciscan Friars Fr. Stephen Bedeniković, O.F.M., Pastor Email ........................................ [email protected] Parish Website................ Parish Email ..................................... [email protected] Rectory .......................................................(773) 768-1423 Fax ........................................................(773) 768-3750 Parish secretary office hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Convent: 2906 E. 96th Street ...................(773) 768-2583 School: 2926 E. 96th Street ...................(773) 768-3728 Fax ........................................................(773) 768-5034 Bulletin Notices Deadline ........................Monday evening FOUNDED 1913 MASSES - MISE Saturday Evening ..................................... 4:30 PM Sunday Morning ......... 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 (Croatian) JANUARY 25, 2015 3rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME HOLY DAYS - ZAPOVIJEDNE SVETKOVINE Holy Day Itself ........................ .8:00 AM, 7:00 PM WEEKDAYS - PREKO TJEDNA Mon. thru Fri. 8:00 AM SACRAMENTS: Reconciliation: Saturday: 4:00 P.M. (Anytime upon request) Marriage: Make arrangements 6 months in advance. Baptism: Arrangements through Rectory one month in advance Anointing of the Sick & Communion: Notify the Rectory at any time. Funerals: Arrangements through Rectory (Ordinarily 9:30 A.M.) 3. NEDJELJA KROZ GODINU 25. SIJEČANJ 2015. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME -2- 3. NEDJELJA KROZ GODINU Liturgical Roles for Next Week Sat. January 24 4:30 Edward Piekarski by Hannah Stance & Children Sun., January 25—Third Sunday in Ordinary 8:00 For Parishioners Za Župljane 9:30 11:00 Lois Brooks by Harry Brooks & Hannah Norma Krcmaric by Matt Krcmaric Margaret Melvan (anniv.) by Children Vinko Beš Kata i Ivan Čorak Johnny Grbavac Josip Vukinovac by Andrija Beš s obitelji by Slavko i Vilka Ilić by Family by Family Mon., January 26—Sts. Timothy and Titus, bishops 8:00 Marija Stosić by Lucija Čačić Tues., January 27—St. Angela Merici, virgin 8:00 Geroge Sudar by Marge Niksich Wed., January 28—St. Thomas Aquinas, priest, dr. of church 8:00 Nikola Butković by Mother Thurs., January 29—Weekday 8:00 Dick and Tillie Quinn by Mary Lou Tomich Fri., January 30—Weekday 8:00 Frank Crnković Saturday, January 31, 4:30 pm Lector: Margarita Silva Eucharistic ministers: Altar servers: Jesse Mirelez, Chenoa Mirelez, Robert Sanchez Sunday, February 1, 8:00 Lector: Margarita Silva Eucharistic ministers: Dolores Franko, Mary Mulac Altar servers: Gerardo Esparza, Marisol Estrada, Cesar Sanchez 9:30am Lector: Karen Pietrusinski Eucharistic ministers: Julianne Flores, Elizabeth Sierra Altar servers: Alyssa Aguero, Tiffanie Aguero, Saul Gomez, Iliana Hernandez 11:00 a.m. Lector: Ivanka Beš Eucharistic ministers: Ante Mihaljević, Mijo Petrović Altar servers: Kornelia Mordrušić, Marcela Modrušić, Congratulations to our New Altar Servers Lillian Avelar Carmen Esparza Victoria Francis Chenoa Mirelez Norlandio Mosqueda Mikayla Ochoa Rebecca Sanchez by Marko i Ljilja Lončar Sat., January 31—St. John Bosco, priest 4:30pm Jose and Mario Romero by Family Sun., February 1—Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 For Parishioners Za Župljane 9:30 11:00 Frank Hrisinko Tillie Quinn by Family by Matt Krcmaric Stipe Anušić Ante i Stana Nizić Milka Sterpin Kata Šušak by Supruga by Jozo i Ljilja Vukojević by Nevenka Soldo Family by Kći Vinka Lončar Thank you! SACRED HEART PARISH -3- WEEKLY CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES IN THE PARISH CHICAGO TODAY: There will be a second collection to help the Catholic Church in Latin America. Please be generous. - CELEBRATING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK with a SPAGHETTI DINNER. There is more information listed below. 01-25—Spaghetti Dinner in parish hall. 02-01—Cardinal’s Annual Appeal begins. 02-03—Feast of St. Blasé. 02-07—Shawl ministry meet in parish hall—9:30am 02-14—St. Valentine’s Day 02-17—Altar Rosary meeting at 6:30pm 02-18—Ash Wednesday—Lent begins WEDNESDAY: In conjunction of Catholic Schools Week ALL Seniors and Grandparents of the parish are invited to a TEA hosted by Students of Sacred Heart School from 1:00pm until 2:30pm. in our parish hall. The children will perform for and visit with our guests. If you would like to receive your Church donation for 2014 for tax purposes, please sign up at the entrance of the church. CELEBRATING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK WITH A SPAGHETTI DINNER: Today we celebrate the start of Catholic Schools Week and continued Sacred Heart 100th Anniversary celebration with a special Mass and Spaghetti Dinner. All are invited after Mass where will be an Open House at the school so you can see all the wonderful work our students are doing. In the hall a delicious Spaghetti Dinner will be served from noon until 2:00pm. The Feast of Bl. Alojzije Stepinac is February 10th. We will celebrate the Feast of Bl. Alojzije on Sunday, February 15th at the 11:00am Mass. Our new Archbishop, Blasé Cupich will visit each of the six Vicariates for a Mass and reception in the coming weeks. Archbishop Cupich will visit Vicariate VI, our Vicariate on Tuesday, January 27, at 7:00pm. The Mass will be at St. Jude the Apostle Church, 900 East 154th St., So. Holland. The church is chosen for its size and ample parking lot with hall under the same roof. All of you are invited to the Mass and reception where you will have an opportunity to greet the new Archbishop. 20 GRAND RAFFLE: Top Prize is $5,000.00. Each ticket is $100.00 and only 200 tickets being sold. You can get the tickets after Mass or at the parish office. Christmas and the Feast of the Epiphany are traditionally a time when we have our homes blessed for the New Year. If you would like to have your home blessed, please contact the parish office for the time and date available or you can sign your name on the sheet at the entrance of the church. PLEASE REMEMBER to notify the rectory office when you or a family member is admitted to the hospital. Due to the new federal law the hospital cannot notify the church without your permission. Any homebound or elderly parishioners who would like to receive communion or Anointing of the Sick, please call the rectory. ****** BINGO NEWS: For many years Bingo has been one of the important sources of income for our parish school. Dorothy Dosen, who has been running our Bingo for the last few years has decided to hand it over to a new person. At this time we are unable to find anyone to take over the responsibility. Also for the last several years the profit from Bingo has been steadily dropping. Pull-tabs that we sell at Bingo is what keeps Bingo afloat at times. Unless we are able to find someone to take over the running of Bingo, we will be forced to suspend it at this time. If there is anyone who is willing to help us out, please contact the parish office as soon as possible. If you have some ideas how to improve Bingo or how to raise the money that we will no longer be getting, please let us know. We need your help and ideas. We are grateful to Dorothy and to Irene and Felton Brown who have been working at our Bingo. The Archdiocese has asked us to introduce a new way of giving to our parish. We have in the Christmas mailings, sent information about the electronic giving (GIVE CENTRAL) where you can set up automatic withdrawals and make your contribution to our parish on a regular basis. You have full control on how much and how often you would like to make the donation. It will make it easier for you, you do not have to worry about writing checks or having cash available and you can save on postage. If you need help signing up, please contact us. We will also have weekends where you can sign up in the lobby of the church. Please respond as soon as you can. We also hope to set up this ear, on our web-site for you to make a donation to the church. This would be of great help to the church of assuring us of a regular flow of income. Masses in memory of your loved ones: If you like to offer a Mass in memory of your loved ones for an anniversary or any specific date, please contact the parish office at least two months before the desired date. The usual donation is $10.00. The Mass book for 2015 is getting filled up quickly, Sunday 9:30am and 11:00 Masses are multiintention Masses where we can have more than one intention; all others are only one intention. HRVATSKA ŽUPA SRCA ISUSOVA -4- TJEDNE AKTIVNOSTI U NAŠOJ ŽUPNOJ ZAJEDNICI DANAS: Kupi druga milostinja za pomoć katoličkoj Crkvi u Latinskoj Americi. Budimo sućutni s onima kojima je potrebna pomoć! - SLAVIMO TJEDAN KATOLIČKI ŠKOLE I ŠPAGETTI RUČAK. Ima više informacije u buletinu. ČETVRTAK: Nema Bingo. Slavit ćemo blagdan Blaženog Alojzije Stepinca u našoj crkvi u Nedjelju 15. veljače. Sudjelovat će naše Tambura i djeca naše Hrvatske Škole. Molimo vas dođite da proslavimo našeg Hrvatskog velikana. Ako netko od vas treba potvrdu za porez, u vezi donacije za crkvu možete slobodno javiti u naš ured ili upisati svoje ime na listu koja se nalazi na ulazu crkvu. SLAVIMO TJEDAN KATOLIČKI ŠKOLE I ŠPAGHETTI RUČAK: Danas slavimo Tjedan Katolički Škole i nastavit proslavu 100. obljetnice naše škole. Iza Mise pozvani ste u školu gdje možete posjetit sve razrede i vidjet umjetni rad naše djece. U dvorani servirat će se Špaghetti Ručak do 2:00pm. Molimo vas dođite na ovu proslavu i pomozite našu župnu školu. Naš novi Nadbiskup Blaž Cupich posjetit će naš Vikariat VI u utorak 27. siječnja 2015. Sveta Misa bit će u 7:00pm, u crkvi St. Jude the Apostle, 900 East 154 St., South Holland. Izabrali su St. Jude jer je crkva velika i ima dovoljno mjesta za vaše aute. Svi ste pozvani na Misu i primanje gdje se možete upoznat s novim Nadbiskupom. 20 + C + M + B + 15 BLAGOSLOVI VAŠIH KUČA I STANOVA. Prema Našem Hrvatskom običaju svake godine blagoslivljamo naše kršćanski obitelji u njihovim domovina. Tako ćemo učiniti i ve godine. Ako želite da vam bude dom blagoslovljen nazovite župni ured i dogovorit ćemo se za najpovoljnije vrijeme i datum. Ako želite Svetu Misa za vaše pokojne, za godišnjicu ili druge posebne datume, upišite njihova imena u župnom uredu prija nego su ti datum zauzeti. Knjiga za godine 2015 je u uredu. Dar ili misna nakana za Svetu Misu je $10.00. CHICAGO DOGAĐANJA U ŽUPI 01-25—Spaghetti Ručak 02-01—Cardinal’s Annual Appeal begins 02-03—Sv. Blaž 02-14—St. Valentine’s 02-17—Oltarske Društva ima sastanak u 6:30pm 02-18—Korizma ********* Dragi Župljani, Svjesni smo činjenice da su s vremenom doprinosi u župnu blagajnu opali. Nadbiskupija nas je zamolila da vas upoznamo s novim načinom dostavljanja vaše pomoći župi. Primili ste sve potrebne informacija o tzv. elektroničnom dostavljanju milostinje (GIVE CENTRAL). Vi ćete sa svojom bankom moći urediti da ona s vašeg bankovnog računa redovno dostavlja vaš nedjeljni dar župi. Nad tim ćete imati potpunu kontrolu koliko i kako često ćete dati milodar. Time ćemo vam olakšati, nećete se morati brinuti oko pisanja čekova, niti se brinuti o novcu u gotovini, imate li ga dovoljno uza se ili nemate. A oni koji inače šalju svoj dar poštom, uštedjet će na poštarini. Ako imate problema upisati se nazovite župni ured. Imat ćemo osobe na ulazu crkve koje vam mogu pomoć. Nadamo se da ćemo u idućoj godini i preko župne ‘’web stranice’’ omogućiti vam dostavljanje milostinje župi. Ovo će i za župu biti velika olakšica, jer će nova stizati redovno u njenu riznicu. 20 GRAND RAFFLE: Bogota Lutrija, Prva Nagrada $5,000.00, samo 200 lutrija se prodaje— svaka po $100.00. Website Župe Srce Isusova: Sada naše župna ima website tako da možete biti informirani o događajima u našoj župnoj zajednici. Sada možete i vidjet naš tjedni buletin, misne intencije, raspored za one koji služe oko oltara i sve najnovije vijesti. Naša web adresa je Na ulazu crkve imamo zidne kalendare za godinu 2015. Sv. Timotej i Tit 26. siječnja Sv. Timotej i Tit—učenici su i nastavljači djela sv. Pavla. Njima je Pavao uputio svoje poslanice: Timoteju dvije i Titu jednu. Podsjeća ih na ono u što ih je uputio te od njih zahtijeva vjernost pozivu i poslanju. Tradicija nam Crkve prenosi da su bili vjerni Pavlovu ‘’rukopoloženja’’: Timotej kao biskup u Efezu, a Tit na Kreti. Najbolje ćemo upoznati likove ovih Pavlovih ‘’nasljedovatelja’’ ako pomno pročitamo Djela apostolska: 1. i 2. Timoteju te Titu, poslanice koje je napisao Pavao. 25. SIJEČANJ 2015. -5- Božić Radost susreta s Bogom Božićna pšenica Na sv. Luciju, 13. prosinca, sijala se pšenica, što se održalo i do danas. Klice bi se raširile po velikome plitkom tanjuru. Na sredinu bi se stavila jedna široka čaša. Ta čaša je do Božića bile prazna, ali bi se na BadŽUPNIKOVA njak,kada je pšenica već narasla i zaPORUKA zelenila, ona napunila žitom: kukuruzom i pšenicom. Da bi bila bujnija i ljepša,. Pšenica je podrezivala i držala i vlažnim U žito bi se stavile tri božićne svijeće, a oko njih bi se isplela hrvatska trobojnica. U sredini je morala biti lijepa, crvena jabuka, Ovako pripremljena božićna pšenica bila je simbol obilja i plodnosti te zdravlja i mira, kako u domu, tako i u narodu. Oko božićne pšenice se od Badnjaka do trećega dana Božića okupljala cijela obitelj u molitvi i zajedničkome blagovanju. Badnjak Badnjak je dan uoči Božića. Naziv ‘’Badnjak’’ dolazi od riječi ‘’bdjeti’’, jer se na badnju večer pobožno bdjelo četkajući Isusov dolazak. Manje je poznato da je Badnjak dobio ime po panju hrasta ili masline, koji je stavljao na otvoreno ognjište—komin, da tamo gori cijelu Badnju noć, nekada i nekoliko dana. U nekim se krajevima po badnjaku polijevalo vino ili maslinovo ulje, ali svugdje je značenje bilo jednako—pan koji je gorio, simbolično je označavao svjetlo i toplinu. Svjetlo to je novorođeni Spasitelj, a toplina je znak Kristove ljubavi iz koje je za nas l jude postao čovjekom. U Hercegovini je bio običaj da je glava obitelji, obično otac, uni hrastov badnjak u kući pozdravljajući: ‘’Hvaljen Isus! Na dobro vam došao Božić i sveto porođenje Isusovo!’’ A sva bi okupljena kućna čeljad skladno odgovarala: ‘’I s tobom Bog dao zajedno!’’ I tako tri puta uz tri zapaljena badnjaka. Božićna slama Hrvatski božićni običaj koji su dio duge hrvatske tradicije razvili su se uz slavljenje Božića. Jedan od njih je od starine unošenje slame u kuću. U kuću bi je unosio na Badnju večer domaćin, glava obitelji. Slama je bila razasuta pod stolom, po podu na njoj se često i prespavalo. Slama je vjerojatno simbolizirala novorođenoga siromašnog Isusa koji se rodio u štalici i ležao na slamici. Slama se iz kuće iznosila na treći dan Božića, ponegdje na svetkovinu Bogojavljenja, Sveta tri kralja i stavljala se pod voćke uz vjerovanje da je to blagoslov koji će osigurati rodnost iduće godine. Postoji izreka: ‘’Treći dan slama van’’, a to znači da je kuću trebalo očistiti od slame. Badnjak ili okićeni bor je još ostao u kući, a na stolu pšenica i litnjak—trebalo je sve to dočekati svećenika i blagoslov kuća na blagdan Triju kraljeva. Prema rasporedu je svećenik s dvojicom ministranata blagoslivljao kuće, a pravi domaćini su ga uvijek trebali dočekati na vratima. Kada je svećenik blagoslovio kuću i ukućane, tek tada se skidao bor i uklanjali su se svi božićni ukrasi. (nastavlja se) JANUARY 25, 2015 Church teaching on abortion is rooted in Scripture (by Msgr. C. Eugene Morris) Q. How does the Church support its position against abortion from Sacred Scripture It is true: Nowhere in the Gospels does Christ explicitly condemn the scourge of abortion and its companion, artificial contraception. This lack of scriptural evidence becomes for some license to disregard Church teaching, but sadly betrays confusion about the teaching of the church as well as the nature and authority of Sacred Scripture. The consistent teaching of the Church regarding the evils of abortion along with contraception and the general dignity of the human person finds its scriptural basis in the story of creation in the Book of Genesis. Again, you will not find specific prohibitions mentioned in Genesis regarding abortion and contraception. However, you will find affirmations of the dignity of the human person created in the image and likeness of God; you will find an articulation of the right relationship that should exist between a man and woman who become husband and wife and soulmates for each other; you will find the exhortation to be fruitful and multiply. Building on this foundation, there are other passages in Sacred Scripture that affirm the sanctity of human life and articulate how people should live with one another according to the law of God. All those passages taken together provide scriptural support for the Church’s teachings regarding abortion and contraception. It is this comprehensive understanding of Sacred Scripture that makes it possible to see and articulate God’s guiding hand throughout salvation history. It is important to point out that the Church builds her foundation on two great pillars: Sacred Scripture and Tradition. These are never in conflict with each other. On the contrary, they form the solid basis for the clear and consistent teachings of our faith in all its aspects. As such, the Church never solely looks to Sacred Scripture for “proof” of her teachings nor does Holy Mother Church ignore the indispensable role Sacred Scripture plays as a source for revelation. Scripture alone is not the rallying cry for the Catholic faith but reflects the Protestant approach to both Scripture and Tradition. There is a false comfort that comes from being able to turn to Scripture only as the source of Church teaching. Yet it neglects the historical development of Sacred Scripture unfolding in the context of the Church’s Tradition. One who searches only in Sacred Scripture for every aspect of the Christian faith will be disappointed. However, one seeking to understand the Catholic Faith in the light of both Scripture and Tradition will find all that he or she needs. _________________________________________________________ Msgr. Morris is a priest of the Archdiocese of St. Louis
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